Commission Regulation (EC) No 135/2007 of 13 February 2007 setting export refunds in the processed fruit and vegetable sector other than those granted on added sugar (provisionally preserved cherries, peeled tomatoes, sugar-preserved cherries, prepared hazelnuts, certain orange juices)
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 135/2007 of 13 February 2007 setting export refunds in the processed fruit and vegetables sector other than those granted on added sugar (provisionally preserved cherries, peeled tomatoes, sugar-preserved cherries, prepared hazelnuts, certain orange juices)(Official Journal of the European Union L 42 of 14 February 2007)On page 20, in the Annex, the table should read as follows:"Period for lodging licence applications: 22 February 2007 to 23 June 2007.Licence assignment period: March 2007 to June 2007.The descriptions corresponding to the product codes are contained in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3846/87 (OJ L 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), as amended.The meanings of the A series destination codes are given in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 3846/87, as amended.The other destinations are:F06All destinations except the countries of North America."
Product codeDestination codeRefund rate(EUR/t net)Permitted quantities(t)
0812 10 00 9100F06503000
2002 10 10 9100A024543100
2006 00 31 90002006 00 99 9100F061531000
2008 19 19 91002008 19 99 9100A0059500
2009 11 99 91102009 12 00 91112009 19 98 9112A0050
2009 11 99 91502009 19 98 9150A00290
The descriptions corresponding to the product codes are contained in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3846/87 (OJ L 366, 24.12.1987, p. 1), as amended.The meanings of the A series destination codes are given in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 3846/87, as amended.The other destinations are:F06All destinations except the countries of North America."