Council Regulation (EC) No 2187/2005 of 21 December 2005 for the conservation of fishery resources through technical measures in the Baltic Sea, the Belts and the Sound, amending Regulation (EC) No 1434/98 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 88/98
Modified by
Regulation (EU) 2015/812 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 amending Council Regulations (EC) No 850/98, (EC) No 2187/2005, (EC) No 1967/2006, (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 254/2002, (EC) No 2347/2002 and (EC) No 1224/2009, and Regulations (EU) No 1379/2013 and (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards the landing obligation, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1434/98
June 1, 2015 article 3 paragraph 1 L Completion
June 1, 2015 article 14a Addition
June 1, 2015 article 15 paragraph 1 Replacement
June 1, 2015 article 28a Addition
June 1, 2015 article 3 paragraph 6 L Completion
June 1, 2015 article 3 paragraph 3 L Completion
June 1, 2015 article 17 paragraph 3 Replacement
June 1, 2015 article 28b Addition
June 1, 2015 annex IV Amendment
June 1, 2015 article 2 point (p) Completion
June 1, 2015 article 17 paragraph 1 L Completion
June 1, 2015 article 12 Replacement
June 1, 2015 article 14 paragraph 1 Replacement