Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
- Council Directive 2006/100/ECof 20 November 2006adapting certain Directives in the field of freedom of movement of persons, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and RomaniaCorrigendum to Council Directive 2006/100/EC of 20 November 2006 adapting certain Directives in the field of freedom of movement of persons, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania(Official Journal of the European Union L 363 of 20 December 2006), 32006L010032006L0100R(02), December 20, 2006
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1430/2007of 5 December 2007amending Annexes II and III to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 32007R1430, December 6, 2007
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 755/2008of 31 July 2008amending Annex II to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 32008R0755, August 1, 2008
- Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 22 October 2008adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC, with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutinyAdaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Part One, 32008R1137, November 21, 2008
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 279/2009of 6 April 2009amending Annex II to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 32009R0279, April 7, 2009
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 213/2011of 3 March 2011amending Annexes II and V to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 32011R0213, March 4, 2011
- Actconcerning the conditions of accession of the Republic of Croatia and the adjustments to the Treaty on European Union, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, 12012J/ACT, April 24, 2012
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 623/2012of 11 July 2012amending Annex II to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications(Text with EEA relevance), 32012R0623, July 12, 2012
- Council Directive 2013/25/EUof 13 May 2013adapting certain directives in the field of right of establishment and freedom to provide services, by reason of the accession of the Republic of Croatia, 32013L0025, June 10, 2013
- Directive 2013/55/EU of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 20 November 2013amending Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System (the IMI Regulation)(Text with EEA relevance), 32013L0055, December 28, 2013
- Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2016/790of 13 January 2016amending Annex V to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the evidence of formal qualifications and the titles of training courses(notified under document C(2016) 1)(Text with EEA relevance), 32016D0790, May 24, 2016
- Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2017/2113of 11 September 2017amending Annex V to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards evidence of formal qualifications and the titles of training courses(notified under document C(2017) 6054)(Text with EEA relevance), 32017D2113, December 1, 2017
- Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/608of 16 January 2019amending Annex V to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the evidence of formal qualifications and titles of training courses(notified under document C(2019) 78)(Text with EEA relevance), 32019D0608, April 15, 2019
- Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2020/548of 23 January 2020amending Annex V to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the evidence of formal qualifications and titles of training courses(notified under document C(2020) 229)(Text with EEA relevance), 32020D0548, April 24, 2020
- Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2021/2183of 25 August 2021amending Annex V to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the evidence of formal qualifications and titles of training courses(notified under document C(2021) 6111)(Text with EEA relevance), 32021D2183, December 10, 2021
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications, 32005L0036R(02), October 16, 2007
- Corrigendum to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications, 32005L0036R(03), April 4, 2008
- Corrigendum to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications, 32005L0036R(05), October 24, 2014
- Corrigendum to Council Directive 2006/100/EC of 20 November 2006 adapting certain Directives in the field of freedom of movement of persons, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, 32006L0100R(02), July 8, 2015
(a) "regulated profession": a professional activity or group of professional activities, access to which, the pursuit of which, or one of the modes of pursuit of which is subject, directly or indirectly, by virtue of legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions to the possession of specific professional qualifications; in particular, the use of a professional title limited by legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions to holders of a given professional qualification shall constitute a mode of pursuit. Where the first sentence of this definition does not apply, a profession referred to in paragraph 2 shall be treated as a regulated profession; (b) "professional qualifications": qualifications attested by evidence of formal qualifications, an attestation of competence referred to in Article 11, point (a) (i) and/or professional experience; (c) "evidence of formal qualifications": diplomas, certificates and other evidence issued by an authority in a Member State designated pursuant to legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions of that Member State and certifying successful completion of professional training obtained mainly in the Community. Where the first sentence of this definition does not apply, evidence of formal qualifications referred to in paragraph 3 shall be treated as evidence of formal qualifications; (d) "competent authority": any authority or body empowered by a Member State specifically to issue or receive training diplomas and other documents or information and to receive the applications, and take the decisions, referred to in this Directive; (e) "regulated education and training": any training which is specifically geared to the pursuit of a given profession and which comprises a course or courses complemented, where appropriate, by professional training, or probationary or professional practice. The structure and level of the professional training, probationary or professional practice shall be determined by the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of the Member State concerned or monitored or approved by the authority designated for that purpose; (f) "professional experience":the actual and lawful full-time or equivalent part-time pursuit of the profession concerned in a Member State; (g) "adaptation period": the pursuit of a regulated profession in the host Member State under the responsibility of a qualified member of that profession, such period of supervised practice possibly being accompanied by further training. This period of supervised practice shall be the subject of an assessment. The detailed rules governing the adaptation period and its assessment as well as the status of a migrant under supervision shall be laid down by the competent authority in the host Member State. The status enjoyed in the host Member State by the person undergoing the period of supervised practice, in particular in the matter of right of residence as well as obligations, social rights and benefits, allowances and remuneration, shall be established by the competent authorities in that Member State in accordance with applicable Community law; (h) "aptitude test": a test of the professional knowledge, skills and competences of the applicant, carried out or recognised by the competent authorities of the host Member State with the aim of assessing the ability of the applicant to pursue a regulated profession in that Member State. In order to permit this test to be carried out, the competent authorities shall draw up a list of subjects which, on the basis of a comparison of the education and training required in the host Member State and that received by the applicant, are not covered by the diploma or other evidence of formal qualifications possessed by the applicant. The aptitude test must take account of the fact that the applicant is a qualified professional in the home Member State or the Member State from which the applicant comes. It shall cover subjects to be selected from those on the list, knowledge of which is essential in order to be able to pursue the profession in question in the host Member State. The test may also cover knowledge of the professional rules applicable to the activities in question in the host Member State. The detailed application of the aptitude test and the status, in the host Member State, of the applicant who wishes to prepare himself for the aptitude test in that Member State shall be determined by the competent authorities in that Member State; (i) "manager of an undertaking": any person who in an undertaking in the occupational field in question has pursued an activity: (i) as a manager of an undertaking or a manager of a branch of an undertaking; or (ii) as a deputy to the proprietor or the manager of an undertaking where that post involves responsibility equivalent to that of the proprietor or manager represented; or (iii) in a managerial post with duties of a commercial and/or technical nature and with responsibility for one or more departments of the undertaking.
(j) "professional traineeship": without prejudice to Article 46(4), a period of professional practice carried out under supervision provided it constitutes a condition for access to a regulated profession, and which can take place either during or after completion of an education leading to a diploma; (k) "European Professional Card": an electronic certificate proving either that the professional has met all the necessary conditions to provide services in a host Member State on a temporary and occasional basis or the recognition of professional qualifications for establishment in a host Member State; (l) "lifelong learning": all general education, vocational education and training, non-formal education and informal learning undertaken throughout life, resulting in an improvement in knowledge, skills and competences, which may include professional ethics; (m) "overriding reasons of general interest": reasons recognised as such in the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union; (n) "European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System or ECTS credits": the credit system for higher education used in the European Higher Education Area.
(a) there is significant mobility or potential for significant mobility in the profession concerned; (b) there is sufficient interest expressed by the relevant stakeholders; (c) the profession or the education and training geared to the pursuit of the profession is regulated in a significant number of Member States.
(a) the identity of the professional; (b) the profession concerned; (c) information about the national authority or court which has adopted the decision on restriction or prohibition; (d) the scope of the restriction or the prohibition; and (e) the period for which the restriction or the prohibition applies.
(a) the professional is fully qualified to exercise in the home Member State the professional activity for which partial access is sought in the host Member State; (b) differences between the professional activity legally exercised in the home Member State and the regulated profession in the host Member State as such are so large that the application of compensation measures would amount to requiring the applicant to complete the full programme of education and training required in the host Member State to have access to the full regulated profession in the host Member State; (c) the professional activity can objectively be separated from other activities falling under the regulated profession in the host Member State.
(a) if the service provider is legally established in a Member State for the purpose of pursuing the same profession there (hereinafter referred to as the Member State of establishment), and (b) where the service provider moves, if he has pursued that profession in one or several Member States for at least one year during the last 10 years preceding the provision of services when the profession is not regulated in the Member State of establishment. The condition of one year’s pursuit shall not apply if the profession or the education and training leading to the profession is regulated.
(a) authorisation by, registration with or membership of a professional organisation or body. In order to facilitate the application of disciplinary provisions in force on their territory according to Article 5(3), Member States may provide either for automatic temporary registration with or for pro forma membership of such a professional organisation or body, provided that such registration or membership does not delay or complicate in any way the provision of services and does not entail any additional costs for the service provider. A copy of the declaration and, where applicable, of the renewal referred to in Article 7(1), accompanied, for professions which have implications for public health and safety referred to in Article 7(4) or which benefit from automatic recognition under Title III Chapter III, by a copy of the documents referred to in Article 7(2) shall be sent by the competent authority to the relevant professional organisation or body, and this shall constitute automatic temporary registration or pro forma membership for this purpose; (b) registration with a public social security body for the purpose of settling accounts with an insurer relating to activities pursued for the benefit of insured persons.
(a) proof of the nationality of the service provider; (b) an attestation certifying that the holder is legally established in a Member State for the purpose of pursuing the activities concerned and that he is not prohibited from practising, even temporarily, at the moment of delivering the attestation; (c) evidence of professional qualifications; (d) for cases referred to in point (b) of Article 5(1), any means of proof that the service provider has pursued the activity concerned for at least one year during the previous 10 years; (e) for professions in the security sector, in the health sector and professions related to the education of minors, including in childcare and early childhood education, where the Member State so requires for its own nationals, an attestation confirming the absence of temporary or final suspensions from exercising the profession or of criminal convictions; (f) for professions that have patient safety implications, a declaration about the applicant’s knowledge of the language necessary for practising the profession in the host Member State; (g) for professions covering the activities referred to in Article 16 and which were notified by a Member State in accordance with Article 59(2), a certificate concerning the nature and duration of the activity issued by the competent authority or body of the Member State where the service provider is established.
(a) the profession is regulated in parts of that Member State’s territory in a different manner; (b) such regulation is applicable also to all nationals of that Member State; (c) the differences in such regulation are justified by overriding reasons of general interest relating to public health or safety of service recipients; and (d) the Member State has no other means of obtaining such information.
(a) not to check his professional qualifications; (b) having checked his professional qualifications: (i) to require the service provider to take an aptitude test; or (ii) to allow the provision of services.
(a) if the service provider is registered in a commercial register or similar public register, the register in which he is registered, his registration number, or equivalent means of identification contained in that register; (b) if the activity is subject to authorisation in the Member State of establishment, the name and address of the competent supervisory authority; (c) any professional association or similar body with which the service provider is registered; (d) the professional title or, where no such title exists, the formal qualification of the service provider and the Member State in which it was awarded; (e) if the service provider performs an activity which is subject to VAT, the VAT identification number referred to in Article 22(1) of the sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - Common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment ;OJ L 145, 13.6.1977, p. 1 . Directive as last amended by Directive 2004/66/EC (OJ L 168, 1.5.2004, p. 35 ).(f) details of any insurance cover or other means of personal or collective protection with regard to professional liability.
(a) for activities listed in Annex IV, when the migrant does not meet the requirements set out in Articles 17, 18 and 19; (b) for doctors with basic training, specialised doctors, nurses responsible for general care, dental practitioners, specialised dental practitioners, veterinary surgeons, midwives, pharmacists and architects, when the migrant does not meet the requirements of effective and lawful professional practice referred to in Articles 23, 27, 33, 37, 39, 43 and 49; (c) for architects, when the migrant holds evidence of formal qualification not listed in Annex V, point 5.7; (d) without prejudice to Article 21(1), 23 and 27, for doctors, nurses, dental practitioners, veterinary surgeons, midwives, pharmacists and architects holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist who must have taken part in the training leading to the possession of a title listed in Annex V, points 5.1.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.2, 5.4.2, 5.5.2, 5.6.2 and 5.7.1, and solely for the purpose of the recognition of the relevant specialty; (e) for nurses responsible for general care and specialized nurses holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist who have taken part in the training leading to the possession of a title listed in Annex V, point 5.2.2, when the migrant seeks recognition in another Member State where the relevant professional activities are pursued by specialised nurses without training as general care nurse; (f) for specialised nurses without training as general care nurse, when the migrant seeks recognition in another Member State where the relevant professional activities are pursued by nurses responsible for general care, specialised nurses without training as general care nurse or specialised nurses holding evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist who have taken part in the training leading to the possession of the titles listed in Annex V, point 5.22; (g) for migrants meeting the requirements set out in Article 3(3).
(a) an attestation of competence issued by a competent authority in the home Member State designated pursuant to legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions of that Member State, on the basis of: (i) either a training course not forming part of a certificate or diploma within the meaning of points (b), (c), (d) or (e), or a specific examination without prior training, or full-time pursuit of the profession in a Member State for three consecutive years or for an equivalent duration on a part-time basis during the previous 10 years, (ii) or general primary or secondary education, attesting that the holder has acquired general knowledge;
(b) a certificate attesting to a successful completion of a secondary course, (i) either general in character, supplemented by a course of study or professional training other than those referred to in point (c) and/or by the probationary or professional practice required in addition to that course, (ii) or technical or professional in character, supplemented where appropriate by a course of study or professional training as referred to in point (i), and/or by the probationary or professional practice required in addition to that course;
(c) a diploma certifying successful completion of (i) either training at post-secondary level other than that referred to in points (d) and (e) of a duration of at least one year or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis, one of the conditions of entry of which is, as a general rule, the successful completion of the secondary course required to obtain entry to university or higher education or the completion of equivalent school education of the second secondary level, as well as the professional training which may be required in addition to that post-secondary course; or (ii) regulated education and training or, in the case of regulated professions, vocational training with a special structure, with competences going beyond what is provided for in level b, equivalent to the level of training provided for under point (i), if such training provides a comparable professional standard and prepares the trainee for a comparable level of responsibilities and functions provided that the diploma is accompanied by a certificate from the home Member State;
(d) a diploma certifying that the holder has successfully completed training at post-secondary level of at least three and not more than four years’ duration, or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis, which may in addition be expressed with an equivalent number of ECTS credits, at a university or establishment of higher education or another establishment of equivalent level and, where appropriate, that he has successfully completed the professional training required in addition to the post-secondary course; (e) a diploma certifying that the holder has successfully completed a post-secondary course of at least four years’ duration, or of an equivalent duration on a part-time basis, which may in addition be expressed with an equivalent number of ECTS credits, at a university or establishment of higher education or another establishment of equivalent level and, where appropriate, that he has successfully completed the professional training required in addition to the post-secondary course.
(a) they are issued by a competent authority in a Member State, designated in accordance with the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of that Member State; (b) they attest that the holder has been prepared for the pursuit of the profession in question.
(a) the training the applicant has received covers substantially different matters than those covered by the evidence of formal qualifications required in the host Member State; (b) the regulated profession in the host Member State comprises one or more regulated professional activities which do not exist in the corresponding profession in the applicant’s home Member State, and the training required in the host Member State covers substantially different matters from those covered by the applicant’s attestation of competence or evidence of formal qualifications.
(a) a holder of a professional qualification referred to in point (a) of Article 11, who applies for recognition of his professional qualifications where the national professional qualification required is classified under point (c) of Article 11; or (b) a holder of a professional qualification referred to in point (b) of Article 11, who applies for recognition of his professional qualifications where the national professional qualification required is classified under point (d) or (e) of Article 11.
(a) the level of the professional qualification required in the host Member State and the level of the professional qualification held by the applicant in accordance with the classification set out in Article 11; and (b) the substantial differences referred to in paragraph 4 and the reasons for which those differences cannot be compensated by knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the course of professional experience or through lifelong learning formally validated to that end by a relevant body.
(a) for six consecutive years on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking; or (b) for three consecutive years on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, where the beneficiary proves that he has received previous training of at least three years for the activity in question, evidenced by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid; or (c) for four consecutive years on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, where the beneficiary can prove that he has received, for the activity in question, previous training of at least two years' duration, attested by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid; or (d) for three consecutive years on a self-employed basis, if the beneficiary can prove that he has pursued the activity in question on an employed basis for at least five years; or (e) for five consecutive years in an executive position, of which at least three years involved technical duties and responsibility for at least one department of the company, if the beneficiary can prove that he has received, for the activity in question, previous training of at least three years' duration, as attested by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid.
(a) for five consecutive years on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, or (b) for three consecutive years on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, where the beneficiary proves that he has received previous training of at least three years for the activity in question, evidenced by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid, or (c) for four consecutive years on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, where the beneficiary can prove that he has received, for the activity in question, previous training of at least two years' duration, attested by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid, or (d) for three consecutive years on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, if the beneficiary can prove that he has pursued the activity in question on an employed basis for at least five years, or (e) for five consecutive years on an employed basis, if the beneficiary can prove that he has received, for the activity in question, previous training of at least three years' duration, as attested by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid, or (f) for six consecutive years on an employed basis, if the beneficiary can prove that he has received previous training in the activity in question of at least two years' duration, as attested by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid.
(a) for three consecutive years, either on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, or (b) for two consecutive years, either on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, if the beneficiary can prove that he has received previous training for the activity in question, as attested by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid, or (c) for two consecutive years, either on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking, if the beneficiary can prove that he has pursued the activity in question on an employed basis for at least three years, or (d) for three consecutive years, on an employed basis, if the beneficiary can prove that he has received previous training for the activity in question, as attested by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid.
(a) Member States may authorise part-time training under conditions laid down by the competent authorities; those authorities shall ensure that the overall duration, level and quality of such training is not lower than that of continuous full-time training; (b) Member States shall, in accordance with the procedures specific to each Member State, ensure, by encouraging continuous professional development, that professionals whose professional qualification is covered by Chapter III of this Title are able to update their knowledge, skills and competences in order to maintain a safe and effective practice and keep abreast of professional developments.
(a) 3 October 1990 for doctors with basic training, nurses responsible for general care, dental practitioners with basic training, specialised dental practitioners, veterinary surgeons, midwives and pharmacists, and(b) 3 April 1992 for specialised doctors.
(a) for Estonia, before 20 August 1991 ,(b) for Latvia, before 21 August 1991 ,(c) for Lithuania, before 11 March 1990 ,
(a) for Slovenia, before 25 June 1991 ; and(b) for Croatia, before 8 October 1991 ;
(a) adequate knowledge of the sciences on which medicine is based and a good understanding of the scientific methods including the principles of measuring biological functions, the evaluation of scientifically established facts and the analysis of data; (b) sufficient understanding of the structure, functions and behaviour of healthy and sick persons, as well as relations between the state of health and physical and social surroundings of the human being; (c) adequate knowledge of clinical disciplines and practices, providing him with a coherent picture of mental and physical diseases, of medicine from the points of view of prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy and of human reproduction; (d) suitable clinical experience in hospitals under appropriate supervision.
(a) completion of general education of 12 years, as attested by a diploma, certificate or other evidence issued by the competent authorities or bodies in a Member State or a certificate attesting success in an examination of an equivalent level and giving access to universities or to higher education institutions of a level recognised as equivalent; or (b) completion of general education of at least 10 years, as attested by a diploma, certificate or other evidence issued by the competent authorities or bodies in a Member State or a certificate attesting success in an examination of an equivalent level and giving access to a vocational school or vocational training programme for nursing.
(a) comprehensive knowledge of the sciences on which general nursing is based, including sufficient understanding of the structure, physiological functions and behaviour of healthy and sick persons, and of the relationship between the state of health and the physical and social environment of the human being; (b) knowledge of the nature and ethics of the profession and of the general principles of health and nursing; (c) adequate clinical experience; such experience, which should be selected for its training value, should be gained under the supervision of qualified nursing staff and in places where the number of qualified staff and equipment are appropriate for the nursing care of the patient; (d) the ability to participate in the practical training of health personnel and experience of working with such personnel; (e) experience of working together with members of other professions in the health sector.
(a) competence to independently diagnose the nursing care required using current theoretical and clinical knowledge and to plan, organise and implement nursing care when treating patients on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired in accordance with points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 6 in order to improve professional practice; (b) competence to work together effectively with other actors in the health sector, including participation in the practical training of health personnel on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired in accordance with points (d) and (e) of paragraph 6; (c) competence to empower individuals, families and groups towards healthy lifestyles and self-care on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired in accordance with points (a) and (b) of paragraph 6; (d) competence to independently initiate life-preserving immediate measures and to carry out measures in crises and disaster situations; (e) competence to independently give advice to, instruct and support persons needing care and their attachment figures; (f) competence to independently assure the quality of, and to evaluate, nursing care; (g) competence to comprehensively communicate professionally and to cooperate with members of other professions in the health sector; (h) competence to analyse the care quality to improve his own professional practice as a nurse responsible for general care.
(a) evidence of formal qualifications as a nurse at degree level (dyplom licencjata pielęgniarstwa) — at least three consecutive years during the five years prior to the date of issue of the certificate, (b) evidence of formal qualifications as a nurse certifying completion of post-secondary education obtained from a medical vocational school (dyplom pielęgniarki albo pielęgniarki dyplomowanej) — at least five consecutive years during the seven years prior to the date of issue of the certificate.
(a) were awarded in Poland, to nurses who completed training before 1 May 2004 , which did not comply with the minimum training requirements laid down in Article 31; and(b) are attested by the diploma "bachelor" which was obtained on the basis of a special upgrading programme contained in: (i) Article 11 of the Act of 20 April 2004 on the amendment of the Act on professions of nurse and midwife and on some other legal acts (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland of 2004 No 92, pos. 885 and of 2007, No 176, pos. 1237) and the Regulation of the Minister of Health of11 May 2004 on the detailed conditions of delivering studies for nurses and midwives, who hold a certificate of secondary school (final examination — matura) and are graduates of medical lyceum and medical vocational schools teaching in a profession of a nurse and a midwife (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland of 2004 No 110, pos. 1170 and of 2010 No 65, pos. 420); or(ii) Article 52.3 point 2 of the Act of 15 July 2011 on professions of nurse and midwife (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland of 2011 No 174, pos. 1039) and the Regulation of the Minister of Health of14 June 2012 on the detailed conditions of delivering higher education courses for nurses and midwives who hold a certificate of secondary school (final examination – matura) and are graduates of a medical secondary school or a post-secondary school teaching in a profession of a nurse and a midwife (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland of 2012, pos. 770),
for the purpose of verifying that the nurse concerned has a level of knowledge and competence comparable to that of nurses holding the qualifications listed for Poland in point 5.2.2 of Annex V.
(a) Certificat de competențe profesionale de asistent medical generalist with post-secondary education obtained from a școală postliceală, attesting to training started before 1 January 2007 ;(b) Diplomă de absolvire de asistent medical generalist with short-time higher education studies, attesting to training started before 1 October 2003 ;(c) Diplomă de licență de asistent medical generalist with long-time higher education studies, attesting to training started before 1 October 2003 .
(a) adequate knowledge of the sciences on which dentistry is based and a good understanding of scientific methods, including the principles of measuring biological functions, the evaluation of scientifically established facts and the analysis of data; (b) adequate knowledge of the constitution, physiology and behaviour of healthy and sick persons as well as the influence of the natural and social environment on the state of health of the human being, in so far as these factors affect dentistry; (c) adequate knowledge of the structure and function of the teeth, mouth, jaws and associated tissues, both healthy and diseased, and their relationship to the general state of health and to the physical and social well-being of the patient; (d) adequate knowledge of clinical disciplines and methods, providing the dentist with a coherent picture of anomalies, lesions and diseases of the teeth, mouth, jaws and associated tissues and of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic dentistry; (e) suitable clinical experience under appropriate supervision.
(a) that the persons in question have been effectively, lawfully and principally engaged in that Member State in the activities referred to in Article 36 for at least three consecutive years during the five years preceding the award of the certificate; (b) that those persons are authorised to pursue the said activities under the same conditions as holders of evidence of formal qualifications listed for that Member State in Annex V, point 5.3.2.
(a) that the persons in question passed the relevant aptitude test held by the competent Italian authorities with a view to establishing that those persons possess a level of knowledge and skills comparable to that of persons possessing evidence of formal qualifications listed for Italy in Annex V, point 5.3.2; (b) that they have been effectively, lawfully and principally engaged in the activities referred to in Article 36 in Italy for at least three consecutive years during the five years preceding the award of the certificate; (c) that they are authorised to engage in or are effectively, lawfully and principally engaged in the activities referred to in Article 36, under the same conditions as the holders of evidence of formal qualifications listed for Italy in Annex V, point 5.3.2.
(a) the professional in question has successfully completed at least three years of study, certified by the Spanish competent authorities as being equivalent to the training referred to in Article 34; (b) the professional in question was effectively, lawfully and principally engaged in the activities referred to in Article 36 in Spain for at least three consecutive years during the five years preceding the award of the certificate; (c) the professional in question is authorised to engage in or is effectively, lawfully and principally engaged in the activities referred to in Article 36, under the same conditions as the holders of evidence of formal qualifications listed for Spain in point 5.3.2 of Annex V.
(a) adequate knowledge of the sciences on which the activities of a veterinary surgeon are based and of the Union law relating to those activities; (b) adequate knowledge of the structure, functions, behaviour and physiological needs of animals, as well as the skills and competences needed for their husbandry, feeding, welfare, reproduction and hygiene in general; (c) the clinical, epidemiological and analytical skills and competences required for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of animals, including anaesthesia, aseptic surgery and painless death, whether considered individually or in groups, including specific knowledge of the diseases which may be transmitted to humans; (d) adequate knowledge, skills and competences for preventive medicine, including competences relating to inquiries and certification; (e) adequate knowledge of the hygiene and technology involved in the production, manufacture and putting into circulation of animal feedstuffs or foodstuffs of animal origin intended for human consumption, including the skills and competences required to understand and explain good practice in this regard; (f) the knowledge, skills and competences required for the responsible and sensible use of veterinary medicinal products, in order to treat the animals and to ensure the safety of the food chain and the protection of the environment.
(a) specific full-time training as a midwife comprising at least three years of theoretical and practical study (route I) comprising at least the programme described in Annex V, point 5.5.1, or (b) specific full-time training as a midwife of 18 months' duration (route II), comprising at least the study programme described in Annex V, point 5.5.1, which was not the subject of equivalent training of nurses responsible for general care.
(a) completion of at least 12 years of general school education or possession of a certificate attesting success in an examination, of an equivalent level, for admission to a midwifery school for route I; (b) possession of evidence of formal qualifications as a nurse responsible for general care referred to in point 5.2.2 of Annex V for route II.
(a) detailed knowledge of the sciences on which the activities of midwives are based, particularly midwifery, obstetrics and gynaecology; (b) adequate knowledge of the ethics of the profession and the legislation relevant for the practice of the profession; (c) adequate knowledge of general medical knowledge (biological functions, anatomy and physiology) and of pharmacology in the field of obstetrics and of the newly born, and also knowledge of the relationship between the state of health and the physical and social environment of the human being, and of his behaviour; (d) adequate clinical experience gained in approved institutions allowing the midwife to be able, independently and under his own responsibility, to the extent necessary and excluding pathological situations, to manage the antenatal care, to conduct the delivery and its consequences in approved institutions, and to supervise labour and birth, postnatal care and neonatal resuscitation while awaiting a medical practitioner; (e) adequate understanding of the training of health personnel and experience of working with such personnel.
(a) full-time training of at least three years as a midwife, which may in addition be expressed with the equivalent ECTS credits, consisting of at least 4600 hours of theoretical and practical training, with at least one third of the minimum duration representing clinical training;(b) full-time training as a midwife of at least two years, which may in addition be expressed with the equivalent ECTS credits, consisting of at least 3600 hours, contingent upon possession of evidence of formal qualifications as a nurse responsible for general care referred to in point 5.2.2 of Annex V;(c) full-time training as a midwife of at least 18 months, which may in addition be expressed with the equivalent ECTS credits, consisting of at least 3000 hours, contingent upon possession of evidence of formal qualifications as a nurse responsible for general care referred to in point 5.2.2 of Annex V, and followed by one year’s professional practice for which a certificate has been issued in accordance with paragraph 2.
(a) provision of sound family planning information and advice; (b) diagnosis of pregnancies and monitoring normal pregnancies; carrying out the examinations necessary for the monitoring of the development of normal pregnancies; (c) prescribing or advising on the examinations necessary for the earliest possible diagnosis of pregnancies at risk; (d) provision of programmes of parenthood preparation and complete preparation for childbirth including advice on hygiene and nutrition; (e) caring for and assisting the mother during labour and monitoring the condition of the foetus in utero by the appropriate clinical and technical means;(f) conducting spontaneous deliveries including where required episiotomies and in urgent cases breech deliveries; (g) recognising the warning signs of abnormality in the mother or infant which necessitate referral to a doctor and assisting the latter where appropriate; taking the necessary emergency measures in the doctor's absence, in particular the manual removal of the placenta, possibly followed by manual examination of the uterus; (h) examining and caring for the new-born infant; taking all initiatives which are necessary in case of need and carrying out where necessary immediate resuscitation; (i) caring for and monitoring the progress of the mother in the post-natal period and giving all necessary advice to the mother on infant care to enable her to ensure the optimum progress of the new-born infant; (j) carrying out treatment prescribed by doctors; (k) drawing up the necessary written reports.
(a) evidence of formal qualifications as a midwife at degree level (dyplom licencjata położnictwa): at least three consecutive years during the five years prior to the date of issue of the certificate, (b) evidence of formal qualifications as a midwife certifying completion of post-secondary education obtained from a medical vocational school (dyplom położnej): at least five consecutive years during the seven years prior to the date of issue of the certificate.
(a) were awarded in Poland, to midwives who completed training before 1 May 2004 , which did not comply with the minimum training requirements laid down in Article 40; and(b) are attested by the diploma "bachelor" which was obtained on the basis of a special upgrading programme contained in: (i) Article 11 of the Act of 20 April 2004 on the amendment of the Act on professions of nurse and midwife and on some other legal acts (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland of 2004 No 92, pos. 885 and of 2007 No 176, pos. 1237) and the Regulation of the Minister of Health of11 May 2004 on the detailed conditions of delivering studies for nurses and midwives, who hold a certificate of secondary school (final examination — matura) and are graduates of medical lyceum and medical vocational schools teaching in a profession of a nurse and a midwife (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland of 2004 No 110, pos. 1170 and of 2010 No 65, pos. 420); or(ii) Article 53.3 point 3 of the Act of 15 July 2011 on professions of nurse and midwife (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland of 2011 No 174, pos. 1039) and the Regulation of the Minister of Health of14 June 2012 on the detailed conditions of delivering higher education courses for nurses and midwives who hold a certificate of secondary school (final examination – matura) and are graduates of a medical secondary school or a post-secondary school teaching in a profession of a nurse and a midwife (Official Journal of the Republic of Poland of 2012, pos. 770),
for the purpose of verifying that the midwife concerned has a level of knowledge and competence comparable to that of midwives holding the qualifications listed for Poland in point 5.5.2 of Annex V.
(a) four years of full-time theoretical and practical training at a university or at a higher institute of a level recognised as equivalent, or under the supervision of a university; (b) during or at the end of the theoretical and practical training, six-month traineeship in a pharmacy which is open to the public or in a hospital under the supervision of that hospital’s pharmaceutical department.
(a) adequate knowledge of medicines and the substances used in the manufacture of medicines; (b) adequate knowledge of pharmaceutical technology and the physical, chemical, biological and microbiological testing of medicinal products; (c) adequate knowledge of the metabolism and the effects of medicinal products and of the action of toxic substances, and of the use of medicinal products; (d) adequate knowledge to evaluate scientific data concerning medicines in order to be able to supply appropriate information on the basis of this knowledge; (e) adequate knowledge of the legal and other requirements associated with the pursuit of pharmacy.
(a) preparation of the pharmaceutical form of medicinal products; (b) manufacture and testing of medicinal products; (c) testing of medicinal products in a laboratory for the testing of medicinal products; (d) storage, preservation and distribution of medicinal products at the wholesale stage; (e) supply, preparation, testing, storage, distribution and dispensing of safe and efficacious medicinal products of the required quality in pharmacies open to the public; (f) preparation, testing, storage and dispensing of safe and efficacious medicinal products of the required quality in hospitals; (g) provision of information and advice on medicinal products as such, including on their appropriate use; (h) reporting of adverse reactions of pharmaceutical products to the competent authorities; (i) personalised support for patients who administer their medication; (j) contribution to local or national public health campaigns.
(a) a total of at least five years of full-time study at a university or a comparable teaching institution, leading to successful completion of a university-level examination; or (b) not less than four years of full-time study at a university or a comparable teaching institution leading to successful completion of a university-level examination, accompanied by a certificate attesting to the completion of two years of professional traineeship in accordance with paragraph 4.
(a) the ability to create architectural designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements; (b) adequate knowledge of the history and theories of architecture and the related arts, technologies and human sciences; (c) knowledge of the fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design; (d) adequate knowledge of urban design, planning and the skills involved in the planning process; (e) understanding of the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment, and of the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human needs and scale; (f) understanding of the profession of architect and the role of the architect in society, in particular in preparing briefs that take account of social factors; (g) understanding of the methods of investigation and preparation of the brief for a design project; (h) understanding of the structural design, and constructional and engineering problems associated with building design; (i) adequate knowledge of physical problems and technologies and of the function of buildings so as to provide them with internal conditions of comfort and protection against the climate, in the framework of sustainable development; (j) the necessary design skills to meet building users’ requirements within the constraints imposed by cost factors and building regulations; (k) adequate knowledge of the industries, organisations, regulations and procedures involved in translating design concepts into buildings and integrating plans into overall planning.
(a) 1 January 1995 for Austria, Finland and Sweden;(b) 1 May 2004 for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia;(ba) 1 July 2013 for Croatia;(c) 5 August 1987 for the other Member States.
(a) the common training framework enables more professionals to move across Member States; (b) the profession to which the common training framework applies is regulated, or the education and training leading to the profession is regulated in at least one third of the Member States; (c) the common set of knowledge, skills and competences combines the knowledge, skills and competences required in the systems of education and training applicable in at least one third of the Member States; it shall be irrelevant whether the knowledge, skills and competences have been acquired as part of a general training course at a university or higher education institution or as part of a vocational training course; (d) the common training framework shall be based on levels of the EQF, as defined in Annex II of the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning ;OJ C 111, 6.5.2008, p. 1 .(e) the profession concerned is neither covered by another common training framework nor subject to automatic recognition under Chapter III of Title III; (f) the common training framework has been prepared following a transparent due process, including the relevant stakeholders from Member States where the profession is not regulated; (g) the common training framework permits nationals from any Member State to be eligible for acquiring the professional qualification under such framework without first being required to be a member of any professional organisation or to be registered with such organisation.
(a) there are no education or training institutions available in its territory to offer such training for the profession concerned; (b) the introduction of the common training framework would adversely affect the organisation of its system of education and professional training; (c) there are substantial differences between the common training framework and the training required in its territory, which entail serious risks for public policy, public security, public health or for the safety of the service recipients or the protection of the environment.
(a) the national qualifications, and where applicable the national professional titles, that comply with the common training framework; or (b) any use of the exemption referred to in paragraph 5, along with a justification of which conditions under that paragraph were fulfilled. The Commission may, within three months, request further clarification if it considers that a Member State has provided no or insufficient justification that one of these conditions has been fulfilled. The Member State shall reply within three months of any such request.
(a) the common training test enables more professionals to move across Member States; (b) the profession to which the common training test applies is regulated, or the education and training leading to the profession concerned is regulated in at least one third of the Member States; (c) the common training test has been prepared following a transparent due process, including the relevant stakeholders from Member States where the profession is not regulated; (d) the common training test permits nationals from any Member State to participate in such a test and in the practical organisation of such tests in Member States without first being required to be a member of any professional organisation or to be registered with such organisation.
(a) the profession concerned is not regulated on its territory; (b) the contents of the common training test will not sufficiently mitigate serious risks for public health or the safety of the service recipients, which are relevant on its territory; (c) the contents of the common training test would render access to the profession significantly less attractive compared to national requirements.
(a) the available capacity for organising such tests; or (b) any use of the exemption referred to in paragraph 5, along with the justification of which conditions under that paragraph were fulfilled. The Commission may, within three months, request further clarification, if it considers that a Member State has provided no or insufficient justification that one of these conditions has been fulfilled. The Member State shall reply within three months of any such request.
(a) whether the training course at the establishment which gave the training has been formally certified by the educational establishment based in the Member State of origin of the award; (b) whether the evidence of formal qualifications issued is the same as that which would have been awarded if the course had been followed entirely in the Member State of origin of the award; and (c) whether the evidence of formal qualifications confers the same professional rights in the territory of the Member State of origin of the award.
(a) to promote uniform application of this Directive; (b) to collect all the information which is relevant for application of this Directive, such as on the conditions for access to regulated professions in the Member States; (c) to examine suggestions for common training frameworks and common training tests; (d) to exchange information and best practice for the purpose of optimising continuous professional development in Member States; (e) to exchange information and best practice on the application of compensation measures referred to in Article 14.
(a) doctor of medicine and of general practice possessing evidence of a formal qualification referred to in points 5.1.1 and 5.1.4 of Annex V; (b) specialist doctor of medicine possessing a title referred to in point 5.1.3 of Annex V; (c) nurse responsible for general care possessing evidence of a formal qualification referred to in point 5.2.2 of Annex V; (d) dental practitioner possessing evidence of a formal qualification referred to in point 5.3.2 of Annex V; (e) specialist dentists possessing evidence of a formal qualification referred to in point 5.3.3 of Annex V; (f) veterinary surgeon possessing evidence of a formal qualification referred to in point 5.4.2 of Annex V; (g) midwife possessing evidence of a formal qualification referred to in point 5.5.2 of Annex V; (h) pharmacist possessing evidence of a formal qualification listed in point 5.6.2 of Annex V; (i) holders of certificates mentioned in point 2 of Annex VII attesting that the holder completed a training which satisfies the minimum requirements listed in Articles 24, 25, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, or 44 respectively, but which started earlier than the reference dates of the qualifications listed in points 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.2, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.4.2, 5.5.2, 5.6.2 of Annex V; (j) holders of certificates of acquired rights as referred to in Articles 23, 27, 29, 33, 33a, 37, 43 and 43a; (k) other professionals exercising activities that have patient safety implications, where the professional is pursuing a profession regulated in that Member State; (l) professionals exercising activities relating to the education of minors, including in childcare and early childhood education, where the professional is pursuing a profession regulated in that Member State.
(a) the identity of the professional; (b) the profession concerned; (c) information about the national authority or court adopting the decision on restriction or prohibition; (d) the scope of the restriction or the prohibition; and (e) the period during which the restriction or the prohibition applies.
(a) a list of all regulated professions in the Member State including contact details of the competent authorities for each regulated profession and the assistance centres referred to in Article 57b; (b) a list of the professions for which a European Professional Card is available, the functioning of that Card, including all related fees to be paid by professionals, and the competent authorities for issuing that Card; (c) a list of all professions for which the Member State applies Article 7(4) under national laws, regulations and administrative provisions; (d) a list of regulated education and training, and training with a special structure, referred to in point (c)(ii) of Article 11; (e) the requirements and procedures referred to in Articles 7, 50, 51 and 53 for the professions regulated in the Member State, including all related fees to be paid by citizens and documents to be submitted by citizens to competent authorities; (f) details on how to appeal, under national laws, regulations and administrative provisions, decisions of competent authorities adopted under this Directive.
(a) requirements must be neither directly nor indirectly discriminatory on the basis of nationality or residence; (b) requirements must be justified by overriding reasons of general interest; (c) requirements must be suitable for securing the attainment of the objective pursued and must not go beyond what is necessary to attain that objective.
(a) the functioning of the European Professional Card; (b) the modernisation of the knowledge, skills and competences for the professions covered by Chapter III of Title III, including the list of competences referred to in Article 31(7); (c) the functioning of the common training frameworks and common training tests; (d) the results of the special upgrading programme laid down under Romanian laws, regulations and administrative provisions for holders of the evidence of formal qualifications mentioned in Article 33a, as well as for holders of evidence of formal qualifications of post-secondary level, with a view to assessing the need to review the current provisions governing the acquired rights regime applicable to the Romanian evidence of formal qualifications as nurse responsible for general care.
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland Institute of Actuaries Faculty of Actuaries The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators Royal Town Planning Institute Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Chartered Institute of Building.
1. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland Only for the activity of auditing accounts. 2. The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland Only for the activity of auditing accounts. 3. The Association of Certified Accountants Only for the activity of auditing accounts. 4. Institution of Engineers of Ireland 5. Irish Planning Institute
1. Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales 2. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland 3. Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland 4. Chartered Association of Certified Accountants 5. Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters 6. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants 7. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators 8. Chartered Insurance Institute 9. Institute of Actuaries 10. Faculty of Actuaries 11. Chartered Institute of Bankers 12. Institute of Bankers in Scotland 13. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors 14. Royal Town Planning Institute 15. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy 16. Royal Society of Chemistry 17. British Psychological Society 18. Library Association 19. Institute of Chartered Foresters 20. Chartered Institute of Building 21. Engineering Council 22. Institute of Energy 23. Institution of Structural Engineers 24. Institution of Civil Engineers 25. Institution of Mining Engineers 26. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 27. Institution of Electrical Engineers 28. Institution of Gas Engineers 29. Institution of Mechanical Engineers 30. Institution of Chemical Engineers 31. Institution of Production Engineers 32. Institution of Marine Engineers 33. Royal Institution of Naval Architects 34. Royal Aeronautical Society 35. Institute of Metals 36. Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 37. Institute of Measurement and Control 38. British Computer Society
healthcare and paediatric nurse (Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpfleger(in)), physiotherapist (Krankengymnast(in)/Physiotherapeut(in)) ,As from 1 June 1994 , the professional title "Krankengymnast(in)" was replaced by that of "Physiotherapeut(in)". Nevertheless, the members of the profession who obtained their diplomas before that date may, if they wish, continue to use the earlier title of "Krankengymnast(in)".occupational therapist/ergotherapist (Beschäftigungs- und Arbeitstherapeut/Ergotherapeut), speech therapist (Logopäde/Logopädin), orthoptist (Orthoptist(in)), State-recognised childcare worker (Staatlich anerkannte(r) Erzieher(in)), State-recognised remedial teacher (Staatlich anerkannte(r) Heilpädagoge(-in)), medical laboratory technician (medizinisch-technische(r) Laboratoriums- Assistent(in)), medical X-ray technician (medizinisch-technische(r) Radiologie-Assistent(in)), medical functional diagnostics technician (medizinisch-technische(r) Assistent(in) für Funktionsdiagnostik), veterinary technician (veterinärmedizinisch-technische(r) Assistent(in)), dietitian (Diätassistent(in)), pharmacy technician (Pharmazieingenieur) training received prior to 31 March 1994 in the former German Democratic Republic or in the territory of the new Länder,psychiatric nurse (Psychiatrische(r) Krankenschwester/Krankenpfleger), speech therapist (Sprachtherapeut(in)), geriatric nurse (Altenpflegerin und Altenpfleger),
either at least three years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination, in some cases supplemented by a one or two-year specialisation course culminating in an examination, or at least two and a half years in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least six months or by a traineeship of at least six months in an approved establishment, or at least two years in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least one year or by a traineeship of at least one year in an approved establishment;
health care assistant (zdravotnický asistent),
assistant in nutrition (nutriční asistent),
dental technician (odontotecnico), optician (ottico),
either at least three years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination, in some cases supplemented by a one or two-year specialisation course culminating in an examination, or at least two and a half years in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least six months or by a traineeship of at least six months in an approved establishment, or at least two years in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least one year or by a traineeship of at least one year in an approved establishment;
dental technician (οδοντοτεχνίτης),
optician (τεχνικός oπτικός),
dental nurse (zobārstniecības māsa),
biomedical laboratory assistant (biomedicīnas laborants),
dental technician (zobu tehniķis),
physiotherapist's assistant (fizioterapeita asistents),
medical X-ray technician (assistant(e) technique médical(e) en radiologie), medical laboratory technician (assistant(e) technique médical(e) de laboratoire), psychiatric nurse (infirmier/ière psychiatrique), medical technician — surgery (assistant(e) technique médical(e) en chirurgie), paediatric nurse, nurse — anaesthetics and intensive care, masseur, childcare worker (éducateur/trice),
either at least three years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination, in some cases supplemented by a one or two-year specialisation course culminating in an examination, or at least two and a half years in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least six months or by a traineeship of at least six months in an approved establishment, or at least two years in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least one year or by a traineeship of at least one year in an approved establishment;
veterinary assistant (dierenartsassistent),
special basic training for nurses specialising in the care of children and young people (spezielle Grundausbildung in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege),
special basic training for psychiatric nurses (spezielle Grundausbildung in der psychiatrischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege),
contact lens optician (Kontaktlinsenoptiker), pedicurist (Fußpfleger) acoustic-aid technician (Hörgeräteakustiker), druggist (Drogist),
masseur (Masseur),
kindergarten worker (Kindergärtner/in), child care worker (Erzieher),
special training in the care of children and young people (Sonderausbildung in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege), special training in psychiatric healthcare and nursing (Sonderausbildung in der psychiatrischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege), special training in intensive care (Sonderausbildung in der Intensivpflege), special training in intensive care of children (Sonderausbildung in der Kinderintensivpflege), special training in anaesthesia-related nursing (Sonderausbildung in der Anästhesiepflege), special training in renal replacement therapy related nursing (Sonderausbildung in der Pflege bei Nierenersatztherapie), special training in operating department nursing (Sonderausbildung in der Pflege im Operationsbereich), special training in hospital hygiene (Sonderausbildung in der Krankenhaushygiene), special training for teaching tasks in healthcare and nursing (Sonderausbildung für Lehraufgaben in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege), special training for management tasks in healthcare and nursing. (Sonderausbildung für Führungsaufgaben in der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege),
teacher in the field of dance at basic schools of art (učiteľ v tanečnom odbore na základných umeleckých školách),
educator at special educating facilities and at social service facilities (vychovávatel' v špeciálnych výchovných zariadeniach a v zariadeniach sociálnych služieb),
dental technician (zubný technik),
optician (optometrist),
orthopaedic technician (ortopædimekaniker),
orthopaedic boot and shoemaker (ortopædiskomager),
optician (Augenoptiker), dental technician (Zahntechniker), orthopaedic technician (Orthopädietechniker), hearing-aid maker (Hörgeräte-Akustiker), orthopaedic technician (Orthopädiemechaniker), orthopaedic bootmaker (Orthopädieschuhmacher);
dispensing optician (opticien), dental technician (mécanicien dentaire), hearing-aid maker (audioprothésiste), orthopaedic technician/surgical truss maker (mécanicien orthopédiste/bandagiste), orthopaedic bootmaker (orthopédiste-cordonnier),
surgical truss maker (Bandagist), corset maker (Miederwarenerzeuger), optician (Optiker), orthopaedic shoemaker (Orthopädieschuhmacher), orthopaedic technician (Orthopädietechniker), dental technician (Zahntechniker), gardener (Gärtner),
master in agriculture (Meister in der Landwirtschaft), master in rural home economics (Meister in der ländlichen Hauswirtschaft), master in horticulture (Meister im Gartenbau), master in market gardening (Meister im Feldgemüsebau), master in pomology and fruit-processing (Meister im Obstbau und in der Obstverwertung), master in viniculture and wine-production (Meister im Weinbau und in der Kellerwirtschaft), master in dairy farming (Meister in der Molkerei- und Käsereiwirtschaft), master in horse husbandry (Meister in der Pferdewirtschaft), master in fishery (Meister in der Fischereiwirtschaft), master in poultry farming (Meister in der Geflügelwirtschaft), master in apiculture (Meister in der Bienenwirtschaft), master in forestry (Meister in der Forstwirtschaft), master in forestry plantation and forest management (Meister in der Forstgarten- und Forstpflegewirtschaft), master in agricultural warehousing (Meister in der landwirtschaftlichen Lagerhaltung),
teacher for practical vocational training (Nauczyciel praktycznej nauki zawodu),
(i) eight years of elementary education and five years of vocational secondary education or equivalent secondary education in a relevant field followed by the course in pedagogy of a total duration of at least 150 hours, the course in work safety and work hygiene, and two years of professional experience in the profession one is going to teach; or (ii) eight years of elementary education and five years of vocational secondary education and diploma of graduation from a post-secondary pedagogical technical school; or (iii) eight years of elementary education and two to three years of basic vocational secondary education and at least three years of professional experience certified by a degree of master in the particular profession followed by a course in pedagogy of a total duration of at least 150 hours;
master in vocational education (majster odbornej výchovy),
metal worker (Metallbauer), surgical instrument maker (Chirurgiemechaniker), coachbuilder (Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbauer), automotive mechatronics technician (Kraftfahrzeugtechniker), motorbike and bicycle mechanic (Zweiradmechaniker), refrigeration mechanic (Kälteanlagenbauer), communication technician (Informationstechniker), mechanic for agricultural and construction machinery (Landmaschinenmechaniker), gunsmith (Büchsenmacher), plumber (Klempner), installer and heating fitter (Installateur und Heizungsbauer), electrical engineer (Elektrotechniker), electrical machine engineer (Elektromaschinenbauer), boat and ship builder (Boots- und Schiffbauer), bricklayer and concrete worker (Maurer und Betonbauer), stove and air heating mechanic (Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauer), carpenter (Zimmerer), roofer (Dachdecker), road construction worker (Straßenbauer), thermal and acoustic insulation fitter (Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisolierer), well-sinker (Brunnenbauer), stonemason (Steinmetz und Steinbildhauer), plasterer (Stuckateur), painter and varnisher (Maler und Lackierer), scaffolder (Gerüstbauer), chimney sweep (Schornsteinfeger), precision engineer (Feinwerkmechaniker), joiner (Tischler), ropemaker (Seiler), baker (Bäcker), pastry chef (Konditor), butcher (Fleischer), hairdresser (Frisör), glazier (Glaser), glassblower and glass apparatus maker (Glasbläser und Glasapparatebauer), mechanic for tyres and vulcanisation (Vulkaniseur und Reifenmechaniker);
baker/pastry chef (boulanger-pâtissier), pastry, chocolate and ice cream maker/confectioner (pâtissier-chocolatier-confiseur-glacier), butcher (boucher-charcutier), horsemeat butcher (boucher-charcutier-chevalin), caterer (traiteur), miller (meunier), tailor/dressmaker (tailleur-couturier), fashion designer/milliner (modiste-chapelier), furrier (fourreur), boot/shoemaker (bottier-cordonnier), clock/watchmaker (horloger), jeweller/goldsmith (bijoutier-orfèvre), hairdresser (coiffeur), beautician (esthéticien), general mechanical engineer (mécanicien en mécanique générale), lift/hoist/escalator/handling equipment engineer (installateur d'ascenseurs, de monte-charges, d'escaliers mécaniques et de matériel de manutention), gunsmith (armurier), blacksmith (forgeron), machinery, industrial and construction equipment mechanic/engineer (mécanicien de machines et de matériels industriels et de la construction), car and motorcycle mechanic and automotive electronics technician (mécanicien-électronicien d'autos et de motos), car bodywork maker/repairman (constructeur réparateur de carosseries), car bodywork repairman/painter (débosseleur-peintre de véhicules automoteurs), winder (bobineur), audiovisual (electronics) engineer (électronicien d'installations et d'appareils audiovisuels), cable network builder/repairman (constructeur réparateur de réseaux de télédistribution), office equipment and information technology engineer (électronicien en bureautique et en informatique), agricultural/winegrowing equipment engineer (mécanicien de machines et de matériel agricoles et viticoles), coppersmith (chaudronnier), galvaniser (galvaniseur), motor vehicle assessor (expert en automobiles), building contractor (entrepreneur de construction), road/paving contractor (entrepreneur de voirie et de pavage), concrete flooring specialist (confectionneur de chapes), heat insulation, soundproofing and waterproofing engineer (entrepreneur d'isolations thermiques, acoustiques et d'étanchéité), heating and plumbing engineer (installateur de chauffage-sanitaire), refrigeration engineer (installateur frigoriste), electrician (électricien), neon sign fitter (installateur d'enseignes lumineuses), electronics engineer specialising in communication and information technology (électronicien en communication et en informatique), security and alarm system engineer (installateur de systèmes d'alarmes et de sécurité), carpenter/cabinet maker (menuisier-ébéniste), parquet flooring fitter (parqueteur), prefabricated unit fitter (poseur d'éléments préfabriqués), manufacturer/fitter of blinds, sun blinds, shutters and awnings (fabricant poseur de volets, de jalousies, de marquises et de store), metal worker (entrepreneur de constructions métalliques), furnace/oven/kiln manufacturer (constructeur de fours), tinsmith/roofer (couvreur-ferblantier), carpenter (charpentier), stonemason/cutter (marbrier-tailleur de pierres), tiler (carreleur), plasterer/builder specialising in ceilings and outer walls (plafonneur-façadier), painter and decorator (peintre-décorateur), glazing and mirror specialist (vitrier-miroitier), upholsterer and decorator (tapissier-décorateur), manufacturer/fitter of hearths and earthenware stoves (constructeur poseur de cheminées et de poêles en faïence), printer (imprimeur), media operator (opérateur média), screen printer (sérigraphe), bookbinder (relieur), medical and surgical equipment technician (mécanicien de matériel médico-chirurgical), driving instructor (instructeur de conducteurs de véhicules automoteurs), manufacturer/fitter of metal boarding and roofs (fabricant poseur de bardages et toitures métalliques), photographer (photographe), musical instrument maker/repairer (fabricant réparateur d'instruments de musique), swimming instructor (instructeur de natation);
master builder (Baumeister hinsichtl. der ausführenden Tätigkeiten), baker (Bäcker), well-sinker (Brunnenmeister), roofer (Dachdecker), electrical engineer (Elektrotechniker), butcher (Fleischer), hairdresser and wig-maker (stylist) (Friseur und Perückenmacher (Stylist)) , gas and sanitation installations engineering (Gas- und Sanitärtechnik), glazier (Glaser), glass-facing work and plate-glass polishing (Glasbeleger und Flachglasschleifer), glassblower and glass apparatus maker (Glasbläser und Glasapparatebauer), polishing and shaping of hollow glass (linked craft) (Hohlglasschleifer und Hohlglasveredler (verbundenes Handwerk)), stove-maker (Hafner), heating engineering (Heizungstechnik), ventilation engineer (linked craft) (Lüftungstechnik (verbundenes Handwerk)), refrigeration and air-conditioning (Kälte- und Klimatechnik), communications electronics (Kommunikationselektronik), pastry chef (confectioner), including makers of gingerbread, candied fruit, ice-cream and chocolate (Konditor (Zuckerbäcker) einschl. der Lebzelter und der Kanditen- Gefrorenes- und -Schokoladewarenerzeugung), automotive mechatronics technician (Kraftfahrzeugtechnik), manufacture of bodywork, including panel beating and painting (linked craft) (Karosseriebauer einschl. Karosseriespengler u. -lackierer (verbundenes Handwerk)), processing of plastic materials (Kunststoffverarbeitung), painter and decorator (Maler und Anstreicher), varnisher (Lackierer), gold-plating and decorating (Vergolder und Staffierer), manufacture of signs (linked craft) (Schilderherstellung (verbundenes Handwerk)), mechatronics for electrical engineering and automation (Mechatroniker f. Elektromaschinenbau u. Automatisierung), mechatronics for electronics (Mechatroniker f. Elektronik), office automation and IT systems (Büro- und EDV-Systemtechnik), mechatronics for machinery and manufacturing technology (Mechatroniker f. Maschinen- und Fertigungstechnik), mechatronics for medical equipment (linked craft) (Mechatroniker f. Medizingerätetechnik (verbundenes Handwerk)), surface engineering (Oberflächentechnik), metal design (linked craft) (Metalldesign (verbundenes Handwerk)), locksmith (Schlosser), blacksmith (Schmied), agricultural machinery technician (Landmaschinentechnik), plumber (Spengler), coppersmith (linked craft) (Kupferschmied (verbundenes Handwerk)), master stonemason, including the manufacture of artificial stones and terrazzo (Steinmetzmeister einschl. Kunststeinerzeugung und Terrazzomacher), plasterer (Stukkateur und Trockenausbauer), joiner (Tischler), layout designer (Modellbauer), cooper (Binder), wood-turner (Drechsler), boat builder (Bootsbauer), Sculptor (linked craft) (Bildhauer (verbundenes Handwerk)), vulcaniser (Vulkaniseur), gunsmith (including trade in arms) (Waffengewerbe (Büchsenmacher) einschl. des Waffenhandels), thermal, acoustic and fire insulation (Wärme- Kälte- Schall- und Branddämmer), master carpenter (Baumeister hinsichtl. der ausführenden Tätigkeiten),
electrical engineer officer on ships (kuģu elektromehāniķis), operator of refrigeration machinery (kuģa saldēšanas iekārtu mašīnists);
VTS-official (VTS-functionaris);
in Latvia: (i) for electrical engineer officer on ships (kuģu elektromehāniķis), 1. a person of not less than 18 years of age; 2. represents an education of a total duration of at least 12,5 years, comprising at least nine years of elementary education and at least three years of vocational education. In addition, seagoing service of not less than six months as a ship’s electrician or as assistant to the electrical engineer on ships with generator power more than 750 kW is required. Vocational training is completed by a special examination by the competent authority in accordance with the training programme as approved by the Ministry of Transport;
(ii) for operator of refrigeration machinery (kuģa saldēšanas iekārtu mašīnists), 1. a person of not less than 18 years of age; 2. represents an education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least nine years of elementary education and at least three years of vocational education. In addition, seagoing service of not less than 12 months as assistant to the refrigeration engineer is required. Vocational training is completed by a special examination by the competent authority in accordance with the training programme as approved by the Ministry of Transport;
in the Netherlands: An education of a total duration of at least 15 years, comprising at least three years of higher vocational education (HBO) or intermediate vocational training (MBO), which are followed by national and regional specialisation courses, comprising at least 12 weeks of theoretical training each and each culminating in an examination.
captain, deep-sea fishing (Kapitän BG/Fischerei), captain, coastal fishing (Kapitän BLK/Fischerei), deck officer, deep-sea vessel (Nautischer Schiffsoffizier BGW/Fischerei), deck officer, coastal vessel (Nautischer Schiffsoffizier BK/Fischerei);
first mate/engineer V (stuurman werktuigkundige V), engineer IV (fishing vessel) (werktuigkundige IV visvaart), first mate IV (fishing vessel) (stuurman IV visvaart), first mate/engineer VI (stuurman werktuigkundige VI),
in Germany, of a total duration of between 14 and 18 years, including a three-year course of basic vocational training and one year's service at sea, followed by one or two years of specialised vocational training supplemented, where appropriate, by two year's work experience in navigation, in the Netherlands, involving a course varying in duration between 13 and 15 years, at least two years of which are provided in a specialised vocational school, supplemented by a 12-month period of work experience,
authorised technician, authorised builder (autorizovaný technik, autorizovaný stavitel),
track vehicle driver (fyzická osoba řídící drážní vozidlo),
track revision technician (drážní revizní technik),
road driving instructor (učitel autoškoly),
State technician for the control of motor vehicle roadworthiness (kontrolní technik STK),
mechanic for control of car emissions (mechanik měření emisí),
boat master Class I (kapitán I. třídy),
restorer of monuments that are works of art crafts (restaurátor památek, které jsou díly uměleckých řemesel),
restorer of works of art that are not monuments and are held in the collections of museums and galleries, and of other objects of cultural value (restaurátor děl výtvarných umění, která nejsou památkami a jsou uložena ve sbírkách muzeí a galerií, a ostatních předmětů kulturní hodnoty),
waste manager (odpadový hospodář),
blasting technical manager (technický vedoucí odstřelů),
building surveyor (geometra), land surveyor (perito agrario),
(i) for building surveyors by: either a traineeship lasting at least two years in a professional office, or five years' work experience; (ii) for land surveyors, by the completion of a practical traineeship lasting at least two years,
engine-railway sector driver's assistant (vilces līdzekļa vadītāja (mašīnista) palīgs),
bailiff (gerechtsdeurwaarder), dental-prosthesis maker (tandprotheticus),
(i) in the case of the bailiff (gerechtsdeurwaarder), totalling 19 years, comprising eight years' compulsory schooling followed by eight years' secondary education including four years' technical education culminating in a State examination and supplemented by three years' theoretical and practical vocational training; (ii) in the case of the dental-prosthesis maker (tandprotheticus) totalling at least 15 years of full time training and three years of part time training, comprising eight years of primary education, four years of general secondary education, completion of three years of vocational training, involving theoretical and practical training as a dental technician, supplemented by three years of part-time training as a dental prosthesis-maker, culminating in an examination;
forester (Förster), technical consulting (Technisches Büro), labour leasing (Überlassung von Arbeitskräften - Arbeitsleihe), employment agent (Arbeitsvermittlung), investment adviser (Vermögensberater), private investigator (Berufsdetektiv), security guard (Bewachungsgewerbe), real estate agent (Immobilienmakler), real estate manager (Immobilienverwalter), building project organiser (Bauträger, Bauorganisator, Baubetreuer), debt-collecting institute (Inkassobüro/Inkassoinstitut),
insurance consultant (Berater in Versicherungsangelegenheiten),
master builder/planning and technical calculation (Planender Baumeister), master woodbuilder/planning and technical calculation (Planender Zimmermeister),
commercial bookkeeper (Gewerblicher Buchhalter), under the 1994 Gewerbeordnung (1994 law on trade, crafts and industry); self-employed bookkeeper (Selbständiger Buchhalter), under the 1999 Bundesgesetz über die Wirtschaftstreuhandberufe (1999 law on the public accounting professions);
diagnostician executing motor vehicle roadworthiness tests at a vehicle control station at basic level (diagnosta przeprowadzający badania techniczne w stacji kontroli pojazdów o podstawowym zakresie badań),
diagnostician executing motor vehicle roadworthiness tests at a district vehicle control station (diagnosta przeprowadzający badania techniczne pojazdu w okręgowej stacji kontroli pojazdów),
diagnostician executing motor vehicle roadworthiness tests at a vehicle control station (diagnosta wykonujący badania techniczne pojazdów w stacji kontroli pojazdów),
(i) eight years of elementary education and five years of secondary technical education in the field of motor vehicles and four years' proven practice in a vehicle service station or in a garage, or (ii) eight years of elementary education and five years of secondary technical education in a field other than motor vehicle specialisation and eight years' proven practice in a vehicle service station or in a garage, covering a total of 113 hours of complete training including basic and specialist training, with exams after every stage.
train dispatcher (dyżurny ruchu),
(i) eight years of elementary education and four years of secondary vocational education, with rail transport specialisation, as well as a course of 45 days preparing for work as a train dispatcher and passing the qualification examination; or (ii) eight years of elementary education and five years of secondary vocational education with rail transport specialisation, as well as a course of 63 days preparing for work as a train dispatcher and passing the qualification examination; or (iii) eight years of elementary education and five years of secondary vocational education, with rail transport specialisation, as well as a course of 29 days preparing for work as a train dispatcher, a probationary training period of five days under supervision and passing the qualification examination; or (iv) six years of elementary education, three years of lower secondary school, three years of secondary vocational education, with rail transport specialisation, as well as a course of 29 days preparing for work as a train dispatcher, a probationary training period of five days under supervision and passing the qualification examination.
train manager (kierownik pociągu),
(i) eight years of elementary education and five years of secondary vocational education, with rail transport specialisation, as well as a course of 22 days preparing for work as a train manager, a probationary training period of three days under supervision and passing the qualification examination; or (ii) six years of elementary education, three years of lower secondary school, three years of secondary vocational education with rail transport specialisation, as well as a course of 22 days preparing for work as a train manager, a probationary training period of three days under supervision and passing the qualification examination.
inland navigation engineer (mechanik statkowy żeglugi śródlądowej),
(i) eight years of elementary education and five years of secondary vocational education with specialisation in inland navigation engineering, as well as work experience of 24 months, including at least 18 months on inland vessels handling mechanical propulsion and auxiliary systems and six months that may involve experience in repairing combustion engines in shipyards or service workshops, and passing the qualification examination; or (ii) six years of elementary education, three years of lower secondary school, four years of secondary vocational education with specialisation in inland navigation engineering, as well as work experience of 24 months, including at least 18 months on inland vessels handling mechanical propulsion and auxiliary systems and six months that may involve experience in repairing combustion engines in shipyards or service workshops, and passing the qualification examination.
listed veterinary nurse, mine electrical engineer, mine mechanical engineer, dental therapist, dental hygienist, dispensing optician, mine deputy, insolvency practitioner, licensed conveyancer, first mate — freight/passenger ships — unrestricted, second mate — freight/passenger ships — unrestricted, third mate — freight/passenger ships unrestricted, deck officer — freight/passenger ships — unrestricted, engineer officer — freight/passenger ships — unlimited trading area, certified technically competent person in waste management,
level 3: competence in a broad range of varied work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and most of which are complex and non-routine. There is considerable responsibility and autonomy, and control or guidance of others is often required, level 4: Competence in a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of others and the allocation of resources is often present.
Level 3: competence in a broad range of varied work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and most of which are complex and non-routine. There is considerable responsibility and autonomy, and control or guidance of others is often required. Level 4: competence in a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of others and the allocation of resources is often present.
Regulated courses preparatory to the pursuit of the professions of technical assistant (technische(r) Assistent(in)), commercial assistant (kaufmännische(r) Assistent(in)), social professions (soziale Berufe) and the profession of State-certified respiration and elocution instructor (staatlich geprüfte(r) Atem-, Sprech- und Stimmlehrer(in)), of a total duration of at least 13 years, which require successful completion of the secondary course of education (mittlerer Bildungsabschluss) and which comprise: (i) at least three years of vocational training at a specialised school (Fachschule) culminating in an examination and, where applicable, supplemented by a one- or two-year specialisation course also culminating in an examination; orThe minimum duration may be reduced from three years to two years if the person concerned has the qualification required to enter university ("Abitur"), i.e. thirteen years of prior education and training, or the qualification needed to enter a "Fachhochschule" ("Fachhochschulreife"), i.e. 12 years of prior education and training. (ii) at least two and a half years at a specialised school (Fachschule) culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of a duration of not less than six months or a traineeship of not less than six months in an approved establishment; or (iii) at least two years at a specialised school (Fachschule) culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of a duration of not less than one year or a traineeship of not less than one year in an approved establishment.
Regulated courses for the professions of State-certified (staatlich geprüfte(r)) technician (Techniker(in)), business economist (Betriebswirt(in)), designer (Gestalter(in)) and family assistant (Familienpfleger(in)), of a total duration of not less than 16 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of compulsory schooling or equivalent education and training (of a duration of not less than nine years) and successful completion of a course at a trade school (Berufsschule) of a duration of not less than three years and comprising, upon completion of at least two years of work experience, full-time education and training of a duration of not less than two years or part-time education and training of equivalent duration. Regulated courses and regulated in-service training, of a total duration of not less than 15 years, a prerequisite of which is, generally speaking, successful completion of compulsory schooling (of a duration of not less than nine years) and of vocational training (normally three years) and which generally comprise at least two years of work experience (three years in most cases) and an examination in the context of in service training preparation for which generally comprises a training course which is either concurrent with the work experience (at least 1000 hours) or is attended on a full-time basis (at least one year).
Level 3: Responsibility for the application and combination of standardised procedures. Combining or designing procedures according to work organisation and preparation activities. Ability to justify these activities to one's colleagues (no hierarchical link). Hierarchical responsibility for monitoring and supporting the application using other routine standardised or automated procedures. This level relates mainly to professional competence and knowledge. Level 4: Responsibility for performing the assigned tasks and also for combining or designing new procedures. Ability to justify these activities to one's colleagues (no hierarchical link). Explicit hierarchical responsibility for planning and/or administration and/or the organisation and/or development of the entire production cycle. This level relates to competence and knowledge which is specialised and/or not inherent to the profession.
Courses at higher vocational schools (Berufsbildende Höhere Schulen) and higher education establishments for agriculture and forestry (Höhere Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten), including special types (einschließlich der Sonderformen), the structure and level of which are determined by law, regulations and administrative provisions. These courses have a total length of not less than 13 years and comprise five years of vocational training, which culminate in a final examination, the passing of which is a proof of professional competence. Courses at master schools (Meisterschulen), master classes (Meisterklassen), industrial master schools (Werkmeisterschulen) or building craftsmen schools (Bauhandwerkerschulen), the structure and level of which are determined by law, regulations and administrative provisions. These courses have a total length of not less than 13 years, comprising nine years of compulsory education, followed by either at least three years of vocational training at a specialized school or at least three years of training in a firm and in parallel at a vocational training school (Berufsschule), both of which culminate in an examination, and are supplemented by successful completion of at least a one-year training course at a master school (Meisterschule), master classes (Meisterklassen), industrial master school (Werkmeisterschule) or a building craftsmen school (Bauhandwerkerschule). In most cases the total duration is at least 15 years, comprising periods of work experience, which either precede the training courses at these establishments or are accompanied by part-time courses (at least 960 hours).
Major group | 23 | Manufacture of textiles |
232 | Manufacturing and processing of textile materials on woollen machinery | |
233 | Manufacturing and processing of textile materials on cotton machinery | |
234 | Manufacturing and processing of textile materials on silk machinery | |
235 | Manufacturing and processing of textile materials on flax and hemp machinery | |
236 | Other textile fibre industries (jute, hard fibres, etc.), cordage | |
237 | Manufacture of knitted and crocheted goods | |
238 | Textile finishing | |
239 | Other textile industries | |
Major group | 24 | Manufacture of footwear, other wearing apparel and bedding |
241 | Machine manufacture of footwear (except from rubber or wood) | |
242 | Manufacture by hand and repair of footwear | |
243 | Manufacture of wearing apparel (except furs) | |
244 | Manufacture of mattresses and bedding | |
245 | Skin and fur industries | |
Major group | 25 | Manufactures of wood and cork, except manufacture of furniture |
251 | Sawing and industrial preparation of wood | |
252 | Manufacture of semi-finished wood products | |
253 | Series production of wooden building components including flooring | |
254 | Manufacture of wooden containers | |
255 | Manufacture of other wooden products (except furniture) | |
259 | Manufacture of straw, cork, basketware, wicker-work and rattan products; brush-making | |
Major group | 26 | 260 Manufacture of wooden furniture |
Major group | 27 | Manufacture of paper and paper products |
271 | Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard | |
272 | Processing of paper and paperboard, and manufacture of articles of pulp | |
Major group | 28 | 280 Printing, publishing and allied industries |
Major group | 29 | Leather industry |
291 | Tanneries and leather finishing plants | |
292 | Manufacture of leather products | |
ex major group | 30 | Manufacture of rubber and plastic products, man-made fibres and starch products |
301 | Processing of rubber and asbestos | |
302 | Processing of plastic materials | |
303 | Production of man-made fibres | |
ex major group | 31 | Chemical industry |
311 | Manufacture of chemical base materials and further processing of such materials | |
312 | Specialised manufacture of chemical products principally for industrial and agricultural purposes (including the manufacture for industrial use of fats and oils of vegetable or animal origin falling within ISIC group 312) | |
313 | Specialised manufacture of chemical products principally for domestic or office use [excluding the manufacture of medicinal and pharmaceutical products (ex ISIC group 319)] | |
Major group | 32 | 320 Petroleum industry |
Major group | 33 | Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products |
331 | Manufacture of structural clay products | |
332 | Manufacture of glass and glass products | |
333 | Manufacture of ceramic products, including refractory goods | |
334 | Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster | |
335 | Manufacture of structural material, in concrete, cement and plaster | |
339 | Stone working and manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products | |
Major group | 34 | Production and primary transformation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals |
341 | Iron and steel industry (as defined in the ECSC treaty, including integrated steelworks-owned coking plants) | |
342 | Manufacture of steel tubes | |
343 | Wire-drawing, cold-drawing, cold-rolling of strip, cold-forming | |
344 | Production and primary transformation of non-ferrous metals | |
345 | Ferrous and non-ferrous metal foundries | |
Major group | 35 | Manufacture of metal products (except machinery and transport equipment) |
351 | Forging, heavy stamping and heavy pressing | |
352 | Secondary transformation and surface-treatment | |
353 | Metal structures | |
354 | Boilermaking, manufacture of industrial hollow-ware | |
355 | Manufacture of tools and implements and finished articles of metal (except electrical equipment) | |
359 | Ancillary mechanical engineering activities | |
Major group | 36 | Manufacture of machinery other than electrical machinery |
361 | Manufacture of agricultural machinery and tractors | |
362 | Manufacture of office machinery | |
363 | Manufacture of metal-working and other machine-tools and fixtures and attachments for these and for other powered tools | |
364 | Manufacture of textile machinery and accessories, manufacture of sewing machines | |
365 | Manufacture of machinery and equipment for the food-manufacturing and beverage industries and for the chemical and allied industries | |
366 | Manufacture of plant and equipment for mines, iron and steel works foundries, and for the construction industry; manufacture of mechanical handling equipment | |
367 | Manufacture of transmission equipment | |
368 | Manufacture of machinery for other specific industrial purposes | |
369 | Manufacture of other non-electrical machinery and equipment | |
Major group | 37 | Electrical engineering |
371 | Manufacture of electric wiring and cables | |
372 | Manufacture of motors, generators, transformers, switchgear, and other similar equipment for the provision of electric power | |
373 | Manufacture of electrical equipment for direct commercial use | |
374 | Manufacture of telecommunications equipment, meters, other measuring appliances and electromedical equipment | |
375 | Manufacture of electronic equipment, radio and television receivers, audio equipment | |
376 | Manufacture of electric appliances for domestic use | |
377 | Manufacture of lamps and lighting equipment | |
378 | Manufacture of batteries and accumulators | |
379 | Repair, assembly, and specialist installation of electrical equipment | |
ex major group | 38 | Manufacture of transport equipment |
383 | Manufacture of motor vehicles and parts thereof | |
384 | Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and cycles | |
385 | Manufacture of motorcycles, cycles and parts thereof | |
389 | Manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified | |
Major group | 39 | Miscellaneous manufacturing industries |
391 | Manufacture of precision instruments, and measuring and controlling instruments | |
392 | Manufacture of medico-surgical instruments and equipment and orthopaedic appliances (except orthopaedic footwear) | |
393 | Manufacture of photographic and optical equipment | |
394 | Manufacture and repair of watches and clocks | |
395 | Jewellery and precious metal manufacturing | |
396 | Manufacture and repair of musical instruments | |
397 | Manufacture of games, toys, sporting and athletic goods | |
399 | Other manufacturing industries | |
Major group | 40 | Construction |
400 | Construction (non-specialised); demolition | |
401 | Construction of buildings (dwellings or other) | |
402 | Civil engineering; building of roads, bridges, railways, etc. | |
403 | Installation work | |
404 | Decorating and finishing |
Major group | 20A | 200 Industries producing animal and vegetable fats and oils |
20B | Food manufacturing industries (excluding the beverage industry) | |
201 | Slaughtering, preparation and preserving of meat | |
202 | Milk and milk products industry | |
203 | Canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables | |
204 | Canning and preserving of fish and other sea foods | |
205 | Manufacture of grain mill products | |
206 | Manufacture of bakery products, including rusks and biscuits | |
207 | Sugar industry | |
208 | Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery | |
209 | Manufacture of miscellaneous food products | |
Major group | 21 | Beverage industry |
211 | Production of ethyl alcohol by fermentation, production of yeasts and spirits | |
212 | Production of wine and other unmalted alcoholic beverages | |
213 | Brewing and malting | |
214 | Soft drinks and carbonated water industries | |
ex 30 | Manufacture of rubber products, plastic materials, artificial and synthetic fibres and starch products | |
304 | Manufacture of starch products |
ex 855 | hairdressing establishments (excluding chiropodists' activities and beauticians' training schools) |
ex 04 | Fishing | |
043 | Inland water fishing | |
ex 38 | Manufacture of transport equipment | |
381 | Shipbuilding and repairing | |
382 | Manufacture of railroad equipment | |
386 | Manufacture of aircraft (including space equipment) | |
ex 71 | Activities allied to transport and activities other than transport coming under the following groups: | |
ex 711 | Sleeping- and dining-car services; maintenance of railway stock in repair sheds; cleaning of carriages | |
ex 712 | Maintenance of stock for urban, suburban and interurban passenger transport | |
ex 713 | Maintenance of stock for other passenger land transport (such as motor cars, coaches, taxis) | |
ex 714 | Operation and maintenance of services in support of road transport (such as roads, tunnels and toll-bridges, goods depots, car parks, bus and tram depots) | |
ex 716 | Activities allied to inland water transport (such as operation and maintenance of waterways, ports and other installations for inland water transport; tug and piloting services in ports, setting of buoys, loading and unloading of vessels and other similar activities, such as salvaging of vessels, towing and the operation of boathouses) | |
73 | Communications: postal services and telecommunications | |
ex 85 | Personal services | |
854 | Laundries and laundry services, dry-cleaning and dyeing | |
ex 856 | Photographic studios: portrait and commercial photography, except journalistic photographers | |
ex 859 | Personal services not elsewhere classified (only maintenance and cleaning of buildings or accommodation) |
(a) the buying and selling of goods: by itinerant tradesmen, hawkers or pedlars (ex ISIC Group 612) in covered markets other than from permanently fixed installations and in open-air markets.
(b) activities covered by transitional measures already adopted that expressly exclude or do not mention the pursuit of such activities on an itinerant basis.
organising, offering for sale and selling, outright or on commission, single or collective items (transport, board, lodging, excursions, etc.) for a journey or stay, whatever the reasons for travelling (Article 2(B)(a)) acting as an intermediary between contractors for various methods of transport and persons who dispatch or receive goods, and carrying out related activities: (aa) by concluding contracts with transport contractors, on behalf of principals (bb) by choosing the method of transport, the firm and the route considered most profitable for the principal (cc) by arranging the technical aspects of the transport operation (e.g. packing required for transportation); by carrying out various operations incidental to transport (e.g. ensuring ice supplies for refrigerated wagons) (dd) by completing the formalities connected with the transport such as the drafting of way bills; by assembling and dispersing shipments (ee) by coordinating the various stages of transportation, by ensuring transit, reshipment, transshipment and other termination operations (ff) by arranging both freight and carriers and means of transport for persons dispatching goods or receiving them: assessing transport costs and checking the detailed accounts taking certain temporary or permanent measures in the name of and on behalf of a shipowner or sea transport carrier (with the port authorities, ship's chandlers, etc.).
(The activities listed under Article 2(A)(a), (b) and (d)).
1. Activities of self-employed persons in wholesale trade, with the exception of wholesale trade in medicinal and pharmaceutical products, in toxic products and pathogens and in coal (ex Group 611). 2. Professional activities of an intermediary who is empowered and instructed by one or more persons to negotiate or enter into commercial transactions in the name of and on behalf of those persons. 3. Professional activities of an intermediary who, while not being permanently so instructed, brings together persons wishing to contract directly with one another or arranges their commercial transactions or assists in the completion thereof. 4. Professional activities of an intermediary who enters into commercial transactions in his own name on behalf of others. 5. Professional activities of an intermediary who carries out wholesale selling by auction on behalf of others. 6. Professional activities of an intermediary who goes from door to door seeking orders. 7. Provision of services, by way of professional activities, by an intermediary in the employment of one or more commercial, industrial or small craft undertakings.
012 | Letting out for hire of farm machinery |
640 | Real estate, letting of property |
713 | Letting out for hire of automobiles, carriages and horses |
718 | Letting out for hire of railway carriages and wagons |
839 | Renting of machinery to commercial undertakings |
841 | Booking of cinema seats and renting of cinematograph films |
842 | Booking of theatre seats and renting of theatrical equipment |
843 | Letting out for hire of boats, bicycles, coin-operated machines for games of skill or chance |
853 | Letting of furnished rooms |
854 | Laundered linen hire |
859 | Garment hire |
1. | Restaurants, cafes, taverns and other drinking and eating places (ISIC Group 852). |
2. | Hotels, rooming houses, camps and other lodging places (ISIC Group 853). |
ex 62 | Banks and other financial institutions | |
ex 620 | Patent buying and licensing companies | |
ex 71 | Transport | |
ex 713 | Road passenger transport, excluding transportation by means of motor vehicles | |
ex 719 | Transportation by pipelines of liquid hydrocarbons and other liquid chemical products | |
ex 82 | Community services | |
827 | Libraries, museums, botanical and zoological gardens | |
ex 84 | Recreation services | |
843 |
| |
ex 85 | Personal services | |
ex 851 | Domestic services | |
ex 855 | Beauty parlours and services of manicurists, excluding services of chiropodists and professional beauticians' and hairdressers' training schools | |
ex 859 |
(a) the buying and selling of goods: by itinerant tradesmen, hawkers or pedlars (ex ISIC Group 612) in covered markets other than from permanently fixed installations and in open-air markets
(b) activities covered by transitional measures already adopted that expressly exclude or do not mention the pursuit of such activities on an itinerant basis.
hiring railway cars or wagons for transporting persons or goods acting as an intermediary in the sale, purchase or hiring of ships arranging, negotiating and concluding contracts for the transport of emigrants receiving all objects and goods deposited, on behalf of the depositor, whether under customs control or not, in warehouses, general stores, furniture depots, coldstores, silos, etc. supplying the depositor with a receipt for the object or goods deposited providing pens, feed and sales rings for livestock being temporarily accommodated while awaiting sale or while in transit to or from the market carrying out inspection or technical valuation of motor vehicles measuring, weighing and gauging goods.
België/Belgique/Belgien | Diploma van arts/Diplôme de docteur en médecine |
| ||
Diplôme de "médecin"/Master in de geneeskunde |
| |||
България | Диплома за висше образование на образователно-квалификационна степен "магистър" по Медицина» и професионална квалификация "Магистър-лекар" | Университет | ||
Česko | Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu všeobecné lékařství (doktor medicíny, MUDr.) | Lékářská fakulta univerzity v České republice | ||
Danmark | Universitet |
| ||
Deutschland |
| Zuständige Behörden | ||
Eesti | Tartu Ülikool | |||
Ελλάς | Πτυχίο Ιατρικής |
| ||
España |
| |||
France | Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en Médicine | Universités | ||
Diplôme de fin de deuxième cycle des études médicales | ||||
Diplôme de formation approfondie en sciences médicales | Certificat de compétence clinique | |||
Hrvatska | Diploma "doktor medicine/doktorica medicine" | Medicinski fakulteti sveučilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj | ||
Ireland | Primary qualification | Competent examining body | Certificate of experience | |
Italia | Diploma di laurea in medicina e chirurgia | Università | Diploma di abilitazione all’esercizio della medicina e chirurgia | |
Κύπρος | Πιστοποιητικό Εγγραφής Ιατρού | Ιατρικό Συμβούλιο | ||
Πτυχίο Ιατρικής | Ιατρικη σχολη πανεπιστημιου κυπρου | |||
Ευρωπαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου | ||||
Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας | ||||
Latvija | ārsta diploms | Universitātes tipa augstskola | ||
Lietuva |
| Universitetas |
| |
| |||
Luxembourg | Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en médecine, chirurgie et accouchements | Jury d’examen d’Etat | Certificat de stage | |
Magyarország | Okleveles orvosdoktor oklevél (dr. med) | Egyetem | ||
Malta | Lawrja ta’ Tabib tal-Mediċina u l-Kirurġija | Università ta’ Malta | Ċertifikat ta’ reġistrazzjoni maħruġ mill-Kunsill Mediku | |
Nederland | Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd artsexamen | Faculteit Geneeskunde | ||
Master of Science in de Geneeskunde | ||||
Österreich | Urkunde über die Verleihung des akademischen Grades Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde (bzw. Doctor medicinae universae, | Medizinische Fakultät einer Universität, bzw Medizinische Universität | ||
Polska | Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych na kierunku lekarskim z tytułem "lekarz" | Szkoły wyższe | Świadectwo złożenia Lekarskiego Egzaminu Państwowego | |
Zaświadczenie o ukończeniu stażu podyplomowego | ||||
Portugal | Universidades | Certificado emitido pela Ordem dos Médicos | ||
România | ||||
Slovenija | Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "doktor medicine/doktorica medicine" | Univerza | Potrdilo o Opravljenem Strokovnem Izpitu za Poklic Zdravnik/Zdravnica | |
Slovensko | Univerzita | |||
Suomi/Finland | Lääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinto/Medicine licentiatexamen | Yliopisto | ||
Sverige | Läkarexamen | Universitet eller högskola | Bevis om legitimation som läkare, utfärdat av Socialstyrelsen | |
United Kingdom | Primary qualification | Competent examining body | Certificate of experience |
België/Belgique/Belgie | Bijzondere beroepstitel van geneesheer-specialist/Titre professionnel particulier de médecin spécialiste | Minister bevoegd voor Volksgezondheid/Ministre de la Santé publique | |
България | Свидетелство за призната специалност | Университет | |
Česko | Diplom o specializaci | Ministerstvo zdravotnictví | |
Danmark | Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig som speciallæge | ||
Deutschland | Fachärztliche Anerkennung | Landesärztekammer | |
Eesti | Tartu Ülikool | ||
Ελλάς | Τίτλος Ιατρικής Ειδικότητας |
| |
España | Título de Especialista | Ministerio de Educación y Cultura | |
France |
| |
| ||
| ||
Hrvatska | Diploma o specijalističkom usavršavanju | Ministarstvo nadležno za zdravstvo | |
Ireland | Certificate of Specialist doctor | Competent authority | |
Italia | Diploma di medico specialista | Università | |
Κύπρος | Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνώρισης Ειδικότητας | Ιατρικό Συμβούλιο | |
Latvija | "Sertifikāts"–kompetentu iestāžu izsniegts dokuments, kas apliecina, ka persona ir nokārtojusi sertifikācijas eksāmenu specialitātē | ||
Lietuva |
| Universitetas | |
Luxembourg | Certificat de médecin spécialiste | Ministre de la Santé publique | |
Magyarország | Szakorvosi bizonyítvány | Nemzeti Vizsgabizottság | |
Malta | Ċertifikat ta’ Speċjalista Mediku | Kumitat ta’ Approvazzjoni dwar Speċjalisti | |
Nederland | Bewijs van inschrijving in een Specialistenregister |
| |
Diploma geneeskundig specialist |
| ||
Österreich | Facharztdiplom | Österreichische Ärztekammer | |
Polska | Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty | Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych | |
Portugal | Titulo de especialista | Ordem dos Médicos | |
România | Certificat de medic specialist | Ministerul Sănătății | |
Slovenija | Potrdilo o opravljenem specialističnem izpitu |
| |
Slovensko | Diplom o špecializácii |
| |
Suomi/Finland | Erikoislääkärin tutkinto/Specialläkarexamen | Yliopisto | |
Sverige | Bevis om specialkompetens som läkare, utfärdat av Socialstyrelsen | Socialstyrelsen | |
United Kingdom | Certificate of Completion of training |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Anesthésie-réanimation/Anesthesie-reanimatie | Chirurgie/Heelkunde |
България | Анестезиология и интензивно лечение | Хирургия |
Česko | Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína | Chirurgie |
Danmark | Anæstesiologi | Kirurgi |
Deutschland | Anästhesiologie | (Allgemeine) Chirurgie |
Eesti | Anestesioloogia | Üldkirurgia |
Ελλάς | Αναισθησιολογία | Χειρουργική |
España | Anestesiología y Reanimación | Cirugía general y del aparato digestivo |
France | Anesthésie-réanimation | Chirurgie générale |
Hrvatska | Anesteziologija, reanimatologija i intenzivna medicina | Opća kirurgija |
Ireland | General surgery | |
Italia | Chirurgia generale | |
Κύπρος | Αναισθησιολογία | Γενική Χειρουργική |
Latvija | Anestezioloģija un reanimatoloģija | Ķirurģija |
Lietuva | Anesteziologija reanimatologija | Chirurgija |
Luxembourg | Anesthésie-réanimation | Chirurgie générale |
Magyarország | Aneszteziológia és intenzív terápia | Sebészet |
Malta | Anesteżija u Kura Intensiva | Kirurġija Ġenerali |
Nederland | Anesthesiologie | Heelkunde |
Österreich | Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin |
Polska | Anestezjologia i intensywna terapia | Chirurgia ogólna |
Portugal | Anestesiologia | Cirurgia geral |
România | Anestezie și terapie intensivă | Chirurgie generală |
Slovenija | Anesteziologija, reanimatologija in perioperativna intenzivna medicina | Splošna kirurgija |
Slovensko | Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína | Chirurgia |
Suomi/Finland | Anestesiologia ja tehohoito/Anestesiologi och intensivvård | Yleiskirurgia/Allmän kirurgi |
Sverige | Anestesi och intensivvård | Kirurgi |
United Kingdom | Anaesthetics | General surgery |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Neurochirurgie | Gynécologie – obstétrique/Gynaecologie – verloskunde |
България | Неврохирургия | Акушерство и гинекология |
Česko | Neurochirurgie | Gynekologie a porodnictví |
Danmark | Neurokirurgi | Gynækologi og obstetrik |
Deutschland | Neurochirurgie | Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe |
Eesti | Neurokirurgia | Sünnitusabi ja günekoloogia |
Ελλάς | Νευροχειρουργική | Μαιευτική-Γυναικολογία |
España | Neurocirugía | Obstetricia y ginecología |
France | Neurochirurgie | Gynécologie – obstétrique |
Hrvatska | Neurokirurgija | Ginekologija i opstetricija |
Ireland | Neurosurgery | Obstetrics and gynaecology |
Italia | Neurochirurgia | Ginecologia e ostetricia |
Κύπρος | Νευροχειρουργική | Μαιευτική – Γυναικολογία |
Latvija | Neiroķirurģija | Ginekoloģija un dzemdniecība |
Lietuva | Neurochirurgija | Akušerija ginekologija |
Luxembourg | Neurochirurgie | Gynécologie – obstétrique |
Magyarország | Idegsebészet | Szülészet-nőgyógyászat |
Malta | Newrokirurġija | Ostetrija u Ġinekoloġija |
Nederland | Neurochirurgie | Obstetrie en Gynaecologie |
Österreich | Neurochirurgie | Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe |
Polska | Neurochirurgia | Położnictwo i ginekologia |
Portugal | Neurocirurgia | Ginecologia e obstetricia |
România | Neurochirurgie | Obstetrică-ginecologie |
Slovenija | Nevrokirurgija | Ginekologija in porodništvo |
Slovensko | Neurochirurgia | Gynekológia a pôrodníctvo |
Suomi/Finland | Neurokirurgia/Neurokirurgi | Naistentaudit ja synnytykset/Kvinnosjukdomar och förlossningar |
Sverige | Neurokirurgi | Obstetrik och gynekologi |
United Kingdom | Neurosurgery | Obstetrics and gynaecology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Médecine interne/Inwendige geneeskunde | Ophtalmologie/Oftalmologie |
България | Вътрешни болести | Очни болести |
Česko | Vnitřní lékařství | Oftalmologie |
Danmark | Oftalmologi | |
Deutschland | Innere Medizin | Augenheilkunde |
Eesti | Sisehaigused | Oftalmoloogia |
Ελλάς | Παθολογία | Οφθαλμολογία |
España | Medicina interna | Oftalmología |
France | Médecine interne | Ophtalmologie |
Hrvatska | Opća interna medicina | Oftalmologija i optometrija |
Ireland | General (Internal) Medicine | |
Italia | Medicina interna | Oftalmologia |
Κύπρος | Παθολογία | Οφθαλμολογία |
Latvija | Internā medicīna | Oftalmoloģija |
Lietuva | Vidaus ligos | Oftalmologija |
Luxembourg | Médecine interne | Ophtalmologie |
Magyarország | Belgyógyászat | Szemészet |
Malta | Mediċina Interna | Oftalmoloġija |
Nederland | Interne geneeskunde | Oogheelkunde |
Österreich | Innere Medizin | Augenheilkunde und Optometrie |
Polska | Choroby wewnętrzne | Okulistyka |
Portugal | Medicina interna | Oftalmologia |
România | Medicină internă | Oftalmologie |
Slovenija | Interna medicina | Oftalmologija |
Slovensko | Vnútorné lekárstvo | Oftalmológia |
Suomi/Finland | Sisätaudit/Inre medicin | Silmätaudit/Ögonsjukdomar |
Sverige | Internmedicin | Ögonsjukdomar (oftalmologi) |
United Kingdom | General (internal) medicine | Ophthalmology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Oto-rhino-laryngologie/Otorhinolaryngologie | Pédiatrie/Pediatrie |
България | Ушно-носно-гърлени болести | Педиатрия |
Česko | Otorinolaryngologie | Dětské lékařství |
Danmark | Oto-rhino-laryngologi | Pædiatri |
Deutschland | Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde | Kinder- und Jugendmedizin |
Eesti | Otorinolarüngoloogia | Pediaatria |
Ελλάς | Ωτορινολαρυγγολογία | Παιδιατρική |
España | Otorrinolaringología | Pediatría y sus áreas especificas |
France | Oto-rhino-laryngologie et chirurgie cervico-faciale | Pédiatrie |
Hrvatska | Otorinolaringologija | Pedijatrija |
Ireland | Otolaryngology | Paediatrics |
Italia | Otorinolaringoiatria | Pediatria |
Κύπρος | Ωτορινολαρυγγολογία | Παιδιατρική |
Latvija | Otolaringoloģija | Pediatrija |
Lietuva | Otorinolaringologija | Vaikų ligos |
Luxembourg | Oto-rhino-laryngologie | Pédiatrie |
Magyarország | Fül-orr-gégegyógyászat | Csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyászat |
Malta | Pedjatrija | |
Nederland | Keel-neus-oorheelkunde | Kindergeneeskunde |
Österreich |
| Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde |
Polska | Otorynolaryngologia | Pediatria |
Portugal | Otorrinolaringologia | Pediatria |
România | Otorinolaringologie | Pediatrie |
Slovenija | Otorinolaringológija | Pediatrija |
Slovensko | Otorinolaryngológia | Pediatria |
Suomi/Finland | Korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutaudit/Öron-, näs- och halssjukdomar | Lastentaudit/Barnsjukdomar |
Sverige | Öron-, näs- och halssjukdomar (oto-rhino-laryngologi) | Barn- och ungdomsmedicin |
United Kingdom | Otolaryngology | Paediatrics |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Pneumologie | Urologie |
България | Пневмология и фтизиатрия | Урология |
Česko | Pneumologie a ftizeologie | Urologie |
Danmark | Intern medicin: lungesygdomme | Urologi |
Deutschland |
| Urologie |
Eesti | Pulmonoloogia | Uroloogia |
Ελλάς | Φυματιολογία- Πνευμοvολογία | Ουρολογία |
España | Neumología | Urología |
France | Pneumologie | Chirurgie urologique |
Hrvatska | Pulmologija | Urologija |
Ireland | Respiratory medicine | Urology |
Italia | Malattie dell’apparato respiratorio | Urologia |
Κύπρος | Πνευμονολογία – Φυματιολογία | Ουρολογία |
Latvija | Ftiziopneimonoloģija | Uroloģija |
Lietuva | Pulmonologija | Urologija |
Luxembourg | Pneumologie | Urologie |
Magyarország | Tüdőgyógyászat | Urológia |
Malta | Mediċina Respiratorja | Uroloġija |
Nederland | Longziekten en tuberculose | Urologie |
Österreich |
| Urologie |
Polska | Choroby płuc | Urologia |
Portugal | Pneumologia | Urologia |
România | Pneumologie | Urologie |
Slovenija | Pnevmologija | Urologija |
Slovensko | Pneumológia a ftizeológia | Urológia |
Suomi/Finland | Keuhkosairaudet ja allergologia/Lungsjukdomar och allergologi | Urologia/Urologi |
Sverige | Lungsjukdomar (pneumologi) | Urologi |
United Kingdom | Respiratory medicine | Urology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie orthopédique/Orthopedische heelkunde | Anatomie pathologique/Pathologische anatomie |
България | Ортопедия и травматология | Обща и клинична патология |
Česko | Ortopedie | Patologie |
Danmark | Ortopædisk kirurgi | Patologisk anatomi og cytology |
Deutschland |
| Pathologie |
Eesti | Ortopeedia | Patoloogia |
Ελλάς | Ορθοπεδική | Παθολογική Ανατομική |
España | Cirugía ortopédica y traumatología | Anatomía patológica |
France | Chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologie | Anatomie et cytologie pathologiques |
Hrvatska | Ortopedija i traumatologija | |
Ireland | Trauma and orthopaedic surgery | Histopathology |
Italia | Ortopedia e traumatologia | Anatomia patologica |
Κύπρος | Ορθοπεδική | Παθολογοανατομία – Ιστολογία |
Latvija | Traumatoloģija un ortopēdija | Patoloģija |
Lietuva | Ortopedija traumatologija | Patologija |
Luxembourg | Orthopédie | Anatomie pathologique |
Magyarország | Ortopédia és traumatológia | Patológia |
Malta | Kirurġija Ortopedika | Istopatoloġija |
Nederland | Orthopedie | Pathologie |
Österreich |
Polska | Ortopedia i traumatologia narządu ruchu | Patomorfologia |
Portugal | Ortopedia | Anatomia patologica |
România | Ortopedie și traumatologie | Anatomie patologică |
Slovenija |
| Patologija |
Slovensko | Ortopédia | Patologická anatómia |
Suomi/Finland | Ortopedia ja traumatologia/Ortopedi och traumatologi | Patologia/Patologi |
Sverige | Ortopedi | Klinisk patologi |
United Kingdom | Trauma and orthopaedic surgery | Histopathology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Neurologie | Psychiatrie, particulièrement de l’adulte/Psychiatrie, meer bepaald in de volwassenpsychiatrie |
България | Нервни болести | Психиатрия |
Česko | Neurologie | Psychiatrie |
Danmark | Neurologi | Psykiatri |
Deutschland | Neurologie | Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie |
Eesti | Neuroloogia | Psühhiaatria |
Ελλάς | Νευρολογία | Ψυχιατρική |
España | Neurología | Psiquiatría |
France | Neurologie | Psychiatrie |
Hrvatska | Neurologija | Psihijatrija |
Ireland | Neurology | Psychiatry |
Italia | Neurologia | Psichiatria |
Κύπρος | Νευρολογία | Ψυχιατρική |
Latvija | Neiroloģija | Psihiatrija |
Lietuva | Neurologija | Psichiatrija |
Luxembourg | Neurologie | Psychiatrie |
Magyarország | Neurológia | Pszichiátria |
Malta | Newroloġija | Psikjatrija |
Nederland | Neurologie | Psychiatrie |
Österreich | Neurologie | Psychiatrie und Psychotherapeutische Medizin |
Polska | Neurologia | Psychiatria |
Portugal | Neurologia | Psiquiatria |
România | Neurologie | Psihiatrie |
Slovenija | Nevrologija | Psihiatrija |
Slovensko | Neurológia | Psychiatria |
Suomi/Finland | Neurologia/Neurologi | Psykiatria/Psykiatri |
Sverige | Neurologi | Psykiatri |
United Kingdom | Neurology | General psychiatry |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Radiodiagnostic/Röntgendiagnose | Radiothérapie-oncologie/Radiotherapie-oncologie |
България | Образна диагностика | Лъчелечение |
Česko | Radiologie a zobrazovací metody | Radiační onkologie |
Danmark | Radiologi | Klinisk Onkologi |
Deutschland | (Diagnostische) Radiologie | Strahlentherapie |
Eesti | Radioloogia | Onkoloogia |
Ελλάς | Ακτινοδιαγνωστική | Ακτινοθεραπευτική – Ογκολογία |
España | Radiodiagnóstico | Oncología radioterápica |
France | Radiodiagnostic et imagerie médicale | Oncologie option oncologie radiothérapique |
Hrvatska | Klinička radiologija | Onkologija i radioterapija |
Ireland | Radiology | Radiation oncology |
Italia | Radiodiagnostica | Radioterapia |
Κύπρος | Ακτινολογία | Ακτινοθεραπευτική Ογκολογία |
Latvija | Diagnostiskā radioloģija | Terapeitiskā radioloģija |
Lietuva | Radiologija | Onkologija radioterapija |
Luxembourg | Radiodiagnostic | Radiothérapie |
Magyarország | Radiológia | Sugárterápia |
Malta | Radjoloġija | Onkoloġija u Radjoterapija |
Nederland | Radiologie | Radiotherapie |
Österreich | Radiologie | Strahlentherapie-Radioonkologie |
Polska | Radiologia i diagnostyka obrazowa | Radioterapia onkologiczna |
Portugal | Radiodiagnóstico | |
România | Radiologie-imagistică medicală | Radioterapie |
Slovenija | Radiologija | Radioterapija in onkologija |
Slovensko | Rádiológia | Radiačná onkológia |
Suomi/Finland | Radiologia/Radiologi | Syöpätaudit/Cancersjukdomar |
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom | Clinical radiology | Clinical oncology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique/Plastische, reconstructieve en esthetische heelkunde | Biologie clinique/Klinische biologie |
България | Пластично-възстановителна и естетична хирургия | Клинична лаборатория |
Česko | Plastická chirurgie | |
Danmark | Plastikkirurgi | |
Deutschland |
| Laboratoriumsmedizin |
Eesti | Plastika- ja rekonstruktiivkirurgia | Laborimeditsiin |
Ελλάς | Πλαστική Χειρουργική | Ιατρική βιοπαθολογία |
España | Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora | Análisis clínicos |
France | Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique | Biologie médicale |
Hrvatska | Plastična, rekonstrukcijska i estetska kirurgija | |
Ireland | Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery | |
Italia | Chirurgia plastica, ricostruttiva ed estetica | |
Κύπρος | Πλαστική Χειρουργική | |
Latvija | Plastiskā ķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Plastinė ir rekonstrukcinė chirurgija | Laboratorinė medicina |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie plastique | Biologie clinique |
Magyarország |
| Orvosi laboratóriumi diagnosztika |
Malta | Kirurġija Plastika | |
Nederland | Plastische chirurgie | |
Österreich | Medizinische Biologie | |
Polska | Chirurgia plastyczna | Diagnostyka laboratoryjna |
Portugal | Cirurgia plástica, estética e reconstrutiva | Patologia clínica |
România | Chirurgie plastică, estetică și microchirurgie reconstructivă | Medicină de laborator |
Slovenija | Plastična, rekonstrukcijska in estetska kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Plastická chirurgia | Laboratórna medicína |
Suomi/Finland | Plastiikkakirurgia/Plastikkirurgi | |
Sverige | Plastikkirurgi | |
United Kingdom | Plastic surgery |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Микробиология | Биохимия |
Česko | Lékařská mikrobiologie | Klinická biochemie |
Danmark | Klinisk mikrobiologi | Klinisk biokemi |
Deutschland |
| Laboratoriumsmedizin |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς |
| Ιατρική βιοπαθολογία |
España | Microbiología y parasitología | Bioquímica clínica |
France | ||
Hrvatska | Klinička mikrobiologija | |
Ireland | Microbiology | Chemical pathology |
Italia | Microbiologia e virologia | |
Κύπρος | Μικροβιολογία | |
Latvija | Mikrobioloģija | |
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Microbiologie | Chimie biologique |
Magyarország | Orvosi mikrobiológia | |
Malta | Mikrobijoloġija | Patoloġija Kimika |
Nederland | Medische microbiologie | Klinische chemie |
Österreich |
| Medizinische und Chemische Labordiagnostik |
Polska | Mikrobiologia lekarska | |
Portugal | ||
România | ||
Slovenija | Klinična mikrobiologija | Medicinska biokemija |
Slovensko | Klinická mikrobiológia | Klinická biochémia |
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen mikrobiologia/Klinisk mikrobiologi | Kliininen kemia/Klinisk kemi |
Sverige | Klinisk kemi | |
United Kingdom | Medical microbiology and virology | Chemical pathology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie thoracique/Heelkunde op de thorax | |
България | Клинична имунология | Гръдна хирургия Кардиохирургия |
Česko | Alergologie a klinická imunologie | Hrudní chirurgie |
Danmark | Klinisk immunologi | Thoraxkirurgi |
Deutschland | Thoraxchirurgie | |
Eesti | Torakaalkirurgia | |
Ελλάς | Χειρουργική Θώρακος | |
España | Inmunología | Cirugía torácica |
France | Médecine interne et immunologie | Chirurgie thoracique et cardiovasculaire |
Hrvatska | Alergologija i klinička imunologija | Specijalist kardiotorakalna kirurgija |
Ireland | Immunology (clinical and laboratory) | Cardiothoracic surgery |
Italia |
| |
Κύπρος | Ανοσολογία | Χειρουργική Θώρακος |
Latvija | Imunoloģija | |
Lietuva | Krūtinės chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Immunologie | Chirurgie thoracique |
Magyarország | Allergológia és klinikai immunológia | Mellkassebészet |
Malta | Immunoloġija | Kirurġija Kardjo-Toraċika |
Nederland | Cardio-thoracale chirurgie | |
Österreich |
| Thoraxchirurgie |
Polska | Immunologia kliniczna | Chirurgia klatki piersiowej |
Portugal | Cirurgia cardiotorácica | |
România | Chirurgie toracică | |
Slovenija | Torakalna kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Klinická imunológia a alergológia | Hrudníková chirurgia |
Suomi/Finland | Sydän-ja rintaelinkirurgia/Hjärt- och thoraxkirurgi | |
Sverige | Klinisk immunologi | Thoraxkirurgi |
United Kingdom | Immunology | Cardo-thoracic surgery |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie des vaisseaux/Bloedvatenheelkunde | |
България | Детска хирургия | Съдова хирургия |
Česko | Dětská chirurgie | Cévní chirurgie |
Danmark | Karkirurgi | |
Deutschland | Kinderchirurgie | Gefäßchirurgie |
Eesti | Lastekirurgia | Kardiovaskulaarkirurgia |
Ελλάς | Χειρουργική Παίδων | Αγγειοχειρουργική |
España | Cirugía pediátrica | Angiología y cirugía vascular |
France | Chirurgie infantile | Chirurgie vasculaire |
Hrvatska | Dječja kirurgija | Vaskularna kirurgija |
Ireland | Paediatric surgery | Vascular surgery |
Italia | Chirurgia pediatrica | Chirurgia vascolare |
Κύπρος | Χειρουργική Παίδων | Χειρουργική Αγγείων |
Latvija | Bērnu ķirurģija | Asinsvadu ķirurģija |
Lietuva | Vaikų chirurgija | Kraujagyslių chirurgija |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie pédiatrique | Chirurgie vasculaire |
Magyarország | Gyermeksebészet | Érsebészet |
Malta | Kirurgija Pedjatrika | Kirurġija Vaskolari |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Kinder- und Jugendchirurgie | Allgemeinchirurgie und Gefäßchirurgie |
Polska | Chirurgia dziecięca | Chirurgia naczyniowa |
Portugal | Cirurgia pediátrica | Angologia/Cirurgia vascular |
România | Chirurgie pediatrică | Chirurgie vasculară |
Slovenija | Otroška kirurgija | Kardiovaskularna kirurgija |
Slovensko | Detská chirurgia | Cievna chirurgia |
Suomi/Finland | Lastenkirurgia/Barnkirurgi | Verisuonikirurgia/Kärlkirurgi |
Sverige | Barn- och ungdomskirurgi | Kärlkirurgi |
United Kingdom | Paediatric surgery | Vascular surgery |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Cardiologie | Gastro-entérologie/Gastro-enterologie |
България | Кардиология | Гастроентерология |
Česko | Kardiologie | Gastroenterologie |
Danmark | Intern medicin: kardiologi | Intern medicin: gastroenterology og hepatologi |
Deutschland |
Eesti | Kardioloogia | Gastroenteroloogia |
Ελλάς | Καρδιολογία | Γαστρεντερολογία |
España | Cardiología | Aparato digestivo |
France | Cardiologie et maladies vasculaires | Gastro-entérologie et hépatologie |
Hrvatska | Kardiologija | Gastroenterologija |
Ireland | Cardiology | Gastro-enterology |
Italia | Malattie dell’apparato cardiovascolare | |
Κύπρος | Καρδιολογία | Γαστρεντερολογία |
Latvija | Kardioloģija | Gastroenteroloģija |
Lietuva | Kardiologija | Gastroenterologija |
Luxembourg | Cardiologie et angiologie | Gastro-enterologie |
Magyarország | Kardiológia | Gasztroenterológia |
Malta | Kardjoloġija | Gastroenteroloġija |
Nederland | Cardiologie | Maag-darm-leverziekten |
Österreich | Innere Medizin und Kardiologie | Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie |
Polska | Kardiologia | Gastrenterologia |
Portugal | Cardiologia | Gastrenterologia |
România | Cardiologie | Gastroenterologie |
Slovenija | Kardiologija in vaskularna medicina | Gastroenterologija |
Slovensko | Kardiológia | Gastroenterológia |
Suomi/Finland | Kardiologia/Kardiologi | Gastroenterologia/Gastroenterologi |
Sverige | Kardiologi | Medicinsk gastroenterologi och hepatologi |
United Kingdom | Cardiology | Gastroenterology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Rhumathologie/reumatologie | |
България | Ревматология | Клинична хематология |
Česko | Revmatologie | Hematologie a transfúzní lékařství |
Danmark | Intern medicin: reumatologi | Intern medicin: hæmatologi |
Deutschland |
Eesti | Reumatoloogia | Hematoloogia |
Ελλάς | Ρευματολογία | Αιματολογία |
España | Reumatología | Hematología y hemoterapia |
France | Rhumatologie | Hématologie |
Hrvatska | Reumatologija | Hematologija |
Ireland | Rheumatology | Haematology (clinical and laboratory) |
Italia | Reumatologia | Ematologia |
Κύπρος | Ρευματολογία | Αιματολογία |
Latvija | Reimatoloģija | Hematoloģija |
Lietuva | Reumatologija | Hematologija |
Luxembourg | Rhumatologie | Hématologie |
Magyarország | Reumatológia | Hematológia |
Malta | Rewmatoloġija | Ematoloġija |
Nederland | Reumatologie | |
Österreich | Innere Medizin und Rheumatologie | Innere Medizin und Hämatologie und internistische Onkologie |
Polska | Reumatologia | Hematologia |
Portugal | Reumatologia | Imuno-hemoterapia |
România | Reumatologie | Hematologie |
Slovenija | Revmatologija | Hematologija |
Slovensko | Reumatológia | Hematológia a transfúziológia |
Suomi/Finland | Reumatologia/Reumatologi | Kliininen hematologia/Klinisk hematologi |
Sverige | Reumatologi | Hematologi |
United Kingdom | Rheumatology | Haematology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Médecine physique et réadaptation/Fysische geneeskunde en revalidatie | |
България | Ендокринология и болести на обмяната | Физикална и рехабилитационна медицина |
Česko | Diabelotologie a endokrinologie | Rehabilitační a fyzikální medicína |
Danmark | Intern medicin: endokrinologi | |
Deutschland |
| Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin |
Eesti | Endokrinoloogia | Taastusravi ja füsiaatria |
Ελλάς | Ενδοκρινολογία | Φυσική Ιατρική και Αποκατάσταση |
España | Endocrinología y nutrición | Medicina física y rehabilitación |
France | Endocrinologie – diabète – maladies métaboliques | Médecine physique et de réadaptation |
Hrvatska | Endokrinologija i dijabetologija | Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija |
Ireland | Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus | |
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | Ενδοκρινολογία | Φυσική Ιατρική και Αποκατάσταση |
Latvija | Endokrinoloģija | |
Lietuva | Endokrinologija | Fizinė medicina ir reabilitacija |
Luxembourg | Endocrinologie, maladies du métabolisme et de la nutrition | Rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelles |
Magyarország |
Malta | Endokrinoloġija u Dijabete | Mediċina ta’ Rijabilitazzjoni |
Nederland | Revalidatiegeneeskunde | |
Österreich | Innere Medizin und Endokrinologie und Diabetologie | Physikalische Medizin und Allgemeine Rehabilitation |
Polska | Endokrynologia | Rehabilitacja medyczna |
Portugal | Endocrinologia/Nutrição | Medicina física e de reabilitação |
România | Endocrinologie | Reabilitare Medicală |
Slovenija | Fizikalna in rehabilitacijska medicina | |
Slovensko | Endokrinológia | Fyziatria, balneológia a liečebná rehabilitácia |
Suomi/Finland | Endokrinologia/Endokrinologi | Fysiatria/Fysiatri |
Sverige | Rehabiliteringsmedicin | |
United Kingdom | Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Neuropsychiatrie | Dermato-vénéréologie/Dermato-venereologie |
България | Кожни и венерически болести | |
Česko | Dermatovenerologie | |
Danmark | Dermato-venerologi | |
Deutschland | Nervenheilkunde (Neurologie und Psychiatrie) | Haut– und Geschlechtskrankheiten |
Eesti | Dermatoveneroloogia | |
Ελλάς | Νευρολογία – Ψυχιατρική | Δερματολογία – Αφροδισιολογία |
España | Dermatología médico-quirúrgica y venereología | |
France | Neuropsychiatrie | Dermatologie et vénéréologie |
Hrvatska | Dermatologija i venerologija | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Neuropsichiatria | Dermatologia e venereologia |
Κύπρος | Νευρολογία – Ψυχιατρική | Δερματολογία – Αφροδισιολογία |
Latvija | Dermatoloģija un veneroloģija | |
Lietuva | Dermatovenerologija | |
Luxembourg | Neuropsychiatrie | Dermato-vénéréologie |
Magyarország | Bőrgyógyászat | |
Malta | Dermato-venereoloġija | |
Nederland | Zenuw – en zielsziekten | Dermatologie en venerologie |
Österreich | Neurologie und Psychiatrie | Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten |
Polska | Dermatologia i wenerologia | |
Portugal | Dermatovenereologia | |
România | Dermatovenerologie | |
Slovenija | Dermatovenerologija | |
Slovensko | Neuropsychiatria | Dermatovenerológia |
Suomi/Finland | Ihotaudit ja allergologia/Hudsjukdomar och allergologi | |
Sverige | Hud- och könssjukdomar | |
United Kingdom |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Psychiatrie, particulièrement en psychiatrie infanto-juvénile/Psychiatrie, meer bepaald in de kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie | |
България | Радиобиология | Детска психиатрия |
Česko | Dětská a dorostová psychiatrie | |
Danmark | Børne- og ungdomspsykiatri | |
Deutschland | Radiologie | Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Ακτινολογία – Ραδιολογία | Παιδοψυχιατρική |
España | Electroradiología | |
France | Electro-radiologie | Pédopsychiatrie |
Hrvatska | Klinička radiologija | Dječja i adolescentna psihijatrija |
Ireland | Child and adolescent psychiatry | |
Italia | Radiologia | Neuropsichiatria infantile |
Κύπρος | Παιδοψυχιατρική | |
Latvija | Bērnu psihiatrija | |
Lietuva | Vaikų ir paauglių psichiatrija | |
Luxembourg | Électroradiologie | Psychiatrie infantile |
Magyarország | Radiológia | Gyermek- és ifjúsági pszichiátria |
Malta | ||
Nederland | Radiologie | |
Österreich | Radiologie |
Polska | Psychiatria dzieci i młodzieży | |
Portugal | Radiologia | Psiquiatria da infância e da adolescência |
România | Psihiatrie pediatrică | |
Slovenija | Radiologija | Otroška in mladostniška psihiatrija |
Slovensko | Detská psychiatria | |
Suomi/Finland | Lastenpsykiatria/Barnpsykiatri | |
Sverige | Barn- och ungdomspsykiatri | |
United Kingdom | Child and adolescent psychiatry |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Gériatrie/Geriatrie | |
България | Гериатрична медицина | Нефрология |
Česko | Geriatrie | Nefrologie |
Danmark | Intern medicin: geriatric | Intern medicin: nefrologi |
Deutschland |
| |
Eesti | Nefroloogia | |
Ελλάς | Νεφρολογία | |
España | Geriatría | Nefrología |
France | Gériatrie | Néphrologie |
Hrvatska | Gerijatrija | Nefrologija |
Ireland | Geriatric medicine | Nephrology |
Italia | Geriatria | Nefrologia |
Κύπρος | Γηριατρική | Νεφρολογία |
Latvija | Nefroloģija | |
Lietuva | Geriatrija | Nefrologija |
Luxembourg | Gériatrie | Néphrologie |
Magyarország | Geriátria | Nefrológia |
Malta | Ġerjatrija | Nefroloġija |
Nederland | Klinische geriatrie | |
Österreich | Innere Medizin und Nephrologie | |
Polska | Geriatria | Nefrologia |
Portugal | Nefrologia | |
România | Geriatrie și gerontologie | Nefrologie |
Slovenija | Nefrologija | |
Slovensko | Geriatria | Nefrológia |
Suomi/Finland | Geriatria/Geriatri | Nefrologia/Nefrologi |
Sverige | Geriatrik | |
United Kingdom | Geriatric medicine | Renal medicine |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Инфекциозни болести | Социална медицина и здравен мениджмънт комунална хигиена |
Česko | Infekční lékařství | Hygiena a epidemiologie |
Danmark | Intern medicin: infektionsmedicin | Samfundsmedicin |
Deutschland | Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen | |
Eesti | Infektsioonhaigused | |
Ελλάς | Κοινωνική Iατρική | |
España | Medicina preventiva y salud pública | |
France | Maladies infectieuses et tropicales | Santé publique et médecine sociale |
Hrvatska | Infektologija | Javnozdravstvena medicina |
Ireland | Infectious diseases | Public health medicine |
Italia | Igiene e medicina preventiva | |
Κύπρος | Λοιμώδη Νοσήματα |
| ||
Latvija | Infektoloģija | |
Lietuva | Infektologija | |
Luxembourg | Maladies contagieuses | Santé publique |
Magyarország | Infektológia | Megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan |
Malta | Mard Infettiv | Saħħa Pubblika |
Nederland | Maatschappij en gezondheid | |
Österreich | Innere Medizin und Infektiologie |
Polska | Choroby zakaźne | Zdrowie publiczne, epidemiologia |
Portugal | Doenças infecciosas | Saúde pública |
România | Boli infecțioase | Sănătate publică și management |
Slovenija | Infektologija | Javno zdravje |
Slovensko | Infektológia | Verejné zdravotníctvo |
Suomi/Finland | Infektiosairaudet/Infektionssjukdomar | Terveydenhuolto/Hälsovård |
Sverige | Infektionssjukdomar | Socialmedicin |
United Kingdom | Infectious diseases | Public health medicine |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Médecine du travail/Arbeidsgeneeskunde | |
България | Клинична фармакология и терапия Фармакология | Трудова медицина |
Česko | Klinická farmakologie | Pracovní lékařství |
Danmark | Klinisk farmakologi | Arbejdsmedicin |
Deutschland | Pharmakologie und Toxikologie | Arbeitsmedizin |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Ιατρική της Εργασίας | |
España | Farmacología clínica | Medicina del trabajo |
France | Médecine du travail | |
Hrvatska | Klinička farmakologija s toksikologijom | Medicina rada i športa |
Ireland | Occupational medicine | |
Italia | Medicina del lavoro | |
Κύπρος | Ιατρική της Εργασίας | |
Latvija | Arodslimības | |
Lietuva | Darbo medicina | |
Luxembourg | Médecine du travail | |
Magyarország | Klinikai farmakológia | Foglalkozás-orvostan (üzemorvostan) |
Malta | Farmakoloġija Klinika u t-Terapewtika | Mediċina Okkupazzjonali |
Nederland |
| |
Österreich | Pharmakologie und Toxikologie |
Polska | Farmakologia kliniczna | Medycyna pracy |
Portugal | Medicina do trabalho | |
România | Farmacologie clinică | Medicina muncii |
Slovenija | Medicina dela, prometa in športa | |
Slovensko | Klinická farmakológia | Pracovné lekárstvo |
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen farmakologia ja lääkehoito/Klinisk farmakologi och läkemedelsbehandling | Työterveyshuolto/Företagshälsovård |
Sverige | Klinisk farmakologi | |
United Kingdom | Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics | Occupational medicine |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Médecine nucléaire/Nucleaire geneeskunde | |
България | Клинична алергология | Нуклеарна медицина |
Česko | Alergologie a klinická imunologie | Nukleární medicína |
Danmark | Klinisk fysiologi og nuklearmedicin | |
Deutschland | Nuklearmedizin | |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Αλλεργιολογία | Πυρηνική Ιατρική |
España | Alergología | Medicina nuclear |
France | Allergologie | Médecine nucléaire |
Hrvatska | Alergologija i klinička imunologija | Nuklearna medicina |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Allergologia ed immunologia clinica | Medicina nucleare |
Κύπρος | Αλλεργιολογία | Πυρηνική Ιατρική |
Latvija | Alergoloģija | |
Lietuva | Alergologija ir klinikinė imunologija | |
Luxembourg | Médecine nucléaire | |
Magyarország | Allergológia és klinikai immunológia | Nukleáris medicina |
Malta | Mediċina Nukleari | |
Nederland | Allergologie | Nucleaire geneeskunde |
Österreich | Nuklearmedizin | |
Polska | Alergologia | Medycyna nuklearna |
Portugal | Imuno-alergologia | Medicina nuclear |
România | Alergologie și imunologie clinică | Medicină nucleară |
Slovenija | Alergologije in klinične imunologije (odrasli) | Nuklearna medicina |
Slovensko | Klinická imunológia a alergológia | Nukleárna medicína |
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen fysiologia ja isotooppilääketiede/Klinisk fysiologi och nukleärmedicin | |
Sverige | Allergisjukdomar | |
United Kingdom | Nuclear medicine |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | Лицево-челюстна хирургия | Трансфузионна хематология |
Česko | Maxilofaciální chirurgie | |
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Cirugía oral y maxilofacial | |
France | Chirurgie maxillo-faciale et stomatologie | Hématologie |
Hrvatska | Maksilofacijalna kirurgija | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Chirurgia maxillo-facciale | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | Mutes, sejas un žokļu ķirurģija | |
Lietuva | Veido ir žandikaulių chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie maxillo-faciale | Hématologie biologique |
Magyarország | Szájsebészet | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Mund- Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie | |
Polska | Chirurgia szczekowo-twarzowa | |
Portugal | Cirurgia maxilo-facial | Hematologia clinica |
România | ||
Slovenija | Maxilofacialna kirurgija | |
Slovensko | Maxilofaciálna chirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česko | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | Estomatología | |
France | Stomatologie | |
Hrvatska | ||
Ireland | Dermatology | |
Italia | Odontostomatologia | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Stomatologie | |
Magyarország | ||
Malta | Dermatoloġija | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | ||
Portugal | Estomatologia | |
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom | Dermatology |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | ||
Česko | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | ||
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | ||
Hrvatska | ||
Ireland | Genito-urinary medicine | Tropical medicine |
Italia | Medicina tropicale | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | Trópusi betegségek | |
Malta | Mediċina Uroġenetali | |
Nederland | ||
Österreich |
| |
Polska | Medycyna transportu | |
Portugal | Medicina tropical | |
România | ||
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Tropická medicína | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom | Genito-urinary medicine | Tropical medicine |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Chirurgie abdominale/Heelkunde op het abdomen | |
България | Гастроентерологичнa хирургия | Спешна медицина |
Česko |
| |
Danmark | Akutmedicin | |
Deutschland | Visceralchirurgie | |
Eesti | Erakorralise meditsiini eriarst | |
Ελλάς | ||
España | ||
France | Chirurgie viscérale et digestive | |
Hrvatska | Abdominalna kirurgija | Hitna medicina |
Ireland | Emergency medicine | |
Italia | Chirurgia dell’apparato digerente | Medicina d’emergenza-urgenza |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | ||
Lietuva | Abdominalinė chirurgija | |
Luxembourg | Chirurgie gastro-entérologique | |
Magyarország | Oxyológia és sürgősségi orvostan | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | ||
Polska | Medycyna ratunkowa | |
Portugal | ||
România | Medicină de urgență | |
Slovenija | Abdominalna kirurgija | Urgentna medicina |
Slovensko | Gastroenterologická chirurgia |
Suomi/Finland | Gastroenterologinen kirurgia/Gastroenterologisk kirurgi | Akuuttilääketiede/Akutmedicin |
Sverige | Akutsjukvård | |
United Kingdom | Emergency medicine |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Stomatologie et chirurgie orale et maxillo-faciale/Stomatologie en mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie | |
България | Дентална, орална и лицево-челюстна хирургия | |
Česko | ||
Danmark | ||
Deutschland |
| |
Eesti | ||
Ελλάς | Στοματική και Γναθοπροσωπική Χειρουργική | |
España | Neurofisiologia clínica | |
France | ||
Hrvatska | ||
Ireland | Clinical neurophysiology | Oral and maxillo-facial surgery |
Italia | ||
Κύπρος | Στοματο-Γναθο-Προσωποχειρουργική | |
Latvija | Neirofiziologs | |
Lietuva | ||
Luxembourg | Chirurgie dentaire, orale et maxillo-faciale | |
Magyarország | Arc-állcsont-szájsebészet | |
Malta | Newrofiżjoloġija Klinika | Kirurġija tal-għadam tal-wiċċ |
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie | |
Polska | ||
Portugal | ||
România | Chirurgie Orală și Maxilo-facială | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | ||
Suomi/Finland | Kliininen neurofysiologia/Klinisk neurofysiologi | Suu- ja leukakirurgia/Oral och maxillofacial kirurgi |
Sverige | Klinisk neurofysiologi | |
United Kingdom | Clinical neurophysiology | Oral and maxillo-facial surgery |
Belgique/België/Belgien | Oncologie médicale/Medische oncologie | Klinische genetica/génétique clinique |
България | Медицинска онкология | Медицинска генетика |
Česko | Klinická onkologie | Lékařská genetika |
Danmark | Klinisk genetik | |
Deutschland | Humangenetik | |
Eesti | Meditsiinigeneetika | |
Ελλάς | Παθολογική Ογκολογία | |
España | Oncología Médica | |
France | Oncologie | Génétique médicale |
Hrvatska | ||
Ireland | Medical oncology | Clinical genetics |
Italia | Oncologia medica | Genetica medica |
Κύπρος | Ακτινοθεραπευτική Ογκολογία | |
Latvija | Onkoloģija ķīmijterapija | Medicīnas ģenētika |
Lietuva | Chemoterapinė onkologija | Genetika |
Luxembourg | Oncologie médicale | Médecine génétique |
Magyarország | Klinikai onkológia | Klinikai genetika |
Malta | Ġenetika Klinika/Medika | |
Nederland | Klinische genetica | |
Österreich | Medizinische Genetik | |
Polska | Onkologia kliniczna | Genetyka kliniczna |
Portugal | Oncologia médica | Genética médica |
România | Oncologie medicală | Genetică medicală |
Slovenija | Internistična onkologija | Klinična genetika |
Slovensko | Klinická onkológia | Lekárska genetica |
Suomi/Finland | Perinnöllisyyslääketiede/Medicinsk genetik | |
Sverige | Onkologi | Klinisk genetic |
United Kingdom | Medical oncology | Clinical genetics |
Belgique/België/Belgien | ||
България | лекар – специалист по Кардиохирургия | |
Česko | Kardiochirurg | |
Danmark | ||
Deutschland | Herzchirurgie | |
Eesti | Kardiokirurg | |
Ελλάς | ||
España | Cirugía Cardiovascular | |
France | ||
Hrvatska | Kardiotorakalne kirurgije | |
Ireland | ||
Italia | Cardiochirurgia | |
Κύπρος | ||
Latvija | Sirds ķirurgs | |
Lietuva | Gydytojo širdies chirurgo | |
Luxembourg | ||
Magyarország | Szívsebész szakorvos | |
Malta | ||
Nederland | ||
Österreich | Herzchirurgie | |
Polska | Kardiochirurgia | |
Portugal | ||
România | Chirurgie Cardiovasculara | |
Slovenija | ||
Slovensko | Kardiochirurgia | |
Suomi/Finland | ||
Sverige | ||
United Kingdom |
België/Belgique/Belgien | Bijzondere beroepstitel van huisarts/Titre professionnel particulier de médecin généraliste | Huisarts/Médecin généraliste | |
България | Свидетелство за призната специалност по Обща медицина | Лекар-специалист по Обща медицина | |
Česko | Diplom o specializaci všeobecné praktické lékařství | Všeobecný praktický lékař | |
Danmark | Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig som speciallæge i almen medicin | Alment praktiserende læge/Speciallæge i almen medicin | |
Deutschland | Zeugnis über die spezifische Ausbildung in der Allgemeinmedizin | Facharzt/Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin | |
Eesti | Perearst | ||
Ελλάς | Τίτλος ιατρικής ειδικότητας γενικής ιατρικής | Iατρός με ειδικότητα γενικής ιατρικής | |
España | Título de especialista en medicina familiar y comunitaria | Especialista en medicina familiar y comunitaria | |
France | Diplômes d’études spécialisées de médecine générale accompagnés du diplôme d’Etat de docteur en médecine | Médecin qualifié en médecine générale | |
Hrvatska | Diploma o specijalističkom usavršavanju | specijalist obiteljske medicine | |
Ireland | Certificate of specific qualifications in general medical practice | General medical practitioner | |
Italia |
| Medico di medicina generale | |
Κύπρος | Τίτλος Ειδικότητας Γενικής Ιατρικής | Ιατρός Γενικής Ιατρικής | |
Latvija | Ģimenes ārsta sertifikāts | Ģimenes (vispārējās prakses) ārsts | |
Lietuva |
| ||
Luxembourg | Diplôme de formation spécifique en medicine générale | Médecin généraliste | |
Magyarország | Háziorvostan szakorvosa bizonyítvány | Háziorvostan szakorvosa | |
Malta | Ċertifikat ta’ Speċjalista Mediku fil-Mediċina tal-Familja | Tabib Speċjalista fil-Mediċina tal-Familja | |
Nederland | Huisarts | ||
Österreich | Diplom über die besondere Ausbildung in der Allgemeinmedizin | Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin | |
Polska | Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty w dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej | Specjalista w dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej | |
Portugal | Título de especialista em medicina geral e familiar | Especialista em medicina geral e familiar | |
România | Certificat de medic specialist medicină de familie | Medic specialist medicină de familie | |
Slovenija | Potrdilo o opravljenem specialističnem izpitu iz družinske medicine | Specialist družinske medicine/Specialistka družinske medicine | |
Slovensko | Diplom o špecializácii v odbore "všeobecné lekárstvo" | Všeobecný lekár | |
Suomi/Finland | Todistus yleislääketieteen erityiskoulutuksesta/Bevis om särskild allmänläkarutbildning | Yleislääketieteen erityiskoulutuksen suorittanut laillistettu lääkäri/Legitimerad läkare som har fullgjort särskild allmänläkarutbildning | |
Sverige | Bevis om specialistkompetens i allmänmedicin | Specialist i allmänmedicin | |
United Kingdom | Certificate of completion of training | General practitioner |
A. Theoretical instruction a. Nursing: Nature and ethics of the profession General principles of health and nursing Nursing principles in relation to: general and specialist medicine general and specialist surgery child care and paediatrics maternity care mental health and psychiatry care of the old and geriatrics
b. Basic sciences: Anatomy and physiology Pathology Bacteriology, virology and parasitology Biophysics, biochemistry and radiology Dietetics Hygiene: preventive medicine health education
c. Social sciences: Sociology Psychology Principles of administration Principles of teaching Social and health legislation Legal aspects of nursing
B. Clinical instruction Nursing in relation to: general and specialist medicine general and specialist surgery child care and paediatrics maternity care mental health and psychiatry care of the old and geriatrics home nursing
België/Belgique/Belgien |
| |
| |||
| ||||
България | Диплома за висше образование на образователно-квалификационна степен "Бакалавър" с професионална квалификация "Медицинска сестра" | Университет | Медицинска сестра | |
Česko | Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu ošetřovatelství ve studijním oboru všeobecná sestra (bakalář, Bc.) | Vysoká škola zřízená nebo uznaná státem |
| |
Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu Všeobecné ošetřovatelství | ||||
Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním oboru diplomovaná všeobecná sestra (diplomovaný specialista, DiS.), accompanied by the following certificate: – Vysvědčení o absolutoriu | Vyšší odborná škola zřízená nebo uznaná státem | |||
Danmark | Bevis for uddannelsen til professionsbachelor i sygepleje | Professionshøjskole | Sygeplejerske | |
Deutschland | Zeugnis über die staatliche Prüfung in der Krankenpflege | Staatlicher Prüfungsausschuss | Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerin/Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger | |
Eesti |
| õde | |
| |||
| |||
Ελλάς |
| Διπλωματούχος ή πτυχιούχος νοσοκόμος, νοσηλευτής ή νοσηλεύτρια | |
| |||
| |||
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| |||
| |||
España | Título de Diplomado universitario en Enfermería |
| Enfermero/a diplomado/a | |
| ||||
Titulo de Graduado/a en Enfermería |
| Graduado/a en Enfermería | ||
France |
| Le ministère de la santé | Infirmier(ère) | |
Hrvatska |
| |
| ||
Veleučilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj | ||||
Ireland |
| Registered General Nurse (RGN) | |
| |||
| |||
Italia |
| |
| ||
Κΰπρος | Δίπλωμα Γενικής Νοσηλευτικής | Νοσηλευτική Σχολή | Εγγεγραμμένος Νοσηλευτής | |
Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου | Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου | |||
Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής Ευρωπαϊκού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου | Ευρωπαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου | |||
Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας – BSc in Nursing | Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας University of Nicosia | |||
Πτυχίο Γενικής Νοσηλευτικής | Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας, Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick | |||
Latvija |
| Māsa | |
| |||
Lietuva |
| Bendrosios praktikos slaugytojas | |
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| |||
| |||
Luxembourg |
| Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de la formation professionnelle et des sports | Infirmier | |
| ||||
| Lycée Technique pour Professions de Santé | |||
Magyarország |
| Ápoló | |
| |||
| |||
Malta | Lawrja jew diploma fl-istudji tal-infermerija | Università ta’ Malta | Infermier Registrat tal-Ewwel Livell | |
Nederland |
| Verpleegkundige | |
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| |||
| |||
Österreich |
| |
| ||
| |||
Polska |
| Instytucja prowadząca kształcenie na poziomie wyższym uznana przez właściwe władze | Pielegniarka | |
Portugal |
| Enfermeiro | |
| |||
| |||
România |
| Asistent medical generalist | |
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| |||
| ||||
| ||||
Slovenija | Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "diplomirana medicinska sestra/diplomirani zdravstvenik" |
| Diplomirana medicinska sestra/Diplomirani zdravstvenik | |
| ||||
Slovensko |
| Sestra | |
| |||
| |||
Suomi/Finland |
| Sairaanhoitaja/Sjukskötare | |
Hälsovårdsläroanstalter | ||||
| |||
Sverige | Sjuksköterskeexamen | Universitet eller högskola | Sjuksköterska | |
United Kingdom | A qualification approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council or one of its predecessor bodies as attesting to the completion of training required for general nurses by Article 31 and the standard of proficiency as required for registration as a Registered Nurse – Adult in its register | Education institutions approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council or one of its predecessor bodies | Registered Nurse – Adult |
A. Basic subjects Chemistry Physics Biology
B. Medico-biological subjects and general medical subjects Anatomy Embryology Histology, including cytology Physiology Biochemistry (or physiological chemistry) Pathological anatomy General pathology Pharmacology Microbiology Hygiene Preventive medicine and epidemiology Radiology Physiotherapy General surgery General medicine, including paediatrics Oto-rhino-laryngology Dermato-venereology General psychology — psychopathology — neuropathology Anaesthetics
C. Subjects directly related to dentistry Prosthodontics Dental materials and equipment Conservative dentistry Preventive dentistry Anaesthetics and sedation Special surgery Special pathology Clinical practice Paedodontics Orthodontics Periodontics Dental radiology Dental occlusion and function of the jaw Professional organisation, ethics and legislation Social aspects of dental practice
België/Belgique/Belgien | Diploma van tandarts/Diplôme licencié en science dentaire |
| Licentiaat in de tandheelkunde/Licencié en science dentaire | ||
| |||||
България | Диплома за висше образование на образователно-квалификационна степен "Магистър" по "Дентална медицина" с професионална квалификация "Магистър-лекар по дентална медицина" | Университет | Лекар по дентална медицина | ||
Česko | Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu zubní lékařství (doktor zubního lékařství, MDDr.) | Lékařská fakulta univerzity v České republice | Zubní lékař | ||
Danmark | Bevis for kandidatuddannelsen i odontologi (cand.odont.) | Universitet |
| Tandlæge | |
Deutschland | Zeugnis über die Zahnärztliche Prüfung | Zuständige Behörden | Zahnarzt | ||
Eesti | Tartu Ülikool | Hambaarst | |||
Ελλάς | Πτυχίο Οδοντιατρικής | Πανεπιστήμιο | Οδοντίατρος ή χειρούργος οδοντίατρος | ||
España | Título de Licenciado en Odontología | El rector de una universidad | Licenciado en Odontología | ||
Título de Graduado/a en Odontología | El rector de una Universidad | Graduado/a en Odontología | |||
France | Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en chirurgie dentaire | Universités | Chirurgien-dentiste | ||
Diplôme de formation approfondie en sciences odontologiques | Certificat de synthèse clinique et thérapeutique | ||||
Hrvatska | Diploma "doktor dentalne medicine/doktorica dentalne medicine" | Fakulteti sveučilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj | doktor dentalne medicine/doktorica dentalne medicine | ||
Ireland |
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| ||||
Italia | Diploma di laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria | Università | Diploma di abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di odontoiatra | Odontoiatra | |
Κύπρος | Πιστοποιητικό Εγγραφής Οδοντιάτρου | Οδοντιατρικό Συμβούλιο | Οδοντίατρος | ||
Latvija | Zobārsta diploms | Universitātes tipa augstskola | Sertifikāts – kompetentas iestādes izsniegts dokuments, kas apliecina, ka persona ir nokārtojusi sertifikācijas eksāmenu zobārstniecībā | Zobārsts | |
Lietuva |
| Universitetas |
| Gydytojas odontologas | |
| ||||
Luxembourg | Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en médecine dentaire | Jury d’examen d’Etat | Médecin-dentiste | ||
Magyarország | Okleveles fogorvos doktor oklevél (doctor medicinae dentariae, dr. med. dent) | Egyetem | Fogorvos | ||
Malta | Lawrja fil-Kirurġija Dentali | Università ta’ Malta | Kirurgu Dentali | ||
Nederland |
| Faculteit Tandheelkunde | Tandarts | ||
Österreich | Bescheid über die Verleihung des akademischen Grades "Doktor der Zahnheilkunde" |
| Zahnarzt | ||
Polska | Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych na kierunku lekarsko-dentystycznym z tytułem "lekarz dentysta" | Szkoły wyższe | Świadectwo złożenia Lekarsko – Dentystycznego Egzaminu Państwowego | Lekarz dentysta | |
Zaświadczenie o ukończeniu stażu podyplomowego | |||||
Portugal |
| Médico dentista | ||
| |||||
România | Diplomă de licență de medic dentist |
| Medic dentist | ||
Diploma de licență și master |
| Doctor-medic stomatolog | |||
Slovenija | Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "doktor dentalne medicine/doktorica dentalne medicine" |
| Potrdilo o opravljenem strokovnem izpitu za poklic doktor dentalne medicine/doktorica dentalne medicine | Doktor dentalne medicine/Doktorica dentalne medicine | |
Slovensko | Univerzita | Zubný lekár | |||
Suomi/Finland | Hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinto/Odontologie licentiatexamen |
| Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lupa- ja valvontaviraston päätös käytännön palvelun hyväksymisestä/Beslut av Tillstånds- och tillsynsverket för social- och hälsovården om godkännande av prakisk tjänstgöring | Hammaslääkäri/Tandläkare | |
| |||||
Sverige | Tandläkarexamen | Universitet eller högskola | Bevis om legitimation som tandläkare, utfärdat av Socialstyrelsen | Tandläkare | |
United Kingdom |
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België/Belgique/Belgien | |||
България | Свидетелство за призната специалност по "Орална хирургия" | Факултет по дентална медицина към Медицински университет | |
Česko | Diplom o specializaci (v oboru orální a maxilofaciální chirurgie) |
| |
Danmark | Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig som specialtandlæge i tand-, mund- og kæbekirurgi | ||
Deutschland | Landeszahnärztekammer | ||
Eesti | |||
Ελλάς | Τίτλος Οδοντιατρικής ειδικότητας της Γναθοχειρουργικής (up to |
| |
España | |||
France | Diplôme d’études spécialisées de chirurgie orale | Universités | |
Hrvatska | |||
Ireland | Certificate of specialist dentist in oral surgery | Competent authority recognised for this purpose by the competent minister | |
Italia | Diploma di specialista in Chirurgia Orale | Università | |
Κύπρος | Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνώρισης του Ειδικού Οδοντιάτρου στην Στοματική Χειρουργική | Οδοντιατρικό Συμβούλιο | |
Latvija | |||
Lietuva |
| Universitetas | |
Luxembourg | |||
Magyarország | Dento-alveoláris sebészet szakorvosa bizonyítvány | Nemzeti Vizsgabizottság | |
Malta | Ċertifikat ta’ speċjalista dentali fil-Kirurġija tal-ħalq | Kumitat ta’ Approvazzjoni dwar Speċjalisti | |
Nederland | Bewijs van inschrijving als kaakchirurg in het Specialistenregister | Registratiecommissie Tandheelkundige Specialismen (RTS) van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij tot bevordering der Tandheelkunde | |
Diploma tandheelkundig specialist | |||
Österreich | |||
Polska | Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty w dziedzinie chirurgii stomatologicznej | Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych | |
Portugal | Título de Especialista em Cirurgia Oral | Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas (OMD) | |
România | Certificatul de specialist în Chirurgie dento-alveolarǎ | Ministerul Sǎnǎtǎții | |
Slovenija | Potrdilo o opravljenem specialističnem izpitu iz oralne kirurgije |
| |
Slovensko | Diplom o špecializácii v špecializačnom odbore maxilofaciálna chirurgia | Univerzita | |
Suomi/Finland | Erikoishammaslääkärin tutkinto, suu-ja leukakirurgia/Specialtandläkarexamen, oral och maxillofacial kirurgi | Yliopisto | |
Sverige | Bevis om specialistkompetens i oral kirurgi | Socialstyrelsen | |
United Kingdom | Certificate of completion of specialist training in oral surgery | Competent authority recognised for this purpose |
België/Belgique/Belgien | Titre professionnel particulier de dentiste spécialiste en orthodontie/Bijzondere beroepstitel van tandarts specialist in de orthodontie | Ministre de la Santé publique/Minister bevoegd voor Volksgezondheid | |
България | Свидетелство за призната специалност по "Ортодонтия" | Факултет по дентална медицина към Медицински университет | |
Česko | Diplom o specializaci (v oboru ortodoncie) |
| |
Danmark | Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig som specialtandlæge i ortodonti | ||
Deutschland | Fachzahnärztliche Anerkennung für Kieferorthopädie | Landeszahnärztekammer | |
Eesti | Tartu Ülikool | ||
Ελλάς | Τίτλος Οδοντιατρικής ειδικότητας της Ορθοδοντικής |
| |
España | |||
France | Titre de spécialiste en orthodontie | Conseil National de l’Ordre des chirurgiens dentistes | |
Hrvatska | |||
Ireland | Certificate of specialist dentist in orthodontics | Competent authority recognised for this purpose by the competent minister | |
Italia | Diploma di specialista in Ortognatodonzia | Università | |
Κύπρος | Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνώρισης του Ειδικού Οδοντιάτρου στην Ορθοδοντική | Οδοντιατρικό Συμβούλιο | |
Latvija | "Sertifikāts"– kompetentas iestādes izsniegts dokuments, kas apliecina, ka persona ir nokārtojusi sertifikācijas eksāmenu ortodontijā | Latvijas Ārstu biedrība | |
Lietuva |
| Universitetas | |
Luxembourg | |||
Magyarország | Fogszabályozás szakorvosa bizonyítvány | Nemzeti Vizsgabizottság | |
Malta | Ċertifikat ta’ speċjalista dentali fl-Ortodonija | Kumitat ta’ Approvazzjoni dwar Speċjalisti | |
Nederland | Bewijs van inschrijving als orthodontist in het Specialistenregister | Registratiecommissie Tandheelkundige Specialismen (RTS) van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij tot bevordering der Tandheelkunde | |
Diploma tandheelkundig specialist | |||
Österreich | |||
Polska | Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty w dziedzinie ortodoncji | Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych | |
Portugal | Título de Especialista em Ortodontia | Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas (OMD) | |
România | Certificatul de specialist în Ortodonție și Ortopedie dento-facialǎ | Ministerul Sǎnǎtǎții | |
Slovenija | Potrdilo o opravljenem specialističnem izpitu iz čeljustne in zobne ortopedije |
| |
Slovensko | Diplom o špecializácii v špecializačnom odbore čeľustná ortopédia | Univerzita | |
Suomi/Finland | Erikoishammaslääkärin tutkinto, hampaiston oikomishoito/Specialtand-läkarexamen, tandreglering | Yliopisto | |
Sverige | Bevis om specialistkompetens i ortodonti | Socialstyrelsen | |
United Kingdom | Certificate of Completion of specialist training in orthodontics | Competent authority recognised for this purpose |
A. Basic subjects Physics Chemistry Animal biology Plant biology Biomathematics
B. Specific subjects a. Basic sciences: Anatomy (including histology and embryology) Physiology Biochemistry Genetics Pharmacology Pharmacy Toxicology Microbiology Immunology Epidemiology Professional ethics
b. Clinical sciences: Obstetrics Pathology (including pathological anatomy) Parasitology Clinical medicine and surgery (including anaesthetics) Clinical lectures on the various domestic animals, poultry and other animal species Preventive medicine Radiology Reproduction and reproductive disorders Veterinary state medicine and public health Veterinary legislation and forensic medicine Therapeutics Propaedeutics
c. Animal production Animal production Animal nutrition Agronomy Rural economics Animal husbandry Veterinary hygiene Animal ethology and protection
d. Food hygiene Inspection and control of animal foodstuffs or foodstuffs of animal origin Food hygiene and technology Practical work (including practical work in places where slaughtering and processing of foodstuffs takes place)
België/Belgique/Belgien | Diploma van dierenarts/Diplôme de docteur en médecine vétérinaire |
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| ||||
България | Диплома за висше образование на образователно-квалификационна |
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степен магистър по специалност Ветеринарна медицина с професионална квалификация Ветеринарен лекар |
| |||
Česko |
| Veterinární fakulta univerzity v České republice | ||
Danmark | Bevis for kandidatuddannelsen i veterinærmedicin ( | Københavns Universitet | ||
Deutschland |
| Der Vorsitzende des Prüfungsausschusses für die Tierärztliche Prüfung einer Universität oder Hochschule | ||
| ||||
Eesti | Diplom: täitnud veterinaarmeditsiini õppekava | Eesti Põllumajandusülikool | ||
Eesti Maaülikool | ||||
Ελλάς | Πτυχίο Κτηνιατρικής |
| ||
España | Título de Licenciado en Veterinaria |
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Título de Graduado/a en Veterinaria |
| |||
France | Diplôme d’Etat de docteur vétérinaire | Ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur (Université Paris-Est-Créteil, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon I, Université de Nantes, Université Paul-Sabatier-Toulouse III) et ministère chargé de l’agriculture (École nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort, Institut d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche en alimentation, santé animale, sciences agronomiques et de l’environnement-VetAgroSup, École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l’alimentation-Oniris, École nationale vétérinaire de Toulouse) | ||
Hrvatska | Diploma "doktor veterinarske medicine/doktorica veterinarske medicine" | Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu | ||
Ireland |
| |||
Italia | Diploma di laurea in medicina veterinaria | Università | Diploma di abilitazione all’esercizio della medicina veterinaria | |
Κύπρος | Πιστοποιητικό Εγγραφής Κτηνιάτρου | Κτηνιατρικό Συμβούλιο | ||
Latvija | Veterinārārsta diploms | Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte | ||
Lietuva |
| ||
Luxembourg | Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en médecine vétérinaire | Jury d’examen d’Etat | ||
Magyarország | Okleveles állatorvos doktor oklevél (dr. vet) | Felsőoktatási intézmény | ||
Malta | Liċenzja ta’ Kirurgu Veterinarju | Kunsill tal-Kirurġi Veterinarji | ||
Nederland | Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd diergeneeskundig/veeartsenijkundig examen | |||
Masterdiploma diergeneeskunde/Medicinae Veterinariae/Master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine | Faculteit Diergeneeskunde | |||
Österreich |
| Universität | ||
Polska | Dyplom lekarza weterynarii |
| ||
Portugal |
| Universidade | ||
România | ||||
Slovenija | Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "doktor veterinarske medicine/doktorica veterinarske medicine" | Univerza | Spričevalo o opravljenem državnem izpitu s področja veterinarstva | |
Slovensko | Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "doktor veterinárskeho lekárstva" ("MVDr.") | Univerzita | ||
Suomi/Finland | Eläinlääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinto/Veterinärmedicine licentiatexamen | Yliopisto | ||
Sverige | Veterinärexamen | Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet | ||
United Kingdom |
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A. Theoretical and technical instruction a. General subjects Basic anatomy and physiology Basic pathology Basic bacteriology, virology and parasitology Basic biophysics, biochemistry and radiology Paediatrics, with particular reference to new-born infants Hygiene, health education, preventive medicine, early diagnosis of diseases Nutrition and dietetics, with particular reference to women, new-born and young babies Basic sociology and socio-medical questions Basic pharmacology Psychology Principles and methods of teaching Health and social legislation and health organisation Professional ethics and professional legislation Sex education and family planning Legal protection of mother and infant
b. Subjects specific to the activities of midwives Anatomy and physiology Embryology and development of the fœtus Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Gynaecological and obstetrical pathology Preparation for childbirth and parenthood, including psychological aspects Preparation for delivery (including knowledge and use of technical equipment in obstetrics) Analgesia, anaesthesia and resuscitation Physiology and pathology of the new-born infant Care and supervision of the new-born infant Psychological and social factors
B. Practical and clinical training This training is to be dispensed under appropriate supervision: Advising of pregnant women, involving at least 100 pre-natal examinations. Supervision and care of at least 40 pregnant women. Conduct by the student of at least 40 deliveries; where this number cannot be reached owing to the lack of available women in labour, it may be reduced to a minimum of 30, provided that the student assists with 20 further deliveries. Active participation with breech deliveries. Where this is not possible because of lack of breech deliveries, practice may be in a simulated situation. Performance of episiotomy and initiation into suturing. Initiation shall include theoretical instruction and clinical practice. The practice of suturing includes suturing of the wound following an episiotomy and a simple perineal laceration. This may be in a simulated situation if absolutely necessary. Supervision and care of 40 women at risk in pregnancy, or labour or post-natal period. Supervision and care (including examination) of at least 100 post-natal women and healthy new-born infants. Observation and care of the new-born requiring special care, including those born pre-term, post-term, underweight or ill. Care of women with pathological conditions in the fields of gynaecology and obstetrics. Initiation into care in the field of medicine and surgery. Initiation shall include theoretical instruction and clinical practice.
The theoretical and technical training (Part A of the training programme) shall be balanced and coordinated with the clinical training (Part B of the same programme) in such a way that the knowledge and experience listed in this Annex may be acquired in an adequate manner. Clinical instruction shall take the form of supervised in-service training in hospital departments or other health services approved by the competent authorities or bodies. As part of this training, student midwives shall participate in the activities of the departments concerned in so far as those activities contribute to their training. They shall be taught the responsibilities involved in the activities of midwives.
België/Belgique/Belgien | Diploma van vroedvrouw/Diplôme d’accoucheuse |
| ||
България | Диплома за висше образование на образователно-квалификационна степен "Бакалавър" с професионална квалификация "Акушерка" | Университет | Акушеркa | |
Česko |
| Porodní asistentka | |
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| |||
Danmark | Bevis for uddannelsen til professionsbachelor i jordemoderkundskab | Professionshøjskole | Jordemoder | |
Deutschland | Zeugnis über die staatliche Prüfung für Hebammen und Entbindungspfleger | Staatlicher Prüfungsausschuss |
| |
Eesti | Diplom ämmaemanda erialal |
| Ämmaemand | |
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Ämmaemanda diplom |
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Ελλάς |
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España |
| Ministerio de Educación y Cultura |
| |
France | Diplôme d’Etat de sage-femme | Sage-femme | ||
Hrvatska | Svjedodžba "prvostupnik (baccalaureus) primaljstva/sveučilišna prvostupnica (baccalaurea) primaljstva" |
| Prvostupnik (baccalaureus) Primaljstva/Prvostupnica (baccalaurea) primaljstva | |
Ireland |
| Registered Midwife (RM) | |
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Italia |
| Ostetrica | |
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Κύπρος | Δίπλωμα στο μεταβασικό πρόγραμμα Μαιευτικής | Νοσηλευτική Σχολή | Εγγεγραμμένη Μαία | |
Latvija | Diploms par vecmātes kvalifikācijas iegūšanu | Māsu skolas | Vecmāte | |
Lietuva |
| Akušeris | |
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Luxembourg | Diplôme de sage-femme | Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de la formation professionnelle et des sports | Sage-femme | |
Brevet de Technicien Supérieur – Spécialité: Sage-femme | Lycée Technique pour Professions de Santé | |||
Magyarország |
| Szülésznő | |
| |||
Malta | Lawrja jew diploma fl-Istudji tal-Qwiebel | Università ta’ Malta | Qabla | |
Nederland | Diploma van verloskundige | Door het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport erkende opleidings-instellingen | Verloskundige | |
Österreich |
| Hebamme | |
| |||
Polska |
| Instytucja prowadząca kształcenie na poziomie wyższym uznana przez właściwe władze (Higher education institution recognised by the competent authorities) | Położna | |
Portugal |
| Enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde materna e obstétrica | |
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România | Diplomă de licență de moașă | Universități | Moașă | |
Slovenija | Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "diplomirana babica/diplomirani babičar" |
| diplomirana babica/diplomirani babičar | |
Slovensko |
| Pôrodná asistentka | |
| |||
Suomi/Finland |
| Kätilö/Barnmorska | |
| |||
Sverige | Barnmorskeexamen | Universitet eller högskola | Barnmorska | |
United Kingdom | A qualification approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council or its predecessor bodies as attesting to the completion of training as required for midwives by Article 40 and the standard of proficiency as required for registration as a Registered Midwife in its register | Education institution approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council or its predecessor bodies | Registered Midwife |
Plant and animal biology Physics General and inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry Analytical chemistry Pharmaceutical chemistry, including analysis of medicinal products General and applied biochemistry (medical) Anatomy and physiology; medical terminology Microbiology Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy Pharmaceutical technology Toxicology Pharmacognosy Legislation and, where appropriate, professional ethics.
België/Belgique/Belgien | Diploma van apotheker/Diplôme de pharmacien |
| ||
България | Диплома за висше образование на образователно-квалификационна степен "Магистър" по "Фармация" с професионална квалификация "Магистър-фармацевт" | Университет | ||
Česko | Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu farmacie (magistr, Mgr.) | Farmaceutická fakulta univerzity v České republice | ||
Danmark | Bevis for kandidatuddannelsen i farmaci (cand.pharm.) | Det Farmaceutiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet | ||
Bevis for kandidatuddannelsen i farmaci (cand.pharm.) | Syddansk Universitet | |||
Deutschland | Zeugnis über die Staatliche Pharmazeutische Prüfung | Zuständige Behörden | ||
Eesti | Tartu Ülikool | |||
Ελλάς | Άδεια άσκησης φαρμακευτικού επαγγέλματος |
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España | Título de Licenciado en Farmacia |
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| ||||
Título de Graduado/a en Farmacia |
| |||
France |
| Universités | ||
Hrvatska | Diploma "magistar farmacije/magistra farmacije" |
| ||
Ireland |
| ||
| ||
Italia | Diploma o certificato di abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di farmacista ottenuto in seguito ad un esame di Stato | Università | ||
Κύπρος | Πτυχίο Φαρμακευτικής | Πανεπιστήμιο Frederick | Βεβαίωση Επιτυχίας στις εξετάσεις για την Εγγραφή Φαρμακοποιού | |
Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας | ||||
Ευρωπαϊκό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου | ||||
Latvija | Farmaceita diploms | Universitātes tipa augstskola | ||
Veselības zinātņu maģistra grāds farmācijā | Universitāte | |||
Lietuva |
| Universitetas | ||
Luxembourg | Diplôme d’Etat de pharmacien | Jury d’examen d’Etat + visa du ministre de l’éducation nationale | ||
Magyarország | Okleveles gyógyszerész oklevél (magister pharmaciae, abbrev: mag. Pharm) | Egyetem | ||
Malta | Lawrja fil-Farmaċija | Università ta’ Malta | ||
Nederland | Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd apothekersexamen | Faculteit Farmacie | ||
Master of Science Farmacie | ||||
Österreich | Staatliches Apothekerdiplom | Österreichische Apothekerkammer | ||
Polska | Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych na kierunku farmacja z tytułem "magister farmacji" | Szkoły wyższe | ||
Portugal |
| Instituição de Ensino Superior Universitário | ||
| ||||
România | ||||
Slovenija | Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naziv "magister farmacije/magistra farmacije" | Univerza | Potrdilo o opravljenem strokovnem izpitu za poklic magister farmacije/magistra farmacije | |
Slovensko | Univerzita | |||
Suomi/Finland | Proviisorin tutkinto/Provisorexamen | Yliopisto | ||
Sverige | Apotekarexamen | Universitet och högskolor | ||
United Kingdom |
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| Universities delivering pharmacy degrees approved by the General Pharmaceutical Council (formerly Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain) or the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland | Notification from the General Pharmaceutical Council or Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland confirming successful completion of the approved pharmacy degree, 12 months practical training and a pass of the registration assessment. |
België/Belgique/Belgien |
| Certificat de stage délivré par l’Ordre des Architectes/Stagegetuigschrift afgeleverd door de Orde van Architecten | 1988/1989 |
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| 2004/2005 | ||
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| 2008/2009 | ||
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| 2012/2013 | ||
| 2016/2017 | ||
| 2016/2017 | ||
| 2008/2009 | ||
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| 2008/2009 | ||
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| 2008/2009 | ||
България | Магистър-Специалност aрхитектура |
| Свидетелство, издадено от компетентната Камара на архитектите, удостоверяващо изпълнението на предпоставките, необходими за регистрация като архитект с пълна проектантска правоспособност в регистъра на архитектите | 2010/2011 |
| 2007/2008 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
Česko | Architektura a urbanismus |
| Osvědčení o splnění kvalifikačních požadavků pro samostatný výkon profese architekta vydané Českou komorou architektů | 2007/2008 |
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Inženýr architekt (Ing.Arch.) |
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Magistr umění v oboru architektura (MgA.) |
| |||
Magistr umění v oboru Architektonická tvorba, MgA |
| 2007/2008 | ||
Master of Architecture and Urbanism, Ing.arch. |
| 2015/2016 | ||
Danmark | Bevis for kandidatuddannelsen i arkitektur (cand.arch.) |
| 1988/1989 | |
| ||||
Deutschland | Diplom-Ingenieur, |
| Bescheinigung einer zuständigen Architektenkammer über die Erfüllung der Qualifikationsvoraussetzungen im Hinblick auf eine Eintragung in die Architektenliste | 1988/1989 |
Diplom-Ingenieur Univ. |
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Diplom-Ingenieur, Diplom-Ingenieur FH |
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Master of Arts – M.A. |
| 2003/2004 | ||
| 2000/2001 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
| 2010/2011 | |||
| 2007/2008 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2004/2005 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
| 2004/2005 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
| 2013/2014 | |||
| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2014/2015 | |||
| 2016/2017 | |||
| 2016/2017 | |||
Master of Arts (in Kombination mit einem Bachelorabschluss in Architektur) | Hochschule Trier Fachbereich Gestaltung – Fachrichtung Architektur | 2007/2008 | ||
Master of Engineering (in Kombination mit einem Bachelorabschluss in Engineering) | Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (University of Applied Sciences) Fachbereich Bauwesen | 2010/2011 | ||
Bachelor of Arts – B.A. |
| 2010/2011 | ||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2007/2008 | |||
| 2014/2015 | |||
Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.) | Hochschule Bochum, Fachbereich Architektur | 2003/2004 | ||
| 2009/2010 | |||
Master of Science | Technische Universität Braunschweig, Fakultät Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen und Umweltwissenschaften | 2007/2008 | ||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2013/2014 | |||
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Kombination mit dem Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) |
| 2005/2006 | ||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2013/2014 | |||
Eesti | Arhitektuurimagister | Eesti Kunstiakadeemia | 2006/2007 | |
Ελλάς | Δίπλωμα Αρχιτέκτονα – Μηχανικού |
| Βεβαίωση που χορηγεί το Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας (ΤΕΕ) και η οποία επιτρέπει την άσκηση δραστηριοτήτων στον τομέα της αρχιτεκτονικής | 1988/1989 |
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| 2003/2004 | |||
| 1999/2000 | |||
| 1999/2000 | |||
| 2004/2005 | |||
España | Título oficial de arquitecto | Rectores de las universidades enumeradas a continuación: | 1988/1989 | |
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| 1991/1992 | |||
| 1994/1995 | |||
| 1997/1998 | |||
| 1998/1999 | |||
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| 1999/2000 | |||
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| 2000/2001 | |||
| 2001/2002 | |||
| 2002/2003 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
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| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
Título de Graduado/a en Arquitectura |
| 2008/2009 | ||
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| 2009/2010 | |||
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| 2010/2011 | |||
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| 2010/2011 | |||
| 2015/2016 | |||
Graduado en fundamentos de la arquitectura + Máster en Arquitectura |
| 2010/2011 | ||
| 2011/2012 | |||
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| 2014/2015 | |||
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| 2015/2016 | |||
| 2016/2017 | |||
| 2013/2014 | |||
| 2012/2013 | |||
| 2013/2014 | |||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2015/2016 | |||
Graduado en Estudios de Arquitectura + Máster Universitario en Arquitectura |
| 2011/2012 | ||
| 2015/2016 | |||
| 2014/2015 | |||
| 2017/2018 | |||
Graduado en Arquitectura + Máster Universitario en Arquitectura |
| 2010/2011 | ||
France |
| 1988/1989 | |
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| Habilitation de l’architecte diplômé d’Etat à l’exercice de la maîtrise d’œuvre en son nom propre (HMONP) (Ministère chargé de l’architecture) | 2005/2006 | |
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Bretagne (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et Ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur | 2005/2006 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Clermont-Ferrand (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Grenoble (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Lille (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Marne La Vallée (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Marseille (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2005/2006 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Montpellier (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Nancy (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Nantes (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2005/2006 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-Belleville (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2005/2006 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2006/2007 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris Malaquais (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2005/2006 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Saint-Etienne (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Strasbourg (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2005/2006 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Toulouse (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2004/2005 | |||
Diplôme d’Etat d’architecte (DEA), dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue | Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2006/2007 | ||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Marseille (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2006/2007 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Montpellier (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2006/2007 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Nantes (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2006/2007 | |||
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Strasbourg (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | 2006/2007 | |||
| Diplôme d’architecte de l’ESA habilitant à exercer la maitrise d’œuvre en son nom propre, équivalent à l’habilitation de l’architecte diplômé d’Etat à l’exercice de la maîtrise d’œuvre en son nom propre, reconnu par le Ministère chargé de l’architecture | 2006/2007 | |
| Habilitation de l’architecte de l’INSA à exercer la maîtrise d’œuvre en son nom propre équivalent à l’HMONP, reconnue par le ministère chargé de l’architecture | 2005/2006 | |
Diplôme d’architecte INSA de Strasbourg équivalent au diplôme d’Etat d’architecte conférant le grade de master (parcours d’architecte pour ingénieur) | Institut national des sciences appliquées de Strasbourg (INSA) (Ministère chargé de l’architecture et ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur) | Habilitation de l’architecte de l’INSA à exercer la maîtrise d’œuvre en son nom propre équivalent à l’HMONP, délivrée par le ministère chargé de l’architecture | 2005/2006 | |
Hrvatska | Magistar/Magistrica inženjer/inženjerka arhitekture i urbanizma | Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultet | Diploma; Dopunska isprava o studiju; Potvrda HKA da podnositelj zahtjeva ispunjava kvalifikacijske uvjete | 2005/2006 |
Magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka arhitekture i urbanizma | Sveučilište u Splitu – Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije | Potvrda Hrvatske komore arhitekata da podnositelj zahtjeva zadovoljava uvijete za upis u komoru. | 2016/2017 | |
Ireland |
| Certificate of fulfilment of qualifications requirements for professional recognition as an architect in Ireland issued by the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI) | 1988/1989 |
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| 2005/2006 | ||
| 2005/2006 | ||
| 2006/2007 | ||
| 2007/2008 | ||
Italia | Laurea in architettura |
| Diploma di abilitazione all’esercizio indipendente della professione che viene rilasciato dal ministero della Pubblica istruzione (ora Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’università e della ricerca) dopo che il candidato ha sostenuto con esito positivo l’esame di Stato davanti ad una commissione competente | 1988/1989 |
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| 2000/2001 | |||
Laurea in ingegneria edile – architettura |
| 1998/1999 | ||
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Laurea specialistica in ingegneria edile – architettura |
| 2000/2001 | ||
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| 2001/2002 | |||
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| 2002/2003 | |||
| 2003/2004 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
Laurea magistrale in ingegneria edile – architettura |
| 2004/2005 | ||
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| ||||
| ||||
| 2010/2011 | |||
| 2004/2005 | |||
| 2004/2005 | |||
| 2004/2005 | |||
| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2014/2015 | |||
Laurea specialistica quinquennale in Architettura |
| 1998/1999 | ||
| 1999/2000 | |||
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| ||||
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| 2001/2002 | |||
Laurea magistrale quinquennale in Architettura |
| 2004/2005 | ||
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Laurea specialistica in architettura (Progettazione architettonica) |
| 2001/2002 | ||
| 2005/2006 | |||
Laurea magistrale in architettura (Progettazione architettonica) | Università di Roma Tre | 2004/2005 | ||
Laurea specialistica in Architettura |
| 2001/2002 | ||
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| 2002/2003 | |||
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| 2004/2005 | |||
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| 2005/2006 | |||
Laurea Specialistica in Architettura (Progettazione Urbanistica) |
| 2005/2006 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in Progettazione dell’Architettura |
| 2001/2002 | ||
Laurea magistrale in Architettura |
| 2004/2005 | ||
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| 2014/2015 | |||
| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2004/2005 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
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| 2009/2010 | |||
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| 2010/2011 | |||
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| 2014/2015 | |||
Laurea specialistica in architettura -progettazione architettonica e urbana | Facoltà "Ludovico Quaroni" dell’Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma | 2000/2001 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in architettura -progettazione architettonica e urbana | Facoltà "Ludovico Quaroni" dell’Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma | 2004/2005 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in Architettura (Progettazione Urbana) | Università di Roma Tre | 2001/2002 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura (Progettazione Urbana) | Università di Roma Tre | 2004/2005 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in Architettura (Progettazione urbana e territoriale) | Politecnico di Torino | 2002/2003 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in architettura (Architettura delle costruzioni) | Politecnico di Milano (Facoltà di Architettura civile) | 2001/2002 | ||
Laurea magistrale in architettura (Architettura delle costruzioni) | Politecnico di Milano (Facoltà di Architettura civile) | 2004/2005 | ||
Laurea Specialistica Architettura delle Costruzioni | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | 2005/2006 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in Architettura (Restauro) |
| 2004/2005 | ||
| 2001/2002 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura (Restauro) |
| 2004/2005 | ||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2004/2005 | |||
Laurea Specialista in Architettura (costruzione) | Politecnico di Torino | 2002/2003 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in Architettura (Restauro e Valorizzazione) | Politecnico di Torino | 2005/2006 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in Architettura (Ambiente e Paesaggio) | Politecnico di Torino | 2005/2006 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in Architettura (Nuove Qualità delle Costruzioni e dei Contesti) | Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | 2007/2008 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura e Ingegneria Edile | Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | 2009/2010 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura e Progetto dell’Ambiente Urbano | Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | 2009/2010 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura – Progettazione degli Interni e per l’Autonomia | Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | 2011/2012 | ||
Laurea Specialistica Progettazione delle Scenografie, degli allestimenti e delle Architetture di Interno | Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | 2002/2003 | ||
Laurea Specialistica Architettura e Restauro | ||||
Laurea Specialistica Architettura e Progettazione Urbana | ||||
Laurea Specialistica Architettura, Progettazione Strutturale e Riabilitazione | ||||
Laurea Specialistica Architettura, Progettazione Strutturale e Riabilitazione | 2005/2006 | |||
Laurea Specialistica Restauro dell’Architettura | ||||
Laurea Specialistica Architettura – Restauro dell’Architettura | 2005/2006 | |||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura – Progettazione architettonica | Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" | 2004/2005 | ||
| 2013/2014 | |||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura e Città, Valutazione e progetto | Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" | 2004/2005 | ||
Laurea Specialistica in Architettura e Città, Valutazione e progetto | Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" | 2007/2008 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura – Arredamento e Progetto | Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" | 2008/2009 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura Manutenzione e Gestione | Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" | 2008/2009 | ||
Laurea Magistrale Architettura – Interni e Allestimenti | Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | 2009/2010 | ||
Laurea Magistrale Architettura – Restauro dell’Architettura | ||||
Laurea Magistrale Architettura – Costruzione | ||||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura Costruzione Città | Politecnico di Torino | 2010/2011 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura per il Progetto Sostenibile | Politecnico di Torino | 2010/2011 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura per il Restauro e la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio | Politecnico di Torino | 2010/2011 | ||
Laurea Magistrale Architettura per la Sostenibilità | Politecnico di Torino | 2010/2011 | ||
Laurea Magistrale Architettura per l’Ambiente Costruito | Politecnico di Torino | 2010/2011 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura e Culture del Progetto | Università IUAV di Venezia | 2013/2014 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura e Innovazione | Università IUAV di Venezia | 2013/2014 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura per il Nuovo e l’Antico | Università IUAV di Venezia | 2013/2014 | ||
Laurea Magistrale in Architettura – Restauro | Università degli Studi "Mediterranea" di Reggio Calabria | 2013/2014 | ||
Laurea Magistrale Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design – Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio | Politecnico di Milano | 2015/2016 | ||
Laurea Magistrale Architectural Design and History – Progettazione Architettonica e Storia | 2015/2016 | |||
Laurea Magistrale Architettura e Disegno Urbano | 2017/2018 | |||
Laurea Magistrale Architettura-Ambiente Costruito-Interni | 2017/2018 | |||
Κύπρος | Δίπλωμα Αρχιτέκτονα – Μηχανικού στην αρχιτεκτονική |
| Βεβαίωση που εκδίδεται από το Επιστημονικό και Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Κύπρου (ΕΤΕΚ) η οποία επιτρέπει την άσκηση δραστηριοτήτων στον τομέα της αρχιτεκτονικής | 2005/2006 |
Professional Diploma in Architecture |
| 2006/2007 | ||
Δίπλωμα Αρχιτεκτονικής (5 έτη) |
| 2008/2009 | ||
Δίπλωμα Αρχιτέκτονα Μηχανικού (5 ετούς φοίτησης) |
| 2008/2009 | ||
Δίπλωμα Αρχιτέκτονα Μηχανικού (5 ετούς φοίτησης) | Frederick University, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή, Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών του Πανεπιστημίου Frederick | 2014/2015 | ||
Latvija | Arhitekta diploms | Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte | Latvijas Arhitektu savienības sertificēšanas centra Arhitekta prakses sertifikāts | 2007/2008 |
Profesionālais maģistra grāds arhitektūrā, Arhitekta profesionālā kvalifikācija | Biznesa, mākslas un tehnoloģiju augstskola "RISEBA" | 2016/2017 | ||
Lietuva | Bakalauro diplomas (Architektūros bakalauras) |
| Architekto kvalifikacijos atestatas (Atestuotas architektas) | 2007/2008 |
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Magistro diplomas (Architektūros magistras) |
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Magistro diplomas (Architektūros magistras) |
| 2016/2017 | ||
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Luxembourg | Master en Architecture | Université du Luxembourg | 2017/2018 | |
Magyarország | Okleveles épitészmérnök MSc |
| A területi illetékes építészkamara hatósági bizonyítványa a szakmagyakorlási jogosultságról. | 2007/2008 |
Okleveles épitészmérnök |
| 2007/2008 | ||
Okleveles építészmérnök |
| 2007/2008 | ||
Malta | Lawrja ta’ Baċellerat fl-Inġinerija u l-Arkitettura (Unuri) | Università ta’ Malta | Warrant b’titlu ta’ "Perit" maħruġ mill-Bord tal-Warrants | 2007/2008 |
Nederland |
| 1988/1989 | |
Master of Science in Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences variant Architecture | Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculteit Bouwkunde | 2002/2003 | ||
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Master of Science in Architecture, Building and Planning (specialisatie: Architecture) | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | 2002/2003 | ||
| 1988/1989 | ||
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Master of Architecture | ArtEZ hogeschool voor de kunsten/ArtEZ Academie van Bouwkunst | 2003/2004 | ||
Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten/Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam | ||||
Hanze Hogeschool Groningen/Academie van Bouwkunst Groningen | ||||
Hogeschool Rotterdam/Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst | ||||
Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten/Academie voor Architectuur en Stedenbouw in Tilburg | ||||
Master of Science | ArtEZ hogeschool voor de kunsten/ArtEZ Academie van Bouwkunst | 2015/2016 | ||
Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten/Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam | ||||
Hanze Hogeschool Groningen/Academie van Bouwkunst Groningen | ||||
Hogeschool Rotterdam/Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst | ||||
Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten/Academie voor Architectuur en Stedenbouw in Tilburg | ||||
Österreich |
| Bescheinigung des Bundesministers für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft über die Erfüllung der Voraussetzung für die Eintragung in die Architektenkammer/Bescheinigung einer Bezirksverwaltungsbehörde über die Ausbildung oder Befähigung, die zur Ausübung des Baumeistergewerbes (Berechtigung für Hochbauplanung) berechtigt | 1998/1999 |
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| 2004/2005 | ||
| 2008/2009 | ||
| 2008/2009 | ||
| 2006/2007 | ||
| 2008/2009 | ||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2011/2012 | ||
| 2015/2016 | ||
| 2016/2017 | ||
Polska | magister inżynier architekt (mgr inż. arch.) |
| Zaświadczenie o członkostwie w okręgowej izbie architektów/Zaświadczenie Krajowej Rady Izby Architektów RP potwierdzające posiadanie kwalifikacji do wykonywania zawodu architekta zgodnych z wymaganiami wynikającymi z przepisów prawa Unii Europejskiej osoby nie będącej członkiem Izby | 2007/2008 |
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| 2003/2004 | |||
dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych potwierdzający uzyskanie tytułu zawodowego magistra inżyniera architekta |
| 2011/2012 | ||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2007/2008 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
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| 2015/2016 | |||
dyplom studiów wyższych potwierdzający uzyskanie tytułu zawodowego magistra inżyniera architekta | Politechnika Świętokrzyska | 2012/2013 | ||
Portugal | Carta de curso de licenciatura em Arquitectura |
| Certificado de cumprimento dos pré-requisitos de qualificação para inscrição na Ordem dos Arquitectos, emitido pela competente Ordem dos Arquitectos | 1988/1989 |
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| 1986/1987 | |||
| 1993/1994 | |||
| 1995/1996 | |||
| 1997/1998 | |||
| 1997/1998 | |||
| 1998/1999 | |||
| 1998/1999 | |||
Carta de Curso de Licenciatura em Arquitectura e Urbanismo |
| 2002/2003 | ||
Para os cursos iniciados a partir do ano académico de 1991/1992 |
| 1991/1992 | ||
Mestrado integrado em Arquitectura |
| 2001/2002 | ||
| 2001/2002 | |||
| 2003/2004 | |||
| 2005/2006 | |||
Carta de curso de Mestrado integrado em Arquitectura |
| 1997/1998 | ||
| 1999/2000 | |||
| 2006/2007 | |||
| 1995/1996 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2007/2008 | |||
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| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2006/2007 | |||
Carta de curso de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura e Urbanismo |
| 2006/2007 | ||
| 2002/2003 | |||
Diploma de Mestre em Arquitectura |
| 1988/1989 | ||
| 2003/2004 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
Carta de Curso, Grau de Licenciado |
| 2001/2002 | ||
Carta de curso de mestre em Arquitectura |
| 2003/2004 | ||
Certidão de Licenciatura em Arquitectura | Universidade Católica Portuguesa Centro Regional das Beiras | 2001/2002 | ||
Diploma de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura | Universidade Católica Portuguesa Centro Regional das Beiras | 2001/2002 | ||
România | Diploma de arhitect |
| Certificat de dobândire a dreptului de semnătură si de înscriere în Tabloul Național al Arhitecților | 2010/2011 |
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2010/2011 | |||
| 2007/2008 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
Diploma de licență și master |
| 2011/2012 | ||
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Slovenija | Magister inženir arhitekture/Magistrica inženirka arhitekture | Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za Arhitekturo | Potrdilo Zbornice za arhitekturo in prostor o usposobljenosti za opravljanje nalog odgovornega projektanta arhitekture (valid until | 2007/2008 |
Diploma o pridobljeni magistrski izobrazbi 2. stopnje | Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo | Potrdilo Zbornice za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije o vpisu v imenik pooblaščenih arhitektov ali Potrdilo Zbornice za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije o izpolnjevanju pogojev za vpis v imenik pooblaščenih arhitektov (as from | ||
Slovensko | Diplom inžiniera Architekta (titul Ing. arch.) |
| Certifikát vydaný Slovenskou komorou architektov na základe 3-ročnej praxe pod dohľadom a vykonania autorizačnej skúšky | 2007/2008 |
| 2004/2005 | |||
Diplom magistra umení (titul Mgr. art.) |
| 2007/2008 | ||
Suomi/Finland | Arkkitehdin tutkinto/Arkitektexamen |
| 1998/1999 | |
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| 2010/2011 | |||
| 2010/2011 | |||
| 2010/2011 | |||
Sverige | Arkitektexamen |
| 1998/1999 | |
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| 2009/2010 | |||
United Kingdom |
| 1988/1989 | |
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| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 1988/1989 | ||
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| 2011/2012 | ||
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| 2006/2007 | ||
| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2007/2008 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2010/2011 | |||
| 2006/2007 | |||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2012/2013 | |||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2013/2014 | |||
| ||||
| 2006/2007 | ||
| 2007/2008 | ||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2008/2009 | ||
| 2007/2008 | ||
| 2008/2009 | |||
| 2009/2010 | |||
| 2011/2012 | ||
| 2013/2014 | |||
| 2013/2014 | |||
| 2010/2011 | ||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2011/2012 | |||
| 2014/2015 | |||
| 2015/2016 | |||
| 2008/2009 | ||
| 2008/2009 | ||
| 2009/2010 | ||
| 2013/2014 | ||
| 2008/2009 | ||
| 2011/2012 | ||
| 2011/2012 | ||
| 2012/2013 | ||
| 2013/2014 | ||
| 2013/2014 | ||
| 2012/2013 | ||
| 2015/2016 | ||
| 2015/2016 | ||
| 2015/2016 | ||
| 2015/2016 | ||
| 2015/2016 | ||
| 2016/2017 | ||
| 2011/2012 | ||
| 2011/2012 | ||
| 2012/2013 | ||
| 2013/2014 | ||
| 2013/2014 | ||
| 2013/2014 | ||
| 2017/2018 | ||
| 2017/2018 |
Country | Evidence of formal qualifications | Reference academic year |
België/Belgique/Belgien |
| 1987/1988 |
България |
| 2009/2010 |
Česká republika |
| 2006/2007 |
Danmark |
| 1987/1988 |
Deutschland |
| 1987/1988 |
Eesti |
| 2006/2007 |
Eλλάς |
| 1987/1988 |
España | the official formal qualification of an architect (título oficial de arquitecto) awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science or by the universities | 1987/1988 |
France |
| 1987/1988 |
Hrvatska |
| Third academic year after accession |
Ireland |
| 1987/1988 |
Italia |
| 1987/1988 |
Κύπρος |
| 2006/2007 |
Latvija |
| 2006/2007 |
Lietuva |
| 2006/2007 |
Magyarország |
| 2006/2007 |
Malta |
| 2006/2007 |
Nederland |
| 1987/1988 |
Österreich |
| 1997/1998 |
Polska |
| 2006/2007 |
Portugal |
| 1987/1988 |
România |
| 2009/2010 |
Slovenija |
| 2006/2007 |
Slovensko |
| 2006/2007 |
Suomi/Finland |
| 1997/1998 |
Sverige |
| 1997/1998 |
United Kingdom |
| 1987/1988 |
(a) Proof of the nationality of the person concerned. (b) Copies of the attestations of professional competence or of the evidence of formal qualifications giving access to the profession in question, and an attestation of the professional experience of the person concerned where applicable. The competent authorities of the host Member State may invite the applicant to provide information concerning his training to the extent necessary in order to determine the existence of potential substantial differences with the required national training, as laid down in Article 14. Where it is impossible for the applicant to provide this information, the competent authorities of the host Member State shall address the contact point, the competent authority or any other relevant body in the home Member State. (c) For the cases referred to in Article 16, a certificate concerning the nature and duration of the activity issued by the competent authority or body in the home Member State or the Member State from which the foreign national comes. (d) Where the competent authority of a host Member State requires of persons wishing to take up a regulated profession proof that they are of good character or repute or that they have not been declared bankrupt, or suspends or prohibits the pursuit of that profession in the event of serious professional misconduct or a criminal offence, that Member State shall accept as sufficient evidence, in respect of nationals of Member States wishing to pursue that profession in its territory, the production of documents issued by competent authorities in the home Member State or the Member State from which the foreign national comes, showing that those requirements are met. Those authorities must provide the documents required within a period of two months. Where the competent authorities of the home Member State or of the Member State from which the foreign national comes do not issue the documents referred to in the first subparagraph, such documents shall be replaced by a declaration on oath - or, in States where there is no provision for declaration on oath, by a solemn declaration - made by the person concerned before a competent judicial or administrative authority or, where appropriate, a notary or qualified professional body of the home Member State or the Member State from which the person comes; such authority or notary shall issue a certificate attesting the authenticity of the declaration on oath or solemn declaration. (e) Where a host Member State requires of its own nationals wishing to take up a regulated profession, a document relating to the physical or mental health of the applicant, that Member State shall accept as sufficient evidence thereof the presentation of the document required in the home Member State. Where the home Member State does not issue such a document, the host Member State shall accept a certificate issued by a competent authority in that State. In that case, the competent authorities of the home Member State must provide the document required within a period of two months. (f) Where a host Member State requires its own nationals wishing to take up a regulated profession to furnish: proof of the applicant's financial standing, proof that the applicant is insured against the financial risks arising from their professional liability in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the host Member State regarding the terms and extent of cover,
that Member State shall accept as sufficient evidence an attestation to that effect issued by the banks and insurance undertakings of another Member State. (g) Where the Member State so requires for its own nationals, an attestation confirming the absence of temporary or final suspensions from exercising the profession or of criminal convictions.