Commission Regulation (EC) No 85/2008 of 30 January 2008 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for sheepmeat and goatmeat (Codified version)
Commission Regulation (EC) No 85/2008of 30 January 2008on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for sheepmeat and goatmeat(Codified version) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 of 19 December 2001 on the common organisation of the market in sheepmeat and goatmeatOJ L 341, 22.12.2001, p. 3. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1913/2005 (OJ L 307, 25.11.2005, p. 2). Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 will be replaced by Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1) as from 1 July 2008., and in particular Article 12(2) thereof,Whereas:(1)Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3447/90 of 28 November 1990 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for sheepmeat and goatmeatOJ L 333, 30.11.1990, p. 46. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 40/96 (OJ L 10, 13.1.1996, p. 6). has been substantially amended several timesSee Annex II.. In the interests of clarity and rationality the said Regulation should be codified.(2)The provisions of Commission Regulation (EC) No 6/2008 of 4 January 2008 laying down detailed rules for granting private storage aid for sheepmeat and goatmeatOJ L 3, 5.1.2008, p. 13., should be followed in respect of the grant of private storage aid for sheepmeat. It is appropriate to complete or to adapt these provisions.(3)It is appropriate that, in addition to the amounts of aid granted for a specific storage period, amounts to be added or reduced in the event of that period being extended or curtailed should also be fixed.(4)Foreseeable market conditions make it necessary to provide for flexible storage periods of between three and seven months.(5)It is appropriate in order to ensure genuine tenders, to determine the minimum quantity which may be stored. It is appropriate to determine the minimum quantity to be destocked.(6)A security should be established to guarantee compliance with the obligations linked to private storage.(7)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Sheep and Goats,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Regulation (EC) No 6/2008 shall apply subject to the provisions of this Regulation.
Article 21.Applications in the context of private storage aid shall be submitted to the intervention agencies listed in Annex I.2.In the context of a tendering procedure the period for which storage may be tendered is three months. However, the actual storage period shall be chosen by the storer. This period may extend from a minimum of three months to a maximum of seven months. However, if the storage period is greater than three months the aid shall be increased on a daily basis by EUR 1,45 per tonne per day.
Article 3The minimum quantity per contract shall be four tonnes expressed, as bone-in meat.
Article 4The minimum quantity for each removal is fixed at four tonnes expressed as product weight per store and per contractor. However, where the quantity left in a store is less than this quantity, one further withdrawal operation of the remaining quantity or part thereof shall be permitted.Where these withdrawal conditions are not complied with:the amount of aid for the quantity withdrawn shall be calculated in accordance with Article 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2008, and15 % of the security referred to in Article 5 shall be declared forfeit in respect of the quantity withdrawn.
Article 5The security shall be EUR 145 per tonne.
Article 6Regulation (EEC) No 3447/90 is repealed.References to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex III.
Article 7This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 30 January 2008.For the CommissionThe PresidentJosé Manuel BarrosoПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ I — ANEXO I — PŘÍLOHA I — BILAG I — ANHANG I — I LISA — ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ I — ANNEX I — ANNEXE I — ALLEGATO I — I PIELIKUMS — I PRIEDAS — I. MELLÉKLET — ANNESS I — BIJLAGE I — ZAŁĄCZNIK I — ANEXO I — ANEXA I — PRÍLOHA I — PRILOGA I — LIITE I — BILAGA IАдреси на интервенционните агенции — Direcciones de los organismos de intervención — Adresy intervenčních agentur — Interventionsorganernes adresser — Anschriften der Interventionsstellen — Sekkumisametite aadressid — Διευθύνσεις του οργανισμού παρέμβασης — Addresses of the intervention agencies — Adresses des organismes d’intervention — Indirizzi degli organismi d’intervento — Intervences aģentūru adreses — Intervencinių agentūrų adresai — Az intervenciós hivatalok címei — Indirizzi ta’ l-aġenziji ta’ intervent — Adressen van de interventiebureaus — Adresy agencji interwencyjnych — Endereços dos organismos de intervenção — Adresele agențiilor de intervenție — Adresy intervenčných orgánov — Naslovi intervencijskih agencij — Interventioelinten osoitteet — Interventionsorganens adresserBELGIQUE/BELGIËBureau d’intervention et de restitution belgeRue de Trèves 82B-1040 BruxellesBelgisch Interventie- en RestitutiebureauTrierstraat 82B-1040 BrusselTél. (32-2) 287 24 11Fax (32-2) 230 25 33/280 03 07БЪЛГАРИЯДържавен фонд "Земеделие"Разплащателна агенция1618 София,ул. Цар Борис III № 136тел. (+ 359-2) 818 72 02факс (+ 359-2) 818 72 67ČESKA REPUBLIKAStátní zemědělský intervenční fond (SZIF)Ve Smečkách 33CZ-110 00 Praha 1Tel.: (420) 222 87 14 60Fax: (420) 222 87 16 80DANMARKMinisteriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og FiskeriDirektoratet for FødevareerhvervNyropsgade 30DK-1780 København VTlf. (45) 33 95 80 00Fax (45) 33 95 80 34DEUTSCHLANDBundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)Deichmanns Aue 29D-53179 BonnTel. (49-228) 68 45 37 56Fax (49-228) 68 45-34 44/37 91EESTIPRIA (Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet)Narva mnt. 351009 TartuTel: +372 737 1200Faks: +372 737 1201ÉIRE/IRELANDDepartment of Agriculture and Food/An Roinn Talmhaíochta agus BiaJohnston Castle EstateCounty WexfordTel. (353-53) 91634 00Fax (353-53) 91428 42ΕΛΛΑΔΑΟΠΕΚΕΠΕ (Οργανισμός Πληρωμών και Ελέγχου Κοινοτικών Ενισχύσεων Προσανατολισμού και Εγγυήσεων)Αχαρνών 241GR-104 46 ΑθήναΤηλ. (+30) 210 228 41 80Φαξ (+30) 210 228 14 79ESPAÑAFEGA (Fondo Español de Garantía Agraria)Beneficencia 8E-28005 MadridTel. (34) 913 47 65 00, 913 47 63 10Fax (34) 915 21 98 32, 915 22 43 87FRANCEOffice de l’élevage12, rue Henri Rol-TanguyTSA 3000393555 Montreuil-Sous-Bois CedexTél. (33) 173 30 30 00Fax (33) 173 30 30 48 ou 173 30 30 49ITALIAAGEA (Agenzia Erogazioni in Agricoltura)Via Palestro 81I-00185 RomaTel. (39-06) 449 49 91Fax (39-06) 445 39 40/444 19 58ΚΥΠΡΟΣΚυπριακός Οργανισμός Αγροτικών ΠληρωμώνΤ.Θ. 16102, CY-2086 ΛευκωσίαΟδός Μιχαήλ Κουτσόφτα 20CY-2000 ΛευκωσίαΤηλ. (+357) 22 55 77 77Φαξ (+357) 22 55 77 55LATVIJALatvijas Republikas Zemkopības ministrijaLauku atbalsta dienestsRepublikas laukums 2LV-1981 Rīga, LatvijaTālr.: (371) 702 75 42Fakss: (371) 702 71 20LIETUVALietuvos žemės ūkio ir maisto produktų rinkos reguliavimo agentūraL. Stuokos-Gucevičiaus g. 9-12LT-01122 VilniusTel. (+370 5) 268 50 50Faks. (+370 5) 268 50 61LUXEMBOURGService d’économie rurale, section "Cheptel et viande"113-115, rue de HollerichL-1741 LuxembourgTél. (352) 47 84 43Fax (352) 49 16 19MAGYARORSZÁGMezőgazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési HivatalH-1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 22–24.Postacím: H-1385, Budapest 62., Pf. 867Tel.: (36-1) 219 45 17Fax: (36-1) 219 62 59MALTAMinistry for Rural Affairs and the EnvironmentBarriera WharfValletta CMR02MaltaTel.: (+356) 22952000, 22952222Faks: (+356) 22952212NEDERLANDMinisterie van Landbouw, Natuur en VoedselkwaliteitDienst RegelingenSlachthuisstraat 71Postbus 9656040 AZ RoermondNederlandTel. (31-475) 35 54 44Fax (31-475) 31 89 39ÖSTERREICHAMA-Agrarmarkt AustriaDresdner Straβe 70A-1201 WienTel. (43-1) 33 15 12 18Fax (43-1) 33 15 14 624POLSKAAgencja Rynku RolnegoBiuro Mięsaul. Nowy Świat 6/1200-400 Warszawatel. +48 22 661 71 09faks +48 22 661 77 56PORTUGALIFAP — Instituto de Financiamento da Agricultura e Pesca, IPRua Castilho, n.o 45-51P-1269-164 LisboaTel.: (351) 213 846 000Fax: (351) 213 846 170ROMÂNIAAgenția de Plăți și Intervenție pentru Agricultură (APIA)BucureștiBld. Carol I, nr. 17, sector 2Tel./Fax 0040 21 30 54 867SLOVENIJAARSKTRP – Agencija Republike Slovenije za kmetijske trge in razvoj podeželjaDunajska 160SI-1000 LjubljanaTel. (386-1) 478 93 59Faks (386-1) 478 92 00SLOVENSKOPôdohospodárska platobná agentúraDobrovičova 12815 26 BratislavaTel.: (+ 421-2) 59 26 63 97Fax: (+ 421-2) 52 96 50 33SUOMI/FINLANDMaaseutuvirasto/LandsbygdsverketMarkkinatukiosasto/MarknadsstödsavdelningenInterventioyksikkö/InterventionsenhetenMalminkatu/Malmgatan 16PL/PB 256FI-00101 Helsinki/HelsingforsSuomi/FinlandPuhelin/Tel. +358 20 772 007Faksi/Fax +358 20 7725 506SVERIGEJordbruksverket – Swedish Board of Agriculture,Intervention DivisionS-551 82 JönköpingTfn (46-36) 15 50 00Fax (46-36) 19 05 46UNITED KINGDOMRural Payments AgencyLancaster HouseHampshire CourtNewcastle-upon-TyneNE4 7YHTel. (44-191) 273 96 96ANNEX II
Repealed Regulation with list of its successive amendments
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3447/90(OJ L 333, 30.11.1990, p. 46)
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 273/91(OJ L 28, 2.2.1991, p. 28)
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1258/91(OJ L 120, 15.5.1991, p. 15)Article 2 only
Commission Regulation (EC) No 879/95(OJ L 91, 22.4.1995, p. 2)
Commission Regulation (EC) No 40/96(OJ L 10, 13.1.1996, p. 6)Article 2(2) only
Correlation table
Regulation (EEC) No 3447/90This Regulation
Article 1Article 1
Article 2Article 2
Article 3Article 3
Article 3aArticle 4
Article 4Article 5
Article 6
Article 5Article 7
AnnexAnnex I
Annex II
Annex III