(a) providing the necessary indicative targets as well as mechanisms, incentives and institutional, financial and legal frameworks to remove existing market barriers and imperfections that impede the efficient end use of energy; (b) creating the conditions for the development and promotion of a market for energy services and for the delivery of other energy efficiency improvement measures to final consumers.
Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2006 on energy end-use efficiency and energy services and repealing Council Directive 93/76/EEC (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
- Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 22 October 2008adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC, with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutinyAdaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Part One, 308R1137, November 21, 2008
(a) providers of energy efficiency improvement measures, energy distributors, distribution system operators and retail energy sales companies. However, Member States may exclude small distributors, small distribution system operators and small retail energy sales companies from the application of Articles 6 and 13; (b) final customers. However, this Directive shall not apply to those undertakings involved in categories of activities listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community ;OJ L 275, 25.10.2003, p. 32 . Directive as amended by Directive 2004/101/EC (OJ L 338, 13.11.2004, p. 18 ).(c) the armed forces, only to the extent that its application does not cause any conflict with the nature and primary aim of the activities of the armed forces and with the exception of material used exclusively for military purposes.
(a) "energy": all forms of commercially available energy, including electricity, natural gas (including liquefied natural gas), liquefied petroleum gas, any fuel for heating and cooling (including district heating and cooling), coal and lignite, peat, transport fuels (excluding aviation and maritime bunker fuels) and biomass as defined in Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market ;OJ L 283, 27.10.2001, p. 33 . Directive as amended by the 2003 Act of Accession.(b) "energy efficiency": a ratio between an output of performance, service, goods or energy, and an input of energy; (c) "energy efficiency improvement": an increase in energy end-use efficiency as a result of technological, behavioural and/or economic changes; (d) "energy savings": an amount of saved energy determined by measuring and/or estimating consumption before and after implementation of one or more energy efficiency improvement measures, whilst ensuring normalisation for external conditions that affect energy consumption; (e) "energy service": the physical benefit, utility or good derived from a combination of energy with energy efficient technology and/or with action, which may include the operations, maintenance and control necessary to deliver the service, which is delivered on the basis of a contract and in normal circumstances has proven to lead to verifiable and measurable or estimable energy efficiency improvement and/or primary energy savings; (f) "energy efficiency mechanisms": general instruments used by governments or government bodies to create a supportive framework or incentives for market actors to provide and purchase energy services and other energy efficiency improvement measures; (g) "energy efficiency improvement programmes": activities that focus on groups of final customers and that normally lead to verifiable and measurable or estimable energy efficiency improvement; (h) "energy efficiency improvement measures": all actions that normally lead to verifiable and measurable or estimable energy efficiency improvement; (i) "energy service company" (ESCO): a natural or legal person that delivers energy services and/or other energy efficiency improvement measures in a user's facility or premises, and accepts some degree of financial risk in so doing. The payment for the services delivered is based (either wholly or in part) on the achievement of energy efficiency improvements and on the meeting of the other agreed performance criteria; (j) "energy performance contracting": a contractual arrangement between the beneficiary and the provider (normally an ESCO) of an energy efficiency improvement measure, where investments in that measure are paid for in relation to a contractually agreed level of energy efficiency improvement; (k) "third-party financing": a contractual arrangement involving a third party — in addition to the energy supplier and the beneficiary of the energy efficiency improvement measure — that provides the capital for that measure and charges the beneficiary a fee equivalent to a part of the energy savings achieved as a result of the energy efficiency improvement measure. That third party may or may not be an ESCO; (l) "energy audit": a systematic procedure to obtain adequate knowledge of the existing energy consumption profile of a building or group of buildings, of an industrial operation and/or installation or of a private or public service, identify and quantify cost‐effective energy savings opportunities, and report the findings; (m) "financial instruments for energy savings": all financial instruments such as funds, subsidies, tax rebates, loans, third-party financing, energy performance contracting, guarantee of energy savings contracts, energy outsourcing and other related contracts that are made available to the market place by public or private bodies in order to cover partly or totally the initial project cost for implementing energy efficiency improvement measures; (n) "final customer": a natural or legal person that purchases energy for his own end use; (o) "energy distributor": a natural or legal person responsible for transporting energy with a view to its delivery to final customers and to distribution stations that sell energy to final customers. This definition excludes electricity and natural gas distribution system operators, covered in point (p); (p) "distribution system operator": a natural or legal person responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the distribution system of electricity or natural gas in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the distribution of electricity or natural gas; (q) "retail energy sales company": a natural or legal person that sells energy to final customers; (r) "small distributor, small distribution system operator and small retail energy sales company": a natural or legal person that distributes or sells energy to final customers, and that distributes or sells less than the equivalent of 75 GWh energy per year or employs fewer than 10 persons or whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 2000000 ;(s) "white certificates": certificates issued by independent certifying bodies confirming the energy savings claims of market actors as a consequence of energy efficiency improvement measures.
at least two measures shall be used from the list set out in Annex VI; Member States shall facilitate this process by publishing guidelines on energy efficiency and energy savings as a possible assessment criterion in competitive tendering for public contracts.
(a) provide on request, but not more than once a year, aggregated statistical information on their final customers to the authorities or agencies referred to in Article 4(4) or to another designated body, provided that the latter in turn transmits to the former the information received. This information must be sufficient to properly design and implement energy efficiency improvement programmes, and to promote and monitor energy services and other energy efficiency improvement measures. It may include historical information and must include current information on end-user consumption, including, where applicable, load profiles, customer segmentation and geographical location of customers, while preserving the integrity and confidentiality of information that is either of private character or commercially sensitive, in compliance with applicable Community legislation; (b) refrain from any activities that might impede the demand for and delivery of energy services and other energy efficiency improvement measures, or hinder the development of markets for energy services and other energy efficiency improvement measures. The Member State concerned shall take the necessary measures to bring such activities to an end where they occur.
(a) choose one or more of the following requirements to be complied with by energy distributors, distribution system operators and/or retail energy sales companies, directly and/or indirectly through other providers of energy services or energy efficiency improvement measures: (i) ensure the offer to their final customers, and the promotion, of competitively priced energy services; or (ii) ensure the availability to their final customers, and the promotion, of competitively-priced energy audits conducted in an independent manner and/or energy efficiency improvement measures, in accordance with Article 9(2) and Article 12; or (iii) contribute to the funds and funding mechanisms referred to in Article 11. The level of such contributions shall as a minimum correspond to the estimated costs of offering any of the activities referred to in this paragraph and shall be agreed with the authorities or agencies referred to in Article 4(4); and/or
(b) ensure that voluntary agreements and/or other market-oriented schemes, such as white certificates, with an effect equivalent to one or more of the requirements referred to in point (a) exist or are set up. Voluntary agreements shall be assessed, supervised and followed up by the Member State in order to ensure that they have in practice an effect equivalent to one or more of the requirements referred to in point (a). To that end, the voluntary agreements shall have clear and unambiguous objectives, and monitoring and reporting requirements linked to procedures that can lead to revised and/or additional measures when the objectives are not achieved or are not likely to be achieved. With a view to ensuring transparency, the voluntary agreements shall be made available to the public and published prior to application to the extent that applicable confidentiality provisions allow, and contain an invitation for stakeholders to comment.
(a) current actual prices and actual consumption of energy; (b) comparisons of the final customer's current energy consumption with consumption for the same period in the previous year, preferably in graphic form; (c) wherever possible and useful, comparisons with an average normalised or benchmarked user of energy in the same user category; (d) contact information for consumers’ organisations, energy agencies or similar bodies, including website addresses, from which information may be obtained on available energy efficiency improvement measures, comparative end-user profiles and/or objective technical specifications for energy-using equipment.
a first EEAP not later than 30 June 2007 ;a second EEAP not later than 30 June 2011 ;a third EEAP not later than 30 June 2014 .
include a thorough analysis and evaluation of the preceding EEAP; include the final results with regard to the fulfilment of the energy savings targets set out in Article 4(1) and (2); include plans for — and information on the anticipated effects of — additional measures which address any existing or expected shortfall vis-à-vis the target; in accordance with Article 15(4), use and gradually increase the use of harmonised efficiency indicators and benchmarks, both for the evaluation of past measures and estimated effects of planned future measures; be based on available data, supplemented with estimates.
the first EEAPs shall be reviewed before 1 January 2008 ;the second EEAPs shall be reviewed before 1 January 2012 ;the third EEAPs shall be reviewed before 1 January 2015 .
on the first EEAPs before 1 January 2008 ;on the second EEAPs before 1 January 2012 ;on the third EEAPs before 1 January 2015 .
1. Member States shall use the annual final inland energy consumption of all energy users within the scope of this Directive for the most recent five-year period previous to the implementation of this Directive for which official data are available, to calculate an annual average amount of consumption. This final energy consumption shall be the amount of energy distributed or sold to final customers during the five-year period, not adjusted for degree days, structural changes or production changes. On the basis of this annual average amount of consumption, the national indicative energy savings target shall be calculated once and the resulting absolute amount of energy to be saved applied for the total duration of this Directive. The national indicative energy savings target shall: (a) consist of 9 % of the annual average amount of consumption referred to above; (b) be measured after the ninth year of application of this Directive; (c) be the result of cumulative annual energy savings achieved throughout the nine-year application period of this Directive; (d) be reached by way of energy services and other energy efficiency improvement measures.
This methodology for measuring energy savings ensures that the total energy savings prescribed by this Directive are a fixed amount, and thus independent of future GDP growth and of any future increase in energy consumption. 2. The national indicative energy savings target shall be expressed in absolute terms in GWh, or equivalent, calculated in accordance with Annex II. 3. Energy savings in a particular year following the entry into force of this Directive that result from energy efficiency improvement measures initiated in a previous year not earlier than 1995 and that have a lasting effect may be taken into account in the calculation of the annual energy savings. In certain cases, where circumstances can justify it, measures initiated before 1995 but not earlier than 1991 may be taken into account. Measures of a technological nature should either have been updated to take account of technological progress, or be assessed in relation to the benchmark for such measures. The Commission shall provide guidelines on how the effect of all such energy efficiency improving measures should be measured or estimated, based, wherever possible, on existing Community legislation, such as Directive 2004/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 on the promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market and Directive 2002/91/EC.OJ L 52, 21.2.2004, p. 50 .In all cases, the resulting energy savings must still be verifiable and measurable or estimable, in accordance with the general framework in Annex IV.
Energy commodity | kJ (NCV) | kgoe (NCV) | kWh (NCV) |
1 kg coke | |||
1 kg hard coal | |||
1 kg brown coal briquettes | |||
1 kg black lignite | |||
1 kg brown coal | |||
1 kg oil shale | |||
1 kg peat | |||
1 kg peat briquettes | |||
1 kg residual fuel oil (heavy oil) | |||
1 kg light fuel oil | |||
1 kg motor spirit (petrol) | |||
1 kg paraffin | |||
1 kg liquefied petroleum gas | |||
1 kg natural gas | |||
1 kg liquefied natural gas | |||
1 kg wood (25 % humidity) | |||
1 kg pellets/wood bricks | |||
1 kg waste | |||
1 MJ derived heat | |||
1 kWh electrical energy | 1 |
Residential and tertiary sectors (a) heating and cooling (e.g. heat pumps, new efficient boilers, installation/efficient update of district heating/cooling systems); (b) insulation and ventilation (e.g. wall cavity and roof insulation, double/triple glazing of windows, passive heating and cooling); (c) hot water (e.g. installation of new devices, direct and efficient use in space heating, washing machines); (d) lighting (e.g. new efficient bulbs and ballasts, digital control systems, use of motion detectors for lighting systems in commercial buildings); (e) cooking and refrigeration (e.g. new efficient devices, heat recovery systems); (f) other equipment and appliances (e.g. combined heat and power appliances, new efficient devices, time control for optimised energy use, stand-by loss reduction, installation of capacitors to reduce reactive power, transformers with low losses); (g) domestic generation of renewable energy sources, whereby the amount of purchased energy is reduced (e.g. solar thermal applications, domestic hot water, solar-assisted space heating and cooling);
Industry sector (h) product manufacturing processes (e.g. more efficient use of compressed air, condensate and switches and valves, use of automatic and integrated systems, efficient stand-by modes); (i) motors and drives (e.g. increase in the use of electronic controls, variable speed drives, integrated application programming, frequency conversion, electrical motor with high efficiency); (j) fans, variable speed drives and ventilation (e.g. new devices/systems, use of natural ventilation); (k) demand response management (e.g. load management, peak shaving control systems); (l) high-efficiency cogeneration (e.g. combined heat and power appliances);
Transport sector (m) mode of travel used (e.g. promotion of energy-efficient vehicles, energy-efficient use of vehicles including tyre pressure adjustment schemes, energy efficiency devices and add-on devices for vehicles, fuel additives which improve energy efficiency, high-lubricity oils and low-resistance tyres); (n) modal shifts of travel (e.g. car free home/office transportation arrangements, car sharing, modal shifts from more energy-consuming modes of transport to less energy-consuming ones, per passenger-km or tonne-km); (o) car-free days;
Cross-sectoral measures (p) standards and norms that aim primarily at improving the energy efficiency of products and services, including buildings; (q) energy labelling schemes; (r) metering, intelligent metering systems such as individual metering instruments managed by remote, and informative billing; (s) training and education that lead to application of energy-efficient technology and/or techniques;
Horizontal measures (t) regulations, taxes etc. that have the effect of reducing energy end-use consumption; (u) focused information campaigns that promote energy efficiency improvement and energy efficiency improvement measures.
(a) experience with the harmonised calculation model during its first years of application; (b) expected potential increase in accuracy as a result of a larger share of bottom-up calculations; (c) estimated potential added cost and/or administrative burden.
(a) weather conditions, such as degree days; (b) occupancy levels; (c) opening hours for non-domestic buildings; (d) installed equipment intensity (plant throughput); product mix; (e) plant throughput, level of production, volume or added value, including changes in GDP level; (f) schedules for installation and vehicles; (g) relationship with other units.
(a) instrumentation errors: these typically occur because of errors in specifications given by the product manufacturer; (b) modelling errors: these typically refer to errors in the model used to estimate parameters for the data collected; (c) sampling errors: these typically refer to errors resulting from the fact that a sample of units was observed rather than the entire set of units under study.
1. The market for household appliances/information technology and lighting: 1.1. Kitchen appliances (white goods); 1.2. Entertainment/information technology; 1.3. Lighting.
2. The market for domestic heating technology: 2.1. Heating; 2.2. Hot-water provision; 2.3. Air conditioning; 2.4. Ventilation; 2.5. Heat insulation; 2.6. Windows.
3. The market for industrial ovens. 4. The market for motorised power in industry. 5. The market for public-sector institutions: 5.1. Schools/public administration; 5.2. Hospitals; 5.3. Swimming pools; 5.4. Street lighting.
6. The market for transport services.
(a) requirements concerning the use of financial instruments for energy savings, including energy performance contracting, that stipulate the delivery of measurable and pre-determined energy savings (including whenever public administrations have outsourced responsibilities); (b) requirements to purchase equipment and vehicles based on lists of energy-efficient product specifications of different categories of equipment and vehicles to be drawn up by the authorities or agencies referred to in Article 4(4), using, where applicable, minimised life-cycle cost analysis or comparable methods to ensure cost-effectiveness; (c) requirements to purchase equipment that has efficient energy consumption in all modes, including in standby mode, using, where applicable, minimised life-cycle cost analysis or comparable methods to ensure cost-effectiveness; (d) requirements to replace or retrofit existing equipment and vehicles with the equipment listed in points (b) and (c); (e) requirements to use energy audits and implement the resulting cost-effective recommendations; (f) requirements to purchase or rent energy-efficient buildings or parts thereof, or requirements to replace or retrofit purchased or rented buildings or parts thereof in order to render them more energy-efficient.