Council Regulation (EC) No 1936/2005 of 21 November 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 27/2005, as concerns herring, Greenland halibut and octopus
1. In Annex IA: The entry concerning the species Herring in zone Subdivisions 30-31 is replaced by the following: "Species Herring Clupea harengus Zone Subdivisions 30-31 HER/3D30.; HER/3D31. Finland 72625 Sweden 14231 EC 86856 TAC 86856 Analytical TAC where Articles 3 and 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 do not apply." 2. In Annex IB: The entry concerning the species Greenland Halibut in zone IIa (Community waters) IV, VI (Community waters and international waters) is replaced by the following: Fishing in VI is restricted to long lines. To be taken in EC waters of II and VI." "Species Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Zone IIa (Community waters), IV, VI (Community waters and international waters) Denmark 10 Germany 18 Estonia 10 Spain 10 France 168 Ireland 10 Lithuania 10 Poland 10 United Kingdom 661 EC 1052 Norway 145 TAC Not relevant ----------------------Fishing in VI is restricted to long lines. To be taken in EC waters of II and VI." 3. In Annex III: The following Part is added: "PART J CECAF The minimum size for octopus (Octopus vulgaris) in the maritime waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries and situated in the CECAF region shall be 450g (gutted). Octopus under the minimum size of 450g (gutted) shall not be retained on board or be transhipped, landed, transported, stored, sold, displayed or offered for sale, but shall be returned immediately to the sea."