Directive 2009/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers (Recast) (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
  • Commission Directive 2010/48/EUof 5 July 2010adapting to technical progress Directive 2009/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers(Text with EEA relevance), 32010L0048, July 8, 2010
Directive 2009/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 6 May 2009on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers(Recast)(Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 71 thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social CommitteeOJ C 224, 30.8.2008, p. 66.,Having consulted the Committee of the Regions,Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the TreatyOpinion of the European Parliament of 23 September 2008 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and Council Decision of 30 March 2009.,Whereas:(1)Council Directive 96/96/EC of 20 December 1996 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailersOJ L 46, 17.2.1997, p. 1. has been substantially amended several timesSee Annex III, Part A.. Since further amendments are to be made, it should be recast in the interests of clarity.(2)Within the framework of the common transport policy, certain road traffic within the Community should operate under the most favourable circumstances as regards both safety and competitive conditions applying to carriers in the Member States.(3)The growth of road traffic and the resultant increase in danger and nuisances present all Member States with safety problems of a similar nature and seriousness.(4)Testing during the lifecycle of a vehicle should be relatively simple, quick and inexpensive.(5)The minimum Community standards and methods to be used for testing the items listed in this Directive should therefore be defined in separate Directives.(6)It is necessary to adapt rapidly to technical progress the standards and methods laid down in the separate Directives and, in order to facilitate implementation of the measures required for this purpose, to establish a procedure for close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission within a committee on the adaptation to technical progress of the Directive on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers.(7)With regard to braking systems it is difficult to set values for such matters as air pressure settings and build-up times, given the variance in the equipment and methods within the Community.(8)It is recognised by all concerned with vehicle testing that the method of testing and, in particular, whether the vehicle is tested in a laden, part-laden or unladen condition, can influence the degree of confidence testers have as to the roadworthiness of the braking system.(9)The prescription of brake force reference values for various laden conditions for each vehicle model should help restore that confidence. This Directive should enable testing under this regime as an alternative to testing against minimum performance values for each vehicle category.(10)With regard to braking systems the scope of this Directive should relate in the main to vehicles which have been granted component type-approval in accordance with Council Directive 71/320/EEC of 26 July 1971 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the braking devices of certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailersOJ L 202, 6.9.1971, p. 37. although it is recognised that certain types of vehicle have been granted such approval in accordance with national standards which may differ from the requirements of that Directive.(11)Member States may extend the scope of the braking test to include vehicles or test items outside the scope of this Directive.(12)Member States may make the braking test more stringent or increase the frequency of testing.(13)This Directive is intended to maintain emissions at a low level throughout the useful life of a vehicle by means of regular exhaust emission tests and to ensure that vehicles which are major polluters are withdrawn from service until they are brought to a proper state of maintenance.(14)Bad tuning and inadequate maintenance are detrimental not only to the engine but also to the environment since they cause increased pollution and fuel consumption. It is important that environment-friendly transport be developed.(15)In the case of compression-ignition (diesel) engines measurement of the opacity of the exhaust fumes is deemed to be an adequate indicator of the condition of the vehicle’s state of maintenance, with regard to emissions.(16)For positive-ignition (petrol) engines, measurement of carbon monoxide emissions from the exhaust pipe when the engine is idling is deemed to be an adequate indicator of the vehicle’s state of maintenance, with regard to emissions.(17)The failure rate in exhaust-emission tests for vehicles which have not been regularly maintained may well be high.(18)In the case of petrol-engined vehicles for which the type-approval standards specify that they must be equipped with advanced emission control systems such as three-way catalytic converters which are lambda-probe controlled, the regular emission test standards must be more stringent than for conventional vehicles.(19)Directive 98/69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehiclesOJ L 350, 28.12.1998, p. 1. requires the introduction, from 2000, of on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems for petrol-driven cars and light commercial vehicles to monitor the functioning of the vehicle’s emission control system in service. Similarly, from 2003, OBD systems are required also for new diesel vehicles.(20)Member States may, if appropriate, exclude from the scope of this Directive certain vehicles that are considered to be of historic interest. They may also establish their own testing standards for such vehicles. However, such a right must not lead to the application of stricter standards than those which the vehicles concerned were originally designed to meet.(21)Simple, common diagnostic systems are available that can be used by testing organisations to test the vast majority of the speed limiters equipped. For those vehicles that are not accessible by such readily available diagnostic tools, the authorities will need to either make use of available equipment from the original vehicle manufacturer or provide for the acceptance of appropriate test certification from the vehicle manufacturer or its franchise organisation.(22)Periodic verification of the correct functioning of the speed limiter should be facilitated for the vehicles that are fitted with the new recording equipment (digital tachograph) in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2135/98 of 24 September 1998 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 on recording equipment in road transport and Directive 88/599/EEC concerning the application of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85OJ L 274, 9.10.1998, p. 1.. Since the year 2003, new vehicles are fitted with such equipment.(23)Technical requirements relating to taxis and ambulances are similar to those for private cars. The items to be checked may therefore be similar, although the frequency of tests is different.(24)Each Member State must ensure, within its own area of jurisdiction, that roadworthiness tests are conducted methodically and to a high standard.(25)The Commission should verify the practical application of this Directive.(26)Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely to harmonise the rules on roadworthiness tests, to prevent distortion of competition as between road hauliers and to guarantee that vehicles are properly checked and maintained, cannot be achieved by the Member States acting alone and can therefore, by reason of the scale of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.(27)The measures necessary for the implementation of this Directive should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the CommissionOJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23..(28)In particular, the Commission should be empowered to define certain minimum standards and methods for testing and to adapt them to technical progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.(29)This Directive should be without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time limits for transposition into national law of the Directives set out in Annex III, Part B,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
Article 11.In each Member State, motor vehicles registered in that State and their trailers and semi-trailers shall undergo periodic roadworthiness tests in accordance with this Directive.2.The categories of vehicles to be tested, the frequency of the roadworthiness tests and the items which must be tested are listed in Annexes I and II.
Article 2The roadworthiness tests provided for in this Directive shall be carried out by the Member State, or by a public body entrusted with the task by the State or by bodies or establishments designated and directly supervised by the State, including duly authorised private bodies. In particular, where establishments designated as vehicle testing centres also perform motor vehicle repairs, Member States shall make every effort to ensure the objectivity and high quality of the vehicle testing.
Article 31.Member States shall take such measures as they deem necessary to make it possible to prove that a vehicle has passed a roadworthiness test complying with at least the provisions of this Directive.These measures shall be notified to the other Member States and to the Commission.2.Each Member State shall, on the same basis as if it had itself issued the proof, recognise the proof issued in another Member State showing that a motor vehicle registered on the territory of that other State, together with its trailer or semi-trailer, has passed a roadworthiness test complying with at least the provisions of this Directive.3.Member States shall apply suitable procedures to establish, as far as practicable, that the brake performance of the vehicles registered in their territory meets the requirements specified in this Directive.
Article 41.Member States shall have the right to exclude from the scope of this Directive vehicles belonging to the armed forces, the forces of law and order and the fire service.2.Member States may, after consulting the Commission, exclude from the scope of this Directive, or subject to special provisions, certain vehicles operated or used in exceptional conditions and vehicles which are never, or hardly ever, used on public highways, including vehicles of historic interest which were manufactured before 1 January 1960 or which are temporarily withdrawn from circulation.3.Member States may, after consulting the Commission, set their own testing standards for vehicles considered to be of historic interest.
Article 5Notwithstanding the provisions of Annexes I and II, Member States may:(a)bring forward the date for the first compulsory roadworthiness test and, where appropriate, require the vehicle to be submitted for testing prior to registration;(b)shorten the interval between two successive compulsory tests;(c)make the testing of optional equipment compulsory;(d)increase the number of items to be tested;(e)extend the periodic test requirement to other categories of vehicles;(f)prescribe special additional tests;(g)require for vehicles registered on their territory higher minimum standards for braking efficiency than those specified in Annex II and include a test on vehicles with heavier loads, provided such requirements do not exceed those of the vehicle’s original type-approval.
Article 61.The Commission shall adopt the separate Directives necessary to define the minimum standards and methods for testing the items listed in Annex II, as well as any amendments necessary to adapt those standards and methods to technical progress.2.Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 7(2).
Article 71.The Commission shall be assisted by a committee on the adaptation to technical progress of the Directive on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers.2.Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.
Article 8No later than three years after the introduction of regular testing of speed limitation devices, the Commission shall examine whether, on the basis of the experience gained, the tests laid down are sufficient to detect defective or manipulated speed limitation devices or whether the rules need to be amended.
Article 9Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.
Article 10Directive 96/96/EC, as amended by the acts listed in Annex III, Part A, is repealed, without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time limits for transposition into national law of the Directives set out in Annex III, Part B.References to the repealed Directive shall be construed as references to this Directive and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex IV.
Article 11This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Article 12This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Categories of vehicleFrequency of tests
1.Motor vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and with more than eight seats, excluding the driver’s seatOne year after the date on which the vehicle was first used, and thereafter annually
2.Motor vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum permissible mass exceeding 3500 kgOne year after the date on which the vehicle was first used, and thereafter annually
3.Trailers and semi-trailers with a maximum permissible mass exceeding 3500 kgOne year after the date on which the vehicle was first used, and thereafter annually
4.Taxis, ambulancesOne year after the date on which the vehicle was first used, and thereafter annually
5.Motor vehicles having at least four wheels, normally used for the road carriage of goods and with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 3500 kg, excluding agricultural tractors and machineryFour years after the date on which the vehicle was first used, and thereafter every two years
6.Motor vehicles having at least four wheels, used for the carriage of passengers and with not more than eight seats excluding the driver’s seatFour years after the date on which the vehicle was first used, and thereafter every two years
ANNEX IIITEMS TO BE COMPULSORY TESTEDTABLE OF CONTENTS1.Introduction2.Scope of the Inspection3.Roadworthiness certificate4.Minimum inspection requirements0.Identification of the vehicle1.Braking equipment2.Steering3.Visibility4.Lamps, reflectors and electrical equipment5.Axles, wheels, tyres and suspension6.Chassis and chassis attachments7.Other equipments8.Nuisance9.Supplementary tests for passenger carrying vehicles M2, M31.INTRODUCTIONThis Annex identifies the vehicle systems and components to be tested; it details the method of testing them and the criteria to be used when determining whether the condition of the vehicle is acceptable.Where the vehicle is found to be defective with regard to the test items listed, the competent authorities in the Member States must adopt a procedure for setting the conditions under which the vehicle may be used before passing another roadworthiness test.The test must cover at least the items listed below, provided that these are related to the equipment of the vehicle being tested in the Member State concerned.The tests should be carried out using techniques and equipment currently available without the use of tools to dismantle or remove any part of the vehicle.All the items listed should be considered as mandatory at a periodic test of vehicles, except those marked with the indication (X), which are related to the condition of the vehicle and its suitability for use on the road but which are not considered essential in a periodic test."Reasons for failure" do not apply in cases where they refer to requirements which were not prescribed in the relevant vehicle approval legislation at the time of first registration, first entry into service or retrofitting requirements.Where a method of inspection is given as visual, it means that in addition to looking at the items, the inspector should, if appropriate, also handle them, evaluate noise or use any other appropriate means of inspection without the use of equipment.2.SCOPE OF INSPECTIONThe inspection shall cover at least the items listed below, provided that these are related to the installed equipment of the vehicle being tested.(0)Identification of the vehicle;(1)Braking equipment;(2)Steering;(3)Visibility;(4)Lighting equipment and parts of electric system;(5)Axles, wheels, tyres, suspension;(6)Chassis and chassis attachments;(7)Other equipment;(8)Nuisance,(9)Supplementary tests for passenger carrying vehicles M2 and M33.ROADWORTHINESS CERTIFICATEThe vehicle operator or driver must be notified in writing of the defects, the result of the test and the legal consequences.Roadworthiness certificates issued in case of mandatory periodic vehicle tests shall cover at least the following elements:(1)VIN number(2)registration plate number and country symbol of state of registration(3)place and date of the test(4)odometer reading at time of the test if available(5)vehicle class if available(6)identified defects (it is recommended to follow the numerical order of Paragraph 5 of this Annex) and its category(7)overall assessment of the vehicle(8)date of next periodical test (if this information is not provided by other means)(9)name of inspection organisation and signature or identification of the inspector responsible for the test4.MINIMUM INSPECTION REQUIREMENTSThe inspection shall cover at least the items and use the minimum standards and methods listed below. Reasons for failure are examples of defects that may be detected.
Inappropriate repair or modification means a repair or modification that adversely affects the road safety of the vehicle or has a negative effect on the environment.48 % for vehicles not fitted with ABS or type approved before 1 October 1991.45 % for vehicles registered after 1988 or from the date specified in requirements whichever is the later.43 % for semi-trailers and draw-bar trailers registered after 1988 or from the date in requirements whichever is the later.2,2 m/s2 for N1, N2 and N3 vehicles.Type-approved according to limits in row A or B section of Annex I to Directive 70/220/EEC as amended by Directive 98/69/EC or later or first registered or put into service after 1 July 2002.Type approved according to limits in row B section of Annex I to Directive 70/220/EEC as amended by Directive 98/69/EC or later; row B1, B2 or C section 6.2.1 of Annex I to Directive 88/77/EEC as amended by Directive 1999/96/EC or later or first registered or put into service after 1 July 2008.Notes:"requirements" are laid down by type-approval requirements at the date of approval, first registration or first entry into service as well as retrofitting obligations or national legislation in the country of registration.(X) Identifies items which are related to the condition of the vehicle and its suitability for use on the road but which are not considered essential in a periodic inspection(XX) This reason for failure only applies if testing is required by national legislation.0.IDENTIFICATION OF THE VEHICĹE1.BRAKING EQUIPMENT2.STEERING3.VISIBILITY4.LAMPS, REFLECTORS AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT5.AXLES, WHEELS, TYRES AND SUSPENSION6.CHASSIS AND CHASSIS ATTACHMENTS7.OTHER EQUIPMENT8.NUISANCE9.SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS FOR PASSENGER CARRYING VEHICLES M2, M3
ItemMethodreasons for failure
0.1.Registration number plates (if needed by requirements)Visual inspection(a)Number plate(s) missing or so insecure/fixed that it is (they are) likely to fall off.(b)Inscription missing or illegible.(c)Not in accordance with vehicle documents or records.
0.2.Vehicle identification chassis/serial numberVisual inspection(a)Missing or can not be found.(b)Incomplete, illegible.(c)Not in accordance with vehicle documents or records.
1.1.Mechanical condition and operation
1.1.1.Service brake pedal/hand lever pivotVisual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.Note: Vehicles with power-assisted braking systems should be inspected with the engine switched off.(a)Pivot too tight.(b)Excessive wear or play.
1.1.2.Pedal/hand lever condition and travel of the brake operating deviceVisual inspection of the components while the braking system is operatedNote: Vehicles with power-assisted braking systems should be inspected with the engine switched off.(a)Excessive or insufficient reserve travel.(b)Brake control not releasing correctly.(c)Anti-slip provision on brake pedal missing, loose or worn smooth.
1.1.3.Vacuum pump or compressor and reservoirsVisual inspection of the components at normal working pressure. Check time required for vacuum or air pressure to reach safe working value and function of warning device, multi-circuit protection valve and pressure relief valve.(a)Insufficient pressure/vacuum to give assistance for at least two brake applications after the warning device has operated (or gauge shows an unsafe reading).(b)Time taken to build up air pressure/vacuum to safe working value not in accordance with the requirements(c)Multi-circuit protection valve or pressure relief valve not working.(d)Air leak causing a noticeable drop in pressure or audible air leaks.(e)External damage likely to affect the function of the braking system.
1.1.4.Low pressure warning gauge or indicatorFunctional checkMalfunctioning or defective gauge or indicator.
1.1.5.Hand operated brake control valveVisual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.(a)Control cracked, damaged or excessively worn.(b)Control insecure on valve or valve insecure.(c)Loose connections or leaks in system.(d)Unsatisfactory operation.
1.1.6.Parking brake activator, lever control, parking brake ratchet, electronic parking brakeVisual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.(a)Ratchet not holding correctly.(b)Excessive wear at lever pivot or in ratchet mechanism.(c)Excessive movement of lever indicating incorrect adjustment.(d)Activator missing, damaged or inoperative(e)Incorrect functioning, warning indicator shows malfunction
1.1.7.Braking valves (foot valves, unloaders, governors)Visual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.(a)Valve damaged or excessive air leak.(b)Excessive oil discharge from compressor.(c)Valve insecure or inadequately mounted.(d)Hydraulic fluid discharge or leak.
1.1.8.Couplings for trailer brakes (electrical and pneumatic)Disconnect and reconnect braking system coupling between towing vehicle and trailer.(a)Tap or self sealing valve defective.(b)Tap or valve insecure or inadequately mounted.(c)Excessive leaks.(d)Not functioning correctly
1.1.9.Energy storage reservoir pressure tankVisual inspection.(a)Tank damaged, corroded or leaking.(b)Drain device inoperative.(c)Tank insecure or inadequately mounted.
1.1.10.Brake servo units, master cylinder (hydraulic systems)Visual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.(a)Defective or ineffective servo unit.(b)Master cylinder defective or leaking.(c)Master cylinder insecure.(d)Insufficient brake fluid.(e)Master cylinder reservoir cap missing.(f)Brake fluid warning light illuminated or defective.(g)Incorrect functioning of brake fluid level warning device.
1.1.11.Rigid brake pipesVisual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.(a)Imminent risk of failure or fracture.(b)Pipes or connections leaking.(c)Pipes damaged or excessively corroded.(d)Pipes misplaced.
1.1.12.Flexible brake hosesVisual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.(a)Imminent risk of failure or fracture.(b)Hoses damaged, chafing, twisted or too short(c)Hoses or connections leaking.(d)Hoses bulging under pressure.(e)Hoses porous.
1.1.13.Brake linings and padsVisual inspection.(a)Lining or pad excessively worn.(b)Lining or pad contaminated (oil, grease etc.).(c)Lining or pad missing
1.1.14.Brake drums, brake discsVisual inspection.(a)Drum or disc excessively worn, excessively scored, cracked, insecure or fractured.(b)Drum or disc contaminated (oil, grease, etc.)(c)Drum or disc missing(d)Back plate insecure.
1.1.15.Brake cables, rods, levers, linkagesVisual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.(a)Cable damaged or knotted.(b)Component excessively worn or corroded.(c)Cable, rod or joint insecure.(d)Cable guide defective.(e)Restriction to free movement of the braking system.(f)Abnormal movement of the levers/linkage indicating maladjustment or excessive wear.
1.1.16.Brake actuators (including spring brakes or hydraulic cylinders)Visual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated.(a)Actuator cracked or damaged.(b)Actuator leaking.(c)Actuator insecure or inadequately mounted.(d)Actuator excessively corroded.(e)Insufficient or excessive travel of operating piston or diaphragm mechanism.(f)Dust cover missing or excessively damaged.
1.1.17.Load sensing valveVisual inspection of the components while the braking system is operated(a)Defective linkage.(b)Linkage incorrectly adjusted.(c)Valve seized or inoperative.(d)Valve missing.(e)Missing data plate.(f)Data illegible or not in accordance with requirements
1.1.18.Slack adjusters and indicatorsVisual inspection.(a)Adjuster damaged, seized or having abnormal movement, excessive wear or incorrect adjustment.(b)Adjuster defective.(c)Incorrectly installed or replaced.
1.1.19.Endurance braking system (where fitted or required)Visual inspection.(a)Insecure connectors or mountings.(b)System obviously defective or missing.
1.1.20.Automatic operation of trailer brakesDisconnect brake coupling between towing vehicle and trailer.Trailer brake does not apply automatically when coupling disconnected.
1.1.21.Complete braking systemVisual inspection(a)Other system devices (e.g. anti-freeze pump, air dryer, etc.) damaged externally or excessively corroded in a way that adversely affects the braking system.(b)Leakage of air or anti-freeze.(c)Any component insecure or inadequately mounted.(d)Inappropriate repair or modification to any component
1.1.22.Test connections (where fitted or required)Visual inspection(a)Missing.(b)Damaged, unusable or leaking.
1.2.Service braking performance and efficiency
1.2.1.Performanceduring a test on a static brake testing machine or, if impossible during a road test apply the brakes progressively up to maximum effort.(a)Inadequate braking effort on one or more wheels.(b)Braking effort from any wheel is less than 70 % of maximum effort recorded from the other wheel on the same axle. Or in the case of testing on the road, the vehicle deviates excessively from a straight line.(c)No gradual variation in brake effort (grabbing).(d)Abnormal lag in brake operation of any wheel.(e)Excessive fluctuation of brake force during each complete wheel revolution.
1.2.2.EfficiencyTest with a static brake testing machine or, if one cannot be used for technical reasons, by a road test using a recording decelerometer. Vehicles or a trailer with a maximum permissible mass exceeding 3500 kg has to be inspected following the standards given by ISO 21069 or equivalent methods.Road tests should be carried out under dry conditions on a flat, straight road.Does not give at least the minimum figure as followsVehicles registered first time after entry into force of this Directive:Category N1: 50 %,Category M1: 58 %,Category M2 and M3: 50 %,Category N2 and N3: 50 %,Category O2 (XX), O3 and O4:for semi-trailers: 45 %for draw-bar trailers: 50 %Vehicles registered before entry into force of this Directive:Category N1: 45 %Category M1, M2 and M3: 50 %Category N2 and N3: 43 %Category O2 (XX), O3 and O4: 40 %Other categories (XX),.Categories L (both brakes):Category L1e: 42 %Category L2e, L6e: 40 %Category L3e: 50 %Category L4e: 46 %Category L5e, L7e: 44 %Categories L (rear wheel brake):all categories: 25 %
1.3.Secondary (emergency) braking performance and efficiency (if met by separate system)
1.3.1.PerformanceIf the secondary braking system is separate from the service braking system, use the method specified in 1.2.1.(a)Inadequate braking effort on one or more wheels.(b)Braking effort from any wheel is less than 70 % of maximum effort recorded from another wheel on the same axle specified. Or in the case of testing on the road, the vehicle deviates excessively from a straight line.(c)No gradual variation in brake effort (grabbing).
1.3.2.EfficiencyIf the secondary braking system is separate from the service braking system, use the method specified in 1.2.2.Braking effort less than 50 % of the service brake performance defined in section 1.2.2 in relation to the maximum authorized mass or, in the case of semi-trailers, to the sum of the authorized axel loads(except L1e and L3e).
1.4.Parking braking performance and efficiency
1.4.1.PerformanceApply the brake during a test on a static brake testing machine and/or during a road test with a decelerometer.Brake inoperative on one side or in the case of testing on the road, the vehicle deviates excessively from a straight line.
1.4.2.EfficiencyTest with a static brake testing machine or by a road test using either an indicating or recording decelerometer or with the vehicle on a slope of known gradient. Goods vehicles should, if possible, be tested laden.Does not give at least for all vehicles a braking ratio of 16 % in relation to the maximum authorized mass, or, for motor vehicles, of 12 % in relation to the maximum authorized combination mass of the vehicle, whichever is the greater(except L1e and L3e).
1.5.Endurance braking system performanceVisual inspection and, where possible test whether the system functions.(a)No gradual variation of efficiency (not applicable to exhaust brake systems).(b)System not functioning.
1.6.Anti-lock braking system (ABS)Visual inspection and inspection of warning device.(a)Warning device malfunctioning.(b)Warning device shows system malfunction.(c)Wheel speed sensors missing or damaged(d)Wirings damaged(e)Other components missing or damaged
1.7.Electronic brake system (EBS)Visual inspection of warning device.(a)Warning device malfunctioning.(b)Warning device shows system malfunction.
2.1.Mechanical condition
2.1.1.Steering gear conditionWith the vehicle over a pit or on a hoist and with the road wheels off the ground or on turn tables, rotate the steering wheel from lock to lock. Visual inspection of the operation of the steering gear.(a)Roughness in operation of gear.(b)Sector shaft twisted or splines worn.(c)Excessive wear in sector shaft.(d)Excessive movement of sector shaft.(e)Leaking.
2.1.2.Steering gear casing attachmentWith vehicle on a pit or hoist and the weight of the vehicle road wheels on the ground, rotate steering/handle bar wheel clock-wise and anticlockwise or using a specially adapted wheel play detector. Visual inspection of the attachment of gear casing to chassis.(a)Steering gear casing not properly attached.(b)Elongated fixing holes in chassis.(c)Missing or fractured fixing bolts.(d)Steering gear casing fractured.
2.1.3.Steering linkage conditionWith the vehicle over a pit or on a hoist and with the road wheel on ground, rock steering wheel clockwise and anti-clockwise or using a specially adapted wheel play detector. Visual inspection of steering components for wear, fractures and security.(a)Relative movement between components which should be fixed.(b)Excessive wear at joints.(c)Fractures or deformation of any component.(d)Absence of locking devices.(e)Misalignment of components (e.g. track rod or drag link).(f)Inappropriate repair or modification.(g)Dust cover missing, damaged or severely deteriorated.
2.1.4.Steering linkage operationWith the vehicle over a pit or on a hoist and with the road wheels on ground and the engine running (power steering), rotate steering wheel from lock to lock. Visual inspection of movement of linkages.(a)Moving steering linkage fouling a fixed part of chassis.(b)Steering stops not operating or missing.
2.1.5.Power steeringCheck steering system for leaks and hydraulic fluid reservoir level (if visible). With the road wheels on ground and with the engine running, check that the power steering system is operating.(a)Fluid leak.(b)Insufficient fluid.(c)Mechanism not working.(d)Mechanism fractured or insecure.(e)Misalignment or fouling of components.(f)Inappropriate repair or modification.(g)Cables/hoses damaged, excessively corroded.
2.2.Steering wheel, column and handle bar
2.2.1.Steering wheel/handle bar conditionWith the road wheels on the ground, rock steering wheel from side to side at right angles to column and apply slight downward and upward pressure. Visual inspection of play.(a)Relative movement between steering wheel and column indicating looseness.(b)Absence of retaining device on steering wheel hub(c)Fracture or looseness of steering wheel hub, rim or spokes
2.2.2.Steering column/yokes and forksWith the vehicle over a pit or on a hoist and the mass of the vehicle on the ground, push and pull the steering wheel in line with column, push steering wheel/handle bar in various directions at right angles to the column/forks. Visual inspection of play, and condition of flexible couplings or universal joints.(a)Excessive movement of centre of steering wheel up or down.(b)Excessive movement of top of column radially from axis of column.(c)Deteriorated flexible coupling.(d)Attachment defective.(e)inappropriate repair or modification
2.3.Steering playWith the vehicle over a pit or on a hoist, the mass of the vehicle on the road-wheels, the engine running for vehicles with power steering and with the road wheels in the straight-ahead position, lightly turn the steering wheel clockwise and anti-clockwise as far as possible without moving the road wheels. Visual inspection of free movement.Free play in steering excessive (for example movement of a point on the rim exceeding one fifth of the diameter of the steering wheel or not in accordance with the requirements.
2.4.Wheel alignment (X)Check alignment of steered wheels with suitable equipment.Alignment not in accordance with vehicle manufacturer’s data or requirements.
2.5.Trailer steered axle turntableVisual inspection or using a specially adapted wheel play detector(a)Component damaged or cracked.(b)Excessive play.(c)Attachment defective.
2.6.Electronic Power Steering (EPS)Visual inspection and consistency check between the angle of the steering wheel and the angle of the wheels when switching on/off the engine(a)EPS Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) indicates any kind of failure of the system.(b)Inconsistency between the angle of the steering wheel and the angle of the wheels.(c)power assistance not working
3.1.Field of visionVisual inspection from driving seat.Obstruction within driver’s field of view that materially affects his view in front or to the sides.
3.2.Condition of glassVisual inspection.(a)Cracked or discoloured glass or transparent panel (if permitted).(b)Glass or transparent panel (including reflecting or tinted film) that does not comply with specifications in the requirements (XX),(c)Glass or transparent panel in unacceptable condition.
3.3.Rear-view mirrors or devicesVisual inspection.(a)Mirror or device missing or not fitted according to the requirements.(b)Mirror or device inoperative, damaged, loose or insecure.
3.4.Windscreen wipersVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Wipers not operating or missing(b)Wiper blade missing or obviously defective.
3.5.Windscreen washersVisual inspection and by operation.Washers not operating adequately.
3.6Demisting system (X)Visual inspection and by operation.System inoperative or obviously defective.
4.1.1.Condition and operationVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Defective or missing light/light source.(b)Defective or missing projection system (reflector and lens).(c)Lamp not securely attached.
4.1.2.AlignmentDetermine the horizontal aim of each headlamp on dipped beam using a headlamp aiming device or a screen.Aim of a headlamp not within limits laid down in the requirements.
4.1.3.SwitchingVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Switch does not operate in accordance with the requirements (Number of headlamps illuminated at the same time)(b)Function of control device impaired.
4.1.4.Compliance with requirements.Visual inspection and by operation.(a)Lamp, emitted colour, position or intensity not in accordance with the requirements.(b)Products on lens or light source which obviously reduce light intensity or change emitted colour.(c)Light source and lamp not compatible
4.1.5.Levelling devices (where mandatory)Visual inspection and by operation if possible.(a)Device not operating.(b)Manual device cannot be operated from driver’s seat.
4.1.6.Headlamp cleaning device (where mandatory)Visual inspection and by operation if possible.Device not operating.
4.2.Front and rear position lamps, side marker lamps and end outline marker lamps
4.2.1.Condition and operationVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Defective light source.(b)Defective lens.(c)Lamp not securely attached.
4.2.2.SwitchingVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Switch does not operate in accordance with the requirements.(b)Function of control device impaired.
4.2.3.Compliance with requirements.Visual inspection and by operation.(a)Lamp, emitted colour, position or intensity not in accordance with the requirements.(b)Products on lens or light source which reduce light intensity or change emitted colour.
4.3.Stop Lamps
4.3.1.Condition and operationVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Defective light source.(b)Defective lens.(c)Lamp not securely attached.
4.3.2.SwitchingVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Switch does not operate in accordance with the requirements.(b)Function of control device impaired.
4.3.3.Compliance with requirements.Visual inspection and by operation.Lamp, emitted colour, position or intensity not in accordance with the requirements.
4.4.Direction indicator and hazard warning lamps
4.4.1.Condition and operationVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Defective light source.(b)Defective lens.(c)Lamp not securely attached
4.4.2.SwitchingVisual inspection and by operation.Switch does not operate in accordance with the requirements.
4.4.3.Compliance with requirements.Visual inspection and by operation.Lamp, emitted colour, position or intensity not in accordance with the requirements.
4.4.4.Flashing frequencyVisual inspection and by operation.Rate of flashing not in accordance with the requirements.
4.5.Front and rear fog lamps
4.5.1.Condition and operationVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Defective light source.(b)Defective lens.(c)Lamp not securely attached.
4.5.2.Alignment (X)by operation and using a headlamp aiming deviceFront fog lamp out of horizontal alignment when the light pattern has cut-off line
4.5.3.SwitchingVisual inspection and by operation.Switch does not operate in accordance with the requirements.
4.5.4.Compliance with requirements.Visual inspection and by operation.(a)Lamp, emitted colour, position or intensity not in accordance with the requirements(b)System does not operate in accordance with the requirements
4.6.Reversing lamps
4.6.1.Condition and operationVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Defective light source.(b)Defective lens.(c)Lamp not securely attached.
4.6.2.Compliance with requirementsVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Lamp, emitted colour, position or intensity not in accordance with the requirements.(b)System does not operate in accordance with the requirements.
4.6.3.SwitchingVisual inspection and by operation.Switch does not operate in accordance with the requirements.
4.7.Rear registration plate lamp
4.7.1.Condition and operationVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Lamp throwing direct light to the rear.(b)Defective light source.(c)Lamp not securely attached.
4.7.2.Compliance with requirementsVisual inspection and by operation.System does not operate in accordance with the requirements.
4.8.Retro-reflectors, conspicuity (retro reflecting) markings and rear marker plates
4.8.1.ConditionVisual inspection.(a)Reflecting equipment defective or damaged.(b)Reflector not securely attached.
4.8.2.Compliance with requirementsVisual inspection.Device, reflected colour or position not in accordance with the requirements.
4.9.Tell-tales mandatory for lighting equipment
4.9.1.Condition and operationVisual inspection and by operation.Not operating.
4.9.2.Compliance with requirementsVisual inspection and by operation.Not in accordance with the requirements.
4.10.Electrical connections between towing vehicle and trailer or semi-trailerVisual inspection: if possible examine the electrical continuity of the connection.(a)Fixed components not securely attached.(b)Damaged or deteriorated insulation.(c)Trailer or towing vehicle electrical connections not functioning correctly.
4.11.Electrical wiringVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist, including inside the engine compartment in some cases.(a)Wiring insecure or not adequately secured.(b)Wiring deteriorated(c)Damaged or deteriorated insulation.
4.12.Non obligatory lamps and retro-reflectors (X)Visual inspection and by operation.(a)A lamp/retro-reflector fitted not in accordance with the requirements.(b)Lamp operation not in accordance with the requirements.(c)Lamp/retro-reflector not securely attached.
4.13.Battery(ies)Visual inspection.(a)Insecure.(b)Leaking.(c)Defective switch (if required).(d)Defective fuses (if required).(e)inappropriate ventilation (if required)
5.1.1.AxlesVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist. Wheel play detectors may be used and are recommended for vehicles over 3,5 tonnes gross vehicle mass (GVM).(a)Axle fractured or deformed.(b)Insecure fixing to vehicle.(c)Inappropriate repair or modification.
5.1.2.Stub axlesVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist. Wheel play detectors may be used and are recommended for vehicles over 3,5 tonnes GVM. Apply a vertical or lateral force to each wheel and note the amount of movement between the axle beam and stub axle.(a)Stub axle fractured.(b)Excessive wear in the swivel pin and/or bushes.(c)Excessive movement between stub axle and axle beam.(d)Stub axle pin loose in axle.
5.1.3.Wheel bearingsVisual inspection with the vehicle over a pit or on a hoist. Wheel play detectors may be used and are recommended for vehicles over 3,5 tonnes GVM. Rock the wheel or apply a lateral force to each wheel and note the amount of upward movement of the wheel relative to the stub axle.(a)Excessive play in a wheel bearing.(b)Wheel bearing too tight, jammed.
5.2.Wheels and tyres
5.2.1.Road wheel hubVisual inspection.(a)Any wheel nuts or studs missing or loose.(b)Hub worn or damaged
5.2.2.WheelsVisual inspection of both sides of each wheel with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist.(a)Any fracture or welding defect(b)Tyre retaining rings not properly fitted.(c)Wheel badly distorted or worn.(d)Wheel size or type not in accordance with the requirements and effecting road safety
5.2.3.TyresVisual inspection of the entire tyre by either rotating the road wheel with it off the ground and the vehicle over a pit or on a hoist, or by rolling the vehicle backwards and forwards over a pit.(a)Tyre size, load capacity, approval mark or speed rating not in accordance with the requirements and effecting road safety(b)Tyres on same axle or on twin wheels of different sizes.(c)Tyres on same axle of different construction (radial/cross-ply).(d)Any serious damage or cut to tyre.(e)Tyre tread depth not in accordance with the requirements.(f)Tyre rubbing against other components.(g)Re-grooved tyres not in accordance with requirements.(h)air pressure monitoring system malfunctioning or obviously inoperative
5.3.Suspension system
5.3.1.Springs and stabilizerVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist. Wheel play detectors may be used and are recommended for vehicles over 3,5 tonnes GVM.(a)Insecure attachment of springs to chassis or axle.(b)A damaged or fractured spring component.(c)spring missing(d)inappropriate repair or modification
5.3.2.Shock absorbersVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist or using special equipment, if available.(a)Insecure attachment of shock absorbers to chassis or axle.(b)Damaged shock absorber showing signs of severe leakage or malfunction. testing of damping (X)Use special equipment and compare left/right differences and/or absolute values given by manufactures(a)significant difference between left and right(b)given minimum values not reached
5.3.3.Torque tubes, radius arms, wishbones and suspension armsVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist. Wheel play detectors may be used and are recommended for vehicles over 3,5 tonnes GVM.(a)Insecure attachment of component to chassis or axle.(b)A damaged, fractured or excessively corroded component.(c)Inappropriate repair or modification.
5.3.4.Suspension jointsVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist. Wheel play detectors may be used and are recommended for vehicles over 3,5 tonnes GVM.(a)Excessive wear in swivel pin and/or bushes or at suspension joints.(b)Dust cover missing or severely deteriorated.
5.3.5.Air suspensionVisual inspection(a)System inoperable.(b)Any component damaged, modified or deteriorated in a way that would adversely affect the functioning of the system(c)audible system leakage
6.1.Chassis or frame and attachments
6.1.1.General conditionVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist.a)Fracture or deformation of any side or cross member.b)Insecurity of strengthening plates or fastenings.c)Excessive corrosion which affects the rigidity of the assembly.
6.1.2.Exhaust pipes and silencersVisual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist.a)Insecure or leaking exhaust system.b)Fumes entering cab or passengers compartment.
6.1.3.Fuel tank and pipes (including heating fuel tank and pipes)Visual inspection with vehicle over a pit or on a hoist, use of leak detecting devices in case of LPG/CNG systems.(a)Insecure tank or pipes.(b)Leaking fuel or missing or ineffective filler cap.(c)Damaged or chafed pipes.(d)Fuel stopcock (if required) not operating correctly.(e)Fire risk due toleaking fuel,fuel tank or exhaust improperly shielded,engine compartment condition,(f)LPG/CNG or hydrogen system not in accordance with requirements.
6.1.4.Bumpers, lateral protection and rear underrun devicesVisual inspection.(a)Looseness or damage likely to cause injury when grazed or contacted.(b)Device obviously not in compliance with the requirements.
6.1.5.Spare wheel carrier (if fitted)Visual inspection.(a)Carrier not in proper condition(b)Carrier fractured or insecure.(c)A spare wheel not securely fixed in carrier and likely to fall off.
6.1.6.Coupling mechanisms and towing equipmentVisual inspection for wear and correct operation with special attention to any safety device fitted and/or use of measuring gauge.(a)Component damaged, defective or cracked.(b)Excessive wear in a component.(c)Attachment defective.(d)Any safety device missing or not operating correctly.(e)Any indicator not working.(f)Obstruct registration plate or any lamp (when not in use)(g)Inappropriate repair or modification.
6.1.7.TransmissionVisual inspection.(a)Loose or missing securing bolts.(b)Excessive wear in transmission shaft bearings.(c)Excessive wear in universal joints.(d)Deteriorated flexible couplings.(e)A damaged or bent shaft.(f)Bearing housing fractured or insecure.(g)Dust cover missing or severely deteriorated.(h)Illegal power-train modification
6.1.8.Engine mountingsVisual inspection not necessarily on a pit or hoist.Deteriorated, obviously and severely damaged, loose or fractured mountings.
6.1.9.Engine performanceVisual inspection(a)Control unit illegal modified(b)illegal engine modification
6.2.Cab and bodywork
6.2.1.ConditionVisual inspection.(a)A loose or damaged panel or part likely to cause injury.(b)Insecure body pillar.(c)Permitting entry of engine or exhaust fumes.(d)Inappropriate repair or modification.
6.2.2.MountingVisual inspection over a pit or on a hoist.(a)Body or cab insecure.(b)Body/cab obviously not located squarely on chassis.(c)Insecure or missing fixing of body/cab to chassis or cross members.(d)Excessive corrosion at fixing points on integral bodies.
6.2.3.Doors and door catchesVisual inspection.(a)A door will not open or close properly.(b)A door likely to open inadvertently or one that will not remain closed.(c)Door, hinges, catches, pillar, missing, loose or deteriorated.
6.2.4.FloorVisual inspection over a pit or on a hoist.Floor insecure or badly deteriorated
6.2.5.Driver’s seatVisual inspection.(a)A loose seat or seat with defective structure.(b)Adjustment mechanism not functioning correctly.
6.2.6.Other seatsVisual inspection.(a)Seats in defective condition or insecure.(b)Seats fitted not in accordance with requirements.
6.2.7.Driving controlsVisual inspection and by operation.Any control necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle not functioning correctly.
6.2.8.Cab stepsVisual inspection.(a)Step or step ring insecure.(b)Step or ring in a condition likely to cause injury to users.
6.2.9.Other interior and exterior fittings and equipmentVisual inspection.(a)Attachment of other fitting or equipment defective.(b)Other fitting or equipment not in accordance with the requirements.(c)Leaking hydraulic equipment
6.2.10.Mudguards (wings), spray suppression devicesVisual inspection.(a)Missing, loose or badly corroded.(b)Insufficient clearance to road wheel.(c)Not in accordance with the requirements.
7.1.Safety-belts/buckles and restraint systems
7.1.1.Security of safety-belts/buckles mountingVisual inspection.(a)Anchorage point badly deteriorated.(b)Anchorage loose
7.1.2.Condition of safety-belts/buckles.Visual inspection and by operation.(a)Mandatory safety-belt missing or not fitted.(b)Safety-belt damaged.(c)Safety-belt not in accordance with the requirements.(d)Safety-belt buckle damaged or not functioning correctly.(e)Safety-belt retractor damaged or not functioning correctly.
7.1.3.Safety belt Load limiterVisual inspectionLoad limiter obviously missing or not suitable with the vehicle
7.1.4.Safety belt Pre-tensionersVisual inspectionPre-tensioner obviously missing or not suitable with the vehicle
7.1.5.AirbagVisual inspection(a)Airbags obviously missing or not suitable with the vehicle.(b)Airbag obviously non operative
7.1.6.SRS SystemsVisual inspection of MILSRS MIL indicates any kind of failure of the system
7.2.Fire extinguisher (X)Visual inspection.(a)Missing.(b)Not in accordance with the requirements.
7.3.Visual inspection and by operationVisual inspection.(a)Device not functioning to prevent vehicle being driven.(b)Defective or inadvertently locking or blocking
7.4.Warning triangle (if required) (X)Visual inspection.(a)Missing or incomplete.(b)Not in accordance with the requirements.
7.5.First aid kit. (if required) (X)Visual inspection.Missing, incomplete or not in accordance with the requirements.
7.6.Wheel chocks (wedges) (if required) (X)Visual inspection.Missing or not in good condition.
7.7.Audible warning deviceVisual inspection and by operation.(a)Not working.(b)Control insecure.(c)Not in accordance with the requirements.
7.8.SpeedometerVisual inspection or by operation during road test or by electronically means..(a)Not fitted in accordance with the requirements.(b)Not operational.(c)Not capable of being illuminated.
7.9.Tachograph (if fitted/required)Visual inspection.(a)Not fitted in accordance with the requirements.(b)Not operational.(c)Defective or missing seals.(d)Calibration plaque missing, illegible or out of date.(e)Obvious tampering or manipulation.(f)Size of tyres not compatible with calibration parameters
7.10.Speed limitation device (if fitted/required)Visual inspection and by operation if equipment available.(a)Not fitted in accordance with the requirements.(b)Obviously not operational.(c)Incorrect set speed (if checked)(d)Defective or missing seals.(e)Calibration plaque missing, illegible or out of date.(f)size of tyres not compatible with calibration parameters
7.11.Odometer if available (X)Visual inspection(a)obviously manipulated (fraud)(b)obviously inoperative
7.12.Electronic Stability Control (ESC) if fitted/requiredVisual inspection(a)Wheel speed sensors missing or damaged(b)Wirings damaged(c)Other components missing or damaged(d)Switch damaged or not functioning correctly(e)ESC MIL indicates any kind of failure of the system
8.1.1.Noise suppression systemSubjective evaluation (unless the inspector considers that the noise level may be borderline, in which case a standing noise test using a noise meter may be conducted)(a)Noise levels in excess of those permitted in the requirements.(b)Any part of the noise suppression system loose, likely to fall off, damaged, incorrectly fitted, missing or obviously modified in a way that would adversely affect the noise levels.
8.2.Exhaust emissions
8.2.1.Petrol engine emissions emissions control equipmentVisual inspection(a)Emission control equipment fitted by the manufacturer absent, modified or obviously defective.(b)Leaks which would affect emission measurements emissionsMeasurement using an exhaust gas analyser in accordance with the requirements. Alternatively, for vehicles equipped with suitable on-board diagnostic systems, the proper functioning of the emission system can be checked by appropriate reading of the OBD device and checks on the proper functioning of the OBD system in place of emission measurements at engine idle in accordance with the manufacturer’s conditioning recommendations and other requirements.(a)Either, gaseous emissions exceed the specific levels given by the manufacturer;(b)Or, if this information is not available, the CO emissions exceed,i)for vehicles not controlled by an advanced emission control system,4,5 %, or,3,5 %,according to the date of first registration or use specified in requirements.ii)for vehicles controlled by an advanced emission control system,at engine idle: 0,5 %,at high idle: 0,3 %,orat engine idle: 0,3 %at high idle: 0,2 %,according to the date of first registration or use specified in requirements.(c)Lambda outside the range 1 ± 0,03 or not in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification(d)OBD readout indicating significant malfunction
8.2.2.Diesel engine emissions emission control equipmentVisual inspection(a)Emission control equipment fitted by the manufacturer absent or obviously defective(b)Leaks which would affect emission measurements registered or put into service before 1 January 1980 are exempted from this requirement(a)Exhaust gas opacity to be measured during free acceleration (no load from idle up to cut-off speed) with gear lever in neutral and clutch engaged.(b)Vehicle preconditioning:1.Vehicles may be tested without preconditioning although for safety reasons checks should be made that the engine is warm and in a satisfactory mechanical condition.2.precondition requirements:(i)Engine shall be fully warm, for instance the engine oil temperature measured by a probe in the oil level dipstick tube to be at least 80 °C, or normal operating temperature if lower, or the engine block temperature measured by the level of infrared radiation to be at least an equivalent temperature. If, owing to vehicle configuration, this measurement is impractical, the establishment of the engine’s normal operating temperature may be made by other means, for example by the operation of the engine cooling fan.(ii)Exhaust system shall be purged by at least three free acceleration cycles or by an equivalent method.(c)Test procedure:1.Engine and any turbocharger fitted, to be at idle before the start of each free acceleration cycle. For heavy-duty diesels, this means waiting for at least 10 seconds after the release of the throttle.2.To initiate each free acceleration cycle, the throttle pedal must be fully depressed quickly and continuously (in less than one second) but not violently, so as to obtain maximum delivery from the injection pump.3.During each free acceleration cycle, the engine shall reach cut-off speed or, for vehicles with automatic transmissions, the speed specified by the manufacturer or if this data is not available then two thirds of the cut-off speed, before the throttle is released. This could be checked, for instance, by monitoring engine speed or by allowing a sufficient time to elapse between initial throttle depression and release, which in the case of vehicles of category 1 and 2 of Annex 1, should be at least two seconds.4.Vehicles shall only be failed if the arithmetic means of at least the last three free acceleration cycles are in excess of the limit value. This may be calculated by ignoring any measurement that departs significantly from the measured mean, or the result of any other statistical calculation that takes account of the scattering of the measurements. Member States may limit the number of test cycles.5.To avoid unnecessary testing, Member States may fail vehicles which have measured values significantly in excess of the limit values after less than three free acceleration cycles or after the purging cycles. Equally to avoid unnecessary testing, Member States may pass vehicles which have measured values significantly below the limits after less than three free acceleration cycles or after the purging cycles(a)For vehicles registered or put into service for the first time after the date specified in requirements,opacity exceeds the level recorded on the manufacturer’s plate on the vehicle;(b)Where this information is not available or requirements. do not allow the use of reference values,for naturally aspirated engines: 2,5 m-1,for turbo-charged engines: 3,0 m-1,or, for vehicles identified in requirements. or first registered or put into service for the first time after the date specified in requirements,1,5 m-1.
8.3.Electromagnetic interference suppression
Radio-interference (X)Visual examination.Any requirements of the requirements not met.
8.4.Other items related to the environment
8.4.1.Fluid leaksVisual examinationAny excessive fluid leak likely to harm the environment or to pose a safety risk to other road users
9.1.1.Entrance and exit doorsVisual inspection and by operation(a)Defective operation(b)Deteriorated condition(c)Defective emergency control(d)Remote control of doors or warning devices defective(e)Not in accordance with the requirements.
9.1.2.Emergency exitsVisual inspection and by operation (where appropriate)(a)defective operation(b)Emergency exits signs missing or illegible(c)Missing hammer to break glass(d)Not in accordance with requirements.
9.2.Demisting and defrosting system (X)Visual inspection and by operation(a)Not operating correctly(b)Emission of toxic or exhaust gases into driver’s or passenger compartment(c)Defective defrosting (if compulsory)
9.3.Ventilation and heating system (X)Visual inspection and by operation(a)Defective operation(b)Emission of toxic or exhaust gases into driver’s or passenger compartment
9.4.1.Passenger seats (including seats for accompanying personnel)Visual inspectiona)Seats in defective condition or insecureb)Folding seats (if allowed) not working automaticallyc)Not in accordance with the requirements.
9.4.2.Driver’s seat (additional require-ments)Visual inspectiona)Defective special devices such as anti-glare shield or anti-dazzle screenb)Protection for driver insecure or not in accordance with requirements.
9.5.Interior lighting and destination devices (X)Visual inspection and by operationDevice defective or not in accordance with requirements.
9.6.Gangways, standing areasVisual inspection(a)Insecure floor.(b)Defective rails or grab handles.(c)Not in accordance with the requirements.
9.7.Stairs and stepsVisual inspection and by operation (where appropriate)(a)Deteriorated or damaged condition(b)Retractable steps not operating correctly(c)Not in accordance with requirements.
9.8.Passenger communication system (X)Visual inspection and by operation.Defective system
9.9.Notices (X)Visual inspection.(a)missing, erroneous or illegible notice(b)not in accordance with requirements.
9.10.Requirements regarding the transport of children. (X)
9.10.1.DoorsVisual inspectionProtection of doors not in accordance with the requirements. regarding this form of transport.
9.10.2.Signalling and special equipmentVisual inspectionSignalling or special equipment absent or not in accordance with requirements.
9.11.Requirements regarding the transport of disabled persons (X)
9.11.1.Doors, ramps and liftsVisual inspection and by operation(a)Defective operation.(b)Deteriorated condition.(c)Defective control(s).(d)Defective warning device(s).(e)Not in accordance with the requirements.
9.11.2.Wheelchair fixingsVisual inspection and by operation if appropriate(a)Defective operation.(b)Deteriorated condition.(c)Defective control(s).(d)Not in accordance with the requirements.
9.11.3.Signalling and special equipmentVisual inspectionSignalling or special equipment absent or not in accordance with requirements.
9.12.Other special equipment (X)
9.12.1.Installations for food preparationVisual inspection(a)installation not in accordance with the requirements.(b)installation damaged to such an extent that it would be dangerous to use it.
9.12.2.Sanitary installationVisual inspectionInstallation not in accordance with the requirements.
9.12.3.Other devices (e.g. audiovisual systems)Visual inspectionNot in accordance with the requirements.
Repealed Directive with list of its successive amendments(referred to in Article 10)
Council Directive 96/96/EC(OJ L 46, 17.2.1997, p. 1)
Commission Directive 1999/52/EC(OJ L 142, 5.6.1999, p. 26)
Commission Directive 2001/9/EC(OJ L 48, 17.2.2001, p. 18)
Commission Directive 2001/11/EC(OJ L 48, 17.2.2001, p. 20)
Commission Directive 2003/27/EC(OJ L 90, 8.4.2003, p. 41)
Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council(OJ L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1)only Annex III, point 68
Time limits for transposition into national law(referred to in Article 10)
DirectiveTime limit for transposition
96/96/EC9 March 1998
1999/52/EC30 September 2000
2001/9/EC9 March 2002
2001/11/EC9 March 2003
2003/27/EC1 January 2004
Directive 96/96/ECThis Directive
Articles 1 to 4Articles 1 to 4
Article 5, introductory wordingArticle 5, introductory wording
Article 5, first to seventh indentsArticle 5, points (a) to (g)
Article 6
Article 7Article 6(1)
Article 6(2)
Article 8(1)Article 7(1)
Article 8(2), first subparagraphArticle 7(2)
Article 8(2), second subparagraph
Article 8(3)
Article 9(1)
Article 9(2)Article 8
Article 10
Article 11(1)
Article 11(2)Article 9
Article 11(3)
Article 10
Article 12Article 11
Article 13Article 12
Annexes I and IIAnnexes I and II
Annexes III and IV
Annex III
Annex IV