"148 | FenarimolCAS No 60168-88-9 (unstated stereochemistry)CIPAC No 380 | (±)-2,4′-dichloro-α-(pyrimidin-5-yl) benzhydryl alcohol | 980 g/kg | 1 January 2007 | 30 June 2008 | PART AOnly uses as fungicide on the following crops may be authorised:- Tomatoes,
- peppers in greenhouses,
- aubergines,
- cucumbers in greenhouses,
- melons,
- ornamentals, nursery trees and perennial plants,
at rates not exceeding- 0,058 kg active substance per hectare per application for tomatoes in field and 0,072 kg active substance per hectare per application for tomatoes in greenhouses,
- 0,072 kg active substance per hectare per application for peppers,
- 0,038 kg active substance per hectare per application for aubergines,
- 0,048 kg active substance per hectare per application for cucumbers,
- 0,024 kg active substance per hectare per application for melons in field and 0,048 kg active substance per hectare per application for melons in greenhouse,
- 0,054 kg active substance per hectare per application for ornamentals, nursery trees and perennial plants in field and 0,042 kg active substance per hectare per application for ornamentals in greenhouses.
The following uses must not be authorised:- air application,
- knapsack and hand-held applications by amateur users,
- home gardening.
Member States shall ensure that all appropriate risk mitigation measures are applied. Particular attention must be paid to the protection of:- aquatic organisms. Where relevant, an appropriate distance must be kept between treated areas and surface water bodies. This distance may depend on the application or not of drift reducing techniques or devices,
- earthworms. Conditions of authorisation shall include risk mitigation measures, such as the selection of the most appropriate combination of numbers and timing of applications, rates of application, and, if necessary, the degree of concentration of the active substance,
- birds and mammals. Conditions of authorisation shall include risk mitigation measures, such as a judicious timing of the application and the selection of those formulations which, as a result of their physical presentation or the presence of agents that ensure an adequate avoidance, minimise the exposure of the concerned species,
- operators, who must wear suitable protective clothing, in particular gloves, coveralls, rubber boots and face protection or safety glasses during mixing, loading, application and cleaning of the equipment, unless the exposure to the substance is adequately precluded by the design and construction of the equipment itself or by the mounting of specific protective components on such equipment,
- workers, who must wear suitable protective clothing, in particular gloves, if they must enter a treated area before the specific re-entry period has expired.
PART BFor the implementation of the uniform principles of Annex VI, the conclusions of the review report on fenarimol, and in particular Appendices I and II thereof, shall be taken into account.Member States must ensure that the authorisation holders report at the latest on 31 December of each year on incidences of operator health problems. Member States may require that elements, such as sales data and a survey of use patterns, are provided so that a realistic picture of the use conditions and the possible toxicological impact of fenarimol can be obtained.Member States shall request the submission of further studies to address the potential endocrine disrupting properties of fenarimol within two years after the adoption of the Test Guidelines on endocrine disruption by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). They shall ensure that the notifier at whose request fenarimol has been included in this Annex provide such studies to the Commission within two years of the adoption of the above test guidelines." |