Commission Regulation (EC) No 891/2009 of 25 September 2009 opening and providing for the administration of certain Community tariff quotas in the sugar sector
Modified by
  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 706/2010of 5 August 2010correcting the Spanish, French, Portuguese and Romanian versions of Regulation (EC) No 891/2009 opening and providing for the administration of certain Community tariff quotas in the sugar sector, 32010R0706, August 6, 2010
  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 707/2010of 5 August 2010amending Regulation (EC) No 891/2009 opening and providing for the administration of certain Community tariff quotas in the sugar sector, 32010R0707, August 6, 2010
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 61/2012of 24 January 2012amending Regulation (EC) No 891/2009 as regards the administration of the CXL concessions sugar, 32012R0061, January 25, 2012
  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 519/2013of 21 February 2013adapting certain regulations and decisions in the fields of free movement of goods, freedom of movement for persons, right of establishment and freedom to provide services, company law, competition policy, agriculture, food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, fisheries, transport policy, energy, taxation, statistics, social policy and employment, environment, customs union, external relations, and foreign, security and defence policy, by reason of the accession of Croatia, 32013R0519, June 10, 2013
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1250/2014of 21 November 2014amending Regulation (EC) No 891/2009 as regards tariff quotas for sugar originating in Serbia, 32014R1250, November 22, 2014
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1278/2014of 1 December 2014amending Regulations (EC) No 967/2006, (EC) No 828/2009, (EC) No 891/2009 and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 75/2013, 32014R1278, December 2, 2014
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/1538of 23 June 2015supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to import licence applications, release for free circulation and proof of refining of sugar products of CN code 1701 under preferential agreements, for the marketing years 2015/16 and 2016/17 and amending Commission Regulations (EC) No 376/2008 and (EC) No 891/2009, 32015R1538, September 18, 2015
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/704of 19 April 2017amending Regulation (EC) No 891/2009 opening and providing for the administration of certain Community tariff quotas in the sugar sector, 32017R0704, April 20, 2017
Corrected by
  • Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 891/2009 of 25 September 2009 opening and providing for the administration of certain Community tariff quotas in the sugar sector, 32009R0891R(01), April 16, 2011
Commission Regulation (EC) No 891/2009of 25 September 2009opening and providing for the administration of certain Community tariff quotas in the sugar sector CHAPTER IGENERAL PROVISIONS
Article 1ScopeThis Regulation opens and provides for the administration of the tariff quotas set out in Parts I and II of Annex I for the imports of the sugar products referred to in:(a)Schedule CXL (European Communities) referred to in Article 1(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1095/96;(b)Article 4(4) of Regulation (EC) No 2007/2000;(c)Article 27(2) of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part;(d)Article 27(5) of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part;(e)Article 27(2) of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Albania, of the other part;(f)Article 27(3) of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, of the other partOJ L 164, 30.6.2015, p. 2., as amended by the Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European UnionOJ L 12, 17.1.2017, p. 3.;(g)Article 26(4) of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Serbia, of the other partOJ L 278, 18.10.2013, p. 16., as amended by the Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Serbia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European UnionOJ L 233, 6.8.2014, p. 3.In addition, this Regulation provides for the administration of certain tariff quotas, as set out in Part III of Annex I, for imports of sugar products under:(a)Articles 186(a) and 187 of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007;(b)Article 142 of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.
Article 2DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:(a)"CXL concessions sugar" means the sugar set out in Schedule CXL (European Communities) referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 1;(b)"Balkans sugar" means sugar products falling within CN codes 1701 and 1702 originating in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia , KosovoUnder United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/1999. or the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia or Croatia and imported into the Community under the Acts referred to in points (b) to (g) of the first paragraph of Article 1;(c)"exceptional import sugar" means the products of the sugar sector referred to in point (a) of the second paragraph of Article 1;(d)"industrial import sugar" means the products of the sugar sector referred to in point (b) of the second paragraph of Article 1;(e)"tel quel weight" means the weight of the sugar in the natural state;(f)"refining" means the processing of raw sugars into white sugars as defined in points 1 and 2 of Part II of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, and any equivalent technical operation applied to bulk white sugar.
Article 3Opening and administration1.The tariff quotas shall be opened on an annual basis for the period from 1 October to 30 September.The quantity of the products, the order number and the customs duty rate shall be as set in Annex I.2.The tariff quota period shall be divided into subperiods of 1 month each. The quantities for the subperiods shall be as follows:100 % for the first subperiod,0 % for the remaining subperiods.3.The tariff quotas shall be administered in accordance with the simultaneous examination method referred to in Chapter II of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006.
Article 4Applicability of Regulations (EC) No 1301/2006 and (EC) No 376/2008Regulations (EC) No 1301/2006 and (EC) No 376/2008 shall apply, save as otherwise provided for in this Regulation.
Article 5Import licence applications1.Licence applications shall be submitted the first seven days of each subperiod referred to in Article 3(2).Without prejudice to the first subparagraph, licence applications for the first sub-period referred to in Article 3(2) may be submitted from the eighth to the 14th day of the month preceding that sub-period.2.The Commission shall suspend the submission of applications for licences until the end of the marketing year for the order numbers for which the available quantities are exhausted. However, the Commission shall withdraw the suspension and readmit applications when quantities become available again according to the notifications referred to in Article 9(2)(ii).
Article 6Information to be filled in on the import licence applications and the import licencesThe import licence applications and the import licences shall contain the following entries:(a)in box 8, the country of origin.For CXL concession sugar with order numbers 09.4317, 09.4318, 09.4319 and 09.4321 and for Balkan sugar, the word "yes" in box 8 shall be marked by a cross. Those licences shall give rise to an obligation to import from the specified country;(b)in box 16, a single eight digit CN code;(c)in boxes 17 and 18, the quantity in kilograms in tel quel weight;(d)in box 20:(i)either "sugar intended for refining" or "sugar not intended for refining"; and(ii)one of the following entries:for CXL concession sugar, one of the entries listed in Part A of Annex III,for Balkan sugar, one of the entries listed in Part B of Annex III,for exceptional import sugar, one of the entries listed in Part C of Annex III,for industrial import sugar, one of the entries listed in Part D of Annex III,(iii)the marketing year to which they relate;(e)in box 24, the customs duty concerned.
Article 7Obligations linked to the submission of an import licence application1.By way of derogation from Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, the submission of the proof provided for in that Article may not be required for operators approved in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 952/2006.2.The amount of the security referred to in Article 14(2) of Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 shall be EUR 20 per tonne.3.For CXL concession sugar with order numbers 09.4317, 09.4318, 09.4319 and 09.4320, import licence applications shall be accompanied by the undertaking by the applicant to refine the quantities of sugar in question before the end of the third month following that in which the import licence concerned expires.4.For Balkan sugar, import licence applications shall be accompanied by the original of the export licence, in accordance with the model in Annex II, issued by the competent authorities of the third country concerned. The quantity mentioned in the import licence applications may not exceed the quantity shown on the export licences.
Article 8Issuance and validity of import licences1.Import licences applied for in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 5(1) shall be issued from the 23rd day until the last day of the month during which an application was made.2.Import licences applied for in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 5(1) shall be issued from the first day until the eighth day of the month following the month during which an application was made.3.The licences shall be valid until the end of the third month following that in which they were issued but no longer than 30 September. In case of exceptional import sugar and industrial import sugar, the licences shall be valid until the end of the marketing year for which they were issued.
Article 9Notifications to the Commission1.Member States shall notify the Commission of the total quantities covered by import licence applications:(a)no later than on the 14th day of the month during which the applications are submitted, in case of applications referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 5(1);(b)no later than on the 21st day of the month during which the applications are submitted, in case of applications referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 5(1).2.By way of derogation from Article 11(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, Member States shall notify the Commission at the latest on the 10th of each month of:(i)the quantities as referred to in Article 11(1)(b) of that Regulation and concerning licences issued during the preceding month;(ii)the quantities as referred to in Article 11(1)(c) of that Regulation and concerning licences returned during the preceding month.3.The quantities referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be broken down by quota order number, the eight-digit CN code and whether or not they involve applications for a licence for sugar intended for refining. They shall be expressed in kilograms tel quel weight.4.Member States shall notify the Commission before 1 March of each year of the following quantities concerning the previous marketing year:(i)the total quantity actually imported, broken down by order number, country of origin, the eight-digit CN code and expressed in kilograms tel quel weight;(ii)the quantity of sugar, by tel quel weight and in white sugar equivalent, that has actually been refined.
Article 10Release for free circulationRelease for free circulation for the quotas of CXL concession sugar with order numbers 09.4317, 09.4318, 09.4319 and 09.4321 shall be subject to the presentation of a certificate of origin issued by the competent authorities of the third country concerned in accordance with Articles 55 to 65 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.For CXL concession sugar with order numbers 09.4317, 09.4318, 09.4319 and 09.4320, where the polarimetric reading of the imported raw sugar departs from 96 degrees, the rate of EUR 98 per tonne shall be increased or reduced, as appropriate, by 0,14 % per tenth of a degree difference established.

Article 11Opening and quantitiesBy way of derogation form Article 3(1), for exceptional import sugar and industrial import sugar, the opening of the tariff quota, the tariff quota period and the quantities of the products for which the application of all or part of the import duties is suspended shall be determined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 195 of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.
Article 12Processors of industrial import sugarBy way of derogation from Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, applications for import licences for industrial import sugar shall only be submitted by processors within the meaning of Article 2(d) of Regulation (EC) No 967/2006, even if such processors have not been involved in trade with third countries.
Article 13Use of import licences for industrial sugar1.Import licences for industrial import sugar issued for CN codes 17019910 or 17019990 may be used for the import of CN codes 17011390, 17011490, 17011290, 17019100, 17019910 or 17019990.2.Industrial import sugar shall be used for the purposes of production of the products referred to in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 967/2006.3.Articles 11, 12 and 13 of Regulation (EC) No 967/2006 shall apply to industrial import sugar.4.A processor shall supply proof, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities of the Member State, that the quantities imported as industrial import sugar have been used for the purposes of production of the products referred to in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 967/2006 and in accordance with the approval referred to in Article 5 of that Regulation. This proof shall consist of the computerised recording in the records during or at the end of the production process of the quantities of the products concerned.5.If processors have not supplied the proof referred to in paragraph 4 by the end of the seventh month following the month of import they shall pay, for each day of delay, a sum of EUR 5 per tonne of the quantity concerned.6.If processors have not supplied the proof referred to in paragraph 4 by the end of the ninth month following the month of import, the quantity concerned shall be considered to be over declared within the meaning of Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 967/2006.
Article 14Full-time refiners’ regime1.Only full-time refiners may apply for import licences for sugar intended for refining with a start validity date during the first three months of each marketing year. By way of derogation from the second subparagraph of Article 8 such licences shall be valid to the end of the marketing year for which they are issued.2.If, before the 1 January of each marketing year, applications for import licences for sugar for refining for that marketing year are equal or superior to the total of the quantities referred to in Article 153(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, the Commission shall inform the Member States that the limit of the traditional supply needs for that marketing year has been reached at Community level.From the date of that notification, paragraph 1 shall not apply for the marketing year concerned.
Article 15Proof of refining and penalties1.Each original holder of an import licence for sugar for refining shall, within six months following the expiry of the import licence concerned, provide the Member State which issued it with proof acceptable to it that refining has taken place within the period set in Article 7(3).Where proof is not provided that at least 95 % of the quantity stated on the import licence has been refined, the applicant shall pay, before 1 June following the marketing year concerned, an amount equal to EUR 500 per tonne for the difference between the actual quantity for which proof of refining has been submitted and 95 % of the quantity stated on the import licence, except for exceptional reasons of force majeure.2.Sugar producers approved in accordance with Article 57 of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 shall declare to the competent authority in the Member State before 1 March following the marketing year concerned the quantities of sugar which they have refined in that marketing year, stating:(a)the quantities of sugar corresponding to import licences for sugar for refining;(b)the quantities of sugar produced in the Community, giving the references of the approved undertaking which produced that sugar;(c)other quantities of sugar, stating their origin.Producers shall pay, before 1 June following the marketing year concerned, an amount equal to EUR 500 per tonne for the quantities of sugar referred to in point (c) of the first subparagraph, for which they cannot provide a proof, acceptable to a Member State, that refining took place for justified and exceptional technical reasons.
Article 16RepealRegulation (EC) No 950/2006 is repealed with effect from 1 October 2009.However, licences issued in accordance with that Regulation shall be valid until their expiry date.
Article 17Entry into force and applicationThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.It shall apply from 1 October 2009.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX I
Part I:CXL concessions sugar
Third countryOrder numberCN codeQuantities(tonnes)In quota rate(EUR/ton)
Australia09.431717011310 and 17011410992598
Brazil09.431817011310 and 1701141033405498
Cuba09.431917011310 and 170114106896998
Any third country09.432017011310 and 1701141025397798
Part II:Balkans sugar
Third Country or Customs TerritoriesOrder numberCN codeQuantities (tonnes)In quota rate (EUR/ton)
Albania09.43241701 and 170210000
Bosnia and Herzegovina09.43251701 and 1702132100
Serbia09.43261701 and 17021810000
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia09.43271701 and 170270000
Part III:Exceptional import sugar and industrial import sugar
Import sugarOrder numberCN codeQuantities(tonnes)In quota rate(EUR/ton)
Exceptional09.4380To be determined by the opening regulationTo be determined by the opening regulationTo be determined by the opening regulation
Industrial09.4390To be determined by the opening regulationTo be determined by the opening regulationTo be determined by the opening regulation
ANNEX IIModel export licence referred to in Article 7(4)02009R0891-20170201_en_img_1ANNEX IIIA.Entries referred to in the first indent of Article 6(d)(ii):in BulgarianЗахар по CXL отстъпките, внасяна в съответствие с Регламент (ΕО) № 891/2009. Пореден номер (вписва се поредният номер в съответствие с приложение I)in SpanishAzúcar concesiones CXL importado de acuerdo con el Reglamento (CE) no 891/2009. Número de orden [insértese con arreglo al anexo I]in CzechKoncesní cukr CXL dovezený v souladu s nařízením (ES) č. 891/2009. Pořadové číslo [vloží se pořadové číslo v souladu s přílohou I]in DanishCXL-indrømmelsessukker importeret i overensstemmelse med forordning (EF) nr. 891/2009. Løbenummer [løbenummer skal indsættes i overensstemmelse med bilag I]in GermanZucker Zugeständnisse CXL, eingeführt gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 891/2009. Laufende Nummer [laufende Nummer gemäß Anhang I einfügen]in EstonianCXL kontsessioonisuhkur, imporditud kooskõlas määrusega (EÜ) nr 891/2009. Seerianumber (märgitakse vastavalt I lisale)in GreekΖάχαρη παραχωρήσεων CXL, εισαγόμενη σύμφωνα με τον κανονισμό (ΕΚ) αριθ. 891/2009. Αύξων αριθμός [να προστεθεί ο αύξων αριθμός σύμφωνα με το παράρτημα Ι]in EnglishCXL concessions sugar imported in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 891/2009. Order No [order number to be inserted in accordance with Annex I]in FrenchSucre concessions CXL importé conformément au règlement (CE) no 891/2009. Numéro d’ordre [numéro d’ordre à insérer conformément à l’annexe I]in CroatianŠećer iz CXL koncesija uvezen u skladu s Uredbom (EZ) br. 891/2009. Redni broj (umetnuti redni broj u skladu s Prilogom I)in ItalianZucchero concessioni CXL importato a norma del regolamento (CE) n. 891/2009. Numero d'ordine [inserire in base all'allegato I]in LatvianCXL koncesiju cukurs, kas importēts saskaņā ar Regulu (EK) Nr. 891/2009. Kārtas Nr. [kārtas numurs ierakstāms saskaņā ar I pielikumu]in LithuanianCXL lengvatinis cukrus, importuotas pagal Reglamentą (EB) Nr. 891/2009. Eilės Nr. (eilės numeris įrašytinas pagal I priedą)in HungarianA 891/2009/EK rendelettel összhangban behozott CXL engedményes cukor. Tételszám (tételszám az I. melléklet szerint)in MalteseIl-konċessjonijiet taz-zokkor tas-CXL, iz-zokkor, impurtat skont ir-Regolament (KE) Nru 891/2009. In-numru tal-ordni [in-numru tal-ordni għandu jiddaħħal skont l-Anness I]in DutchSuiker CXL-concessies ingevoerd overeenkomstig Verordening (EG) nr. 891/2009. Volgnummer (zie bijlage I)in PolishCukier wymieniony na liście koncesyjnej CXL przywieziony zgodnie z rozporządzeniem (WE) nr 891/2009. Numer porządkowy [numer porządkowy należy wstawić zgodnie z załącznikiem I]in PortugueseAçúcar "Concessões CXL" importado em conformidade com o Regulamento (CE) n.o 891/2009. Número de ordem [número de ordem a inserir de acordo com o anexo I]in RomanianZahăr concesii CXL importat în conformitate cu Regulamentul (CE) nr. 891/2009. Nr. de ordine [a se introduce numărul de ordine în conformitate cu anexa I]in SlovakKoncesný cukor CXL dovezený v súlade s nariadením (ES) č. 891/2009. Poradové číslo (uviesť poradové číslo podľa prílohy I)in SlovenianSladkor iz koncesij CXL, uvožen v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 891/2009. Zaporedna številka [vstaviti zaporedno številko v skladu s Prilogo I]in FinnishCXL-myönnytyksiin oikeutettu sokeri, joka on tuotu asetuksen (EY) N:o 891/2009 mukaisesti. Järjestysnumero [järjestysnumero lisätään liitteen I mukaisesti]in SwedishSocker enligt CXL-medgivanden importerat i enlighet med förordning (EG) nr 891/2009. Löpnummer (löpnumret ska anges i enlighet med bilaga I)B.Entries referred to in the second indent of Article 6(d)(ii):in BulgarianПрилагане на Регламент (ЕО) № 891/2009, захар от Балканите. Пореден номер (вписва се поредният номер в съответствие с приложение I)in SpanishAplicación del Reglamento (CE) no 891/2009, azúcar Balcanes. Número de orden [insértese con arreglo al anexo I]in CzechPoužití nařízení (ES) č. 891/2009, cukr z balkánských zemí. Pořadové číslo [vloží se pořadové číslo v souladu s přílohou I]in DanishAnvendelse af forordning (EF) nr. 891/2009, balkansk sukker. Løbenummer [løbenummer skal indsættes i overensstemmelse med bilag I]in GermanAnwendung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 891/2009, Balkan-Zucker. Laufende Nummer [laufende Nummer gemäß Anhang I einfügen]in EstonianKohaldatakse määrust (EÜ) nr 891/2009, Balkani suhkur. Seerianumber (märgitakse vastavalt I lisale)in GreekΕφαρμογή του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 891/2009, ζάχαρη Βαλκανίων. Αύξων αριθμός [να προστεθεί ο αύξων αριθμός σύμφωνα με το παράρτημα Ι]in EnglishApplication of Regulation (EC) No 891/2009, Balkans sugar. Order No [order number to be inserted in accordance with Annex I]in FrenchApplication du règlement (CE) no 891/2009, sucre Balkans. Numéro d’ordre [numéro d’ordre à insérer conformément à l’annexe I]in CroatianPrimjena Uredbe (EZ) br. 891/2009, balkanski šećer. Redni broj [umetnuti redni broj u skladu s Prilogom I)in ItalianApplicazione del regolamento (CE) n. 891/2009, zucchero Balcani. Numero d'ordine (inserire in base all'allegato I)in LatvianRegulas (EK) Nr. 891/2009 piemērošana, Balkānu cukurs. Kārtas Nr. [kārtas numurs ierakstāms saskaņā ar I pielikumu]in LithuanianTaikomas Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 891/2009, Balkanų cukrus. Eilės Nr. (eilės numeris įrašytinas pagal I priedą)in HungarianA 891/2009/EK rendelet alkalmazása, balkáni cukor. Tételszám (tételszám az I. melléklet szerint)in MalteseApplikazzjoni tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 891/2009, iz-zokkor mill-Balkani. In-numru tal-ordni [in-numru tal-ordni għandu jiddaħħal skont l-Anness I]in DutchToepassing van Verordening (EG) nr. 891/2009, Balkansuiker. Volgnummer (zie bijlage I)in PolishZastosowanie rozporządzenia (WE) nr 891/2009, cukier z krajów bałkańskich. Numer porządkowy [numer porządkowy należy wstawić zgodnie z załącznikiem I]in PortugueseAplicação do Regulamento (CE) n.o 891/2009, açúcar dos Balcãs. Número de ordem [número de ordem a inserir de acordo com o anexo I]in RomanianAplicarea Regulamentului (CE) nr. 891/2009, zahăr din Balcani. Nr. de ordine [a se introduce numărul de ordine în conformitate cu anexa I]in SlovakUplatňovanie nariadenia (ES) č. 891/2009, cukor z Balkánu. Poradové číslo (uviesť poradové číslo podľa prílohy I)in SlovenianUporaba Uredbe (ES) št. 891/2009, balkanski sladkor. Zaporedna številka [vstaviti zaporedno številko v skladu s Prilogo I]in FinnishAsetuksen (EY) N:o 891/2009 soveltaminen, Balkanin maista peräisin oleva sokeri. Järjestysnumero [järjestysnumero lisätään liitteen I mukaisesti]in SwedishTillämpning av förordning (EG) nr 891/2009, Balkansocker. Löpnummer (löpnumret ska anges i enlighet med bilaga I).C.Entries referred to in the third indent of Article 6(d)(ii):in BulgarianПрилагане на Регламент (ЕО) № 891/2009, захар от извънреден внос. Пореден номер 09.4380in SpanishAplicación del Reglamento (CE) no 891/2009, azúcar importación excepcional. Número de orden 09.4380in CzechPoužití nařízení (ES) č. 891/2009, cukr výjimečného dovozu. Pořadové číslo 09.4380in DanishAnvendelse af forordning (EF) nr. 891/2009, ekstraordinær import af sukker. Løbenummer 09.4380in GermanAnwendung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 891/2009, Zucker zur außerordentlichen Einfuhr. Laufende Nummer 09.4380in EstonianKohaldatakse määrust (EÜ) nr 891/2009, erakorraline importsuhkur. Seerianumber 09.4380in GreekΕφαρμογή του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 891/2009, ζάχαρη εξαιρετικής εισαγωγής της ΕΕ. Αύξων αριθμός 09.4380in EnglishApplication of Regulation (EC) No 891/2009, exceptional import sugar. Order No 09.4380in FrenchApplication du règlement (CE) no 891/2009, sucre importation exceptionnelle. Numéro d'ordre 09.4380in CroatianPrimjena Uredbe (EZ) br. 891/2009, posebni uvoz šećera. Redni broj 09.4380in ItalianApplicazione del regolamento (CE) n. 891/2009, zucchero di importazione eccezionale. Numero d'ordine: 09.4380in LatvianRegulas (EK) Nr. 891/2009 piemērošana, īpašais importa cukurs. Kārtas Nr. 09.4380in LithuanianTaikomas Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 891/2009, išskirtinis cukraus importas. Eilės Nr. 09.4380in HungarianA 891/2009/EK rendelet alkalmazása, kivételes behozatalból származó cukor. Tételszám 09.4380in MalteseApplikazzjoni tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 891/2009, iz-zokkor għall-importazzjoni eċċezzjonali. In-numru tal-ordni 09.4380in DutchToepassing van Verordening (EG) nr. 891/2009, suiker voor uitzonderlijke invoer. Volgnummer 09.4380in PolishZastosowanie rozporządzenia (WE) nr 891/2009, cukier pozakwotowy z przywozu. Numer porządkowy 09.4380in PortugueseAplicação do Regulamento (CE) n.o 891/2009, açúcar importado a título excepcional. Número de ordem: 09.4380in RomanianAplicarea Regulamentului (CE) nr. 891/2009, zahăr import excepțional. Nr. de ordine 09.4380in SlovakUplatňovanie nariadenia (ES) č. 891/2009, mimoriadne dovezený cukor. Poradové číslo 09.4380in SlovenianUporaba Uredbe (ES) št. 891/2009, sladkor iz posebnega uvoza. Zaporedna št. 09.4380in FinnishAsetuksen (EY) N:o 891/2009 soveltaminen, poikkeustuonnin alainen sokeri. Järjestysnumero SwedishTillämpning av förordning (EG) nr 891/2009, socker för exceptionell import. Löpnummer 09.4380.D.Entries referred to in the fourth indent of Article 6(d)(ii):in BulgarianПрилагане на Регламент (ЕО) № 891/2009, индустриална вносна захар. Пореден номер 09.4390in SpanishAplicación del Reglamento (CE) no 891/2009, azúcar importación excepcional. Número de orden 09.4380in CzechPoužití nařízení (ES) č. 891/2009, cukr průmyslového dovozu. Pořadové číslo 09.4390in DanishAnvendelse af forordning (EF) nr. 891/2009, import af industrisukker. Løbenummer 09.4390in GermanAnwendung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 891/2009, Zucker — industrielle Einfuhr. Laufende Nummer 09.4390in EstonianKohaldatakse määrust (EÜ) nr 891/2009, tööstuslik importsuhkur. Seerianumber 09.4390in GreekΕφαρμογή του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 891/2009, βιομηχανική ζάχαρη εισαγωγής. Αύξων αριθμός 09.4390in EnglishApplication of Regulation (EC) No 891/2009, industrial import sugar. Order No 09.4390in FrenchApplication du règlement (CE) no 891/2009, sucre industriel importé. Numéro d'ordre 09.4390in CroatianPrimjena Uredbe (EZ) br. 891/2009, industrijski uvoz šećera. Redni broj 09.4390in ItalianApplicazione del regolamento (CE) n. 891/2009, zucchero di importazione industriale. Numero d'ordine: 09.4390in LatvianRegulas (EK) Nr. 891/2009 piemērošana, rūpnieciska importa cukurs. Kārtas Nr. 09.4390in LithuanianTaikomas Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 891/2009, pramoninio cukraus importas. Eilės Nr. 09.4390in HungarianA 891/2009/EK rendelet alkalmazása, kivételes behozatalból származó cukor. Tételszám 09.4380in MalteseApplikazzjoni tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 891/2009, iz-zokkor għall-importazzjoni industrijali. In-numru tal-ordni 09.4390in DutchToepassing van Verordening (EG) nr. 891/2009, suiker voor industriële invoer. Volgnummer 09.4390in PolishZastosowanie rozporządzenia (WE) nr 891/2009, cukier przemysłowy z przywozu. Numer porządkowy 09.4390in PortugueseAplicação do Regulamento (CE) n.o 891/2009, açúcar importado para fins industriais. Número de ordem: 09.4390in RomanianAplicarea Regulamentului (CE) nr. 891/2009, zahăr industrial de import. Nr. de ordine 09.4390in SlovakUplatňovanie nariadenia (ES) č. 891/2009, cukor na priemyselné spracovanie. Poradové číslo 09.4390in SlovenianUporaba Uredbe (ES) št. 891/2009, sladkor iz industrijskega uvoza. Zaporedna št. 09.4390in FinnishAsetuksen (EY) N:o 891/2009 soveltaminen, teollisuuden tarpeisiin tuotava sokeri. Järjestysnumero 09.4390in SwedishTillämpning av förordning (EG) nr 891/2009, socker som importeras för industriändamål. Löpnummer 09.4390.