Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 of 29 September 2008 establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, amending Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93, (EC) No 1936/2001 and (EC) No 601/2004 and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1093/94 and (EC) No 1447/1999
Modified by
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1010/2009of 22 October 2009laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, 32009R1010, October 27, 2009
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 86/2010of 29 January 2010amending Annex I to Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 as regards the definition of fishery products and amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 1010/2009 as regards exchange of information on inspections of third country vessels and administrative arrangements on catch certificates, 32010R0086, January 30, 2010
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 of 29 September 2008 establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, amending Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93, (EC) No 1936/2001 and (EC) No 601/2004 and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1093/94 and (EC) No 1447/1999, 32008R1005R(02), January 26, 2011
1. "illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing" or "IUU fishing" means fishing activities which are illegal, unreported or unregulated; 2. "illegal fishing" means fishing activities: -
(a) conducted by national or foreign fishing vessels in maritime waters under the jurisdiction of a State, without the permission of that State, or in contravention of its laws and regulations; (b) conducted by fishing vessels flying the flag of States that are contracting parties to a relevant regional fisheries management organisation, but which operate in contravention of the conservation and management measures adopted by that organisation and by which those States are bound, or of relevant provisions of the applicable international law; or (c) conducted by fishing vessels in violation of national laws or international obligations, including those undertaken by cooperating States to a relevant regional fisheries management organisation;
3. "unreported fishing" means fishing activities: -
(a) which have not been reported, or have been misreported, to the relevant national authority, in contravention of national laws and regulations; or (b) which have been undertaken in the area of competence of a relevant regional fisheries management organisation and have not been reported, or have been misreported, in contravention of the reporting procedures of that organisation;
4. "unregulated fishing" means fishing activities: -
(a) conducted in the area of application of a relevant regional fisheries management organisation by fishing vessels without nationality, by fishing vessels flying the flag of a State not party to that organisation or by any other fishing entity, in a manner that is not consistent with or contravenes the conservation and management measures of that organisation; or (b) conducted in areas or for fish stocks in relation to which there are no applicable conservation or management measures by fishing vessels in a manner that is not consistent with State responsibilities for the conservation of living marine resources under international law;
5. "fishing vessel" means any vessel of any size used or intended for use for the purposes of commercial exploitation of fishery resources, including support ships, fish processing vessels, vessels engaged in transhipment and carrier vessels equipped for the transportation of fishery products, except container vessels; 6. "Community fishing vessel" means a fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State and registered in the Community; 7. "fishing authorisation" means entitlement to engage in fishing activities during a specified period, in a given area or for a given fishery; 8. "fishery products" mean any products which fall under Chapter 03 and Tariff headings 1604 and1605 of the Combined Nomenclature established by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff , with the exception of the products listed in Annex I of this Regulation;OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1 .9. "conservation and management measures" mean measures to conserve and manage one or more species of living marine resources and that are adopted and in force in accordance with the relevant rules of international and/or Community law; 10. "transhipment" means the unloading of all or any fishery products on board a fishing vessel to another fishing vessel; 11. "importation" means the introduction of fishery products into the territory of the Community, including for transhipment purposes at ports in its territory; 12. "indirect importation" means the importation from the territory of a third country other than the flag State of the fishing vessel responsible for the catch; 13. "exportation" means any movement to a third country of fishery products harvested by fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State, including from the territory of the Community, from third countries or from fishing grounds; 14. "re-exportation" means any movement from the territory of the Community of fishery products which had been previously imported into the territory of the Community; 15. "regional fisheries management organisation" means a subregional, regional or a similar organisation with competence, as recognised under international law, to establish conservation and management measures for living marine resources placed under its responsibility by virtue of the convention or agreement by which it was established; 16. "contracting party" means a contracting party to the international convention or agreement establishing a regional fisheries management organisation, as well as States, fishing entities or any other entities that cooperate with such an organisation and have been granted cooperating non-contracting party status with respect to such an organisation; 17. "sighting" means any observation by a Member State's competent authority responsible for inspection at sea, or by the master of a Community or third country fishing vessel of a fishing vessel that may fall under one or several of the criteria referred to in Article 3(1); 18. "joint fishing operation" means any operation between two or more fishing vessels where catch is transferred from the fishing gear of one fishing vessel to another or where the technique used by those fishing vessels requires one common fishing gear; 19. "legal person" means any legal entity having such status under the applicable national law, with the exception of States or public bodies in the exercise of State authority and public organisations; 20. "risk" means the likelihood of an event that may occur, with regard to fishery products imported into or exported from the territory of the Community, which prevents the correct application of this Regulation or of the conservation and management measures; 21. "risk management" means the systematic identification of risk and the implementation of all measures necessary for limiting exposure to risk. This includes activities such as collecting data and information, analysing and assessing risk, prescribing and taking action, and regular monitoring and review of the process and its outcomes, based on international, Community or national sources or strategies; 22. "high seas" means all the part of the sea as defined in Article 86 of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (Unclos); 23. "consignment" means products which are either sent simultaneously from one exporter to one consignee or covered by a single transport document covering their shipment from the exporter to the consignee.
(a) fished without a valid licence, authorisation or permit issued by the flag State or the relevant coastal State; or (b) not fulfilled its obligations to record and report catch or catch-related data, including data to be transmitted by satellite vessel monitoring system, or prior notices under Article 6; or (c) fished in a closed area, during a closed season, without or after attainment of a quota or beyond a closed depth; or (d) engaged in directed fishing for a stock which is subject to a moratorium or for which fishing is prohibited; or (e) used prohibited or non-compliant fishing gear; or (f) falsified or concealed its markings, identity or registration; or (g) concealed, tampered with or disposed of evidence relating to an investigation; or (h) obstructed the work of officials in the exercise of their duties in inspecting for compliance with the applicable conservation and management measures; or the work of observers in the exercise of their duties of observing compliance with the applicable Community rules; or (i) taken on board, transhipped or landed undersized fish in contravention of the legislation in force; or (j) transhipped or participated in joint fishing operations with, supported or re-supplied other fishing vessels identified as having engaged in IUU fishing under this Regulation, in particular those included in the Community IUU vessel list or in the IUU vessel list of a regional fisheries management organisation; or (k) carried out fishing activities in the area of a regional fisheries management organisation in a manner inconsistent with or in contravention of the conservation and management measures of that organisation and is flagged to a State not party to that organisation, or not cooperating with that organisation as established by that organisation; or (l) no nationality and is therefore a stateless vessel, in accordance with international law.
(a) vessel identification; (b) name of the designated port of destination and the purposes of the call, landing, transhipment or access to services; (c) fishing authorisation or, where appropriate, authorisation to support fishing operations or to tranship fishery products; (d) dates of the fishing trip; (e) estimated date and time of arrival at port; (f) the quantities of each species retained on board or, where appropriate, a negative report; (g) the zone or zones where the catch was made or where transhipment took place, whether in Community waters, in zones under the jurisdiction or sovereignty of a third country or on the high seas; (h) the quantities for each species to be landed or transhipped.
(a) fishing vessels sighted in accordance with Article 48; (b) fishing vessels reported in the framework of a notification made under the Community alert system in accordance with Chapter IV; (c) fishing vessels identified by the Commission as presumed to have engaged in IUU fishing in accordance with Article 25; (d) fishing vessels appearing in a IUU vessel list adopted by a regional fisheries management organisation notified to Member States in accordance with Article 30.
(a) record the suspected infringement in the inspection report; (b) take all necessary action to ensure safekeeping of the evidence pertaining to such suspected infringement; (c) immediately forward the inspection report to the competent authority.
(a) the catch certificate(s) validated by the flag State; and (b) documented evidence that the fishery products did not undergo operations other than unloading, reloading or any operation designed to preserve them in good and genuine condition, and remained under the surveillance of the competent authorities in that third country. Documented evidence shall be provided by means of: -
(i) where appropriate, the single transport document issued to cover the passage from the territory of the flag State through that third country; or (ii) a document issued by the competent authorities of that third country: -
giving an exact description of the fishery products, the dates of unloading and reloading of the products and, where applicable, the names of the ships, or the other means of transport used, and indicating the conditions under which the fishery products remained in that third country.
Where the species concerned are subject to a regional fisheries management organisation catch documentation scheme which has been recognised under Article 13, the documents referred to above may be replaced by the re-export certificate of that catch documentation scheme, provided that the third country has fulfilled its notification requirements accordingly. -
(a) giving an exact description of the unprocessed and processed products and their respective quantities; (b) indicating that the processed products have been processed in that third country from catches accompanied by catch certificate(s) validated by the flag State; and (c) accompanied by: -
(i) the original catch certificate(s) where the totality of the catches concerned has been used for the processing of the fishery products exported in a single consignment; or (ii) a copy of the original catch certificate(s), where part of the catches concerned has been used for the processing of the fishery products exported in a single consignment.
(a) the establishment of the importer on the territory of that Member State; (b) a sufficient number and volume of import operations to justify the implementation of the procedure referred to in paragraph 2; (c) an appropriate record of compliance with the requirements of conservation and management measures; (d) a satisfactory system of managing commercial and, where appropriate, transport and processing records, which enables the appropriate checks and verifications to be carried out for the purposes of this Regulation; (e) the existence of facilities with regard to the conduct of those checks and verifications; (f) where appropriate, practical standards of competence or professional qualifications directly related to the activities carried out; and (g) where appropriate, proven financial solvency.
(a) the verifying authority of the Member State has grounds to question the authenticity of the catch certificate itself, of the validation seal or of the signature of the relevant authority of the flag State; or (b) the verifying authority of the Member State is in possession of information that questions the compliance by the fishing vessel with applicable laws, regulations or conservation and management measures, or the fulfilment of other requirements of this Regulation; or (c) fishing vessels, fishing companies or any other operators have been reported in connection with presumed IUU fishing, including those fishing vessels which have been reported to a regional fisheries management organisation under the terms of an instrument adopted by that organisation to establish lists of vessels presumed to have carried out illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; or (d) flag States or re-exporting countries have been reported to a regional fisheries management organisation under the terms of an instrument adopted by that organisation to implement trade measures vis-à-vis flag States; or (e) an alert notice has been published pursuant to Article 23(1).
(a) the request for assistance shall state the reasons why the competent authorities of the Member State in question have well-founded doubts as to the validity of the certificate, of the statements contained therein and/or the compliance of the products with conservation and management measures. A copy of the catch certificate and any information or documents suggesting that the information on the certificate is inaccurate shall be forwarded in support of the request for assistance. The request shall be sent without delay to the competent authorities of the flag State or of a third country other than the flag State as referred to in Article 14; (b) the procedure for verification shall be completed within 15 days of the date of the verification request. In the event that the competent authorities of the flag State concerned cannot meet the deadline, the verifying authorities in the Member State may, on request by the flag State or by a third country other than the flag State as referred to in Article 14 grant an extension of the deadline to reply, which shall not exceed a further 15 days.
(a) the importer has not been able to submit a catch certificate for the products concerned or to fulfil his obligations under Article 16(1) or (2); (b) the products intended for importation are not the same as those mentioned in the catch certificate; (c) the catch certificate is not validated by the public authority of the flag State referred to in Article 12(3); (d) the catch certificate does not indicate all the required information; (e) the importer is not in a position to prove that the fishery products comply with the conditions of Article 14(1) or (2); (f) a fishing vessel figuring on the catch certificate as vessel of origin of the catches is included in the Community IUU vessel list or in the IUU vessel lists referred to in Article 30; (g) the catch certificate has been validated by the authorities of a flag State identified as a non-cooperating State in accordance with Article 31.
(a) they have received a reply according to which the exporter was not entitled to request the validation of a catch certificate; or (b) they have received a reply according to which the products do not comply with the conservation and management measures, or other conditions under this Chapter are not met; or (c) they have not received a reply within the stipulated deadline; or (d) they have received a reply which does not provide pertinent answers to the questions raised in the request.
(a) it has in place national arrangements for the implementation, control and enforcement of laws, regulations and conservation and management measures which must be complied with by its fishing vessels; (b) its public authorities are empowered to attest the veracity of the information contained in catch certificates and to carry out verifications of such certificates on request from the Member States. The notification shall also include the necessary information to identify those authorities.
(a) ensure that fishery products imported into the Community originate from catches made in compliance with applicable laws, regulations or conservation and management measures; (b) facilitate the accomplishment by flag States of the formalities linked to the access to ports of fishing vessels, the importation of fishery products and the verification requirements of catch certificates established in Chapter II and this Chapter; (c) provide for the conduct of on-the-spot audits by the Commission or a body designated by it to verify the effective implementation of the cooperation arrangement; (d) provide for the establishment of a framework for the exchange of information between the two sides in support of the implementation of the cooperation arrangement.
(a) Member States which have notified their competent authorities to validate, check and verify catch certificates and re-export certificates in accordance with Articles 15, 16, 17 and 21, respectively; (b) flag States for which notifications have been received in accordance with Article 20(1), indicating those for which cooperation with third countries has been established in accordance with Article 20(4).
(a) identify the on-going consignments of fishery products to be imported which fall within the scope of the alert notice and carry out a verification of the catch certificate and, where appropriate, of the documents referred to in Article 14, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 17; (b) take measures to ensure that the future consignments of fishery products intended for importation which fall within the scope of the alert notice be submitted to the verification of the catch certificate, and, where appropriate, of the documents referred to in Article 14, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 17; (c) identify the previous consignments of fishery products which fall under the scope of the alert notice and carry out the appropriate verifications, including the verification of previously submitted catch certificates; (d) submit the fishing vessels which fall within the scope of the alert notice, in accordance with the rules of international law, to the necessary enquiries, investigations or inspections at sea, in ports or any other landing places.
(a) publish a notice to that effect on its website and in the Official Journal of the European Union annulling the earlier alert notice; (b) advise the flag State and, where appropriate, the third country other than the flag State as referred to in Article 14 of the annulment; and (c) advise Member States through appropriate channels.
(a) update the alert notice by a new publication on its website and in the Official Journal of the European Union ; (b) advise the flag State and, where appropriate, the third country other than the flag State as referred to in Article 14; (c) advise Member States through appropriate channels; and (d) where appropriate, refer the matter to the regional fisheries management organisation whose conservation and management measures might have been violated.
(a) publish a new alert notice to their effect on its website and in the Official Journal of the European Union ; (b) advise the flag State and undertake the appropriate proceedings and démarches in accordance with Chapters V and VI; (c) where appropriate, advise the third country other than the flag State as referred to in Article 14; (d) advise Member States through appropriate channels; and (e) where appropriate, refer the matter to the regional fisheries management organisation whose conservation and management measures might have been violated.
(a) all information on IUU fishing obtained in accordance with Chapters II, III, IV, VIII, X and XI; and/or (b) any other relevant information, as appropriate, such as: -
(i) the catch data; (ii) trade information obtained from national statistics and other reliable sources; (iii) vessel registers and databases; (iv) regional fisheries management organisation catch documents or statistical document programmes; (v) reports on sightings or other activities of fishing vessels presumed to be engaged in IUU fishing as referred to in Article 3 and IUU vessel lists reported or adopted by regional fisheries management organisations; (vi) reports under the terms of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 on fishing vessels presumed to be engaged in IUU fishing as referred to in Article 3; (vii) any other relevant information obtained, inter alia, in the ports and on the fishing grounds.
(a) provide all information gathered by the Commission on alleged IUU fishing; (b) issue an official request to the flag State that it takes all the necessary measures to investigate the alleged IUU fishing and share the results of this investigation with the Commission on a timely basis; (c) issue an official request to the flag State to take immediate enforcement action should the allegation formulated against the fishing vessel concerned be proven to be founded, and to inform the Commission of the measures taken; (d) ask the flag State to notify the owner and, where appropriate, the operator of the fishing vessel concerned of the detailed statement of reasons for the intended listing and of the consequences which would result should the fishing vessel be included in the Community IUU vessel list, as laid down in Article 37. Flag States shall also be requested to provide information to the Commission as to the fishing vessel's owners and, where appropriate, operators so as to ensure that such persons can be heard, in accordance with Article 27(2); (e) advise the flag State on the provisions in Chapters VI and VII.
(a) provide all information gathered by the Commission on alleged IUU fishing; (b) include an official request to the flag Member State to take all the necessary measures, in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 to investigate the alleged IUU fishing or, where appropriate, to report on all the measures already taken to investigate it and to share the results of this investigation with the Commission on a timely basis; (c) issue an official request to the flag Member State to take timely enforcement action should the allegation formulated against the fishing vessel concerned be proven to be founded, and to inform the Commission of the measures taken; (d) ask the flag Member State to notify the owner and, where appropriate, the operator of the fishing vessel concerned of the detailed statement of reasons for the intended listing and of the consequences which would result should the vessel be included in the Community IUU vessel list, as laid down in Article 37. Flag Member States shall also be requested to provide information to the Commission as to the fishing vessel's owners and, where appropriate, operators so as to ensure that such persons can be heard, in accordance with Article 27(2).
(a) notify the owner of the fishing vessel of its inclusion on the Community IUU vessel list, of the reasons justifying this inclusion and of the consequences resulting from it, as laid down in Article 37; and (b) take all the necessary measures to eliminate IUU fishing, including, if necessary, the withdrawal of the registration or the fishing licences of the fishing vessels concerned, and to inform the Commission of the measures taken.
(a) the vessel did not engage in any of the IUU fishing activities for which it was placed on the list; or (b) proportionate, dissuasive and effective sanctions have been applied in response to the IUU fishing activities in question, notably for the fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State in accordance with the Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.
(a) the owner or the operator provides evidence as to the fact that the fishing vessel is no longer engaged in IUU fishing; or (b) the listed fishing vessel has sunk or has been scrapped.
(a) at least two years have elapsed since the fishing vessel's listing during which no further reports of alleged IUU fishing by the vessel have been received by the Commission in accordance with Article 25; or (b) the owner submits information relating to the current operation of the fishing vessel that demonstrates that it is operating in full conformity with laws, regulations and/or conservation and management measures that apply to any fisheries in which it is participating; or (c) the fishing vessel concerned, its owner or operator, maintain no operational or financial links, whether direct or indirect, with any other vessel, owner or operator presumed or confirmed to be engaged in IUU fishing.
(a) name and previous names, if any; (b) flag and previous flags, if any; (c) owner and where relevant previous owners, including beneficial owners, if any; (d) operator and where relevant previous operators, if any; (e) call sign and previous call signs, if any; (f) Lloyds/IMO number, where available; (g) photographs, where available; (h) date of first inclusion on it; (i) summary of activities which justify inclusion of the vessel on it, together with references to all relevant documents informing of and evidencing those activities.
(a) recurrent IUU fishing suitably documented as carried out or supported by fishing vessels flying its flag or by its nationals, or by fishing vessels operating in its maritime waters or using its ports; or (b) access of fisheries products stemming from IUU fishing to its market.
(a) whether the third country concerned effectively cooperates with the Community, by providing a response to requests made by the Commission to investigate, provide feedback or follow-up to IUU fishing and associated activities; (b) whether the third country concerned has taken effective enforcement measures in respect of the operators responsible for IUU fishing, and in particular whether sanctions of sufficient severity to deprive the offenders of the benefits accruing from IUU fishing have been applied; (c) the history, nature, circumstances, extent and gravity of the manifestations of IUU fishing considered; (d) for developing countries, the existing capacity of their competent authorities.
(a) the ratification of, or accession of the third countries concerned to, international fisheries instruments, and in particular the Unclos, the UN Fish Stocks Agreement and the FAO Compliance Agreement; (b) the status of the third country concerned as a contracting party to regional fisheries management organisations, or its agreement to apply the conservation and management measures adopted by them; (c) any act or omission by the third country concerned that may have diminished the effectiveness of applicable laws, regulations or international conservation and management measures.
(a) the reason or reasons for the identification with all available supporting evidence; (b) the opportunity to respond to the Commission in writing with regard to the identification decision and other relevant information, for example, evidence refuting the identification or, where appropriate, a plan of action to improve and the measures taken to rectify the situation; (c) the right to ask for, or to provide, additional information; (d) the consequences of its identification as non-cooperating third country, as provided in Article 38.
(a) fishing vessels authorised to fish and flying the flag of the third country concerned shall not be granted access to the ports of Member States, except in case of force majeure or distress as referred to in Article 4(2) for services strictly necessary to remedy those situations; (b) fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State shall not be authorised to engage in joint fishing operations with vessels flying the flag of the third country concerned; (c) fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State shall not be authorised to fish in maritime waters under the jurisdiction of the third country concerned, without prejudice to the provisions set out in bilateral fishing agreements; (d) provision of live fish for fish farming in maritime waters under the jurisdiction of the third country concerned shall not be authorised; (e) live fish caught by fishing vessels flying the flag of the third country concerned shall not be accepted for the purposes of fish farming in maritime waters under the jurisdiction of a Member State.
1. flag Member States shall not submit to the Commission any requests for fishing authorisations in respect of IUU fishing vessels; 2. current fishing authorisations or special fishing permits issued by flag Member States in respect of IUU fishing vessels shall be withdrawn; 3. IUU fishing vessels flying the flag of a third country shall not be authorised to fish in Community waters and shall be prohibited to be chartered; 4. fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State shall not in any way assist, engage in fish processing operations or participate in any transhipment or joint fishing operations with IUU fishing vessels; 5. IUU fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State shall only be authorised access to their home ports and to no other Community port, except in case of force majeure or distress. IUU fishing vessels flying the flag of a third country shall not be authorised to enter into a port of a Member State, except in case offorce majeure or distress. Alternatively, a Member State may authorise the entry into its ports of an IUU fishing vessel on the condition that the catches on board and, where appropriate, fishing gear prohibited pursuant to conservation and management measures adopted by regional fisheries management organisations, are confiscated. Member States shall also confiscate catches and, where appropriate, fishing gear prohibited pursuant to those measures, on board IUU fishing vessels which have been authorised to enter into its ports for reason offorce majeure or distress;6. IUU fishing vessels flying the flag of a third country shall not be supplied in ports with provisions, fuel or other services, except in case of force majeure or distress;7. IUU fishing vessels flying the flag of a third country shall not be authorised to change the crew, except as necessary in case of force majeure or distress;8. Member States shall refuse the granting of their flag to IUU fishing vessels; 9. the importation of fishery products caught by IUU fishing vessels shall be prohibited, and accordingly catch certificates accompanying such products shall not be accepted or validated; 10. the exportation and re-exportation of fishery products from IUU fishing vessels for processing shall be prohibited; 11. IUU fishing vessels with no fish and crew on board shall be authorised to enter a port for its scrapping, but without prejudice to any prosecutions and sanctions imposed against that vessel and any legal or natural person concerned.
1. the importation into the Community of fishery products caught by fishing vessels flying the flag of such countries shall be prohibited, and accordingly catch certificates accompanying such products shall not be accepted. In the event that the identification of a non-cooperating third country pursuant to Article 31 is justified by the lack of appropriate measures adopted by this third country in relation to IUU fishing affecting a given stock or species, the prohibition of importation may only apply in respect of this stock or species; 2. the purchase by Community operators of a fishing vessel flying the flag of such countries shall be prohibited; 3. the reflagging of a fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State to such countries shall be prohibited; 4. Member States shall not authorise the conclusion of chartering agreements with such countries for fishing vessels flying their flag; 5. the exportation of Community fishing vessels to such countries shall be prohibited; 6. private trade arrangements between nationals of a Member State and such countries in order for a fishing vessel flying the flag of that Member State to use the fishing possibilities of such countries shall be prohibited; 7. joint fishing operations involving fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State with a fishing vessel flying the flag of such countries shall be prohibited; 8. the Commission shall propose the denunciation of any standing bilateral fisheries agreement or fisheries partnership agreement with such countries which provides for termination of the agreement in case of failure to comply with undertakings made by them with regard to combating IUU fishing; 9. the Commission shall not enter into negotiations to conclude a bilateral fisheries agreement or fisheries partnership agreements with such countries.
1. serious infringements committed within the territory of Member States to which the Treaty applies, or within maritime waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Member States, with the exception of waters adjacent to the territories and countries mentioned in Annex II of the Treaty; 2. serious infringements committed by Community fishing vessels or nationals of Member States; 3. serious infringements detected within the territory or within waters as referred to in point 1 of this Article but which have been committed on the high seas or within the jurisdiction of a third country and are being sanctioned pursuant to Article 11(4).
(a) the activities considered to constitute IUU fishing in accordance with the criteria set out in Article 3; (b) the conduct of business directly connected to IUU fishing, including the trade in/or the importation of fishery products; (c) the falsification of documents referred to in this Regulation or the use of such false or invalid documents.
(a) the immediate cessation of fishing activities; (b) the rerouting to port of the fishing vessel; (c) the rerouting of the transport vehicle to another location for inspection; (d) the ordering of a bond; (e) the seizure of fishing gear, catches or fisheries products; (f) the temporary immobilisation of the fishing vessel or transport vehicle concerned; (g) the suspension of the authorisation to fish.
1. the sequestration of the fishing vessel involved in the infringement; 2. the temporary immobilisation of the fishing vessel; 3. the confiscation of prohibited fishing gear, catches or fishery products; 4. the suspension or withdrawal of authorisation to fish; 5. the reduction or withdrawal of fishing rights; 6. the temporary or permanent exclusion from the right to obtain new fishing rights; 7. the temporary or permanent ban on access to public assistance or subsidies; 8. the suspension or withdrawal of the status of approved economic operator granted pursuant to Article 16(3).
(a) a power of representation of the legal person; or (b) an authority to take decisions on behalf of the legal person; or (c) an authority to exercise control within the legal person.
(a) the name and description of the fishing vessel; (b) the fishing vessel's call sign; (c) the registration number and, if appropriate, the Lloyds IMO number of the fishing vessel; (d) the flag State of the fishing vessel; (e) the position (latitude, longitude) at the time when first identified; (f) the date/time UTC when first identified; (g) a photograph or photographs of the fishing vessel to support the sighting; (h) any other relevant information regarding the observed activities of the fishing vessel concerned.
Aquaculture products obtained from fry or larvae | |
Ornamental fish, live | |
Trout ( | |
Eels ( | |
Carp, live | |
Pacific salmon ( | |
Other freshwater fish, live | |
Trout ( | |
Pacific salmon ( | |
Other | |
Eels ( | |
Carp, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading | |
Tilapia ( | |
Other freshwater fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading | |
Livers and roes, fresh or chilled, of other freshwater fish | |
Sockeye salmon (red salmon) ( | |
Other Pacific salmon ( | |
Trout ( | |
Atlantic salmon ( | |
Other salmonidae, excluding livers and roes, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading | |
Eels ( | |
Carp, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading | |
Other freshwater fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading | |
Livers and roes, frozen, of other freshwater fish | |
Fish fillets, fresh or chilled, of Nile perch ( | |
Fish fillets, fresh or chilled, of pangasius ( | |
Fish fillets, fresh or chilled, of Pacific salmon ( | |
Fish fillets, fresh or chilled, of the species | |
Fish fillets, fresh or chilled, of trout of the species | |
Fish fillets, fresh or chilled, of other freshwater fish | |
Other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled, of freshwater fish | |
Frozen fillets of Nile perch ( | |
Frozen fillets of pangasius ( | |
Frozen fillets of Tilapia ( | |
Frozen fillets of Pacific salmon ( | |
Frozen fillets of | |
Frozen fillets of trout of the species | |
Frozen fillets of other freshwater fish | |
Other fish meat (whether or not minced), frozen, of freshwater fish | |
Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption | |
Livers and roes of freshwater fish, dried, smoked, salted or in brine | |
Fish fillets, salted or in brine, of Pacific salmon ( | |
Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, of other freshwater fish | |
Pacific salmon ( | |
Trout ( | |
Eels ( | |
Other freshwater fish, smoked, including fillets | |
Other freshwater fish, dried, whether or not salted, but not smoked | |
Pacific salmon ( | |
Other freshwater fish, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked | |
Freshwater crayfish, frozen | |
Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, frozen, fit for human consumption | |
Freshwater crayfish, live, fresh, chilled, dried, salted or in brine, in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, whether or not chilled, dried salted or in brine | |
Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, not frozen, fit for human consumption | |
Oysters, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine | |
Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera | |
Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera | |
Mussels ( | |
Mussels ( | |
Snails, other than sea snails, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine | |
Other aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and those molluscs specified or included in subheadings | |
Striped venus and other species of the family Veneridae, frozen | |
Jellyfish ( | |
Other aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and those molluscs specified or included in subheadings | |
Other aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and those molluscs specified or included in subheadings | |
Salmon, caught in freshwater, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces, but not minced | |
Salmonidae, other than salmon, caught in freshwater, prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces, but not minced | |
Salmon, caught in freshwater, otherwise prepared or preserved (other than whole or in pieces, but not minced) | |
Salmonidae, other than salmon, caught in freshwater, otherwise prepared or preserved (other than whole or in pieces, but not minced) | |
Fillets of freshwater fish, raw, merely coated with batter or breadcrumbs, whether or not pre-fried in oil, frozen | |
Freshwater crayfish, prepared or preserved | |
Mussels ( | |
Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.), prepared or preserved, other than in airtight containers | |
Scallops, oysters and snails, prepared or preserved | |
Other aquatic invertebrates, other than molluscs, prepared or preserved |
(a) register fishing vessels under their flag; (b) grant, suspend and withdraw fishing licences to their fishing vessels; (c) attest the veracity of information provided in the catch certificates referred to in Article 12 and validate such certificates; (d) implement, control and enforce laws, regulations and conservation and management measures which must be complied with by their fishing vessels; (e) carry out verifications of such catch certificates to assist the competent authorities of the Member States through the administrative cooperation referred to in Article 20(4); (f) communicate sample forms of their catch certificate in accordance with the specimen in Annex II; and (g) update such notifications.