(a) statistics on bovine, pig, sheep and goat livestock; (b) slaughtering statistics on bovine animals, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry; and (c) production forecasts of beef, veal, pigmeat, sheepmeat and goatmeat.
Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 concerning livestock and meat statistics and repealing Council Directives 93/23/EEC, 93/24/EEC and 93/25/EEC (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
- Regulation (EU) No 1350/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 December 2013amending certain legislative acts in the field of agricultural and fishery statistics, 32013R1350, December 21, 2013
1. "agricultural holding" means an agricultural holding as defined in Article 2(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1166/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on farm structure surveys and the survey on agricultural production methods ;See page 14 of this Official Journal. 2. "sample survey" means a sample survey as defined in Article 2(c) of Regulation (EC) No 1166/2008; 3. the term "bovine animal" means domestic animals of the species Bos taurus andBubalus bubalis , including hybrids like Beefalo;4. the term "pig" means domestic animals of the species Sus scrofa domestica ;5. the term "sheep" means domestic animals of the species Ovis aries ;6. the term "goat" means domestic animals of the subspecies Capra aegagrus hircus ;7. the term "poultry" means domestic birds of the species Gallus gallus (chickens),Meleagris spp. (turkeys),Anas spp. andCairina moschata (ducks) andAnser anser dom. (geese). Domestic birds of the speciesCoturnix spp. (quails),Phasianus spp . (pheasants),Numida meleagris dom. (guinea-fowl),Columbinae spp. (pigeons), andStruthio camelus (ostriches) are included. It excludes, however, birds raised in confinement for hunting purposes and not for meat production;8. the term "slaughterhouse" means an officially registered and approved establishment used for slaughtering and dressing animals whose meat is intended for human consumption.
(a) 15 September of the same year for the May/June statistics; (b) 15 February of the following year for the November/December statistics.
(a) 15 October of the same year for the May/June statistics; (b) 15 May of the following year for the November/December statistics.
(a) on slaughtering in slaughterhouses within 60 days following the reference period; (b) on slaughtering carried out other than in slaughterhouses before 30 June of the following year.
(a) three semesters for bovine animals and four quarters for pigs for Member States that produce forecasts twice a year; (b) four semesters for bovine animals and six quarters for pigs for Member States that produce forecasts once a year; (c) two semesters for sheep and goats.
(a) before 15 February for forecasts for bovine animals from the beginning of the first semester of the current year to the end of the first semester of the following year, and before 15 September for forecasts from the beginning of the second semester of the current year to the end of the second semester of the following year for Member States that produce forecasts twice a year; (b) before 15 February for forecasts for bovine animals from the beginning of the first semester of the current year to the end of the second semester of the following year for Member States that produce forecasts once a year; (c) before 15 February for forecasts for pigs from the beginning of the first quarter to the end of the fourth quarter of the current year, and before 15 September for forecasts from the beginning of the third quarter of the current year to the end of the second quarter of the following year for Member States that produce forecasts twice a year; (d) before 15 February for forecasts for pigs from the beginning of the first quarter of the current year to the end of the second quarter of the following year for Member States that produce forecasts once a year; (e) before 15 February for forecasts for sheep and goats from the beginning of the first semester of the current year to the end of the second semester of the current year.
(a) "relevance" shall refer to the degree to which statistics meet current and potential needs of the users; (b) "accuracy" shall refer to the closeness of estimates to the unknown true values; (c) "timeliness" shall refer to the time lag between the availability of the information and the event or phenomenon it describes; (d) "punctuality" shall refer to the time lag between the date of the release of the data and the target date when it should have been delivered; (e) "accessibility" and "clarity" shall refer to the conditions and modalities by which users can obtain, use and interpret data; (f) "comparability" shall refer to the measurement of the impact of differences in applied statistical concepts and measurement tools and procedures when statistics are compared between geographical areas, sectoral domains or over time; and (g) "coherence" shall refer to the adequacy of the data to be reliably combined in different ways and for various uses.
(a) the organisation of the surveys covered by this Regulation and the methodology applied; (b) the level of precision achieved for the sample surveys referred to in this Regulation; (c) the quality of sources other than surveys which are used; and (d) the quality of the forecasts referred to in this Regulation.
Annex II | Annexes IV and V | |
Calves | Bovine animals aged 8 months or under | |
Young cattle | Bovine animals aged over 8 but not over 12 months | |
Calves and young cattle for slaughter | Calves and young cattle aged not over 12 months old for slaughter | |
Bulls | Non-castrated male bovine animals not included under calves and young cattle | |
Bullocks | Castrated male bovine animals not included under calves and young cattle | |
Heifers | Female bovine animals that have not yet calved and which are not included under calves and young cattle | Female bovine animals that have not yet calved and which are not included under calves and young cattle |
Heifers for slaughter | Heifers raised for meat production | |
Other heifers | Heifers raised for breeding and intended to replace dairy or other cows | |
Cows | Female bovine animals that have calved (including any aged under two years) | Female bovine animals that have calved |
Dairy cows | Cows kept exclusively or principally for the production of milk for human consumption and/or for processing into dairy products, including cull cows for slaughter (whether fattened or not between last lactation and slaughter) | |
Other cows | Cows other than dairy cows, possibly including any draught cows |
(a) for bovine animals means the whole body of a slaughtered animal as presented after bleeding, evisceration and skinning, presented without the head (separated from the carcass at the atloido-occipital joint); without the feet (severed at the carpametacarpal or tarsometatarsal joints); without the organs contained in the thoracic and abdominal cavities with or without the kidneys, the kidney fat and the pelvic fat; and without the sexual organs and the attached muscles and without the udder or the mammary fat; (b) for pigs means the body of a slaughtered pig, bled and eviscerated, whole or divided down the mid-line, without tongue, bristles, hooves, sexual organs, flare fat, kidneys and diaphragm; (c) for sheep and goats means the whole body of a slaughtered animal as presented after bleeding, evisceration and skinning, presented without the head (separated at the atloido-occipital joint); without the feet (severed at the carpametacarpal or tarsometatarsal joints); without the tail (severed between the sixth and seventh caudal vertebrae); without the organs contained in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (except the kidneys and kidney fat); and without the udder and sexual organs; the kidneys and kidney fat are part of the carcass; (d) for poultry means the animal plucked and drawn, without head and feet and without neck, heart, liver and gizzard, known as "65 % chicken", or otherwise presented.
bovine animals aged not over 1 year: -
calves and young cattle for slaughter other: -
male female
bovine animals aged over 1 year but under 2 years (except females that have calved): -
male female (heifers; animals that have not yet calved): -
animals for slaughter other
bovine animals of 2 years and over: -
male female: -
heifers: -
heifers for slaughter other
cows (bovine animals that have calved, including those that are under 2 years old): -
dairy cows other
buffaloes: -
female breeding buffaloes other buffaloes
piglets with a live weight of less than 20 kg pigs with a live weight of 20 kg or more but less than 50 kg fattening pigs, including cull boars and cull sows with a live weight: -
of 50 kg or more but less than 80 kg of 80 kg or more but less than 110 kg of 110 kg or more
breeding pigs with a live weight of 50 kg and over: -
boars covered sows, of which: -
sows covered for the first time
other sows, of which: -
gilts not yet covered
ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram: -
milk ewes and milk ewe lambs put to the ram other ewes and ewe lambs put to the ram
other sheep
goats which have already kidded and goats which have been mated: -
goats which have already kidded goats mated for the first time
other goats
(a) 1 % of the total number of bovine animals (5 % where the bovine-animal population is below 1000000 head); (b) 1,5 % of the total number of cows (5 % where the cow population is below500000 head);(c) 2 % of the total number of pigs (5 % where the pig population is below 1000000 head); and(d) 2 % of the total number of sheep and of goats (5 % where the sheep and the goat population is below 1000000 head).
calves young cattle heifers cows bulls bullocks
lambs others
chickens turkeys ducks others
calves and young cattle heifers cows bulls and bullocks