Commission Regulation (EC) No 1737/2006 of 7 November 2006 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning monitoring of forests and environmental interactions in the Community
(a) the continuous inventory of crown condition, foliar chemistry measurements and increment changes, on each observation Level II plot in accordance with Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of Annex I; (b) measurements of deposition chemistry, meteorology and soil solution chemistry, as well as assessment of ground vegetation, on at least 10 % of the observation Level II plots in accordance with Chapters 5 to 8 of Annex I; (c) where appropriate, other monitoring activities such as assessment of ambient air quality, visible ozone injury and litterfall and phenological observations in accordance with Chapters 9 to 12 of Annex I.
(a) the common core data submitted in accordance with Article 9; (b) additional data for forest fires affecting areas of at least 50 hectares submitted in accordance with Article 10; (c) information provided by the Joint Research Centre on forecast of fire risk within the framework of the European Forest Fire Risk Forecasting System (EFFRFS) and on mapping and evaluation of damages caused by fire which affect an area of at least 50 hectares within the framework of the European Forest Fire Damage Assessment System (EFFDAS).
(a) date and local time of first alert; (b) date and local time of first intervention; (c) date and local time of extinction; (d) location of the outbreak at the commune level (common code); (e) total fire-damaged area; (f) breakdown of the fire-damaged area into forest and other wooded land and non forested areas; (g) presumed cause.
(a) they shall be national public-sector bodies or private-law entities with a public-service mission, governed by the law of one of the Member States; (b) they shall offer adequate financial guarantees, issued by a public authority, in particular as regards full recovery of amounts due to the Commission; (c) they shall operate according to the requirements of sound financial management; (d) they shall ensure the transparency of the operations carried out in accordance with Article 56(1) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002.
(a) their technical and professional capacity, on the basis of documentary evidence of the educational and professional qualifications of the members of their managerial staff; (b) their economic and financial capacity, on the basis of the state guarantee provided in accordance with Article 14(3)(e) of Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003 and appropriate statements from banks or evidence of relevant professional risk indemnity insurance, or balance sheets, or extracts from balance sheets, covering at least the last two years for which accounts have been closed, where publication of the balance sheet is required under the company law of the Member State in which the entity is established; (c) their competence under national law to perform the budget-implementation tasks, as attested by documentary evidence such as their enrolment in a professional or trade register or a sworn declaration or certificate, membership of a specific organisation, express authorisation or entry in a register for value added tax (VAT); (d) that they are not in one of the situations listed in Articles 93 and 94 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002; (e) that they agree to an audit by the Court of Auditors.
(a) they shall conduct regular checks to ensure that the actions to be financed under Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003 have been implemented correctly; (b) they shall take appropriate measures to prevent irregularities and fraud and if necessary bring prosecutions to recover funds lost, wrongly paid or incorrectly used; (c) they shall provide the Commission with any information it requests; (d) they shall be the intermediary to whom the Community contribution is paid, (e) they shall hold the accounts and records of the receipt and payment of that contribution in support of the national programme, including all invoices and documents of a similar probative value to support the costs of the programme.
(a) the legal obligation to pay the cost has been contracted after the beginning of the period of eligibility and before the end of that period; (b) the execution of the activity to which the cost is related must have started after the beginning of the period of eligibility and must be completed before the end of that period.
(a) the seller of the equipment shall provide a declaration stating its origin, and confirm that at no point during the previous seven years has it been purchased with the aid of national or Community grants; (b) the price of the equipment shall not exceed its market value and shall be less than the cost of similar new equipment; and (c) the equipment shall have the technical characteristics necessary for the operation and comply with applicable norms and standards.
(a) any cost incurred for actions which benefit from aid under other Community financial instruments; (b) exchange rate losses; (c) unnecessary or wasteful outlays; (d) distribution expenses and marketing and advertising expenses to promote products or commercial activities; (e) any provisions for possible future losses or liabilities; (f) any debtor interest and interest on borrowed capital; (g) bad debts.
(a) the need to carry out specific studies or analyses; (b) the need to set up ad hoc working groups for specific topics; (c) the improvement of the organisation and structure of the monitoring scheme; (d) science-policy interface;
(a) proposals for studies, (b) results deriving from the studies such as relevance and data quality and, more generally, from the reports presenting the results from the monitoring scheme, (c) draft manuals.
the minimum size of a plot shall be 0,25 hectares measured on a horizontal plane, to minimise the effects from activities on surrounding areas the plot shall be surrounded by a buffer zone. The actual width of this zone depends on the type and age of the forest. If the area of the plot and its surroundings is uniform with regard to height and age structure, the width of the buffer zone can be restricted to 5 or 10 m. If the forest area in which the plot is located consists of mixed stands, different species or age structure, the buffer zone shall be enlarged to up to five times the potential maximum height of the trees in the plot, the plots shall be easily accessible at all times and no restrictions with regard to the access and sampling should exist, there shall be no differences in the management of the plot, its buffer zone and the surrounding forest, disturbance caused by the monitoring shall be kept to a minimum, direct pollution from known local sources shall be avoided the plots shall be located sufficiently far away from the forest edge, up to five times the potential maximum height of the trees in the plot.
Installation | First surveys |
Country | |
Observation plot number | |
Actual latitude and longitude | |
Altitude | |
Orientation | |
Total plot size | |
Number of trees in plot | |
Subplot (if any) | |
Availability of water to the principal species | |
Humus type | |
Soil unit (estimate) | |
Mean age of dominant storey | |
Main tree species | |
Yield (estimate) | |
History of the plot | |
Other monitoring stations situated nearby |
Member States may decide on the number of trees to be assessed at each point; however, the sample shall not consist of less than 20 trees or more than 30 and the number shall remain constant, all tree species shall be included in the assessment. Sample trees should have a minimum height of 60 cm. Only predominant, dominant and co-dominant trees corresponding to the Kraft tree classes 1, 2, and 3 respectively, qualify as sample trees for the purpose of crown condition assessment. Trees of these social classes with broken tops cannot qualify as sample trees, trees removed as part of management operations, fallen trees (e.g. blown over by the wind or broken) and dead trees must be replaced by new sample trees selected according to an unbiased procedure. A tree is defined as dead if all conductive tissues in the stem have died. A dead tree must be recorded but only once. Clear-cutting of the stands imply that the sample point ceases to exist until a new stand has been established, the centre of a sampling unit must be marked for reassessment of subsequent inventories. Sample trees should be identifiable for the following year's assessment, if possible without permanent labeling.
for each plot: descriptive code, country, date of observation, observation point number, actual latitude and longitude coordinates, availability of water to principal species, humus type, altitude, orientation, stand data, mean age of dominant storey, soil data, soil unit, additional plot information specific for the current year (operations, events),
for each tree in the plot: plot number, sample tree data: tree number, tree species, defoliation, discoloration, damage due to easily identifiable causes (insect, fungi, abiotic agents…), identification of damage type, observations on the tree in the plot.
country, plot number, date of assessment number of trees tree species orientation, information on removals and mortality, exposure, social class, crown shading, visibility.
Class | Degree of defoliation | Percentage of needle/leaf loss |
0 | not defoliated | 0 - 10 |
1 | slightly defoliated | 11 - 25 |
2 | moderately defoliated | 26 - 60 |
3 | severely defoliated | 61 - 99 |
4 | Dead | 100 |
Class | Discoloration | Indicative percentage of needles/leaves discolored |
0 | None or negligible | 0 - 10 |
1 | Slight | 11 - 25 |
2 | Moderate | 26 - 60 |
3 | Severe | > 60 |
Defoliation class | Discoloration class | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | |
Resulting damage class | |||
0 | 0 | I | II |
1 | I | II | II |
2 | II | III | III |
3 | III | III | III |
4 | IV | IV | IV |
Symptom description | |
Specification of affected part | |
Symptom | |
Specification of symptom | |
Location in crown | |
the trees are different from those used for the crown assessment, in order to avoid that successive samplings introduce loss of foliage, in case the vitality assessment is restricted to the trees in the sub-plot, the trees for the foliage sampling shall be selected from the remaining part of the total plot. If no sub-plot is used the trees for sampling shall be selected from the trees in the buffer zone. In this case the trees selected for sampling in the buffer zone shall be given a special number, the trees belong to the predominant and dominant classes (forest with closed canopy) or to the trees with average height ±20 % (forest with open canopy),the trees are in the vicinity of the locations where soil samples were taken for analysis; however care shall be taken that the main roots of the sample trees have not been damaged by soil sampling, the trees are representative of the mean defoliation level of the plot ( ±5 % of the mean foliage loss),the trees are representative of the sanitary status of the plot.
plot number, data of sampling and analysis; tree species.
Mandatory parameters | Optional parameters |
Nitrogen (N) | Zinc (Zn) |
Sulphur (S) | Manganese (Mn) |
Phosphorus (P) | Iron (Fe) |
Calcium (Ca) | Copper (Cu) |
Magnesium (Mg) | Lead (Pb) |
Potassium (K) | Boron (B) |
periodic measurements on tree parameters (mandatory all five years), tree ring analysis by means of increment cores and stem discs (optional).
plot number, data of sampling and analysis, tree number.
Mandatory parameters | Optional parameters | |
Periodic measurements | Tree species | Bark |
Diameter at breast height (DBH) | Tree height (on all trees) | |
Tree height | Crown height (on all trees) | |
Height to crown base on a sub-sample of trees in the plot | Crown width | |
Information on management operations | Volume estimates | |
Tree ring analysis | Ring width | |
History of the tree diameter under bark in five years intervals | ||
Basal area and volume estimates |
plot number, sampler code, first date of monitoring period, last date of monitoring period, number of (equal) measuring periods in monitoring period.
Sample type | Mandatory | Optional |
Bulk deposition, throughfall, stemflow | Amount of precipitation | |
pH and conductivity at 25 °C | ||
Na, K, Mg, Ca, NH | Al, Mn, Fe, and other heavy metals, e.g. Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb, Cd, Co, Mo | |
Cl, NO | P total, PO | |
pH, conductivity | ||
Na, K, Mg, Ca, NH | ||
Cl, NO | ||
Alkalinity | ||
Al, Mn, Fe, and other heavy metals, e.g. Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb, Cd, Co, Mo |
Mandatory | Optional |
Precipitation | UVB radiation |
Air temperature | Soil temperatures |
Air humidity | Soil moisture |
Wind speed | (matric potential, water content) |
Wind direction | Stand precipitation (quantity of through fall and stem flow) |
Solar radiation |
country, plot number, exact details of the used equipment, location of the plots (longitude, latitude, altitude) and of equipment (relative to the plot), start and end dates of the measurements, Frequency (number of periods).
Parameter | Units | Mean | Sum | Minimum | Maximum | Remarks |
Precipitation | (mm) | (*) | ||||
Air temperature | (°C) | (*) | (*) | (*) | ||
Relative humidity | (%) | |||||
Wind speed | (m/s) | (*) | (*) | |||
Wind direction | (°) | (*) | Prevailing wind direction | |||
Solar radiation | (W/m | (*) | ||||
UVB radiation | (W/m | (*) | ||||
Soil temperature | (°C) | (*) | (*) | (*) | ||
(hPa) | ||||||
(Vol %) | (*) | (*) | (*) | |||
Stand precipitation (through fall and stem flow) | (mm) | (*) | ||||
Others | To be specified in the data accompanying Report |
Soil solution collectors
country, plot number, information on sampler (type, depth), first date of monitoring period, last date of monitoring period, number of (equal) measuring periods in monitoring period.
Parameter | Unit | Mandatory/Optional |
Conductivity | μS/cm | Opt. |
pH | Man | |
Alkalinity | μmolc/l | Opt (if pH > 5) |
DOC | mg/l | Man |
Sodium (Na) | mg/l | Opt |
Potassium (K) | mg/l | Man |
Calcium (Ca) | mg/l | Man |
Magnesium (Mg) | mg/l | Man |
Aluminium (total) | mg/l | Man (if pH< 5) |
Aluminium (labile) | mg/l | Opt |
Iron (Fe) | mg/l | Opt |
Manganese (Mn) | mg/l | Opt. |
Total Phosphorus (P) | mg/l | Opt |
NO | mg/l | Man |
SO | mg/l | Man |
NH | mg/l | Opt |
Chlorine (Cl) | mg/l | Opt |
Chromium (Cr) | μg/l | Opt |
Nickel (Ni) | μg/l | Opt |
Zinc (Zn) | μg/l | Opt |
Copper (Cu) | μg/l | Opt |
Lead (Pb) | μg/l | Opt |
Cadmium (Cd) | μg/l | Opt |
Silicon (Si) | mg/l | Opt |
in the first case, the dynamics are assessed by monitoring changes in the species composition over a large area, utilizing sampling units greater than 100 m 2 , with a low to medium accuracy in estimates of changes in cover for each of these species,in the second case, the study concentrates on population dynamics (expansion or regression) on a smaller area. Small sampling units (in general fewer than 10 m 2 ) are used for a more accurate estimation of species cover.
country plot number date of sampling and analysis fencing total area sampled information on the total ground vegetation layer (cover), the shrub and herbs layer (cover and average height) and the moss layer (cover).
Mandatory | Optional |
Ca, K, Mg, C, N, P, S | Na, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu, Pb, Al, B |
Compounds | Parameters | Comment |
Gaseous compounds | O | With regard to direct effect on vegetation, ozone is in most areas in Europe the most important pollutant. |
Particulate compounds | SO | For calculating the dry deposition of particulate compounds, measurements should preferably be made with consideration to particle size distribution. |
O | NH | NO | SO | |
mean concentration | X | X | X | X |
max | X | X | X | X |
AOT 40 | X |
Score | Percentage, definition |
0 | No injury, none of the leaves injured. |
1 | 1 %-5 % of the leaves show ozone symptoms |
2 | 6 %-50 % of the leaves show ozone symptoms |
3 | 51 %-100 % of leaves show ozone symptoms |
Score | Definition |
0 | No injury present. |
1 | 1-5 % of the surface is affected |
2 | 6- 50 % of the surface is affected |
3 | 51 – 100 % of the surface is affected. |
The scientific name and code of the present (small) tree, shrub, and herbs species with the indication whether they show symptoms or not. Trees and shrubs shall be assessed singularly, vines and herbs as populations; Estimates are therefore resulting in terms of frequency, means and totals: frequency of quadrates including symptomatic plants (% of forest edge vegetation area affected), frequency of symptomatic species (% of symptomatic species over the total number of species of the forest edge), mean number of symptomatic species, total number of symptomatic species, estimates should be reported with confidence intervals at a 95 % probability level.
Occurrence of flushing, color change and leaf/needle fall Biotic damage (pests and/or diseases) Abiotic damage (e.g. frost, wind, hail).
those plots where (at least) meteorological measurements are carried out, the most important species on the plot, which is already reported as the main species (other species on the same plot may be added).
trees should be dominant or co-dominant, trees on which periodical measurement of DBH and height is (planned to be) made should be preferred, trees selected for leaf/needle sampling and analysis are not to be included.
Conifers | Broad-leaved species |
Needle appearance | Leaf unfolding |
Lammas shoots | Secondary flushing |
Flowering | Flowering |
Autumn coloring | |
Leaf death and leaf fall |
Assessment/Information content | Form N | Network | |
Installation | 1 | XXGENER. PLT: Information on plot level | II |
Installation | 2 | Other observations on the plots of the intensive monitoring of the forest ecosystems | II |
Crown | 3 | XX1993.PLO: Information on plot level | I |
Crown | 4 | XX1993.TRE NEW: Information on tree level | I |
Crown | 5 | Contents of file with information on plot level to be used in combination with the tree vitality inventory on Level I | I |
Crown | 6 | XX1996.PLT (TCP): Contents of file with the information on Plot level to be used with the crown assessment | II |
Crown | 7 | XX1996.TRM (TC1): Contents of file with the information on Tree level (Mandatory) to be used with the tree condition assessment | II |
Crown | 8 | XX2004.TRO: Contents of file with the information on Tree level (Optional) to be used with the tree condition assessment | II |
Foliar | 9 | XX1996.PLF: Contents of reduced plot file to be used in combination with the survey of chemical content of needles and leaves | II |
Foliar | 10 | XX1996.FOM: Contents of file with foliar analysis information (mandatory) | II |
Foliar | 11 | XX1996.FOO: Contents of file with foliar analysis information (optional) | II |
Increment | 12 | XX1993.PLI: Contents of reduced plot file to be used for increment | II |
Increment | 13 | XX1996.IPM: Contents of file with increment information - periodic measurements | II |
Increment | 14 | XX1996.IRA: Contents of file of increment information - ring analysis and stem disk analysis (optional) | II |
Increment | 15 | XX1996.IEV: Contents of evaluated data on increment (optional) | II |
Increment | 16 | XX2002.INV: Contents of reduced plot file to be used to report the plot volumes | II |
Deposition | 17 | XX1996.PLD: Contents of reduced plot file to be used in combination with the deposition measurements | II |
Deposition | 18 | XX1996.DEM: Contents of data file with deposition measurements (mandatory) | II |
Deposition | 19 | XX1996.DEO: Contents of data file with deposition measurements (optional) | II |
Meteorology | 20 | XX1996.PLM: Contents of reduced plot file to be used in combination with the meteorological measurements | II |
Meteorology | 21 | XX1996.MEM: Contents of data file with meteorological measurements (mandatory) | II |
Meteorology | 22 | XX1996.MEO: Contents of data file with meteorological measurements (optional) | II |
Meteorology | 23 | XX1996.MEC: Contents of data file with climatic information (optional) | II |
Soil solution | 24 | XX1996.PSS: Contents of reduced plot file to be used in combination with the soil solution measurements | II |
Soil solution | 25 | XX1996.SSM: Contents of data file with soil solution measurements (mandatory) | II |
Soil solution | 26 | XX1996.SSO: Contents of data file with soil solution measurements (optional) | II |
Ground vegetation | 27 | XX1997.PLV: Contents of reduced plot file to be used in combination with the survey of ground vegetation | II |
Ground vegetation | 28 | XX1996.VEM: Contents of data file with ground vegetation assessment | II |
Litterfall | 29 | XX1996.LFP: Contents of reduced plot file to be used in combination with the survey on litterfall | II |
Litterfall | 30 | XX2002.LFM: Contents of data file with litterfall analysis information (mandatory) | II |
Litterfall | 31 | XX2002.LFO: Contents of data file with litterfall analysis information (optional) | II |
Ozone | 32 | XX2000.pac: Ambient air quality: Ozone | II |
Ozone | 33 | XX2000.pps: Ambient air quality: Ozone | II |
Ozone | 34 | XX2000.aqm: Ambient air quality: Ozone | II |
Ozone injury | 35 | XX2004.PLL: Ozone injury assessment | II |
Ozone injury | 36 | XX2004.LTF: Ozone injury assessment | II |
Ozone injury | 37 | XX2004.LSS: Ozone injury assessment | II |
Phenology | 38 | XX2004.PLP: Form for registration of trees selected for intensive phenological monitoring | II |
Phenology | 39 | XX2004.PHE: Phenological phenomena and biotic and abiotic (damaging) events (plot level - extensive) | II |
Phenology | 40 | XX2004.PHI: Recording of phenological phenomena and biotic and abiotic (damaging) events (tree level - intensive) | II |
Day | Month | Year |
08 | 09 | 04 |
+/– | Degrees | Minutes | Seconds | ||||
latitude | + | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 7 |
longitude | – | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Absolute yield code | Relative yield code |
0 = 0,0—2,5 m | 1 = Low |
1 = 2,5—7,5 m | 2 = Normal |
2 = 7,5—12,5 m | 3 = High |
3 = 12,5—17,5 m | |
4 = 17,5—22,5 m | |
5 = >22,5 m |
class 22 is only applicable in those countries that do not record trees with more than 50 % crown damage class 23 is only applicable in those countries that restrict sampling to Kraft classes 1, 2 and 3
Height (in m) | Cover (in %) | |
Total ground vegetation layer | (*) | |
Shrub layer | (*) | (*) |
Herb layer | (*) | (*) |
Moss layer | (*) |
1 Wet or damp (riparian zones and wet or damp areas along a stream, meadow or bottom land) 2 Moderately dry (grassland or meadow, and North or East facing slopes) 3 Very dry (exposed rocky edges)
Affected part | Specification of affected part | Symptom | Symptom specification | Location in crown | |||||
Leaves/needles | 1 | Current year needles | 11 | Partly or totally devoured/missing | 01 | holes or partly devoured/missing | 31 | Upper crown | 1 |
Older needles | 12 | notches (leaf/needle margins affected) | 32 | Lower crown | 2 | ||||
Needles of all ages | 13 | totally devoured/missing | 33 | Patches/branchwise | 3 | ||||
Broadleaves (incl. evergreen spec.) | 14 | Skeletonised | 34 | Total crown | 4 | ||||
Mined | 35 | ||||||||
Premature falling | 36 | ||||||||
Light green to yellow discoloration | 02 | Overall | 37 | ||||||
Red to brown discoloration (incl. necrosis) | 03 | flecking, spots | 38 | ||||||
Bronzing | 04 | Marginal | 39 | ||||||
Other color | 05 | Banding | 40 | ||||||
Interveinal | 41 | ||||||||
tip, apical | 42 | ||||||||
Partial | 43 | ||||||||
along veins | 44 | ||||||||
microfilia (small leaves) | 06 | ||||||||
other abnormal size | 07 | ||||||||
Leaves/needles | Deformations | 08 | Curling | 45 | |||||
Bending | 46 | ||||||||
Rolling | 47 | ||||||||
stalk twisting | 48 | ||||||||
Folding | 49 | ||||||||
Galls | 50 | ||||||||
Wilting | 51 | ||||||||
other deformations | 52 | ||||||||
other symptom | 09 | ||||||||
Signs of insects | 10 | black coverage on leaves | 53 | ||||||
Nest | 54 | ||||||||
adults, larvae, nymph, pupae, egg masses | 55 | ||||||||
Signs of fungi | 11 | white coverage on leaves | 56 | ||||||
fungal fruiting bodies | 57 | ||||||||
Other signs | 12 | ||||||||
Branches/shoots & buds | 2 | Current year shoots | 21 | devoured/missing | 01 | Upper crown | 1 | ||
diameter < 2 cm (twigs) | 22 | Broken | 13 | Lower crown | 2 | ||||
diameter 2 - < 10 cm | 23 | Dead/dying | 14 | Patches | 3 | ||||
diameter >= 10 cm | 24 | Abortion | 15 | Total crown | 4 | ||||
varying size | 25 | Necrosis | 16 | ||||||
Top leader shoot | 26 | Wounds (debarking, cracks etc.) | 17 | Debarking | 58 | ||||
Buds | 27 | Cracks | 59 | ||||||
other wounds | 60 | ||||||||
Resin flow (conifers) | 18 | ||||||||
Slime flux (broadleaves) | 19 | ||||||||
Decay/rot | 20 | ||||||||
Branches/shoots & buds | Deformations | 08 | Wilting | 51 | |||||
bending, drooping, curving | 61 | ||||||||
Cankers | 62 | ||||||||
Tumours | 63 | ||||||||
witches broom | 64 | ||||||||
other deformations | 52 | ||||||||
other symptom | 09 | ||||||||
Signs of insects | 10 | boring holes, boring dust | 65 | ||||||
Nest | 54 | ||||||||
white dots or covers | 66 | ||||||||
adults, larvae, nymph, pupae, egg masses | 55 | ||||||||
Signs of fungi | 11 | fungal fruiting bodies | 57 | ||||||
Other signs | 12 | ||||||||
Stem/collar | 3 | Crown stem | 31 | Wounds (debarking, cracks etc.) | 17 | Debarking | 58 | ||
Bole | 32 | cracks (frost cracks, …) | 59 | ||||||
Roots (exposed) & collar | 33 | other wounds | 60 | ||||||
Whole trunk | 34 | Resin flow (conifers) | 18 | ||||||
Slime flux (broadleaves) | 19 | ||||||||
Decay/rot | 20 | ||||||||
Deformations | 08 | Cankers | 62 | ||||||
Tumours | 63 | ||||||||
Longitudinal ridges (frost ribs, …) | |||||||||
other deformations | 52 | ||||||||
Stem/collar | tilted | 21 | |||||||
fallen (with roots) | 22 | ||||||||
broken | 13 | ||||||||
Necrosis | 16 | ||||||||
other symptom | 09 | ||||||||
Signs of insects | 10 | boring holes, boring dust | 65 | ||||||
white dots or covers | 66 | ||||||||
adults, larvae, nymph, pupae, egg masses | 55 | ||||||||
Signs of fungi | 11 | fungal fruiting bodies | 57 | ||||||
yellow to orange blisters | 67 | ||||||||
Dead tree | 4 | ||||||||
No symptoms on any part of tree | 0 | ||||||||
No assessment | 9 |
Agent group | Code |
Game and grazing | 100 |
Insects | 200 |
Fungi | 300 |
Abiotic agents | 400 |
Direct action of men | 500 |
Fire | 600 |
Atmospheric pollutants | 700 |
Other factors | 800 |
999 |
Game & grazing | 100 |
Insects | 200 |
Fungi | 300 |
Abiotic agents | 400 |
Direct action of men | 500 |
Fire | 600 |
Atmospheric pollutants | 700 |
Other | 800 |
999 |
Class | Code | Type | Code |
Cervidae | 110 | Roe deer | 111 |
Red deer | 112 | ||
Reindeer | 113 | ||
Elk/Moose (Alces alces) | 114 | ||
Other Cervidae | 119 | ||
Suidae | 120 | Wild boar | 121 |
Other Suidae | 129 | ||
Rodentia | 130 | Rabbit | 131 |
Hare | 132 | ||
Squirrel etc. | 133 | ||
Vole | 134 | ||
Beaver | 135 | ||
Other Rodentia | 139 | ||
Aves | 140 | Tetraonidae | 141 |
Corvidae | 142 | ||
Picidae | 143 | ||
Fringillidae | 144 | ||
Other Aves | 149 | ||
Domestic animals | 150 | Cattle | 151 |
Goats | 152 | ||
Sheeps | 153 | ||
Other domestic | 159 | ||
Other vertebrates | 190 | Bear | 191 |
Other vertebrate | 199 |
Class | Code |
Defoliators | 210 |
Stem, branch and twig borers (incl. shoot miners) | 220 |
Bud boring insects | 230 |
Fruit boring insects | 240 |
Sucking insects | 250 |
Mining insects | 260 |
Gall makers | 270 |
Other insects | 290 |
Class | Code |
Needle casts and needle- rust fungi | 301 |
Stem and shoot rusts | 302 |
Dieback and canker fungi | 309 |
Blight | 303 |
Decay & root rot fungi | 304 |
Other fungi | 390 |
Class | Code | Type | Code | Specific factor | Code |
Chemical factors | 410 | Nutritional disorders- nutrient deficiencies | 411 | Cu - deficiency | 41101 |
Fe - deficiency | 41102 | ||||
Mg - deficiency | 41103 | ||||
Mn - deficiency | 41104 | ||||
K - deficiency | 41105 | ||||
N - deficiency | 41106 | ||||
B-deficiency | 41107 | ||||
Mn - toxicity | 41108 | ||||
Other | 41109 | ||||
marine salt + surfactants | 412 | ||||
Physical factors | 420 | Avalanche | 421 | ||
Drought | 422 | ||||
Flooding/High water | 423 | ||||
Frost | 424 | Winter frost | 42401 | ||
Late frost | 42402 | ||||
Hail | 425 | ||||
Heat/Sun scald | 426 | ||||
Lightning | 427 | ||||
Mud/land slide | 429 | ||||
Snow/Ice | 430 | ||||
Wind/Tornado | 431 | ||||
Winter injury - winter desiccation | 432 | ||||
Shallow/poor soil | 433 | ||||
Other abiotic factor | 490 |
Class | Code | Type | Code |
Imbedded objects | 510 | ||
Improper planting technique | 520 | ||
Land use conversion | 530 | ||
Silvicultural operations or forest harvesting | 540 | Cuts | 541 |
Pruning | 542 | ||
Resin tapping | 543 | ||
Cork stripping | 544 | ||
Silvicultural operations in close trees and other silvicultural operations | 545 | ||
Mechanical/vehicle damage | 550 | ||
Road construction | 560 | ||
Soil compaction | 570 | ||
Improper use of chemicals | 580 | Pesticides | 546 |
Deicing salt | 547 | ||
Other direct action of men | 590 |
Class | Code |
SO | 701 |
H | 702 |
O | 703 |
PAN | 704 |
F | 705 |
HF | 706 |
Other | 790 |
Class | Code | Species/Type | Code |
Parasitic/Epiphytic/Climbing plants | 810 | Viscum album | 81001 |
Arceuthobium oxycedri | 81002 | ||
Hedera helix | 81003 | ||
Lonicera sp | 81004 | ||
Bacteria | 820 | Bacillus vuilemini | 82001 |
Brenneria quercinea | 82002 | ||
Virus | 830 | ||
Nematodes | 840 | Bursaphelenchus xylophilus | 84001 |
Competition | 850 | Lack of light | 85001 |
Physical interactions | 85002 | ||
Competition in general (density) | 85003 | ||
Other | 85004 | ||
Somatic mutations | 860 | ||
Other (known cause but not included in the list) | 890 |
Class | Code |
0 % | 0 |
1 – 10 % | 1 |
11 – 20 % | 2 |
21- 40 % | 3 |
41 – 60 % | 4 |
61 – 80 % | 5 |
81 – 99 % | 6 |
(a) Date and local time of first alert Composed by: a1. Date of first alert: The local date (day, month, year) at which the official forest fire protection services were informed of the outbreak of the fire.
The expected data format is [YYYYMMDD], example: 20030702 (2 July 2003 )a2. Time of first alert: the local time (hour, minute) at which the official forest fire protection services were informed of the outbreak of the fire.
The expected data format is [HHMM], with HH from 00 to 23. Examples: 0915, 1446, 0035. The date and time of first alert are related to the event that triggers the activation of the fire fighting resources. Therefore it is not necessarily the time when a fire, or a possible fire, is physically reported to the forest fire office, but more generally the time when a member of the forest fire protection organization is first alerted of a possible fire or when he directly firstly detects it. When a check for confirmation of the alert is performed before the activation of the fire fighting crews, the very first alert has to be reported.(b) Date and local time of first intervention Composed by: b1. Date of first intervention: the local date (day, month, year) on which the first fire-fighting units arrived on the scene of the forest fire.
The expected data format is [YYYYMMDD], example: 20030702 (2 July 2003 )b2. Time of first intervention: the local time (hour, minute) at which the first fire-fighting units arrived on the scene of the forest fire.
The expected data format is [HHMM], with HH from 00 to 23. Examples: 0915, 1446, 0035. The date and time of first intervention corresponds to the time when the first fire fighting crew reaches the fire front, i.e. the moment when the first attack starts. (c) Date and local time of extinction Composed by: c1. Date of fire extinction: the local date (day, month, year) on which the fire was completely extinguished, i.e. when the last fire-fighting units left the scene of the forest fire.
The expected data format is [YYYYMMDD], example: 20030702 (for2 July 2003 )c2. Time of fire extinction: the local time (hour, minute) at which the fire was completely extinguished, i.e. when the last fire-fighting units left the scene of the forest fire.
The expected data format is [HHMM], with HH from 00 to 23. Examples: 0915, 1446 , 0035.The date and time of extinction correspond to the time when the fire front was completely extinguished. Therefore it does include the mop up activities andit does not include the time for the crews to return to the headquarters.Note: The starting of a new day is midnight (time: 00:00). Therefore, if the first alert is for example at 23:30 and the first intervention is at 00:30, than these events have to be reported in different days (d andd +1 respectively).(d) Location of the outbreak at the commune level The name and code of the commune . It shall follow the Member State nomenclature, and the complete list of commune names and codes in use in the Member State and adopted in the common core forest fire database will have to be supplied together with the fire data in a separate file. where the outbreak of the fire was reportedFor Belgium "Gemeenten/Communes", for Denmark "Kommuner", for Germany "Gemeinden", for Greece "Demoi/Koinotites/", for Spain "Municipios", for France "Communes", for Ireland "Counties or County boroughs", for Italy "Comuni", for Luxembourg "Communes", for the Netherlands "Gemeenten", for Austria "Gemeinden", for Portugal "Freguesias", for Finland "Kunnat/Kommuner", for Sweden "Kommuner" and for the United Kingdom "Wards". For Cyprus "Chor", for Czech Republic "Obec", for Estonia "Linn/Vald", for Hungary "Telep", for Lithuania "Savyvaldybe", for Latvia "Pagasts/Pilseta", for Poland "Gmina", for Slovenia "Obcina", for Slovakia "Obce/Ku". The code of the higher hierarchical territorial unit to which the commune belongs to shall also be recorded. Such territorial unit will correspond to the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) level 3 as defined in the Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council . The recorded NUTS3 code shall be in accordance with the five characters codes reported in Annex I of the same Regulation.OJ L 154, 21.6.2003, p. 1 . Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1888/2005 (OJ L 309, 25.11.2005, p. 1 ).New Member States, for which a list of NUTS3 codes is not provided in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003, will follow the standard "Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)" established by the Statistical Office of the European Communities. The reported codes will be the most recent NUTS3 codes as maintained in the GISCO information system. (e) Total fire-damaged area The total fire-damaged area corresponds to the estimated final fire size, i.e. the extension of the final area burned by the fire (regardless of the level of damage). The extension is measured in fraction of hectares with a precision until the second digit, without using the comma as separator (i.e. in hectares*100) Examples: Burned area = 12,05 hectares, it shall be recorded as 1205; Burned area = 3,2 hectares, it shall be recorded as 320. In case of unburned areas located inside the burned perimeter (unburned islands), their surface should be excluded from the estimate of the fire size (f) Breakdown of the fire-damaged area into forest and other wooded land and non forested areas The total burned area has to be divided into: f(1) forest and other wooded land area f(2) non forested area "Forest" and "other wooded land" are defined according to Article 3 of the Forest Focus Regulation. "Non forested area" corresponds to the "other land" defined in Article 3 of the same regulation. If however the fire burns also agricultural or urban land, these areas should not be included in the total burnt area. The extension is measured in fraction of hectares until the second digit without using the comma as separator (i.e. in hectares*100). (g) Presumed cause The presumed cause of the fire should be classified into one of the following four categories: 1. Unknown; 2. Natural cause; 3. Accidental cause or negligence, meaning connection to a human activity but without any intention of causing the fire (e.g. accidents caused by power lines, railways, works, bonfires, etc.). 4. Deliberate cause or arson.
The datum to be recorded in the fire record is the category number (1 to 4) that is indicated in the list above.
Field name | Description | Fire data example | ||
FIREID | MS Fire identifier | 1 | ||
DATEAL | Date of first alert | a1 | 8 | |
TIMEAL | Time of first alert | a2 | 4 | 1435 |
DATEIN | Date of first intervention | b1 | 8 | |
TIMEIN | Time of first intervention | b2 | 4 | 1520 |
DATEEX | Date of fire extinction | c1 | 8 | |
TIMEEX | Time of fire extinction | c2 | 4 | 0010 |
NUTS3 | NUTS3 code (Regulation EC 1059/2003) | d | 5 | ITG21 |
CODECOM | Commune Code (MS nomenclature) | d | 090047 | |
NAMECOM | Commune Name (MS nomenclature) | d | OLBIA | |
TBA | Total Burned Area (Ha*100) | e | 2540 | |
FBA | Forested Burned Area (Ha*100) | f1 | 2000 | |
NFBA | Not Forested Burned Area (Ha*100) | f2 | 540 | |
CAUSE | Presumed Cause | g | 1 | 1 |
1, 20030813 , 1435,20030813 , 1520,20030814 , 0010, ITG21, 090047, OLBIA, 2540, 2000, 540, 1
Date (fields DATEAL, DATEIN, DATEEX): | 99999999 |
Time (fields TIMEAL, TIMEIN, TIMEEX): | 9999 |
Location (fields NUTS3, CODECOM, NAMECOM): | XX |
Area (fields TBA, FBA, NFBA): | -999 |
Cause (field CAUSE): | 9 |
Field name | Data domains and validation rules for individual fields | Codes for missing data |
FIREID | No duplicate values accepted (ID must exist and be unique within the country) | Missing data not accepted |
DATEAL | Date must exist in the reporting year (e.g. year = reporting year; month domain: 1..12; day domain: depending on month) | 99999999 |
TIMEAL | Domains: Hour (0..23); Minutes (0..59) | 9999 |
DATEIN | Date must exist in the reporting year (e.g. year = reporting year; month domain: 1..12; day domain: depending on month) | 99999999 |
TIMEIN | Domains: Hour (0..23); Minutes (0..59) | 9999 |
DATEEX | Date must exist in the reporting year (e.g. year = reporting year; month domain: 1..12; day domain: depending on month) | 99999999 |
TIMEEX | Domains: Hour (0..23); Minutes (0..59) | 9999 |
NUTS3 | NUTS3 code must exist in Appendix I of Regulation EC 1059/2003 (or in GISCO database for new MS) | XX |
CODECOM | Commune code must correspond to a code in the list of commune codes provided by the MS | XX |
NAMECOM | Commune name must correspond to a name in the list of commune names provided by the MS | XX |
TBA | Domain: TBA > 0 | -999 |
FBA | Domain: FBA ≥ 0 | -999 |
NFBA | Domain: NFBA ≥ 0 | -999 |
CAUSE | Domain: CAUSE in (1,2,3,4) | 9 |
1. The temporal sequence "date/time alarm" -> "date/time intervention" -> "date/time extinction" should be respected. It can only be accepted in some cases that "date/time alarm" = "date/time intervention" in the event that the first attack follows immediately fire detection (fire detected by a fighting crew), although this situation is not often met. 2. It shall be verified that "Forested burned area" + "Not forested burned area" = "Total burned area". 3. The commune indicated in CODECOM and NAMECOM shall belong to the territorial unit indicated in NUTS3.
Criteria | Assessment range | Eliminatory score | Assessment points |
Award CRITERIA | |||
0 to 20 | Less than 9 | ||
0 to 10 | Less than 4 | ||
Is the planning realistic? | |||
0 to 10 | Less than 4 | ||
Is the budgetary estimate realistic? | |||
0 to 20 | Less than 15 | ||
May the action taken and the results have a lasting impact after the project is completed? | |||
0 to 10 | / | ||
Is the project presented in a logical and well-argued manner? Is the proposal document well structured, clear and complete? | |||
0 to 20 | Less than 9 | ||
Evaluation of methodology and project set-up | |||
0-20 | / | ||
Does this project provide directly or indirectly provided added value at Community level? |
Sub-type | Measure | Form(s) |
/ | Coordination costs | 2a |
/ | Overheads costs | 2a |
/ | Travel costs | 2a |
/ | Data management and data transmission to the Commission as well as data dissemination costs | 2a |
/ | Costs of elaborating the mid-term review and ex-post evaluation | 2a |
Sub-type | Measures | Forms |
B1 | Periodic inventories in order to get representative information of the conditions of forests. | 2b |
B2 | Intensive and continuous monitoring | 2c |
B3 | Forest Fire Information System and prevention measures | 2d I + II |
Sub-type | Measure | Forms |
C1 | Studies on the identification of causes and dynamics of forest fires. | 3 |
C2 | Studies, experiments, demonstration projects to further develop the scheme. | 3 |
C3 | Studies, experiments, demonstration projects to promote harmonised data collection and delivery, to improve data evaluation as well as data quality including calibrations courses and ring tests. | 3 |
C4 | Monitoring test phases | 3 |
A short description of the programme (form 1), Specific information (forms 2-3).
Annual statement of expenditures (Use the form in Table 1) State of progress of the work (Use the form in Table 2)
Application No | Title | Implementation | Implementation rate | Remarks |
Request No | Requested Community contribution | Contribution by the competent body | Other public funding | Other private funding | Commercial revenues generated by the national programme |
Request No | Costs | Remarks | ||
(1) Short description of programme elements and definition of objective (2) Review of the national monitoring conception. (3) Priorities within the national programme. (4) Specific objective of the activities and results expected. (5) Intensity and periodicity of the data collection and analysis with short explanation. (6) National specifics and linkages to other monitoring activities or forest related inventories. (7) Short description of the situation concerning forest fire issues and main elements of the forest fire protection plans for the area concerned.
Mid-term | ex-post | |
X | X | |
| X | |
X | ||
| X | |
X | X |