Commission Regulation (EC) No 675/2008 of 16 July 2008 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005 concerning trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Commission Regulation (EC) No 675/2008of 16 July 2008amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005 concerning trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005 of 27 June 2005 concerning trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishmentOJ L 200, 30.7.2005, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1791/2006 (OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p. 1)., and in particular Article 12(1) thereof,Whereas:(1)Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005 lists the competent authorities to which specific functions related to the implementation of that Regulation are attributed.(2)Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and the United Kingdom have requested that the information concerning their competent authorities be amended. The address of the Commission should also be amended.(3)It is appropriate to publish the full updated list of competent authorities,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005 is replaced by the text in the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 16 July 2008.For the CommissionBenita Ferrero-WaldnerMember of the CommissionANNEX"ANNEX ILIST OF AUTHORITIES REFERRED TO IN ARTICLES 8 AND 11A.Authorities of the Member StatesBELGIUMFederale Overheidsdienst Economie, K.M.O., Middenstand & EnergieAlgemene Directie Economisch PotentieelDienst VergunningenLeuvenseweg 44B-1000 BrusselTéléphone: (32-2) 277 67 13Télécopie: (32-2) 277 50 63Service public fédéral économie, PME, classes moyennes & énergieDirection générale du potentiel économiqueService licencesRue de Louvain 44B-1000 BruxellesTél. (32-2) 277 67 13Fax (32-2) 277 50 63BULGARIAМинистерство на икономиката и енергетиката(Ministry of Economy and Energy)ул."Славянска" № 8гр. София, 1052БългарияTel.: +359 29 40 71Fax.: +359 29 87 21 90CZECH REPUBLICMinisterstvo průmyslu a obchoduLicenční správaNa Františku 32110 15 Praha 1Česká republikaTel.: (420) 224 90 76 41; (420) 224 90 76 38Fax: (420) 224 22 18 11E-mail: osm@mpo.czDENMARKAnnex III, No 2 and 3JustitsministerietSlotsholmsgade 10DK-1216 København KDenmarkTelephone: (45) 72 26 84 00Telefax: (45) 33 93 35 10E-mail: jm@jm.dkAnnex II and Annex III, No 1Økonomi- og ErhvervsministerietErhvers- og ByggestyrelsenEksportkontroladministrationenLangelinie Allé 17DK-2100 København ØDenmarkTelephone: (45) 35 46 60 00Telefax: (45) 35 46 60 01E-mail: ebst@ebst.dkGERMANYBundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA)Frankfurter Straße 29—35D-65760 EschbornTel.: (+49) 6196 908-0Fax: (+49) 6196 908 800E-Mail: ausfuhrkontrolle@bafa.bund.deESTONIAEesti Välisministeerium1. PoliitikaosakondRelvastus- ja strateegilise kauba kontrolli bürooIslandi väljak 115049 TallinnEestiTel: +372 637 7200Faks: +372 637 7288E-post: stratkom@mfa.eeIRELANDLicensing UnitDepartment of Enterprise, Trade and EmploymentEarlsfort CentreLower Hatch StreetDublin 2IrelandTel. (353-1) 631 21 21Fax (353-1) 631 25 62GREECEΥπουργείο Οικονομίας και ΟικονομικώνΓενική Διεύθυνση ΔιεθνούςΟικονομικής ΠολιτικήςΔιεύθυνση Καθεστώτων Εισαγωγών-Εξαγωγών,Εμπορικής ΆμυναςΕρμού και Κορνάρου 1,GR-105 63 ΑθήναΕλλαςΤηλ.: (30) 210 328 60 21-22, (30) 210 328 60 51-47Φαξ: (30) 210 328 60 94e-mail:, e3c@mnec.grSPAINSecretaría General de Comercio ExteriorSecretaría de Estado de ComercioMinisterio de Industria, Turismo y ComercioPaseo de la Castellana, 162E-28046 MadridTelephone: (34) 91 3492587Telefax: (34) 91 3492470
Departamento de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales de la Agencía Estatal de Administración TributariaSubdirección General de Gestión AduaneraAvda. Llano Castellano, 1728071 MadridEspañaTelephone: +34 91 7289450Telefax: +34 91 7292065
FRANCEMinistère du budget, des comptes publics et de la fonction publiqueDirection générale des douanes et droits indirectsService des titres du commerce extérieur (Setice)14, rue Yves-ToudicF-75010 PARISTél. (33) 173 79 74 37/38/39/40/41Fax (33) 173 79 74 36Courriel: dg-setice@douane.finances.gouv.frITALYMinistero dello Sviluppo EconomicoDirezione Generale per la Politica CommercialeDivisione IVViale Boston, 2500144 RomaItalia
Telephone:+ 39 06 59 93 24 30 or+ 39 06 59 93 25 01
Telefax: + 39 06 59 64 75 06E-mail:
CYPRUSΥπουργείο Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και ΤουρισμούΥπηρεσία ΕμπορίουΜονάδα Έκδοσης Aδειών Eισαγωγών/EξαγωγώνΑνδρέα Αραούζου 6CY-1421 ΛευκωσίαΤηλ. (357-22) 86 71 00Φαξ (357-22) 37 51 20E-mail: of Commerce, Industry and TourismTrade ServiceImport/Export Licensing Unit6 Andreas Araouzos StreetCY-1421 NicosiaTel. (357-22) 86 71 00Fax: (357-22) 37 51 20E-mail: ministrijaBrīvības iela 55LV-1519 RīgaLatvijaTelefax: +371 6 7280882LITHUANIAPolicijos departamento prie Vidaus reikalų ministerijosLicencijavimo skyriusSaltoniškių g. 19LT-08105 VilniusLietuvaTelephone: +370 8 271 97 67Telefax: +370 5 271 99 76E-mail: leidimai.pd@policija.ltLUXEMBOURGMinistère de l'économie et du commerce extérieurOffice des licencesBP 113L-2011 LuxembourgTél. (352) 24 78 23 70Fax (352) 46 61 38Courriel: office.licences@mae.etat.luHUNGARYMagyar KereskedelmiEngedélyezési HivatalMargit krt. 85.H-1024 BudapestMagyarországTelephone: +36 1 336 74 30Telefax: +36 1 336 74 28E-mail: spectrade@mkeh.huMALTADiviżjoni għall-KummerċServizzi KummerċjaliLascarisValletta CMR02MaltaTelephone: +356 25 69 02 09Telefax: +356 21 24 05 16NETHERLANDSMinisterie van Economische ZakenDirectoraat-generaal voor Buitenlandse Economische BetrekkingenDirectie Handelspolitiek en GlobaliseringBezuidenhoutseweg 20Postbus 201012500 EC Den HaagThe NetherlandsTelephone: (31-70) 379 64 85, 379 62 50AUSTRIABundesministerium für Wirtschaft und ArbeitAbteilung für Aus- und EinfuhrkontrolleStubenring 1A-1011 WienTel.: (+43) 1 71100 8327Fax: (+43) 1 71100 8386E-Mail: post@C22.bmwa.gv.atPOLANDMinisterstwo GospodarkiDepartament Administrowania Obrotemplac Trzech Krzyży 3/500-507 WarszawaPolskatel. (+48 22) 693 55 53fax (+48 22) 693 40 21e-mail:ério das FinançasDirecção-Geral das Alfândegas e dos Impostos Especiais de ConsumoDirecção de Serviços de LicenciamentoRua Terreiro do Trigo, edifício da AlfândegaP-1149-060 LisboaTel.: (351-21) 881 42 63Fax: (351-21) 881 42 61ROMANIAMinisterul pentru Întreprinderi Mici și Mijlocii, Comerț, Turism și Profesii LiberaleDepartamentul pentru Comerț ExteriorDirecția Generală Politici ComercialeStr. Ion Câmpineanu, nr. 16București, sector 1Cod poștal 010036RomâniaTel.: + 40 21 401 05 49; + 40 21 401 05 67+ 40 21 401 05 03Fax: + 40 21 401 05 48; + 40 21 315 04 54e-mail: za gospodarstvoDirektorat za ekonomske odnose s tujinoKotnikova 51000 LjubljanaRepublika SlovenijaTelephone: +386 1 400 3542Telefax: +386 1 400 3611SLOVAKIAMinisterstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republikyOdbor riadenia obchodovania s citlivými tovarmiMierová 19827 15 BratislavaSlovenská republikaTelephone: +421 2 48 54 21 65Telefax: +421 2 43 42 39 15FINLANDSisäasiainministeriöArpajais- ja asehallintoyksikköPL 50FI-11101 RIIHIMÄKIPuhelin (358-9) 160 01Faksi (358-19) 72 06 68Sähköposti: aahy@poliisi.fiSWEDENKommerskollegiumPO Box 6803S-113 86 StockholmTfn (46-8) 690 48 00Fax (46-8) 30 67 59E-post: registrator@kommers.seUNITED KINGDOMImport of goods listed in Annex II:Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory ReformImport Licensing BranchQueensway HouseWest PrecinctBillingham TS23 2NFUnited KingdomTel. (44-1642) 364 333Fax (44-1642) 364 269E-mail: of goods listed in Annexes II or III, and supply of technical assistance related to goods listed in Annex II as referred to in Articles 3(1) and (4)(1):Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory ReformExport Control Organisation1 Victoria StreetLondon SW1H 0ETUnited KingdomTel. (44-20) 7215 2423Fax (44-20) 7215 0531E-mail:
B.Address for notifications to the CommissionCommission of the European CommunitiesDirectorate-General for External RelationsDirectorate A. Crisis Platform — Policy Coordination in Common Foreign and Security PolicyUnit A.2. Crisis Response and Peace BuildingCHAR 12/45B-1049 BrusselsTel. (32-2) 295 55 85Fax (32-2) 299 08 73E-mail:"