Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2005 of 15 March 2005 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3880/91 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in the north-east AtlanticText with EEA relevance
Commission Regulation (EC) No 448/2005of 15 March 2005amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3880/91 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in the north-east Atlantic(Text with EEA relevance)THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3880/91 of 17 December 1991 on the submission of nominal catch statistics by Member States fishing in the north-east AtlanticOJ L 365, 31.12.1991, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1)., and in particular Article 2(3) thereof,Whereas:(1)At its annual meeting in November 2002, the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) recommended that, with a view to improving the management of fish stocks in the international waters under its jurisdiction, the international agencies responsible for the collection and compilation of catch statistics should be requested to implement an appropriate subdivision of the statistical areas.(2)The Deepwater Fisheries Working Group of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has recommended the subdivision of the statistical divisions of the north-east Atlantic so as to better identify deepwater fisheries.(3)The decision of the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission to manage the stocks of the Baltic Sea division 28 as two separate units demands the availability of statistics for these units.(4)The ICES, acting on the advice of its Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management, has accordingly requested the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) to modify its Statlant 27A questionnaire by asking national authorities to submit statistics for catches in certain waters of the north-east Atlantic with an increased level of detail.(5)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics set up by Council Decision 72/279/EECOJ L 179, 7.8.1972, p. 1.,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Annexes II and III to Regulation (EEC) No 3880/91 are replaced by Annexes I and II to this Regulation respectively.Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.Done at Brussels, 15 March 2005.For the CommissionJoaquín AlmuniaMember of the CommissionANNEX ISTATISTICAL FISHING REGIONS OF THE NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC FOR WHICH DATA ARE TO BE SUBMITTEDICES division IaICES division IbICES sub-division IIa 1ICES sub-division IIa 2ICES sub-division IIb 1ICES sub-division IIb 2ICES division IIIaICES division IIIb, cICES division IVaICES division IVbICES division IVcICES sub-division Va 1ICES sub-division Va 2ICES sub-division Vb 1aICES sub-division Vb 1bICES sub-division Vb 2ICES division VIaICES sub-division VIb 1ICES sub-division VIb 2ICES division VIIaICES division VIIbICES sub-division VIIc 1ICES sub-division VIIc 2ICES division VIIdICES division VIIeICES division VIIfICES division VIIgICES division VIIhICES sub-division VIIj 1ICES sub-division VIIj 2ICES sub-division VIIk 1ICES sub-division VIIk 2ICES division VIIIaICES division VIIIbICES division VIIIcICES sub-division VIIId 1ICES sub-division VIIId 2ICES sub-division VIIIe 1ICES sub-division VIIIe 2ICES division IXaICES sub-division IXb 1ICES sub-division IXb 2ICES sub-division Xa 1ICES sub-division Xa 2ICES division XbICES sub-division XIIa 1ICES sub-division XIIa 2ICES sub-division XIIa 3ICES sub-division XIIa 4ICES division XIIbICES division XIIcICES division XIVaICES sub-division XIVb 1ICES sub-division XIVb 2BAL 22BAL 23BAL 24BAL 25BAL 26BAL 27BAL 28-1BAL 28-2BAL 29BAL 30BAL 31BAL 32Notes1.Those statistical fishing regions preceded by "ICES" have been identified and defined by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.2.Those statistical fishing regions preceded by "BAL" have been identified and defined by the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission.3.Data should be submitted so as to include as much detail as possible. "Unknown" and aggregate regions should only be used where the detailed information is not available. Where detailed information is submitted the aggregate categories should not be used.Statistical fishing regions of the north-east AtlanticANNEX IIDESCRIPTION OF THE ICES SUB-AREAS AND DIVISIONS USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF FISHERY STATISTICS AND REGULATIONS IN THE NORTH-EAST ATLANTICICES STATISTICAL AREA (NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC)All waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and their dependent seas bounded by a line from the geographic North Pole along the meridian of 40° 00′ west to the north coast of Greenland; then in an easterly and southerly direction along the coast of Greenland to a point at 44° 00′ west; then due south to 59° 00′ north; then due east to 42° 00′ west; then due south to 36° 00′ north; then due east to a point on the coast of Spain (Punta Marroqui isthmus) at 5° 36′ west; then in a north-westerly and northerly direction along the south-west coast of Spain, the coast of Portugal, the north-west and north coasts of Spain, and the coasts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany to the western terminus of its boundary with Denmark; then along the west coast of Jutland to Thyboroen; then in a southerly and easterly direction along the south coast of the Limfjord to Egensekloster Point; then in a southerly direction along the east coast of Jutland to the eastern terminus of the boundary of Denmark with Germany; then along the coast of Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway, and the north coast of Russia to Khaborova; then across the western entry of the Strait of Yugorskiy Shar; then in a westerly and northerly direction along the coast of Vaigach Island; then across the western entry of the Strait off the Karskiye Vorota; then west and north along the coast of the south island of Novaya Zemlya; then across the western entry of the Strait of Matochkin Shar; then along the west coast of the north island of Novaya Zemlya to a point at 68° 30′ east; then due north to the geographic North Pole.This area also represents statistical area 27 (north-east Atlantic statistical area) in the FAO International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishing Areas.ICES statistical sub-area IThe waters bounded by a line from the geographic North Pole along the meridian of 30° 00′ east to 72° 00′ north; then due west to 26° 00′ east; then due south to the coast of Norway; then in an easterly direction along the coasts of Norway and Russia to Khaborova; then across the western entry of the Strait of Yugorskiy Shar; then in a westerly and northerly direction along the coast of Vaigach Island; then across the western entry of the Strait off the Karskiye Vorota; then west and north along the coast of the south island of Novaya Zemlya; then across the western entry of the Strait of Matochkin Shar; then along the west coast of the north island of Novaya Zemlya to a point at 68° 30′ east; then due north to the geographic North Pole.ICES statistical division IaThat part of sub-area I enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
73.98 N
33.70 E
74.18 N
34.55 E
74.36 N
35.28 E
74.71 N
36.38 E
75.14 N
37.57 E
75.45 N
38.31 E
75.84 N
39.05 E
76.26 N
39.61 E
76.61 N
41.24 E
76.96 N
42.81 E
76.90 N
43.06 E
76.75 N
44.48 E
75.99 N
43.51 E
75.39 N
43.18 E
74.82 N
41.73 E
73.98 N
41.56 E
73.17 N
40.66 E
72.20 N
40.51 E
72.26 N
39.76 E
72.62 N
38.96 E
73.04 N
37.74 E
73.37 N
36.61 E
73.56 N
35.70 E
73.98 N
33.70 E
ICES statistical division IbThat part of sub-area I outside of division Ia.ICES statistical sub-area IIThe waters bounded by a line from the geographic North Pole along the meridian of 30° 00′ east to 72° 00′ north; then due west to 26° 00′ east; then due south to the coast of Norway; then in a westerly and south-westerly direction along the coast of Norway to 62° 00′ north; then due west to 4° 00′ west; then due north to 63° 00′ north; then due west to 11° 00′ west; then due north to the geographic North Pole.ICES statistical division IIaThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the coast of Norway at 62° 00′ north; then due west to 4° 00′ west; then due north to 63° 00′ north; then due west to 11° 00′ west; then due north to 72° 30′ north; then due east to 30° 00′ east; then due south to 72° 00′ north; then due west to 26° 00′ east; then due south to the coast of Norway; then in a westerly and south-westerly direction along the coast of Norway to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division IIa 1That part of division IIa within the line joining the following coordinates:
73.50 N
00.20 W
73.50 N
07.21 E
73.45 N
07.28 E
73.14 N
07.83 E
72.76 N
08.65 E
72.49 N
09.33 E
72.31 N
09.83 E
72.18 N
10.29 E
71.98 N
09.94 E
71.91 N
09.70 E
71.64 N
08.75 E
71.36 N
07.93 E
71.13 N
07.42 E
70.79 N
06.73 E
70.17 N
05.64 E
69.79 N
05.01 E
69.56 N
04.74 E
69.32 N
04.32 E
69.10 N
04.00 E
68.86 N
03.73 E
68.69 N
03.57 E
68.46 N
03.40 E
68.23 N
03.27 E
67.98 N
03.19 E
67.77 N
03.16 E
67.57 N
03.15 E
67.37 N
03.18 E
67.18 N
03.24 E
67.01 N
03.31 E
66.84 N
03.42 E
66.43 N
03.27 E
66.39 N
03.18 E
66.23 N
02.79 E
65.95 N
02.24 E
65.64 N
01.79 E
65.38 N
01.44 E
65.32 N
01.26 E
65.08 N
00.72 E
64.72 N
00.04 E
64.43 N
00.49 W
64.84 N
01.31 W
64.92 N
01.56 W
65.13 N
02.17 W
65.22 N
02.54 W
65.39 N
03.19 W
65.47 N
03.73 W
65.55 N
04.19 W
65.59 N
04.56 W
65.69 N
05.58 W
65.96 N
05.60 W
66.22 N
05.67 W
66.47 N
05.78 W
67.09 N
06.25 W
67.61 N
06.62 W
67.77 N
05.33 W
67.96 N
04.19 W
68.10 N
03.42 W
68.33 N
02.39 W
68.55 N
01.56 W
68.86 N
00.61 W
69.14 N
00.08 E
69.44 N
00.68 E
69.76 N
01.18 E
69.97 N
01.46 E
70.21 N
01.72 E
70.43 N
01.94 E
70.63 N
02.09 E
70.89 N
02.25 E
71.14 N
02.35 E
71.35 N
02.39 E
71.61 N
02.38 E
71.83 N
02.31 E
72.01 N
02.22 E
72.24 N
02.06 E
72.43 N
01.89 E
72.60 N
01.68 E
72.75 N
01.48 E
72.99 N
01.08 E
73.31 N
00.34 E
73.50 N
00.20 W
ICES statistical sub-division IIa 2That part of division IIa not falling within sub-division IIa 1.ICES statistical division IIbThe waters bounded by a line from the geographic North Pole along the meridian of 30° 00′ east to 73° 30′ north; then due west to 11° 00′ west; then due north to the geographic North Pole.ICES statistical sub-division IIb 1That part of division IIb confined by the following coordinates:
73.50 N
07.21 E
73.50 N
00.20 W
73.60 N
00.48 W
73.94 N
01.88 W
74.09 N
02.70 W
74.21 N
05.00 W
74.50 N
04.38 W
75.00 N
04.29 W
75.30 N
04.19 W
76.05 N
04.30 W
76.18 N
04.09 W
76.57 N
02.52 W
76.67 N
02.10 W
76.56 N
01.60 W
76.00 N
00.80 E
75.87 N
01.12 E
75.64 N
01.71 E
75.21 N
03.06 E
74.96 N
04.07 E
74.86 N
04.55 E
74.69 N
05.19 E
74.34 N
06.39 E
74.13 N
06.51 E
73.89 N
06.74 E
73.60 N
07.06 E
73.50 N
07.21 E
ICES statistical sub-division IIb 2That part of division IIb not falling within sub-division IIb 1.ICES statistical sub-area IIIThe waters bounded by a line, beginning at a point on the coast of Norway at 7° 00′ east; then due south to 57° 30′ north; then due east to 8° 00′ east; then due south to 57° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of Denmark; then along the north-west and east coasts of Jutland to Hals; then across the eastern entrance of the Limfjord to Egensekloster Point; then in a southerly direction along the coast of Jutland to the eastern terminus of the boundary of Denmark and Germany; then along the coasts of Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Norway to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division IIIaThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the coast of Norway at 7° 00′ east; then due south to 57° 30′ north; then due east to 8° 00′ east; then due south to 57° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of Denmark; then along the north-west and east coasts of Jutland to Hals; then across the eastern entrance of the Limfjord to Egensekloster Point; then in a southerly direction along the coast of Jutland to Hasenore Head; then across the Great Belt to Gniben Point; then along the north coast of Zealand to Gilbjerg Head; then across the northern approaches of the Œresund to Kullen on the coast of Sweden; then in an easterly and northerly direction along the west coast of Sweden and the south coast of Norway to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division IIIb and cThe waters bounded by a line from Hasenoere Head on the east coast of Jutland to Gniben Point on the west coast of Zealand to Gilbjerg Head; then across the northern approaches of the Œresund to Kullen on the coast of Sweden; then in a southerly direction along the coast of Sweden to Falsterbo Light; then across the southern entrance of the Œresund to Stevns Light; then along the south-east coast of Zealand; then across the eastern entrance of the Storstroem Sound; then along the east coast of the island of Falster to Gedser; then to Darsser Ort on the coast of Germany; then in a south-westerly direction along the coast of Germany and the east coast of Jutland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 22 (BAL 22)The waters bounded by a line from Hasenoere Head (56° 09′ north, 10° 44′ east) on the east coast of Jutland to Gniben Point (56° 01′ north, 11° 18′ east) on the west coast of Zealand; then along the west and south coasts of Zealand to a point at 12° 00′ east; then due south to the island of Falster; then along to the east coast of the island of Falster to Gedser Odd (54° 34′ north, 11° 58′ east); then due east to 12° 00′ east; then due south to the coast of Germany; then in a south-westerly direction along the coast of Germany and the east of Jutland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 23 (BAL 23)The waters bounded by a line from Gilbjerg Head (56° 08′ north, 12° 18′ east) on the north coast of Zealand to Kullen (56° 18′ north, 12° 28′ east) on the coast of Sweden; then in a southerly direction along the coast of Sweden to the Falsterbo Light (55° 23′ north, 12° 50′ east), then through the southern entrance to the Sound to the Stevns Light (55° 19′ north, 12° 29′ east) on the coast of Zealand; then in a northerly direction along the east coast of Zealand to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 24 (BAL 24)The waters bounded by a line from the Stevns Light (55° 19′ north, 12° 29′ east) on the east coast of Zealand through the southern entrance to the Sound to the Falsterbo Light (55° 23′ north, 12° 50′ east) on the coast of Sweden; then along the south coast of Sweden to the Sandhammaren Light (55° 24′ north, 14° 12′ east); then to the Hammerodde Light (55° 18′ north, 14° 47′ east) on the north coast of Bornholm; then along the west and south coasts of Bornholm to a point at 15° 00′ east; then due south to the coast of Poland; then in a westerly direction along the coasts of Poland and Germany to a point at 12° 00′ east; then due north to a point at 54° 34′ north, 12° 00′ east; then due west to Gedser Odde (54° 34′ north, 11° 58′ east); then along the east and north coasts of the island of Falster to a point at 12° 00′ east; then due north to the south coast of Zealand; then in a westerly and northerly direction along the west coast of Zealand to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 25 (BAL 25)The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the east coast of Sweden at 56° 30′ north; then due east to the west coast of the island of Œland; then, after passing south of island of Œland to a point on the east coast at 56° 30′ north, due east to 18° 00′ east; then due south to the coast of Poland; then in a westerly direction along the coast of Poland to a point at 15° 00′ east; then due north to the island of Bornholm; then along the south and west coasts of Bornholm to the Hammerodde Light (55° 18′ north, 14° 47′ east); then to the Sandhammaren Light (55° 24′ north, 14° 12′ east) on the south coast of Sweden; then in a northerly direction along the east coast of Sweden to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 26 (BAL 26)The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 56° 30′ north, 18° 00′ east; then due east to the west coast of Latvia; then in a southerly direction along the coasts of Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Poland to a point on the Polish coast at 18°00′ east; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 27 (BAL 27)The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the east mainland coast of Sweden at 59° 41′ north, 19° 00′ east; then due south to the north coast of the island of Gotland; then in a southerly direction along the west coast of Gotland to a point at 57° 00′ north; then due west to 18° 00′ east; then due south to 56° 30′ north; then due west to the east coast of the island of Œland; then, after passing south of the island of Œland, to a point on its west coast at 56° 30′ north; then due west to the coast of Sweden; then in a northerly direction along the east coast of Sweden to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 28 (BAL 28)The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 58° 30′ north, 19° 00′ east; then due east to the west coast of the island of Saaremaa; then, after passing north of the island of Saaremaa, to a point on its east coast at 58° 30′ north; then due east to the coast of Estonia; then in a southerly direction along the west coasts of Estonia and Latvia to a point at 56° 30′ north, then due west to 18° 00′ east; then due north to 57° 00′ north; then due east to the west coast of the island of Gotland; then in a northerly direction to a point on the north coast of Gotland at 19° 00′ east; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 28-1 (BAL 28.1)The waters bounded on the west by a line drawn from Ovisi lighthouse (57° 34.1234′ N, 21° 42.9574′ E) on the west coast of Latvia to the southern Rock of Cape Loode (57° 57.4760′ N, 21o 58.2789′ E) on the island of Saaremaa, then southwards to the southernmost point of the peninsula of Sõrve and then in a north-eastern direction along the east coast of the island of Saaremaa, and in the north by a line drawn from 58° 30.0′ N, 23° 13.2′ E to 58o 30′ N, 23° 41.1′ E.ICES statistical sub-division 28-2 (BAL 28.2)That part of sub division 28 outside of sub-division 28-1.ICES statistical sub-division 29 (BAL 29)The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the east mainland coast of Sweden at 60° 30′ north, then due east to the mainland coast of Finland; then in a southerly direction along the west and south coasts of Finland to a point on the south mainland coast at 23° 00′ east; then due south to 59° 00′ north; then due east to the mainland coast of Estonia; then in a southerly direction along the west coast of Estonia to a point at 58° 30′ north; then due west to the east coast of the island of Saaremaa; then, after passing north of the island of Saaremaa, to a point on its west coast at 58° 30′ north; then due west to 19° 00′ east; then due north to a point on the east mainland coast of Sweden at 59° 41′ north; then in a northerly direction along the east coast of Sweden to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 30 (BAL 30)The waters bounded by a line beginning a point on the east coast of Sweden at 63° 30′ north, then due east to the mainland coast of Finland; then in a southerly direction along the coast of Finland to a point at 60° 30′ north; then due west to the mainland coast of Sweden; then in a northerly direction along the east coast of Sweden to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division 31 (BAL 31)The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the east coast of Sweden at 63° 30′ north; then, after passing north of the Gulf of Bothnia, to a point on the west mainland coast of Finland at 63° 30′ north; then due west to the point of beginning.CES statistical sub-division 32 (BAL 32)The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the south coast of Finland at 23° 00′ east; then, after passing east of the Gulf of Finland, to a point on the west coast of Estonia at 59° 00′ north; then due west to 23° 00′ east; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-area IVThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the coast of Norway at 62° 00′ north; then due west to 4° 00′ west; then due south to the coast of Scotland; then in an easterly and southerly direction along the coasts of Scotland and England to a point at 51° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of France; then in a north-easterly direction along the coasts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany to the western terminus of its boundary with Denmark; then along the west coast of Jutland to Thyboroen; then in a southerly and easterly direction along the south coast of the Limfjord to Egensekloster Point; then across the eastern entrance of the Limfjord to Hals; then in a westerly direction along the north coast of the Limfjord to the southernmost point af Agger Tange; then in a northerly direction along the west coast of Jutland to a point at 57° 00′ north, then due west to 8° 00′ east; then due north to 57° 30′ north; then due west to 7° 00′ east; then due north to the coast of Norway; then in a north-westerly direction along the coast of Norway to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division IVaThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the coast of Norway at 62° 00′ north; then due west to 3° 00′ west; then due south to the coast of Scotland; then in an easterly and southerly direction along the coast of Scotland to a point at 57° 30′ north; then due east to 7° 00′ east; then due north to the coast of Norway; then in a north-westerly direction along the coast of Norway to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division IVbThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of Denmark at 57° 00′ north; then due west to 8° 00′ east; then due north to 57° 30′ north; then due west to the coast of Scotland; then in a southerly direction along the coasts of Scotland and England to a point at 53° 30′ north; then due east to the coast of Germany; then in a north-easterly direction along the coast of Jutland to Thyboroen; then in a southerly and easterly direction along the south coast of the Limfjord to Egensekloster Point; then across the eastern entrance of the Limfjord to Hals; then in a westerly direction along the north coast of the Limfjord to the southernmost point of Agger Tange; then in a northerly direction along the west coast of Jutland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division IVcThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of Germany at 53° 30′ north; then due west to the coast of England; then in a southerly direction to a point at 51° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of France; then in a north-easterly direction along the coasts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-area VThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 68° 00′ north, 11° 00′ west; then due west to 27° 00′ west; then due south to 62° 00′ north; then due east to 15° 00′ west; then due south to 60° 00′ north; then due east to 5° 00′ west; then due north to 60° 30′ north; then due east to 4° 00′ west; then due north to 63° 00′ north; then due west to 11° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VaThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 68° 00′ north, 11° 00′ west; then due west to 27° 00′ west; then due south to 62° 00′ north; then due east to 15° 00′ west; then due north to 63° 00′ north; then due east to 11° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division Va 1The area inside the rectangle defined by the following coordinates:
63.00 N
24.00 W
62.00 N
24.00 W
62.00 N
27.00 W
63.00 N
27.00 W
63.00 N
24.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division Va 2That part of division V a not in sub-division Va 1.ICES statistical division VbThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 63° 00′ north, 4° 00′ west; then due west to 15° 00′ west; then due south to 60° 00′ north; then due east to 5° 00′ west; then due north to 60° 00′ north; then due east to 4° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division Vb 1The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 63° 00′ north, 4° 00′ west; then due west to 15° 00′ west; then due south to 60° 00′ north; then due east to 10° 00′ west; then due north to 61° 30′ north; then due east to 8° 00′ west; then along a rhumb-line to a point at 61° 15′ north, 7° 30′ west; then due south to 60° 30′ north; then due west to 8° 00′ west; then due south to 60° 00′ north; then due east to 5° 00′ west; then due north to 60° 30′ north; then due east to 4° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division Vb 1aThat part of sub-division Vb 1 enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
60.49 N
15.00 W
60.71 N
13.99 W
60.15 N
13.29 W
60.00 N
13.50 W
60.00 N
15.00 W
60.49 N
15.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division Vb 1bThat part of sub-division Vb 1 not within sub-division Vb 1a.ICES statistical sub-division Vb 2The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 60° 00′ north, 10° 00′ west; then due north to 61° 30′ north; then due east to 8° 00′ west; then along a rhumb-line to a point at 61° 15′ north, 7° 30′ west; then due south to 60° 30′ north; then due west to 8° 00′ west; then due south to 60° 00′ north; then due west to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-area VIThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the north coast of Scotland at 4° 00′ west; then due north to 60° 30′ north; then due west to 5° 00′ west; then due south to 60° 00′ north, then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 54° 30′ north; then due east to the coast of Ireland; then in a northerly and easterly direction along the coasts of Ireland and Northern Ireland to a point on the east coast of Northern Ireland at 55° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of Scotland; then in a northerly direction along the west coast of Scotland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIaThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the north coast of Scotland at 4° 00′ west; then due north to 60° 30′ north; then due west to 5°00′ west; then due south to 60° 00′ north, then due west to 12° 00′ west; then due south to 54° 30′ north; then due east to the coast of Ireland; then in a northerly and easterly direction along the coasts of Ireland and Northern Ireland to a point on the east coast of Northern Ireland at 55° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of Scotland; then in a northerly direction along the west coast of Scotland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIbThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 60° 00′ north, 12° 00′ west; then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 54° 30′ north; then due east to 12° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division VIb 1That part of division VIb enclosed by the line joining the following coordinate:
54.50 N
18.00 W
60.00 N
18.00 W
60.00 N
13.50 W
60.15 N
13.29 W
59.65 N
13.99 W
59.01 N
14.57 W
58.51 N
14.79 W
57.87 N
14.88 W
57.01 N
14.63 W
56.57 N
14.34 W
56.50 N
14.44 W
56.44 N
14.54 W
56.37 N
14.62 W
56.31 N
14.72 W
56.24 N
14.80 W
56.17 N
14.89 W
56.09 N
14.97 W
56.02 N
15.04 W
55.95 N
15.11 W
55.88 N
15.19 W
55.80 N
15.27 W
55.73 N
15.34 W
55.65 N
15.41 W
55.57 N
15.47 W
55.50 N
15.54 W
55.42 N
15.60 W
55.34 N
15.65 W
55.26 N
15.70 W
55.18 N
15.75 W
55.09 N
15.79 W
55.01 N
15.83 W
54.93 N
15.87 W
54.84 N
15.90 W
54.76 N
15.92 W
54.68 N
15.95 W
54.59 N
15.97 W
54.51 N
15.99 W
54.50 N
15.99 W
54.50 N
18.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division VIb 2That part of division VIb not in sub division VI b 1.ICES statistical sub-area VIIThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of Ireland at 54° 30′ north; then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 48° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of France; then in a northerly and north-easterly direction along the coast of France to a point at 51° 00′ north; then due west to south-east coast of England; then in a westerly and northerly direction along the coasts of England, Wales and Scotland to a point on the west coast of Scotland at 55° 00′ north; then due west to the coast of Northern Ireland; then in a northerly and westerly direction along the coasts of Northern Ireland and Ireland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VI1aThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of Scotland at 55° 00′ north; then due west to the coast of Northern Ireland; then in a southerly direction along the coasts of Northern Ireland and Ireland to a point on the south-east cost of Ireland at 52° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of Wales; then in a north-easterly and northerly direction along the coasts of Wales, England and Scotland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIbThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of Ireland at 54° 30′ north; then due west to 12°00′ west; then due south to 52° 30′ north; then due east to the coast of Ireland; then in a northerly direction along the west coast of Ireland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIcThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 54° 30′ north, 12° 00′ west; then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 52° 30′ north; then due east to 12° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division VIIc 1That part of division VII c confined by the following coordinates:
54.50 N
15.99 W
54.42 N
15.99 W
54.34 N
16.00 W
54.25 N
16.01 W
54.17 N
16.01 W
54.08 N
16.01 W
53.99 N
16.00 W
53.91 N
15.99 W
53.82 N
15.97 W
53.74 N
15.96 W
53.66 N
15.94 W
53.57 N
15.91 W
53.49 N
15.90 W
53.42 N
15.89 W
53.34 N
15.88 W
53.26 N
15.86 W
53.18 N
15.84 W
53.10 N
15.88 W
53.02 N
15.92 W
52.94 N
15.95 W
52.86 N
15.98 W
52.77 N
16.00 W
52.69 N
16.02 W
52.61 N
16.04 W
52.52 N
16.06 W
52.50 N
16.06 W
52.50 N
18.00 W
54.50 N
18.00 W
54.50 N
15.99 W
ICES statistical sub-division VIIc 2That part of division VIIc not within sub division VIIc 1,ICES statistical division VIIdThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of France at 51° 00′ north; then due west to the coast of England; then in a westerly direction along the south coast of England to 2° 00′ west; then due south to the coast of France at Cap de la Hague; then in a north-easterly direction along the coast of France to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIeThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the south coast of England at 2° 00′ west; then in a southerly and westerly direction along the coast of England to a point on the south-west coast at 50° 00′ north; then due west to 7° 00′ west; then due south to 49° 30′ north; then due east to 5° 00′ west; then due south to 48° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of France; then in a northerly and north-easterly direction along the coast of France to Cap de la Hague; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIfThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the south coast of Wales at 5° 00′ west; then due south to 51° 00′ north; then due west to 6° 00′ west; then due south to 50° 30′ north; then due west to 7° 00′ west; then due south to 50° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of England; then along the south-west coast of England and the south coast of Wales to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIgThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of Wales at 52° 00′ north; then due west to the south-east coast of Ireland; then in a south-westerly direction along the coast of Ireland to a point at 9° 00′ west; then due south to 50° 00′ north; then due east to 7° 00′ west; then due north to 50° 30′ north; then due east to 6° 00′ west; then due north to 51° 00′ north; then due east to 5° 00′ west; then due north to the south coast of Wales; then in a north-westerly direction along the coast of Wales to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIhThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 50° 00′ north, 7° 00′ west; then due west to 9° 00′ west; then due south to 48° 00′ north; then due east to 5° 00′ west; then due north to 49° 30′ north; then due west to 7° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIjThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of Ireland at 52° 30′ north; then due west to 12° 00′ west; then due south to 48° 00′ north; then due east to 9° 00′ west; then due north to the south coast of Ireland; then in a northerly direction along the coast of Ireland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division VIIj 1That part of division VIIj enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
48.43 N
12.00 W
48.42 N
11.99 W
48.39 N
11.87 W
48.36 N
11.75 W
48.33 N
11.64 W
48.30 N
11.52 W
48.27 N
11.39 W
48.25 N
11.27 W
48.23 N
11.14 W
48.21 N
11.02 W
48.19 N
10.89 W
48.17 N
10.77 W
48.03 N
10.68 W
48.00 N
10.64 W
48.00 N
12.00 W
48.43 N
12.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division VIIj 2That part of division VIIj not in sub division VIIj 1.ICES statistical division VIIkThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 52° 30′ north, 12° 00′ west; then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 48° 00′ north; then due east to 12° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division VIIk 1That part of division VIIk enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
48.00 N
18.00 W
52.50 N
18.00 W
52.50 N
16.06 W
52.44 N
16.07 W
52.36 N
16.08 W
52.27 N
16.09 W
52.19 N
16.09 W
52.11 N
16.09 W
52.02 N
16.08 W
51.94 N
16.07 W
51.85 N
16.07 W
51.77 N
16.05 W
51.68 N
16.04 W
51.60 N
16.02 W
51.52 N
15.99 W
51.43 N
15.96 W
51.34 N
15.93 W
51.27 N
15.90 W
51.18 N
15.86 W
51.10 N
15.82 W
51.02 N
15.77 W
50.94 N
15.73 W
50.86 N
15.68 W
50.78 N
15.63 W
50.70 N
15.57 W
50.62 N
15.52 W
50.54 N
15.47 W
50.47 N
15.42 W
50.39 N
15.36 W
50.32 N
15.30 W
50.24 N
15.24 W
50.17 N
15.17 W
50.10 N
15.11 W
50.03 N
15.04 W
49.96 N
14.97 W
49.89 N
14.89 W
49.82 N
14.82 W
49.75 N
14.74 W
49.69 N
14.65 W
49.62 N
14.57 W
49.56 N
14.48 W
49.50 N
14.39 W
49.44 N
14.30 W
49.38 N
14.22 W
49.32 N
14.13 W
49.27 N
14.04 W
49.21 N
13.95 W
49.15 N
13.86 W
49.10 N
13.77 W
49.05 N
13.67 W
49.00 N
13.57 W
48.95 N
13.47 W
48.90 N
13.37 W
48.86 N
13.27 W
48.81 N
13.17 W
48.77 N
13.07 W
48.73 N
12.96 W
48.69 N
12.85 W
48.65 N
12.74 W
48.62 N
12.64 W
48.58 N
12.54 W
48.55 N
12.43 W
48.52 N
12.32 W
48.49 N
12.22 W
48.46 N
12.11 W
48.43 N
12.00 W
48.00 N
18.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division VIIk 2That part of division VIIk not in sub division VIIk 1.ICES statistical sub-area VIIIThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of France at 48° 00′ north; then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 43° 00′ north; then due east to the west coast of Spain; then in a northerly direction along the coasts of Spain and France to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIIaThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of France at 48° 00′ north; then due west to 8° 00′ west; then due south to 47° 30′ north; then due east to 6° 00′ west; then due south to 47° 00′ north; then due east to 5° 00′ west; then due south to 46° 00′ north; then due east to the coast of France; then in a north-westerly direction along the coast of France to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIIbThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the west coast of France at 46° 00′ north; then due west to 4° 00′ west; then due south to 45° 30′ north; then due east to 3° 00′ west; then due south to 44° 30′ north; then due east to 2° 00′ west; then due south to the north coast of Spain; then along the north coast of Spain and the west coast of France to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIIcThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the north coast of Spain at 2° 00′ west; then due north to 44° 30′ north; then due west to 11° 00′ west; then due south to 43° 00′ north; then due east to the west coast of Spain; then in a northerly and easterly direction along the coast of Spain to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division VIIIdThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 48° 00′ north, 8° 00′ west; then due west to 11° 00′ west; then due south to 44° 30′ north; then due east to 3° 00′ west; then due north to 45° 30′ north; then due west to 4° 00′ west; then due north to 46° 00′ north; then due west to 5° 00′ west; then due north to 47° 00′ north; then due west to 6° 00′ west; then due north to 47° 30′ north, then due west to 8° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division VIIId 1That part of division VIIId enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
48.00 N
11.00 W
48.00 N
10.64 W
47.77 N
10.37 W
47.45 N
09.89 W
46.88 N
09.62 W
46.34 N
10.95 W
46.32 N
11.00 W
48.00 N
11.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division VIIId 2That part of division VIIId outside of sub-division VIIId 1.ICES statistical division VIIIeThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 48° 00′ north, 11° 00′ west; then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 43° 00′ north; then due east to 11° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division VIIIe 1That part of division VIIIe enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
43.00 N
18.00 W
48.00 N
18.00 W
48.00 N
11.00 W
46.32 N
11.00 W
44.72 N
13.31 W
44.07 N
13.49 W
43.00 N
13.80 W
ICES statistical sub-division VIIIe 2That part of division VIIIe not within sub division VIIIe 1.ICES statistical sub-area IXThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the north-west coast of Spain at 43° 00′ north; then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 36° 00′ north; then due east to a point on the south coast of Spain (Punta Marroqui isthmus) at 5° 36′ west; then in a north-westerly direction along the south-west coast of Spain, the coast of Portugal, and the north-west coast of Spain to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division IXaThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the north-west coast of Spain at 43° 00′ north; then due west to 11° 00′ west; then due south to 36° 00′ north; then due east to a point on the south coast of Spain (Punta Marroqui isthmus) at 5° 36′ west; then in a north-westerly direction along the south-west coast of Spain, the coast of Portugal and the north-west coast of Spain to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division IXbThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 43° 00′ north, 11° 00′ west; then due west to 18° 00′ west; then due south to 36° 00′ north; then due east to 11° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division IXb 1That part of division IXb enclosed by the lines joining the following points:
43.00 N
18.00 W
43.00 N
13.80 W
42.88 N
13.84 W
42.04 N
13.64 W
41.38 N
13.27 W
41.13 N
13.27 W
40.06 N
13.49 W
38.75 N
13.78 W
38.17 N
13.69 W
36.03 N
12.73 W
36.04 N
15.30 W
36.02 N
17.90 W
36.00 N
18.00 W
43.00 N
18.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division IXb 2That part of division IXb not within sub division IXb 1.ICES statistical sub-area XThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 48° 00′ north, 18° 00′ west; then due west to 42° 00′ west; then due south to 36° 00′ north; then due east to 18° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division XaThat part of sub-area X south of 43° N.ICES statistical sub-division Xa 1That part of division Xa enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
36.00 N
18.00 W
36.00 N
22.25 W
37.58 N
20.62 W
39.16 N
21.32 W
40.97 N
23.91 W
41.35 N
24.65 W
41.91 N
25.79 W
42.34 N
28.45 W
42.05 N
29.95 W
41.02 N
35.11 W
40.04 N
35.26 W
38.74 N
35.48 W
36.03 N
31.76 W
36.00 N
32.03 W
36.00 N
42.00 W
43.00 N
42.00 W
43.00 N
18.00 W
36.00 N
18.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division Xa 2That part of division X a not included in sub division X a 1.ICES statistical division XbThat part of sub-area X north of 43° N.ICES statistical sub-area XIIThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 62° 00′ north, 15° 00′ west; then due west to 27° 00′ west; then due south to 59° 00′ north; then due west to 42° 00′ west; then due south to 48° 00′ north; then due east to 18° 00′ west; then due north to 60° 00′ north; then due east to 15° 00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.ICES statistical division XIIaThat part of sub-area XII enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
62.00 N
15.00 W
62.00 N
27.00 W
59.00 N
27.00 W
59.00 N
42.00 W
52.50 N
42.00 W
52.50 N
18.00 W
54.50 N
18.00 W
54.50 N
24.00 W
60.00 N
24.00 W
60.00 N
18.00 W
60.00 N
15.00 W
62.00 N
15.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division XIIa 1That part of division XIIa enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
52.50 N
42.00 W
56.55 N
42.00 W
56.64 N
41.50 W
56.75 N
41.00 W
56.88 N
40.50 W
57.03 N
40.00 W
57.20 N
39.50 W
57.37 N
39.00 W
57.62 N
38.50 W
57.78 N
38.25 W
57.97 N
38.00 W
58.26 N
37.50 W
58.50 N
37.20 W
58.63 N
37.00 W
59.00 N
36.77 W
59.00 N
27.00 W
60.85 N
27.00 W
60.69 N
26.46 W
60.45 N
25.09 W
60.37 N
23.96 W
60.22 N
23.27 W
60.02 N
21.76 W
60.00 N
20.55 W
60.05 N
18.65 W
60.08 N
18.00 W
60.00 N
18.00 W
60.00 N
24.00 W
54.50 N
24.00 W
54.50 N
18.00 W
52.50 N
18.00 W
52.50 N
42.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division XIIa 2That part of division XIIa enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
60.00 N
20.55 W
60.00 N
15.00 W
60.49 N
15.00 W
60.44 N
15.22 W
60.11 N
17.32 W
60.05 N
18.65 W
60.00 N
20.55 W
ICES statistical sub-division XIIa 3That part of division XIIa enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
59.00 N
42.00 W
56.55 N
42.00 W
56.64 N
41.50 W
56.75 N
41.00 W
56.88 N
40.50 W
57.03 N
40.00 W
57.20 N
39.50 W
57.37 N
39.00 W
57.62 N
38.50 W
57.78 N
38.25 W
57.97 N
38.00 W
58.26 N
37.50 W
58.63 N
37.00 W
59.00 N
36.77 W
59.00 N
42.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division XIIa 4That part of division XIIa enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
62.00 N
27.00 W
60.85 N
27.00 W
60.69 N
26.46 W
60.45 N
25.09 W
60.37 N
23.96 W
60.22 N
23.27 W
60.02 N
21.76 W
60.00 N
20.55 W
60.05 N
18.65 W
60.11 N
17.32 W
60.44 N
15.22 W
60.49 N
15.00 W
62.00 N
15.00 W
62.00 N
27.00 W
ICES statistical division XIIbThat part of sub-area XII enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
60.00 N
18.00 W
54.50 N
18.00 W
54.50 N
24.00 W
60.00 N
24.00 W
60.00 N
18.00 W
ICES statistical division XIIcThat part of sub-area XII enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
52.50 N
42.00 W
48.00 N
42.00 W
48.00 N
18.00 W
52.50 N
18.00 W
52.50 N
42.00 W
ICES statistical sub-area XIVThe waters bounded by a line from the geographic North Pole along the meridian of 40° 00′ west to the north coast of Greenland; then in an easterly and southerly direction along the coast of Greenland to a point at 44° 00′ west; then due south to 59° 00′ north; then due east to 27° 00′ west; then due north to 68° 00′ north; then due east to 11° 00′ west; then due north to the geographic North Pole.ICES statistical division XIVaThe waters bounded by a line from the geographic North Pole along the meridian of 40° 00′ west to the north coast of Greenland; then in an easterly and southerly direction along the coast of Greenland to a point at Cape Savary at 68° 30′ north; then due south along the meridian of 27° 00′ west to 68° 00′ north; then due east to 11° 00′ west; then due north to the geographic North Pole.ICES statistical division XIVbThe waters bounded by a line beginning at a point on the south coast of Greenland at 44° 00′ west; then due south to 59° 00′ north; then due east to 27° 00′ west; then due north to a point at Cape Savary at 68° 30′ north; then south-westerly direction along the coast of Greenland to the point of beginning.ICES statistical sub-division XIVb 1That part of division XIVb enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:
59.00 N
27.00 W
59.00 N
36.77 W
59.35 N
36.50 W
59.50 N
36.35 W
59.75 N
36.16 W
60.00 N
35.96 W
60.25 N
35.76 W
60.55 N
35.50 W
60.75 N
35.37 W
61.00 N
35.15 W
61.25 N
34.97 W
61.50 N
34.65 W
61.60 N
34.50 W
61.75 N
34.31 W
61.98 N
34.00 W
62.25 N
33.70 W
62.45 N
33.53 W
62.50 N
33.27 W
62.56 N
33.00 W
62.69 N
32.50 W
62.75 N
32.30 W
62.87 N
32.00 W
63.03 N
31.50 W
63.25 N
31.00 W
63.31 N
30.86 W
63.00 N
30.61 W
62.23 N
29.87 W
61.79 N
29.25 W
61.44 N
28.61 W
61.06 N
27.69 W
60.85 N
27.00 W
59.00 N
27.00 W
ICES statistical sub-division XIVb 2That part of division XIV b not included in sub-division XIV b 1.