Council Regulation (EC) No 718/2008 of 24 July 2008 amending Regulations (EC) No 2015/2006 and (EC) No 40/2008, as regards fishing opportunities and associated conditions for certain fish stocks
1. Point (a) of Article 30(1) shall be replaced by the following: "(a) Deep Sea fisheries restricted area "Lophelia reef off Capo Santa Maria di Leuca" 39° 27,72′ N, 18° 10,74′ E 39° 27,80′ N, 18° 26,68′ E 39° 11,16′ N, 18° 32,58′ E 39° 11,16′ N, 18° 04,28′ E".
2. The following Articles shall be inserted after Article 82: "Article 82a Maximum number of vessels fishing bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic 1. The maximum number of Community bait boats and trolling boats authorised to fish bluefin tuna of a minimum size of 8 kg or 75 cm in the Eastern Atlantic, and the allocation among the Member States of that maximum number shall be fixed as follows: Spain 63 France 44 EC 107 2. The maximum number of Community pelagic trawlers authorised to fish bluefin tuna of a minimum size of 8 kg or 75 cm as a bycatch in the Eastern Atlantic, and the allocation of that maximum number among the Member States, shall be fixed as follows: France 107 EC 107 Article 82b Catch limits for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic 1. Within the catch limits laid down in Annex ID, the catch limit for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm applicable to authorised Community vessels referred to in Article 82a, and the allocation of that catch limit among the Member States, shall be fixed as follows (in tonnes): Including a maximum of 80 tonnes of by-catches for trolling boats. Spain 1117,07 France 504 EC 1621,07 2. Within the catch limits laid down in paragraph 1, the catch limit for bluefin tuna weighing no less than 6,4 kg or measuring no less than 70 cm applicable to bait boats of an overall length of less than 17 metres among the Community vessels referred to in Article 82a, and the allocation of that catch limit among the Member States, shall be fixed as follows (in tonnes): This quantity may be altered by the Commission, up to an amount of 200 tonnes. France 45 EC 45 Article 82c Catch limits for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic applicable to the Community coastal fishery Within the catch limits laid down in Annex ID, the catch limit for bluefin tuna between and 8 kg and 30 kg allocated to the Community coastal fishery for fresh fish in the Eastern Atlantic, and the allocation of that catch limit among the Member States, shall be fixed as follows (in tonnes): Spain 263,21 France 61,01 EC 324,22 "----------------------Including a maximum of 80 tonnes of by-catches for trolling boats. This quantity may be altered by the Commission, up to an amount of 200 tonnes. 3. Annexes IA, IB, III and XIV to Regulation (EC) No 40/2008 shall be amended in accordance with Annex II to this Regulation.
Year | 2007 | 2008 | |
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Ireland | |||
Portugal | |||
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1. In Annex IA: (a) The entry concerning the species Cod in VIIb-k, VIII, IX and X and in EC waters of CECAF area 34.1.1 shall be replaced by the following: "Species Cod Gadus morhua Zone VIIb-k, VIII, IX and X; EC waters of CECAP area 34.1.1 COD/7X7A34 Belgium 217 Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 applies. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 applies. Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 applies." France 3725 Ireland 797 Netherlands 31 United Kingdom 404 EC 5174 TAC 5174 (b) The entry concerning the species Blue whiting in EC waters of II, IVa, V, VI north of 56° 30′ N and VII west of 12° W shall be replaced by the following: To be counted against Norway's catch limits established under the Coastal States arrangement. The catch in zone IV shall be no more than 49067 tonnes.To be counted against the catch limits of the Faeroe Islands established under the Coastal States arrangement. May also be fished in zone VIb. The catch in zone IV shall be no more than 7750 tonnes.""Species Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou Zone EC waters of II, IVa, V, VI north of 56° 30′ N and VII west of 12° W WHB/24A567 Norway 196269 Analytical TAC Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply. Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 applies. Faeroe Islands 31000 TAC 1266282 ----------------------To be counted against Norway's catch limits established under the Coastal States arrangement. The catch in zone IV shall be no more than 49067 tonnes.To be counted against the catch limits of the Faeroe Islands established under the Coastal States arrangement. May also be fished in zone VIb. The catch in zone IV shall be no more than 7750 tonnes."
2. In Annex IB: (a) the entry concerning the species Capelin in Greenland waters of ICES zones V and XIV shall be replaced by the following: Of which 23716 tonnes are allocated to Iceland.To be fished before 30 April 2008 .";"Species Capelan Mallotus villosus Zone Greenland waters of zones V and XIV CAP/514GRN All Member States 0 EC 23716 TAC Not relevant ----------------------Of which 23716 tonnes are allocated to Iceland.To be fished before 30 April 2008 .";(b) the entry concerning the species Redfish in EC and international waters of ICES zone V and international waters of ICES zones XII and XIV shall be replaced by the following: No more than 65 % of the quota can be taken North of 59° N and East of 36° W during the period from 1 April to15 July 2008 . No more than 30 % of the catch limits can be taken North of 59° N and East of 36° W during the period1 April to10 May 2008 .";"Species Redfish Sebastes spp. Zone EC and international waters of V; international waters of XII and XIV RED/51214. Estonia 210 Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply. Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 applies. Germany 4266 Spain 749 France 398 Ireland 1 Latvia 76 Netherlands 2 Poland 384 Portugal 896 United Kingdom 10 EC 6992 TAC 46000 ----------------------No more than 65 % of the quota can be taken North of 59° N and East of 36° W during the period from 1 April to15 July 2008 . No more than 30 % of the catch limits can be taken North of 59° N and East of 36° W during the period1 April to10 May 2008 .";(c) the entry concerning the species Redfish in Greenland waters of ICES zones V and XIV shall be replaced by the following: May only be fished by pelagic trawl. May be fished East or West. The quota may be taken in the NEAFC Regulatory Area on the condition that Greenlandic reporting conditions are fulfilled. 3500 tonnes to be fished with pelagic trawl are allocated to Norway and 200 tonnes are allocated to the Faeroe Islands.";"Species Redfish Sebastes spp. Zone Greenland waters of V and XIV RED/514GRN Germany 4248 Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply. Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 applies. France 22 United Kingdom 30 EC 8000 TAC Not relevant ----------------------May only be fished by pelagic trawl. May be fished East or West. The quota may be taken in the NEAFC Regulatory Area on the condition that Greenlandic reporting conditions are fulfilled. 3500 tonnes to be fished with pelagic trawl are allocated to Norway and 200 tonnes are allocated to the Faeroe Islands.";(d) the entry concerning the species Redfish in Icelandic waters of ICES zone Va shall be replaced by the following: Including unavoidable by-catches (by-catches of cod not permitted). To be fished between July and December." "Species Redfish Sebastes spp. Zone Icelandic waters of Va RED/05A-IS Belgium 100 Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply. Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 does not apply. Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 applies. Germany 1690 France 50 United Kingdom 1160 EC 3000 TAC Not relevant ----------------------Including unavoidable by-catches (by-catches of cod not permitted). To be fished between July and December."
3. In Annex III: (a) A new point shall be inserted after point 9: "9a. Reduction of cod discards in the North Sea. 1. Member States which hold a cod quota shall undertake trials in 2008 on technical measures for towed gears to reduce the proportion, in number, of cod that is discarded to no more than 10 %. 2. Member States shall make the results of the trials laid down in point 9a.1 available to the Commission before 31 December 2008 ."(b) In point 13.1 the coordinates for the "Hatton Bank" shall be replaced by the following: "Hatton Bank: 59° 26′ N, 14° 30′ W 59° 12′ N, 15° 08′ W 59° 01′ N, 17° 00′ W 58° 50′ N, 17° 38′ W 58° 30′ N, 17° 52′ W 58° 30′ N, 18° 22′ W 58° 03′ N, 18° 22′ W 58° 03′ N, 17° 30′ W 57° 55′ N, 17° 30′ W 57° 45′ N, 19° 15′ W 58° 30′ N, 18° 45′ W 58° 47′ N, 18° 37′ W 59° 05′ N, 17° 32′ W 59° 16′ N, 17° 20′ W 59° 22′ N, 16° 50′ W 59° 21′ N, 15° 40′ W"
4. In Annex XIV: In the text reproducing Appendix 3 to Resolution GFMC/31/2007/2, the geographical coordinates for GFCM Geographical Sub-Area (GSA) number 2 shall be replaced by the following: "36° 05′ N 3° 20′ W 36° 05′ N 2° 40′ W 35° 45′ N 2° 40′ W 35° 45′ N 3° 20′ W."