Description of goods | Classification(CN code) | Reasons |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
1.Jojoba oil which has been chemically modified by hydrogenation but has not been further prepared (mixture of saturated esters). The oil contains less than 50 % by weight of free fatty acids.The product is presented in powder or granular form.The product is intended to be used as an ingredient for the manufacture of cosmetic products.The product is presented in immediate packings of a net content exceeding 1 kg. | 15162096 | Classification is determined by general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 5 (a) to Chapter 34 and the wording of codes 1516, 151620 and 15162096 of the CN.Heading 1515 on other fixed vegetable fats and oils specifically includes jojoba oil and therefore the latter is to be considered as a vegetable oil (see also the Harmonised System Explanatory Notes to heading 1515, paragraph (6)).However, as the jojoba oil has been chemically modified, it cannot be classified in heading 1515.Although having a waxy character the product is excluded from heading 3404 (see Note 5 to Chapter 34, exclusions (a), and the Harmonised System Explanatory Notes to heading 3404, exclusions paragraph (b)).The product is to be classified in heading 1516, which covers hydrogenated vegetable oils. |
2.Jojoba oil which has been chemically modified by hydrogenation and further prepared by texturation.The product, generally known as "jojoba oil esters", is presented in powder, granular form or a waxy paste.The product is intended to be used as an ingredient for the manufacture of cosmetic products.The product is indigestible and not intended for use in food stuffs. | 15180099 | Classification is determined by general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 5 (a) to Chapter 34 and the wording of codes 151800 and 15180099 of the CN.Heading 1515 on other fixed vegetable fats and oils specifically includes jojoba oil and therefore the latter is to be considered a vegetable oil (see also the Harmonised System Explanatory Notes to heading 1515, paragraph (6)).However, as the jojoba oil has been chemically modified this product cannot be classified in heading 1515.As the product has undergone further preparation (texturation), it cannot be classified in heading 1516.As the product is indigestible and not used in food preparations, it cannot be classified in heading 1517.Although having a waxy character the product is not covered by heading 3404 (see Note 5 (a) to Chapter 34).It therefore comes under heading 1518, which covers inedible preparations of different oils of Chapter 15 not elsewhere specified or included. |
3.Product obtained by inter-esterification/trans-esterification of a mixture of untreated jojoba oil with hydrogenated jojoba oil, which then undergoes texturation.The product may be presented in powder or granular form.The product is intended to be used as an ingredient for the manufacture of cosmetic products.The product is indigestible and not intended for use in food stuffs. | 15180099 | Classification is determined by general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 5 (a) to Chapter 34 and the wording of codes 151800 and 15180099 of the CN.Heading 1515 on other fixed vegetable fats and oils specifically includes jojoba oil and therefore the latter is to be considered a vegetable oil (see also the Harmonised System Explanatory Notes to heading 1515, paragraph (6)).However, as the jojoba oil has been chemically modified this product cannot be classified in heading 1515.As the product has undergone further preparation (texturation), it cannot be classified in heading 1516.As the product is indigestible and not used in food preparations it cannot be classified in heading 1517.Although having a waxy character the product is not covered by heading 3404 (see Note 5 (a) to Chapter 34).It therefore comes under heading 1518, which covers inedible mixtures of different oils of Chapter 15 not elsewhere specified or included. |