No | Element or attribute name | Code | Description and content | Compulsory (C)/ Compulsory if (CIF)/ Optional (O) |
45 | ERS message | | | |
46 | Start of message | ERS | Tag indicating start of the ERS message | C |
47 | Message (record) number | RN | Serial number of the message (format AAAYYYYMMDD999999) | C |
48 | Message (record) date | RD | Date of transmission of the message (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
49 | Message (record) time | RT | Time of retransmission of the message (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
50 | | | | |
51 | Logbook declaration: LOG | | LOG is a Logbook declaration | |
52 | The following attributes need to be specified | | The LOG contains one or more of the following declarations DEP, FAR, RLC, TRA, COE, COX, ENT, EXI, CRO, TRZ, INS, DIS, PNO, EOF, RTP, LAN | |
53 | Start of log record | LOG | Tag indicating start of the logbook record | C |
54 | Vessel’s Community Fleet Register (CFR) number | IR | With format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a number | C |
55 | Vessel’s main identification | RC | International radio call sign | CIF CFR not up to date |
56 | Vessel’s external identification | XR | Side (hull) registration number of the vessel | O |
57 | Name of vessel | NA | Name of the vessel | O |
58 | Name of the master | MA | Name of the master (any change during trip to be sent in next LOG transmission) | C |
59 | Master address | MD | Address of master (any change during trip to be sent in next LOG transmission) | C |
60 | Country of registration | FS | Flag state of vessel registration. ISO alpha-3 country code | C |
61 | | | | |
62 | DEP: declaration element | | Required on every departure from port, to be sent in next message | |
63 | Start of Departure declaration | DEP | Tag indicating start of the departure from port declaration | C |
64 | Date | DA | Date of departure (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
65 | Time | TI | Time of departure (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
66 | Port name | PO | Port code (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code).Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at: | C |
67 | Anticipated activity | AA | Code list to be found at: | CIF effort reporting required for intended activity |
68 | Gear on board | GEA | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of GEA) | C |
69 | Catch on board sub-declaration (list of species SPE sub-declarations) | SPE | (see details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | CIF catch on board the vessel |
70 | | | | |
71 | FAR: fishing activity declaration | | Required by midnight on each day at sea or in response to request from the flag state | |
72 | Start of Fishing Activity Report declaration | FAR | Tag indicating start of a fishing activity report declaration | C |
73 | Last report marker | LR | Marker that indicates that this is the last FAR report that will be sent (LR=1) | CIF last message |
74 | Inspection marker | IS | Marker that indicates this fishing activity report was received following an inspection carried out onboard the vessel. (IS=1) | CIF inspection occurred |
75 | Date | DA | Date for which fishing activities being reported whilst vessel at sea (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
76 | Time | TI | Start time of fishing activity (HH:MM in UTC) | O |
77 | Relevant area sub-declaration | RAS | Specified if no catch was made (for effort purposes). List of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS). | CIF when no SPE to record |
78 | Fishing Operations | FO | Number of fishing operations | O |
79 | Fishing Time | DU | Duration of fishing activity in minutes - defined as fishing time equals the number of hours spent at sea, minus the time spent in transit to, between and returning from the fishing grounds, dodging, inactive or waiting for repair | CIF required |
80 | Gear sub-declaration | GEA | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of GEA) | CIF any undertaken |
81 | Gear loss sub-declaration | GLS | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of GLS) | CIF required by the rules |
82 | Catch sub-declaration (list of species SPE sub-declarations) | SPE | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | CIF any fish caught |
83 | | | | |
84 | RLC: relocation declaration | | Used when catch (all or parts thereof) is transferred or moved from shared fishing gear to a vessel or from a vessel’s hold or its fishing gear to a keep net, container or cage (outside the vessel) in which the live catch is kept until landing | |
85 | Start of Relocation declaration | RLC | Tag indicating start of a relocation declaration | C |
86 | Date | DA | Date of catch relocation whilst vessel at sea (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
87 | Time | TI | Time of relocation (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
88 | Receiving vessel CFR number | IR | With format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a number | CIF joint fishing operation and EU vessel |
89 | Receiving vessel radio call sign | TT | International radio call sign of the receiving vessel | CIF joint fishing operation |
90 | Flag state of receiving vessel | TC | Flag state of vessel taking the catch (ISO alpha-3 country code) | CIF joint fishing operation |
91 | Other Partner Vessel(s) CFR numbers | RF | With format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a number | CIF joint fishing operation and partner is EU vessel |
92 | Other Partner vessel(s) radio call signs | TF | International radio call sign of the partner vessel(s) | CIF joint fishing operation and other partners |
93 | Flag state(s) of other partner vessel(s) | FC | Flag state of the partner vessel(s) (ISO alpha-3 country code) | CIF joint fishing operation and other partners |
94 | Relocated to | RT | 3 letter code for relocation destination (Keep net: KNE, cage: CGE, etc) Codes to be found at: | CIF |
95 | POS sub declaration | POS | Location of transfer (See details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | C |
96 | Catch sub-declaration (list of species SPE sub-declarations) | SPE | Amount of fish relocated (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | C |
97 | | | | |
98 | TRA: transhipment declaration | | For every transhipment of catch, declaration required from both donor and recipient | |
99 | Start of Transhipment declaration | TRA | Tag indicating start of a transhipment declaration | C |
100 | Date | DA | Start of TRA (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
101 | Time | TI | Start of TRA (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
102 | Relevant area sub-declaration | RAS | The geographical area in which the transhipment took place.The list of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS). | CIF took place at sea |
103 | Port name | PO | Port code (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code).Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at: | CIF took place in port |
104 | Receiving vessel’s CFR number | IR | With format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of registration within the EU and X being a letter or a number | CIF European Union fishing vessel |
105 | Transhipment: receiving vessel | TT | If donor vessel - International radio call sign of the receiving vessel | C |
106 | Transhipment: flag state of receiving vessel | TC | If donor vessel - Flag state of vessel receiving the transhipment (ISO alpha-3 country code) | C |
107 | Donor Vessel’s CFR number | RF | With format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a number | CIF European Union fishing vessel |
108 | Transhipment: (donor) vessel | TF | If receiving vessel - International radio call sign of the donor vessel | C |
109 | Transhipment: flag state of donor vessel | FC | If receiving vessel - Flag state of the donor vessel (ISO alpha-3 country code) | C |
110 | POS sub declaration | POS | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | CIF required (NEAFC, NAFO waters or bluefin tuna fishery) |
111 | Catch transhipped (list of species SPE sub-declarations) | SPE | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | C |
112 | | | | |
113 | COE: entry in zone declaration | | If fishing in stock recovery area or Western Waters | |
114 | Start of Effort declaration: Entry in zone | COE | Tag indicating start of an declaration on entry into the effort zone | C |
115 | Date | DA | Date of entry(YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
116 | Time | TI | Time of entry(HH:MM in UTC) | C |
117 | Target specie(s) | TS | Species to be targeted whilst in zone (Demersal, Pelagic, Scallops, Crabs).List of codes to be found at: | C |
118 | Relevant area sub-declaration | RAS | Geographical location of the vessel.The list of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS). | C |
119 | Catch on board sub-declaration (list of species SPE sub-declarations) | SPE | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | O |
120 | | | | |
121 | COX: exit from zone declaration | | If fishing in stock recovery area or Western Waters | |
122 | Start of Effort declaration: Exit out of zone | COX | Tag indicating start of a declaration on exit of the effort zone | C |
123 | Date | DA | Date of exit (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
124 | Time | TI | Time of exit (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
125 | Target specie(s) | TS | Species to be targeted whilst in zone (Demersal, Pelagic, Scallops, Crabs). List of codes to be found at: | CIF not conducting other fishing activities |
126 | Relevant area sub-declaration | RAS | Geographical location of the vessel. The list of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS). | CIF not conducting other fishing activities |
127 | Position sub-declaration | POS | Position of exit (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | C |
128 | Catch taken sub-declaration | SPE | Catch taken whilst in zone (see details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | O |
129 | | | | |
130 | CRO: crossing of zone declaration | | If crossing Stock Recovery or Western Water zones | |
131 | Start of Effort declaration: Crossing of a zone | CRO | Tag indicating start of a declaration on crossing the effort zone (no fishing operation). Only DA TI POS needs to be specified in COE and COX declarations | C |
132 | Entry in zone declaration | COE | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of COE) | C |
133 | Exit from zone declaration | COX | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of COX) | C |
134 | | | | |
135 | TRZ: trans-zonal fishing declaration | | If carrying out Trans-zonal fishing | |
136 | Start of Effort declaration: Trans-zonal fishing | TRZ | Tag indicating start of a declaration on trans-zonal fishing | C |
137 | Entry declaration | COE | First entry (see details of sub-elements and attributes of COE) | C |
138 | Exit declaration | COX | Last exit (see details of sub-elements and attributes of COX) | C |
139 | | | | |
140 | INS: inspection declaration | | To be provided by the authorities, but not the master | |
141 | Start of inspection declaration | INS | Tag indicating start of an inspection sub-declaration | O |
142 | Country of inspection | IC | ISO alpha-3 country code | C |
143 | Assigned inspector | IA | For each state to provide a 4 digit number identifying their inspector | C |
144 | Date | DA | Date of inspection (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
145 | Time | TI | Time of inspection (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
146 | Position sub-declaration | POS | Position of inspection (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | C |
147 | | | | |
148 | DIS: discard declaration | | | CIF required (NEAFC, NAFO) |
149 | Start of Discard declaration | DIS | Tag containing details of fish discarded | C |
150 | Date | DA | Date of discard (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
151 | Time | TI | Time of discard (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
152 | Position sub-declaration | POS | Position when discarded (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | C |
153 | Discarded fish sub-declaration | SPE | Discarded fish (see details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | C |
154 | | | | |
155 | PNO: prior notification of return declaration | | To be transmitted prior to return to port or if required by Community rules | CIF required |
156 | Start of Prior Notification | PNO | Tag indicating start of a Prior Notification declaration | C |
157 | Predicted date of arrival to port | PD | Intended Date of arrival/crossing (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
158 | Predicted time of arrival to port | PT | Intended Time of arrival/crossing (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
159 | Port name | PO | Port code (2 letter country code (ISO alpha-2 country code) + 3 letter port code). Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at: | C |
160 | Relevant area sub-declaration | RAS | Fishing area to be used for prior notification of cod. List of codes for fishing and effort/conservation areas to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS). | CIF in the Baltic sea |
161 | Predicted date | DA | Intended Date of landing (YYYY-MM-DD) in the Baltic for exiting area | CIF in the Baltic sea |
162 | Predicted time | TI | Intended Time of landing (HH:MM in UTC) in the Baltic for exiting area | CIF in the Baltic sea |
163 | Catch on Board sub-declarations (list of species SPE sub-declarations) | SPE | Catch on board (if pelagic need ICES zone). (see details of the sub-declaration SPE) | C |
164 | Position sub-declaration | POS | Position for entering/leaving area/zone. (See details of sub-elements and attributes of POS). | CIF |
165 | | | | |
166 | EOF: end of fishing declaration | | To be transmitted immediately after last fishing operation and before returning to port and landing fish | |
167 | Start of Sign off of catch declaration | EOF | Tag indicating completion of fishing operations prior to return to port | C |
168 | Date | DA | Date signed off (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
169 | Time | TI | Time signed off (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
170 | | | | |
171 | RTP: return to port declaration | | To be transmitted on entry into port, after any PNO declaration and before landing any fish | |
172 | Start of Return to port declaration | RTP | Tag indicating the return to the harbour at the end of the fishing trip | C |
173 | Date | DA | Date of return (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
174 | Time | TI | Time of return (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
175 | Port name | PO | Port code (ISO alpha-2 country code + 3 letter port code) list (CCPPP) to be found at: | C |
176 | Reason for return | RE | Reason for returning to port (e.g. sheltering, taking on stores, landing.) The list of reason codes to be found a: | CIF |
177 | Gear onboard | GEA | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of GEA). | O |
178 | | | | |
179 | LAN: landing declaration | | To be transmitted after landing of catch | |
180 | Start of Landing declaration | LAN | Tag indicating start of a landing declaration | C |
181 | Date | DA | (YYYY-MM-DD – date of landing | C |
182 | Time | TI | HH:MM in UTC – time of landing | C |
183 | Sender type | TS | 3 letter code (MAS: master, REP:his representative,AGE: agent) | C |
184 | Port name | PO | Port code (2 letter country code (ISO alpha-2 country code) + 3 letter port code). Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at: | C |
185 | Catch landed sub-declaration (list of SPE with PRO sub-declarations) | SPE | Species, fishing areas, landed weights, related gears and presentations (see details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | C |
186 | | | | |
187 | POS: position sub-declaration | | | |
188 | Start of Position sub-declaration | POS | Tag containing coordinates of the geographical position | C |
189 | Latitude (decimal) | LT | Latitude expressed in accordance with the WGS84 format used for VMS | C |
190 | Longitude (decimal) | LG | Longitude expressed in accordance with the WGS84 format used for VMS | C |
191 | | | | |
192 | GEA: gear deployment sub-declaration | | | |
193 | Start of Gear deployment sub-declaration | GEA | Tag containing coordinates of the geographical position | C |
194 | Gear type | GE | Gear code according to FAO’s "International Standard Statistical Classification of the Fishing Gear" | C |
195 | Mesh Size | ME | Size of mesh (in millimetres) | CIF gear has mesh subject to size requirement |
196 | Gear Capacity | GC | Gear size and number | CIF required for type of gear deployed |
197 | Fishing operations | FO | Number of fishing operations (hauls) per 24 hour period | CIF if vessel licensed to fish deep sea stocks |
198 | Fishing time | DU | Number of hours the gear was deployed | CIF if vessel licensed to fish deep sea stocks |
199 | Gear shot sub-declaration | GES | Gear shot sub-declaration (see details of sub-elements and attributes of GES) | CIF required (vessel uses static or fixed gear) |
200 | Gear retrieved sub-declaration | GER | Gear retrieved sub-declaration (see details of sub-elements and attributes of GER) | CIF required (vessel uses static or fixed gear) |
201 | Gillnet deployment sub-declaration | GIL | Gillnet deployment sub-declaration (see details of sub-elements and attributes of GIL) | CIF vessel has permits for ICES Zones IIIa, Iva, Ivb, Vb, Via, Vib, VIIb, c, j, k and XII |
202 | Fishing depths | FD | A distance from water surface to the lowest part of the fishing gear (in metres). Applies to vessels using towed gear, long lines and fixed nets | CIF deep sea fishing and in Norwegian waters |
203 | Average number of hooks used on longlines | NH | The average number of hooks used on the long lines | CIF deep sea fishing and in Norwegian waters |
204 | The average length of the nets | GL | The average length of nets when using fixed nets (in metres) | CIF deep sea fishing and in Norwegian waters |
205 | The average height of the nets | GD | The average height of nets when using fixed nets (in metres) | CIF deep sea fishing and in Norwegian waters |
206 | | | | |
207 | GES: gear shot sub-declaration | | | CIF required by the rules |
208 | Start of Position sub-declaration | GES | Tag containing gear shot info | C |
209 | Date | DA | Date gear shot (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
210 | Time | TI | Time gear shot (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
211 | POS sub-declaration | POS | Position where gear shot (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | C |
212 | | | | |
213 | GER: gear retrieved sub-declaration | | | CIF required by the rules |
214 | Start of Position sub-declaration | GER | Tag containing gear retrieved info | C |
215 | Date | DA | Date gear retrieved (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
216 | Time | TI | Time gear retrieved (HH:MM in UTC) | C |
217 | POS sub-declaration | POS | Position where gear retrieved (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | C |
218 | | | | |
219 | GIL Gillnet deployment sub-declaration | | | CIF vessel has permits for ICES Zones IIIa, Iva, Ivb, Vb, Via, Vib, VIIb, c, j, k and XII |
220 | Start of Gillnet sub-declaration | GIL | Tag starting gillnet deployment | |
221 | Nominal length of one net | NL | Information required to be recorded during each fishing trip (in metres) | C |
222 | Number of nets | NN | Number of nets in a fleet | C |
223 | Number of fleets | FL | Number of fleets deployed | C |
224 | POS sub –declaration | POS | Position of each fleet deployment (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | C |
225 | Depth of each fleet deployed | FD | Depth for each fleet deployed (a distance from water surface to the lowest part of the fishing gear) | C |
226 | Soak time of each fleet deployed | ST | Soak time for each fleet deployed (hours) | C |
227 | | | | |
228 | GLS: gear loss sub-declaration | | Loss of fixed Gear | CIF required by the rules |
229 | Start of GLS sub declaration | GLS | Data on fixed gear lost | |
230 | Date gear lost | DA | Date gear lost (YYYY-MM-DD) | C |
231 | Number of units | NN | Number of gears lost | CIF |
232 | POS sub-declaration | POS | Last known position of gear (see details of sub-elements and attributes of POS) | CIF |
233 | | | | |
234 | RAS: Relevant area sub declaration | RAS | Relevant area depending on the relevant reporting requirement – at least one field should be filled in. List of codes will be placed at the EC website with a location to be specified. | CIF |
235 | FAO area | FA | FAO area (e.g. 27) | CIF |
236 | FAO (ICES) sub-area | SA | FAO (ICES) sub-area (e.g. 3) | CIF |
237 | FAO (ICES) division | ID | FAO (ICES) division (e.g. d) | CIF |
238 | FAO (ICES) sub- division | SD | FAO (ICES) sub-division (e.g. 24) (Meaning together with the above 27.3.d.24) | CIF |
239 | Economic zone | EZ | Economic zone | CIF |
240 | Ices statistical rectangle | SR | ICES statistical rectangle (e.g. 49E6) | CIF |
241 | Fishing effort zone | FE | List of codes to be found at: | CIF |
242 | | | | |
243 | SPE: species sub-declaration | | Aggregate quantity by species | |
244 | Start of SPE sub-declaration | SPE | Details of fish caught by species | C |
245 | Species name | SN | Name of the species (FAO alpha-3 code) | C |
246 | Weight of fish | WT | Depending on context this item to be either- 1.Total weight of fish (in kilograms) in catch period
- 2.Total weight of fish (in kilograms) on board (aggregate) or
- 3.Total weight of fish (in kilograms) landed
- 4.Total weight of fish discarded or used as a life bait
| CIF species not counted; in bluefin tuna fishery |
247 | Number of fish | NF | Number of fish (when catch have to be registered in numbers of fish i.e. salmon, tuna) | CIF salmon, tuna fishery |
248 | Quantity held in nets | NQ | Estimate of quantity held in nets i.e. not in hold | CIF life tuna |
249 | Number held in nets | NB | Estimate of number of fish held in nets i.e. not in hold | CIF life tuna |
250 | Relevant area sub-declaration | RAS | The geographical area in which the majority of the catch was taken.List of codes to be found at: (See details of sub-elements and attributes of RAS). | C |
251 | Gear type | GE | Letter code according to FAO’s "International Standard Statistical Classification of the Fishing Gear" | CIF landing declaration for certain species and catch areas only |
252 | Processing sub-declaration | PRO | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of PRO) | CIF for landing (transhipment) declaration |
253 | | | | |
254 | PRO: processing sub-declaration | | Processing/presentation for each specie landed | |
255 | Start of Processing sub-declaration | PRO | Tag containing fish processing details | C |
256 | Fish freshness category | FF | Fish freshness category ( A, B, E, V, SO) | CIF Sales Note |
257 | State of preservation | PS | Letter code for the state of the fish e.g. live, frozen, salted. List of codes to be found at: | C |
258 | Presentation of fish | PR | Letter code for the product presentation (reflects manner of processing): use codes found at: | C |
259 | Processing’s type of packaging | TY | 3 letter code (CRT=cartons, BOX=boxes, BGS=bags, BLC=blocks) | CIF for TRA, O for LAN |
260 | Number of packing units | NN | Number of packing units: cartoons, boxes, bags, containers, blocks etc | CIF for TRA, O for LAN |
261 | Av weight per unit of packing | AW | Product weight (kg) | CIF for TRA, O for LAN |
262 | Conversion factor | CF | A numerical factor that is applied to convert fish processed weight into fish live weight | O |
263 | | | | |
264 | Sales note declaration: SAL | | SAL is a Sales message | |
265 | The following attributes need to be specified | | A Sale message may be either a Sales Note line or a Take-over line | |
266 | Start of sales record | SAL | Tag indicating start of sales record | C |
267 | Vessel’s Community Fleet Register number | IR | With format AAAXXXXXXXXX where A is an uppercase letter being the country of first registration within the EU and X being a letter or a number | C |
268 | Vessel’s call sign | RC | International radio call sign | CIF CFR not up to date |
269 | Vessel’s external identification | XR | Side (hull) number of registration of the vessel that landed the fish | O |
270 | Country of registration | FS | ISO alpha-3 country code | C |
271 | Name of vessel | NA | Name of the vessel that landed the fish | O |
272 | SLI declaration | SLI | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SLI) | CIF sale |
273 | TLI declaration | TLI | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of TLI) | CIF take-over |
274 | | | | |
275 | SLI: sales line declaration | | | |
276 | Start of Sales line declaration | SLI | Tag containing details of a consignment sale | C |
277 | Date | DA | Date of the sale (YYYY-MM-DD). | C |
278 | Sale country | SC | Country where the sale took place (ISO alpha-3 country code) | C |
279 | Sale location | SL | Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at: | C |
280 | Name of seller | NS | Name of auction centre, other body or person selling the fish | C |
281 | Name of buyer | NB | Name of body or person buying the fish | C |
282 | Sales contract reference number | CN | Sales contract reference number | O |
283 | Source document sub-declaration | SRC | (See details of sub-declaration and attributes of SRC) | C |
284 | Consignment sold sub declaration | CSS | (See details of sub-declaration and attributes of CSS) | C |
285 | | | | |
286 | SRC sub declaration | | Flag state authorities shall track back the source document based on the vessel’s logbook and landing data | |
287 | Start of Source document sub-declaration | SRC | Tag containing details of the source document for the consignment sold | C |
288 | Date of landing | DL | Date of landing (YYYY-MM-DD). | C |
289 | Country and Port name | PO | Country and Port name for place of landing. Country Port code list (CCPPP) to be found at: | C |
290 | | | | |
291 | CSS sub-declaration | | | |
292 | Start of Consignment sold sub declaration | CSS | Tag containing details of the item sold | C |
293 | Fish price | FP | Price per Kg | C |
294 | Currency of sale | CR | Currency of price of sale. - List of currency symbols/codes will be placed at the EC web site with a location to be specified | C |
295 | Fish size category | SF | Size of fish (1-8; one size or kg, g, cm, mm or number of fish per kg as appropriate) | CIF |
296 | Product destination (purpose) | PP | Codes for human consumption, carry-over, industrial purposes | CIF |
297 | Withdrawn | WD | Withdrawn through a Producers Organisation (Y-yes, N-no, T – temporarily) | C |
298 | P.O. Use code | OP | List of codes will be placed at the EC web site with a location to be specified | O |
299 | Species in the consignment | SPE | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | C |
300 | TLI: take-over declaration | | | |
301 | Start of TLI declaration | TLI | Tag for details of take-over event | C |
302 | Date | DA | Date of the take-over (YYYY-MM-DD). | C |
303 | Take-over country | SC | Country where the Take-over took place (ISO alpha-3 country code) | C |
304 | Take-over location | SL | Port code or place name (if not in port) where the take-over took place – list to be found at the EC web site with a location to be specified | C |
305 | Name of take-over organisation | NT | Name of the organisation that took-over the fish | C |
306 | Take-over contract reference number | CN | Take-over contract reference number | O |
307 | SRC sub declaration | SRC | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SRC) | C |
308 | Consignment taken over sub declaration | CST | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of CST) | C |
309 | | | | |
310 | CST sub declaration | | | |
311 | Start of line for each consignment taken over | CST | Tag containing detail line for each species taken over | C |
312 | Fish size category | SF | Size of fish (1-8; one size or kg, g, cm, mm or number of fish per kg as appropriate) | O |
313 | Species in the consignment | SPE | (See details of sub-elements and attributes of SPE) | C |