Commission Regulation (EC) No 734/2009 of 11 August 2009 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Regulation (EC) No 1858/2005 on imports of steel ropes and cables originating in the People’s Republic of China by imports of steel ropes and cables consigned from the Republic of Korea and Malaysia, whether declared as originating in the Republic of Korea and Malaysia or not, and making such imports subject to registration
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 734/2009 of 11 August 2009 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Regulation (EC) No 1858/2005 on imports of steel ropes and cables originating in the People’s Republic of China by imports of steel ropes and cables consigned from the Republic of Korea and Malaysia, whether declared as originating in the Republic of Korea and Malaysia or not, and making such imports subject to registration(Official Journal of the European Union L 208 of 12 August 2009)On page 9, Article 1:for:"consigned from the Republic of Korea and Malaysia or not, whether declared as originating in the Republic of Korea and Malaysia or not",read:"consigned from the Republic of Korea and Malaysia, whether declared as originating in the Republic of Korea and Malaysia or not".