Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (Text with EEA relevance)
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Corrigendum to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications(Official Journal of the European Union L 255 of 30 September 2005)On page 24, in recital 20:for:"(20)To allow for the characteristics of the qualification system for doctors and dentists …";read:"(20)To allow for the characteristics of the qualification system for doctors and dental practitioners …".On page 31, in Article 10, point (d):for:"(d)without prejudice to Article 21(1), 23 and 27, for doctors, nurses, dental practitioners, veterinary surgeons, midwives, pharmacists and architects holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist, which must follow the training leading to the possession of a title …";read:"(d)without prejudice to Article 21(1), 23 and 27, for doctors, nurses, dental practitioners, veterinary surgeons, midwives, pharmacists and architects holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist who must have taken part in the training leading to the possession of a title …".On page 31, in Article 10, point (e):for:"(e)for nurses responsible for general care and specialized nurses holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist which follows the training leading to the possession of a title …";read:"(e)for nurses responsible for general care and specialized nurses holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist who have taken part in the training leading to the possession of a title …".On page 31, in Article 10, point (f):for:"(f)for specialised nurses … where the relevant professional activities are pursued by nurses responsible for general care, specialised nurses without training as general care nurse or specialised nurses holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist which follows the training leading to the possession of the titles listed in Annex V, point 5.22;";read:"(f)for specialised nurses … where the relevant professional activities are pursued by nurses responsible for general care, specialised nurses without training as general care nurse or specialised nurses holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist who have taken part in the training leading to the possession of the titles listed in Annex V, point 5.22;".On page 33, in Article 14(3), second subparagraph:for:"This applies also to the cases … concerning doctors and dental practitioners … when the migrant seeks recognition in another Member State where the relevant professional activities are pursued by nurses responsible for general care or specialised nurses holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist which follows the training …";read:"This applies also to the cases … concerning doctors and dental practitioners … when the migrant seeks recognition in another Member State where the relevant professional activities are pursued by nurses responsible for general care or specialised nurses holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist who have taken part in the training …".On page 49, in Article 49(1), first subparagraph:for:"… formal qualifications as an architect listed in Annex VI, point 6, …";read:"… formal qualifications as an architect listed in Annex VI, …".On page 49, in Article 49(2), second subparagraph:for:"The certificates referred to in paragraph 1 shall certify that the holder was authorized, no later than the respective date, to use the professional title of architect, …";read:"The certificates referred to in the first subparagraph shall certify that the holder was authorized, no later than the respective date, to use the professional title of architect, …".On page 79 and following, Annex V:on page 88, under the column "Pathological anatomy", for "Ireland":for"Morbid anatomy and histopathology",read"Histopathology";on page 91, under the column "Clinical Biology", for "Ελλάς":Delete: "Χειρουργική Θώρακος";on page 91, under the column "Plastic surgery", for "Ireland":for"Plastic surgery",read"Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery";on page 92, under the column "Microbiology-bacteriology", for "Ελλάς":for"1.Ιατρική Βιοπαθολογία2.Μικροβιολογία",read"Ιατρική ΒιοπαθολογίαΜικροβιολογία";on page 93, under the column "Thoracic surgery", for "Italia":for"Chirurgia toracica; Cardiochirurgia",read"Chirurgia toracica;Cardiochirurgia";on page 95, under the column "Gastroenterology", for "Belgique/België/Belgien":for"Gastro-entérologie/Gastroenterologie",read"Gastro-entérologie/Gastro-enterologie";on page 97, under the column "Physiotherapy", for "Portugal":for"Fisiatria ou Medicina física e de reabilitação",read"FisiatriaMedicina física e de reabilitação";on page 99, under the column "Radiology", for "Ireland":for"Radiology (**)",read"Radiology";on page 99, under the column "Radiology", for "Italia":for"Radiologia",read"Radiologia (**)";on page 101, under the column "Community medicine", for "Κύπρος":for"Υγειονολογία/Κοινοτική Ιατρική",read"ΥγειονολογίαΚοινοτική Ιατρική";on page 108, under the column "Accident and emergency medicine", for "Česká republika":for"TraumatologieUrgentní medicina",read"TraumatologieUrgentní medicína";on page 108, under the column "Accident and emergency medicine", for "Slovensko":for"Úrazová chirurgiaUrgentná medicina",read"Úrazová chirurgiaUrgentná medicina";on page 115, in the table, "5.3.2. Evidence of basic formal qualifications of dental practitioners", under the column "Evidence of formal qualifications", for "Česká republika":for" … (doktor)",read" … (doktor zubního lékařství, MDDr.)";on page 121, in the table "5.4.2. Evidence of formal qualifications of veterinary surgeons", under the column "Evidence of formal qualifications", for "Deutschland":for" … des Dritten Abscnitts …",read" … des Dritten Abschnitts …";on page 128, in the table "5.6.2. Evidence of formal qualifications of pharmacists", for "Magyarország", under the column "Body awarding the evidence of qualifications":for"EG Egyetem",read"Egyetem";on page 129 and following, in the tables for "Architect":(a)On page 130, in the table for "España":The table shall read as follows (alignment of Reference academic years in last column):
"CountryEvidence of formal qualificationsBody awarding the evidence of qualificationsCertificate accompanying the evidence of qualificationsReference academic year
EspañaTítulo oficial de arquitectoRectores de las universidades enumeradas a continuación:1988/1989
Universidad politécnica de Cataluña, escuelas técnicas superiores de arquitectura de Barcelona o del Vallès;
Universidad politécnica de Madrid, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Madrid;
Universidad politécnica de Las Palmas, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Las Palmas;
Universidad politécnica de Valencia, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Valencia;
Universidad de Sevilla, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Sevilla;
Universidad de Valladolid, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Valladolid;
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de La Coruña;
Universidad del País Vasco, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de San Sebastián;
Universidad de Navarra, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Pamplona;
Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, escuela politécnica de Alcalá de Henares;1999/2000
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, centro politécnico superior de Villanueva de la Cañada;1999/2000
Universidad de Alicante, escuela politécnica superior de Alicante;1997/1998
Universidad Europea de Madrid;1998/1999
Universidad de Cataluña, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Barcelona;1999/2000
Universidad Ramón Llull, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de La Salle;1998/1999
Universidad S.E.K. de Segovia, centro de estudios integrados de arquitectura de Segovia.1999/2000
Universidad de Granada, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Granada1994/1995"
(b)On page 132, in the last part of the table for "Italia":This part of the table shall read as follows (alignment of Reference academic years in last column):
"CountryEvidence of formal qualificationsBody awarding the evidence of qualificationsCertificate accompanying the evidence of qualificationsReference academic year
Laurea specialistica quinquennale in ArchitetturaPrima Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza"Diploma di abilitazione all'esercizo indipendente della professione che viene rilasciato dal ministero della Pubblica istruzione dopo che il candidato ha sostenuto con esito positivo l'esame di Stato davanti ad una commissione competente1998/1999
Laurea specialistica quinquennale in ArchitetturaUniversità di FerraraUniversità di GenovaUniversità di PalermoPolitecnico di MilanoPolitecnico di BariDiploma di abilitazione all'esercizo indipendente della professione che viene rilasciato dal ministero della Pubblica istruzione dopo che il candidato ha sostenuto con esito positivo l'esame di Stato davanti ad una commissione competente1999/2000
Laurea specialistica quinquennale in ArchitetturaUniversità di Roma IIIDiploma di abilitazione all'esercizo indipendente della professione che viene rilasciato dal ministero della Pubblica istruzione dopo che il candidato ha sostenuto con esito positivo l'esame di Stato davanti ad una commissione competente2003/2004
Laurea specialistica in ArchitetturaUniversità di FirenzeUniversità di Napoli IIPolitecnico di Milano IIDiploma di abilitazione all'esercizo indipendente della professione che viene rilasciato dal ministero della Pubblica istruzione dopo che il candidato ha sostenuto con esito positivo l'esame di Stato davanti ad una commissione competente2004/2005"
(c)On page 133, in the table for "Portugal":The table shall read as follows (alignment of Reference academic years in last column):
"CountryEvidence of formal qualificationsBody awarding the evidence of qualificationsCertificate accompanying the evidence of qualificationsReference academic year
PortugalCarta de curso de licenciatura em ArquitecturaFaculdade de arquitectura da Universidade técnica de LisboaFaculdade de arquitectura da Universidade do PortoEscola Superior Artística do Porto1988/1989
Para os cursos iniciados a partir do ano académico de 1991/1992Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes da Universidade Lusíada do Porto1991/1992"
On page 135, in Annex VI, under "Acquired rights":In the subheading, delete the reference to point "6."