Country of origin | Serial No | CN code | Description | Rate of duty applicable(% of MFN) | Annual quantity from 1.7.2003(tonnes) | Annual increase from 1.7.2004(tonnes) |
Romania | 09.4753 | 02010202 | Meat of bovine animals, fresh, chilled or frozen | Free | 4000 | 0 |
09.4765 | 02061095 | Edible thick skirt and thin skirt of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | Free | 100 | 0 |
02062991 | Edible thick skirt and thin skirt of bovine animals, frozen |
021020 | Meat of bovine animals, salted or in brine, dried or smoked |
02109951 | Thick and thin skirt of bovine animals |
09.4768 | 160250 | Prepared or preserved meat or offal of bovine animals | Free | 500 | 0 |