Product code | Destination | Unit of measurement | Amount of refund |
1702 40 10 9100 | S00 | EUR/100 kg dry matter | 30,09 |
1702 60 10 9000 | S00 | EUR/100 kg dry matter | 30,09 |
1702 60 95 9000 | S00 | EUR/1 % sucrose × 100 kg of net product | 0,3009 |
1702 90 30 9000 | S00 | EUR/100 kg dry matter | 30,09 |
1702 90 60 9000 | S00 | EUR/1 % sucrose × 100 kg of net product | 0,3009 |
1702 90 71 9000 | S00 | EUR/1 % sucrose × 100 kg of net product | 0,3009 |
1702 90 99 9900 | S00 | EUR/1 % sucrose × 100 kg of net product | 0,3009 |
2106 90 30 9000 | S00 | EUR/100 kg dry matter | 30,09 |
2106 90 59 9000 | S00 | EUR/1 % sucrose × 100 kg of net product | 0,3009 |