Commission Regulation (EC) No 793/2006 of 12 April 2006 laying down certain detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) 247/2006 laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union
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- Commission Regulation (EC) No 852/2006of 9 June 2006amending Regulation (EC) No 793/2006 laying down certain detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 247/2006 laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union, 32006R0852, June 10, 2006
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1242/2007of 24 October 2007amending Regulation (EC) No 793/2006 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 247/2006 laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union, 32007R1242, October 25, 2007
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 408/2009of 18 May 2009amending Regulation (EC) No 793/2006 laying down certain detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 247/2006 laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union, 32009R0408, May 19, 2009
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 1112/2010of 1 December 2010amending Regulation (EC) No 793/2006 laying down certain detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 247/2006 laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union, 32010R1112, December 2, 2010
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 666/2012of 20 July 2012amending Regulations (EC) No 2092/2004, (EC) No 793/2006, (EC) No 1914/2006, (EC) No 1120/2009, (EC) No 1121/2009, (EC) No 1122/2009, (EU) No 817/2010 and (EU) No 1255/2010 as regards the notification obligations within the common organisation of agricultural markets and the direct support schemes for farmers, 32012R0666, July 21, 2012
(a) "outermost regions" means the regions referred to in Article 299(2) of the Treaty, each of the French overseas departments being considered as a separate outermost region; (b) "competent authorities" means the authorities appointed to implement this Regulation by the Member State of which the outermost region concerned is part; (c) "programme" means the overall programme referred to in Article 24 of Regulation (EC) No 247/2006.
(a) as regards specific additional transport costs, the intermediate reloading costs involved in supplying goods to the outermost regions concerned; (b) as regards the specific additional costs involved in local processing, the small size of the market, the need to guarantee security of supply and the specific quality requirements for goods in the outermost regions concerned.
(a) force majeure or climatic aberration;(b) where an administrative enquiry has been opened concerning entitlement to the aid; in such cases, payment shall take place only after entitlement has been recognised.
(a) the "advantage" referred to in Article 3(4) of Regulation (EC) No 247/2006 means either the exemption from customs duties or the grant of Community aid provided for in that Regulation; (b) "end‐user" means (i) in the case of products for direct consumption: the consumer; (ii) in the case of products for the processing or packaging industry which are intended for human consumption: the final processor or packager, for the part of the aid intended to compensate for remoteness, insularity and distant location, the consumer, for the additional part of the aid intended to take account of export prices;
(iii) in the case of products for the processing or packaging industry for use as animal feed and products for use as agricultural inputs: the farmer.
(a) operators shall possess the means, structures and legal authorisations required to carry on their activities and shall, in particular, have duly complied with their obligations regarding business accounting and taxation; (b) operators shall be able to guarantee that their activities are carried on in the outermost region concerned; (c) in the context of the specific supply arrangements for the outermost region concerned, and in compliance with the objectives of those arrangements, operators shall undertake to: (i) communicate to the competent authorities, at their request, all relevant information about their commercial activities, particularly regarding the prices and profit margins they practise, (ii) operate exclusively in their own name and on their own account, (iii) submit licence and certificate applications commensurate with their real capacity to dispose of the products concerned, such capacity being proven by reference to objective factors, (iv) refrain from acting in any way likely to create artificial shortages of products and from marketing the available products at artificially low prices, (v) ensure to the satisfaction of the competent authorities that, when the agricultural products are disposed of in the outermost region concerned, the advantage is passed on to the end‐user.
(a) the bill of lading or airway bill; (b) the certificate of origin for products originating in third countries or, for products originating in the Community, the T2L document, or the T2LF document under the terms of Article 315(1) and (2) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 .OJ L 253, 11.10.1993, p. 1 .
(a) the products referred to in Article 16(3); (b) the products referred to in Article 16(5) which do not fulfil the conditions for the grant of an export refund.
(a) recover the advantage granted from the holder of the import licence, exemption certificate or aid certificate; (b) temporarily suspend or revoke the operator's registration, depending on the seriousness of the infringement.
in the case of the specific supply arrangements, of the measures of import and supply of live animals and of the measures referred to in Article 50, throughout the year, in the case of direct payments, in accordance with Article 28 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 ,OJ L 270, 21.10.2003, p. 1 .in the case of other payments, during the period beginning on 16 October of the current year and ending on 30 June of the following year.
(a) the amount of aid; (b) the number of agricultural parcels, the surface area and the number of animals covered by the aid application, or the quantity produced, transported, processed or marketed; (c) changes on the previous year; (d) the findings of checks performed in the preceding years; (e) other parameters to be defined by the Member States.
(a) the aid schemes and applications checked; (b) the persons present; (c) the agricultural parcels checked, the agricultural parcels measured, the results of the measurements per parcel measured and the measuring methods used; (d) the number and type of animals found and, where applicable, the ear tag numbers, entries in the register and in the computerised database for bovine animals and any supporting documents checked, the results of the checks and, where applicable, particular observations in respect of individual animals or their identification code; (e) the quantities produced, transported, processed or marketed which are covered by the check; (f) whether advance notice was given to the grower of the visit and, if so, how much; (g) any further control measures carried out.
(a) individual producers or producer organisations or groups; (b) traders who package the product with the intention of marketing it; (c) manufacturers of processed products who are established in the territory of their outermost region.
(a) as relevant, to produce, package or manufacture products which meet those requirements; (b) to keep accounts which will make it possible to monitor, in particular, the production, packaging or manufacture of the product which is eligible for the graphic symbol; (c) to comply with all checks and verifications requested by the competent authorities.
(a) a written declaration by the importer or applicant, made on the arrival of the animals in the French overseas departments or Madeira, to the effect that the bovines are intended for fattening there for a period of 120 days from their actual date of arrival and will be consumed there afterwards; (b) a written undertaking by the importer or applicant, made on the arrival of the bovine animals, to inform the competent authorities, within one month of their date of arrival, of the holding or holdings where the animals are to be fattened; (c) the lodging of a security of an amount as laid down for each eligible CN code in Annex VIIIa to this Regulation with the competent authority of the Member State. The fattening of the imported animals in the French overseas departments or Madeira for at least 120 days from the date of acceptance of the customs declaration of release for free circulation is a primary requirement within the meaning of Article 20(2) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85 .OJ L 205, 3.8.1985, p. 5 .
(a) have been fattened on the farm or farms indicated pursuant to paragraph 3(b); (b) have not been slaughtered before a period of 120 days from the date of import has elapsed; or (c) have been slaughtered for health reasons or have died as a result of sickness or accident before that period has elapsed. (d) The security shall be released immediately after such proof has been furnished.
(a) the quantities broken down according to whether they are imported from third countries or dispatched from the Community; (b) the amount of aid and the expenditure actually paid by product and, where applicable, by individual destination; (c) the quantities for which licences and certificates have not been utilised, broken down by category of licence or certificate; (d) any quantities re-exported or redispatched under Article 16 and the unit amounts and totals of recovered aid; (e) any quantities re-exported or redispatched after processing in accordance with Article 18; (f) transfers within an overall quantity for a category of products and amendments to the forecast supply balances during the period; (g) the available balance and the utilisation rate.
(a) not later than 31 March of each year, of the aid applications received and the amounts involved for the previous calendar year; (b) not later than 31 July of each year, of the aid applications definitively eligible and the amounts involved for the previous calendar year.
(a) any significant changes in the socio-economic and agricultural environment; (b) a summary of the available physical and financial data on the implementation of each measure, followed by an analysis of the data and, where necessary, a presentation and analysis of the sector to which the measure relates; (c) the progress of the measures and priorities in relation to the specific and general objectives on the date of presentation of the report, using quantified indicators; (d) a brief account of any major problems encountered in managing and implementing the measures; (e) an examination of the results of all the measures, taking account of their reciprocal links; (f) for the specific supply arrangements: data and an analysis relating to price trends and the manner in which the advantage granted was passed on, as well as the measures taken and the checks performed to ensure that it was passed on, taking account of the other aid available, an analysis of the proportionality of the aid in relation to the additional cost of transport to the outermost regions and the prices applied to exports to third countries and, in the case of products intended for processing and agricultural inputs, the additional costs of insularity and distant location;
(g) an indication, based on objective indicators, of the extent to which the objectives assigned to each of the measures contained in the programme have been achieved; (h) data on the annual supply balance of the region concerned in terms of, inter alia , consumption, headage developments, production and trade;(i) data on the amounts actually granted for the implementation of programme measures on the basis of the criteria defined by the Member States, such as the number of eligible producers, the number of animals covered by the payment, the eligible surface area or the number of holdings concerned; (j) information on the financial implementation of each measure under the programme; (k) statistics on the checks carried out by the competent authorities and any penalties applied; (l) the comments of the Member State concerned on the implementation of the programme.
(a) the reasons and any implementation problems justifying amendment of the overall programme; (b) the expected effects of the amendment; (c) the implications for financing and verification of commitments.
(a) the introduction of new measures, actions, products or aid schemes into the general programme; and (b) the increase of the unit level of support already approved for each existing measure, action, product or aid scheme by more than 50 % of the amount applicable at the time when the request for amendment is presented.
(a) in the case of forecast supply balances, changes in the individual level of aid up to 20 % or changes in the quantities of the products concerned covered by the supply arrangements and, consequently, the global amount of aid allocated to support each line of products; (b) as regards Community programmes supporting local production, adjustments up to 20 % of the financial allocation for each individual measure; and (c) amendments following amendments to codes and descriptions laid down in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 used to identify the products benefiting from aid, as long as those amendments do not entail a change of the products themselves.OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1 .
(a) force majeure or exceptional circumstances;(b) amendment of the quantities of products covered by the supply arrangements; (c) amendment of the statistical nomenclature and of the Common Customs Tariff codes as provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87; (d) budget transfers within production support measures. These amendments shall, however, be notified no later than 30 April of the year following the calendar year to which the amended financial allocation refers.
in Spanish , one of the following entries:"Productos destinados al consumo directo" "Productos destinados a la industria de transformación o acondicionamiento" "Productos destinados a ser utilizados como insumos agrarios" "Animales importados de la especie bovina, destinados al engorde"
in Czech , one of the following entries:"produkty pro přímou spotřebu" "produkty pro zpracovatelský a/nebo balicí průmysl" "produkty určené pro použití jako zemědělské vstupy" "dovezený skot pro výkrm"
in Danish , one of the following entries:"produkter til direkte konsum" "produkter til forarbejdnings‐ og/eller emballeringsindustrien" "produkter, der skal anvendes som rå- og hjælpestoffer" "importeret kvæg til opfedning"
in German , one of the following entries:"Erzeugnisse für den direkten Verbrauch" "Erzeugnisse für die Verarbeitungs- bzw. Verpackungsindustrie" "zur Verwendung als landwirtschaftliche Betriebsstoffe bestimmte Erzeugnisse" "zur Mast eingeführte Rinder"
in Estonian , one of the following entries:"otsetarbimiseks ettenähtud tooted" "tooted töötlevale ja/või pakenditööstusele" "põllumajanduslikuks tooraineks ettenähtud tooted" "imporditud nuumveised"
in Greek , one of the following entries:"προϊόντα που προορίζονται για άμεση κατανάλωση" "προϊόντα που προορίζονται για τις βιομηχανίες μεταποίησης ή/και συσκευασίας" "προϊόντα που προορίζονται για χρήση ως γεωργικές εισροές" "εισαγόμενα βοοειδή προς πάχυνση"
in English , one of the following entries:"products for direct consumption" "products for the processing and/or packaging industry" "products intended for use as agricultural inputs" "bovine animals imported for fattening"
in French , one of the following entries:"produits destinés à la consommation directe" "produits destinés aux industries de transformation et/ou de conditionnement" "produits destinés à être utilisés comme intrants agricoles" "animaux bovins pour l'engraissement importés"
in Italian , one of the following entries:"prodotti destinati al consumo diretto" "prodotti destinati alle industrie di trasformazione e/o di condizionamento" "prodotti destinati ad essere utilizzati come fattori di produzione agricoli" "bovini destinati all'ingrasso importati"
in Latvian , one of the following entries:"tiešam patēriņam paredzēti produkti" "produkti, kas paredzēti pārstrādei un/vai iesaiņošanai" "produkti, kas ir lauksaimniecībā izmantojamās vielas" "ievesti liellopi nobarošanai"
in Lithuanian , one of the following entries:"tiesiogiai vartoti skirti produktai" "perdirbimo ir/arba pakavimo pramonei skirti produktai" "produktai, skirti naudoti kaip žemės ūkio ištekliai" "importuojami galvijai, skirti penėjimui"
in Hungarian , one of the following entries:"közvetlen fogyasztásra szánt termékek" "a feldolgozó- és/vagy a csomagolóipar számára szánt termékek" "mezőgazdasági inputanyagként felhasználandó termékek" "importált, hízlalásra szánt szarvasmarhafélék"
in Maltese , one of the following entries:"prodotti maħsuba għall-konsum dirett" "prodotti maħsuba għall-industriji tat-trasformazzjoni u/jew ta’ l-imballaġġ" "prodotti maħsuba għall-użu agrikolu" "bhejjem ta’ l-ifrat għat-tismin importati"
in Dutch , one of the following entries:"producten voor rechtstreekse consumptie" "producten voor de verwerkende industrie en/of de verpakkingsindustrie" "producten voor gebruik als landbouwproductiemiddel" "ingevoerde mestrunderen"
in Polish , one of the following entries:"produkty przeznaczone do bezpośredniego spożycia" "produkty przeznaczone do przetworzenia i/lub opakowania" "produkty przeznaczone do użycia jako nakłady rolnicze" "bydło importowane przeznaczone do opasu"
in Portuguese , one of the following entries:"produtos destinados ao consumo directo" "produtos destinados às indústrias de transformação e/ou de acondicionamento" "produtos destinados a ser utilizados como factores de produção agrícola" "bovinos de engorda importados"
in Slovak , one of the following entries:"výrobky určené na priamu spotrebu" "výrobky určené pre spracovateľský a/alebo baliarenský priemysel" "výrobky určené na použitie ako poľnohospodárske vstupy" "dovezený hovädzí dobytok určený na výkrm"
in Slovene , one of the following entries:"proizvodi, namenjeni za neposredno prehrano" "proizvodi, namenjeni predelovalni in/ali pakirni industriji" "proizvodi, namenjeni za kmetijske vložke" "uvoženo govedo za pitanje"
in Finnish , one of the following entries:"suoraan kulutukseen tarkoitettuja tuotteita" "jalostus- ja/tai pakkausteollisuuteen tarkoitettuja tuotteita" "maatalouden tuotantopanoksiksi tarkoitettuja tuotteita" "tuotuja lihotukseen tarkoitettuja nautoja"
in Swedish , one of the following entries:"produkter avsedda för direkt konsumtion" "produkter avsedda för bearbetning eller förpackning" "produkter avsedda att användas som insatsvaror i jordbruket" "importerade nötkreatur, avsedda för gödning".
in Spanish : "Exención de los derechos de importación" y "Certificado destinado a ser utilizado en [nombre de la región ultraperiférica]"in Czech : "osvobození od dovozních cel" a "osvědčení pro použití v [název nejvzdálenějšího regionu]"in Danish : "fritagelse for importtold" og "licensen skal anvendes i [fjernområdets navn]"in German : "Befreiung von den Einfuhrzöllen" und "zu verwenden in [Name der Region in äußerster Randlage]"in Estonian : "imporditollimaksudest vabastatud" ja "[kus (äärepoolseima piirkonna nimi)] kasutamiseks ettenähtud litsents"in Greek : "απαλλαγή από τους εισαγωγικούς δασμούς" και "πιστοποιητικό προς χρήση στην [όνομα της ιδιαίτερα απομακρυσμένης περιφέρειας]"in English : "exemption from import duties" and "certificate to be used in [name of the outermost region]"in French : "exonération des droits à l'importation" et "certificat à utiliser dans [nom de la région ultrapériphérique]"in Italian : "esenzione dai dazi all'importazione" e "titolo destinato a essere utilizzato in [nome della regione ultraperiferica]"in Latvian : "atbrīvojums no ievedmuitas nodokļa" un "sertifikāts jāizmanto [attālākā reģiona nosaukums]"in Lithuanian : "atleidimas nuo importo muitų" ir "sertifikatas, skirtas naudoti [atokiausio regiono pavadinimas]"in Hungarian : "behozatali vám alóli mentesség" és "[a legkülső régió neve]-i felhasználásra szóló engedély"in Maltese : "eżenzjoni tad-dazji fuq l-importazzjoni" u "ċertifikat għall-użi fi [isem ir-reġjun ultraperiferiku]"in Dutch : "vrijstelling van invoerrechten" en "in [naam van het ultraperifere gebied] te gebruiken certificaat"in Polish : "zwolnienie z należności przywozowych" i "świadectwo stosowane w [nazwa danego regionu najbardziej oddalonego]"in Portuguese : "isenção dos direitos de importação" e "certificado a utilizar em [nome da região ultraperiférica]"in Slovak : "oslobodenie od dovozného cla" a "osvedčenie určené na použitie v [názov najvzdialenejšieho regiónu]"in Slovene : "oprostitev uvoznih dajatev" in "dovoljenje se uporabi v [ime najbolj oddaljene regije]"in Finnish : "vapautettu tuontitulleista" ja "(syrjäisimmän alueen nimi) käytettävä todistus"in Swedish : "tullbefrielse" och "intyg som skall användas i [randområdets namn]"
in Spanish : "Certificado de exención"in Czech : "osvědčení o osvobození"in Danish : "fritagelseslicens"in German : "Freistellungsbescheinigung"in Estonian : "vabastussertifikaat"in Greek : "πιστοποιητικό απαλλαγής"in English : "exemption certificate"in French : "certificat d'exonération"in Italian : "titolo di esenzione"in Latvian : "atbrīvojuma apliecība"in Lithuanian : "atleidimo nuo importo muitų sertifikatas"in Hungarian : "mentességi bizonyítvány"in Maltese : "ċertifikat ta’ eżenzjoni"in Dutch : "vrijstellingscertificaat"in Polish : "świadectwo zwolnienia"in Portuguese : "certificado de isenção"in Slovak : "osvedčenie o oslobodení od cla"in Slovene : "potrdilo o oprostitvi"in Finnish : "vapautustodistus"in Swedish : "intyg om tullbefrielse"
in Spanish , one of the following entries:"Productos destinados a la industria de transformación o acondicionamiento" "Productos destinados al consumo directo" "Productos destinados a ser utilizados como insumos agrarios"
in Czech , one of the following entries:"produkty pro zpracovatelský a/nebo balicí průmysl" "produkty pro přímou spotřebu" "produkty určené pro použití jako zemědělské vstupy"
in Danish , one of the following entries:"produkter til forarbejdnings- og/eller emballeringsindustrien" "produkter til direkte konsum" "produkter, der skal anvendes som rå- og hjælpestoffer"
in German , one of the following entries:"Erzeugnisse für die Verarbeitungs- bzw. Verpackungsindustrie" "Erzeugnisse für den direkten Verbrauch" "zur Verwendung als landwirtschaftliche Betriebsstoffe bestimmte Erzeugnisse"
in Estonian , one of the following entries:"tooted töötlevale ja/või pakenditööstusele" "otsetarbimiseks ettenähtud tooted" "põllumajanduslikuks tooraineks ettenähtud tooted"
in Greek , one of the following entries:"προϊόντα που προορίζονται για τις βιομηχανίες μεταποίησης ή/και συσκευασίας" "προϊόντα που προορίζονται για άμεση κατανάλωση" "προϊόντα που προορίζονται για χρήση ως γεωργικές εισροές"
in English , one of the following entries:"products for the processing and/or packaging industry" "products for direct consumption" "products intended for use as agricultural inputs"
in French , one of the following entries:"produits destinés aux industries de transformation et/ou de conditionnement" "produits destinés à la consommation directe" "produits destinés à être utilisés comme intrants agricoles"
in Italian , one of the following entries:"prodotti destinati alle industrie di trasformazione e/o di condizionamento" "prodotti destinati al consumo diretto" "prodotti destinati ad essere utilizzati come fattori di produzione agricoli"
in Latvian , one of the following entries:"produkti, kas paredzēti pārstrādei un/vai iesaiņošanai" "tiešam patēriņam paredzēti produkti" "produkti, kas ir lauksaimniecībā izmantojamās vielas"
in Lithuanian , one of the following entries:"perdirbimo ir/arba pakavimo pramonei skirti produktai" "tiesiogiai vartoti skirti produktai" "produktai, skirti naudoti kaip žemės ūkio ištekliai"
in Hungarian , one of the following entries:"a feldolgozó- és/vagy a csomagolóipar számára szánt termékek" "közvetlen fogyasztásra szánt termékek" "mezőgazdasági inputanyagként felhasználandó termékek"
in Maltese , one of the following entries:"prodotti maħsuba għall-industriji tat-trasformazzjoni u/jew ta’ l-imballaġġ" "prodotti maħsuba għall-konsum dirett" "prodotti maħsuba għall-użu agrikolu"
in Dutch , one of the following entries:"producten voor de verwerkende industrie en/of de verpakkingsindustrie" "producten voor rechtstreekse consumptie" "producten voor gebruik als landbouwproductiemiddel"
in Polish , one of the following entries:"produkty przeznaczone do przetworzenia i/lub opakowania" "produkty przeznaczone do bezpośredniego spożycia" "produkty przeznaczone do użycia jako nakłady rolnicze"
in Portuguese , one of the following entries:"produtos destinados às indústrias de transformação e/ou de acondicionamento" "produtos destinados ao consumo directo" "produtos destinados a ser utilizados como factores de produção agrícola"
in Slovak , one of the following entries:"výrobky určené pre spracovateľský a/alebo baliarenský priemysel" "výrobky určené na priamu spotrebu" "výrobky určené na použitie ako poľnohospodárske vstupy"
in Slovene , one of the following entries:"proizvodi, namenjeni predelovalni in/ali pakirni industriji" "proizvodi, namenjeni za neposredno prehrano" "proizvodi, namenjeni za kmetijske vložke"
in Finnish , one of the following entries:"jalostus- ja/tai pakkausteollisuuteen tarkoitettuja tuotteita" "suoraan kulutukseen tarkoitettuja tuotteita" "maatalouden tuotantopanoksiksi tarkoitettuja tuotteita"
in Swedish , one of the following entries:"produkter avsedda för bearbetning eller förpackning" "produkter avsedda för direkt konsumtion" "produkter avsedda att användas som insatsvaror i jordbruket"
in Spanish : "Certificado de ayuda"in Czech : "osvědčení o podpoře"in Danish : "støttelicens"in German : "Beihilfebescheinigung"in Estonian : "toetussertifikaat"in Greek : "πιστοποιητικό ενίσχυσης"in English : "aid certificate"in French : "certificat aides"in Italian : "titolo di aiuto"in Latvian : "atbalsta sertifikāts"in Lithuanian : "pagalbos sertifikatas"in Hungarian : "támogatási bizonyítvány"in Maltese : "ċertifikat ta’ l-għajnuniet"in Dutch : "steuncertificaat"in Polish : "świadectwo pomocy"in Portuguese : "certificado de ajuda"in Slovak : "osvedčenie o pomoci"in Slovene : "potrdilo o pomoči"in Finnish : "tukitodistus"in Swedish : "stödintyg"
in Spanish , one of the following entries:"Productos destinados a la industria de transformación o acondicionamiento" "Productos destinados al consumo directo" "Productos destinados a ser utilizados como insumos agrarios" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "Animales vivos destinados al engorde" "Azúcar C: sin ayuda"
in Czech , one of the following entries:"produkty pro zpracovatelský a/nebo balicí průmysl" "produkty pro přímou spotřebu" "produkty určené pro použití jako zemědělské vstupy" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "živá zvířata pro výkrm" "cukr C: bez podpory"
in Danish , one of the following entries:"produkter til forarbejdnings- og/eller emballeringsindustrien" "produkter til direkte konsum" "produkter, der skal anvendes som rå- og hjælpestoffer" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "levende dyr til opfedning" "C-sukker: ingen støtte"
in German , one of the following entries:"Erzeugnisse für die Verarbeitungs- bzw. Verpackungsindustrie" "Erzeugnisse für den direkten Verbrauch" "zur Verwendung als landwirtschaftliche Betriebsstoffe bestimmte Erzeugnisse" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "zur Mast eingeführte lebende Tiere" "C-Zucker: keine Beihilfe"
in Estonian , one of the following entries:"tooted töötlevale ja/või pakenditööstusele" "otsetarbimiseks ettenähtud tooted" "põllumajanduslikuks tooraineks ettenähtud tooted" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "imporditud nuumveised" "C-suhkur, toetust ei anta"
in Greek , one of the following entries:"προϊόντα που προορίζονται για τις βιομηχανίες μεταποίησης ή/και συσκευασίας" "προϊόντα που προορίζονται για άμεση κατανάλωση" "προϊόντα που προορίζονται για χρήση ως γεωργικές εισροές" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "ζώντα ζώα προς πάχυνση" "ζάχαρη Γ: ουδεμία ενίσχυση"
in English , one of the following entries:"products for the processing and/or packaging industry" "products for direct consumption" "products intended for use as agricultural inputs" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "live animals for fattening" "C sugar: no aid"
in French , one of the following entries:"produits destinés aux industries de transformation et/ou de conditionnement" "produits destinés à la consommation directe" "produits destinés à être utilisés comme intrants agricoles" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "animaux vivants pour l'engraissement" "sucre C: pas d'aide"
in Italian , one of the following entries:"prodotti destinati alle industrie di trasformazione e/o di condizionamento" "prodotti destinati al consumo diretto" "prodotti destinati ad essere utilizzati come fattori di produzione agricoli" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "bovini destinati all’ingrasso importati" "zucchero C: senza aiuto"
in Latvian , one of the following entries:"produkti, kas paredzēti pārstrādei un/vai iesaiņošanai" "tiešam patēriņam paredzēti produkti" "produkti, kas ir lauksaimniecībā izmantojamās vielas" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "dzīvi dzīvnieki nobarošanai" "C cukurs: atbalstu nepiešķir"
in Lithuanian , one of the following entries:"perdirbimo ir/arba pakavimo pramonei skirti produktai" "tiesiogiai vartoti skirti produktai" "produktai, skirti naudoti kaip žemės ūkio ištekliai" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "gyvi penėjimui skirti galvijai" "C cukrus: pagalba neskiriama"
in Hungarian , one of the following entries:"a feldolgozó- és/vagy a csomagolóipar számára szánt termékek" "közvetlen fogyasztásra szánt termékek" "mezőgazdasági inputanyagként felhasználandó termékek" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "hízlalásra szánt élőállatok" "C cukor: nincs támogatás"
in Maltese , one of the following entries:"prodotti maħsuba għall-industriji tat-trasformazzjoni u/jew ta’ l-imballaġġ" "prodotti maħsuba għall-konsum dirett" "prodotti maħsuba għall-użu agrikolu" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "bhejjem ħajjin għat-tismin" "zokkor C: l-ebda għajnuna"
in Dutch , one of the following entries:"producten voor de verwerkende industrie en/of de verpakkingsindustrie" "producten voor rechtstreekse consumptie" "producten voor gebruik als landbouwproductiemiddel" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "levende mestdieren" "C-suiker: geen steun"
in Polish , one of the following entries:"produkty przeznaczone do przetworzenia i/lub opakowania" "produkty przeznaczone do bezpośredniego spożycia" "produkty przeznaczone do użytku jako nakłady rolnicze" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "bydło importowane przeznaczone do opasu" "Cukier C: nieobjęty pomocą"
in Portuguese , one of the following entries:"produtos destinados às indústrias de transformação e/ou de acondicionamento" "produtos destinados ao consumo directo" "produtos destinados a ser utilizados como factores de produção agrícola" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "animais vivos para engorda" "açúcar C: não beneficia de ajudas"
in Slovak , one of the following entries:"výrobky určené pre spracovateľský a/alebo baliarenský priemysel" "výrobky určené na priamu spotrebu" "výrobky určené na použitie ako poľnohospodárske vstupy" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "živé zvieratá určené na výkrm" "cukor C: bez udelenia pomoci"
in Slovene , one of the following entries:"proizvodi, namenjeni predelovalni in/ali pakirni industriji" "proizvodi, namenjeni za neposredno prehrano" "proizvodi, namenjeni za kmetijske vložke" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "žive živali za pitanje" "sladkor C: ni pomoči"
in Finnish , one of the following entries:"jalostus- ja/tai pakkausteollisuuteen tarkoitettuja tuotteita" "suoraan kulutukseen tarkoitettuja tuotteita" "maatalouden tuotantopanoksiksi tarkoitettuja tuotteita" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "lihotukseen tarkoitettuja eläviä eläimiä" "C-sokeri: ei tukea"
in Swedish , one of the following entries:"produkter avsedda för bearbetning eller förpackning" "produkter avsedda för direkt konsumtion" "produkter avsedda att användas som insatsvaror i jordbruket" For the purposes of using aid certificates, pure-bred animals, animals of commercial breeds and egg products shall be included in the category of products for use as agricultural inputs. "levande djur avsedda för gödning" "C-socker: inget stöd"
in Spanish : "Certificado destinado a ser utilizado en [nombre de la región ultraperiférica]"in Czech : "osvědčení pro použití v [název nejvzdálenějšího regionu]"in Danish : "licensen skal anvendes i [fjernområdets navn]"in German : "Bescheinigung zu verwenden in [Name der Region in äußerster Randlage]"in Estonian : "[kus (äärepoolseima piirkonna nimi)] kasutamiseks ettenähtud litsents"in Greek : "πιστοποιητικό προς χρήση στην [όνομα της ιδιαίτερα απομακρυσμένης περιφέρειας]"in English : "certificate to be used in [name of the outermost region]"in French : "certificat à utiliser dans [nom de la région ultrapériphérique]"in Italian : "titolo destinato a essere utilizzato in [nome della regione ultraperiferica]"in Latvian : "sertifikāts jāizmanto [attālākā reģiona nosaukums]"in Lithuanian : "sertifikatas, skirtas naudoti [atokiausio regiono pavadinimas]"in Hungarian : "[a legkülső régió neve]-i felhasználásra szóló bizonyítvány"in Maltese : "ċertifikat għall-użu fi [isem ir-reġjun ultraperiferiku]"in Dutch : "in [naam van het ultraperifere gebied] te gebruiken certificaat"in Polish : "świadectwo stosowane w [nazwa danego regionu najbardziej oddalonego]"in Portuguese : "certificado a utilizar em [nome da região ultraperiférica]"in Slovak : "osvedčenie určené na použitie v [názov najvzdialenejšieho regiónu]"in Slovene : "potrdilo za uporabo v [ime najbolj oddaljene regije]"in Finnish : "(syrjäisimmän alueen nimi) käytettävä todistus"in Swedish : "intyg som skall användas i [randområdets namn]"
in Spanish : "Mercancía exportada en virtud del artículo 4, apartado 1, párrafo primero, del Reglamento (CE) no 247/2006"in Czech : "zboží vyvážené podle čl. 4 odst. 1 prvního pododstavce nařízení (ES) č. 247/2006"in Danish : "Vare eksporteret i henhold til artikel 4, stk. 1, første afsnit, i forordning (EF) nr. 247/2006"in German : "Ausgeführte Ware gemäß Artikel 4 Absatz 1 Unterabsatz 1 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 247/2006"in Estonian : "määruse (EÜ) nr 247/2006 artikli 4 lõike 1 esimese lõigu alusel eksporditav kaup"in Greek : "εμπόρευμα εξαγόμενο δυνάμει του άρθρου 4 παράγραφος 1, πρώτο εδάφιο, του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 247/2006"in English : "goods exported in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 4(1) of Regulation (EC) No 247/2006"in French : "marchandise exportée en vertu de l'article 4, paragraphe 1, premier alinéa, du règlement (CE) no 247/2006"in Italian : "merce esportata in virtù dell'articolo 4, paragrafo 1, primo comma, del regolamento (CE) n. 247/2006"in Latvian : "prece, ko eksportē saskaņā ar Regulas (EK) Nr. 247/2006 4. panta 1. punkta pirmās daļas noteikumiem"in Lithuanian : "pagal Reglamento (EB) Nr. 247/2006 4 straipsnio 1 dalies pirmą punktą eksportuojama prekė"in Hungarian : "a 247/2006/EK rendelet 4. cikke (1) bekezdésének első albekezdése szerint exportált termék"in Maltese : "merkanzija esportata skond l-Artikolu 4, paragrafu 1, l-ewwel inċiż, tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 247/2006"in Dutch : "op grond van artikel 4, lid 1, eerste alinea, van Verordening (EG) nr. 247/2006 uitgevoerde goederen"in Polish : "towar wywieziony zgodnie z art. 4 ust. 1 akapit pierwszy rozporządzenia (WE) nr 247/2006"in Portuguese : "mercadoria exportada nos termos do n.o 1, primeiro parágrafo, do artigo 4.o do Regulamento (CE) n.o 247/2006"in Slovak : "tovar vyvezený podľa článku 4 ods. 1 prvý pododsek nariadenia (ES) č. 247/2006"in Slovene : "blago, izvoženo v skladu s prvim pododstavkom člena 4(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 247/2006"in Finnish : "Asetuksen (EY) N: o 247/2006 4 artiklan 1 kohdan ensimmäisen alakohdan nojalla viety tavara"in Swedish : "vara som exporteras i enlighet med artikel 4.1 första stycket i förordning (EG) nr 247/2006"
in Spanish : "Mercancía exportada en virtud del artículo 4, apartado 2, del Reglamento (CE) no 247/2006"in Czech : "zboží vyvážené podle čl. 4 odst. 2 nařízení (ES) č. 247/2006"in Danish : "Vare eksporteret i henhold til artikel 4, stk. 2, i forordning (EF) nr. 247/2006"in German : "Ausgeführte Ware gemäß Artikel 4 Absatz 2 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 247/2006"in Estonian : "määruse (EÜ) nr 247/2006 artikli 4 lõike 2 alusel eksporditav kaup"in Greek : "εμπόρευμα εξαγόμενο δυνάμει του άρθρου 4 παράγραφος 2 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 247/2006"in English : "goods exported according to Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 247/2006"in French : "marchandise exportée en vertu de l'article 4, paragraphe 2, du règlement (CE) no 247/2006"in Italian : "merce esportata in virtù dell'articolo 4, paragrafo 2, del regolamento (CE) n. 247/2006"in Latvian : "prece, ko eksportē saskaņā ar Regulas (EK) Nr. 247/2006 4. panta 2. punkta noteikumiem"in Lithuanian : "pagal Reglamento (EB) Nr. 247/2006 4 straipsnio 2 dalį eksportuojama prekė"in Hungarian : "a 247/2006/EK rendelet 4. cikkének (2) bekezdése szerint exportált termék"in Maltese : "merkanzija esportata skond l-Artikolu 4, paragrafu 2, tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 247/2006"in Dutch : "op grond van artikel 4, lid 2, van Verordening (EG) nr. 247/2006 uitgevoerde goederen"in Polish : "towar wywieziony zgodnie z art. 4 ust. 2 rozporządzenia (WE) nr 247/2006"in Portuguese : "mercadoria exportada nos termos do n.o 2 do artigo 4.o do Regulamento (CE) n.o 247/2006"in Slovak : "tovar vyvezený podľa článku 4 ods. 2 nariadenia (ES) č. 247/2006"in Slovene : "blago, izvoženo v skladu s členom 4(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 247/2006"in Finnish : "Asetuksen (EY) N: o 247/2006 4 artiklan 2 kohdan nojalla viety tavara"in Swedish : "vara som exporteras i enlighet med artikel 4.2 i förordning (EG) nr 247/2006"
in Spanish : "Producto destinado a la industria de fabricación de labores de tabaco"in Czech : "produkt pro zpracovatelský průmysl tabákových výrobků"in Danish : "produkt til tobaksvareindustrien"in German : "Erzeugnis zur Herstellung von Tabakwaren"in Estonian : "tubakatoodete valmistamiseks ettenähtud toode"in Greek : "προϊόν που προορίζεται για τις καπνοβιομηχανίες"in English : "product intended for industries manufacturing tobacco products"in French : "produit destiné aux industries de manufacture de produits de tabac"in Italian : "prodotto destinato alla manifattura di tabacchi"in Latvian : "produkts paredzēts tabakas izstrādājumu ražošanas nozarēm"in Lithuanian : "produktas, skirtas tabako gaminių gamybos pramonei"in Hungarian : "a dohánytermékeket előállító iparnak szánt termékek"in Maltese : "prodott maħsub għall-industriji tal-manifattura tal-prodotti tat-tabakk"in Dutch : "product bestemd voor bedrijven waar tabaksproducten worden vervaardigd"in Polish : "towar przeznaczony dla przemysłu tytoniowego"in Portuguese : "produto destinado às indústrias de manufactura de produtos de tabaco"in Slovak : "výrobok určený pre výrobný priemysel tabakových výrobkov"in Slovene : "proizvodi, namenjeni industriji za proizvodnjo tobačnih izdelkov"in Finnish : "tupakkatuotteiden valmistukseen tarkoitettu tuote"in Swedish : "produkt avsedd för framställning av tobaksprodukter"
CN code | To the Community | To third countries |
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CN code | To third countries |
CN code | Description of goods | Coefficient of equivalence |
Unmanufactured tobacco, not stemmed/stripped | ||
Unmanufactured tobacco, stemmed/stripped | ||
Tobacco refuse | ||
Unfinished cigars without wrapping | ||
Cigarette rag (finished mixtures of tobacco for the manufacture of cigarettes, cigars, cheroots and cigarillos) | ||
Homogenised or reconstituted tobacco | ||
Expanded tobacco |
Amount in euro per head | |
Name of product | CN code | January | February | March | April | May | June | ||||||
Origin | Origin | Origin | Origin | Origin | Origin | ||||||||
Name of product | CN code | July | August | September | October | November | December | Annual total | |||||||
Origin | Origin | Origin | Origin | Origin | Origin | Origin | |||||||||
Name of product | CN code | Amount paid | |||||||||||||
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Annual total | |||
Name of product | CN code | Category of certificate | Quantity unused | ||||||||||||
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Annual total | |||
Name of product | CN code | January | February | March | April | ||||||||
Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | ||||||
Name of product | CN code | May | June | July | August | ||||||||
Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | ||||||
Name of product | CN code | September | October | November | December | Annual total | |||||||||
Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Unit amount | Amounts recovered | Amounts recovered | |||||||
Name of product | CN code | Quantities re-exported or redispatched (tonnes) | ||||||||||||
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Annual total | ||
Name of product | CN code | 1st quarter | 2nd quarter | 3rd quarter | 4th quarter | Annual total | ||||||||||
Amounts transferred | Amended total | Amounts transferred | Amended total | Amounts transferred | Amended total | Amounts transferred | Amended total | Amounts transferred | Amended total | |||||||
Name of product | CN code | Provisional total (tonnes) | Quantities used | |||||||||||
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | |||
Name of product | CN code | Provisional total (tonnes) | Quantities used | ||||||||||||||
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | Quantities used | Balance | Utilisation rate | |||
Regulation (EC) No 20/2002 | Regulation (EC) No 43/2003 | Regulation (EC) No 1418/96 | Regulation (EC) No 1195/2002 | This Regulation |
Article 2 | Article 2 | |||
Article 3 | Article 3 | |||
Article 4 | Article 4 | |||
Article 5 | Article 5 | |||
Article 6 | Article 6 | |||
Article 7 | Article 7 | |||
Article 8 | Article 8 | |||
Article 9 | Article 9 | |||
Article 10 | Article 10 | |||
Article 11 | Article 11 | |||
Article 12 | Article 12 | |||
Article 13 | Article 13 | |||
Article 14 | Article 14 | |||
Article 15 | Article 15 | |||
Article 16 | Article 16 | |||
Article 17 | Article 18 | |||
Article 25 | Article 19 | |||
Article 26 | Article 20 | |||
Article 27 | Article 21 | |||
Article 54 | Article 25 | |||
Article 55 | Article 26 | |||
Article 56 | Article 27 | |||
Article 57 | Article 28 | |||
Article 58 | Article 30 | |||
Article 59 | Article 31 | |||
Article 60 | Article 32 | |||
Article 61 | Article 33 | |||
Article 62 | Article 36 | |||
Article 65 | Article 37 | |||
Article 1 | Article 38 | |||
Article 2 | Article 39 | |||
Article 3 | Article 40 | |||
Article 4 | Article 41 | |||
Article 5 | Article 42 | |||
Article 6 | Article 43 | |||
Article 2 | Article 45 | |||
Article 3 | Article 46 | |||
Article 22 | Article 47 | |||
Article 23 | Article 48 | |||
Article 67 | Article 51 | |||
Article 24 | Article 52 |