1. The table in Article 2 shall be amended as follows: (a) Point 1 shall be replaced by the following: "1. Basic fee for the application for an individual mark [Article 26(2), Rule 4(a)] 900 ".(b) The following point 1b shall be inserted: "1b. Basic fee for the application for an individual mark by electronic means [Article 26(2), Rule 4(a)] 750 ".(c) Points 2 to 4 are replaced by: "2. Fee for each class of goods and services exceeding three for an individual mark [Article 26(2), Rule 4(a)] 150 3. Basic fee for the application for a collective mark [Article 26(2) and Article 64(3), Rule 4(a) and Rule 42] 1300 4. Fee for each class of goods and services exceeding three for a collective mark [Article 26(2) and Article 64(3), Rule 4(b) and Rule 42] 300 ".(d) Points 7 to 10 are replaced by: "7. Basic fee for the registration of an individual mark [Article 45, Rule 23(1)(a)] 850 8. Fee for each class of goods and services exceeding three for an individual mark [Article 45, Rule 23(1)(b)] 150 9. Basic fee for the registration of a collective mark [Article 45, Rule 23(1)(a)] and Rule 42] 1700 10. Fee for each class of goods and services exceeding three for a collective mark [Article 45 and Article 64(3); Rule 23(1)(b) and Rule 42] 300 ".(e) Points 12 to 15 are replaced by: "12. Basic fee for the renewal of an individual mark [Article 47(1), Rule 30(2)a)] 1500 12a. Basic fee for the renewal for an individual mark by electronic means [Article 47(1), Rule 30(2)a)] 1350 13. Fee for the renewal of each class of goods and services exceeding three for an individual mark [Article 47(1), Rule 30(2)(b)] 400 14. Basic fee for the renewal of a collective mark [Article 47(1) and Article 64(3); Rule 30(2)(a) and Rule 42] 3000 15. Fee for the renewal of each class of goods and services exceeding three for a collective mark [Article 47(1) and Article 64(3); Rule 30(2)(b) and Rule 42] 800 "
2. In Article 5(1), points (b) and (c) shall be deleted. 3. Article 8 is amended as follows: (a) In paragraph 1, points (b) and (c) are deleted. (b) In paragraph 3, points (a)(i) and (a)(iii) are deleted.
4. In Article 11(3), points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following: "(a) for an individual mark: EUR 1450 plus, where applicable, EUR 300 for each class of goods or services exceeding three;(b) for a collective mark as referred to in Rule 121(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2868/95: EUR 2700 plus, where applicable, EUR 600 for each class of goods or services exceeding three."
5. In Article 12(2), points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following: "(a) for an individual mark: EUR 1200 plus EUR 400 for each class of goods and services contained in the international registration exceeding three;(b) for a collective mark as referred to in Rule 121(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2868/95: EUR 2700 plus EUR 800 for each class of goods and services contained in the international registration exceeding three."
6. In Article 13(1), points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following: "(a) for an individual mark: EUR 850 plus EUR 150 for each class of goods and services contained in the international registration exceeding three; (b) for a collective mark: EUR 1700 plus EUR 300 for each class of goods and services contained in the international registration exceeding three."
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1687/2005 of 14 October 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 2869/95 on the fees payable to the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) with regard to adapting certain fees Text with EEA relevance
1. The amount of the application fee for Community trade marks, including, where applicable, fees for classes, shall be that which is laid down by the Regulation in force at the time that the application is filed in accordance with Article 25(1)(a) or (b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94. 2. The amount of the registration fee for Community trade marks, including, where applicable, class fees, shall be that which is laid down by the Regulation in force at the time that the notification described in Rule 23(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2868/95 is sent. 3. The amount of the fee to be paid for submitting any other application or for initiating any other act shall be that which is laid down by the Regulation in force at the time of payment. 4. The amount of the fees provided for in Articles 11 and 12 shall be fixed in accordance with the common regulations under the Madrid agreement concerning the international registration of marks and the Protocol relating to that agreement.