Regulation (EC) No 544/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 717/2007 on roaming on public mobile telephone networks within the Community and Directive 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (Text with EEA relevance )
Modified by
Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 13 June 2012on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union(recast)(Text with EEA relevance), 32012R0531, June 30, 2012
Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 December 2018establishing the European Electronic Communications Code(Recast)(Text with EEA relevance), 32018L1972, December 17, 2018
Regulation (EC) No 544/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 18 June 2009amending Regulation (EC) No 717/2007 on roaming on public mobile telephone networks within the Community and Directive 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services(Text with EEA relevance)Article 1Amendments to Regulation (EC) No 717/2007/ECRegulation (EC) No 717/2007/EC is hereby amended as follows:1.the title is replaced by the following:"Regulation (EC) No 717/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2007 on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Community";2.Article 1 is amended as follows:(a)paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:"1.This Regulation introduces a common approach to ensuring that users of public mobile communications networks when travelling within the Community do not pay excessive prices for Community-wide roaming services in comparison with competitive national prices, when making calls and receiving calls, when sending and receiving SMS messages and when using packet switched data communication services, thereby contributing to the smooth functioning of the internal market while achieving a high level of consumer protection, fostering competition and transparency in the market and offering both incentives for innovation and consumer choice.It lays down rules on the charges that may be levied by mobile operators for the provision of Community-wide roaming services for voice calls and SMS messages originating and terminating within the Community and for packet switched data communication services used by roaming customers while roaming on a mobile communications network in another Member State. It applies both to charges levied between network operators at wholesale level and, where appropriate, to charges levied by home providers at retail level.";(b)paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:"4.The charge limits set out in this Regulation are expressed in euro. Where charges governed by Articles 3, 4, 4a and 4b and Article 6a(3) and (4) are denominated in other currencies, the initial limits pursuant to those Articles shall be determined in those currencies, in the case of Articles 3 and 4 by applying the reference exchange rates prevailing on 30 June 2007, and in the case of Articles 4a and 4b and Article 6a(3) and (4) by applying the reference exchange rates published on 6 May 2009 by the European Central Bank in the Official Journal of the European Union.For the purposes of the subsequent reductions in those limits provided for in Articles 3(2), 4(2) and 6a(4), the revised values shall be determined by applying the reference exchange rates so published one month preceding the date from which the revised values apply. The same reference exchange rates shall be applied to revise annually the value of the charges governed by Articles 4a and 4b and Article 6a(3) where these charges are denominated in currencies other than the euro."; Article 2, paragraph 2 is amended as follows:(a)points (b) to (g) are replaced by the following:"(b)"home provider" means an undertaking that provides a roaming customer with terrestrial public mobile communications services either via its own network or as a mobile virtual network operator or reseller;(c)"home network" means a terrestrial public mobile communications network located within a Member State and used by a home provider for the provision of terrestrial public mobile communications services to a roaming customer;(d)"Community-wide roaming" means the use of a mobile telephone or other device by a roaming customer to make or receive intra-Community calls, to send or receive SMS messages, or to use packet switched data communications, while in a Member State other than that in which that customer's home network is located, by means of arrangements between the operator of the home network and the operator of the visited network;(e)"regulated roaming call" means a mobile voice telephony call made by a roaming customer, originating on a visited network and terminating on a public communications network within the Community or received by a roaming customer, originating on a public communications network within the Community and terminating on a visited network;(f)"roaming customer" means a customer of a provider of terrestrial public mobile communications services, by means of a terrestrial public mobile network situated in the Community, whose contract or arrangement with his home provider permits the use of a mobile telephone or other device to make or to receive calls, to send or receive SMS messages, or to use packet switched data communications on a visited network by means of arrangements between the operator of the home network and the operator of the visited network;(g)"visited network" means a terrestrial public mobile communications network situated in a Member State other than that of the home network and permitting a roaming customer to make or receive calls, to send or receive SMS messages or to use packet switched data communications, by means of arrangements with the operator of the home network;";(b)the following points are added:"(h)"Euro-SMS tariff" means any tariff not exceeding the maximum charge provided for in Article 4b, which a home provider may levy for the provision of regulated roaming SMS messages in accordance with that Article;(i)"SMS message" means a Short Message Service text message, composed principally of alphabetical and/or numerical characters, capable of being sent between mobile and/or fixed numbers assigned in accordance with national numbering plans;(j)"regulated roaming SMS message" means an SMS message sent by a roaming customer, originating on a visited network and terminating on a public communications network within the Community or received by a roaming customer, originating on a public communications network within the Community and terminating on a visited network;(k)"regulated data roaming service" means a roaming service enabling the use of packet switched data communications by a roaming customer by means of his mobile telephone or other mobile device while it is connected to a visited network. A regulated data roaming service does not include the transmission or receipt of regulated roaming calls or SMS messages, but does include the transmission and receipt of MMS messages.";4.Article 3 is amended as follows:(a)paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:"2.The average wholesale charge referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply between any pair of operators and shall be calculated over a twelve-month period or any such shorter period as may remain before the end of the period of application of a maximum average wholesale charge as provided for in this paragraph or the expiry of this Regulation. The maximum average wholesale charge shall decrease to EUR 0,28 and EUR 0,26, on 30 August 2008 and on 1 July 2009 respectively and shall further decrease to EUR 0,22 and EUR 0,18, on 1 July 2010 and on 1 July 2011 respectively.";(b)in paragraph 3 the following subparagraph is added:"However, with effect from 1 July 2009, the average wholesale charge referred to in paragraph 1 shall be calculated by dividing the total wholesale roaming revenue received by the total number of wholesale roaming minutes actually used for the provision of wholesale roaming calls within the Community by the relevant operator over the relevant period, aggregated on a per second basis adjusted to take account of the possibility for the operator of the visited network to apply an initial minimum charging period not exceeding 30 seconds.";5.Article 4 is amended as follows:(a)paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:"2.The retail charge (excluding VAT) of a Eurotariff which a home provider may levy from its roaming customer for the provision of a regulated roaming call may vary for any roaming call but shall not exceed EUR 0,49 per minute for any call made or EUR 0,24 per minute for any call received. The price ceiling for calls made shall decrease to EUR 0,46 and EUR 0,43 and for calls received to EUR 0,22 and EUR 0,19, on 30 August 2008 and on 1 July 2009 respectively. The price ceiling for calls made shall further decrease to EUR 0,39 and EUR 0,35 and for calls received to EUR 0,15 and EUR 0,11 on 1 July 2010 and on 1 July 2011 respectively.With effect from 1 July 2010, home providers shall not levy any charge from their roaming customers for the receipt by them of a roaming voicemail message. This shall be without prejudice to other applicable charges such as those for listening to such messages.With effect from 1 July 2009 every home provider shall charge its roaming customers for the provision of any regulated roaming call to which a Eurotariff applies, whether made or received, on a per second basis.By way of derogation from the third subparagraph, the home provider may apply an initial minimum charging period not exceeding 30 seconds to calls made which are subject to a Eurotariff.";(b)paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:"4.Any roaming customer may request, at any point after the process set out in paragraph 3 has been completed, to switch to or from a Eurotariff. Any switch must be made within one working day of receipt of the request and free of charge and shall not entail conditions or restrictions pertaining to other elements of the subscription, save that where a roaming customer who has subscribed to a special roaming package which includes more than one roaming service (namely, voice, SMS and/or data) wishes to switch to a Eurotariff, the home provider may require the switching customer to forego the benefits of the other elements of that package. A home provider may delay a switch until the previous roaming tariff has been effective for a minimum specified period not exceeding three months.";6.The following Articles are inserted:"Article 4aWholesale charges for regulated roaming SMS messages1.With effect from 1 July 2009, the average wholesale charge that the operator of a visited network may levy from the operator of a roaming customer's home network, for the provision of a regulated roaming SMS message originating on that visited network, shall not exceed EUR 0,04 per SMS message.2.The average wholesale charge referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply between any pair of operators and shall be calculated over a twelve-month period or any such shorter period as may remain before the expiry of this Regulation.3.The average wholesale charge referred to in paragraph 1 shall be calculated by dividing the total wholesale revenue received by the operator of the visited network from each operator of a home network for the origination and transmission of regulated roaming SMS messages within the Community in the relevant period by the total number of such SMS messages originated and transmitted on behalf of the relevant operator of a home network within that period.4.The operator of a visited network shall not levy from the operator of a roaming customer’s home network any charge, separate from the charge referred to in paragraph 1, for the termination of a regulated roaming SMS message sent to a roaming customer while roaming on its visited network.Article 4bRetail charges for regulated roaming SMS messages1.Home providers shall make available to all their roaming customers, clearly and transparently, a Euro-SMS tariff as provided for in paragraph 2. The Euro-SMS tariff shall not entail any associated subscription or other fixed or recurring charges and may be combined with any retail tariff, subject to the other provisions of this Article.2.With effect from 1 July 2009, the retail charge (excluding VAT) of a Euro-SMS tariff which a home provider may levy from its roaming customer for a regulated roaming SMS message sent by that roaming customer may vary for any roaming SMS message but shall not exceed EUR 0,11.3.Home providers shall not levy any charge from their roaming customers for the receipt by them of a regulated roaming SMS message.4.From 1 July 2009 home providers shall apply a Euro-SMS tariff to all existing roaming customers automatically, with the exception of such roaming customers who have already made a deliberate choice of a specific roaming tariff or package by virtue of which they benefit from a different tariff for regulated roaming SMS messages than they would have been accorded in the absence of such a choice.5.From 1 July 2009 home providers shall apply a Euro-SMS tariff to all new roaming customers who do not make a deliberate choice to select a different roaming SMS tariff or a tariff package for roaming services which includes a different tariff for regulated roaming SMS messages.6.Any roaming customer may request to switch to or from a Euro-SMS tariff at any time. Any switch must be made within one working day of receipt of the request and free of charge and shall not entail conditions or restrictions pertaining to elements of the subscription other than roaming. A home provider may delay such a switch until the previous roaming tariff has been effective for a minimum specified period not exceeding three months. A Euro-SMS tariff may always be combined with a Eurotariff.7.No later than 30 June 2009, home providers shall inform all their roaming customers individually about the Euro-SMS tariff, that it will apply from 1 July 2009 at the latest to all roaming customers who have not made a deliberate choice of a special tariff or package applicable to regulated SMS messages, and about their right to switch to and from it in accordance with paragraph 6.Article 4cTechnical characteristics of regulated roaming SMS messagesNo home provider or operator of a visited network shall alter the technical characteristics of regulated roaming SMS messages in such a way as to make them differ from the technical characteristics of SMS messages provided within its domestic market.";7.Article 5 is deleted;8.Article 6 is replaced by the following:"Article 6Transparency of retail charges for regulated roaming calls and SMS messages1.To alert a roaming customer to the fact that he will be subject to roaming charges when making or receiving a call or when sending an SMS message, each home provider shall, except when the customer has notified his home provider that he does not require this service, provide the customer, automatically by means of a Message Service, without undue delay and free of charge, when he enters a Member State other than that of his home network, with basic personalised pricing information on the roaming charges (including VAT) that apply to the making and receiving of calls and to the sending of SMS messages by that customer in the visited Member State.This basic personalised pricing information shall include the maximum charges the customer may be subject to under his tariff scheme for:(a)making calls within the visited country and back to the Member State of his home network, as well as for calls received; and(b)sending regulated roaming SMS messages while in the visited Member State.It shall also include the free of charge number referred to in paragraph 2 for obtaining more detailed information and information on the possibility of accessing emergency services by dialling the European emergency number 112 free of charge.A customer who has given notice that he does not require the automatic Message Service shall have the right at any time and free of charge to require the home provider to provide the service again.Home providers shall provide blind or partially-sighted customers with this basic personalised pricing information automatically, by voice call, free of charge, if they so request.2.In addition to paragraph 1, customers shall have the right to request and receive, free of charge, and irrespective of their location within the Community, more detailed personalised pricing information on the roaming charges that apply in the visited network to voice calls, SMS, MMS and other data communication services, and information on the transparency measures applicable by virtue of this Regulation, by means of a mobile voice call or by SMS. Such a request shall be to a free-of-charge number designated for this purpose by the home provider.3.Home providers shall provide all users with full information on applicable roaming charges, in particular on the Eurotariff and the Euro-SMS tariff, when subscriptions are taken out. They shall also provide their roaming customers with updates on applicable roaming charges without undue delay each time there is a change in these charges.Home providers shall take the necessary steps to secure awareness by all their roaming customers of the availability of the Eurotariff and the Euro-SMS tariff. They shall in particular communicate to all roaming customers by 30 July 2007 the conditions relating to the Eurotariff and by 30 June 2009 the conditions relating to the Euro-SMS tariff, in each case in a clear and unbiased manner. They shall send a reminder at reasonable intervals thereafter to all customers who have opted for another tariff.";9.the following Article is inserted:"Article 6aTransparency and safeguard mechanisms for regulated data roaming services1.Home providers shall ensure that their roaming customers, both before and after the conclusion of a contract, are kept adequately informed of the charges which apply to their use of regulated data roaming services, in ways which facilitate customers' understanding of the financial consequences of such use and permit them to monitor and control their expenditure on regulated data roaming services in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3.Where appropriate, home providers shall inform their customers, before the conclusion of a contract and on a regular basis thereafter, of the risk of automatic and uncontrolled data roaming connection and download. Furthermore, home providers shall explain to their customers, in a clear and easily understandable manner, how to switch off these automatic data roaming connections in order to avoid uncontrolled consumption of data roaming services.2.From 1 July 2009 at the latest, an automatic message from the home provider shall inform the roaming customer that he is roaming and provide basic personalised tariff information on the charges applicable to the provision of regulated data roaming services to that roaming customer in the Member State concerned, except where the customer has notified his home provider that he does not require this information.Such basic personalised tariff information shall be delivered to the roaming customer’s mobile telephone or other device, for example by an SMS message, an e-mail or a pop-up window on the computer, every time the roaming customer enters a Member State other than that of his home network and initiates for the first time a regulated data roaming service in that particular Member State. It shall be provided free of charge at the moment the roaming customer initiates a regulated data roaming service, by an appropriate means adapted to facilitate its receipt and easy comprehension.A customer who has notified his home provider that he does not require the automatic tariff information shall have the right at any time and free of charge to require the home provider to provide this service again.3.By 1 March 2010, each home provider shall grant to all their roaming customers the opportunity to opt deliberately and free of charge for a facility which provides information on the accumulated consumption expressed in volume or in the currency in which the roaming customer is billed for regulated data roaming services and which guarantees that, without the customer’s explicit consent, the accumulated expenditure for regulated data roaming services over a specified period of use does not exceed a specified financial limit.To this end, the home provider shall make available one or more maximum financial limits for specified periods of use, provided that the customer is informed in advance of the corresponding volume amounts. One of these limits (the default financial limit) shall be close to, but not exceed, EUR 50 of outstanding charges per monthly billing period (excluding VAT).Alternatively, the home provider may establish limits expressed in volume, provided that the customer is informed in advance of the corresponding financial amounts. One of these limits (the default volume limit) shall have a corresponding financial amount not exceeding EUR 50 of outstanding charges per monthly billing period (excluding VAT).In addition, the home provider may offer to its roaming customers other limits with different, that is, higher or lower, maximum monthly financial limits.By 1 July 2010, the default limit in the second and third subparagraphs shall be applicable to all customers who have not opted for another limit.Each home provider shall also ensure that an appropriate notification is sent to the roaming customer’s mobile telephone or other device, for example by an SMS message, an e-mail or a pop-up window on the computer, when the data roaming services have reached 80 % of the agreed financial or volume limit. Customers shall have the right to require their operators to stop sending such notifications and shall have the right at any time and free of charge to require the home provider to provide the service again.When this financial or volume limit would otherwise be exceeded, a notification shall be sent to the roaming customer’s mobile telephone or other device. This notification shall indicate the procedure to be followed if the customer wishes to continue provision of those services and the cost associated with each additional unit to be consumed. If the roaming customer does not respond as prompted in the notification received, the home provider shall immediately cease to provide and to charge the roaming customer for regulated data roaming services, unless and until the roaming customer requests the continued or renewed provision of those services.From 1 November 2010, whenever a roaming customer requests to opt for or to remove a "financial or volume limit" facility, the change must be made within one working day of receipt of the request, free of charge, and shall not entail conditions or restrictions pertaining to other elements of the subscription.4.With effect from 1 July 2009:(a)the average wholesale charge that the operator of a visited network may levy from the operator of a roaming customer’s home network for the provision of regulated data roaming services by means of that visited network shall not exceed a safeguard limit of EUR 1,00 on 1 July 2009, EUR 0,80 on 1 July 2010 and EUR 0,50 on 1 July 2011 per megabyte of data transmitted. The application of this safeguard limit shall not lead to any distortion or restriction of competition in the wholesale data roaming market in accordance with Article 8(2)(b) of the Framework Directive;(b)this average wholesale charge shall apply between any pair of operators and shall be calculated over a twelve-month period or any such shorter period as may remain before the expiry of this Regulation;(c)the average wholesale charge referred to in point (a) shall be calculated by dividing the total wholesale revenue received by the operator of the visited network from each operator of a home network for the provision of regulated data roaming services in the relevant period by the total number of megabytes of data actually consumed by the provision of those services within that period, aggregated on a per kilobyte basis.";10.Article 7 is amended as follows:(a)paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:"2.National regulatory authorities shall make up-to-date information on the application of this Regulation, in particular Articles 3, 4, 4a, 4b and 6a, publicly available in a manner that enables interested parties to have easy access to it.";(b)paragraph 5 is replaced by the following:"5.National regulatory authorities may intervene on their own initiative in order to ensure compliance with this Regulation. In particular, they shall, where necessary, make use of the powers under Article 5 of the Access Directive to ensure adequate access and interconnection in order to guarantee the end-to-end connectivity and interoperability of roaming services, for example where subscribers are unable to exchange regulated roaming SMS messages with subscribers of a terrestrial mobile network in another Member State as a result of the absence of an agreement enabling the delivery of those messages.";11.Article 9 is replaced by the following:"Article 9PenaltiesMember States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this Regulation and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Member States shall notify those provisions to the Commission no later than 30 March 2008 or, in the case of the additional requirements introduced in Article 3(2) and (3), Article 4(2) and (4) and Articles 4a, 4b, 4c, 6, 6a and 7 by Regulation (EC) No 544/2009OJ L 167, 29 June 2009, p. 12.";, no later than 30 March 2010 and shall notify it without delay of any subsequent amendment affecting them.
OJ L 167, 29 June 2009, p. 12.";12.Article 11 is replaced by the following:"Article 11Review1.The Commission shall review the functioning of this Regulation and, after a public consultation, shall report to the European Parliament and the Council no later than 30 June 2011. The Commission shall evaluate in particular whether the objectives of this Regulation have been achieved. In so doing, the Commission shall review, inter alia:the developments in wholesale and retail charges for the provision to roaming customers of voice, SMS and data communication services, and the corresponding development in mobile communications services at domestic level in the Member States, both for pre-paid and post-paid customers separately, and in the quality and speed of these services,the availability and quality of services including those which are an alternative to roaming (voice, SMS and data), in particular in the light of technological developments,the extent to which consumers have benefited through real reductions in the price of roaming services or in other ways from reductions in the costs of the provision of roaming services and the variety of tariffs and products which are available to consumers with different calling patterns,the degree of competition in both the retail and wholesale markets, in particular the competitive situation of smaller, independent or newly started operators, including the competition effects of commercial agreements and the degree of interconnection between operators.The Commission shall also assess methods other than price regulation which could be used to create a competitive internal market for roaming and in so doing shall have regard to an analysis carried out independently by a body of European regulators for electronic communications. On the basis of this assessment the Commission shall make appropriate recommendations.2.In addition, the Commission shall, no later than 30 June 2010, prepare an interim report to the European Parliament and the Council, which shall include a summary of the monitoring of the provision of roaming services in the Community and an assessment of the progress towards achieving the objectives of this Regulation, including by reference to the matters referred to in paragraph 1."; Article 12 the text "no later than 30 August 2007" is deleted; Article 13 "2010" is replaced by "2012".Article 2Amendment to Directive 2002/21/ECArticle 1(5) of Directive 2002/21/EC is replaced by the following:"5.This Directive and the Specific Directives shall be without prejudice to any specific measure adopted for the regulation of international roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Community.".Article 3Entry into forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Article 1Amendments to Regulation (EC) No 717/2007/ECRegulation (EC) No 717/2007/EC is hereby amended as follows:1.the title is replaced by the following:"Regulation (EC) No 717/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2007 on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Community";2.Article 1 is amended as follows:(a)paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:"1.This Regulation introduces a common approach to ensuring that users of public mobile communications networks when travelling within the Community do not pay excessive prices for Community-wide roaming services in comparison with competitive national prices, when making calls and receiving calls, when sending and receiving SMS messages and when using packet switched data communication services, thereby contributing to the smooth functioning of the internal market while achieving a high level of consumer protection, fostering competition and transparency in the market and offering both incentives for innovation and consumer choice.It lays down rules on the charges that may be levied by mobile operators for the provision of Community-wide roaming services for voice calls and SMS messages originating and terminating within the Community and for packet switched data communication services used by roaming customers while roaming on a mobile communications network in another Member State. It applies both to charges levied between network operators at wholesale level and, where appropriate, to charges levied by home providers at retail level.";(b)paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:"4.The charge limits set out in this Regulation are expressed in euro. Where charges governed by Articles 3, 4, 4a and 4b and Article 6a(3) and (4) are denominated in other currencies, the initial limits pursuant to those Articles shall be determined in those currencies, in the case of Articles 3 and 4 by applying the reference exchange rates prevailing on 30 June 2007, and in the case of Articles 4a and 4b and Article 6a(3) and (4) by applying the reference exchange rates published on 6 May 2009 by the European Central Bank in the Official Journal of the European Union.For the purposes of the subsequent reductions in those limits provided for in Articles 3(2), 4(2) and 6a(4), the revised values shall be determined by applying the reference exchange rates so published one month preceding the date from which the revised values apply. The same reference exchange rates shall be applied to revise annually the value of the charges governed by Articles 4a and 4b and Article 6a(3) where these charges are denominated in currencies other than the euro."; Article 2, paragraph 2 is amended as follows:(a)points (b) to (g) are replaced by the following:"(b)"home provider" means an undertaking that provides a roaming customer with terrestrial public mobile communications services either via its own network or as a mobile virtual network operator or reseller;(c)"home network" means a terrestrial public mobile communications network located within a Member State and used by a home provider for the provision of terrestrial public mobile communications services to a roaming customer;(d)"Community-wide roaming" means the use of a mobile telephone or other device by a roaming customer to make or receive intra-Community calls, to send or receive SMS messages, or to use packet switched data communications, while in a Member State other than that in which that customer's home network is located, by means of arrangements between the operator of the home network and the operator of the visited network;(e)"regulated roaming call" means a mobile voice telephony call made by a roaming customer, originating on a visited network and terminating on a public communications network within the Community or received by a roaming customer, originating on a public communications network within the Community and terminating on a visited network;(f)"roaming customer" means a customer of a provider of terrestrial public mobile communications services, by means of a terrestrial public mobile network situated in the Community, whose contract or arrangement with his home provider permits the use of a mobile telephone or other device to make or to receive calls, to send or receive SMS messages, or to use packet switched data communications on a visited network by means of arrangements between the operator of the home network and the operator of the visited network;(g)"visited network" means a terrestrial public mobile communications network situated in a Member State other than that of the home network and permitting a roaming customer to make or receive calls, to send or receive SMS messages or to use packet switched data communications, by means of arrangements with the operator of the home network;";(b)the following points are added:"(h)"Euro-SMS tariff" means any tariff not exceeding the maximum charge provided for in Article 4b, which a home provider may levy for the provision of regulated roaming SMS messages in accordance with that Article;(i)"SMS message" means a Short Message Service text message, composed principally of alphabetical and/or numerical characters, capable of being sent between mobile and/or fixed numbers assigned in accordance with national numbering plans;(j)"regulated roaming SMS message" means an SMS message sent by a roaming customer, originating on a visited network and terminating on a public communications network within the Community or received by a roaming customer, originating on a public communications network within the Community and terminating on a visited network;(k)"regulated data roaming service" means a roaming service enabling the use of packet switched data communications by a roaming customer by means of his mobile telephone or other mobile device while it is connected to a visited network. A regulated data roaming service does not include the transmission or receipt of regulated roaming calls or SMS messages, but does include the transmission and receipt of MMS messages.";4.Article 3 is amended as follows:(a)paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:"2.The average wholesale charge referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply between any pair of operators and shall be calculated over a twelve-month period or any such shorter period as may remain before the end of the period of application of a maximum average wholesale charge as provided for in this paragraph or the expiry of this Regulation. The maximum average wholesale charge shall decrease to EUR 0,28 and EUR 0,26, on 30 August 2008 and on 1 July 2009 respectively and shall further decrease to EUR 0,22 and EUR 0,18, on 1 July 2010 and on 1 July 2011 respectively.";(b)in paragraph 3 the following subparagraph is added:"However, with effect from 1 July 2009, the average wholesale charge referred to in paragraph 1 shall be calculated by dividing the total wholesale roaming revenue received by the total number of wholesale roaming minutes actually used for the provision of wholesale roaming calls within the Community by the relevant operator over the relevant period, aggregated on a per second basis adjusted to take account of the possibility for the operator of the visited network to apply an initial minimum charging period not exceeding 30 seconds.";5.Article 4 is amended as follows:(a)paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:"2.The retail charge (excluding VAT) of a Eurotariff which a home provider may levy from its roaming customer for the provision of a regulated roaming call may vary for any roaming call but shall not exceed EUR 0,49 per minute for any call made or EUR 0,24 per minute for any call received. The price ceiling for calls made shall decrease to EUR 0,46 and EUR 0,43 and for calls received to EUR 0,22 and EUR 0,19, on 30 August 2008 and on 1 July 2009 respectively. The price ceiling for calls made shall further decrease to EUR 0,39 and EUR 0,35 and for calls received to EUR 0,15 and EUR 0,11 on 1 July 2010 and on 1 July 2011 respectively.With effect from 1 July 2010, home providers shall not levy any charge from their roaming customers for the receipt by them of a roaming voicemail message. This shall be without prejudice to other applicable charges such as those for listening to such messages.With effect from 1 July 2009 every home provider shall charge its roaming customers for the provision of any regulated roaming call to which a Eurotariff applies, whether made or received, on a per second basis.By way of derogation from the third subparagraph, the home provider may apply an initial minimum charging period not exceeding 30 seconds to calls made which are subject to a Eurotariff.";(b)paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:"4.Any roaming customer may request, at any point after the process set out in paragraph 3 has been completed, to switch to or from a Eurotariff. Any switch must be made within one working day of receipt of the request and free of charge and shall not entail conditions or restrictions pertaining to other elements of the subscription, save that where a roaming customer who has subscribed to a special roaming package which includes more than one roaming service (namely, voice, SMS and/or data) wishes to switch to a Eurotariff, the home provider may require the switching customer to forego the benefits of the other elements of that package. A home provider may delay a switch until the previous roaming tariff has been effective for a minimum specified period not exceeding three months.";6.The following Articles are inserted:"Article 4aWholesale charges for regulated roaming SMS messages1.With effect from 1 July 2009, the average wholesale charge that the operator of a visited network may levy from the operator of a roaming customer's home network, for the provision of a regulated roaming SMS message originating on that visited network, shall not exceed EUR 0,04 per SMS message.2.The average wholesale charge referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply between any pair of operators and shall be calculated over a twelve-month period or any such shorter period as may remain before the expiry of this Regulation.3.The average wholesale charge referred to in paragraph 1 shall be calculated by dividing the total wholesale revenue received by the operator of the visited network from each operator of a home network for the origination and transmission of regulated roaming SMS messages within the Community in the relevant period by the total number of such SMS messages originated and transmitted on behalf of the relevant operator of a home network within that period.4.The operator of a visited network shall not levy from the operator of a roaming customer’s home network any charge, separate from the charge referred to in paragraph 1, for the termination of a regulated roaming SMS message sent to a roaming customer while roaming on its visited network.Article 4bRetail charges for regulated roaming SMS messages1.Home providers shall make available to all their roaming customers, clearly and transparently, a Euro-SMS tariff as provided for in paragraph 2. The Euro-SMS tariff shall not entail any associated subscription or other fixed or recurring charges and may be combined with any retail tariff, subject to the other provisions of this Article.2.With effect from 1 July 2009, the retail charge (excluding VAT) of a Euro-SMS tariff which a home provider may levy from its roaming customer for a regulated roaming SMS message sent by that roaming customer may vary for any roaming SMS message but shall not exceed EUR 0,11.3.Home providers shall not levy any charge from their roaming customers for the receipt by them of a regulated roaming SMS message.4.From 1 July 2009 home providers shall apply a Euro-SMS tariff to all existing roaming customers automatically, with the exception of such roaming customers who have already made a deliberate choice of a specific roaming tariff or package by virtue of which they benefit from a different tariff for regulated roaming SMS messages than they would have been accorded in the absence of such a choice.5.From 1 July 2009 home providers shall apply a Euro-SMS tariff to all new roaming customers who do not make a deliberate choice to select a different roaming SMS tariff or a tariff package for roaming services which includes a different tariff for regulated roaming SMS messages.6.Any roaming customer may request to switch to or from a Euro-SMS tariff at any time. Any switch must be made within one working day of receipt of the request and free of charge and shall not entail conditions or restrictions pertaining to elements of the subscription other than roaming. A home provider may delay such a switch until the previous roaming tariff has been effective for a minimum specified period not exceeding three months. A Euro-SMS tariff may always be combined with a Eurotariff.7.No later than 30 June 2009, home providers shall inform all their roaming customers individually about the Euro-SMS tariff, that it will apply from 1 July 2009 at the latest to all roaming customers who have not made a deliberate choice of a special tariff or package applicable to regulated SMS messages, and about their right to switch to and from it in accordance with paragraph 6.Article 4cTechnical characteristics of regulated roaming SMS messagesNo home provider or operator of a visited network shall alter the technical characteristics of regulated roaming SMS messages in such a way as to make them differ from the technical characteristics of SMS messages provided within its domestic market.";7.Article 5 is deleted;8.Article 6 is replaced by the following:"Article 6Transparency of retail charges for regulated roaming calls and SMS messages1.To alert a roaming customer to the fact that he will be subject to roaming charges when making or receiving a call or when sending an SMS message, each home provider shall, except when the customer has notified his home provider that he does not require this service, provide the customer, automatically by means of a Message Service, without undue delay and free of charge, when he enters a Member State other than that of his home network, with basic personalised pricing information on the roaming charges (including VAT) that apply to the making and receiving of calls and to the sending of SMS messages by that customer in the visited Member State.This basic personalised pricing information shall include the maximum charges the customer may be subject to under his tariff scheme for:(a)making calls within the visited country and back to the Member State of his home network, as well as for calls received; and(b)sending regulated roaming SMS messages while in the visited Member State.It shall also include the free of charge number referred to in paragraph 2 for obtaining more detailed information and information on the possibility of accessing emergency services by dialling the European emergency number 112 free of charge.A customer who has given notice that he does not require the automatic Message Service shall have the right at any time and free of charge to require the home provider to provide the service again.Home providers shall provide blind or partially-sighted customers with this basic personalised pricing information automatically, by voice call, free of charge, if they so request.2.In addition to paragraph 1, customers shall have the right to request and receive, free of charge, and irrespective of their location within the Community, more detailed personalised pricing information on the roaming charges that apply in the visited network to voice calls, SMS, MMS and other data communication services, and information on the transparency measures applicable by virtue of this Regulation, by means of a mobile voice call or by SMS. Such a request shall be to a free-of-charge number designated for this purpose by the home provider.3.Home providers shall provide all users with full information on applicable roaming charges, in particular on the Eurotariff and the Euro-SMS tariff, when subscriptions are taken out. They shall also provide their roaming customers with updates on applicable roaming charges without undue delay each time there is a change in these charges.Home providers shall take the necessary steps to secure awareness by all their roaming customers of the availability of the Eurotariff and the Euro-SMS tariff. They shall in particular communicate to all roaming customers by 30 July 2007 the conditions relating to the Eurotariff and by 30 June 2009 the conditions relating to the Euro-SMS tariff, in each case in a clear and unbiased manner. They shall send a reminder at reasonable intervals thereafter to all customers who have opted for another tariff.";9.the following Article is inserted:"Article 6aTransparency and safeguard mechanisms for regulated data roaming services1.Home providers shall ensure that their roaming customers, both before and after the conclusion of a contract, are kept adequately informed of the charges which apply to their use of regulated data roaming services, in ways which facilitate customers' understanding of the financial consequences of such use and permit them to monitor and control their expenditure on regulated data roaming services in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3.Where appropriate, home providers shall inform their customers, before the conclusion of a contract and on a regular basis thereafter, of the risk of automatic and uncontrolled data roaming connection and download. Furthermore, home providers shall explain to their customers, in a clear and easily understandable manner, how to switch off these automatic data roaming connections in order to avoid uncontrolled consumption of data roaming services.2.From 1 July 2009 at the latest, an automatic message from the home provider shall inform the roaming customer that he is roaming and provide basic personalised tariff information on the charges applicable to the provision of regulated data roaming services to that roaming customer in the Member State concerned, except where the customer has notified his home provider that he does not require this information.Such basic personalised tariff information shall be delivered to the roaming customer’s mobile telephone or other device, for example by an SMS message, an e-mail or a pop-up window on the computer, every time the roaming customer enters a Member State other than that of his home network and initiates for the first time a regulated data roaming service in that particular Member State. It shall be provided free of charge at the moment the roaming customer initiates a regulated data roaming service, by an appropriate means adapted to facilitate its receipt and easy comprehension.A customer who has notified his home provider that he does not require the automatic tariff information shall have the right at any time and free of charge to require the home provider to provide this service again.3.By 1 March 2010, each home provider shall grant to all their roaming customers the opportunity to opt deliberately and free of charge for a facility which provides information on the accumulated consumption expressed in volume or in the currency in which the roaming customer is billed for regulated data roaming services and which guarantees that, without the customer’s explicit consent, the accumulated expenditure for regulated data roaming services over a specified period of use does not exceed a specified financial limit.To this end, the home provider shall make available one or more maximum financial limits for specified periods of use, provided that the customer is informed in advance of the corresponding volume amounts. One of these limits (the default financial limit) shall be close to, but not exceed, EUR 50 of outstanding charges per monthly billing period (excluding VAT).Alternatively, the home provider may establish limits expressed in volume, provided that the customer is informed in advance of the corresponding financial amounts. One of these limits (the default volume limit) shall have a corresponding financial amount not exceeding EUR 50 of outstanding charges per monthly billing period (excluding VAT).In addition, the home provider may offer to its roaming customers other limits with different, that is, higher or lower, maximum monthly financial limits.By 1 July 2010, the default limit in the second and third subparagraphs shall be applicable to all customers who have not opted for another limit.Each home provider shall also ensure that an appropriate notification is sent to the roaming customer’s mobile telephone or other device, for example by an SMS message, an e-mail or a pop-up window on the computer, when the data roaming services have reached 80 % of the agreed financial or volume limit. Customers shall have the right to require their operators to stop sending such notifications and shall have the right at any time and free of charge to require the home provider to provide the service again.When this financial or volume limit would otherwise be exceeded, a notification shall be sent to the roaming customer’s mobile telephone or other device. This notification shall indicate the procedure to be followed if the customer wishes to continue provision of those services and the cost associated with each additional unit to be consumed. If the roaming customer does not respond as prompted in the notification received, the home provider shall immediately cease to provide and to charge the roaming customer for regulated data roaming services, unless and until the roaming customer requests the continued or renewed provision of those services.From 1 November 2010, whenever a roaming customer requests to opt for or to remove a "financial or volume limit" facility, the change must be made within one working day of receipt of the request, free of charge, and shall not entail conditions or restrictions pertaining to other elements of the subscription.4.With effect from 1 July 2009:(a)the average wholesale charge that the operator of a visited network may levy from the operator of a roaming customer’s home network for the provision of regulated data roaming services by means of that visited network shall not exceed a safeguard limit of EUR 1,00 on 1 July 2009, EUR 0,80 on 1 July 2010 and EUR 0,50 on 1 July 2011 per megabyte of data transmitted. The application of this safeguard limit shall not lead to any distortion or restriction of competition in the wholesale data roaming market in accordance with Article 8(2)(b) of the Framework Directive;(b)this average wholesale charge shall apply between any pair of operators and shall be calculated over a twelve-month period or any such shorter period as may remain before the expiry of this Regulation;(c)the average wholesale charge referred to in point (a) shall be calculated by dividing the total wholesale revenue received by the operator of the visited network from each operator of a home network for the provision of regulated data roaming services in the relevant period by the total number of megabytes of data actually consumed by the provision of those services within that period, aggregated on a per kilobyte basis.";10.Article 7 is amended as follows:(a)paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:"2.National regulatory authorities shall make up-to-date information on the application of this Regulation, in particular Articles 3, 4, 4a, 4b and 6a, publicly available in a manner that enables interested parties to have easy access to it.";(b)paragraph 5 is replaced by the following:"5.National regulatory authorities may intervene on their own initiative in order to ensure compliance with this Regulation. In particular, they shall, where necessary, make use of the powers under Article 5 of the Access Directive to ensure adequate access and interconnection in order to guarantee the end-to-end connectivity and interoperability of roaming services, for example where subscribers are unable to exchange regulated roaming SMS messages with subscribers of a terrestrial mobile network in another Member State as a result of the absence of an agreement enabling the delivery of those messages.";11.Article 9 is replaced by the following:"Article 9PenaltiesMember States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this Regulation and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Member States shall notify those provisions to the Commission no later than 30 March 2008 or, in the case of the additional requirements introduced in Article 3(2) and (3), Article 4(2) and (4) and Articles 4a, 4b, 4c, 6, 6a and 7 by Regulation (EC) No 544/2009OJ L 167, 29 June 2009, p. 12.";, no later than 30 March 2010 and shall notify it without delay of any subsequent amendment affecting them.
OJ L 167, 29 June 2009, p. 12.";12.Article 11 is replaced by the following:"Article 11Review1.The Commission shall review the functioning of this Regulation and, after a public consultation, shall report to the European Parliament and the Council no later than 30 June 2011. The Commission shall evaluate in particular whether the objectives of this Regulation have been achieved. In so doing, the Commission shall review, inter alia:the developments in wholesale and retail charges for the provision to roaming customers of voice, SMS and data communication services, and the corresponding development in mobile communications services at domestic level in the Member States, both for pre-paid and post-paid customers separately, and in the quality and speed of these services,the availability and quality of services including those which are an alternative to roaming (voice, SMS and data), in particular in the light of technological developments,the extent to which consumers have benefited through real reductions in the price of roaming services or in other ways from reductions in the costs of the provision of roaming services and the variety of tariffs and products which are available to consumers with different calling patterns,the degree of competition in both the retail and wholesale markets, in particular the competitive situation of smaller, independent or newly started operators, including the competition effects of commercial agreements and the degree of interconnection between operators.The Commission shall also assess methods other than price regulation which could be used to create a competitive internal market for roaming and in so doing shall have regard to an analysis carried out independently by a body of European regulators for electronic communications. On the basis of this assessment the Commission shall make appropriate recommendations.2.In addition, the Commission shall, no later than 30 June 2010, prepare an interim report to the European Parliament and the Council, which shall include a summary of the monitoring of the provision of roaming services in the Community and an assessment of the progress towards achieving the objectives of this Regulation, including by reference to the matters referred to in paragraph 1."; Article 12 the text "no later than 30 August 2007" is deleted; Article 13 "2010" is replaced by "2012".Article 2Amendment to Directive 2002/21/ECArticle 1(5) of Directive 2002/21/EC is replaced by the following:"5.This Directive and the Specific Directives shall be without prejudice to any specific measure adopted for the regulation of international roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Community.".Article 3Entry into forceThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.