Regulation (EC) No 1392/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2007 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to the transmission of national accounts data (Text with EEA relevance)
Regulation (EC) No 1392/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 13 November 2007amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to the transmission of national accounts data(Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 285(1) thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the opinion of the European Central BankOJ C 55, 7.3.2006, p. 61.,Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the TreatyOpinion of the European Parliament of 25 April 2007 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and Council Decision of 22 October 2007.,Whereas:(1)Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 of 25 June 1996 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the CommunityOJ L 310, 30.11.1996, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1267/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 180, 18.7.2003, p. 1). contains the reference framework of common standards, definitions, classifications and accounting rules for drawing up the accounts of the Member States for the statistical requirements of the Community, in order to obtain comparable results between Member States. The European System of Accounts 1995, set up by that Regulation, is known as "ESA 95".(2)A comprehensive set of comparable, pertinent and timely national accounts data is needed for the conduct of monetary policy within the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), for the effective coordination of economic policies and for the purposes of structural and macroeconomic policies.(3)Annex B to Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 provides for a set of tables of national accounts data to be transmitted for Community purposes within specified time limits. Furthermore, the following Regulations provide that a range of additional data has to be transmitted to the Commission: Commission Regulation (EC) No 264/2000 of 3 February 2000 on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to short-term public finance statisticsOJ L 29, 4.2.2000, p. 4., Regulation (EC) No 1221/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 June 2002 on quarterly non-financial accounts for general governmentOJ L 179, 9.7.2002, p. 1., Regulation (EC) No 501/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2004 on quarterly financial accounts for general governmentOJ L 81, 19.3.2004, p. 1., Council Regulation (EC) No 1222/2004 of 28 June 2004 concerning the compilation and transmission of data on the quarterly government debtOJ L 233, 2.7.2004, p. 1. and Regulation (EC) No 1161/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2005 on the compilation of quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sectorOJ L 191, 22.7.2005, p. 22.. This Regulation does not cover the data included in those Regulations but, together, all the tables and data provided for in all six Regulations referred to in this recital constitute the complete transmission programme of national accounts data.(4)The transmission programme of national accounts data should be updated to take into account changing user needs and new policy priorities, and the development of new economic activities in the European Union.(5)The transmission programme of national accounts data should take into consideration the fundamental political and statistical changes that have occurred in some Member States during the reference periods of the programme.(6)The Economic and Financial Committee’s Status Report on Information Requirements in EMU of 25 May 2004, endorsed by the Council on 2 June 2004, underlined the need to amend the transmission programme so as to comply with the requirements of the EMU Action Plan and the Lisbon strategy.(7)A sound statistical basis for the composition of public budgets is crucial for economic reform in line with the Lisbon strategy and the transmission of health, education and social protection data would help in its achievement. The provision of such data should become mandatory after a phase of provision on a voluntary basis.(8)Since the objective of this Regulation, namely the creation of common statistical standards that permit the production of harmonised national accounts data, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective.(9)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Statistical Programme Committee (SPC) and of the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics (CMFB),HAVE ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 shall be replaced by the following:"1.The Member States shall transmit to the Commission (Eurostat) the accounts and tables set out in Annex B within the time limits specified for each table, subject to the derogations set out therein."
Article 2Annex B to Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 shall be replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
Article 3This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Strasbourg, 13 November 2007.For the European ParliamentThe PresidentH.-G. PötteringFor the CouncilThe PresidentM.Lobo AntunesANNEX"ANNEX BTRANSMISSION PROGRAMME OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS DATA
Overview of the tablest = Reference period (year or quarter).Applicable to the entire table with the exception of selected items (see table details).
Table NoSubject of the tablesDeadline t + months (days where specified)First transmissionPeriod covered
1Main aggregates, annual70 days20071990 onwards
1Main aggregates, quarterly70 days20071990 Q1 onwards
2Main aggregates general government, annual3/920071995 onwards
3Tables by industry9/2120071990 onwards
5Household final consumption expenditure by purpose920071990 onwards
6Financial accounts by sector (transactions)920071995 onwards
7Balance sheets for financial assets and liabilities920071995 onwards
8Non-financial accounts by sector, annual920071995 onwards
9Detailed tax receipts by sector920071995 onwards
10Tables by industry and by region, NUTS II2420071995 onwards
11General government expenditure by function1220071995 onwards
12Tables by industry and by region, NUTS III2420071995 onwards
13Household accounts by region, NUTS II2420071995 onwards
15Supply table at basic prices including transformation into purchasers’ prices, A60 × P603620072000 onwards
16Use table at purchasers’ prices, A60 × P603620072000 onwards
17Symmetric input-output table at basic prices, P60 × P60, five yearly3620082000 onwards
18Symmetric input-output table for domestic output at basic prices, P60 × P60, five yearly3620082000 onwards
19Symmetric input-output table for imports at basic prices P60 × P60, five yearly3620082000 onwards
20Cross classification of fixed assets by industry and by asset, A17 × AN_F6, yearly2420072000 onwards
22Cross classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by asset, A17 × AN_F6, yearly2420071995 onwards
26Balance sheets for non-financial assets2420071995 onwards
Table 1 –Main aggregates — quarterly and annual exercise(x) In real terms.A6 NACE A6 including "of which manufacturing". Backward data for "manufacturing" starting in 1990.Quarterly data are to be provided in non-adjusted, as well as seasonally and working-day adjusted format. Gross domestic product (B.1*g) and total gross value added (B.1g) must also be provided in working-day adjusted format. The provision of other aggregates in working-day adjusted format is voluntary.If no breakdown is indicated that means total economy.Split between taxes and subsidies for quarterly accounts on a voluntary basis.Breakdown by durability for annual accounts: durable goods, semi-durable goods, non-durable goods, services.Breakdown by durability for quarterly accounts: durable goods and others.Backward data starting in 1990.AN_F6: Breakdown of fixed assets:
AN1112other buildings and structures
AN11131transport equipment
AN11132other machinery and equipment
AN1114cultivated assets
AN112intangible fixed assets.
Only in previous year's prices.Data (current and constant prices) to be provided for reference periods after 2006 must reflect the compositions of the EU and the EMU as at the end of the period reported in this Table. Only members of the EMU during the reference period are required to provide a split of the EMU; for non-members the split is voluntary.Backward data (aggregates in current prices, reference periods up to and including 2006):a)To be provided by all Member States that, in 2006, were members of the EU but not members of the EMU:2002-2006: total/EU-25/Institutions of the EU (voluntary)/third countries and international organisationsb)To be provided by all Member States that, in 2006, were members of the EMU:1999-2001: total/EMU122002-2006: total/EMU12/EU-25/Institutions of the EU (voluntary)/third countries and international organisationsEMU12 = Economic and Monetary Union with 12 Member States as at 1.1.2001For future countries joining the EU and the EMU:Any country joining the EU in year t after 2006 must provide backward data (in current prices) from t-2 on transactions with the EU (in the composition before EU enlargement).Any country joining the EMU in year t after 2006 must provide backward data (in current prices) from t-2 on transactions with the EMU (in the composition before EMU enlargement).On a voluntary basis.A6 only for total employment, self employed and employees in resident production units.CodeList of variablesBreakdownCurrent pricesPrevious year's prices and chain-linked volumesValue added and Gross Domestic ProductB.1g1.Gross value added at basic pricesA6xxD.212.a)Taxes on productsxxD.31b)Subsidies on productsxxB.1*g3.Gross domestic product at market pricesxxExpenditure side of Gross Domestic ProductP.34.Total final consumption expenditurexxP.35.a)Household final consumption expenditure (domestic concept)DurabilityxxP.3b)Household final consumption expenditure (national concept)xxP.36.Final consumption expenditure of NPISHsxxP.37.Government final consumption expenditurexxP.31a)Individual consumption expenditurexxP.32b)Collective consumption expenditurexxP.48.Actual final consumption of householdsxxP41a)Actual individual consumptionxxP.59.Gross capital formationxxP.51a)Gross fixed capital formationAN_F6xxP.52b)Changes in inventoriesxxP.53c)Acquisitions less disposals of valuablesxxP.610.Exports of goods (fob) and servicesxxP.61a)GoodsxxP.62b)ServicesxxMember States of the EU and Institutions of the EUxxMember States of the EUxxMembers of the EMUxxInstitutions of the EUxxThird countries and international organisationsxxP.711.Imports of goods (fob) and servicesxxP.71a)GoodsxxP.72b)ServicesxxMember States of the EU and Institutions of the EUxxMember States of the EUxxMembers of the EMUxxInstitutions of the EUxxThird countries and international organisationsxxB.1112.External balance of goods and servicesxxIncome, Saving and Net LendingB.2g + B.3g13.Gross operating surplus and mixed incomexD.214.Taxes on production and importsxD.315.Subsidies on production and importsxD.1_D.416.a)Primary income receivable from the rest of the worldx(x)D.1_D.4b)Primary income payable to the rest of the worldx(x)B.5*g17.Gross national income at market pricesx(x)K.118.Consumption of fixed capitalxxB.5*n19.Net national income at market pricesx(x)D.5, D.6, D.720.a)Current transfers receivable from the rest of the worldx(x)D.5, D.6, D.7b)Current transfers payable to the rest of the worldx(x)B.6n21.a)Disposable income, netx(x)B.6gb)Disposable income, grossx(x)D.822.Adjustments for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesx(x)B.8n23.National saving, netxD.924.a)Capital transfers receivable from the rest of the worldxD.9b)Capital transfers payable to the rest of the worldxK.225.Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assetsxB.926.Net lending or net borrowing of the nationxPopulation, Employment, Compensation of employees27.Population and employment dataa)Total population (thousands of persons)b)Unemployed persons (thousands of persons)c)Employment in resident production units (thousands of persons employed, thousands of hours worked and thousands of jobs) and employment of residents (thousands of persons)A6d)Self employedA6e)EmployeesA6D.128.Compensation of employees working in resident production units and compensation of resident employeesA6xD.11a)Gross wages and salariesA6x
Table 2 —Main aggregates of general governmentGeneral government sub-sectors breakdown:
S.13General Government
S.1311Central Government
S.1312State Government
S.1313Local Government
S.1314Social Security Funds.
Sector S.13 data equal the sum of sub-sectors data, except items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their sub-items) for which consolidation between sub-sectors should be made (with counterpart information).Data for sub-sectors S.1312, S.1313 and S.1314 to be transmitted on a voluntary basis for the t + 3 months transmission for the latest year transmitted.Backward data for sub-sectors S.1311, S.1312, S.1313 and S.1314 and counterpart information for D.4, D.7 and D.9 starting in 1995.Split between receiving sub-sectors on a voluntary basis.CodeTransactionSectors and sub-sectorsP.1OutputS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.11 + P.12Market output and output for own final use,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.13Other non-market output,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.131Payments for other non-market outputS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.132Other non-market output, otherS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.11 + P.12 + P.131Market output, output for own final use and payments for other non-market outputS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.2Intermediate consumptionS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314B.1gValue added, grossS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314K.1Consumption of fixed capitalS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314B.1nValue added, netS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.1Compensation of employees, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.29Other taxes on production, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.39Other subsidies on production, receivableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314B.2nOperating surplus, netS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.2Taxes on production and imports, receivableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.4Property income, receivableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.3Subsidies, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.4Property income, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.4_S.1311of which, payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.4_S.1312of which, payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)S.1311, S.1313, S.1314D.4_S.1313of which, payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)S.1311, S.1312, S.1314D.4_S.13.14of which, payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)S.1311, S.1312, S.1313D. 41Interest, payable,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.42 + D.43 + D.44 + D.45Other property income, payable,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314B.5nBalance of primary incomes, netS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.5Current taxes on income, wealth etc., receivableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.61Social contributions, receivableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.611Actual social contributions,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.612Imputed social contributions,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.7Other current transfers, receivableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.5Current taxes on income, wealth etc., payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.6311 + D.63121 + D.63131Social transfers in kind related to expenditure on products supplied to households via market producers, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.62 + D.6311 + D.63121 + D.63131Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind related to expenditure on products supplied to households via market producers, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.7Other current transfers, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.7_S.1311of which, payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.7_S.1312of which, payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)S.1311, S.1313, S.1314D.7_S.1313of which, payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)S.1311, S.1312, S.1314D.7_S.13.14of which, payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)S.1311, S.1312, S.1313B.6nDisposable income, netS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.3Final consumption expenditureS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.31Individual consumption expenditure,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.32Collective consumption expenditure,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.8Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314B.8gSaving, grossS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314B.8nSaving, netS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.9Capital transfers, receivableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.91Capital taxes,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.92 + D.99Other capital transfers and investment grants, receivable,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.9Capital transfers, payableS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.9_S.1311of which, payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.9_S.1312of which, payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)S.1311, S.1313, S.1314D.9_S.1313of which, payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)S.1311, S.1312, S.1314D.9_S.1314of which, payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)S.1311, S.1312, S.1313P.5Gross capital formationS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.51Gross fixed capital formation,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.52 + P.53Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables,S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314K2Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assetsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.5 + K.2Gross capital formation and Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assetsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314B.9Net lending (+)/Net borrowing (-)S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314TETotal expenditureS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314TRTotal revenueS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.995Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314EDP_D41Interest including flows on swaps and FRAsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314EDP_B9Net lending (+)/Net borrowing (-) under the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP)S.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314
Table 3 —Tables by industryAN_F6Breakdown fixed assets:
AN1112other buildings and structures
AN11131transport equipment
AN11132other machinery and equipment
of which:AN111321 office machinery and hardware
AN111322radio, TV and communication equipment
AN1114cultivated assets
AN112intangible fixed assets
of which:AN1122 computer software
If no breakdown is indicated that means total economy.
A6/A31:time limit for transmission t + 9 months. Backward data starting in 1980.
A60:time limit for transmission t + 21 months. Backward data starting in 1990.
A31/A60 on a voluntary basis.Only in previous year's prices.On a voluntary basis.Backward data for hours worked:from 1990: A31 mandatory, A60 voluntary;before 1990: A6 mandatory, A31 voluntary.Only number of persons; backward data starting in 1995.CodeList of variablesBreakdownCurrent pricesPrevious year's prices and chain-linked volumesOutputP.11.Output at basic prices by industryA31/A60xP.22Intermediate consumption at purchaser's prices by industryA31/A60xB.1g3.Gross value added at basic prices by industryA31/A60xxK.14.Consumption of fixed capital by industryA31/A60xxB.2n + B.3n5.Net operating surplus and net mixed incomeA31/A60xD.29-D.396.Other taxes less other subsidies on productionA31/A60xCapital formationP.55.Gross capital formation by industryA6xxP.51a)Gross fixed capital formation by industryA31/A60xxBreakdown by fixed asset AN_F6xxof which dwellings and other buildings and structuresA31/A60xxP.52 + P.53b)Changes in inventories and acquisition less disposals of valuables by industryA6xxP.52of which changes in inventoriesxxP.53of which acquisitions less disposals of valuablesxxEmployment and compensation of employees6Employment by industry(thousands of persons, thousands of hours worked and thousands of jobs)A31/A60a)self employed by industryA31/A60b)employees by industryA31/A60of which in the Government sector (S.13)of which in the other sectors (S.11 + S.12 + S.14 + S.15)D.17.Compensation of employees by industryA31/A60xD.11a)Wages and salaries by industryA31/A60x
Table 5 —Household final consumption expenditure
CodeList of variablesBreakdownCurrent pricesPrevious year's prices and chain-linked volumes
P.31.Household final consumption expenditure by purposeCOICOP groupsxx
P.32Final consumption expenditure of resident and non-resident households on the economic territoryxx
P.333Final consumption expenditure of resident households in the rest of the worldxx
P.344Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territoryxx
P.35Final consumption expenditure of resident households on the economic territory and abroadxx
Table 6 —Financial accounts by sector(Transactions, other changes in volume and revaluation accounts — consolidated and non-consolidated — and counterpart information)Non-consolidated counterpart information: table on a voluntary basis limited to the following counterpart sectors:
S.11Non-financial corporations
S.12Financial corporations
S.13General government
S.14 + S.15Households and non-profit institutions serving households
S.2Rest of the world
Changes in volume, revaluation of financial instruments: tables on a voluntary basisFinancial corporations:
S.12Financial corporations — total
S.121 + S.122Monetary financial institutions
S.121Central Bank (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.122Other monetary financial institutions (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.123Other financial intermediaries
S.124Financial auxiliaries
S.125Insurance corporations and pension funds
General government sub-sectors breakdown:
S.13General Government — total
S.1311Central Government
S.1312State Government
S.1313Local Government
S.1314Social Security Funds
Households and non-profit institutions serving households:
S.14 + S.15Households + non-profit institutions serving households — total
S.14Households (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.15Non-profit institutions serving households (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
Rest of the world:
S.2Rest of the world — total
S.21European Union (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.2111Members of the EMU (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.22Others (not EU) (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
Only for "transactions in financial instruments" but not meaningful for "changes in volume", "revaluation of financial instruments" and counterpart sector information.Total economyNon-financial corporationsFinancial corporations including all sub-sectorsGeneral government including all sub-sectorsHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving householdsRest of the world including all sub-sectorsTransactions/Changes in volume/revaluation of financial instrumentsESAS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.2Financial assetsF.AxxxxxxMonetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)F.1xxxxxxMonetary goldF.11xxxxxxSDRsF.12xxxxxxCurrency and depositsF.2xxxxxxCurrencyF.21xxxxxxTransferable depositsF.22xxxxxxOther depositsF.29xxxxxxSecurities other than sharesF.3xxxxxxSecurities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF.33xxxxxxShort-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF.331xxxxxxLong-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF.332xxxxxxFinancial derivativesF.34xxxxxxLoansF.4xxxxxxShort-termF.41xxxxxxLong-termF.42xxxxxxShares and other equityF.5xxxxxxShares and other equity, excluding mutual funds sharesF.51xxxxxxQuoted sharesF.511xxxxxxUnquoted sharesF.512xxxxxxOther equityF.513xxxxxxMutual funds sharesF.52xxxxxxInsurance technical reservesF.6xxxxxxNet equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reservesF.61xxxxxxNet equity of households in life insurance reservesF.611xxxxxxNet equity of households in pension funds reservesF.612xxxxxxPrepayment of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claimsF.62xxxxxxOther accounts receivableF.7xxxxxxTrade credits and advancesF.71xxxxxxOtherF.79xxxxxxLiabilitiesF.LxxxxxxCurrency and depositsF.2xxxxxxCurrencyF.21xxxxxxTransferable depositsF.22xxxxxxOther depositsF.29xxxxxxSecurities other than sharesF.3xxxxxxSecurities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF.33xxxxxxShort-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF.331xxxxxxLong-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF.332xxxxxxFinancial derivativesF.34xxxxxxLoansF.4xxxxxxShort-termF.41xxxxxxLong-termF.42xxxxxxShares and other equityF.5xxxxxxShares and other equity, excluding mutual funds sharesF.51xxxxxxQuoted sharesF.511xxxxxxUnquoted sharesF.512xxxxxxOther equityF.513xxxxxxMutual funds sharesF.52xxxxxxInsurance technical reservesF.6xxxxxxNet equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reservesF.61xxxxxxNet equity of households in life insurance reservesF.611xxxxxxNet equity of households in pension funds reservesF.612xxxxxxPrepayment of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claimsF.62xxxxxxOther accounts payableF.7xxxxxxTrade credits and advancesF.71xxxxxxOtherF.79xxxxxxNet acquisition of Financial assetsF.AxxxxxxNet incurrence of LiabilitiesF.LxxxxxxNet financial transactionsxxxxxxStatistical discrepancyxxxxxxNet lending (+)/Net borrowing (-)B.9xxxxxx
Table 7 –Balance sheets for financial assets and liabilities(Stock of financial instruments — consolidated and non-consolidated — and counterpart information)Non-consolidated counterpart information: table on a voluntary basis limited to the following counterpart sectors:
S.11Non-financial corporations
S.12Financial corporations
S.13General government
S.14 + S.15Households and non-profit institutions serving households
S.2Rest of the world
Financial corporations:
S.12Financial corporations — total
S.121 + S.122Monetary financial institutions
S.121Central Bank (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.122Other monetary financial institutions (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.123Other financial intermediaries
S.124Financial auxiliaries
S.125Insurance corporations and pension funds
General government sub-sectors breakdown:
S.13General Government — total
S.1311Central Government
S.1312State Government
S.1313Local Government
S.1314Social Security Funds
Households and non-profit institutions serving households:
S.14 + S.15Households + non-profit institutions serving households — total
S.14Households (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.15Non-profit institutions serving households (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
Rest of the world:
S.2Rest of the world — total
S.21European Union (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.2111Members of the EMU (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
S.22Others (not EU) (Institutional sectors and sub-sectors to be provided on a voluntary basis.)
Only for stocks of financial instruments but not meaningful for counterpart sector information.Total economyNon-financial corporationsFinancial corporations including all sub-sectorsGeneral government including all sub-sectorsHouseholds and non-profit institutions serving householdsRest of the world including all sub-sectorsStock of financial instrumentsESAS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.2Financial assetsAF.AxxxxxxMonetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)AF.1xxxxxxMonetary goldAF.11xxxxxxSDRsAF.12xxxxxxCurrency and depositsAF.2xxxxxxCurrencyAF.21xxxxxxTransferable depositsAF.22xxxxxxOther depositsAF.29xxxxxxSecurities other than sharesAF.3xxxxxxSecurities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesAF.33xxxxxxShort-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesAF.331xxxxxxLong-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesAF.332xxxxxxFinancial derivativesAF.34xxxxxxLoansAF.4xxxxxxShort-termAF.41xxxxxxLong-termAF.42xxxxxxShares and other equityAF.5xxxxxxShares and other equity, excluding mutual funds sharesAF.51xxxxxxQuoted sharesAF.511xxxxxxUnquoted sharesAF.512xxxxxxOther equityAF.513xxxxxxMutual funds sharesAF.52xxxxxxInsurance technical reservesAF.6xxxxxxNet equity of households in life insurance and pension funds reservesAF.61xxxxxxNet equity of households in life insurance reservesAF.611xxxxxxNet equity of households in pension funds reservesAF.612xxxxxxPrepayment of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claimsAF.62xxxxxxOther accounts receivableAF.7xxxxxxTrade credits and advancesAF.71xxxxxxOtherAF.79xxxxxxLiabilitiesAF.LxxxxxxCurrency and depositsAF.2xxxxxxCurrencyAF.21xxxxxxTransferable depositsAF.22xxxxxxOther depositsAF.29xxxxxxSecurities other than sharesAF.3xxxxxxSecurities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesAF.33xxxxxxShort-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesAF.331xxxxxxLong-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesAF.332xxxxxxFinancial derivativesAF.34xxxxxxLoansAF.4xxxxxxShort-termAF.41xxxxxxLong-termAF.42xxxxxxShares and other equityAF.5xxxxxxShares and other equity, excluding mutual funds sharesAF.51xxxxxxQuoted sharesAF.511xxxxxxUnquoted sharesAF.512xxxxxxOther equityAF.513xxxxxxMutual funds sharesAF.52xxxxxxInsurance technical reservesAF.6xxxxxxNet equity of households in life insuranceand pension funds reservesAF.61xxxxxxNet equity of households in life insurance reservesAF.611xxxxxxNet equity of households in pension funds reservesAF.612xxxxxxPrepayment of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claimsAF.62xxxxxxOther accounts payableAF.7xxxxxxTrade credits and advancesAF.71xxxxxxOtherAF.79xxxxxxFinancial assetsAF.AxxxxxxLiabilitiesAF.LxxxxxxNet financial assetsBF.90xxxxxx
Table 8 –Non-financial accounts by sector
= non relevant cellsx= required= voluntary
Split between sector S.14 and S.15 on a voluntary basis.Interest will be recorded after adjustment for FISIMFor the transaction of the sector S.13, consolidation should be made within each sub-sector and between all sub-sectors of general government; i.e. central government, state government, local government and social security funds.Breakdown of sector S.2: Data to be provided for reference periods after 2006 must reflect the membership of the EU and the EMU as at the end of the period reported in this Table. Only members of the EMU during the reference period are required to provide a breakdown of the EMU — for non-members the split is voluntary.Provision of data for S.212 (Institutions of the EU) voluntaryBackward data (reference periods up to and including 2006):a)To be provided by all Member States, which, in 2006, were not members of the EMU:2002-2006: total/EU-25/Institutions of the EU (voluntary)/third countries and international organisations,b)To be provided by all Member States, which, in 2006, were members of the EMU:1999-2001: total/EMU12,2002-2006: total/EMU12/EU-25/Institutions of the EU (voluntary)/third countries and international organisations,For future countries joining the EU and the EMU:Any country joining the EU in year t after 2006 must provide backward data from t-2 on transactions with the EU (in the composition before EU enlargement)Any country joining the EMU in year t after 2006 must provide backward data from t-2 on transactions with the EMU (in the composition before EMU enlargement)CodeTransactions and Balancing itemsSectorsS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14/S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2S.21S.211S.2111S.2112S.212S.22Total EconomyNon-financial corporationsFinancial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholds + non-profit institution serving householdsHouseholdsNon-profit institution serving householdsNot sectorisedRest of the worldEuropean UnionMember States of the EUMembers of the Monetary UnionNon-member of the Monetary UnionInstitutions of the EUThird countries and international organisationsI.Production account/External account of goods and servicesResourcesP.1OutputxxxxxxxP.11Market OutputxxxxxxxP.12Output for own final usexxxxxxxP.13Other non-market outputxxxxP.7Imports of goods and servicesxxxxxxxP.71Imports of goodsxxxxxxxP.72Imports of servicesxxxxxxxP.72FImports of FISIMD.21 — D.31Taxes less subsidies on productsxxR1Total resourcesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxUsesP.2Intermediate consumptionxxxxxxxP.6Exports of goods and servicesxxxxxxxP.61Exports of goodsxxxxxxxP.62Exports of servicesxxxxxxxP.62FExports of FISIMB.1gGross domestic product/Gross value addedxxxxxxxxB.11External balance of goods and servicesxxxxxxxU1Total usesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxK.1Consumption of fixed capitalxxxxxxxB.1nNet domestic product/Net value addedxxxxxxxxII.1.1.Generation of income accountResourcesB.1gGross domestic product/Gross value addedxxxxxxxxD.3Subsidies, receivedxxxxxxxxD.31Subsidies on productsxxD.39Other subsidies on productionxxxxxxxR211Total resourcesxxxxxxxxUsesD.1Compensation of employeesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.2Taxes on production and imports, paidxxxxxxxxD.21Taxes on productsxxD.29Other taxes on productionxxxxxxxB.2g_B.3gGross operating surplus plus gross mixed incomexxxxxxxxB.3gGross mixed incomexxxU211Total usesxxxxxxxxII.1.2.Allocation of primary income accountResourcesB.2g_B.3gGross operating surplus plus gross mixed incomexxxxxxxxB.3gGross mixed incomexxxD.1Compensation of employeesxxxxxxxxxD.11Wages and salariesxxxxxxxxxD.12Employers’ social contributionsxxxxxxxxxD.2Taxes on production and imports, receivedxxxxxD.21Taxes on productsxxxxxD.211Value added type taxes (VAT)xxxxxD.212Taxes and duties on imports excluding VATxxxxxD.214Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxesxxxxxD.29Other taxes on productionxxxxxD.4Property incomexxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.41InterestxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.42Distributed income of corporationsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.43Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investmentxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.44Property income attributed to insurance policy holdersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.45RentsxxxxxxxR212Total resourcesxxxxxxxTINTTotal interest (including FISIM)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxUsesD.3Subsidies, paidxxxxxD.31Subsidies on productsxxxxxD.39Other subsidies on productionxxxxxD.4Property incomexxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.41InterestxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.42Distributed income of corporationsxxxxxxxxxxxxD.43Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investmentxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.44Property income attributed to insurance policy holdersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.45RentsxxxxxxxB.5gGross national income/Balance of primary income, grossxxxxxxxU212Total usesxxxxxxxTINTTotal interest (including. FISIM)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxII.2.Secondary distribution of income accountResourcesB.5gGross national income/Balance of primary income, grossxxxxxxxD.5Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.xxxxxxxxD.51Taxes on incomexxxxxxxxD.59Other current taxesxxxxxxxxD.6Social contributions and benefitsxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.61Social contributionsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.611Actual social contributionsxxxxxxxD.612Imputed social contributionsxxxxxxxD.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindxxxxxxxxxD.63Social transfers in kindxxxD.7Other current transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.71Net non-life insurance premiumsxxxxxxxxxD.72Non-life insurance claimsxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.74Current international cooperationxxxxxxxxxD.75Miscellaneous current transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.751GNI based fourth own resourcexxR22Total resourcesxxxxxxxUsesD.5Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.xxxxxxxxxxxxxD.51Taxes on incomexxxxxxxxxxxD.59Other current taxesxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.6Social contributions and benefitsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.61Social contributionsxxxxxxxxxD.611Actual social contributionsxxxD.612Imputed social contributionsxxxD.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.63Social transfers in kindxxxxD.7Other current transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.71Net non-life insurance premiumsxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.72Non-life insurance claimsxxxxxxxxxD.74Current international cooperationxxxxxxxxxD.75Miscellaneous current transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.751GNI based fourth own resourcexxB.7gAdjusted disposable incomexxxxxxxU22Total usesxxxxxxxD.63(minus) Social transfers in kindxxxxB.6gGross disposable incomexxxxxxxII.4.1.Use of disposable income accountResourcesB.6gGross disposable incomexxxxxxxD.8Adjusted for the change in net equity of households in pension fundsxxxxxxxxxR241Total resourcesxxxxxxxUsesP.3Final consumption expenditurexxxxxP.31Individual consumption expenditurexxxxxP.32Collective consumption expenditurexxD.8Adjusted for the change in net equity of households in pension fundsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxB.8gGross savingxxxxxxxB.12Current external balancexxxxxxxU241Total usesxxxxxxxIII.1.1.Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers accountChanges in net worthB.8gGross savingxxxxxxxB.12Current external balancexxxxxxxD.9Capital transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.91Capital taxesxxxxxxxxD.92Investment grantsxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.92 from S212 to S13Investment grants from EU Institutions to General GovernmentxxD.99Other capital transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxR311Total change net worthxxxxxxxxxxxxxxChanges in assetsD.9Capital transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD.91Capital taxesxxxxxxxxxxxxD.92Investment grantsxxxxxxxxxD.92 from S212 to S13Investment grants from EU Institutions to General GovernmentxxxD.99Other capital transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxK.1Consumption of fixed capitalxxxxxxxB.10.1Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU311Total changes in assetsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIII.1.2.Acquisitions of non-financial assets accountChanges net worthB.10.1Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxK.1Consumption of fixed capitalxxxxxxxR312Total change net worthxxxxxxxxxxxxxxChanges in assetsP.5Gross capital formationxxxxxxxP.51Gross fixed capital formationxxxxxxxP.52Changes in inventoriesxxxxxxxP.53Acquisitions less disposals of valuablesxxxxxxxK.2Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non financial assetsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxB.9Net lending (+)/Net borrowing (-)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxU312Total changes in assetsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDB.9Discrepancy with net lending/net borrowing of financial accountsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Table 9 —Detailed Tax and Social Contribution Receipts by Type of Tax or Social Contribution and Receiving Sub-sectorIn addition, the full detail of the national classification of taxes and social contributions, with corresponding amounts and ESA95 codes, will be provided.Sector and sub-sectors:
S.13General Government. Sub-sectors breakdown:
S.13General Government
S.1311Central Government
S.1312State Government
S.1313Local Government
S.1314Social Security Funds
S.212Institutions of the EU
On a voluntary basis.Split by receiving sub-sector on a voluntary basis.CodeTransactionD.2Taxes on production and importsD.21Taxes on productsD.211Value added type taxesD.212Taxes and duties on imports excluding VATD.2121Import dutiesD.2122Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import dutiesD.2122aLevies on imported agricultural productsD.2122bMonetary compensatory amounts on importsD.2122cExcise dutiesD.2122dGeneral sales taxesD.2122eTaxes on specific servicesD.2122fProfits of import monopoliesD.214Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxesD.214aExcise duties and consumption taxesD.214bStamp taxesD.214cTaxes on financial and capital transactionsD.214dCar registration taxesD.214eTaxes on entertainmentD.214fTaxes on lotteries, gambling and bettingD.214gTaxes on insurance premiumsD.214hOther taxes on specific servicesD.214iGeneral sales or turnover taxesD.214jProfits of fiscal monopoliesD.214kExport duties and monetary comp. amounts on exportsD.214lOther taxes on products n.e.c.D.29Other taxes on productionD.29aTaxes on land, buildings or other structuresD.29bTaxes on the use of fixed assetsD.29cTotal wage bill and payroll taxesD.29dTaxes on international transactionsD.29eBusiness and professional licencesD.29fTaxes on pollutionD.29gUnder-compensation of VAT (flat rate system)D.29hOther taxes on production n.e.c.D.5Current taxes on income wealth, etc.D.51Taxes on incomeD.51a + D.51c1Taxes on individual or household income including holding gainsD.51aTaxes on individual or household income excluding holding gainsD.51c1Taxes on individual or household holding gainsD.51b + D.51c2Taxes on the income or profits of corporations including holding gainsD.51bTaxes on the income or profits of corporations excluding holding gainsD.51c2Taxes on holding gains of corporationsD.51c3Other taxes on holding gainsD.51CTaxes on holding gainsD.51DTaxes on winnings from lottery or gamblingD.51EOther taxes on income n.e.c.D.59Other current taxesD.59aCurrent taxes on capitalD.59bPoll taxesD.59cExpenditure taxesD.59dPayments by households for licencesD.59eTaxes on international transactionsD.59fOther current taxes n.e.c.D.91Capital TaxesD.91aTaxes on capital transfersD.91bCapital leviesD.91cOther capital taxes n.e.c.D.2 + D.5 + D.91Total tax receiptsD.611Actual social contributionsD.6111Employers' actual social contributionsD.61111Compulsory employers' actual social contributionsD.61112Voluntary employers' actual social contributionsD.6112Employees' social contributionsD.61121Compulsory employees' social contributionsD.61122Voluntary employees' social contributionsD.6113Social contributions by self- and non-employed personsD.61131Compulsory social contributions by self- and non-employed personsD.61132Voluntary social contributions by self- and non-employed personsD.612Imputed social contributionsD.995Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.99521Taxes on products assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.99529Other taxes on production assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.99551Taxes on income assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.99559Other current taxes assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.9956111Employers' actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.9956112Employees' social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.9956113Social contributions by self- and unemployed persons assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.99591Capital taxes assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.2 + D.5 + D.91 + D.611 – D.995Total receipts from taxes and social contributions after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.2 + D.5 + D.91 + D.611 + D.612 – D.995Total receipts from taxes and social contributions (including imputed social contributions) after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected
Table 10 —Tables by industry and by region (NUTS II), current prices
CodeList of variablesBreakdown
D.11.Compensation of employeesA6
P.512.Gross fixed capital formationA6
3.Employment in thousands of hours worked
Table 11 —Expenditure of General Government by functionBreakdown of sub-sectors:
S.13General Government
S.1311Central Government
S.1312State Government
S.1313Local Government
S.1314Social Security Funds
On a voluntary basis.For sub-sector data, consolidation should be made within each sub-sector but not between sub-sectors. Sector S13 data equal the sum of sub-sector data, except items D4, D7 and D9 (and their sub-items) for which consolidation between sub-sectors should be made.CodeList of variablesFunctionSub-sector breakdownP.5 + K.2Gross capital formation + Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assetsCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.5Gross capital formationCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.51of which, gross fixed capital formationCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13K.2Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assetsCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.1Compensation of employeesCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.3SubsidiesCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.4Property incomeCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.4_S.1311of which, payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)COFOG divisionsS.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.4_S.1312of which, payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1313, S.1314D.4_S.1313of which, payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1312, S.1314D.4_S.13.14of which, payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1312, S.1313D.62 + D.6311 + D.63121 + D.63131Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind related to expenditure on products supplied to households via market producers, payableCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.2 + D.29 + D.5 + D.8Intermediate consumption + Other taxes on production + Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.+ Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.2Intermediate consumptionCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.29 + D.5 + D.8Other taxes on production + Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.+ Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reservesCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.7Other current transfersCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.7_S.1311of which, payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)COFOG divisionsS.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.7_S.1312of which, payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1313, S.1314D.7_S.1313of which, payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1312, S.1314D.7_S.13.14of which, payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1312, S.1313D.9Capital transfersCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.92of which, investment grantsCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13D.9_S.1311of which, payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)COFOG divisionsS.1312, S.1313, S.1314D.9_S.1312of which, payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1313, S.1314D.9_S.1313of which, payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1312, S.1314D.9_S.1314of which, payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)COFOG divisionsS.1311, S.1312, S.1313TETotal expenditureCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314P.3Final consumption expenditureCOFOG divisionsCOFOG groupsS.13, S.1311, S.1312, S.1313, S.1314
Table 12 —Tables by industry and by region (NUTS III)
CodeList of variablesBreakdown
B1.g1.Gross value added at basic prices (current prices)A6
2.Employment (thousands of persons)
Table 13 —Households accounts by region (NUTS II)
Allocation of primary income account of households (S.14)
D.41.Property incomeB.2/B.33.Operating surplus/mixed income
B.5n2.Balance of primary income, netD.14.Compensation of employees
D.45.Property income
Secondary distribution of income account of households (S.14)
D.56.Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.B.510.Balance of primary income, net
D.617.Social contributionsD.6211.Social benefits other than social benefits in kind
D.78.Other current transfersD.712.Other current transfers
B.6n9.Disposable income, net
Table 15 —Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purchasers' prices (current prices and prices of the previous year)n = 60, m = 60On a voluntary basis.Breakdown of imports: — EU/EMU/Member States not members of the EMU/third countries. Composition of the EU and the EMU as at the end of the period reported in this table.
Industries (NACE A60)1 2 3 4 … nΣ (1)Imports cifTotal supply at basic pricesTrade and transport marginsTaxes less subsidies on productsTotal supply at purchasers' prices
1234Products (CPA)m(1)Output by product and by industry at basic pricesa)Intra EU cifb)From members of the EMU cifc)From non-members of the EMU cifd)Extra EU cife)Total
Σ (1)Total output by industry
Adjust. Items:(2)
Cif/fob adjustments on imports
Direct purchase abroad by residents
(1) + (2)
Total of which:(3)
Market output,
Output for own final use,
Other non-market output,
Table 16 —Use table at purchasers' prices (current prices and prices of the previous year)n = 60, m = 60On a voluntary basis.Breakdown of exports: — EU/EMU/Member States not members of the EMU/third countries. Composition of the EU and the EMU as at the end of the period reported in this table.Only at current prices.
Industries (NACE A60)1 2 3 … nΣ (1)Final usesa) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)Σ (3)Σ (1) + Σ (3)
123Products(CPA)n(1)Intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices by product and by industryFinal uses at purchasers' prices:Final consumption expenditure:a)by householdsb)by NPISHc)by governmentd)totalGross capital formation:e)gross fixed capital formationf)changes in inventoriesg)acquisitions less disposals of valuablesExports fob:h)intra EUto members of the EMUto non-members of the EMUi)extra EUj)total
Σ (1)(2)Total intermediate consumption by industryTotal final uses by typeTotal use
Adjustment items:(3)
Cif/fob adjustments on exports,only exportsonly exports
Direct purchases abroad by residents,only final consumption expenditure of householdsonly final consumption expenditure of households
Purchases on the domestic territory by non-resident,only final consumption expenditure of households and exportsonly final consumption expenditure of households and exports
Σ (2) + Σ (3)(4)
Compensation of employees,Wages and salariesOther net taxes on production,Consumption of fixed capital,Operating surplus, net,Operating surplus, gross,Mixed income, gross,(5)
Value added at basic prices(6)
Total output at basic prices(7)
Supplementary data:Fixed capital formation,Fixed capital stock,Labour input (thousands of persons),(8)
Table 17 —Symmetric input-output table at basic prices (product by product)(current prices)n = 60Industry by industry provided that industry by industry is a good approximation of product by product.On a voluntary basis.Breakdown of exports/imports: — EU/EMU/Member States not members of the EMU/third countries. Composition of the EU and the EMU as at the end of the period reported in this table.
Products1 2 3 … nΣ (1)Final usesa) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)Σ (3)Σ (1) + Σ (3)
123Productsn(1)Intermediate consumption at basic prices (product by product)Final uses at basic prices:Final consumption expenditure:a)by householdsb)by NPISHc)by governmentd)totalGross capital formation:e)gross fixed capital formationf)changes in inventoriesg)changes in valuablesExports fob:h)intra EUto members of the EMUto non-members of the EMUi)extra EUj)total
Σ (1)(2)Total intermediate consumption at basic prices by productFinal use by type at basic pricesTotal use at basic prices
Taxes less subsidies on products(3)Net taxes on products by productNet taxes on products by type of final useTotal net taxes on production
Σ (1) + (3)(4)Total intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices by productTotal final uses by type at purchasers' pricesTotal use at purchasers' prices
Compensation of employeesWages and salariesOther net taxes on production,Consumption of fixed capital,Operating surplus, net,Operating surplus, gross,Mixed income, gross,(5)
Value added at basic prices(6)
Total output at basic prices(7)
Imports intra EUimports from members of the EMU,imports from non-members of the EMU,Imports extra EU(8)
Σ (8)(9)Imports cif by product
Total supply at basic prices(10)Supply at basic prices by product
Table 18 —Symmetric input-output table for domestic output at basic prices (product by product)(current prices)n = 60Industry by industry provided that industry by industry is a good approximation of product by product.On a voluntary basis.Breakdown of exports/imports: — EU/EMU/Member States not members of the EMU/third countries. Composition of EU and EMU as at the end of the period reported in this table.
Products1 2 3 … nΣ (1)Final usesa) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)Σ (3)Σ (1) + Σ (3)
123Productsn(1)For domestic output: Intermediate consumption at basic prices (product by product)Final uses at basic prices:Final consumption expenditure:a)by householdsb)by NPISHc)by governmentd)totalGross capital formation:e)gross fixed capital formationf)changes in inventoriesg)changes in valuablesExports fob:h)intra EUto members of the EMUto non-members of the EMUi)extra EUj)total
Σ (1)(2)Total intermediate consumption of domestic output at basic prices by productFinal use of domestic output at basic pricesTotal domestic output at basic prices
Use of imported products(3)Total intermediate consumption of imported products by product, cifFinal use of imported products, cifTotal imports
Taxes les subsidies on products(4)Net taxes on products for intermediate consumption by productNet taxes on products by type of final useTotal net taxes on products
Σ (1) + (3) + (4)(5)Total intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices by productTotal final uses by type at purchasers' pricesTotal use at purchasers' prices
Compensation of employeesWages and salariesOther net taxes on production,Consumption of fixed capital,Operating surplus, net,Mixed income, gross,Operating surplus, gross,(6)
Value added at basic prices(7)
Total output at basic prices(8)
Table 19 —Symmetric input-output table for imports at basic prices (product by product) cif(current prices)n = 60Industry by industry provided that industry by industry is a good approximation of product by product.On a voluntary basis.Breakdown of exports: — EU/EMU/Member States not members of the EMU/third countries. Composition of EU and EMU as at the end of the period reported in this table.
Products1 2 3 … nΣ (1)Final usesa) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)Σ (3)Σ (1) + Σ (3)
123Productsn(1)For imports: Intermediate consumption at basic prices (product by product)Final uses at basic prices cif:Final consumption expenditure:a)by householdsb)by NPISHc)by governmentd)totalGross capital formation:e)gross fixed capital formationf)changes in inventoriesg)changes in valuablesExports fobh)intra EUto members of the EMUto non-members of the EMUi)extra EUj)total
Σ (1)(2)Total intermediate consumption of imports at basic prices by productFinal use of imports at basic pricesTotal import
Table 20 –Cross classification of fixed assets by industry and by assetA17 mandatoryA31/A60: on a voluntary basis.
CodeList of variablesBreakdown IndustriesBreakdown AssetsUnit
AN.11g1. Fixed assets, grossA17/A31/A60AN_F6Current replacement costs,Constant replacement costs,
AN.11n2. Fixed assets, netA17/A31/A60AN_F6Current replacement costs,Constant replacement costs,
Table 22 –Cross classification of gross fixed capital formation by industry and by productA31/A60: on a voluntary basis.
CodeList of variablesBreakdown IndustriesBreakdown AssetsUnit
P.511.Gross fixed capital formationA17/A31/A60AN_F6Current prices,Previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes,
Table 26 –Balance sheets for non-financial assetsVoluntary: all items except AN.1111, dwellings.Unit: current replacement costs.
CodeList of variablesBreakdownSectors
AN.11.Produced assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.112.Fixed assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.1113.Tangible fixed assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.11114.DwellingsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.11125.Other buildings and structuresS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.111216.Non-residential buildingsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.111227.Other structuresS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.11138.Machinery and equipmentS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.11149.Cultivated assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.11210.Intangible fixed assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.112111.Mineral explorationS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.112212.Computer softwareS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.112313.Entertainment, literary or artistic originalsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.112914.Other intangible fixed assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.1215.InventoriesS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.1316.ValuablesS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.217.Non-produced assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.2118.Tangible non-produced assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.21119.LandS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.21220.Subsoil assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.213 + AN.21421.Non-cultivated biological resources and water resourcesS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
AN.2222.Intangible non-produced assetsS.1, S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1All variables/items: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: first transmission in 20081990-19942008
1All variables/items: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — annualYears 1980-1994: first transmission in 20081980-19942008
3All variables/items: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1980-1994: first transmission in 20081980-19942008
3Industry breakdown A60Years 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
5All variables/items: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1980-1994: first transmission in 20081980-19942008
5COICOP groups and divisionsYears 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
1.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Gross Fixed Capital Formation: breakdown AN_F6First transmission in 20151990-20142015
1Hours worked for self-employed — quarterlyYears 2000-2006: first transmission in 20082000-20062008
Years 1990-1999: not to be transmitted1990-1999Not to be transmitted
1Households final consumption: breakdown by durability — quarterlyYears 1995-2007: first transmission 20081995-20072008
Years 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
3P.1, P.2, K.1, B.2n + B.3n, D.29-D.39, D.11: breakdown A31Years 1980-1994: first transmission 20081980-19942008
3Capital formation: breakdown A31Years 1980-1994: first transmission in 20081980-19942008
3Employees and self-employed: breakdown A31 — hours workedYears 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
6, 7Flows and stocks of derivatives (F.34, A.F.34)First transmission in 20151995-20142015
10Gross Fixed Capital Formation: regional breakdown of P.51 for industries L-PFirst transmission in 20081995-20062008
10Employment total: hours workedYears 2000-2008: first transmission 20102000-20082010
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
20Fixed assets: breakdown AN_F6First transmission in 20152000-20132015
2.BULGARIA2.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
1All variables/items seasonally and working days — adjustedYears 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
Years 1998-2007: first transmission in 20081998-20072008
2All variables/itemsYears 1999-2001: first transmission in 20081999-20012008
Years 1998: first transmission in 200919982009
Years 1995-1997: first transmission in 20101995-19972010
3All variables/itemYears 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
5All variables/item — Previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-1997: first transmission in 20101995-19972010
6All variables/itemYears 1995-2000 not to be transmitted1995-2000Not to be transmitted
Year 2005: transmission at T + 21 months2005
Years 2006-2009: transmission at T + 13 months2006-2009
First transmission at T + 9 months in 20112011
7All variables/itemYears 1995-1999 not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
Year 2005: transmission at T + 21 months2005
Years 2006-2009: transmission at T + 13 months2006-2009
First transmission at T + 9 months in 20112011
8All variables/itemYears 2002-2005: first transmission in 20072002-20052007
Years 1999-2001: first transmission in 20081999-20012008
Years 1998: first transmission in 200919982009
Years 1995-1997: first transmission in 20101995-19972010
Year 2006, 2007: transmission at T + 20 months
Year 2008, 2009: transmission at T + 12 months
First transmission at T + 9 months in 20112011
9All variables/itemYear 1999: first transmission in 200819992008
Year 1998: first transmission in 200919982009
Years 1995-1997: first transmission in 20101995-19972010
10All variablesYear 1995: first transmission in 200919952009
11All variablesYears 2003: first transmission in 200720032007
Years 2000-2002: first transmission in 20082000-20022008
Years 1998-1999: first transmission in 20101998-19992010
Years 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
12All variablesYear 1995: first transmission in 200919952009
13All variablesYear 1995-1999: Not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
Year 2000-2005: first transmission in 20082000-20052008
Year 2005-2006: transmission at T + 36 months2005-2006
First transmission at T + 24 months in 20092009
15, 16All variables: current pricesYears 2000-2004: first transmission in 20082000-20042008
Years 2005-2006: first transmission in 20092005-20062009
15, 16All variables: prices of the previous yearYear 2000: not to be transmitted2000Not to be transmitted
Years 2001-2007: first transmission in 20102001-20072010
17, 18All variablesYear 2005: first transmission in 200920052009
19All variablesYear 2005: first transmission in 200920052009
20All variablesYears 2000-2002: not to be transmitted2000-2002Not to be transmitted
Years 2003-2009: first transmission in 20122003-20092012
22All variablesYears 2005: first transmission in 200820052008
Years 2000-2004: first transmission in 20102000-20042010
Years 1998-1999: first transmission in 20111998-19992011
Years 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
26All variablesYears 1995-2002: not to be transmitted1995-2002Not to be transmitted
Years 2003-2009: first transmission in 20122003-20092012
2.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Gross Fixed Capital Formation: breakdown AN_F6Years 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20121995-19992012
1Households final consumption expenditure (P.3): breakdown by durability — quarterlyYears 2001-2007: first transmission in 20082001-20072008
Years 1995-2000: first transmission in 20101995-20002010
1Households final consumption expenditure (P.3): breakdown by durability — annualYears 2001-2007: first transmission in 20082001-20072008
Years 1995-2000: first transmission in 20101995-20002010
1Acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P.53)Years 1995-2008: not to be transmitted1995-2008Not to be transmitted
First transmission in 201020092010
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown for servicesYears 2005-2006: first transmission in 20082005-20062008
1Consumption of fixed capital (K.1) — previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20091995-20082009
1Population and employment dataYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
1Compensation of employees working in resident production units and compensation of resident employees (D.1)Gross wages and salaries (D.11)Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
1Adjustments for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8) — quarterlyYears 1995-2010: not to be transmitted1995-2010Not to be transmitted
First transmission in 201220112012
1FISIM allocation to all accounts — quarterlyYears 1995-2001: first transmission in 20111995-20012011
1FISIM allocation to all accounts — annualYears 1995-2001: first transmission in 20111995-20012011
2Payments for other non-market output (P.131)Years 2000-2008: first transmission in 20092000-20082009
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20111995-19992011
3Net operating surplus and net mixed income: breakdown by industryYears 1998-1999: first transmission in 20091998-19992009
3Other taxes less other subsidies on production (D.29-D.39): breakdown by industryYears 2000-2001: first transmission in 20082000-20012008
Years 1998-1999: first transmission in 20091998-19992009
3Consumption of fixed capital (K.1): breakdown by industry — previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1998-2008: first transmission in 20091998-20082009
3Gross capital formation: breakdown by industry (P.5)Years 2005-2009: first transmission in 20102005-20092010
Years 2000-2004: first transmission in 20122000-20042012
Gross fixed capital formation: breakdown by industry (P.51)Years 1998-1999: first transmission in 20131998-19992013
3Changes in inventories and acquisition less disposals of valuables (P.52 + P.53): breakdown by industryYears 2005-2009: first transmission in 20102005-20092010
Years 2000-2004: first transmission in 20122000-20042012
Years 1998-1999: first transmission in 20131998-19992013
3Employment by industry –breakdown A17Years 1998-1999: first transmission in 20081998-19992008
Employment by industry –breakdown A60Years 2000-2006: first transmission in 20092000-20062009
3Compensation of employees: breakdown by industry (D.1)Years 1998-1999: first transmission in 20091998-19992009
Wages and salaries: breakdown by industry (D.11)
5Narcotics (CP023)First transmission in 201620152016
Prostitution (CP122)Years 1995-2014 not to be transmitted1995-2014Not to be transmitted
F.34 Financial derivatives: sectors S.11, S.123, S.124, S.125, S.13, S.15, S.2Years 2001-2007: not to be transmitted2001-2007Not to be transmitted
F.34 Financial derivatives: sectors S.121 and S.122Years 2001-2003: not to be transmitted2001-2003Not to be transmitted
F.52 Mutual funds sharesYears 2001-2007: not to be transmitted2001-2007Not to be transmitted
AF.34 Financial derivatives: sectors S.11, S.123, S.124, S.125, S.13, S.15, S.2Years 2000-2006: not to be transmitted2000-2006Not to be transmitted
AF.34 Financial derivatives: sectors S.121 and S.122Years 2000-2002: not to be transmitted2000-2002Not to be transmitted
AF.52 Mutual funds sharesYears 2000-2006: not to be transmitted2000-2006Not to be transmitted
8Acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P.53)Year 1995-2008: not to be transmitted1995-2008Not to be transmitted
First transmission in 201020092010
8Investment grantsYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
D.29F Taxes on pollutionBackward data 1995-1999 not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
D.214F Taxes on lotteries, gambling and bettingBackward data 1995-1998 not to be transmitted1995-1998Not to be transmitted
10Gross fixed capital formation (P.51)Years 2005-2006: first transmission in 20092005-20062009
Years 2000-2004: first transmission in 20112000-20042011
Years 1998-1999: first transmission in 20121998-19992012
Years 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
3.CZECH REPUBLIC3.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variables — consolidatedYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
6, 7All variables — non consolidatedYear 2006: first transmission in 200820062008
11All variablesYears 1995-2001: first transmission in 20081995-20012008
3.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
8Sector S.2: geographical breakdownYears 2002-2003: first transmission in 20082002-20032008
3Changes in inventories (P.52): previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
4.DENMARK4.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
8All variablesYears 2006-2007: transmission at t + 122006-2007
13Household sectorS.14 + S.15 to be provided1995 onwards
4.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Split between taxes (D.21) and subsidies (D.31) on products: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — annualYears 1990-2009: first transmission in 20101990-20092010
Years 1980-1989: not to be transmitted1980-1989Not to be transmitted
2Variables:First transmission in 201520142015
Market output and output for own final use (P.11 + P.12)Other non-market output (P.13)Payment for other non-market output (P.131)Years 1995-2013: not to be transmitted1995-2013Not to be transmitted
5Narcotics (023) and Prostitution (122)Years 1980-2013: first transmission in 20141980-20132014
5Split of Education (100) into pre-primary and primary education (101), secondary education (102), Post-secondary non-tertiary education (103), Tertiary education (104)First transmission in 201520142015
Years 1980-2013: not to be transmitted1980-2013Not to be transmitted
6, 7Variables:F.11 Monetary goldF.12 Special drawing rights (SDRs)F.21 CurrencyF.22 Transferable depositsF.29 Other depositsF.33 Securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF.331 Short-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF332 Long-term securities other than shares, excluding financial derivativesF.34 Financial derivativesF.41 Short-termF.42 Long- termF.51 Shares and other equity, excluding mutual fund sharesF.511 Quoted sharesF.512 Unquoted sharesF.513 Other equityF.52 Mutual funds sharesF.611 Net equity of households in life insurance reservesF.612 Net equity of households pension funds reservesF.71 Trade credits and advancesF.79 OtherYears 2004-2007: first transmission in 20082004 onwards2008
Years 1995-2003: not to be transmitted1995-2003Not to be transmitted
8Split between taxes and duties on import excluding VAT (D.212) and taxes on products except VAT and import taxes (D.214)First transmission in 201520142015
Split of output (P.1) for sectors S.13 general government and S.1 total economyYear 1995-2013 not to be transmitted1995-2013Not to be transmitted
9Split between taxes and duties on import excluding VAT (D.212) and taxes on products except VAT and import taxes (D.214)First transmission in 201520142015
Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import duties (D2122) for general government (S13) and sub-sectors.Excise duties (D.2122C)Years 1995-2013: not to be transmitted1995-2014Not to be transmitted
15Market outputFirst transmission in 201520142015
Other non-market outputYears 1995-2013: not to be transmitted1995-2013Not to be transmitted
5.GERMANY5.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1991: Former territory of the Federal Republic of Germany before unificationBefore 1991
3Breakdown A17Transmission at T + 9 months1980 onwards
Breakdown A31Transmission at T + 21 months
5.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1AN_F6 breakdown of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (P.51) in AN11131 Transport equipment and AN11132 Other machinery and equipmentTransmission in August of year t + 11991 onwardsNot to be transmitted
Year 1990: not to be transmitted1990
2Breakdown of other non-market output (P.13) into P.131 and P.132Years 1995 onwards: not to be transmitted1995 onwardsNot to be transmitted
3Gross capital formation (P.5), changes in inventories and net acquisition of valuables (sum of P.52 + P.53): breakdownsNot to be transmitted1980 onwardsNot to be transmitted
3Gross fixed capital formation (P.51): breakdownBreakdown by industry only for "new fixed assets"1980 onwards
3Employment: breakdown A31 — hours workedBackward data before 2002 not to be transmitted1980-2001Not to be transmitted
3Employees for sector "Government", personsTransmission at T + 12 months1980 onwards
6F.511 Quoted sharesF.512 Unquoted sharesF.71 Trade credits and advancesF.79 OtherYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
7AF.511 Quoted sharesAF.512 Unquoted sharesAF.71 Trade credits and advancesAF.79 OtherYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
9All variables: breakdown by letterNot to be transmittedNot to be transmitted
10Employment in hours worked at NUTS IIYears 1995-2003: not to be transmitted1995-2003Not to be transmitted
10Compensation of employees (D.1)Year 1995: not to be transmitted1995Not to be transmitted
10Gross fixed capital formationYears 1995-2001: not to be transmittedBreakdown by industry only for "new fixed assets"1995-2001Not to be transmitted
12Value added (B.1g): breakdown by industry; Employment: breakdown A6Year 1995: breakdown A3 only1995
13Household sectorS.14 + S.15 to be provided
20, 22Breakdown AN_F6Not to be transmitted; AN_F6 breakdown transmitted insteadNot to be transmitted
6.ESTONIA6.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
3All variables except employment (persons)Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
5All variables; breakdown by purposeYears 1995-1996: not to be transmitted1995-1996Not to be transmitted
12All variablesYear 1995: not to be transmitted1995Not to be transmitted
15, 16All variables: previous year's pricesYear 2000: not to be transmitted2000Not to be transmitted
Years 2001-2006: first transmission in 20092001-20062009
22All variablesYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
26All variablesFirst transmission in 20082000-20062008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
6.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Employment: hours workedYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Households final consumption expenditure (P.3): breakdown by durability — quarterlyYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Households final consumption expenditure (P.3): breakdown by durability — annualYears 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdownYears 1995-2002: not to be transmitted1995-2002Not to be transmitted
8Sector S.2: geographical breakdownYear 2002: not to be transmitted2002Not to be transmitted
10Employment: hours workedYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
7.GREECE7.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1All variables — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: first transmission in 20081990-19942008
1All variables — annualYears 1988-1994: first transmission in 20081988-19942008
1All variables (excluding items 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 27 total) — annualYears 1980-1987: not to be transmitted1980-1987Not to be transmitted
3All variablesYears 1988-1994: first transmission in 20081988-19942008
Years 1980-1987: not to be transmitted1980-1987Not to be transmitted
5All variablesYears 1988-1994: first transmission in 20081988-19942008
Years 1980-1987: not to be transmitted1980-1987Not to be transmitted
15, 16All variablesYears 2000-2005: first transmission in 20082000-20052008
17, 18, 19All variablesYears 2000 and 2005: first transmission in 20082000 and 20052008
7.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26 — quarterlyFirst transmission at T + 70 days in 20081995 onwards2008
Years 1990-1994: first transmission in 20111990-19942011
1Income, saving and net lending: items from 16 to 25 — annualYears 1988-1994: first transmission in 20101988-19942010
1Population, employment of residents — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: first transmission in 20081990-19942008
1Population, employment of residents, — annualYears 1988-1994: first transmission in 20081988-19942008
1Employment — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: first transmission in 20111990-19942011
1Employment — annualYears 1988-1994: first transmission in 20101988-19942010
1Household consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — quarterlyYears 1990-1999: not to be transmitted1990-1999Not to be transmitted
1Household consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — annualYears 1980-1989: not to be transmitted1980-1989Not to be transmitted
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown: quarterlyYears 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
1Final consumption expenditure of NPISH — quarterlyYears 1990-1993: not to be transmitted1990-1993Not to be transmitted
1Final consumption expenditure of NPISH — annualYears 1988-1993: not to be transmitted1988-1993Not to be transmitted
1Acquisition less disposals of valuablesYear 2014: first transmission in 201520142015
Years 1990-2013: not to be transmitted1990-2013Not to be transmitted
1Adjustments for the changes in net equity of households in pension funds reserves — quarterlyFirst transmission in 201520142015
Acquisition less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets — quarterlyYears 1990-2013: not to be transmitted1990Not to be transmitted
1Adjustments for the changes in net equity of households in pension funds reserves — annualFirst transmission in 20101995-20092010
Backward data 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
1Acquisition less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets — annualFirst transmission in 20101995-20092010
Backward data 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
3Acquisitions less disposals of valuablesFirst transmission in 201520142015
Years 1980-2013: not to be transmitted1980-2013Not to be transmitted
8Sector S.2 geographical breakdownYears 1999-2007: first transmission in 20081999-20072008
26Dwellings (AN.1111)Years 1995-2006: first transmission in 20081995-20062008
8.SPAIN8.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
3All variables except consumption of fixed capital (K.1), net operating surplus and net mixed income (B.2n + B.3n)Years 1990-1994: first transmission in 20081990-19942008
Years 1980-1989: first transmission in 20091980-19892009
5All variablesYears 1980-1994: first transmission in 20081980-19942008
8All variablesYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20071995-19992007
15, 16All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2002-2004: first transmission in 20082002-20042008
17, 18, 19All variablesYear 2005: transmission in 200920052009
20All variablesYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20102000-20082010
22All variablesYears 2000-2006: first transmission in 20082000-20062008
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20091995-19992009
26All variablesYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20102000-20082010
Years 1995-1999 not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
8.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26 — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: first transmission in 20081990-19942008
1Employment: breakdown A6 — annualYears 1990-1994: first transmission in 20081990-19942008
1Employment: breakdown A6 –quarterlyYears 1990-1994: first transmission in 20081990-19942008
1Imports and exports: geographical breakdown — annualTransmission at t + 160
1Split between taxes and subsidies on products: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes -annualYears 1990-1999: first transmission in 20081990-19992008
Years 1980-1989: first transmission in 20091980-19892009
1Acquisition less disposals of valuables (P.53) — quarterlyYears 1990-1999: first transmission in 20081990-19992008
1Acquisition less disposals of valuables (P.53) — annualYears 1990-1999: first transmission in 20081990-19992008
Years 1980-1989: first transmission in 20091980-19892009
3Consumption of fixed capital (K.1), net operating surplus and net mixed income (B.2n + B.3n)Years 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1980-1999: not to be transmitted1980-1999Not to be transmitted
16Consumption of fixed capital (K.1)First transmission in 20082000-20052008
17, 18Consumption of fixed capital (K.1)Year 2000: first transmission in 200820002008
Year 2005 first transmission in 200920052009
9.FRANCE9.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
3All variables: breakdown by industry A31, A60Years 1980-1998: first transmission in 20111980-19982011
20All variables: breakdown AN_F6 by industry A17Years 2000-2008: first transmission 20112000-20082011
9.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Employment: breakdown by industry, A6 — annualYears 1980-1989: first transmission in 20111980-19892011
1Gross value added (B.1g): breakdown A6 — annualYears 1980-1998: first transmission in 20111980-19982011
1Gross Fixed Capital Formation (P.51): breakdown by AN_F6: annualYears 1980-2007: first transmission 20081980-20072008
1Gross Fixed Capital Formation (P.51): breakdown by AN_F6: quarterlyYears 1990-2011: first transmission in 20111990-20112011
1Compensation of employees (D.1), wages and salaries (D.11): breakdown A6 — annualYears 1980-1998: first transmission in 20111980-19982011
3Gross fixed capital formation, of which dwellings and other buildings and structuresFirst transmission in 201520142015
Years 1990-2013 not to be transmitted1990-2013Not to be transmitted
5Breakdown of education (CP101, CP102, CP103, CP104, CP105)First transmission in 201520142015
Narcotics (CP023)Prostitution (CP122)Years 1990-2013: not to be transmitted1980-2013Not to be transmitted
6For all sectors: F.3, F.33, F.3331, F.332, F.5, F.51, F.511, F.512, F.513, F.52, F.612 (consolidated)Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
6For all sectors F.612 (non consolidated)Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
7For all sectors: AF.3, AF.33, AF.3331, AF.332, AF.5, AF.51, AF.511, AF.512, AF.513, AF.52, AF.612 (consolidated)Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
7For all sectors AF.612 (non consolidated)Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
8Sub-sectors of S.2: S.211, S.2112, S.212 for variables: D.1, D.4, D.5, D.6, D.7, D.8.Years 1995-2009: first transmission of sub-sectors S.211, S2112, S212 in 20111995-20092011
9D.995 breakdownFirst transmission in 201520142015
Years 1995-2013 not to be transmitted1980-2013Not to be transmitted
10.IRELAND10.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1All variables — quarterlyTransmission at T + 90 days,1997-2008Q3
First transmission at T + 70 days in 20092008Q4 onwards2009
Years 1990-1996: not to be transmitted1990-1996Not to be transmitted
1All variables — annualTransmission at T + 90 days1995-2007
First transmission at T + 70 days in 200920082009
Years 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
3All variables: breakdown A60Years 1990-1999: not to be transmitted1990-1999Not to be transmitted
All variables: breakdown A31Years 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
5All variablesYears 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variables (excluding sector S.13 and sub-sectors)Years 1995-2001: not to be transmitted1995-2001Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variables (sector S.13 and sub-sectors)Years 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
15, 16All variablesYear 2004: first transmission in 200820042008
Year 2005: first transmission in 200920052009
Year 2006: first transmission in 201020062010
15, 16All variables, previous year's pricesYears 2000-2012: first transmission 20152000-20122015
17, 18, 19All variablesYear 2005: first transmission in 200920052009
20All variablesYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20102000-20082010
10.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Population, employment, compensation of employees, gross operating surplus and mixed incomeYears 1990-1997: not to be transmitted1990-1997Not to be transmitted
1Consumption of fixed capital (K.1): previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — quarterlyYears 1990-1996: not to be transmitted1990-1996Not to be transmitted
1Consumption of fixed capital (K.1): previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — annualYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
Years 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
1Employment: employees and self-employed, hours worked — quarterlyYears 1990-1997: not to be transmitted1990-1997Not to be transmitted
1Employment: employees and self-employed, hours worked — annualYears 1980-1997: not to be transmitted1980-1997Not to be transmitted
3Output at basic prices (P.1) and intermediate consumption (P.2) at purchasers pricesYears 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
Years 1980-1999: not to be transmitted1980-1999Not to be transmitted
3Consumption of fixed capital (K.1): previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
Years 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
3Breakdown AN_F6 for total economyYear 2008: first transmission in 200920082009
Years 1980-2007: not to be transmitted1980-2007Not to be transmitted
3Dwellings and other buildings and structures: breakdown A31 and A60Year 2008: first transmission in 200920082009
Years 1980-2007: not to be transmitted1980-2007Not to be transmitted
3Employment: employees and self-employed, hours workedYears 1980-1997: not to be transmitted1980-1997Not to be transmitted
8All variables, excluding sector S.13 and S.2Year 2003: first transmission in 200820032008
Years 1995-2001: not to be transmitted1995-2001Not to be transmitted
8All variables: sector S.2Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
10Employment: hours workedYears 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
13Household sectorS.14 + S.15 to be provided
13Social contributions (D.61) and social benefits (D.62)Years 2000-2007: first transmission in 20092000-20072009
22Breakdown AN_F6: of which items (AN111321, AN111322, AN1122)Year 2008: first transmission in 200920082010
Years 2000-2007: not to be transmitted2000-2007Not to be transmitted
11.ITALY11.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
12All variablesYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
15, 16All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2000-2004: first transmission in 20082000-20042008
26All variablesYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20101995-20082010
11.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown — quarterlyTransmission at T + 160 days
1PopulationTransmission at T + 180 days
3Consumption of fixed capital (K1): breakdown A60Years 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
Years 1995-2014 first transmission 20151995-20142015
5Breakdown of education (CP101, CP102, CP103, CP104, CP105)Years 1980-1999: not to be transmitted1980-1999Not to be transmitted
Narcotics (CP023)Prostitution (CP122)Years 2000-2014: first transmission 20151995-20142015
6, 7F.511 Quoted sharesF.512 Unquoted sharesF.513 Other equityF611 — Net equity of households in life insurance reservesF612 — Net equity of households in pension funds reservesYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
10Employment: hours workedYears 1995-2003: not to be transmitted1995-2003Not to be transmitted
Years 2004-2008: first transmission in 20102004-20082010
12.CYPRUS12.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
1All variables: previous year's prices, chain-linked volumes — quarterlyYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
6, 7All variablesYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20091995-20082009
15, 16All variables, current pricesYears 2004: transmission 200820042008
15, 16All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2002-2003: transmission in 20082002-20032008
Years 2004-2005: transmission in 20092004-20052009
Years 2006-2007: transmission in 20102006-20072010
17, 18, 19All variablesYear 2000: transmission in 200920002009
Year 2005: transmission in 201120052011
22All variables: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2006: first transmission in 20081995-20062008
12.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Exports (P.61) and imports (P.71) of goods, exports (P.62) and imports (P.72) of services — quarterlyYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20091995-20082009
1Taxes on production and imports (D.2), subsidies on production and imports (D.3) — quarterlyYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20091995-20082009
1FISIM allocation to all accounts — quarterlyYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20091995-20082008
1Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (K.2) — quarterlyYears 2000-2010: first transmission in 20112000-20102011
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26, current prices — quarterlyYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20092000-20082009
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20111995-19992011
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26, current prices — annualYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26, real terms — quarterlyYears 2000-2010: first transmission in 20112000-20102011
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26, real terms — annualYears 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20121995-19992012
1Households final consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — previous year's prices, chain-linked volumes — annualYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Households final consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — all variables — quarterlyYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20092000-20082009
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown — previous year's prices, chain-linked volumes — annualYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown — current prices — quarterlyYears 2000-2008: first transmission 20092000-20082009
Years 1995-1999: first transmission 20111995-19992011
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown — previous year's prices, chain-linked volumes- quarterlyYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20092000-20082009
Years 1995-1999: first transmission 20111995-19992011
3Output, all variables: breakdowns A31 and A60 — previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2007 (A31): first transmission in 20081995-20072008
Years 1995-2006 (A60): first transmission in 20081995-20062008
3Capital formation, all variables: breakdowns A31 and A60 — previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2007 (A31): first transmission in 20081995-20072008
3Employment and compensation of employees, all variables: breakdowns A31 and A60 — personsYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 2008 (A31)1995-19992008
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 2009 (A60)1995-19992009
3Employment and compensation of employees, all variables: breakdowns A6 — hours workedYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
8II.1.2 Allocation of primary income accountFirst transmission 20081995-20072008
8II.2 Secondary distribution of income accountII.4.1 Use of disposable income accountIII.1.1 Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfer accountIII.1.2 Acquisition of non-financial assets accountFirst transmission 20101995-20092010
13.LATVIA13.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
1All variables: previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
2Breakdown by sub-sectorsYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
3All variables: previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
5All variables: previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 1998-2007: first transmission at T + 9 in 20081998-20072008
Years 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variablesYears 1995-2001: first transmission in 20081995-20012008
8All variablesYear 2006: transmission at T + 14 in 200820062008
Years 2007-2008: transmission at T + 12 in 20082007-20082008
11All variablesYears 1996-1999: first transmission in 20081996-19992008
Year 1995: not to be transmitted1995Not to be transmitted
15, 16All variables: current pricesYears 2000-2003: not to be transmitted2000-2003Not to be transmitted
All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2000-2011: not to be transmitted2000-2011Not to be transmitted
Year 2012: transmission in 201520122015
17, 18, 19All variablesYear 2000: not to be transmitted2000Not to be transmitted
20All variablesYear 2006: first transmission in 200920062009
Years 2000-2005: not to be transmitted2000-2005Not to be transmitted
22All variables: current pricesYears 2000-2006: first transmission in 20082000-20062008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
All variables: previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 2000-2006: first transmission in 20082000-20062008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
13.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Expenditure side of gross domestic product: all variables — current pricesYears 1995-2006: transmission at T + 90 days1995-2006
1Variables:Gross operating surplus and mixed income (B.2g + B.3g)Taxes (D.2) and subsidies (D.3) on production and importsCompensation of employees (D.1)Years 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26: real termsYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Employment of residents: persons — quarterlyYears 1995-2001: not to be transmitted1995-2001Not to be transmitted
1Employment in resident production units — persons and hours worked — quarterlyYears 1995-2001: not to be transmitted1995-2001Not to be transmitted
1Employment in resident production units: hours worked — annualYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Households final consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — current prices and previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 1998-2007: transmission at T + 90 days1998-2007Not to be transmitted
Years 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown — current prices, previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 2000-2007: transmission at T + 90 days2000-2007Not to be transmitted
Backward data before 2000: not to be transmitted1995-1999
3Output (P.1); intermediate consumption (P.2); gross value added (B.1G): current pricesYears 1995-2007: first transmission at T + 14 in 20081995-20072008
3K.1; B2N + B3N; D29-D39; D1; D2: current pricesYears 2001-2007: first transmission in 20082001-20072008
Years 1995-2000: not to be transmitted1995-2000Not to be transmitted
3Consumption of fixed capital (K.1): previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 2005-2009: first transmission in 20102005-20092010
Years 1995-2004: not to be transmitted1995-2004Not to be transmitted
3Changes in inventories plus acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P.52 + P.53)Years 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
3Employment by industry: breakdown A31Years 2002-2007: first transmission in 20082002-20072008
Years 1995-2001: not to be transmitted1995-2001Not to be transmitted
3Employment by industry: breakdown A60Years 2007-2009: first transmission in 20102007-20092010
Years 1995-2006: not to be transmitted1995-2006Not to be transmitted
14.LITHUANIA14.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
8All variablesYears 2006-2008: transmission at T + 11 months2006-20082010
First transmission at T + 9: in 20102009
11All variablesYears 2000-2001: first transmission in 20082000-20012008
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20121995-19992012
15, 16All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2005-2007: first transmission 20102005-20072010
Years 2000-2004: first transmission in 20122000-20042012
22All variablesYears 2000-2006: first transmission in 20082000-20062008
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20101995-19992010
22All variables: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2008: first transmission 20101995-20082010
14.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Households final consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — previous year's prices and chain linked volumes — quarterlyYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
2All variables: breakdown by sub-sector of sector S.13Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20101995-19992010
3Gross Fixed Capital Formation (P.51) — current pricesYears 1995-2005: first transmission in 20101995-20052010
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (P.51) — previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
3Changes in inventories (P.52) and acquisitions less disposals of valuables, breakdown by industry A6 — current pricesYears 1995-2006: first transmission in 20101995-20062010
Changes in inventories (P.52) and acquisitions less disposals of valuables, breakdown by industry A6 — previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
3Employment: breakdown by industry A31 — hours workedYears 1995-1998: first transmission in 20091995-19982009
3Employees: breakdown by sectorYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20091995-20072009
8Geographical breakdown of sector S.2Years 2002-2003: first transmission in 20082002-20032008
15.LUXEMBOURG15.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1All variables — quarterlyTransmission at T + 90 days
Years 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
1All variables — annualTransmission at T + 90 days
Years 1980-1984: first transmission in 20101980-19842010
3All variablesYears 1980-1984: first transmission in 20101980-19842010
5All variablesYears 1980-1984: not to be transmitted1980-1984Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variablesYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
15.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Acquisition less disposals of valuables (P.53) — quarterlyOnly non-monetary gold included
Years 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
1Acquisition less disposals of valuables (P.53) — annualOnly non-monetary gold included
Years 1980-2009: first transmission in 20101980-20092010
3Industry breakdown NACE A31Transmission at T + 21 months
Years 1985-2006: first transmission in 20081985-20062008
Years 1980-1984: first transmission in 20101980-19842010
Industry breakdown NACE A60Transmission at T + 33 months
Years 1985-2005: first transmission in 20081985-20052008
Years 1980-1984: first transmission in 20101980-19842010
8Variables in the accounts II.1.2, II.2, II.4.1, III.1.1, III.1.2 for sectors S.11, S.12 and S.2Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
Variables in the accounts I and II.1 for sectors S.14 and S.15Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
Variables in the accounts II.1.2, II.2, II.4.1, III.1.1, III.1.2 for sectors S.14, and S.15Years 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
16.HUNGARY16.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
1All variables: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — quarterlyYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
1All variables: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — annualYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
1All variables: FISIM allocationYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
3All variables: chain-linked volumesYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
5All variables: chain-linked volumesYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
8All variablesTransmission at T + 12 months
Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20091995-20072009
13All variablesYears 1995-2000: not to be transmitted1995-2000Not to be transmitted
22All variablesYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
16.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Value added and gross domestic product: breakdown A6 — quarterlyYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
1Split between taxes (D.21) and subsidies (D.31) on products at previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — annualYears 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Acquisition less disposals of valuables (P.53) — quarterlyYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
1Income, saving and net lending: items 13, 14, 15 and 28 — quarterlyYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26 — quarterlyYears 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26 — annualYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 26 except consumption of fixed capital (K1), net national income (B5N), acquisition less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (K2), net lending/borrowing (B9) — annualTransmission at T + 100 days
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 25: real termsYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
1EmploymentYear 2008: transmission in 200920082009
Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20101995-20072010
1Households final consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
1Households final consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — FISIM allocationYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
3Employment: breakdown by industry A60Years 1995-2008: first transmission in 20101995-20082010
3Employment: hours worked and personsYear 2008: first transmission in 200920082009
Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20101995-20072010
Employees by sectorsYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
10Employment in hours workedYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20101995-20082010
10Compensation of employeesYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
12Employment in personsYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20101995-20082010
17.MALTA17.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
All tables concernedAll variables: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesBackward data before 2000: not to be transmittedBefore 2000Not to be transmitted
1All variables/items: quarterlyYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
5All variables at previous year's prices, chain-linked volumesYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variables except for sector S.13Years 2003-2009: first transmission in 20102003-20092010
Years 2000-2002: first transmission in 20112000-20022011
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
8All variablesYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
12All variablesYears 2000-2005: first transmission in 20082000-20052008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
13All variablesYears 2000-2006: first transmission in 20082000-20062008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
20All variables — current pricesYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20102000-20082010
22All variablesYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20102000-20082010
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
26All variablesYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20102000-20082010
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
17.2.Derogations for single variable/item in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Income, saving and net lending: items 16 to 25: real termsYears 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Population and employment — quarterlyYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
1Population and employment — annualYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
1Variables D.5, D.6, D.7, D.8, D.9, K.2 at current prices — quarterlyYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20092000-20072009
1Variables D.5, D.6, D.7, D.8, D.9, K.2 at current prices — annualYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20091995-20072009
1Variables B.1g, D.21, D.31, D.8 at previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
3Variables B.1g, K.1, P.5 — previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
8Variables D.4, D.5, D.6, D.7, D.8, D.9, P.5, K.2Years 1995-2007: first transmission in 20091995-20072009
18.NETHERLANDS18.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Taxes less subsidies on products (D.21-D.31) — annualYears 1980-1987: not to be transmitted1980-1987Not to be transmitted
1Exports and imports of goods and services (P.61, P.62, P.71, P.72),Years 1980-1986: not to be transmitted1980-1986Not to be transmitted
1Final consumption expenditure of NPISH, final consumption expenditure of government (individual P.31 and collective P.32), Actual individual consumption (P.41), changes in inventories (P.52) and acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P.53) … imports and exports of goods and services (P.61, P.62, P.71, P.72) previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes — annualYears 1980-1987: not to be transmitted1980-1987Not to be transmitted
1Real disposable income (table 109) real terms — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
1Population and employment (table 110) — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
1Employment by industry (table 111) — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
1Active population (PEA), unemployment (EUN), employment (ETO), employees (EEM), self-employed (ESE) — annualYears 1980-1986: not to be transmitted1980-1986Not to be transmitted
1Employed and self-employed in resident production units: industry J to K and L to P, persons — annualYears 1980-1986: not to be transmitted1980-1986Not to be transmitted
1Employment — hours workedYears 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
1Household consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability (table 117) — annualYears 1980-1989: not to be transmitted1980-1989Not to be transmitted
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown (tables 120, 121) — quarterlyYears 1995-2000: not to be transmitted1995-2000Not to be transmitted
3Current prices:
Variables P.1, P.2, B.1G, D.29-D.39, D.1, D.11 for industries B, DC_DD, DI, DNYears 1980-1986: not to be transmitted1980-1986Not to be transmitted
Variables B.2N + B.3N for industries B, CA_CB, DC_DD, DH_DI, DK_DN, DH, DOYears 1980-1986: not to be transmitted1980-1986Not to be transmitted
3Previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes:
Variables B.1G for industries B, CA_CB, DB_DE, DH_DN, J_K, O_PYears 1980-1987: not to be transmitted1980-1987Not to be transmitted
Variable K.1 for industries B, CA_ CB, DC_DD, DH_DI, DK_DN, H_OYears 1980-1995: not to be transmitted1980-1995Not to be transmitted
3Current prices:
Variables P.5, P.52, P.53 breakdown by industryYears 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
Variable P.51 for industries B, CA_CB, DC_DD, DIYears 1980-1986: not to be transmitted1980-1986Not to be transmitted
3Previous year's prices and chain-linked volumes:
Variables P.5, P.52, P.53Years 1980-1987: not to be transmitted1980-1987Not to be transmitted
Variables P.5, P.52, P.53 breakdown by industryYears 1988-1995: not to be transmitted1988-1995Not to be transmitted
Variable P.51 for industries B, CA_CB, DC_DD, DIYears 1980-1987: not to be transmitted1980-1987Not to be transmitted
3Employment, persons: breakdown A31Years 1980-1986: not to be transmitted1980-1986Not to be transmitted
5All variables: COICOP breakdownYears 1980-1986: not to be transmitted1980-1986Not to be transmitted
6, 7Variables:Not to be transmitted for years 1995-20001995-2000
F71, F79 for (sub)sectors S1, S11, S12, S121 + 122, S121, S122, S123, S124, S125, S14 + 15, S14, S15, S2First transmission of year 2008 for F34 in 20092008
F34 for (sub-sectors S1, S11, S12, S121 + 122, S121, S122, S123, S124, S125, S14 + 15, S14, S15, S2F 34 not to be transmitted for years 1995-20071995-2007
19.AUSTRIA19.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1, 3, 5, 22Annual data: chain-linked volumesYear 2014: first transmission in 201520142015
Years 1980-2013: not to be transmitted1980-2013Not to be transmitted
19.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Employment: hours worked — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
1Employment: hours worked — annualYears 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
3Employment: hours workedYears 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
13Household sectorS.14 + S.15 to be provided
6, 7Variables:
F.511 Quoted sharesF.512 Unquoted sharesF.513 Other equityYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
10Employment: hours workedYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20092000-20072009
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
20Variables AN111321 and AN111322Years 2000-2013: first transmission in 20122000-20132015
22Variables AN111321 and AN111322Years 2000-2013: first transmission in 20152000-20132015
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
26Variable AN1111 DwellingsYears 2000-2010: first transmission in 20122000-20102012
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
20.POLAND20.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
8All variables/itemsYears 2006-2007: transmission in T + 12 months2006-20072008
First transmission in T + 9 months in 200920082009
15, 16All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2000-2006: first transmission in 20092000-20062009
20.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Income, saving and net lending: (items 13 to 26): current prices and real termsYears 1995-1998: first transmission in 20101995-19982010
1Wages and salaries (D.11) — quarterlyYear 2007: first transmission in 200820072008
Years 2001-2006: first transmission in 20092001-20062009
Years 1995-2001: not to be transmitted1995-2001Not be transmitted
1Acquisition less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (K.2)Year 2010: first transmission in 201120102011
Years 1995-2009: not to be transmitted1995-2009Not to be transmitted
1Employment, self-employed and employees: breakdown by industry A6Year 2007: first transmission in 200820072008
Years 2001-2006: first transmission in 20092001-20062009
Years 1995-2000: not to be transmitted1995-2000Not to be transmitted
2Acquisition less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (K.2)Year 2010: first transmission in 201120102011
Years 1995-2009: not to be transmitted1995-2009Not to be transmitted
3Changes in inventories (P.52)Years 1995-1998: first transmission in 20101995-19982010
3Employment breakdown by industryData for year 2007: first transmission in 200820072008
Data for years 2001-2006: first transmission in 20092001-20062009
Backward data before 2001: not to be transmitted1995-2000Not to be transmitted
3Compensation of employees breakdown by industryData for year 2007: first transmission in 200820072008
Data for years 2001-2006: first transmission in 20092001-20062009
Backward data before 2001: not to be transmitted1995-2000Not to be transmitted
8Acquisition less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (K.2)Year 2010: first transmission in 201120102011
Years 1995-2009: not to be transmitted1995-2009Not to be transmitted
10Employment — hours workedYear 2008: first transmission in 200920082009
Years 1995-2007: not to be transmitted1995-2007Not to be transmitted
11All variables: COFOG groupsYears 1995-2001: not to be transmitted1995-2001Not to be transmitted
11Acquisition less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (K.2)Year 2010: first transmission in 201120102011
Years 1995-2009: not to be transmitted1995-2009Not to be transmitted
11All variables: sub-sector breakdownYears 1995-2001: first transmission in 20101995-20012010
22Breakdown AN_F6Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
21.PORTUGAL21.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
3All variables:
breakdown A60Transmission at T + 36 months
Years 1980-1999: not to be transmitted1980-1999Not to be transmitted
breakdown A31Years 1990-2007: first transmission in 20081990-20072008
Years 1980-1989: not to be transmitted1980-1989Not to be transmitted
5All variablesTransmission at T + 12 months
Years 1980-1989: not to be transmitted1980-1989Not to be transmitted
21.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Gross operating surplus and mixed income (B.2g + B.3g), taxes on production and imports (D.2) subsidies on production and imports (D.3), compensation of employees (D.1), wages and salaries (D.11) — quarterlyYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
Years 1990-1994: first transmission in 20101990-19942010
1Gross value added (B.1g): manufacturing — quarterlyYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
Years 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
1Gross fixed capital formation (P.51): breakdown AN_F6 — quarterlyYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
1Population and employment of residents — quarterlyYears 1990-1994: first transmission in 20101990-19942010
1Employment: breakdown by industry — persons — quarterlyYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
Years 1990-1994: first transmission in 20101990-19942010
1Employment: breakdown by industry — hours worked — quarterlyYears 2000-2009: first transmission in 20102000-20092010
Years 1990-1999: not to be transmitted1990-1999Not to be transmitted
1Employment: hours worked — annualYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1980-1999: not to be transmitted1980-1999Not to be transmitted
1Households consumption expenditure: breakdown by durability — quarterlyYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
Years 1990-1994: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
1Exports (P.6) and imports (P.7): geographical breakdown: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYear 2007: first transmission in 200820072008
3Capital formation: breakdown AN_F6Transmission at T + 36 months
Years 1980-1999: not to be transmitted1980-1999Not to be transmitted
3Employment: hours workedYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1980-1989: not to be transmitted1980-1989Not to be transmitted
6, 7Variables:F.511 Quoted sharesF.512 Unquoted sharesF.513 Other equityYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20081995-20072008
8Geographical breakdown sector S.2Transmission at T + 121999-2009
Years 1999-2009: first transmission in 20101999-20092010
10Employment: breakdown A6 — hours workedYears 2000-2006: first transmission in 20082000-20062008
20Construction and split into dwellings and other buildingsYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20092000-20072009
22Construction and split into dwellings and other buildingsYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20091995-20072009
22.ROMANIA22.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/items — quarterlyBackwards data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
All tables concernedAll variables/items — annualBackwards data before 1990: not to be transmittedBefore 1990Not to be transmitted
1All variables/items — quarterlyYears 1995-1997: first transmission in 20081995-19972008
1All variables/items — annualYears 1995-1997: first transmission in 20081995-19972008
2All variables: sub-sectors S1311, S1313 and S1314Years 1995-2000: first transmission in 20081995-20002008
6, 7All variablesYears 1995-1997: not to be transmitted1995-1997Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variables, sub-sectors of S.13Years 1998-2005: not to be transmitted1998-2005Not to be transmitted
10All variablesYears 1995-1997: first transmission in 20081995-19972008
12All variablesYears 1995-1997: first transmission in 20081995-19972008
13All variablesYears 1995-1997: first transmission in 20081995-19972008
15All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2000-2003: first transmission in 20082000-20032008
16All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2000-2003: first transmission in 20082000-20032008
20All variablesYears 2000-2004: not to be transmitted2000-2004Not to be transmitted
22All variablesYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20101995-20082010
22.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Income, saving and net lending (items 13 to 26) — quarterlyYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20101995-20082010
1Population, employment, compensation of employees — quarterlyYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Population, employment, compensation of employees — annualYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20082000-20072008
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20101995-19992010
3EmploymentYears 2000-2001: first transmission in 20082000-20012008
Backwards data before 2000: not to be transmittedBefore 2000Not to be transmitted
10Employment in thousand of hours workedYears 2000-2001: first transmission in 20082000-20012008
Backwards data before 2000: not to be transmittedBefore 2000Not to be transmitted
12Employment in thousand personsYears 2000-2001: first transmission in 20082000-20012008
Backwards data before 2000: not to be transmittedBefore 2000Not to be transmitted
23.SLOVENIA23.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variablesYears 1995-2001: not to be transmitted1995-2001Not to be transmitted
11All variablesYears 1995-1998: not to be transmitted1995-1998Not to be transmitted
15, 16All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2000-2003: not to be transmitted2000-2003Not to be transmitted
20All variablesYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20102000-20082010
22All variablesYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
23.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Gross value added (B.1g), current prices — quarterlyYears 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
1Employment, employees and self-employed: hours workedYears 2005-2007: first transmission in 20082005-20072008
Years 2000-2004: first transmission in 20102000-20042010
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
2All variables: sub-sectors S.1311, S.1313 and S.1314Years 1995-1998: first transmission in 20081995-19982008
3Capital formation, all variables: breakdown A6/A31/A60Transmission at T + 14 months
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
3Employment: hours workedYears 2005-2007: first transmission in 20082005-20072008
Years 2000-2004: first transmission in 20102000-20042010
Years 1995-1999: not to be transmitted1995-1999Not to be transmitted
8All variablesTransmission at T + 12 months until 20102006-2009
Years 1995-1999: first transmission in 20101995-19992010
26DwellingsFirst transmission in 20101995 onwards2010
24.SLOVAKIA24.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
All tables concernedAll variables/itemsBackward data before 1995: not to be transmittedBefore 1995Not to be transmitted
1, 3, 5, 15, 16, 22All variables: previous year's prices and chain-linked volumesYears 1995-1999: first transmission in 20081995-19992008
11All variablesYears 1995-2002: first transmission in 20081995-20022008
20All variablesYears 2000-2004: not to be transmitted2000-2004Not to be transmitted
22All variablesYears 1995-2003: not to be transmitted1995-2003Not to be transmitted
24.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
3Capital formation: breakdown AN_F6Years 1995-2003: not to be transmitted1995-2003Not to be transmitted
6, 7Variables (transaction consolidated and non-consolidated, balance sheets consolidated and non-consolidated):F.34 Financial derivativesF.51 Shares and other equity, excluding mutual fund sharesF.511 Quoted sharesF.512 Unquoted sharesF.513 Other equityF.52 Mutual funds sharesF.611 Net equity of households in life insurance reservesF.612 Net equity of households pension funds reservesYears 1995-2004: not to be transmitted1995-2004Not to be transmitted
6, 7All variables for sub-sectors S.123 Other Financial Institutions — S.124 Financial AuxiliariesYears 1995-2010: first transmission in 20111995-20102011
25.FINLAND25.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Variables (quarterly):
Acquisition less disposals of valuables (P.53)Backward data before 1995: not to be transmitted1990-1994Not to be transmitted
Individual final consumption expenditure of general government (P.31)Not to be transmitted1990 onwardsNot to be transmitted
Collective final consumption expenditure of general government (P.32)Not to be transmitted1990 onwardsNot to be transmitted
Actual individual consumption (P.41)Not to be transmitted1990 onwardsNot to be transmitted
1Acquisition less disposals of valuables — annualYears 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
3Changes in inventories and acquisition less disposals of valuables by industryYears 1980-1999: first transmission in 20091980-19992009
3Split between office machinery (AN.111321) and radio, TV and communication (AN111322)Years 1980-1994: not to be transmitted1980-1994Not to be transmitted
5Subdivisions of CP100 EducationYear 2014: transmission in 201520142015
Years 1980-2013: not to be transmitted1980-2013Not to be transmitted
6, 7F.41, F.42: breakdown for sectors S.11, S.12, S.14, S.15 and S.2Years 1995-2004: not to be transmitted1995-2004Not to be transmitted
20Office machinery (AN.111321) and radio, TV and communication (AN.111322)Years 2000-2004: not to be transmitted2000-2004Not to be transmitted
22Office machinery (AN.111321) and radio, TV and communication (AN.111322)Years 1995-2004: not to be transmitted1995-2004Not to be transmitted
26.SWEDEN26.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
3All variablesTransmission at T + 11
3All variablesYears 1980-1992: first transmission in 20091980-19922009
3Breakdown A60Transmission at T + 23 months
5All variablesYears 1980-1992: first transmission in 20091980-19922009
8All variablesTransmission at T + 11
26.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Variables (quarterly):Individual consumption expenditure (P.31)Collective consumption expenditure (P.32)Actual final consumption of households (P.4)Actual individual consumption (P.41)Years 1990-2007: first transmission in 20081990-20072008
1Exports (P.6): geographical breakdown — quarterlyYears 1990-2007: first transmission in 20081990-20072008
1Imports (P.7): geographical breakdown — quarterlyYears 1990-2007: first transmission in 20081990-20072008
3Split of industries 50-52Years 1980-2003: not to be transmitted1980-2003Not to be transmitted
13Household sectorS.14 + S.15 to be provided
15, 16Split of industries 50-52Geographical splitYears 2000-2003: not to be transmitted2000-2003Not to be transmitted
17, 18, 19Split of industries 50-52Geographical splitYear 2000: not to be transmitted2000Not to be transmitted
27.UNITED KINGDOM27.1.Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1All variables concerned: A6 breakdown — quarterlyYears 1990-2008: first transmission in 20091990-20082009
1All variables concerned: A6 breakdown — annualYears 1980-2008: first transmission in 20091980-20082009
15, 16All variables: previous year's pricesYears 2000-2007: first transmission in 20092000-20072009
17, 18, 19All variablesYears 2000, 2005: first transmission in 20112000, 20052011
20All variablesYears 2000-2008: first transmission in 20102000-20082010
22All variablesYears 1995-2008: first transmission in 20101995 onwards2010
27.2.Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
3Variables:Output (P.1)Intermediate consumption (P.2)Gross value added (B.1g)Years 1980-2008: first transmission in 20091980-20082009
6All variables — consolidated accountsYears 1995-2009: first transmission in 20101995-20092010
10Gross fixed capital formation, employment in thousands of hours workedYears 1995-2007: first transmission in 20091995-20072009
13Household sectorS.14 + S.15 to be provided"