Council Regulation (EC) No 520/2007 of 7 May 2007 laying down technical measures for the conservation of certain stocks of highly migratory species and repealing Regulation (EC) No 973/2001
Modified by
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1559/2007of 17 December 2007establishing a multi-annual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean and amending Regulation (EC) No 520/2007, 307R1559, December 22, 2007
1. "Highly migratory species" means the species listed in Annex I. 2. "Tunas and related species covered by ICCAT" means the species listed in Annex II. 3. "Dolphin mortality limit" means the limit defined in Article V of the Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Programme .OJ L 348, 30.12.2005, p. 28 .4. "Leisure fisheries" means fishing activities exploiting living aquatic resources for recreation or sport. 5. "Encircling nets" means nets which catch fish by surrounding them both from the sides and from below; they may or may not be equipped with a purse line. 6. "Purse seines" means any encircling net the bottom of which is drawn together by means of a purse line at the bottom of the net, which passes through a series of rings along the groundrope, enabling the net to be pursed and closed. Purse seines may be used to catch small pelagic species, large pelagic species or demersal species. 7. "Longlines" means a fishing gear which comprises a main line carrying numerous hooks on branch lines (snoods) of variable length and spacing depending on the target species. It may be deployed either vertically or horizontally to the sea surface; it may be set either at or near the bottom (bottom-set longline) or drifting in midwater or near the surface (surface longline). 8. "Hook" means a bent, sharpened piece of steel wire usually with barb. The point of a hook may be either straight or even reversed and curved. The shank can be of varying length and form and its cross section can be round (regular) or flattened (forged). The total length of a hook shall be measured as the maximum overall length of the shank from the tip of the hook which serves for fastening the line and is usually shaped as an eye, to the apex of the bend. The width of a hook shall be measured as the greatest horizontal distance from the external part of the shank to the external part of the barb. 9. "Fish-aggregating devices (FADs)" means any equipment floating on the sea surface and with the objective of attracting fish. 10. "Pole and line tuna vessel" means vessels equiped for catching tuna by pole and line.
1. Area 1 all waters of the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas included in the ICCAT Convention area as specified in Article 1 of that Convention; 2. Area 2 all waters of the Indian Ocean covered by the Agreement for the establishment of the IOTC as defined in Article 2 thereof; 3. Area 3 all waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean as defined in Article 3 of the Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Programme; 4. Area 4 all waters of the Eastern and Central Pacific Ocean as defined in Article 3 of the WCPFC Convention.
southern limit: latitude 0° S, northern limit: latitude 5° N, western limit: longitude 20° W, eastern limit: longitude 10° W.
(a) as the average number and the capacity in GT of Community fishing vessels fishing in Area 1 for bigeye tuna as a target species during the period 1991 to 1992; and (b) on the basis of the restriction on the number of Community vessels fishing for bigeye tuna in 2005 notified to ICCAT on 30 June 2005 .
(a) the number and capacity in GT determined in accordance with paragraph 1; (b) the number of vessels determined in accordance with paragraph 2.
(a) a list of vessels flying its flag and greater than 24 metres in length fishing for bigeye tuna; (b) a list of vessels flying its flag and participating in a fishery targeting albacore tuna in the North Atlantic.
(a) appropriate handling, including the recovery or prompt release of sea turtles caught accidentally (by hooks or nets) or as by-catch; (b) the presence on board of equipment necessary for the release of sea turtles caught accidentally or as by-catch.
(a) an obligation to avoid, where possible, encircling sea turtles; (b) the development and application of specifications for appropriate gear for minimising by-catches of sea turtles; (c) the adoption of all the measures necessary for releasing encircled or caught sea turtles; (d) the adoption of all the measures necessary for monitoring fish-aggregating devices in which sea turtles could be caught, to release those taken and recover devices that are not used.
(a) the development and putting in place of combinations of hook shapes, type of lures, depth and design of nets and fishing practices to minimise accidental catches or by-catches and mortality of sea turtles; (b) the presence on board of equipment necessary for releasing sea turtles caught accidentally or as by-catch. including tools for unhooking them or cutting the lines and landing nets.
(a) a list of vessels flying their flag with a load capacity greater than 363 metric tonnes (400 net tonnes) which have applied for a DML for the whole of the following year; (b) a list of vessels flying their flag with a load capacity greater than 363 metric tonnes (400 net tonnes) which have applied for a DML for the first or second half of the following year; (c) for each vessel requesting a DML, a certificate stating that the vessel has all the proper gears and equipment to protect dolphins and that its captain has completed an approved training course on rescuing and releasing dolphins; (d) a list of vessels flying their flag which are likely to operate in the area in the course of the following year.
Albacore: Thunnus alalunga Bluefin tuna: Thunnus thynnus Bigeye tuna: Thunnus obesus Skipjack tuna: Katsuwonus pelamis Atlantic bonito: Sarda sarda Yellowfin tuna: Thunnus albacares Blackfin tuna: Thunnus atlanticus Little tuna: Euthynnus spp. Southern bluefin tuna: Thunnus maccoyii Frigate tuna: Auxis spp. Oceanic sea breams: Bramidae Marlins: Tetrapturus spp. ;Makaira spp. Sailfish: Istiophorus spp. Swordfish: Xiphias gladius Sauries: Scomberesox spp. ;Cololabis spp. Dolphinfish; common dolphinfish: Coryphaena hippurus ;Coryphaena equiselis Sharks: Hexanchus griseus ;Cetorhinus maximus ;Alopiidae Rhincodon typus ;Carcharhinide ;Sphyrnidae ;Isuridae ;Lamnidae Cetaceans (whales and porpoises): Physeteridae ;Balenidae ;Eschrichtiidae ;Monodontidae ;Ziphiidae ;Delphinidae
Bluefin tuna: Thunnus thynnus Southern bluefin tuna: Thunnus maccoyii Yellowfin tuna: Thunnus albacares Albacore tuna: Thunnus alalunga Bigeye tuna: Thunnus obesus Blackfin tuna: Thunnus atlanticus Little tuna: Euthynnus alletteratus Skipjack: Katsuwonus pelamis Atlantic bonito: Sarda sarda Frigate tuna: Auxis thazard Frigate tuna: Auxis rochei Palomette: Orcynopsis unicolor Wahoo: Acanthocybium solandri Chub mackerel: Scomberomorus maculatus King mackerel: Scomberomourus cavalla West African Spanish mackerel: Scomberomorus tritor Serra Spanish mackerel: Scomberomorus brasilliensis Cero: Scomberomorus regalis Sailfish: Istiophorus albicans Black marlin: Makaira indica Blue marlin: Makaira nigricans White marlin: Tetrapturus albidus Swordfish: Xiphias gladius Long-bill spearfish: Tetrapturus pfluegeri
for any fishing vessel built after 18 July 1982 , 96 % of the total length on a waterline at 85 % of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keel, or the length from the foreside of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline, if this be greater. In ships designed with a rake of keel, the waterline on which this length is measured shall be parallel to the designed waterline, for any fishing vessel built before 18 July 1982 , registered length as entered in the national registers or other record of vessels.
Species | Minimum size |
Bluefin tuna ( |
6,4 kg or 70 cm |
Bluefin tuna ( |
10 kg or 80 cm |
Swordfish ( |
25 kg or 125 cm (lower mandible) |