1. Article 2 is replaced by the following: "Article 2 For the 2006 accounting year (a period of 12 consecutive months beginning between 1 January 2006 and1 July 2006 ) and for subsequent accounting years, the threshold as referred to in Article 4 of Regulation No 79/65/EEC in ESU shall be as follows:Belgium: 16 ESU Czech Republic: 4 ESU Denmark: 8 ESU Germany: 16 ESU Estonia: 2 ESU Greece: 2 ESU Spain: 2 ESU France: 8 ESU Ireland: 2 ESU Italy: 4 ESU Cyprus: 2 ESU Latvia: 2 ESU Lithuania: 2 ESU Luxembourg: 8 ESU Hungary: 2 ESU Malta: 8 ESU Netherlands: 16 ESU Austria: 8 ESU Poland: 2 ESU Portugal: 2 ESU Slovenia: 2 ESU Slovakia: 6 ESU Finland: 8 ESU Sweden 8 ESU United Kingdom (with the exception of Northern Ireland): 16 ESU United Kingdom (only Northern Ireland): 8 ESU."
2. Annex I is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1187/2005 of 22 July 2005 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1859/82 concerning the selection of returning holdings for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings
1. The part concerning Spain is replaced by the following: "SPAIN 500 Galicia 480 505 Asturias 270 510 Cantabria 190 515 País Vasco 250 520 Navarra 370 525 La Rioja 260 530 Aragón 739 535 Cataluña 710 540 Illes Balears 182 545 Castilla y León 1095 550 Madrid 194 555 Castilla-La Mancha 1138 560 Comunidad Valenciana 626 565 Murcia 444 570 Extremadura 718 575 Andalucia 1816 580 Canarias 224 Total Spain 9706 "2. The part concerning Italy is replaced by the following: "ITALY 221 Valle d’Aosta 279 222 Piemonte 1159 230 Lombardia 923 241 Trentino 315 242 Alto Adige 308 243 Veneto 925 244 Friuli-Venezia Giulia 797 250 Liguria 500 260 Emilia-Romagna 1145 270 Toscana 680 281 Marche 956 282 Umbria 678 291 Lazio 854 292 Abruzzo 826 301 Molise 462 302 Campania 682 303 Calabria 882 311 Puglia 988 312 Basilicata 1087 320 Sicilia 1306 330 Sardegna 1248 Total Italy 17000 "3. The part concerning Malta is replaced by the following: "780 MALTA 400 "4. The part concerning Austria is replaced by the following: "660 AUSTRIA 1800 "5. The part concerning Portugal is replaced by the following: "PORTUGAL 610 Entre Douro e Minho e Beira Litoral 670 620 Trás-os-Montes e Beira Interior 563 630 Ribatejo e Oeste 351 640 Alentejo e Algarve 399 650 Açores e Madeira 317 Total Portugal 2300 "6. The part concerning Finland is replaced by the following: "FINLAND 670 Etelä-Suomi 537 680 Sisä-Suomi 237 690 Pohjanmaa 229 700 Pohjois-Suomi 147 Total Finland 1150 "