| Product | Quantity(tonnes) | Holder | Consignee |
"1. | Common wheat | 2207 | MMM, Suomi/Finland | Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet, Eesti |
2. | Common wheat | 11760 | BLE, Deutschland | OPEKEPE, Elláda |
3. | Common wheat | 110000 | ONIGC, France | FEGA, España |
4. | Common wheat | 103429 | BLE, Deutschland | AGEA, Italia |
5. | Common wheat | 19036 | AMA, Österreich | AGEA, Italia |
6. | Common wheat | 5637 | MMM, Suomi/Finland | Agricultural and Food Products Market Regulation Agency, Lietuva |
7. | Common wheat | 1550 | ONIGC, France | National Research and Development Centre, Malta |
8. | Common wheat | 20000 | ONIGC, France | INGA, Portugal |
9. | Common wheat | 96712 | MVH, Magyarország | Paying and Intervention Agency for Agriculture, România |
10. | Common wheat and other cereals | 2610 | MVH, Magyarország | AAMRD, Slovenija |
11. | Rice | 23641 | OPEKEPE, Elláda | ONIGC, France |
12. | Rice | 20000 | OPEKEPE, Elláda | Ente Risi, Italia |
13. | Rice | 14000 | OPEKEPE, Elláda | INGA, Portugal |
14. | Butter | 3511 | Department of Agriculture and Food, Ireland | Office de l'Elevage, France |
15. | Sugar | 3338 | FEGA, España | ONIGC, France |
16. | Sugar | 2760 | ARR, Polska | Agricultural and Food Products Market Regulation Agency, Lietuva |
17. | Sugar | 1435 | FEGA, España | INGA, Portugal |
18. | Sugar | 11986 | MVH, Magyarország | Paying and Intervention Agency for Agriculture, România |
19. | Sugar | 500 | ARR, Polska | MMM, Suomi/Finland" |