Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999
Modified by
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1989/2006of 21 December 2006amending Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 1989/2006 of 21 December 2006 amending Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999(Official Journal of the European Union L 411 of 30 December 2006), 306R1989306R1989R(01), December 30, 2006
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 july 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, 306R1083R(01), September 1, 2006
- Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, 306R1083R(02), June 7, 2007
- Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, 306R1083R(05), November 12, 2008
- Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 1989/2006 of 21 December 2006 amending Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999, 306R1989R(01), February 2, 2007
(1) "operational programme": document submitted by a Member State and adopted by the Commission setting out a development strategy with a coherent set of priorities to be carried out with the aid of a Fund, or, in the case of the Convergence objective, with the aid of the Cohesion Fund and the ERDF; (2) "priority axis": one of the priorities of the strategy in an operational programme comprising a group of operations which are related and have specific measurable goals; (3) "operation": a project or group of projects selected by the managing authority of the operational programme concerned or under its responsibility according to criteria laid down by the monitoring committee and implemented by one or more beneficiaries allowing achievement of the goals of the priority axis to which it relates; (4) "beneficiary": an operator, body or firm, whether public or private, responsible for initiating or initiating and implementing operations. In the context of aid schemes under Article 87 of the Treaty, beneficiaries are public or private firms carrying out an individual project and receiving public aid; (5) "public expenditure": any public contribution to the financing of operations whose origin is the budget of the State, of regional and local authorities, of the European Communities related to the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund and any similar expenditure. Any contribution to the financing of operations whose origin is the budget of public law bodies or associations of one or more regional or local authorities or public law bodies acting in accordance with Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts shall be regarded as similar expenditure;OJ L 134, 30.04.2004, p. 114 .(6) "intermediate body": any public or private body or service which acts under the responsibility of a managing or certifying authority, or which carries out duties on behalf of such an authority vis-à-vis beneficiaries implementing operations; (7) "irregularity": any infringement of a provision of Community law resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the European Union by charging an unjustified item of expenditure to the general budget.
(a) the Convergence objective, which shall be aimed at speeding up the convergence of the least-developed Member States and regions by improving conditions for growth and employment through the increasing and improvement of the quality of investment in physical and human capital, the development of innovation and of the knowledge society, adaptability to economic and social changes, the protection and improvement of the environment, and administrative efficiency. This objective shall constitute the priority of the Funds; (b) the Regional competitiveness and employment objective, which shall, outside the least-developed regions, be aimed at strengthening regions' competitiveness and attractiveness as well as employment by anticipating economic and social changes, including those linked to the opening of trade, through the increasing and improvement of the quality of investment in human capital, innovation and the promotion of the knowledge society, entrepreneurship, the protection and improvement of the environment, and the improvement of accessibility, adaptability of workers and businesses as well as the development of inclusive job markets; and (c) the European territorial cooperation objective, which shall be aimed at strengthening cross-border cooperation through joint local and regional initiatives, strengthening transnational cooperation by means of actions conducive to integrated territorial development linked to the Community priorities, and strengthening interregional cooperation and exchange of experience at the appropriate territorial level.
(a) the Convergence objective: the ERDF, the ESF and the Cohesion Fund; (b) the Regional competitiveness and employment objective: the ERDF and the ESF; and (c) the European territorial cooperation objective: the ERDF.
(a) a Member State eligible for support from the Cohesion Fund under the criteria set out in Article 5(2); and (b) a Member State eligible for support from the Cohesion Fund under the criteria set out in Article 8(3).
(a) the competent regional, local, urban and other public authorities; (b) the economic and social partners; (c) any other appropriate body representing civil society, environmental partners, non-governmental organisations, and bodies responsible for promoting equality between men and women.
(a) the choice of indicators provided for in Article 37(1)(c); (b) the evaluation under Articles 47 and 48; (c) the general principles of management and control systems referred to in Article 58(e) and (f); (d) the reporting as referred to in Article 67,
(a) the Commission shall check the existence and proper functioning of management and control systems in the Member States in accordance with the procedures described in Articles 71, 72 and 73; (b) the Commission shall interrupt the payment deadline or suspend all or part of payments in accordance with Articles 91 and 92 if the national management and control systems fail, and shall apply any other financial correction required, in accordance with the procedures described in Articles 100 and 101; (c) the Commission shall check reimbursements of payments on account and automatically decommit budget commitments in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 82(2) and Articles 93 to 97.
(a) 70,51 % (i.e. a total of EUR177083601004 ) for the financing referred to in Article 5(1), using eligible population, regional prosperity, national prosperity and unemployment rate as the criteria for calculating the indicative breakdowns by Member State; (b) 4,99 % (i.e. a total of EUR12521289405 ) for the transitional and specific support referred to in Article 8(1), using eligible population, regional prosperity, national prosperity and unemployment rate as the criteria for calculating the indicative breakdowns by Member State;(c) 23,22 % (i.e. a total of EUR58308243811 ) for the financing referred to in Article 5(2), using population, national prosperity, and surface area as the criteria for calculating the indicative breakdowns by Member State;(d) 1,29 % (i.e. a total of EUR3250000000 ) for the transitional and specific support referred to in Article 8(3).
(a) 78,86 % (i.e. a total of EUR38742477688 ) for the financing referred to in Article 6, using eligible population, regional prosperity, unemployment rate, employment rate and population density as the criteria for calculating the indicative breakdowns by Member State; and (b) 21,14 % (i.e. a total of EUR10385306630 ) for the transitional and specific support referred to in Article 8(2), using eligible population, regional prosperity, national prosperity and unemployment rate as the criteria for calculating the indicative breakdowns by Member State.
(a) 73,86 % (i.e. a total of EUR5576358149 ) for the financing of cross-border cooperation referred to in Article 7(1), using eligible population as the criterion for calculating the indicative breakdowns by Member State; (b) 20,95 % (i.e. a total of EUR1581720322 ) for the financing of transnational cooperation referred to in Article 7(2), using eligible population as the criterion for calculating the indicative breakdowns by Member State;(c) 5,19 % (i.e. a total of EUR392002991 ) for the financing of interregional cooperation, cooperation networks and exchange of experience referred to in Article 7(3).
(a) the partner country does not sign the financing agreement by the end of the year following the adoption of the programme; or (b) the programme cannot be implemented owing to problems arising in relations between the participating countries,
(a) an analysis of development disparities, weaknesses and potential, taking into account trends in the European and world economy; (b) the strategy chosen on the basis of that analysis, including the thematic and territorial priorities. Where appropriate these priorities shall include actions relating to sustainable urban development, the diversification of rural economies and areas dependent on fisheries; (c) the list of operational programmes for the Convergence and Regional competitiveness and employment objectives; (d) a description of how the expenditure for the Convergence and Regional competitiveness and employment objectives will contribute to the European Union priorities of promoting competitiveness and creating jobs, including meeting the objectives of the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs (2005 to 2008) as laid down in Article 9(3). (e) the indicative annual allocation from each Fund by programme; (f) for regions of the Convergence objective only: -
(i) the action envisaged for reinforcing the Member State's administrative efficiency; (ii) the amount of the total annual appropriation provided for under the EAFRD and the EFF; (iii) the information required for ex ante verification of compliance with the additionality principle referred to in Article 15;
(g) for Member States eligible for the Cohesion Fund under Articles 5(2) and 8(3), information on the mechanisms for ensuring coordination between operational programmes themselves and between these and the EAFRD, the EFF and, where appropriate, the interventions of the EIB and of other existing financial instruments.
(a) the procedure for coordination between Community cohesion policy and the relevant national, sectoral and regional policies of the Member State concerned; (b) for Member States other than those referred to in paragraph 4(g), information on the mechanisms for ensuring coordination between operational programmes themselves and between these and the EAFRD, the EFF and the interventions of the EIB and of other existing financial instruments.
(a) the list of operational programmes referred to in Article 27(4)(c); (b) the indicative annual allocation from each Fund by programme referred to in Article 27(4)(e); and (c) for the Convergence objective only, the level of expenditure guaranteeing compliance with the additionality principle referred to in Article 15 and the action envisaged for reinforcing administrative efficiency as referred to in Article 27(4)(f)(i).
(a) towards implementing the objectives of cohesion policy as established by the Treaty; (b) towards fulfilling the tasks of the Funds as set out in this Regulation; (c) towards implementing the priorities detailed in the Community strategic guidelines on cohesion referred to in Article 25 and specified in the priorities set by the national strategic reference framework referred to in Article 27; and (d) towards achieving the objective of promoting competitiveness and job creation and working towards meeting the objectives of the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs (2005 to 2008) as laid down in Article 9(3).
(a) the socio-economic situation and trends; (b) achievements, challenges and future prospects in relation to implementation of the agreed strategy; and (c) examples of good practice.
(a) a record of the progress made on economic and social cohesion, including the socio-economic situation and development of the regions, as well as the integration of Community priorities; (b) a record of the role of the Funds, the EIB and the other financial instruments, as well as the effect of other Community and national policies on the progress made.
(a) any proposals on Community measures and policies which should be adopted in order to strengthen economic and social cohesion; (b) any proposed adjustments to the Community strategic guidelines on cohesion needed to reflect changes in Community policy.
(a) following significant socio-economic changes; (b) in order to take greater or different account of major changes in Community, national or regional priorities; (c) in the light of the evaluation referred to in Article 48(3); or (d) following implementation difficulties.
(a) an analysis of the situation of the eligible area or sector in terms of strengths and weaknesses and the strategy chosen in response; (b) a justification of the priorities chosen having regard to the Community strategic guidelines on cohesion, the national strategic reference framework, as well as the results of the ex ante evaluation referred to in Article 48;(c) information on the priority axes and their specific targets. Those targets shall be quantified using a limited number of indicators for output and results, taking into account the proportionality principle. The indicators shall make it possible to measure the progress in relation to the baseline situation and the achievement of the targets of the priority axis; (d) for information purposes, an indicative breakdown by category of the programmed use of the contribution from the Funds to the operational programme in accordance with the implementing rules of this Regulation adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 103(3); (e) a financing plan containing two tables: -
(i) a table breaking down for each year, in accordance with Articles 52, 53 and 54, the amount of the total financial appropriation envisaged for the contribution from each Fund. The financing plan shall show separately within the total annual contribution from the Structural Funds the appropriations provided for regions receiving transitional support. The total contribution from the Funds provided for annually shall be compatible with the applicable financial framework taking into account the phased reduction laid down in paragraph 6 of Annex II; (ii) a table specifying, for the whole programming period, for the operational programme and for each priority axis, the amount of the total financial appropriation of the Community contribution and the national counterparts and the rate of contribution from the Funds. Where in accordance with Article 53, the national counterpart is made up of public and private expenditure, the table shall give the indicative breakdown between the public and the private components. Where in accordance with Article 53, the national counterpart is made up of public expenditure, the table shall indicate the amount of the national public contribution. It shall show, for information, the contribution from the EIB and the other existing financial instruments;
(f) information on complementarity with measures financed by the EAFRD and those financed by the EFF, where relevant; (g) the implementing provisions for the operational programme, including: -
(i) designation by the Member State of all the entities referred to in Article 59 or, if the Member State exercises the option provided for in Article 74, the designation of other bodies and procedures in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 74; (ii) a description of the monitoring and evaluation systems; (iii) information about the competent body for receiving the payments made by the Commission and the body or bodies responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries; (iv) a definition of the procedures for the mobilisation and circulation of financial flows in order to ensure their transparency; (v) the elements aiming at ensuring the publicity and the information of the operational programme as referred to in Article 69; (vi) a description of the procedures agreed between the Commission and the Member State for the exchange of computerised data to meet the payment, monitoring and evaluation requirements laid down by this Regulation;
(h) an indicative list of major projects within the meaning of Article 39, which are expected to be submitted within the programming period for Commission approval.
(a) information on the approach to the sustainable urban development where appropriate; (b) Specific priority axis for the measures financed under the additional allocation referred to in paragraph 20 of Annex II in operational programmes providing assistance in outermost regions;
(a) the list of cities chosen for addressing urban issues and the procedures for sub-delegation to urban authorities, possibly by means of a global grant; (b) actions for interregional cooperation with, at least, one regional or local authority of another Member State.
(a) information on the body to be responsible for implementation; (b) information on the nature of the investment and a description of it, its financial volume and location; (c) the results of the feasibility studies; (d) a timetable for implementing the project and, where the implementation period for the operation concerned is expected to be longer than the programming period, the phases for which Community co-financing is requested during the 2007 to 2013 programming period; (e) a cost-benefit analysis, including a risk assessment and the foreseeable impact on the sector concerned and on the socio-economic situation of the Member State and/or the region and, when possible and where appropriate, of other regions of the Community; (f) an analysis of the environmental impact; (g) a justification for the public contribution; (h) the financing plan showing the total planned financial resources and the planned contribution from the Funds, the EIB, the EIF and all other sources of Community financing, including the indicative annual plan of the financial contribution from the ERDF or the Cohesion Fund for the major project.
(a) the types of operation to be covered by the global grant; (b) the criteria for selecting beneficiaries; (c) the rates of assistance from the Funds and the rules governing that assistance, including as regards the use of any interest accruing; (d) the arrangements for monitoring, evaluating and ensuring the financial control of the global grant referred to in Article 59(1) vis-à-vis the managing authority, including the arrangements for recovering amounts unduly paid and the presentation of accounts; (e) where applicable, any use of a financial guarantee or equivalent facility, unless the Member State or the managing authority provides such guarantee according to the institutional arrangements of each Member State.
(a) the award of a public contract in accordance with applicable public procurement law; (b) in other cases, where the agreement is not a public service contract within the meaning of public procurement law, the award of a grant, defined for this purpose as a direct financial contribution by way of a donation: -
(i) to the EIB or to the EIF; or (ii) to a financial institution without a call for proposal, if this is pursuant to a national law compatible with the Treaty.
(a) assistance for project preparation and appraisal, including with the EIB through a grant or other forms of cooperation, as appropriate; (b) studies linked to the drawing up of the Community strategic guidelines on cohesion, the Commission's reporting on cohesion policy and the three-yearly cohesion report; (c) evaluations, expert reports, statistics and studies, including those of a general nature concerning the operation of the Funds, which may be carried out where appropriate by the EIB or the EIF through a grant or other forms of cooperation; (d) measures aimed at the partners, the beneficiaries of assistance from the Funds and the general public, including information measures; (e) measures to disseminate information, networking, raise awareness, promote cooperation and exchange experiences throughout the Community; (f) the installation, operation and interconnection of computerised systems for management, monitoring, inspection and evaluation; (g) improvements in evaluation methods and the exchange of information on practices in this field.
(a) 4 % of the total amount allocated under the Convergence and Regional competitiveness and employment objectives; (b) 6 % of the total amount allocated under the European territorial cooperation objective.
(a) the gravity of the specific problems, in particular of an economic, social or territorial nature; (b) the importance of each priority axis for the Community's priorities as set out in the Community strategic guidelines on cohesion, as well as for national and regional priorities; (c) protection and improvement of the environment, principally through the application of the precautionary principle, the principle of preventive action, and the polluter-pays principle; (d) the rate of mobilisation of private financing, in particular under public-private partnerships, in the fields concerned; (e) the inclusion of interregional cooperation as referred to in Article 37(6)(b) under the Convergence and Regional competitiveness and employment objectives; (f) under the Regional competitiveness and employment objective, the coverage of areas with a geographical or natural handicap defined as follows: -
(i) island Member States eligible under the Cohesion Fund, and other islands except those on which the capital of a Member State is situated or which have a fixed link to the mainland; (ii) mountainous areas as defined by the national legislation of the Member State; (iii) sparsely (less than 50 inhabitants per square kilometre) and very sparsely (less than 8 inhabitants per square kilometre) populated areas; (iv) the areas which were external borders of the Community on 30 April 2004 and which ceased to be so on the day after that date.
(a) either the total eligible expenditure including public and private expenditure; (b) or the public eligible expenditure.
(a) by the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund; or (b) by the additional allocation for the outermost regions provided for in Annex II, the ERDF and/or the Cohesion Fund,
(a) a priority axis may receive assistance from only one Fund and one objective at a time; (b) an operation may receive assistance from a Fund under only one operational programme at a time; (c) an operation shall not receive an assistance from a Fund higher than the total public expenditure allocated.
(a) investments in infrastructure; or (b) other projects where it is possible to objectively estimate the revenues in advance.
(a) the eligibility rules laid down under paragraph 4 provide for the eligibility of such expenditure; (b) the amount of the expenditure is justified by accounting documents having a probative value equivalent to invoices; (c) in the case of in-kind contributions, the co-financing from the Funds does not exceed the total eligible expenditure excluding the value of such contributions.
(a) affecting its nature or its implementation conditions or giving to a firm or a public body an undue advantage; and (b) resulting either from a change in the nature of ownership of an item of infrastructure or the cessation of a productive activity.
(a) the definition of the functions of the bodies concerned in management and control and the allocation of functions within each body; (b) compliance with the principle of separation of functions between and within such bodies; (c) procedures for ensuring the correctness and regularity of expenditure declared under the operational programme; (d) reliable accounting, monitoring and financial reporting systems in computerised form; (e) a system of reporting and monitoring where the responsible body entrusts the execution of tasks to another body; (f) arrangements for auditing the functioning of the systems; (g) systems and procedures to ensure an adequate audit trail; (h) reporting and monitoring procedures for irregularities and for the recovery of amounts unduly paid.
(a) a managing authority: a national, regional or local public authority or a public or private body designated by the Member State to manage the operational programme; (b) a certifying authority: a national, regional or local public authority or body designated by the Member State to certify statement of expenditure and applications for payment before they are sent to the Commission; (c) an audit authority: a national, regional or local public authority or body, functionally independent of the managing authority and the certifying authority, designated by the Member State for each operational programme and responsible for verifying the effective functioning of the management and control system.
(a) ensuring that operations are selected for funding in accordance with the criteria applicable to the operational programme and that they comply with applicable Community and national rules for the whole of their implementation period; (b) verifying that the co-financed products and services are delivered and that the expenditure declared by the beneficiaries for operations has actually been incurred and complies with Community and national rules; verifications on-the-spot of individual operations may be carried out on a sample basis in accordance with the detailed rules to be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 103(3); (c) ensuring that there is a system for recording and storing in computerised form accounting records for each operation under the operational programme and that the data on implementation necessary for financial management, monitoring, verifications, audits and evaluation are collected; (d) ensuring that beneficiaries and other bodies involved in the implementation of operations maintain either a separate accounting system or an adequate accounting code for all transactions relating to the operation without prejudice to national accounting rules; (e) ensuring that the evaluations of operational programmes referred to in Article 48(3) are carried out in accordance with Article 47; (f) setting up procedures to ensure that all documents regarding expenditure and audits required to ensure an adequate audit trail are held in accordance with the requirements of Article 90; (g) ensuring that the certifying authority receives all necessary information on the procedures and verifications carried out in relation to expenditure for the purpose of certification; (h) guiding the work of the monitoring committee and providing it with the documents required to permit the quality of the implementation of the operational programme to be monitored in the light of its specific goals; (i) drawing up and, after approval by the monitoring committee, submitting to the Commission the annual and final reports on implementation; (j) ensuring compliance with the information and publicity requirements laid down in Article 69; (k) providing the Commission with information to allow it to appraise major projects.
(a) drawing up and submitting to the Commission certified statements of expenditure and applications for payment; (b) certifying that: -
(i) the statement of expenditure is accurate, results from reliable accounting systems and is based on verifiable supporting documents; (ii) the expenditure declared complies with applicable Community and national rules and has been incurred in respect of operations selected for funding in accordance with the criteria applicable to the programme and complying with Community and national rules;
(c) ensuring for the purposes of certification that it has received adequate information from the managing authority on the procedures and verifications carried out in relation to expenditure included in statements of expenditure; (d) taking account for certification purposes of the results of all audits carried out by or under the responsibility of the audit authority; (e) maintaining accounting records in computerised form of expenditure declared to the Commission; (f) keeping an account of amounts recoverable and of amounts withdrawn following cancellation of all or part of the contribution for an operation. Amounts recovered shall be repaid to the general budget of the European Union prior to the closure of the operational programme by deducting them from the next statement of expenditure.
(a) ensuring that audits are carried out to verify the effective functioning of the management and control system of the operational programme; (b) ensuring that audits are carried out on operations on the basis of an appropriate sample to verify expenditure declared; (c) presenting to the Commission within nine months of the approval of the operational programme an audit strategy covering the bodies which will perform the audits referred to under points (a) and (b), the method to be used, the sampling method for audits on operations and the indicative planning of audits to ensure that the main bodies are audited and that audits are spread evenly throughout the programming period. Where a common system applies to several operational programmes, a single audit strategy may be submitted.; (d) by 31 December each year from 2008 to 2015: -
(i) submitting to the Commission an annual control report setting out the findings of the audits carried out during the previous 12 month-period ending on 30 June of the year concerned in accordance with the audit strategy of the operational programme and reporting any shortcomings found in the systems for the management and control of the programme. The first report to be submitted by 31 December 2008 shall cover the period from1 January 2007 to30 June 2008 . The information concerning the audits carried out after1 July 2015 shall be included in the final control report supporting the closure declaration referred to in point (e); (ii) issuing an opinion, on the basis of the controls and audits that have been carried out under its responsibility, as to whether the management and control system functions effectively, so as to provide a reasonable assurance that statements of expenditure presented to the Commission are correct and as a consequence reasonable assurance that the underlying transactions are legal and regular; (iii) submitting, where applicable under Article 88, a declaration for partial closure assessing the legality and regularity of the expenditure concerned.
When a common system applies to several operational programmes, the information referred to in point (i) may be grouped in a single report, and the opinion and declaration issued under points (ii) and (iii) may cover all the operational programmes concerned; -
(e) submitting to the Commission at the latest by 31 March 2017 a closure declaration assessing the validity of the application for payment of the final balance and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions covered by the final statement of expenditure, which shall be supported by a final control report.
(a) it shall consider and approve the criteria for selecting the operations financed within six months of the approval of the operational programme and approve any revision of those criteria in accordance with programming needs; (b) it shall periodically review progress made towards achieving the specific targets of the operational programme on the basis of documents submitted by the managing authority; (c) it shall examine the results of implementation, particularly the achievement of the targets set for each priority axis and the evaluations referred to in Article 48(3); (d) it shall consider and approve the annual and final reports on implementation referred to in Article 67; (e) it shall be informed of the annual control report, or of the part of the report referring to the operational programme concerned, and of any relevant comments the Commission may make after examining that report or relating to that part of the report; (f) it may propose to the managing authority any revision or examination of the operational programme likely to make possible the attainment of the Funds' objectives referred to in Article 3 or to improve its management, including its financial management; (g) it shall consider and approve any proposal to amend the content of the Commission decision on the contribution from the Funds.
(a) the progress made in implementing the operational programme and priority axes in relation to their specific, verifiable targets, with a quantification, wherever and whenever they lend themselves to quantification, using the indicators referred to in Article 37(1)(c) at the level of the priority axis; (b) the financial implementation of the operational programme, detailing for each priority axis: -
(i) the expenditure paid out by the beneficiaries included in applications for payment sent to the managing authority and the corresponding public contribution; (ii) the total payments received from the Commission and quantification of the financial indicators referred to in Article 66(2); and (iii) the expenditure paid out by the body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries,
Where appropriate, financial implementation in areas receiving transitional support shall be presented separately within each operational programme; -
(c) for information purposes only, the indicative breakdown of the allocation of Funds by categories, in accordance with the implementation rules adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 103(3); (d) the steps taken by the managing authority or the monitoring committee to ensure the quality and effectiveness of implementation, in particular: -
(i) monitoring and evaluation measures, including data collection arrangements; (ii) a summary of any significant problems encountered in implementing the operational programme and any measures taken, including the response to comments made under Article 68(2) where appropriate; (iii) the use made of technical assistance;
(e) the measures taken to provide information on and publicise the operational programme; (f) information about significant problems relating to compliance with Community law which have been encountered in the implementation of the operational programme and the measures taken to deal with them; (g) where appropriate, the progress and financing of major projects; (h) the use made of assistance released following cancellation as referred to in Article 98(2) to the managing authority or to another public authority during the period of implementation of the operational programme; (i) cases where a substantial modification has been detected under Article 57.
(a) ensuring that management and control systems for operational programmes are set up in accordance with Articles 58 to 62 and function effectively; (b) preventing, detecting and correcting irregularities and recovering amounts unduly paid together with interest on late payments where appropriate. They shall notify these to the Commission and keep the Commission informed of the progress of administrative and legal proceedings.
(a) the managing and certifying authorities and intermediate bodies; (b) the audit authority and any other bodies carrying out audits under its responsibility.
(a) within two months of the date of receipt of the report when the opinion referred to in the first subparagraph is without reservations and in the absence of observations by the Commission; (b) if the opinion contains reservations, upon confirmation to the Commission that corrective measures concerning key elements of the systems have been implemented, and the corresponding reservations withdrawn, and in the absence of observations by the Commission within two months of the date of confirmation.
(a) the audit authority is not required to present to the Commission an audit strategy under Article 62(1)(c); (b) where the opinion on the compliance of systems under Article 71(2) is without reservations, or where reservations have been withdrawn following corrective measures, the Commission may conclude that it can rely principally on the opinion referred to in Article 62(1)(d)(ii) with regard to the effective functioning of the systems and that it will carry out its own on-the-spot audits only if there is evidence to suggest shortcomings in the system affecting expenditure certified to the Commission in a year for which an opinion under Article 62(1)(d)(ii) has been provided which contains no reservation in respect of such shortcomings. Where the Commission reaches such a conclusion, it shall inform the Member State concerned accordingly. Where there is evidence to suggest shortcomings it may require the Member State to carry out audits in accordance with Article 72(3) or it may carry out its own audits under Article 72(2).
(a) the functions of the managing authority in relation to the verification of the co-financed products and services and expenditure declared under Article 60(b); (b) the functions of the certifying authority under Article 61; and (c) the functions of the audit authority under Article 62.
(a) they shall be subject to a bank guarantee or a financial public facility having an equivalent effect; (b) they shall not exceed 35 % of the total amount of the aid to be granted to a beneficiary for a given project; (c) they shall be covered by expenditure paid by beneficiaries in implementing the project and supported by receipted invoices or accounting documents of equivalent probative value at the latest three years after the year of the payment of the advance or on 31 December 2015 , whichever earlier; if they are not, the next statement of expenditure shall be corrected accordingly.
(a) any payments from urban development funds for investment in public private partnerships or other projects included in an integrated plan for urban development; or (b) any payments for investment in enterprises from each of the abovementioned funds; or (c) any guarantees provided including amounts committed as guarantees by guarantee funds; and (d) eligible management costs.
(a) for Member States of the European Union as constituted before 1 May 2004 , in 2007 2 % of the contribution from the Structural Funds to the operational programme, and in 2008 3 % of the contribution from the Structural Funds to the operational programme; (b) for Member States that acceded to the European Union on or after 1 May 2004 , in 2007 2 % of the contribution from the Structural Funds to the operational programme, in 2008 3 % of the contribution from the Structural Funds to the operational programme, and in 2009 2 % of the contribution from the Structural Funds to the operational programme;(c) if the operational programme falls under the European territorial cooperation objective and at least one of the participants is a Member State that acceded to the European Union on or after 1 May 2004 , in 2007 2 % of the contribution from the ERDF to the operational programme, in 2008 3 % of the contribution from the ERDF to the operational programme, and in 2009 2 % of the contribution from the ERDF to the operational programme;(d) for Member States of the European Union as constituted before 1 May 2004 , in 2007 2 % of the contribution from the Cohesion Fund to the operational programme, in 2008 3 % of the contribution from the Cohesion Fund to the operational programme, and in 20092,5 % of the contribution from the Cohesion Fund to the operational programme;(e) for Member States that acceded to the European Union on or after 1 May 2004 , in 20072,5 % of the contribution from the Cohesion Fund to the operational programme, in 2008 4 % of the contribution from the Cohesion Fund to the operational programme, and in 2009 4 % of the contribution from the Cohesion Fund to the operational programme.
(a) the Commission must have been sent a application for payment and a statement of expenditure in accordance with Article 78; (b) no more than the maximum amount of assistance from the Funds as laid down in the decision of the Commission approving the operational programme has been paid by the Commission during the whole period for each priority axis; (c) the managing authority must have sent the Commission the most recent annual implementation report in accordance with Article 67(1) and (3); (d) there is no reasoned opinion by the Commission in respect of an infringement under Article 226 of the Treaty as regards the operation(s) for which the expenditure is declared in the application for payment in question.
(a) a statement of expenditure relating to the operations referred to in paragraph 1; (b) a declaration for partial closure in accordance with Article 62(1)(d)(iii).
(a) the Member State has sent an application for payment comprising the following documents by 31 March 2017 :-
(i) an application for payment of the final balance and a statement of expenditure in accordance with Article 78; (ii) the final implementation report for the operational programme, including the information set out in Article 67; (iii) a closure declaration referred to in Article 62(1)(e); and
(b) there is no reasoned opinion by the Commission in respect of an infringement under Article 226 of the Treaty as regards the operation(s) for which the expenditure is declared in the application for payment in question.
(a) the date on which it accepts the final report in accordance with Article 67(4); and (b) the date on which it accepts the closure declaration referred to in paragraph 1(a)(iii) of this Article.
(a) the payment of the final balance determined by the Commission on the basis of the documents referred to in paragraph 1; (b) the sending of a debit note for sums unduly paid by the Commission to the Member State in respect of the operational programme; (c) the decommitment of the final balance of the budgetary commitment.
(a) a period of three years following the closure of an operational programme as defined in Article 89(5); (b) a period of three years following the year in which partial closure took place, in the case of documents regarding expenditure and audits on operations referred to in paragraph 2.
(a) in a report of a national or Community audit body there is evidence to suggest a significant deficiency in the functioning of the management and control systems; (b) the authorising officer by delegation has to carry out additional verifications following information coming to his attention alerting him that expenditure in a certified statement of expenditure is linked to a serious irregularity which has not been corrected.
(a) there is a serious deficiency in the management and control system of the programme which affects the reliability of the procedure for certification of payments and for which corrective measures have not been taken; or (b) expenditure in a certified statement of expenditure is linked to a serious irregularity which has not been corrected; or (c) there is a serious breach by a Member State of its obligations under Article 70(1) and (2).
(a) that part of the budget commitment for which a application for payment has been made but whose reimbursement has been interrupted or suspended by the Commission on 31 December of the second or third year following the year of the budget commitment pursuant to Article 93 and in accordance with Articles 91 and 92. When the problem resulting in the interruption or suspension has been resolved, the automatic decommitment rule shall be applied to that part of the budget commitment which is concerned; (b) that part of the budget commitment for which a application for payment has been made but whose reimbursement has been capped in particular due to a lack of budget resources; (c) that part of the budget commitment for which it has not been possible to make an acceptable application for payment for reasons of force majeure seriously affecting implementation of the operational programme. The national authorities claimingforce majeure shall demonstrate its direct consequences on the implementation of all or part of the operational programme.
(a) there is a serious deficiency in the management and control system of the programme which has put at risk the Community contribution already paid to the programme; (b) expenditure contained in a certified statement of expenditure is irregular and has not been corrected by the Member State prior to the opening of the correction procedure under this paragraph; (c) a Member State has not complied with its obligations under Article 98 prior to the opening of the correction procedure under this paragraph.
(a) deliver its opinion on the implementing rules of this Regulation; (b) deliver opinions on the draft Commission decisions relating to programming in the case of support from the ESF; (c) be consulted when it deals with the categories of technical assistance measure referred to in Article 45 in the case of support from the ESF and other relevant issues having an impact on the implementation of employment, training and social inclusion strategies at EU level relevant to the ESF.
(EUR, 2004 prices) | ||||||
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 |
(a) determination of an absolute amount (in euro) obtained by multiplying the population of the region concerned by the difference between that region's GDP per capita, measured in purchasing power parities, and the EU-25 average GDP per capita; (b) application of a percentage to the above absolute amount in order to determine that region's financial envelope; this percentage is graduated to reflect the relative prosperity, as compared to the EU-25 average, of the Member State in which the eligible region is situated, i.e.: -
for regions in Member States whose level of GNI per capita is below 82 % of the Community average: 4,25 % for regions in Member States whose level of GNI per capita is between 82 % and 99 % of the Community average: 3,36 %for regions in Member States whose level of GNI per capita is over 99 % of the Community average: 2,67 %;
(c) to the amount obtained under step (b) is added, if applicable, an amount resulting from the allocation of a premium of EUR 700 per unemployed person, applied to the number of persons unemployed in that region exceeding the number that would be unemployed if the average unemployment rate of all the EU convergence regions applied.
(a) calculation of the arithmetical average of that Member State's population and surface area shares of the total population and surface area of all the eligible Member States; if, however, a Member State's share of total population exceeds its share of total surface area by a factor of five or more, reflecting an extremely high population density, only the share of total population will be used for this step; (b) adjustment of the percentage figures so obtained by a coefficient representing one third of the percentage by which that Member State's GNI per capita, measured in purchasing power parities, exceeds or falls below the average GNI per capita of all the eligible Member States (average expressed as 100 %).
(a) for the cross-border component as referred to in Article 7(1), on the basis of the population of the NUTS level 3 regions in terrestrial and maritime border areas, as a share of the total population of all the eligible regions; (b) for the transnational component as referred to in Article 7(2), on the basis of the total population of the Member State, as a share of the total population of all the Member States concerned.
(a) for the regions defined in Article 8(1), 80 % of their individual 2006 per capita aid intensity level in 2007 and a linear reduction thereafter to reach the national average per capita aid intensity level for the Regional competitiveness and employment objective in 2013. To the allocation thus obtained is added, if applicable, an amount resulting from the allocation of a premium of EUR 600 per unemployed person, applied to the number of persons unemployed in that region exceeding the number that would be unemployed if the average unemployment rate of all the EU convergence regions applied. (b) for the regions defined in Article 8(2), 75 % of their individual 2006 per capita aid intensity level in 2007 and a linear reduction thereafter to reach the national average per capita aid intensity level for the Regional competitiveness and employment objective by 2011. To the allocation thus obtained is added, if applicable, an amount resulting from the allocation of a premium of EUR 600 per unemployed person, applied to the number of persons unemployed in that region exceeding the number that would be unemployed if the average unemployment rate of all the EU convergence regions applied; (c) for the Member States defined in Article 8(3), the allocation will be degressive over seven years, with the amount in 2007 being EUR 1,2 billion, in 2008 EUR 850 million, in 2009 EUR 500 million, in 2010 EUR 250 million, in 2011 EUR 200 million, in 2012 EUR 150 million and in 2013 EUR 100 million.
for Member States whose average 2001 to 2003 GNI per capita (PPS) is under 40 % of the EU-25 average: 3,7893 % of their GDP for Member States whose average 2001 to 2003 GNI per capita (PPS) is equal to or above 40 % and below 50 % of the EU-25 average: 3,7135 % of their GDPfor Member States whose average 2001 to 2003 GNI per capita (PPS) is equal to or above 50 % and below 55 % of the EU-25 average: 3,6188 % of their GDPfor Member States whose average 2001 to 2003 GNI per capita (PPS) is equal to or above 55 % and below 60 % of the EU-25 average: 3,5240 % of their GDPfor Member States whose average 2001 to 2003 GNI per capita (PPS) is equal to or above 60 % and below 65 % of the EU-25 average: 3,4293 % of their GDPfor Member States whose average 2001 to 2003 GNI per capita (PPS) is equal to or above 65 % and below 70 % of the EU-25 average: 3,3346 % of their GDPfor Member States whose average 2001 to 2003 GNI per capita (PPS) is equal to or above 70 % and below 75 % of the EU-25 average: 3,2398 % of their GDPthereafter, the maximum level of transfer is reduced by 0,09 percentage points of GDP for each increment of 5 percentage points of average 2001 to 2003 per capita GNI (PPS) as compared to the EU-25 average.
Criteria | Member States | ||
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia | 85 % for the Convergence and Regional competitiveness and employment objectives | ||
Spain | |||
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom | 75 % for the Convergence objective | — | |
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom | 50 % for the Regional competitiveness and employment objective | — | |
Spain, France and Portugal | — | ||
Spain, France and Portugal | 85 % under the Convergence and Regional competitiveness and employment objectives | — |