Commission Regulation (EC) No 865/2006 of 4 May 2006 laying down detailed rules concerning the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein
Modified by
Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/870 of 5 June 2015 amending, as regards the trade in species of wild fauna and flora, Regulation (EC) No 865/2006 laying down detailed rules concerning the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97
June 26, 2015 article 14 paragraph 2 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 10 paragraph 6 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 1 point 1 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 10 paragraph 5 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 56 paragraph 3 Completion
June 26, 2015 article 57 paragraph 3a Addition
June 26, 2015 article 7 paragraph 6 Completion
June 26, 2015 article 10 title Replacement
June 26, 2015 annex VIII Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 58 paragraph 3 Addition
June 26, 2015 article 10 paragraph 3 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 11 paragraph 1 point (c) Replacement
June 26, 2015 chapter VIIIb Addition
June 26, 2015 article 58 paragraph 4 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 58a paragraph 2 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 9 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 72 paragraph 3 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 57 paragraph 5 paragraph (g) Completion
June 26, 2015 article 1 point 6 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 56 paragraph 1 L 2 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 58 paragraph 3a Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 66 paragraph 6 L 2 Completion
June 26, 2015 annex X Text Lophophurus impejanus Replacement
June 26, 2015 annex IX point 2 Completion
June 26, 2015 article 11 paragraph 2 point (c) Replacement
June 26, 2015 annex XIII Completion
June 26, 2015 annex IX point 1 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 58a sentence 1 Replacement
June 26, 2015 article 4 paragraph 1 L 2 Replacement