Commission Regulation (EC) No 198/2006 of 3 February 2006 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005 of the European Parliament and the Council on statistics relating to vocational training in enterprises (Text with EEA relevance)
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  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 822/2010of 17 September 2010amending Regulation (EC) No 198/2006 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistics relating to vocational training in enterprises, as regards the data to be collected, the sampling, precision and quality requirements(Text with EEA relevance), 32010R0822, September 18, 2010
Commission Regulation (EC) No 198/2006of 3 February 2006implementing Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005 of the European Parliament and the Council on statistics relating to vocational training in enterprises(Text with EEA relevance) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005 of the European Parliament and the Council of 7 September 2005 on statistics relating to vocational training in enterprisesOJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 1., and in particular Articles 7(3), 8(2), 9(4), 10(2), and 11(3) thereof,Whereas:(1)Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005 establishes a common framework for the production of Community statistics on vocational training in enterprises.(2)In order to implement Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005, measures concerning the sampling and precision requirements and sample size needed to meet these requirement, and the detailed NACE and size categories into which the results can be broken down, should be adopted.(3)The Commission should define the specific data to be collected with respect to the training and non-training enterprises and to the different forms of vocational training.(4)Implementing measures concerning the quality requirements for the data to be collected and transmitted for Community statistics on vocational training in enterprises, the structure of the quality reports and any measures necessary for assessing or improving the quality of the data should be adopted.(5)The first reference year for which the data are to be collected should be established.(6)Provisions should also be adopted concerning the appropriate technical format and interchange standard of the electronically transmitted data.(7)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Statistical Programme Committee,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1This Regulation lays down measures to implement Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005 on statistics relating to vocational training in enterprises.
Article 2The first reference year for which the data are to be collected shall be the calendar year 2005.
Article 3The specific variables to be transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) shall be as specified in Annex I.
Article 4Sampling and precision requirements, the sample sizes needed to meet these requirements, and the detailed specifications of the NACE and size categories into which the results can be broken down shall be as specified in Annex II.
Article 5Member States shall be responsible for data checking, error correction, imputation and weighting.Imputation and weighting of variables shall follow the principles laid down in Annex III. Derogation from these principles shall be fully justified and reported in the quality report.
Article 6Data shall be transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) by the means and in the format specified in Annex IV.
Article 7Each Member State shall perform a quality evaluation of its data, to be presented in the form of a quality report. The quality report shall be prepared and presented to the Commission (Eurostat) in accordance with the format specified in Annex V.
Article 8With a view to achieving a high level of harmonisation of the survey results across countries, the Commission (Eurostat) in close cooperation with Member States, shall propose methodological and practical recommendations and guidelines for the implementation of the survey in the form of a "European Union Manual".
Article 9This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX IVARIABLESNote to the table:The values "core" and "key" in the column "variable group" are explained in Annex III. The value "ID" means that the variable is an "identification variable" (no missing allowed). In the column "variable type" the value "QL" refers to "Qualitative variable" of type Yes/No, "QM" to "Qualitative variable" with multiple categories as described in the table and "QT" refers to "Quantitative variable". CVT stands for Continuing Vocational Training. NACE refers to economic activity according to NACE Rev 2.1.Variables to be collected from all enterprises: sample characteristics
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
COUNTRYIDCountry code
REGIONIDRegion identification NUTS — level 1
REFYEARIDReference year
RESPWEIGHTIDWeighting factor Two decimal positions — use "." as decimal separator
RESPEXTRA1IDExtra variable 1 (see Annex III)
RESPEXTRA2IDExtra variable 2 (see Annex III)
RESPEXTRA3IDExtra variable 3 (see Annex III)
SP_NACEIDSampling plan economic activity category
SP_SIZEIDSampling plan size group
SP_NSTRAIDSampling plan – Number of enterprises in the stratum defined by NACE_SP and SIZE_SP, i.e. the population
SP_NIDSampling plan — Number of sampled enterprises from the sample-frame in the stratum defined by NACE_SP and SIZE_SP
SP_SUBIDSub-sample indicator, shows if enterprise belongs to sub-sample
N_RESPSTIDNumber of responding enterprises in the stratum defined by NACE_SP and SIZE_SP
N_EMPREGIDNumber of persons employed according to the register
INTRESPIDResponse indicator (sampling unit type)
INTMETHODIDData collection mode
INTLANGIDLanguage of data collection
2.Variables to be collected from all enterprises: background data
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
A2totCoreQTTotal number of persons employed on 31 December of the reference year
A2mQTTotal number of males employed on 31 December of the reference year
A2fQTTotal number of females employed on 31 December of the reference year
A3KeyQTTotal number of persons employed on 31 December of the previous year
A4KeyQTTotal number of hours worked in the reference year by persons employed
A5KeyQTTotal labour costs (direct + indirect) of all persons employed in the reference year
A6QLIntroduction of any new or significantly new improved products or services or methods of producing or delivering products and services during the reference year.
3.Variables to be collected from all enterprises: CVT strategies
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
A7QLOwn or shared training centre
A8QLPerson or unit within the enterprise with responsibility for the organisation of CVT
A9QLAssessment of future skill needs of the enterprise
A10QMReaction to future needs through
Continuing vocational training of current staff
Recruitment of new staff with the suitable qualifications, skills and competences
Recruitment of new staff combined with specific training
Internal reorganisation to better use existing skills and competences
A11aQMReviews of future skill and training needs of individual employees
Yes, mainly by way of structured interviews
Yes, but mainly by way of other methods
A11bQMThe reviews of future skill and training needs of individual employees focus on:
Occupations or groups of occupations
Skills and competences
Working tasks and activities
Formal qualifications
A12QMSkills and competences important in the next few years
General IT skills
IT professional skills
Management skills
Team working skills, customer handling skills, social skills
Problem solving skills
Office administration skills
Foreign language skills
Technical, practical or job-specific skills
Oral or written communication skills
Numeracy and/or literacy skills
None of these
Do not know
A13QLPlanning of CVT in the enterprise lead to a written training plan or programme
A14QLAnnual training budget, which includes provision for CVT
A15QLNational, sector or other agreements between the social partners, which cover the provision of CVT
A16aQLStaff representatives/committees involved in the management process of continuing vocational training
A16bQMAspects covered by staff representatives/committees
Objective setting of training
Establishing criteria for the selection of participants or specific target groups
Form/type of training (e.g. internal/external courses; other forms such as guided on-the-job training)
Content of training
Budget for training
Selection of external training providers
Evaluation/assessment of training outcomes
A17QMSources of information about CVT
Public information centres/services and authorities
Private training providers
Personnel/staff representatives
Do not use any such source of information
4.Variables to be collected from all enterprises: CVT characteristics
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
B1aCoreQLProvision of internal CVT courses in the reference year
B1bCoreQLProvision of external CVT courses in the reference year
B2aCoreQLProvision of guided on-the-job training in the reference year
QTNumber of participants in guided on-the-job training
B2bCoreQLProvision of job rotation in the reference year
QTNumber of participants: job-rotation, exchanges, secondments or study visits
B2cCoreQLAttendance at conferences/workshops in the reference year
QTNumber of participants in conferences/workshops
B2dCoreQLParticipation in learning and quality circles in the reference year
QTNumber of participants in learning or quality circles
B2eCoreQLPlanned training by self-directed learning/e-learning in the reference year
QTNumber of participants in self-directed learning/e-learning
B3QLProvision of CVT courses in the year before the reference year
B4QLProvision of other forms of CVT in the year before the reference year
B5aQLExistence of CVT contributions in the reference year
QTAmount of contributions CVT (in euros)
B5bQLExistence of CVT receipts in the reference year
QTAmount of receipts CVT (in euros)
B6QMMeasures the enterprise benefits from
Tax incentives (tax allowances, tax exemptions, tax credits, tax relief, tax deferrals)
Receipts from training funds (national, regional, sector)
EU subsidies (e.g. European Social Fund)
Government subsidies
Other sources
None of these
The following sections 5 and 6 shall be addressed to enterprises providing CVT courses in the reference year [(B1a or B1b) = YES].Section 7 shall be addressed to all training enterprises in the reference year, i.e.:enterprises providing CVT courses in 2010 [(B1a or B1b) = YES], orenterprises providing other forms of CVT [(B2a or B2b or B2c or B2d or B2e) = YES].Section 8 shall be addressed to non-training enterprises.5.Variables to be collected from enterprises which provided CVT courses: CVT participants, subjects and providers
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
C1totKeyQTTotal number of CVT course participants
C2mQTNumber of CVT course participants — males
C2fQTNumber of CVT course participants — females
C3totKeyQTPaid working time (in hours) spent on all CVT courses
C3iQTPaid working time (in hours) for internal CVT courses
C3eQTPaid working time (in hours) for external CVT courses
C4QTShare of training hours spent on obligatory courses for health and safety at work
C5QLSubjects covered
General IT skills
IT professional skills
Management skills
Team working skills, customer handling skills, social skills
Problem solving skills
Office administration skills
Foreign language skills
Technical, practical or job-specific skills
Oral or written communication skills
Numeracy and/or literacy skills
None of these
C5MainQLMain subject (with respect to volume of training hours)
C6QLProviders (external courses)
Schools, colleges, universities and other higher education institutions
Public training institutions (financed or guided by the government; e.g. adult education centre)
Private training companies
Private companies whose main activity is not training
Employer’s associations, chambers of commerce, sector bodies
Trade unions
Other training providers
C6MainQLMain provider (with respect to volume of training hours)
6.Variables to be collected from enterprises which provided CVT courses: CVT costs
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
C7aQLExistence of fees
QTCVT course costs — fees and payments for courses for employees (in euros)
C7bQLExistence of travel costs
QTCVT course costs — travel and subsistence payments (in euros)
C7cQLExistence of labour costs of internal trainers
QTCVT course costs — labour costs of internal trainers (in euros)
C7dQLExistence of costs of training centre and teaching materials etc.
QTCVT course costs — training centre, or rooms and teaching materials for CVT courses (in euros)
C7subQLExistence of "Sub-total only" (no sub-categories)
KeyQTCVT costs sub-total (in euros)
PACKeyQTPersonal absence cost — to be calculated (PAC=C3tot*A5/A4 in euros)
C7totKeyQTTotal cost CVT — to be calculated (C7sub + B5a – B5b (in euros)
7.Variables to be collected from enterprises which provided CVT courses or other forms of CVT: CVT quality, outcomes and difficulties
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
D1QMAspects considered to ensure the quality of CVT
Certification of external providers (e.g. use of national registers)
Continuous training of internal trainers
Continuing vocational training and certification is based on national/sector recognised standards or frameworks
No particular aspect considered
D2aQMAssessment of the outcomes of CVT activities
Yes, for all activities
Yes, for some activities
No, proof of participation is sufficient
D2bQMMethods of assessment
Certification after written or practical test
Satisfaction survey amongst participants
Assessment of participants’ behaviour or performance in relation to training objectives
Assessment/measurement of the impact of training on performance of relevant departments or the whole enterprise
D3QMFactors limiting CVT provision in the reference year
No limiting factor: level of training provided was appropriate to the enterprises needs
Recruitment of individuals with the required qualifications, skills and competencies
Difficulties in assessing training needs in the enterprise
Lack of suitable offerings of CVT courses in the market
High costs of CVT courses
Higher focus on IVT provision than on CVT
Major efforts in CVT realised in recent years
Limited time available for staff to participate in CVT
Other reasons
8.Variables to be collected from non-training enterprises: reasons for the non-provision of CVT activities
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
E1QMReasons for not providing CVT in the reference year
The existing qualifications, skills and competences were appropriate to the current needs of the enterprise
Recruitment of individuals with the required qualifications, skills and competencies was preferred
Difficulties in assessing training needs in the enterprise
Lack of suitable offerings of CVT courses in the market
High costs of CVT courses
Higher focus on IVT provision than on CVT
Major efforts in CVT realised in recent years
No time available for staff to participate in CVT
Other reasons
9.Variables to be collected from all enterprises: IVT
Variable nameVariable groupVariable typeVariable description
F1totCoreQTTotal number of IVT participants in the enterprise during the reference year
F2QMReasons for providing IVT (if F1Tot > 0)
To qualify future employees according to the needs of the enterprise
To choose the best apprentices for future employment after completion of initial vocational training
To avoid possible mismatch with enterprise needs in case of external recruitment
To make use of the productive capacities of IVT participants already during their initial vocational training
Other (e.g. to make the enterprise more attractive to potential staff)
Optional variablesMember States can transmit complementary variables to the Commission (Eurostat) on an optional basis in a harmonised format as described in the "European Union Manual" referred to in Article 8.
ANNEX IISAMPLE1.Business registers referred to in Regulation (EC) No 177/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 establishing a common framework for business registers for statistical purposesOJ L 61, 5.3.2008, p. 6. shall be taken as the main source of the sampling frame. A nationally representative stratified probability sample of enterprises shall be taken from this frame.2.The sample shall be stratified by NACE Rev.2 and size category according to the following minimum specification:20 NACE Rev.2 categories [B, C10-C12, C13-C15, C17-C18, C19-C23, C24-C25, C26-C28 and C33, C29-C30, C16+C31-32, D-E, F, G(45), G(46), G(47), I, H, J, K(64,65), K(66), L+M+N+R+S],Member States can cover other sectors and use additional categories for the stratification (e.g. O, P, and Q) on an optional basis,3 enterprise size categories, according to their number of persons employed: (10-49) (50-249) (250 and more) for countries with fewer than 50 million inhabitants,6 enterprise size categories, according to their number of persons employed: (10-19) (20-49) (50-249) (250-499) (500-999) (1000 and more) for Member States with 50 million inhabitants and more.3.A sample size shall be calculated to assure a maximum half-length of the 95 % confidence interval of 0,2 for the estimated parameters, which are a proportion of "training enterprises" (after allowance for the non-response rate in the sample) for each of the 60 stratified elements identified above (120 stratified elements for Member States with 50 million inhabitants and more).4.The following formula may be used in determining the sample size:nh = 1/[c2 × teh + 1/Nh] / rhWhere:rhthe anticipated response rate in the stratum cell, hcmaximum length of half the confidence intervaltehthe anticipated proportion of training enterprises in the stratum cell, hNhthe total number of enterprises (training and non-training) in the stratum cell, hANNEX IIIImputation principles and record weightingCountries shall take all appropriate measures to reduce item and unit non-response. Prior to imputation countries shall make all reasonable efforts to use other data sources.Core variables, for which no missing value shall be accepted, nor imputation permitted are:A1, A2tot, B1a, B1b, B2a(QL), B2b(QL) B2c(QL), B2d(QL) B2e(QL), F1tot.Key variables, for which every effort should be made to avoid missing values and for which imputation is recommended are:A3, A4, A5, C1tot, C3tot, C7sub, C7tot, PAC.Imputation for item non-response shall be recommended within the following general limits:1.When a record contains less than 50 % of variables presented then this record shall normally be considered as a unit non-response.2.For a single NACE Rev.2/size cell imputations shall not be allowed if more than 50 % of the responding enterprises have missing data for more than 25 % of the quantitative variables.3.For a single NACE Rev.2/size cell, no imputation shall be performed on a quantitative variable if the proportion of responding enterprises for that particular variable is less than 50 %.4.For a single NACE Rev.2/size cell, no imputation shall be performed on a qualitative variable if the proportion of responding enterprises for that particular variable is less than 80 %.Quantitative and qualitative variables are identified in Annex I.Member States shall calculate and transmit a weight to be applied to each data record together with any auxiliary variables, which may have been used in the calculation of this weight. These auxiliary variables should be recorded as the variables RESPEXTRA1, RESPEXTRA2, RESPEXTRA3 as necessary. The methodology adopted for establishing the weights shall be detailed in the quality report.ANNEX IVData file format and transmission rulesData shall be transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) in electronic form by means of a secure data transmission software application (STADIUM/EDAMIS) to be made available by the Commission (Eurostat).Countries shall transmit two checked data sets to ESTAT:(a)the data set prior to imputation with preliminary checks;(b)the fully checked data set after imputation.Both data sets shall contain the variables identified in Annex 1.Both files shall be presented in comma separated variable (.csv) format. The first record in each file shall be a header record containing the "variable names" as defined in Annex 1. Subsequent records shall detail the values of these variables for each responding enterprise.ANNEX VQUALITY REPORT FORMATMember States shall submit quality reports to be written according to a standard quality-reporting format provided by the Commission (Eurostat). A copy of the national questionnaire shall accompany the quality report.1.RELEVANCEImplementation of the survey and the degree to which statistics meet current and potential users’ needs. This covers a description of users and their individual needs as well as an evaluation of to what degree these needs have been satisfied.2.ACCURACY2.1.Sampling errorsThis covers:Description of the sample design and the realised sample.Description of the calculation of the final weights including non-response model and auxiliary variables used, estimator used, e.g. Horvitz-Thompson estimator, variance of the estimates according to the sample strata, variance estimation software, in particular, a description of the auxiliary variables or information used should be reported in order to recalculate the final weights within Eurostat since it is needed for variance estimation.In case of non-response analysis, a description of the biases in the sample and results.Tables to be provided (broken down by NACE Rev.2 and size classes according to the national sampling plan):Number of enterprises in the sampling frame.Number of enterprises in the sample.Tables to be provided (broken down by NACE Rev.2 and size classes according to the national sampling plan, however allocation according to the observed enterprise characteristics):Coefficients of variationThe coefficient of variation is the ratio of the square root of the variance of the estimator to the expected value. It is estimated by the ratio of the square root of the estimate of the sampling variance to the estimated value. The estimation of the sampling variance must take into account the sampling design and changes of strata. for the following key statistics.Total number of persons employed, total number of enterprises that provided CVT, ratio of the total number of enterprises that provided CVT to the total number of enterprises.Total number of enterprises that provided CVT courses, ratio of the total number of enterprises that provided CVT courses to the total number of enterprises.Total number of persons employed in enterprises that provided CVT, total number of participants in CVT courses, ratio of the total number of participants in CVT courses to the total number of persons employed, ratio of the total number of participants in CVT courses to the total number of persons employed in enterprises that provided CVT.Total costs of CVT courses.Total number of enterprises providing IVT, total number of participants in IVT, ratio of the total number of enterprises providing IVT to the total number of enterprises.2.2.Non-sampling errors2.2.1.Coverage errorsThis covers:Description of the register used for sampling and its overall quality, information included in the register, and its updating frequency.Errors due to the discrepancies between the sampling frame and the target population and sub-populations (over-coverage, under-coverage, misclassifications).Methods used to obtain this information and notes on the processing of misclassifications.Tables to be provided (broken down by NACE Rev.2 and size classes according to the national sampling plan, however allocation according to the observed enterprise characteristics):Number of enterprises.Ratio of the number of enterprises for which the observed strata equals the sampling strata.2.2.2.Measurement errorsWhere appropriate an assessment of errors that occurred at the stage of data collection due for example to:The questionnaire design (results of pre-tests or laboratory methods; questioning strategies).Reporting unit/respondent considering the data collection mode used (e.g. problems and strategies to find the appropriate respondent(s) in the enterprise, memory problems, errors when filling the forms, assistance to the respondent). This includes a description and assessment of measures taken to assure the high quality of the information related to "participants" and to assure that "participant events" were not collected.Existence/use of relevant information systems and administrative records in the enterprise, e.g. correspondence between the administrative and survey concept (reference period, availability of individual data).Methods used to reduce this kind of errors, problems with the questionnaire as a whole or with single questions.2.2.3.Processing errorsThis covers a description of the data editing process such as processing system and tools used, errors due to coding, editing, weighting or tabulation, quality checks at macro/micro level and corrections/failed edits.2.2.4.Non-response errorsThis covers an assessment of unit non-response and item non-response and a description of the measures undertaken regarding "re-contacts" as well as:Full report on imputation procedures including methods used for imputation and/or re-weighting.Methodological notes and results of non-response analysis or other methods to assess the effects of non-response.Tables to be provided (broken down by NACE Rev.2 and size classes according to the national sampling plan, however allocation according to the observed enterprise characteristics):Unit response ratesThe unit response rate is the ratio of the number of in scope respondents to the number of questionnaires sent to the population selected..Item response ratesThe item response rate for a variable is the ratio of the number of available data to the number of available and missing data (equal to the number of in scope respondents). for the following with respect to all respondents: total number of hours work as a function of all respondents and total labour cost as a function of all respondents.Item response rates for the following with respect to enterprises offering CVT courses:Total number of participants in courses, males, females as a function of enterprises offering CVT courses.Total number of hours on CVT courses as a function of enterprises offering CVT courses, number of hours on CVT courses managed internally and externally as a function of enterprises offering CVT courses.Total costs of CVT courses as a function of enterprises offering CVT courses.Item response rates for the following with respect to enterprises offering IVT: Total number of participants in IVT as a function of enterprises offering IVT.3.TIMELINESS AND PUNCTUALITYThis covers a table of dates when each of the following phases of the project started and ended such as fieldwork (considering the different data collection modes), reminders and follow-up, data checking and editing, further validation and imputation, non-response survey (as appropriate) and estimations as well as data transmission to Eurostat and dissemination of national results.4.ACCESSIBILITY AND CLARITYThis covers the type of results sent to enterprises, a dissemination scheme of results and a copy of any methodological documents relating to the statistics provided.5.COMPARABILITYThis covers the deviations from the standard European questionnaire and definitions provided in the manual referred to in Article 8 and a description of links done with other statistical sources (use of certain data available in registers, survey linked to another national survey).6.COHERENCEThis covers a comparison of statistics for the same phenomenon or item from other surveys or sources and an assessment of coherence with structural business statistics for the number of persons employed as a function of NACE Rev.2 and Size Group.Tables to provide (broken down by NACE Rev.2 and size classes according to the national sampling plan, however allocation according to the observed enterprise characteristics):Number of persons employed from structural business statistics and number of persons employed from CVTS.Percentage of differences (SBS — CVTS)/SBS.7.COST AND BURDENThis covers an analysis of the burden and benefit at national level through, for example, a consideration of average time for answering to each questionnaire, problematic questions and variables, variables most/least useful in describing CVT at national level, estimated or actual satisfaction level of data users at national level, difference of burden between for small and large enterprises and efforts made to reduce burden.