Column | Code | Description | Filter |
203(PARHAT) | | Highest level of education successfully completed by father or mother | Everybody aged 15-34 |
1 | Low: ISCED 0, 1, 2 and 3c short |
2 | Medium: ISCED 3-4 (without 3c short) |
3 | High: ISCED 5-6 |
9 | Not applicable (persons aged less than 15 or more than 34) |
Blank | No answer |
204-207PARFOR | | Country of birth of father and mother | Everybody aged 15-34 |
| (For Germany: nationality/former nationality of father and mother when they have in the reference week the German nationality) |
| For coding, see ISO country classification |
.... | 4 digits (father — 2 first digits, mother — 2 last digits) |
9999 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
208HATVOC | | Orientation of the highest level of formal education attained (HATLEVEL) | Everybody aged 15-34 and HATLEVEL=21-43 |
1 | General education |
2 | Vocational education mainly (or solely) school based |
3 | Combination of school and workplace based vocational education |
4 | Vocational education mainly workplace based |
5 | Vocational education, with no distinction possible between 2, 3 and 4 |
9 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
209-214STOPDATE | | Month and year of leaving formal education for the last time | Everybody aged 15-34 and EDUCSTAT=2 and HATLEVEL≠00 |
… | Month and year |
999999 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
215WORKEDUC | | Work during studies in formal education | Everybody aged 15-34 |
0 | No work or work less than 1 month per year |
1 | Work (only) as part of educational programme |
2 | Work while studying but outside educational programmes |
3 | Work (only) during an interruption of studies |
4 | Work as combination of 1 and 2 |
5 | Work as combination of 1 and 3 |
6 | Work as combination of 2 and 3 |
7 | Work as combination of 1, 2 and 3 |
9 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
216-221JOBSTART | | Month and year of start of the first job of more than 3 months after leaving formal education for the last time | Col.209-214 ≠ 999999 and blank |
000000 | Never had a job of more than 3 months |
000001 | Current job is my first job |
…… | Month and year |
999999 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
222-224JOBDUR | | Duration of the first job of more than 3 months (after leaving formal education for the last time) | Col. 216-221 ≠ 000000 and 000001 and 999999 |
… | Number of months |
999 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
225FINDMETH | | Method which allowed to find the first job of more than 3 months (after leaving formal education for the last time) | Col. 216-221 ≠ 000000 and 999999 |
1 | Via educational institution |
2 | Via PES (Public Employment Services) |
3 | Via ads in press or on the Internet |
4 | Submission of direct (spontaneous) job application to employer |
5 | Via family and friends |
6 | Job found after previous experience (summer/student job, apprenticeship, traineeship, voluntary job) in the same company |
7 | Launching private business |
8 | Other |
9 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
226-229JOBOCC | | Occupation of the first job of more than 3 months (after leaving formal education for the last time) | Col. 216-221 ≠ 000000 and 000001 and 999999 |
.... | ISCO-88 (COM) coded at 3 or if possible 4 digits level |
9999 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
230JOBCONTR | | Type of contract of the first job of more than 3 months (after leaving formal education for the last time) | Col. 216-221 ≠ 000000 and 000001 and 999999 |
1 | Self-employed |
2 | Employee, permanent full-time |
3 | Employee, permanent part-time |
4 | Employee, temporary full-time |
5 | Employee, temporary part-time |
6 | Family worker |
9 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
231TRANSACT | | Main activity after leaving formal education for the last time and before starting the first job of a duration of at least 3 months | Col.209-214 ≠ 999999 and blank and {first job started more than 3 months after the date in Col.209-214 or Col.216-221 =000000} |
1 | Employed — work in job(s) of short duration (maximum 3 months) |
2 | Compulsory military or community service |
3 | Not employed, actively looking for a jobNot employed, not looking actively for a job because of: |
4 | Family responsibilities |
5 | Participation in non-formal education |
6 | Voluntary activities |
7 | Health problems |
8 | Other reasons |
9 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |
232/237 | | Weighting factor for the LFS module 2009 (optional) | Everybody aged 15-34 |
0000-9999 | Columns 232-235 contain whole numbers |
00-99 | Columns 236-237 contain decimal places |
238(PARNAT) | | Nationality at birth of parents (optional) | Everybody aged 15-34 |
| For coding, see ISO country classification |
9999 | Not applicable |
Blank | No answer |