1.Keypad membrane (dimensions: approximately 65 × 40 × 1 mm) made of polycarbonate, without any electric conductive elements. The product has moulded keys on one side and non-conductive contact pins on the other side.The product has printed keycaps constituting an alpha/numeric keyboard, call buttons and other features typical of mobile telephones. | 85299040 | Classification is determined by General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, Note 2 (b) to Section XVI and the wording of CN Codes 8529, 852990 and 85299040.The construction of the keypad, in particular the shape, as well as the positioning, the layout and the print of the keycaps lead to classification of the keypad under CN code 85299040 as a part for use solely or principally with apparatus of heading 8525. |
2.A pair of inflatable plastic rings, each with two air chambers.They are designed to be worn by children around the arms in order to keep them afloat in shallow water.Their construction does not provide a level of safety for rescue or security. | 95062900 | Classification is determined by General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 9506 and 95062900.Because of its construction, the product does not possess the level of safety required for a security or rescue ring or a life jacket for life-saving purposes (constituent material).The product is more than a toy and is therefore excluded from heading 9503.Since the product is safe enough to hold a child above the water it is classifiable under CN code 95062900. |