"18 | Thiacloprid | (Z)-3-(6-chloro-3-pyridylmethyl)-1,3-thiazolidin-2-ylidenecyanamideEC No: n/aCAS No: 111988-49-9 | 975 g/kg | 1 January 2010 | n/a | 31 December 2019 | 8 | When assessing the application for authorisation of a product in accordance with Article 5 and Annex VI, Member States shall assess, when relevant for the particular product, the populations that may be exposed to the product and the use or exposure scenarios that have not been representatively addressed at the Community level risk assessment.When granting product authorisation, Member States shall assess the risks and subsequently ensure that appropriate measures are taken or specific conditions imposed in order to mitigate the identified risks.Product authorisation can only be granted where the application demonstrates that risks can be reduced to acceptable levels.Member States shall ensure that authorisations are subject to the following conditions:- 1.In view of the assumptions made during the risk assessment, products authorised for industrial and/or professional use, must be used with appropriate personal protective equipment, unless it can be demonstrated in the application for product authorisation that risks to industrial and/or professional users can be reduced to an acceptable level by other means.
- 2.In view of the risks identified for the soil and aquatic compartments appropriate risk mitigation measures must be taken to protect those compartments. In particular, labels and/or safety-data sheets of products authorised for industrial use shall indicate that freshly treated timber must be stored after treatment under shelter and/or on impermeable hard standing to prevent direct losses to soil or water and that any losses must be collected for reuse or disposal.
- 3.Products shall not be authorised for the in situ treatment of wooden structures near water, where direct losses to the aquatic compartment cannot be prevented, or for wood that will be in contact with surface water, unless data have been submitted to demonstrate that the product will meet the requirements of Article 5 and Annex VI, if necessary by the application of appropriate risk mitigation measures."