Commission Directive 2006/60/CE of 7 July 2006 amending Annexes to Council Directive 90/642/EEC as regards the maximum residue levels of trifloxystrobin, thiabendazole, abamectin, benomyl, carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl, myclobutanyl, glyphosate, trimethylsulfonium, fenpropimorph and chlormequat (Text with EEA relevance)
Corrected by
Corrigendum to Commission Directive 2006/60/CE of 7 July 2006 amending Annexes to Council Directive 90/642/EEC as regards the maximum residue levels of trifloxystrobin, thiabendazole, abamectin, benomyl, carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl, myclobutanyl, glyphosate, trimethysulfonium, fenpropimorph and clormequat(Official Journal of the European Union L 206 of 27 July 2006)In the contents and in the title on page 1:for:"Commission Directive 2006/60/CE …",read:"Commission Directive 2006/60/EC …".