Council Regulation (EC) No 700/2007 of 11 June 2007 on the marketing of the meat of bovine animals aged 12 months or less
(a) the age of the animals on slaughter, indicated, as the case may be, on the form "age on slaughter: up to 8 months" in the case of animals aged 8 months or less, or "age on slaughter: from 8 to 12 months" in the case of animals aged more than 8 months but not more than 12 months; (b) the sales description in accordance with Article 4 of this Regulation.
(a) an indication of the identification number and the date of birth of the animals, at slaughterhouse level only; (b) an indication of a reference number making it possible to establish a link between, on the one hand, the identification of the animals from which the meat originates and, on the other hand, the sales description, the age on slaughter and the category identification letter given on the meat label; (c) an indication of the date of arrival and departure of the animals and meat in the establishment, to ensure that a correlation between arrivals and departures is established.
(a) the practical method of indicating the category identification letter as defined in Annex I, as regards the location and size of the characters used; (b) the import of meat from third countries as referred to in Article 9, as regards the method of verifying compliance with this Regulation.
(A) Category V: bovine animals aged 8 months or less Category identification letter: V; (B) Category Z: bovine animals aged more than 8 months but not more than 12 months Category identification letter: Z.
(A) For the meat of bovine animals in category V: Country of marketing Sales descriptions to be used Belgium veau, viande de veau / kalfsvlees / Kalbfleisch Bulgaria месо от малки телета Czech Republic telecí Denmark lyst kalvekød Germany Kalbfleisch Estonia vasikaliha Greece μοσχάρι γάλακτος Spain ternera blanca, carne de ternera blanca France veau, viande de veau Ireland veal Italy vitello, carne di vitello Cyprus μοσχάρι γάλακτος Latvia teļa gaļa Lithuania veršiena Luxembourg veau, viande de veau / Kalbfleisch Hungary borjúhús Malta vitella Netherlands kalfsvlees Austria Kalbfleisch Poland cielęcina Portugal vitela Romania carne de vițel Slovenia teletina Slovakia teľacie mäso Finland vaalea vasikanliha / ljust kalvkött Sweden ljust kalvkött United Kingdom veal (B) For the meat of bovine animals in category Z: Country of marketing Sales descriptions to be used Belgium jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin / jongrundvlees / Jungrindfleisch Bulgaria телешко месо Czech Republic hovězí maso z mladého skotu Denmark kalvekød Germany Jungrindfleisch Estonia noorloomaliha Greece νεαρό μοσχάρι Spain ternera, carne de ternera France jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin Ireland rosé Veal Italy vitellone, carne di vitellone Cyprus νεαρό μοσχάρι Latvia jaunlopa gaļa Lithuania jautiena Luxembourg jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin / Jungrindfleisch Hungary növendék marha húsa Malta vitellun Netherlands rosé kalfsvlees Austria Jungrindfleisch Poland młoda wołowina Portugal vitelão Romania carne de tineret bovin Slovenia meso težjih telet Slovakia mäso z mladého dobytka Finland vasikanliha / kalvkött Sweden kalvkött United Kingdom beef