Commission Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 of 8 February 2006 opening and providing for the administration of the tariff quota for bananas falling under CN code 08030019 originating in ACP countries for the period 1 March to 31 December 2006
Modified by
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 566/2006of 6 April 2006amending and derogating from Regulation (EC) No 2014/2005 on licences under the arrangements for importing bananas into the Community in respect of bananas released into free circulation at the common customs tariff rate of duty and amending Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 opening and providing for the administration of the tariff quota for bananas falling under CN code 08030019 originating in ACP countries for the period 1 March to 31 December 2006, 306R0566, April 7, 2006
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 966/2006of 29 June 2006amending Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 opening and providing for the administration of the tariff quota for bananas falling under CN code 08030019 originating in ACP countries for the period 1 March to 31 December 2006, 306R0966, June 30, 2006
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1261/2006of 23 August 2006amending Regulation (EC) No 219/2006 opening and providing for the administration of the tariff quota for bananas falling under CN code 08030019 originating in ACP countries for the period 1 March to 31 December 2006, 306R1261, August 24, 2006
(a) 146850 tonnes is to be administered in accordance with Chapter II and have the serial number 09.4164. (b) 468150 tonnes is to be administered in accordance with Chapter III and have the serial numbers: 09.1638, 09.1639, 09.1640, 09.1642 and 09.1644.
(a) from April 2006 to January 2007 inclusive, not later than the 15th day of each month, the quantities of bananas released into free circulation during the previous month, on the basis of the licences issued in accordance with Article 5(3); (b) as soon as possible and not later than 30 June 2006 , the quantities of bananas released into free circulation, on the basis of the licences issued in accordance with Article 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2015/2005;
(a) keep a copy of each import licence and extract therefrom endorsed on acceptance of a declaration of release into free circulation; and (b) forward at the end of each fortnight a second copy of each import licence and extract endorsed to their Member State authorities listed in the Annex.
Serial number | Quota period |
09.1638 | 1 March to 30 April |
09.1639 | 1 May to 30 June |
09.1640 | 1 July to 31 August |
09.1642 | 1 September to 31 October |
09.1644 | 1 November to 31 December |
Belgium Bureau d'intervention et de restitution belge/Belgisch Interventie- en Restitutiebureau Rue de Trèves 82/Trierstraat 82 B-1040 Bruxelles/Brussel Czech Republic Státní zemědělský intervenční fond Ve Smečkách 33 CZ-110 00 Praha 1 Denmark Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri Direktoratet for FødevareErhverv; Eksportstøttekontoret Nyropsgade 30 DK-1780 København V Germany Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung Referat 322 Deichmanns Aue 29 D-53179 Bonn Estonia Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet Toetuste osakond, kaubandustoetuste büroo Narva mnt 3 EE-51009 Tartu Greece OΡEΚEΡE (ex-GEDIDAGEP) Directorate Fruits and Vegetables, Wine and Industrial Products 241, Acharnon Street GR-104 46 Athens ΟΠΕΚΕΠΕ Διεύθυνση Οπωροκηπευτικών, Αμπελοοινικών και Βιομηχανικών Προϊόντων Αχαρνών 241 Τ.Κ. 104 46 Αθήνα Spain Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio Secretaría General de Comercio Exterior Paseo de la Castellana, 162 E-28046 Madrid France Office de développement de l'économie agricole des départements d'outre-mer (ODEADOM) 46-48, rue de Lagny F-93104 Montreuil Cedex Ireland Department of Agriculture & Food Crops Policy & State Bodies Division Agriculture House (3W) Kildare Street Dublin 2 Ireland Italy Ministero delle Attività produttive Direzione generale per la Politica commerciale — Div. II Viale Boston, 25 I-00144 Roma Cyprus Υπουργείο Εμπορίου, Βιομηχανίας και Τουρισμού Μονάδα Αδειών Εισαγωγών — Εξαγωγών CY 1421 Κύπρος Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Import & Export Licensing Unit CY 1421 Cyprus Latvia Zemkopības ministrijas Lauku atbalsta dienests Tirdzniecības mehānismu departaments Licenču daļa Republikas laukums 2 Rīga, LV-1981 Lithuania Nacionalinė mokėjimo agentūra Užsienio prekybos departamentas Blindžių g. 17 LT-08111 Vilnius Luxembourg Luxembourg Direction des Douanes et Accises Division "Douane/Valeur" 26, Place de la Gare Boîte postale 1904 L-1616 Luxembourg Hungary Magyar Kereskedelmi Engedélyezési Hivatal Margit krt. 85. H-1024 Budapest Malta Ministeru ghall-Affarijiet Rurali u l-Ambjent Divizjoni tas-Servizzi Agrikoli u Zvilupp Rurali Agenzija tal-Pagamenti Trade Mechanisims Centru Nazzjonali tas Servizzi Agrikoli u Zvilupp Rurali Ghammieri Marsa CMR 02 Malta The Netherlands Productschap Tuinbouw Louis Pasteurlaan 6 Postbus 280 2700 AG Zoetermeer Nederland Austria Agrarmarkt Austria Dresdner Straße 70 A-1200 Wien Poland Agencja Rynku Rolnego Biuro Administrowania Obrotem Towarowym z Zagranicą ul. Nowy Świat 6/12 PL-00-400 Warszawa Polska Portugal Ministério das Finanças Direcção-Geral das Alfândegas e dos Impostos Especiais sobre o Consumo Direcção de Serviços de Licenciamento Rua do Terreiro do Trigo — Edifício da Alfândega P-1149-060 Lisboa Slovenia Agencija RS za kmetijske trge in razvoj podeželja Oddelek za zunanjo trgovino Dunajska cesta 160 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovakia Pôdohospodárska platobná agentúra Dobrovičova 12 SK-815 26 Bratislava Finland Maa- ja Metsätalousministeriö PL 30 FIN-00023 Valtioneuvosto Sweden Jordbruksverket Interventionsenheten S-551 82 Jönköping United Kingdom Rural Payment Agency External Trade Division Lancaster House Hampshire Court Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 7YH United Kingdom