Commission Regulation (EC) No 952/2006 of 29 June 2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 as regards the management of the Community market in sugar and the quota system
Modified by
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 551/2007of 22 May 2007amending and correcting Regulation (EC) No 952/2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 as regards the management of the Community market in sugar and the quota system, 32007R0551, May 23, 2007
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 707/2008of 24 July 2008amending Regulation (EC) No 952/2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 as regards the management of the Community market in sugar and the quota system, 32008R0707, July 25, 2008
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 826/2008of 20 August 2008laying down common rules for the granting of private storage aid for certain agricultural products, 32008R0826, August 21, 2008
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1053/2009of 5 November 2009amending Regulation (EC) No 952/2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 as regards the management of the Community market in sugar and the quota system, 32009R1053, November 6, 2009
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1369/2011of 21 December 2011amending Regulation (EC) No 952/2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 as regards the management of the Community market in sugar and the quota system, 32011R1369, December 22, 2011
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 994/2013of 16 October 2013amending Regulations (EC) No 952/2006, (EC) No 967/2006, (EC) No 555/2008, and (EC) No 1249/2008 as regards the communication and the notification obligations within the common organisation of agricultural markets, 32013R0994, October 17, 2013
(a) "raw material" means beet, cane, chicory, cereals, sugar for refining or any other intermediate form of these products intended for processing into an end product; (b) "end product" means sugar, inulin syrup or isoglucose; (c) "manufacturer" means an undertaking producing end products, with the exception of refiners as defined in point 13 of Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 318/2006; (d) "place of storage" means a silo or warehouse.
(a) white sugar; (b) raw sugar; (c) invert sugar; (d) syrups belonging to one of the following categories, hereinafter called "syrups": -
(i) sucrose or invert sugar syrups which are at least 70 % pure and are produced from sugar beet, (ii) sucrose or invert sugar syrups which are at least 75 % pure and are produced from sugar cane.
(a) quantities of white sugar produced from white sugar, raw sugar or syrups which were not produced in the undertaking which manufactured the white sugar; (b) quantities of white sugar produced from white sugar, raw sugar, syrups or sugar sweepings which were not produced during the marketing year in which the white sugar was manufactured; (c) quantities of raw sugar produced from syrups which were not produced in the undertaking which manufactured the raw sugar; (d) quantities of raw sugar produced from syrups which were not produced during the marketing year in which the raw sugar was manufactured; (e) quantities of white or raw sugar processed into white sugar during the marketing year in question by the undertaking which produced them; (f) quantities of syrups processed into sugar or invert sugar during the marketing year in question by the undertaking which produced them; (g) quantities of sugar, invert sugar and syrups produced under inward-processing arrangements; (h) quantities of invert sugar produced from syrups which were not produced by the undertaking which manufactured the invert sugar; (i) quantities of invert sugar produced from syrups which were not produced during the marketing year in which the invert sugar was manufactured.
(a) in the case of white sugar, disregarding differences in quality; (b) in the case of raw sugar, on the basis of yield determined in accordance with point III of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 318/2006; (c) in the case of invert sugar, by multiplying production of invert sugar by the coefficient 1; (d) in the case of syrups on the basis of extractable sugar content determined in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6; (e) in the case of syrups from invert sugar on the basis on sugar content as determined by the High Performance Liquid Chromatography method.
(a) physical metering of the volume of the product as such immediately after leaving the first evaporator after each hydrolysis and before any operation to separate the glucose and fructose constituents or to produce mixtures; (b) determination of the dry matter content by refractometry and measurement of the fructose content by weight in the dry state, on the basis of daily representative sampling; (c) conversion of the fructose content to 80 % by weight in the dry state by multiplying the quantity determined in dry matter by the coefficient representing the ratio between the measured fructose content of that quantity of syrup and 80 %; (d) expression as sugar/isoglucose equivalent by applying the coefficient 1.9.
plus the quantity of sugar, isoglucose or inulin syrup carried over to that marketing year and minus the quantity of sugar, isoglucose or inulin syrup carried over to the following marketing year, in accordance with Articles 14 and 19 of Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 respectively, plus the quantity produced by processors under contract in accordance with paragraph 3 and minus the quantity produced by the undertaking on behalf of principals under contract in accordance with paragraph 3.
(a) the total sugar production of the processor is less than its quota; (b) the total sugar production of the processor and of the principal is more than the sum of their quotas; or -
(i) for the marketing year 2006/2007, the sum of the thresholds fixed for them in accordance with Article 3(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 493/2006 ;OJ L 89, 28.3.2006, p. 11 . (ii) for the marketing year 2007/2008, the sum of the thresholds fixed for them in accordance with Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 290/2007 ;OJ L 78, 17.3.2007, p. 20 .(iii) from the marketing year 2008/2009, the sum of the thresholds fixed for them in accordance with Article 19(2) of Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 or where applicable with Article 19a(1) of that Regulation.
(a) a sugar manufacturer, (b) an isoglucose manufacturer, (c) an inulin syrup manufacturer, (d) a full-time refiner within the meaning of point 13 of Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 318/2006.
(a) notify without delay to the competent authority of the Member State any amendment of the information provided for in Article 7(2); (b) keep records in accordance with Article 9 and the selling prices established in accordance with Article 13 available to the competent authority of the Member State; (c) communicate information to the Member State in accordance with Article 21; (d) provide at the request of the competent authority of the Member State any information or supporting document required for management and checking.
1. the quantities of raw material received with, in the case of beet and cane, the sugar content as determined on delivery to the undertaking; 2. where appropriate, the end products or semi-finished products received; 3. the quantities of end products obtained, and the quantities of by-products; 4. the wastage during processing; 5. the quantities destroyed and the reasons for such destruction; 6. the quantities of end products dispatched.
(a) the date of the check, and the persons present; (b) the period checked and the quantities involved; (c) the checking techniques used including, where applicable, reference to sampling methods; (d) the results of the check and any corrective measures required; (e) an assessment of the seriousness, extent, permanence and duration of any faults and discrepancies found and all other elements to be taken into consideration for the purposes of applying penalties.
(a) a list of approved undertakings; (b) the quota allocated to each approved manufacturer.
(a) for the previous month, the average selling price, or purchase price, and the corresponding quantity sold, or purchased; (b) for the current month and each of the following two months, the forecast average selling or purchase price and the corresponding quantity forecast in the framework of contracts or other transactions.
before 1 April in Italy, or before 1 May in the other Member States
(a) increased by not less than: -
(i) 0,9 % for contents exceeding 16 % but not exceeding 18 %, (ii) 0,7 % for contents exceeding 18 % but not exceeding 19 %, (iii) 0,5 % for contents exceeding 19 % but not exceeding 20 %;
(b) reduced by not more than: -
(i) 0,9 % for contents below 16 % but not below 15,5 %, (ii) 1 % for contents below 15,5 % but not below 14,5 %.
(a) further increases for sucrose contents above 20 %; (b) further reductions for sucrose contents below 14,5 %.
(a) owned by him or covered by a warrant; and (b) stored in free circulation on Community territory at the end of the previous month.
(a) sugar produced by that undertaking specifying the quantities of quota sugar and those in excess of the quota, carried forward or withdrawn in accordance with Articles 14 or 19 of Regulation (EC) No 318/2006. In addition, in the quantities of quota sugar at the end of the months of July, August and September, the quantity which comes from the production of sugar under the following marketing year shall be specified; (b) other sugar.
(a) isoglucose or inulin syrup produced by that undertaking specifying the quantities under quota and in excess of the quota carried forward in accordance with Articles 14 or 19 of Regulation (EC) No 318/2006; and (b) other.
(a) are suitable for keeping sugar in good condition; (b) are situated in a place which provides the transport facilities necessary for removal of the sugar; (c) allow separate storage of the quantities offered for intervention.
(a) it must have been produced within a quota during the marketing year in which the offer is made; (b) it must be in crystal form.
a pH value not less than 7,9 at the time the offer is accepted, an invert sugar content not exceeding 0,07 %, a temperature which does not entail any risk of deterioration, a safety factor not exceeding 0,45 when the degree of polarisation is 97 or above, or a moisture content not exceeding 1,4 % when the degree of polarisation is below 97.
(a) the name and address of the party making the offer; (b) the place of storage in which the sugar is stored at the time the offer is made; (c) the removal capacity guaranteed for the removal of the sugar offered; (d) the net quantity of sugar being offered; (e) the nature and quality of the sugar offered, and the marketing year in which it was produced; (f) the type of packing of the sugar.
(a) provide for expiry of the contract under the conditions set out in this Regulation after at least ten days' notice has been given; (b) specify the amount of the storage costs to be borne by the intervention agency.
EUR 505,52 per tonne in the 2006/07 marketing year, EUR 433,20 per tonne in the 2007/08 marketing year, EUR 323,52 per tonne in the 2008/09 and 2009/10 marketing years.
(a) Grade 1: sugar which is superior in quality to the standard quality; (b) Grade 2: sugar of the standard quality as defined in point II of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 318/2006; (c) Grades 3 and 4: sugar which is inferior in quality to the standard quality.
(a) sound and fair marketable quality, dry, in homogeneously granulated, free-flowing crystals; (b) maximum moisture content: 0,06 %; (c) maximum invert sugar content: 0,04 %; (d) the number of points shall not exceed a total of eight, or: -
six for the ash content, four for the colour type determined according to the method of the Brunswick Institute for Agricultural Technology and the Sugar Industry, hereinafter referred to as the "Brunswick Method", three for the solution colour determined according to the ICUMSA Method.
(a) 0,0018 % ash content determined according to the ICUMSA Method at 28° Brix; (b) 0,5 unit of colour type determined according to the Brunswick Method; (c) 7,5 units of solution colour determined according to the ICUMSA Method.
(a) sound and fair marketable quality, dry, in homogeneously-granulated, free-flowing crystals; (b) minimum polarisation: 99,7°S; (c) maximum moisture content: 0,06 %; (d) maximum invert sugar content: 0,04 %; (e) colour type: maximum No 6 determined according to the Brunswick Method.
(a) EUR 7,30 per tonne for Grade 3 sugar; (b) EUR 13,10 per tonne for Grade 4 sugar.
EUR 397,44 per tonne in the 2006/07 marketing year, EUR 359,04 per tonne in the 2007/08 marketing year, EUR 268,16 per tonne in the 2008/09 and 2009/10 marketing years.
(a) increased where the yield of the sugar is more than 92 %; (b) reduced where the yield of the sugar is less than 92 %.
for Grade 1 sugar, no more than one point for each of the characteristics referred to in Article 32(3)(d), for Grade 2 sugar, not greater than two points for each of the characteristics defining that grade which are determined by points.
1,0 unit of colour type for Grade 3 sugar, 0,2°S for polarisation, 0,02 % for moisture content, 0,01 % for invert sugar content.
(a) the stock records show the weight recorded on weighing and the physical quality characteristics at the time of weighing. The weighing may not have been carried out more than 10 months previously; (b) the storekeeper declares that the lot offered corresponds in all respects to the details contained in the stock records; (c) the quality characteristics established at the time of weighing are the same as those of the representative samples.
(a) animal feed; (b) export; (c) other purposes, to be determined as required.
(a) the name and address of the intervention agency issuing the invitation to tender; (b) the terms of the tendering procedure; (c) the time limit for submission of tenders; (d) the lots of sugar put up for tender, and for each lot: -
the reference number, the quantity, the quality of the sugar concerned, the type of packaging, the location of the place in which the sugar is stored, the delivery stage, any facilities at the warehouse for loading onto a means of transport by inland waterway, sea or rail.
(a) the price to be paid by the successful tenderer; (b) the amount of the denaturing premium; (c) the amount of the export refund.
(a) the price indicated in the tender, in the case of paragraph 1(a); (b) the price indicated in the terms of the invitation to tender, in the case of paragraph 1(b) and (c).
(a) the total quantity or quantities put up for tender; (b) the intended use; (c) the time limit for submission of tenders; (d) the price to be paid by the successful tenderer if the sugar is intended for animal feed or for export.
(a) the minimum price for sugar put up for sale for a purpose other than animal feed or export; (b) the maximum amount of the denaturing premium or the export refund; (c) the minimum quantity per tenderer or per lot; (d) the maximum quantity per tenderer or per lot; (e) the specific period of validity of the denaturing premium certificate or export licence.
(a) the reference of the invitation to tender; (b) the name and address of the tenderer; (c) the number of the lot; (d) the quantity tendered for; (e) per tonne, as appropriate, expressed in euro to two decimal places: -
the price proposed, excluding internal charges, the proposed amount of the denaturing premium, or the proposed amount of the export refund.
(a) proof is supplied before expiry of the time limit for submission of tenders that the tendering security of EUR 200 per tonne of sugar has been lodged; (b) they include a declaration by the tenderer undertaking, for any quantity of sugar awarded for either a denaturing premium or an export refund: -
to apply for a denaturing premium certificate and to lodge the security required in that connection, where the tendering procedure relates to sugar intended for animal feed, to apply for an export licence and to lodge the security required in that connection, where the tendering procedure relates to sugar intended for export.
(a) relates to all or a specified part of the quantity indicated in the tender; (b) is made not later than a time and date specified by the tenderer.
(a) in proportion to the quantities indicated in the tenders in question; (b) by dividing that quantity between the tenderers in agreement with them; (c) by the drawing of lots.
(a) confer the right to the issue of a certificate for the quantity for which the denaturing premium is awarded, showing in particular the denaturing premium specified in the tender; (b) entail the obligation to apply for such a certificate for that quantity to the intervention agency to which the tender was submitted.
(a) confer the right to the issue of an export licence for the quantity for which the export refund is awarded, showing in particular the export refund and, in the case of white sugar, the grade specified in the invitation to tender; (b) entail the obligation to apply for such a licence for that quantity and, in the case of white sugar, that grade, to the intervention agency to which the tender was submitted.
(a) the procedure to which the tender relates; (b) the number of the lot and the quantity awarded; (c) the price, the amount of the denaturing premium or the amount of the export refund, as the case may be, accepted for the quantity awarded.
(a) the price of the sugar shall be adjusted in accordance with Article 33; (b) the amount of the denaturing premium or export refund shall be adjusted by multiplying it by a coefficient equal to the yield established divided by the yield indicated in the invitation to tender.
(a) either the successful tenderer has: -
applied, after fulfilling the requirements, for either a denaturing premium certificate or an export licence, lodged the security or provided the negotiable instrument referred to in Article 51(2), has removed the sugar from storage within the time limit laid down,
(b) or no award is made.
offered but not yet accepted by the intervention agency; accepted by the intervention agency; sold by the intervention agency.
(a) the average Community price for white sugar recorded within the price reporting system is below 85 % of the reference price; and (b) the recorded average prices for white sugar are likely to remain at or below that level on the basis of the market situation, account being taken of expected effects of market management mechanism and notably the withdrawal.
(a) the average Community price for white sugar recorded within the price reporting system is below the reference price; and (b) in the Member State concerned, the average price for white sugar recorded within the price reporting system is below 80 % of the reference price.
(a) the period covered by the tender (tendering period) and the different sub-periods when the tenders can be lodged; (b) the opening and closing time between which tenders may be lodged; (c) in the case where paragraph 3 applies, the Member States where sugar is stored or will be stored; (d) the global quantity, possibly per Member State if paragraph 3 applies, covered by the tendering procedure, if applicable; (e) the storage period in compliance with Article 57j; (f) the minimum quantity each tender must provide for; (g) the amount of the security per unit; (h) the competent authority of Member States to which tenders are to be sent.
(a) white sugar in crystal form in bulk and/or in big bags (800 kg or more) and/or in 50 kg bags; (b) produced within a quota during the marketing year in which the tender is made with the exclusion of white sugar withdrawn, carried forward or stored in public intervention; (c) of sound and fair marketable quality, free-flowing, with a moisture content not exceeding 0,06 %.
(a) it indicates a reference to the Regulation opening the tendering procedure and the expiry date for the sub-period of submission of the tenders; (b) it indicates the identification data of the tenderer: name, address and the VAT registration number; (c) it indicates the quantity covered by the tender; (d) it indicates the amount of aid offered per day and per tonne in euros and cents; (e) the tenderer has lodged a security before the end of the submission sub-period, in accordance with the provisions of Title III of Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85, and has provided proof thereof within the same period; (f) it does not include any conditions introduced by the tenderer other than those mentioned in this Regulation and in the Regulation opening the tendering procedure; (g) it is presented in the official language, or one of the official languages of the Member State in which the tender is lodged.
(a) not to fix a maximum amount of the aid; or (b) to fix a maximum amount of the aid.
(a) the address of the storage place or places and for each storage place the precise location of the silos or lots with the corresponding quantities; (b) one of the following: -
(i) a confirmation that the quantities covered by the tender are already in the storage place in compliance with the conditions referred to in Article 57k(c); or (ii) the date of entry into store of each of the lots which are not yet in place and the necessary time framework for placing the contractual quantity in compliance with the conditions referred to in Article 57k(c). The successful tenderer shall indicate for each lot entering the place of storage, the quantity and the precise location.
(a) to place and keep the contractual quantity in storage during the contractual storage period, at his own risk and expense, in conditions ensuring the maintenance of the sugar requirements referred to in Article 57c, without substituting the stored products or transferring them to another storage place; however, in exceptional cases and on duly motivated request, the competent authority may authorise a relocation of the stored products; (b) to retain the weighing-in documents established at the time of entry into the storage place; (c) to make the products stored easily and individually identifiable. Each unit individually stored shall be marked so that the contract number, the product and the weight are shown; (d) to allow the competent authority to check at any time that all the obligations laid down in the contract are being observed.
(a) not to withdraw a tender; (b) transmit the information referred to in Article 57i for the conclusion of the contract; (c) to keep in storage the contractual quantity for the storage period under the conditions referred to in Article 57k.
(a) identify the silos or lots of storage; (b) verify the weight of the stored products on the basis of the weighing-in documents and the stocks and financial accounts and where possible with a physical check by sample weighting. The sample concerned shall be representative and shall correspond to at least 5 % of the total quantity; (c) take a sample representative of the contractual quantity which shall be analysed as quickly as possible to ensure that the sugar corresponds to the requirements referred to in Article 57c.
(a) either seal the products by contract, storage lot or a smaller quantity at the time of the initial check; (b) or make an unannounced check to ensure that the contractual quantity is present in the storage place. The check shall be based on stocks and financial accounts and where possible with a physical check by sample weighting. The sample concerned shall be representative and shall correspond to at least 5 % of the total quantity.
(a) the date and time of commencement of the check; (b) its duration; (c) the operations carried out providing, in particular, the details of and references to the documents and products examined; (d) the findings and conclusions.
(a) in respect which no contract has subsequently been concluded; or (b) in respect of which contracts have subsequently been concluded but which had to be cancelled due to non-compliance with contractual obligations; (c) which are released from contractual obligations following a Commission Decision in accordance with Article 57m.
(tonnes) | |
Member State | Quantities |
Belgium | |
Bulgaria | |
Czech Republic | |
Denmark | |
Germany | |
Greece | |
Spain | |
France (metropolitan) | |
France (overseas departments) | |
Italy | |
Lithuania | |
Hungary | |
Netherlands | |
Austria | |
Poland | |
Portugal (mainland) | |
Portugal (Azores) | |
Romania | |
Slovakia | |
Finland | |
Sweden | |
United Kingdom |
(a) sugar undertakings (hereinafter referred to as manufacturers), and (b) beet sellers (hereinafter referred to as sellers).
(a) jointly, by the manufacturer and the beet growers' trade organisation, if an agreement within the trade so provides; (b) by the manufacturer, under the supervision of the beet growers' trade organisation; (c) by the manufacturer, under the supervision of an expert recognised by the Member State concerned, provided the seller defrays the costs thereof.
(a) to return the fresh pulp from the tonnage of beet delivered free of charge to the seller, ex-factory; (b) to return part of that pulp, pressed, dried or dried and molassed, free of charge to the seller, ex-factory; (c) to return the pulp, pressed or dried, to the seller, ex-factory; in this case, the manufacturer may require the seller to pay the pressing or drying costs; (d) to pay the seller compensation which takes account of the possibilities of selling the pulp concerned.
(a) rules on the distribution to sellers of quantities of beet which the manufacturer decides to buy prior to sowing, for the manufacture of sugar within the limits of the quota; (b) rules on distribution as referred to in Point III(4); (c) the conversion scale referred to in Point III(2); (d) rules on the choice and supply of seeds of the varieties of beet to be produced; (e) the minimum sugar content of beet to be delivered; (f) a requirement for consultation between the manufacturer and the sellers' representatives before the starting date of beet deliveries is fixed; (g) the payment of premiums to sellers for early or late deliveries; (h) details of: -
(i) the part of the pulp referred to in Point IX(1)(b), (ii) the costs referred to in Point IX(1)(c), (iii) the compensation referred to in Point IX(1)(d);
(i) the removal of pulp by the seller; (j) without prejudice to Article 49(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, rules on how any difference between the reference price and the actual selling price of the sugar is to be allocated between the manufacturer and sellers.