1.Items asked at household level — compulsoryHA010 | | Regime of household finances |
1 | We treat all incomes as common resources |
2 | We treat some incomes as common resources and the rest as private resources |
3 | We treat all incomes as private resources of the person receiving them |
4 | We do not receive any income in the household |
HA010_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
HA020 | | Management of common household finances |
1 | One or more household members |
2 | At least one person inside the household and at least one person outside the household is involved in managing the common household finances |
3 | No person inside the household and at least one person outside the household is involved in managing the common household finances |
4 | There are no common household finances |
HA020_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
HA030 | | ID number of person 1 managing the household’s finances |
ID number | Personal identification number of person 1 |
HA030_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | HA020≠1,2 |
HA040 | | ID number of person 2 managing the household’s finances |
ID number | Personal identification number of person 2 |
HA040_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | HA020≠1,2 or less than 2 persons inside the household involved in the management of the household’s finances |
HA050 | | ID number of person 3 managing the household’s finances |
ID number | Personal identification number of person 3 |
HA050_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | HA020≠1,2 or less than 3 persons inside the household involved in the management of the household’s finances |
HA060 | | ID number of person 4 managing the household’s finances |
ID number | Personal identification number of person 4 |
HA060_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | HA020≠1,2 or less than 4 persons inside the household involved in the management of the household’s finances |
HA070 | | ID number of person 5 managing the household’s finances |
ID number | Personal identification number of person 5 |
HA070_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | HA020≠1,2 or less than 5 persons inside the household involved in the management of the household’s finances |
2.Items asked at individual level — compulsoryPA010 | | Proportion of personal income kept separate from the common household budget |
1 | All my personal income |
2 | More than half of my personal income |
3 | About half of my personal income |
4 | Less than half of my personal income |
5 | None |
6 | The respondent has no personal income |
PA010_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA020 | | Access to a bank account |
1 | Yes |
2 | No |
PA020_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA030 | | Decision-making on everyday shopping |
1 | More me |
2 | Balanced |
3 | More my partner |
PA030_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | Respondent is not part of a couple living in the household (RB240_F=-2) |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA040 | | Decision-making on important expenses to make for the child(ren) |
1 | More me |
2 | Balanced |
3 | More my partner |
PA040_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | Respondent is not part of a couple living in the household (RB240_F=-2) or couple not responsible for the children (grandparents, single parent living with a couple) |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household, household without any child below 16 or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA050 | | Decision-making on expensive purchases of consumer durables and furniture |
1 | More me |
2 | Balanced |
3 | More my partner |
4 | Never arisen |
PA050_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | Respondent is not part of a couple living in the household (RB240_F=-2) |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA060 | | Decision-making on borrowing money |
1 | More me |
2 | Balanced |
3 | More my partner |
4 | Never arisen |
PA060_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | Respondent is not part of a couple living in the household (RB240_F=-2) |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA070 | | Decision-making on use of savings |
1 | More me |
2 | Balanced |
3 | More my partner |
4 | We do not have (common) savings |
5 | Never arisen |
PA070_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | Respondent is not part of a couple living in the household (RB240_F=-2) |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA080 | | Decision-making — general |
1 | More me |
2 | Balanced |
3 | More my partner |
PA080_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | Respondent is not part of a couple living in the household (RB240_F=-2) |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA090 | | Ability to decide about expenses for your own personal consumption, your leisure activities and hobbies |
1 | Yes, always or almost always |
2 | Yes, sometimes |
3 | Never or hardly ever |
PA090_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA100 | | Ability to decide about purchases for children’s needs (including giving them pocket money) |
1 | Yes, always or almost always |
2 | Yes, sometimes |
3 | Never or hardly ever |
PA100_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household, household without any child below 16 or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
PA110 | | Length of cohabitation of the partners |
0-99 | Number of years |
PA110_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | n/a (no partner or partner is not a household member) |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
3.Items asked at individual level — optionalPA120 | | Time spent commuting to and from work |
0-99 | Hours per week |
PA120_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-2 | n/a (PL030≠1,2) |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
-5 | Not asked |
PA130 | | Time spent on leisure |
0-99 | Hours per week |
PA130_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
-5 | Not asked |
PA140 | | Time spent on household work, child care and care for other dependants |
0-99 | Hours per week |
PA140_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
-5 | Not asked |
PA150 | | Money spent per month for own use |
0+ | National currency per month |
PA150_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
-5 | Not asked |
PA160 | | Money spent per month for children by the person interviewed |
0+ | National currency per month |
PA160_F | 1 | Variable is filled |
-1 | Missing |
-3 | Not selected respondent |
-4 | Single person household or no children below 16 in the household or household with less than two persons aged 16 and above |
-5 | Not asked |