(a) Community fishing vessels exceeding 24 metres length overall, as from 1 January 2010 ;(b) Community fishing vessels exceeding 15 metres length overall, as from 1 July 2011 ;(c) Registered buyers, registered auctions or other entities or persons authorised by Member States that are responsible for the first sale of fisheries products with an annual financial turnover in first sales of fishery products in excess of EUR 400000 , as from1 January 2009 .
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1566/2007 of 21 December 2007 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1966/2006 on electronic recording and reporting of fishing activities and on means of remote sensing
(a) "fishing operation" means all activities in connection with searching for fish, the shooting, setting and hauling of a fishing gear and the removal of any catch from the gear; (b) "joint deployment plan" means a plan setting out operational arrangements for the deployment of available means of control and inspection.
(a) the competent authorities of the Member State where the fishery products have been landed and (b) the competent authorities of the flag Member State of the vessel that landed the fishery products.
(a) at the request of the competent authority of the flag Member State; (b) immediately after the last fishing operation has been completed; (c) before entering into port; (d) at the time of any inspection at sea; (e) at the time of events defined in Community legislation or by the flag State.
(a) at the request of the competent authority of the Flag State; (b) immediately after the last fishing operation has been completed; (c) before entering into port; (d) at the time of any inspection at sea; (e) at the time of events defined in Community legislation or by the flag State.
(a) the list of fishing vessels flying their flag whose electronic reporting systems have experienced technical failure or have failed to function; (b) the number of electronic logbook transmissions received per day and the average number of transmissions received per vessel, broken down by flag Member State; (c) the number of landing declaration, transhipment declaration, takeover declaration and sales note transmissions received, broken down by flag State.
(a) Ensure that data received according to this Regulation are safely stored in computerised databases and take all necessary measures to ensure that they are treated as confidential; (b) Take all necessary technical measures to protect such data against any accidental or illicit destruction, accidental loss, deterioration, distribution or unauthorised consultation.
Data elements | Field code | Description and content |
Start of record | SR | Tag indicating start of the logbook, sales note declaration or return message |
Address | AD | Destination: ISO alpha-3 country code |
From | FR | Country transmitting the data (ISO alpha-3 country code) |
Type of message | TM | Letter code of the type of message (LOG, SAL, RET or COR) |
Return status | RS | Indicates the status of the received message/report, either ACK (acknowledged) or NAK (not acknowledged) |
Return error code | RE | |
Record number | RN | Serial number of retransmission of the message by the FMC (annual count) |
Record date | RD | Date of retransmission of the message/report (YYYYMMDD) |
Record time | RT | Time of retransmission of the message/report (HHMM in UTC) |
Data elements | Field code | Description and content |
Start of logbook declaration | LOG | Tag indicating start of the logbook declaration (contains RC, XR, IR, NA, VO, MA or TN attribute and DEP, CAT, ENT, EXI, CRO, TRZ, TRA, LAN or RTP element) |
Departure declaration | DEP | Tag indicating the departure from a harbour at the start of a fishing trip (contains DA, TI and PO attributes) |
Return to port declaration | RTP | Tag indicating the return to the harbour at the end of the fishing trip (contains DA, TI and PO attributes) |
Catch declaration | CAT | Tag indicating start of a catch declaration (contains DA, TI, FO and DU attributes and POS, GEA or SPE sub-elements) |
Transhipment declaration | TRA | Tag indicating start of a transhipment declaration (contains DA, TI, TT, TF, TC and FC attributes and SPE sub-elements) |
Landing declaration | LAN | Tag indicating start of a landing declaration (contains DA, TI and PO attributes and POS and SPE sub-elements) |
Effort declaration: Entry in zone | ENT | Tag indicating start of an declaration on entry into the effort zone (contains DA, TI attributes and POS, SPE sub-elements) |
Effort declaration: Exit out of zone | EXI | Tag indicating start of a declaration on exit of the effort zone (contains DA, TI attributes and POS, SPE sub-elements) |
Effort declaration: Crossing of a zone | CRO | Tag indicating start of a declaration on crossing the effort zone (contains ENT and EXI elements) |
Effort declaration: Trans-zonal fishing | TRZ | Tag indicating start of a declaration on trans-zonal fishing within the effort zone (contains ENT and EXI elements) |
Species sub-declaration | SPE | Tag containing fish species details (contains SN, WT or WL or WS, NF attributes and PRO sub-elements) |
Processing sub-declaration | PRO | Tag containing fish processing details (contains PR, CF and TY attributes or DIS (discards)) |
Position sub-declaration | POS | Tag containing detailed information on the location of the fishing vessel (contains ZO attribute and for fishing effort: LA and LO attributes) |
Gear sub-declaration | GEA | Tag containing detailed information on the gear used during a fishing operation (contains GE, ME, GD and GL as required by the effort declaration). For DSS contains NH, IT, FO and FD |
Trip number | TN | Number of fishing trip in current year (001-999) |
Date | DA | Date of transmission (YYYYMMDD) |
Time | TI | Time of transmission (HHMM in UTC) |
Vessel’s main identification | RC | International radio call sign |
Vessel’s external identification | XR | Side (hull) registration number of the vessel |
Vessel’s identification (CFR) | IR | Community Fleet Register number |
Name of vessel | NA | Name of the vessel |
Name of vessel owner | VO | Name of the vessel owner |
Name of the master | MA | Name of the master |
Port name | PO | Port code (2 letter country code (ISO alpha-3 country code) + 3 letter port code). I.e for Edinburgh – GBEDI, Kiel – DEKEL or Vigo – ESVGO) |
Fishing operations | FO | Number of fishing operations (hauls) per 24 hour period |
Fishing time | DU | Duration of fishing activity in minutes |
Position: Latitude | LA | Latitude expressed in degrees and minutes (N/S DDMM) |
Position: Longitude | LO | Longitude expressed in degrees and minutes (E/W DDMM) |
Fishing zone | ZO | The smallest statistical area (sub-area, division, subdivision etc.) covered by the FAO Major fishing area [and ICES] classification (i.e. 27.3.24 [or III24] for the ICES subdivision 24 in the Baltic sea, 21,1F [or 1F] for NAFO division 21,1F etc.) |
Gear name | GE | Letter code according to FAO’s "International Standard Statistical Classification of the Fishing Gear" |
Gear mesh size | ME | Size of mesh (in millimetres) |
Gear height | GD | Gear height (in metres) |
Gear length | GL | Gear length (in metres) |
Species name | SN | Name of the species caught (FAO alpha-3 code) |
Weight of fish | WT | Weight of live fish (in kilograms) |
Number of fish | NF | Number of fish caught (when quota is allocated in numbers of fish i.e. salmon) |
Conversion factor | CF | Factors for the conversion of fish and fish product landed weights to live weight equivalents |
Weight of fish landed | WL | Product weight in the landing declaration |
Presentation of fish | PR | |
Processing’s type of packaging | TY | 3 letter code (CRT = cartons, BOX = boxes, BGS = bags, BLC = blocks) |
Transhipment: receiving vessel | TT | International radio call sign of the receiving vessel |
Transhipment: (donor) vessel | TF | International radio call sign of the donor vessel |
Transhipment: flag state of receiving vessel | TC | Flag state of vessel receiving the transhipment (ISO alpha-3 country code) |
Transhipment: flag state of donor vessel | FC | Flag state of the donor vessel (ISO alpha-3 country code) |
Average number of hooks used on longlines | NH | Average number of hooks per longline |
Immersion time | IT | The total time gear was in the water (fishing) per 24 hour period |
Fishing operations | FO | Number of fishing operations (hauls for nets and towed gears or longline shoots) per 24 hour period |
Fishing depths | FD | Distance between the sea floor and the surface of the sea |
Data elements | Field code | Description and content |
Start of sales note declaration | SAL | Tag indicating start of sales note declaration (contains XR (RC, IR), NA, VO and MA attributes and SIF or TOV sub-elements) |
Sales note info | SIF | Tag containing details of a sale (contains DA, TI, SL, SC, NS, NB, CN and TD attributes and SIT sub-elements) |
Takeover info | TOV | Tag containing details of a takeover declaration (contains DA, TI, SL, NS, NB, CN and TD attributes and SIT sub-elements) |
Sale item | SIT | Tag containing details of an item within a sale (contains FP, FF, SF, DL, PO, QC, PD and ZO attributes and SPE, POS and PRO sub-elements |
Species sub-declaration | SPE | Tag containing fish species details (contains SN, WT or WL or WS and MZ attributes and PRO sub-elements) |
Processing sub-declaration | PRO | Tag containing fish processing details (contains PR, CF and TY attributes) |
Date | DA | Date of the sale (YYYYMMDD) |
Time | TI | Time of the sale (HHMM in UTC) |
Sale location | SL | Port code or place name (if not in port) where the sale took place |
Sale country | SC | Country where the sale took place (ISO alpha-3 country code) |
Vessel’s main identification | RC | International radio call sign |
Vessel’s external identification | XR | Side (hull) number of registration of the vessel that landed the fish |
Vessel’s identification (CFR) | IR | Community Fleet Register number |
Name of vessel | NA | Name of the vessel that landed the fish |
Name of vessel owner or master | VO | Name of the vessel owner or master |
Name of seller | NS | Name of auction centre, other body or person selling the fish |
Name of buyer | NB | Name of auction centre, other body or person buying the fish |
Sales contract reference number | CN | Sales contract reference number |
Transport document reference | TD | Reference to the transport or T 2 M document (Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93) |
Date of landing | DL | Date of landing (YYYYMMDD) |
Port name | PO | Port code (port of landing) (2 letter country code (ISO alpha-3 country code) + 3 letter port code). I.e for Edinburgh – GBEDI, Kiel – DEKEL or Vigo – ESVGO) |
Species name | SN | Name of the species caught (FAO alpha-3 code) |
Geographical area of origin | ZO | According to the FAO major fishing area classification i.e. 27.3.24 [or III24] for the ICES subdivision 24 in the Baltic sea, 21,1F [or 1F] for NAFO division 21,1F etc. |
Quota country | QC | ISO alpha-3 country code of the vessel which lands fish received by transhipment in case flag state of donor and recipient vessel is different |
Weight of fish sold | WS | Weight of fish sold (in kilograms) |
Fish size category | SF | Size of fish (1-8; one size or kg, g, cm, mm or number of fish per kg as appropriate) |
Fish freshness category | FF | Fish freshness category (Extra, A, B, E) |
Minimum fish size | MZ | Minimum size of fish (in millimetres) |
Conversion factor | CF | Factors for the conversion of fish and fish product landed weights to live weight equivalents |
Presentation of fish | PR | |
Processing’s type of packaging | TY | 3 letter code (CRT = cartons, BOX = boxes, BGS = bags, BLC = blocks) |
Fish price | FP | Price per kg (currency of transaction/kg) |
Product destination | PD | Codes for human consumption, carry-over, industrial purposes |