Commission Regulation (EC) No 1242/2008 of 8 December 2008 establishing a Community typology for agricultural holdings
Modified by
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 867/2009of 21 September 2009amending and correcting Regulation (EC) No 1242/2008 establishing a Community typology for agricultural holdings, 32009R0867, September 22, 2009
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1198/2014of 1 August 2014supplementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 setting up a network for the collection of accountancy data on the incomes and business operation of agricultural holdings in the European Union, 32014R1198, November 7, 2014
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1242/2008of 8 December 2008establishing a Community typology for agricultural holdings THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation 79/65/EEC of 15 June 1965 setting up a network for the collection of accountancy data on the incomes and business operation of agricultural holdings in the European Economic CommunityOJ 109, 23.6.1965, p. 1859/65., and in particular Articles 4(4), 6(2), and 7(3) thereof,Whereas:(1)The production structures and systems are very diverse in the Community. In order to make the analyses of structural characteristics of the agricultural holdings and their economic results easier, an appropriate and homogenous classification of agricultural holdings by economic size and type of farming was established by Commission Decision 85/377/EEC of 7 June 1985 establishing a Community typology for agricultural holdingsOJ L 220, 17.8.1985, p. 1..(2)The Community typology needs to be so arranged that homogeneous groups of holdings can be assembled in a greater or lesser degree of aggregation and that comparisons of the situation of holdings can be made.(3)Given the growing importance in the income of the farmers from gainful activities directly related to the holding other than the agricultural activities of the holding, a classification variable reflecting the importance of the other gainful activities (OGA) directly related to the holding should be included in the Community typology.(4)In order to achieve the objectives set by Articles 4(1), 6(1)(b) and 7(2) of Regulation 79/65/EEC, the implementing rules for the Community typology should be established. In addition, the Community typology should apply to returning holdings using the accountancy data collected through the Community Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).(5)Pursuant to Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 1166/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on farm structure surveys and the survey on agricultural production methods and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88OJ L 321, 1.12.2008, p. 14. the farm structure survey carried out on the basis of a sample must be statistically representative in terms of the type and the size of the agricultural holdings in line with the Community typology. Therefore, the Community typology should also apply to holdings for which data are collected through the farm structure surveys.(6)The type of farming and the economic size of the holding should be determined on the basis of an economic criterion remaining always positive. Therefore it is appropriate to use the standard output. The standard outputs have to be established by product. The list of products for which standard outputs are to be calculated should be brought into line with the list of characteristics of the farm structure surveys established in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1166/2008. In order to allow the application of the typology to the holdings in the FADN, a table of correspondence between the characteristics of the structure surveys and the headings of the farm return of the FADN needs to be established.(7)The standard outputs are based on average values over a reference period of five years, but they should regularly be updated to take account of economic trends so that the typology may continue meaningfully to be applied. The frequency of the update should be linked to the years in which farm structure surveys are carried out.(8)In order to draw up the selection plan of the returning holdings to be included in FADN 2010 it should be provided that the typology defined in this Regulation is already applied to the farm structure survey for 2007. Moreover, in order to ensure the comparability of the analyses on the situation of the agricultural holdings classified according to this typology, it should be provided that it should be applied to the farm structures surveys and FADN prior to 2010. Therefore a derogation needs to be included, providing that standard outputs are calculated for the reference period 2004.(9)The standard outputs and the data needed for their calculation are to be transmitted to the Commission by the liaison agency designated by each Member State in accordance with Article 6 of Regulation 79/65/EEC. It should be provided that the liaison agency can communicate directly to the Commission the relevant information through the information system established by the Commission. Moreover it should be foreseen that this system allows the electronic exchange of information required on the basis of models available to the liaison agency through this system. It should also be provided that the Commission is to inform the Member States on the general conditions for implementing the computer system through the Community Committee of the Farm Accountancy Data Network.(10)For reasons of clarity and taking account of the fact that the Community typology is a measure of general application, rather than a measure addressed to specific recipients, it is appropriate to replace Decision 85/377/EEC by a Regulation.(11)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Community Committee for the Farm Accountancy Data Network,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Subject-matter and scope1.This Regulation sets up the "Community typology for agricultural holdings", hereinafter referred to as "typology", which is a uniform classification of holdings in the Community according to their type of farming and economic size and to the importance of the other gainful activities directly related to the holding.2.The typology shall be used in particular for the presentation, by type of farming and by economic size class, of data collected through the Community farm structure surveys and the Community Farm Accountancy Data Network.
Article 2Type of farming1.For the purposes of this Regulation, the "type of farming" of a holding shall be determined by the relative contribution of the standard output of the different characteristics of this holding to the total standard output of this one. The standard output shall be as laid down in Article 5.2.Depending on the amount of detail required, the types of farming shall be divided into:(a)general types of farming;(b)principal types of farming;(c)particular types of farming.The classification of holdings by type of farming shall be as set out in Annex I.
Article 3Economic size of the holdingThe economic size of the holding shall be determined on the basis of the total standard output of the holding. It shall be expressed in euro. The method of calculating the economic size of the holding and the economic size classes shall be as set out in Annex II.
Article 4Other gainful activities directly related to the holdingThe importance of the gainful activities directly related to the holding other than the agricultural activities of the holding shall be determined on the basis of the percentage of those other gainful activities in the final output of the holding. This ratio shall be expressed as a percentage band. Those percentage bands shall be as laid down in Part C of Annex III.The final output, the definition and the method of estimating that ratio are set out in Parts A and B of Annex III.
Article 5Standard output and total standard output1.For the purpose of this Regulation, "standard output" shall mean the standard value of gross production.The standard output shall be determined for each region referred to in Annex IV of this Regulation and for each crop and livestock characteristics of the farm structure survey referred to in Annex III of Regulation (EC) No 1166/2008.The method of calculation for determining the standard outputs of each characteristic and the procedures for collecting the corresponding data are set out in Annex IV of this Regulation.2.The total standard output of the holding shall correspond to the sum of the values obtained for each characteristic by multiplying the standard outputs per unit by the number of corresponding units.3.For the purposes of calculating standard outputs for the farm structure survey for year N, "reference period" shall mean the year N-3 covering the five successive years from year N-5 to year N-1.The standard outputs shall be determined using average basic data calculated over a reference period of five years referred to in the first subparagraph. They shall be updated to take account of economic trends at least each time a farm structure survey is carried out.The first reference period for which standard outputs shall be calculated corresponds to the reference period 2007 covering the calendar years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 or the agricultural production years 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10.4.By way of derogation from paragraph 3, Member States shall calculate standard outputs for the reference period 2004 for the characteristics listed in the farm structure survey for 2007 as defined in Commission Regulation (EC) No 204/2006OJ L 34, 7.2.2006, p. 3.. In this case, the reference period shall cover either the calendar years 2003, 2004, 2005 or the agricultural production years 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06.
Article 6Transmission to the Commission1.The standard outputs and the data referred to in Part 3 of Annex IV shall be transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) by the liaison agency designated by each Member State in accordance with Article 6 of Regulation 79/65/EEC or by the body to which this function has been delegated.2.Member States shall transmit to the Commission the standard outputs for a reference period of year N and the data referred to in Part 3 of Annex IV before 31 December of the year N+3 or if necessary before a deadline established by the Commission after consultation of the Community Committee for the Farm Accountancy Data Network.The standard outputs for the reference period 2004 shall be transmitted to the Commission by 31 December 2008.3.For the transmission of the standard outputs and the data referred to in paragraph 1 Member States shall use the computer systems made available by the Commission (Eurostat) enabling electronic exchanges of documents and information between it and the Member States.4.The form and content of the documents needed for transmission shall be laid down by the Commission on the basis of models or questionnaires made available via the systems referred to in paragraph 3. The provisions relating to the attributes of the data referred to in paragraph 1 shall be defined within the context of the Community Committee for the Farm Accountancy Data Network.
Article 7Repeal1.Decision 85/377/EEC is repealed.However, Decision 85/377/EEC shall continue to apply in order to classify the holdings of the Farm Accountancy Data Network till the accounting year 2009 included and of the farm structure survey referred to in Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88OJ L 56, 2.3.1988, p. 1. till the survey for 2007 included.2.References to the repealed Decision shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex V.
Article 8Entry into force and applicationThis Regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.It shall apply from the accounting year 2010 for the Farm Accountancy Data Network and for the farm structure survey as of the 2010 survey.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX ICLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS BY TYPE OF FARMINGA.CLASSIFICATION SCHEME
Specialist holdings — crops
General type of farmingPrincipal type of farmingParticular type of farming
1.Specialist field crops15.Specialist cereals, oilseeds and protein crops151.Specialist cereals (other than rice), oilseeds and protein crops152.Specialist rice153.Cereals, oilseeds, protein crops and rice combined
16.General field cropping161.Specialist root crops162.Cereals, oilseeds, protein crops and root crops combined163.Specialist field vegetables164.Specialist tobacco165.Specialist cotton166.Various field crops combined
2.Specialist horticulture21.Specialist horticulture indoor211.Specialist vegetables indoor212.Specialist flowers and ornamentals indoor213.Mixed horticulture indoor specialist
22.Specialist horticulture outdoor221.Specialist vegetables outdoor222.Specialist flowers and ornamentals outdoor223.Mixed horticulture outdoor specialist
23.Other horticulture231.Specialist mushrooms232.Specialist nurseries233.Various horticulture
3.Specialist permanent crops35.Specialist vineyards351.Specialist quality wine352.Specialist wine other than quality wine353.Specialist table grapes354.Other vineyards
36.Specialist fruit and citrus fruit361.Specialist fruit (other than citrus, tropical and subtropical fruits and nuts)362.Specialist citrus fruit363.Specialist nuts364.Specialist tropical and subtropical fruits365.Specialist fruit, citrus, tropical and subtropical fruits and nuts: mixed production
37.Specialist olives370.Specialist olives
38.Various permanent crops combined380.Various permanent crops combined
Specialist holdings — animal production
General type of farmingPrincipal type of farmingParticular type of farming
4.Specialist grazing livestock45.Specialist dairying450.Specialist dairying
46.Specialist cattle — rearing and fattening460.Specialist cattle — rearing and fattening
47.Cattle — dairying, rearing and fattening combined470.Cattle — dairying, rearing and fattening combined
48.Sheep, goats and other grazing livestock481.Specialist sheep482.Sheep and cattle combined483.Specialist goats484.Various grazing livestock
5.Specialist granivores51.Specialist pigs511.Specialist pig rearing512.Specialist pig fattening513.Pig rearing and fattening combined
52.Specialist poultry521.Specialist laying hens522.Specialist poultry-meat523.Laying hens and poultry-meat combined
53.Various granivores combined530.Various granivores combined
Mixed holdings
General type of farmingPrincipal type of farmingParticular type of farming
6.Mixed cropping61.Mixed cropping611.Horticulture and permanent crops combined612.Field crops and horticulture combined613.Field crops and vineyards combined614.Field crops and permanent crops combined615.Mixed cropping, mainly field crops616.Other mixed cropping
7.Mixed livestock73.Mixed livestock, mainly grazing livestock731.Mixed livestock, mainly dairying732.Mixed livestock, mainly non-dairying grazing livestock
74.Mixed livestock, mainly granivores741.Mixed livestock: granivores and dairying combined742.Mixed livestock: granivores and non-dairying grazing livestock
8.Mixed crops — livestock83.Field crops — grazing livestock combined831.Field crops combined with dairying832.Dairying combined with field crops833.Field crops combined with non-dairying grazing livestock834.Non-dairying grazing livestock combined with field crops
84.Various crops and livestock combined841.Field crops and granivores combined842.Permanent crops and grazing livestock combined843.Apiculture844.Various mixed crops and livestock
9.Non-classified holdings90.Non-classified holdings900.Non-classified holdings
B.TABLE OF CORRESPONDENCE AND REGROUPING CODESI.Correspondence between the headings of the farm structure surveys and the farm return of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
OJ L 237, 4.9.2008, p. 18.I.CropsII.Livestock
Equivalent headings for the application of Standard Outputs
Code to be used for the heading2010, 2013, 2016 Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings(Regulation (EC) No 1166/2008)FADN farm return(Regulation (EC) No 868/2008 on the farm return) wheat and spelt120.Common wheat and spelt wheat121.Durum wheat (including meslin) cereal mixes maize126.Grain maize (including humid grain maize) cereals for the production of grain128.Other cereals
2.01.02.Dried pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)129.Protein crops which peas, field beans and sweet lupins360.Peas, field beans and sweet lupins361.Lentils, chickpeas and vetches330.Other protein crops
2.01.03.Potatoes (including early potatoes and seed potatoes)130.Potatoes (including early potatoes and seed)
2.01.04.Sugar beet (excluding seed)131.Sugar beet (excluding seed)
2.01.05.Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seed)144.Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seeds) and turnip rape331.Rape (oil flax)364.Flax other than fibre flax oil seed crops334.Other oil seeds fibre crops plants, medicinal and culinary plants345.Medicinal plants condiments, aromatics and spices, including tea, coffee and coffee chicory industrial crops not mentioned elsewhere346.Sugar cane348.Other industrial crops
2.01.07.Fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries of which or under low (not accessible) protective cover field136.Field scale fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries grown in the open gardening137.Fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries grown in market gardens in the open glass or other (accessible) protective cover138.Fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries under shelter
2.01.08.Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries): or under low (not accessible) protective cover140.Flowers and ornamental plants grown in the open (excluding nurseries) glass or other (accessible) protective cover141.Flowers and ornamental plants grown under shelter
2.01.09.Plants harvested green grass147.Temporary grass plants harvested green145.Other fodder plants maize326.Fodder maize plantsAND327.Other silage cerealsAND plants harvested green not mentioned elsewhere328.Other fodder plants
2.01.10.Arable land seeds and seedlings142.Grass seeds143.Other seeds
2.01.11.Other arable land crops148.Other arable crops not included in headings 120 to 147149.Land ready for sowing leased to others, including land made available to employees as a benefit in kind land without any subsidies315.Fallow land without any subsidies land subject to the payment of subsidies, with no economic use316.Fallow land subject to the payment of subsidies
2.03.01.Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazing150.Meadows and permanent pasture
2.03.02.Rough grazing151.Rough grazing
2.03.03.Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies314.Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies
2.04.01.Fruit and berry plantations152.Fruit and berry orchards species of which of temperate climate zones349.Pome fruit350.Stone fruit of subtropical climate zones353.Tropical and subtropical fruit species352.Small fruit and berries
2.04.02.Citrus plantations153.Citrus fruit orchards
2.04.03.Olive plantations154.Olive groves producing table olives281.Table olives producing olives for oil production282.Olives for oil production283.Olive oil
2.04.04.Vineyards, of which normally producing:155.Vines wine286.Grapes for quality wine with PDO292.Grapes for quality wine with PGI289.Quality wine with PDO294.Quality wine with PGI wines293.Grapes for other wines288.Miscellaneous products of vines: grape must, juice, brandy, vinegar and others produced on the farm295.Other wines grapes285.Table grapes
2.04.06.Other permanent crops158.Other permanent crops
2.04.07.Permanent crops under glass156.Permanent crops grown under shelter
3.01.Equidae22.Equidae (all ages)
3.02.01.Bovine animals, under one year old, male and female23.Calves for fattening24.Other cattle less than one year old
3.02.02.Bovine animals, one but less than two years old, male25.Male cattle, from one to less than two years old
3.02.03.Bovine animals, one but less than two years old, female26.Female cattle, from one to less than two years old
3.02.04.Male bovine animals, two years old and over27.Male cattle, two years old or more
3.02.05.Heifers, two years old and over28.Breeding heifers29.Heifers for fattening
3.02.06.Dairy cows30.Dairy cows31.Cull dairy cows
3.02.99.Other cows32.Other cows
3.03.01.Sheep (all ages) females40.Ewes sheep41.Other sheep
3.03.02.Goats (all ages) females38.Goats, breeding females goats39.Other goats
3.04.01.Piglets having a live weight of under 20 kilograms43.Piglets
3.04.02.Breeding sows weighing 50 kilograms and over44.Breeding sows
3.04.99.Other pigs45.Pigs for fattening46.Other pigs
3.05.01.Broilers47.Table chickens
3.05.02.Laying hens48.Laying hens
3.05.03.Other poultry49.Other poultry poultry, not mentioned elsewhere
3.06.Rabbits, breeding females34.Rabbits, breeding females
II.Codes regrouping several characteristics included in the 2010, 2013 and 2016 farm structure surveysP45.Cattle, dairying = 3.02.01. (bovine animals under one year old male and females) + 3.02.03. (bovine animals, one but less than two years old, female) + 3.02.05. (heifers, two years old and over) + 3.02.06. (dairy cows)P46.Cattle = P45 (cattle, dairying) + 3.02.02. (bovine animals, one but less than two years old, male) + 3.02.04. (male bovine animals two years old and over) + 3.02.99. (other cows)GLGrazing livestock = 3.01. (equidae) + P46 (cattle) + (sheep breeding females) + (other sheep) + (goats breeding females) + (other goats)If GL=0FCP1Forage for sale = 2.01.05. (fodder roots and brassicas) + 2.01.09. (plants harvested green) + 2.03.01. (pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings) + 2.03.02. (Rough grazings)FCP4Forage for grazing livestock = 0P17Roots = 2.01.03. (potatoes) + 2.01.04. (sugar beet) + 2.01.05. (fodder roots and brassicas)If GL>0FCP1Forage for sale = 0FCP4Forage for grazing livestock = 2.01.05. (fodder roots and brassicas) + 2.01.09. (plants harvested green) + 2.03.01. (pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazings) + 2.03.02. (Rough grazings)P17Roots = 2.01.03. (potatoes) + 2.01.04. (sugar beet)P151.Cereals without rice = (common wheat and spelt) + (durum wheat) + (rye) + (barley) + (oats) + (grain maize) + (other cereals for the production of grain)P15.Cereals = P151 (cereals without rice) + (rice)P16.Oilseeds = (rape and turnip rape) + (sunflower) + (soya) + (flax (linseed)) + (other oil seed crops)P51.Pigs = 3.04.01. (piglets of less than 20 kilograms live weight) + 3.04.02. (breeding sows of 50 kilograms or more) + 3.04.99. (other pigs)P52.Poultry = 3.05.01. (broilers) + 3.05.02. (laying hens) + 3.05.03. (other poultry)P1.General cropping = P15 (cereals) + 2.01.02. (dried pulses and protein crops) + 2.01.03. (potatoes) + 2.01.04. (sugar beet) + (tobacco) + (hops) + (cotton) + P16 (oilseeds) + (flax) + (hemp) + (other fibre crops) + (aromatic plants, medicinal and culinary plants) + (other industrial crops not mentioned elsewhere) + (fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries — outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective cover — open field) + 2.01.10. (arable land and seedlings) + 2.01.11. (other arable land) + (fallow land without any subsidies) + FCP1 (forage for sale)P2.Horticulture = (fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries — outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective cover — market gardening) + (fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries — under glass or other (accessible) protective cover) + (flowers and ornamental plants — outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective cover) + (flowers and ornamental plants — under glass or other (accessible) protective cover) + 2.06.01. (mushrooms) + 2.04.05. (nurseries)P3.Permanent crops = 2.04.01. (fruit and berry plantations) + 2.04.02. (citrus plantations) + 2.04.03. (olive plantations) + 2.04.04. (vineyards) + 2.04.06. (other permanent crops) + 2.04.07. (permanent crops under glass)P4.Grazing livestock and forage = GL (grazing livestock) + FCP4 (forage for grazing livestock)P5.Granivores = P51 (pigs) + P52 (poultry) + 3.06. (rabbits, breeding females)
C.DEFINITION OF TYPES OF FARMINGThe types of farming are defined by two features:(a)The nature of the characteristics concernedThe characteristics refer to the list of characteristics surveyed in the 2010, 2013 and 2016 surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings: they are indicated by using the codes presented in the table of correspondence in Part B.I of this Annex or by a code regrouping several of those characteristics as set out in Part B.II of this AnnexThe characteristics 2.01.05. (Fodder roots and brassicas), 2.01.09. (Plants harvested green), (Fallow land without any subsidies), (fallow land subject to the payments of subsidies, with no economic use), 2.02. (Kitchen gardens), 2.03.01. (Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazing), 2.03.02. (Rough grazing), 2.03.03. (Permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidies), 3.02.01. (Bovine animals, under one year old, male and female), (other sheep), (other goats) and 3.04.01. (Piglets less than 20 kg live weight) are used only under certain conditions (see point 5 of Annex IV)..(b)The thresholds determining the class limitsUnless otherwise indicated, these thresholds are expressed as fractions of the total standard output of the holding.
Specialist holdings — crop products
Types of farmingDefinitionCode of characteristics and thresholds(ref. Part B of this Annex)
1Specialist field cropsGeneral cropping i.e. cereals, dried pulses and protein crops for the production of grain, oilseeds, potatoes, sugar beet, industrial plants, fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries open field, arable land seed and seedlings, other arable land, fallow land and forage for sale > 2/3P1 > 2/3
15Specialist cereals, oilseeds and protein cropsCereals, oilseeds, dried pulses and protein crops > 2/3P15 + P16 + 2.01.02. > 2/3
151Specialist cereals (other than rice) oilseeds and protein cropsCereals, excluding rice, oilseeds, dried pulses and protein crops > 2/3P151 + P16 + 2.01.02. > 2/3
152Specialist riceRice > 2/ > 2/3
153Cereals, oilseeds, protein crops and rice combinedHoldings in class 15, excluding those in classes 151 and 152
16General field croppingGeneral cropping > 2/3; cereals, oilseeds, dried pulses and protein crops ≤ 2/3P15 + P16 + 2.01.02. ≤ 2/3
161Specialist root cropsPotatoes, sugar beet and fodder roots and brassicas > 2/3P17 > 2/3
162Cereals, oilseeds, protein crops and root crops combinedCereals, oilseeds, dried pulses protein crops > 1/3; roots > 1/3P15 + P16 + 2.01.02. > 1/3; P17 > 1/3
163Specialist field vegetablesFresh vegetables, melons and strawberries open field > 2/ > 2/3
164Specialist tobaccoTobacco > 2/ > 2/3
165Specialist cottonCotton > 2/ > 2/3
166Various field crops combinedHoldings in class 16, excluding those in 161, 162, 163, 164 and 165
2Specialist horticultureFresh vegetables, melons and strawberries — market gardening and under glass, flowers and ornamental plants — outdoor and under glass, mushrooms and nurseries > 2/3P2 > 2/3
21Specialist horticulture indoorFresh vegetables, melons and strawberries — under glass and flowers and ornamental plants under glass > 2/ + > 2/3
211Specialist vegetables indoorFresh vegetables, melons and strawberries — under glass > 2/ > 2/3
212Specialist flowers and ornamentals indoorFlowers and ornamental plants under glass > 2/ > 2/3
213Mixed horticulture indoor specialistHoldings in class 21, excluding those in classes 211 and 212
22Specialist horticulture outdoorFresh vegetables, melons and strawberries market gardening, flowers and ornamental plants outdoor > 2/ + > 2/3
221Specialist vegetables outdoorFresh vegetables, melons and strawberries market gardening > 2/ > 2/3
222Specialist flowers and ornamentals outdoorFlowers and ornamental plants outdoor > 2/ > 2/3
223Mixed horticulture outdoor specialistHoldings in class 22, excluding those in classes 221 and 222
23Other horticultureHorticultural holdings with horticulture indoor ≤ 2/3 and horticulture outdoor ≤ 2/ + ≤ 2/3; + ≤ 2/3
231Specialist mushroomsMushrooms > 2/32.06.01. > 2/3
232Specialist nurseriesNurseries > 2/32.04.05. > 2/3
233Various horticultureHoldings in class 23, excluding those in classes 231 and 232
3Specialist permanent cropsFruit and berry plantations, citrus plantations, olives, vineyards, other permanent crops and permanent crops under glass > 2/3P3 > 2/3
35Specialist vineyardsVineyards > 2/32.04.04. > 2/3
351Specialist quality wineVineyards normally producing quality wine > 2/ > 2/3
352Specialist wine other than quality wineVineyards normally producing other wines > 2/ > 2/3
353Specialist table grapesVineyards normally producing table grapes > 2/ > 2/3
354Other vineyardsHoldings in class 35, excluding those in classes 351, 352 and 353
36Specialist fruit and citrus fruitFruit and berries and citrus fruit > 2/32.04.01. + 2.04.02. > 2/3
361Specialist fruit (other than citrus, tropical and subtropical fruits and nuts)Fruit of temperate climate zones and berries > 2/ + > 2/3
362Specialist citrus fruitCitrus fruit > 2/32.04.02. > 2/3
363Specialist nutsNuts > 2/ > 2/3
364Specialist tropical and subtropical fruitsFruit of subtropical climate zones > 2/ > 2/3
365Specialist fruit, citrus, tropical and subtropical fruits and nuts: mixed productionHoldings in class 36, excluding those in classes 361, 362, 363 and 364
37Specialist olives370Specialist olivesOlives > 2/32.04.03. > 2/3
38Various permanent crops combined380Various permanent crops combinedHoldings in class 3, excluding those in classes 35, 36 and 37
Specialist holdings — Animal production
Types of farmingDefinitionCode of characteristics and thresholds(ref. Part B of this Annex)
4Specialist grazing livestockForage for grazing livestock (i.e. fodder roots and brassicas, plants harvested green, pasture and meadows, rough grazings) and grazing livestock (i.e. equidae, all types of cattle, sheep and goats) > 2/3P4 > 2/3
45Specialist dairying450Specialist dairyingDairy cows > 3/4 of total grazing livestock; grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forage3.02.06. > 3/4 GL; GL > 1/10 P4
46Specialist cattle — rearing and fattening460Specialist cattle — rearing and fatteningAll cattle (i.e. bovine animals under one year, bovine animals over one but under two and bovine animals two years old and over (male, heifers, dairy cows and other cows)) > 2/3 of grazing livestock; dairy cows ≤ 1/10 of grazing livestock; grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forageP46 > 2/3 GL; 3.02.06. ≤ 1/10 GL; GL > 1/10 P4
47Cattle — dairying, rearing and fattening combined470Cattle — dairying, rearing and fattening combinedAll cattle > 2/3 of grazing livestock; dairy cows > 1/10 of grazing livestock; grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forage; excluding those holdings in class 45P46 > 2/3 GL; 3.02.06. > 1/10 GL; GL > 1/10 P4; excluding 45
48Sheep, goats and other grazing livestockHoldings in class 4, excluding those in classes 45, 46 and 47
481Specialist sheepSheep > 2/3 of grazing livestock; grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forage3.03.01. > 2/3 GL; GL > 1/10 P4
482Sheep and cattle combinedAll cattle > 1/3 of grazing livestock, sheep > 1/3 of grazing livestock and grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forageP46 > 1/3 GL; 3.03.01. > 1/3 GL; GL > 1/10 P4
483Specialist goatsGoats > 2/3 of grazing livestock; grazing livestock > 1/10 of grazing livestock and forage3.03.02. > 2/3 GL; GL > 1/10 P4
484Various grazing livestockHoldings in class 48, excluding those in 481, 482 and 483
5Specialist granivoresGranivores i.e.: Pigs (i.e. piglets, breeding sows, other pigs), poultry (i.e. broilers, laying hens, other poultry) and rabbits breeding females > 2/3P5 > 2/3
51Specialist pigsPigs > 2/3P51 > 2/3
511Specialist pig rearingBreeding sows > 2/33.04.02. > 2/3
512Specialist pig fatteningPiglets and other pigs > 2/33.04.01. + 3.04.99. > 2/3
513Pig rearing and fattening combinedHoldings in class 51, excluding those in classes 511 and 512
52Specialist poultryPoultry > 2/3P52 > 2/3
521Specialist laying hensLaying hens > 2/33.05.02. > 2/3
522Specialist poultry-meatBroilers and other poultry > 2/33.05.01. + 3.05.03. > 2/3
523Laying hens and poultry-meat combinedHoldings in class 52, excluding those in classes 521 and 522
53Various granivores combined530Various granivores combinedHoldings in class 5, excluding those in classes 51 and 52
Mixed holdings
Types of farmingDefinitionCode of characteristics and thresholds(ref. Part B of this Annex)
6Mixed cropping61Mixed croppingGeneral cropping and horticulture and permanent crops > 2/3 but {general cropping ≤ 2/3 and horticulture ≤ 2/3 and permanent crops ≤ 2/3}(P1 + P2 + P3) > 2/3; P1 ≤ 2/3; P2 ≤ 2/3; P3 ≤ 2/3
611Horticulture and permanent crops combinedHorticulture > 1/3; permanent crops > 1/3P2 > 1/3; P3 > 1/3
612Field crops and horticulture combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3; horticulture > 1/3P1 > 1/3; P2 > 1/3
613Field crops and vineyards combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3; vineyards > 1/3P1 > 1/3; 2.04.04. > 1/3
614Field crops and permanent crops combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3; permanent crops > 1/3; vines ≤ 1/3P1 > 1/3; P3 > 1/3; 2.04.04. ≤ 1/3
615Mixed cropping, mainly field cropsGeneral cropping > 1/3; no other activity > 1/3P1 > 1/3; P2 ≤ 1/3; P3 ≤ 1/3;
616Other mixed croppingHoldings in class 61, excluding those in classes 611, 612, 613, 614 and 615
7Mixed livestockGrazing livestock and forage and granivores > 2/3; grazing livestock and forage ≤ 2/3; granivores ≤ 2/3P4 + P5 > 2/3; P4 ≤ 2/3; P5 ≤ 2/3
73Mixed livestock, mainly grazing livestockGrazing livestock and forage > granivoresP4 > P5
731Mixed livestock, mainly dairyingCattle, dairying > 1/3 of grazing livestock; dairy cows > 1/2 of dairying cattleP45 > 1/3 GL; 3.02.06. > 1/2 P45;
732Mixed livestock, mainly non-dairying grazing livestockHoldings in class 73, excluding those in class 731
74Mixed livestock, mainly granivoresGrazing livestock and forage ≤ GranivoresP4 ≤ P5
741Mixed livestock: granivores and dairyingCattle, dairying > 1/3 of grazing livestock; granivores > 1/3, dairy cows > 1/2 of cattle, dairyingP45 > 1/3 GL; P5 > 1/3; 3.02.06. > 1/2 P45
742Mixed livestock: granivores and non-dairying grazing livestockHoldings in class 74, excluding those in class 741
8Mixed crops — livestockHoldings excluded from classes 1 to 7 and from class 9
83Field crops — grazing livestock combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3; grazing livestock and forage > 1/3P1 > 1/3; P4 > 1/3
831Field crops combined with dairyingCattle, dairying > 1/3 of grazing livestock; dairy cows > 1/2 of cattle, dairying; cattle, dairying < general croppingP45 > 1/3 GL; 3.02.06. > 1/2 P45; P45 < P1
832Dairying combined with field cropsCattle, dairying > 1/3 of grazing livestock; dairy cows > 1/2 of cattle, dairying; cattle, dairying ≥ general croppingP45 > 1/3 GL; 3.02.06. > 1/2 P45; P45 ≥ P1
833Field crops combined with non-dairying grazing livestockGeneral cropping > grazing livestock and forage, excluding holdings in class 831P1 > P4; excluding 831
834Non-dairying grazing livestock combined with field cropsHoldings in class 83, excluding holdings in classes 831, 832 and 833
84Various crops and livestock combinedHoldings in class 8, excluding those in class 83
841Field crops and granivores combinedGeneral cropping > 1/3; granivores > 1/3P1 > 1/3; P5 > 1/3
842Permanent crops and grazing livestock combinedPermanent crops > 1/3; grazing livestock and forage > 1/3P3 > 1/3; P4 > 1/3
843ApicultureBees > 2/33.07. > 2/3
844Various mixed crops and livestockHoldings in class 84, excluding those in classes 841, 842 and 843
Non-classified holdings
Types of farmingDefinitionCode of characteristics and thresholds(ref. Part B of this Annex)
9Non-classified holdings90Non-classified holdings900Non-classified holdingsNon-classified holdingsTotal Standard Output = 0
ANNEX IIECONOMIC SIZE OF HOLDINGSA.ECONOMIC SIZE OF THE HOLDINGThe economic size of a holding is measured as the total standard output of the holding expressed in Euro.B.ECONOMIC SIZE CLASSES OF HOLDINGSHoldings are classified by size classes, the limits of which are set out below.
ClassesLimits in euro
Iless than 2000 euro
IIfrom 2000 to less than 4000 euro
IIIfrom 4000 to less than 8000 euro
IVfrom 8000 to less than 15000 euro
Vfrom 15000 to less than 25000 euro
VIfrom 25000 to less than 50000 euro
VIIfrom 50000 to less than 100000 euro
VIIIfrom 100000 to less than 250000 euro
IXfrom 250000 to less than 500000 euro
Xfrom 500000 to less than 750000 euro
XIfrom 750000 to less than 1000000 euro
XIIfrom 1000000 to less than 1500000 euro
XIIIfrom 1500000 to less than 3000000 euro
XIVequal to or greater than 3000000 euro
The rules laid down for the application in the field of the farm accountancy data network and the Community surveys of agricultural holdings may provide that size classes II and III or III and IV, IV and V, or from III to V, VI and VII, VIII and IX, X and XI, from XII to XIV or from X to XIV are grouped together.Member States, in implementing Article 4(1) of Regulation 79/65/EEC, should fix a threshold of economic size of holding for the field of survey of the farm accountancy data network coinciding with the limits of the size classes as shown above.
ANNEX IIIOTHER GAINFUL ACTIVITIES DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE HOLDINGA.DEFINITION OF THE OTHER GAINFUL ACTIVITIES DIRECTLY RELATED THE HOLDINGThe gainful activities directly related to the holding other than the agricultural activities of the holding comprise all activities other than farm work, directly related to the holding and having an economic impact on the holding. Those are activities where either the resources of the holding (area, buildings, machinery, agricultural products, etc.) or the products of the holdings are used.B.ESTIMATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF THE OTHER GAINFUL ACTIVITIES (OGA) DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE HOLDINGThe share of the OGA directly related to the holding in the final output of the holding is estimated as the share of the OGA directly related to the holding turnover in the total turnover of the holding (including direct payments) as follows:C.CLASSES REFLECTING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE OGA DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE HOLDINGHoldings are classified by classes reflecting the importance of OGA directly related to the holding in the final output, the limits of which are set out below.
ClassesLimits in percentage
IFrom 0 % to 10 %
IIFrom more than 10 % to 50 %
IIIFrom more than 50 % to less than a 100 %
ANNEX IVSTANDARD OUTPUTS (SOs)1.DEFINITION OF AND PRINCIPLES FOR CALCULATING SOs(a)The output of an agricultural characteristic means the monetary value of gross agricultural production at farm-gate price.The standard output (SO) means the value of output corresponding to the average situation in a given region for each agricultural characteristic.(b)Output is the sum of the value of the principal product(s) and of the secondary product(s).The values are calculated by multiplying production per unit by the farm-gate price. VAT, taxes on products and direct payments are not included.(c)Production periodThe SOs correspond to a production period of 12 months (calendar year or agricultural production year).For crop products and livestock products for which the period of production is less than or exceeds 12 months, a SO corresponding to growth or production in 12 months is calculated.(d)Basic data and reference periodThe SOs are determined using the factors mentioned in point (b). To this end, the basic data are collected in the Member States for a reference period which covers five successive calendar years or agricultural production years. The reference period is the same for all Member States and is fixed by the Commission. For example SOs corresponding to the reference period "2007" cover the calendar years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 or the agricultural production years 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10.(e)Units(1)Physical units:(a)The SOs for crop characteristics are determined on the basis of area expressed in hectares.For mushrooms, however, the SOs are determined on the basis of gross output for all the annual successive harvests and are expressed per 100 m2 of area under crops. For their use in the context of the Farm Accountancy Data Network the SOs, determined in this way, are divided by the number of annual successive harvests, such number being communicated by the Member States.(b)The SOs relating to livestock characteristics are determined by head, except for poultry, for which they are determined in terms of 100 head, and for bees, for which they are determined by hive.(2)Monetary units and rounding:The basic data for determining the SOs and the calculated SOs are established in euro. For the Member States not taking part in the Economic and Monetary Union, the SOs are converted into euro using the average exchange rates for the reference period as defined in point 1(d) of this Annex. These rates are communicated by the Commission to these Member States.The SOs may be rounded to the nearest EUR 5 where appropriate.2.BREAKDOWN OF SOs(a)By crop and livestock characteristicsThe SOs are determined for all the agricultural characteristics corresponding to the headings of the Community farm structure surveys in the manner laid down in those surveys.(b)Geographical breakdownThe SOs are determined at least on the basis of geographical units which are usable for the Community farm structure surveys and for the Farm Accountancy Data Network. These geographical units are all based on the general Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilOJ L 154, 21.6.2003, p. 1.. These units are described as a regrouping of NUTS 3 regions. Less favoured or mountain areas are not considered as a geographical unit.No SO is determined for characteristics which are not engaged in the region concerned.3.COLLECTION OF DATA FOR DETERMINING SOs(a)The basic data for determining SOs are renewed at least each time a farm structure survey is carried out in the form of a census.(b)Between two Community farm structure surveys carried out in the form of a census, the SOs are updated each time there is a farm structure survey. Such updating is effected:either by renewing the basic data in a manner similar to that specified under (a),or by using a method of calculation by which the SO may be updated. The principles applying to such a method are laid down at Community level.4.EXECUTIONThe Member States are responsible, in accordance with the provisions of this Annex, for collecting the basic data needed for calculating the SOs and for calculating them, for converting them into Euro and for collecting the data required for applying the updating method, if appropriate.5.TREATMENT OF SPECIAL CASESThe following special rules are laid down for the calculation of SOs for certain types of characteristics:(a)Fallow land without any subsidiesSO relating to fallow land without any subsidies is taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are other positive SOs on the holding.(b)Fallow land subject to the payment of subsidies, with no economic use and permanent grassland no longer used for production purposes and eligible for the payment of subsidiesSince the produce of land subject to subsidies with no economic use is limited to the direct payments, the SOs are regarded as equal to zero.(c)Kitchen gardensSince the produce of kitchen gardens is normally intended for the holder's own consumption and not for sale, the SOs are regarded as equal to zero.(d)LivestockFor livestock the characteristics are split by category of age. The output corresponds to the value of growth of the animal during the time spent in the category. In other words, it corresponds to the difference between the value of the animal when it is leaving the category and its value when it is entering the category (named also the replacement value).(e)Bovine animals under one year old, male and femaleSOs relating to bovine animals under one year old are taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are more bovine animals under one year than cows on the holding. Only the SOs relating to the surplus number of bovine animals under one year are taken into account.(f)Other sheep and other goatsSOs relating to other sheep are taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are no breeding sheep females on the holding.SOs relating to other goats are taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are no breeding goat females on the holding.(g)PigletsSOs relating to piglets are taken into account when calculating the total SO of the holding only when there are no breeding sows on the holding.(h)ForageIf there are no grazing livestock (i.e. equidae, cattle, sheep or goats) on the holding, the forage (i.e. roots and brassicas, plants harvested green, pasture and meadows) is considered as intended for sale and is part of the general cropping output.If there are grazing livestock on the farm, the forage is considered as intended to feed the grazing livestock and is part of the grazing livestock and forage output.ANNEX V
Correlation Table
Decision 85/377/EECThis Regulation
Article 1, first paragraphArticle 1(1)
Article 1, second paragraph
Articles 2(1) and 2(2)
Article 2(3)Article 1(2)
Articles 3 to 5
Article 6Article 2(1)
Article 7, first paragraph, introductory phraseArticle 2(2), introductory phrase
Article 7, first paragraph, first to third indentsArticle 2(2), first subparagraph, points (a) to (c)
Article 7, first paragraph, fourth indent
Article 7, second paragraph
Article 7 third paragraphArticle 2(2), second subparagraph
Articles 8 and 9Article 3
Articles 4 to 7
Article 10
Article 11
Article 12
Article 8
Annex IAnnex IV
Annex IIAnnex I
Annex IIIAnnex II
Annex III
Annex V