Commission Regulation (EC) No 2139/2004 of 8 December 2004 adapting and implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 and amending Commission Decision 2000/115/EC with a view to the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in 2005 and 2007
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  • Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2139/2004 of 8 December 2004 adapting and implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 and amending Commission Decision 2000/115/EC with a view to the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in 2005 and 2007, 304R2139R(01), September 20, 2005
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2139/2004of 8 December 2004adapting and implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 and amending Commission Decision 2000/115/EC with a view to the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings in 2005 and 2007 THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 of 29 February 1988 on the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdingsOJ L 56, 2.3.1988, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1435/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 268, 16.8.2004, p. 1)., and in particular Article 8(1) and (4) thereof and point 5 of Annex II thereto,Whereas:(1)The accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and the Slovak Republic on 1 May 2004 makes it necessary to amend the list of characteristics set out in Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 571/88.(2)The new political goal of achieving a sustainable common agricultural policy calls for more information, especially on rural development.(3)In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)OJ L 154, 21.6.2003, p. 1., all Member States’ statistics transmitted to the Commission which are broken down by territorial units should use the NUTS classification. Consequently, for the purposes of surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings (hereinafter referred to as the farm structure surveys), the regions and districts should be defined in accordance with the NUTS classification.(4)Time limits for the communication of validated individual data from the farm structure surveys should be established by the Commission, taking into account the fact that the timetable for carrying out the survey work differs between Member States.(5)Both Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 itself and the decision laying down the definitions and explanations relating to that Regulation, namely Commission Decision 2000/115/ECOJ L 38, 12.2.2000, p. 1. Decision as last amended by the 2003 Act of Accession., should therefore be amended accordingly.(6)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics established by Council Decision 72/279/EECOJ L 179, 7.8.1972, p. 1.,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 is replaced by the text shown in Annex I to this Regulation.
Article 2Decision 2000/115/EC is amended as follows:1.Annex I is amended as shown in Annex II to this Regulation;2.Annex IV is deleted.
Article 31.For the purposes of the farm structure surveys 2005 and 2007, the regions shall be the territorial units NUTS 2 as referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003.By way of derogation, for Germany the regions shall be the territorial units NUTS 1 as referred to in that Regulation.2.For the purposes of the farm structure surveys 2005 and 2007, the districts shall be the territorial units NUTS 3 as referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003.By way of derogation, for Germany the districts are the territorial units NUTS 2 as referred to in that Regulation.3.For the purposes of the farm structure surveys 2005 and 2007, the municipalities shall be the smaller administrative units as referred to in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003. Member States shall provide the municipality for each surveyed holding.
Article 4The Member States shall communicate validated individual data from the farm structure surveys 2005 and 2007 in accordance with the timetable set out in Annex III to this Regulation.
Article 5This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEXLIST OF CHARACTERISTICS FOR 2005 AND 2007Note to the reader: The numbering of the characteristics is a consequence of the long history of the farm structure surveys and cannot be changed without repercussion on comparability between surveys.Explanatory notes:The characteristics marked with the letters "NE" in the Annex are deemed not to exist or to be close to zero in the respective Member States.The characteristics marked with the letters "NS" are deemed not to be significant in the respective Member States.
The provision of information on less-favoured area (A2) and mountain area (A2a) is optional in case the municipality code (A1a) is sent for each holding. In case the municipality code (A1a) is not provided for the holding, the information on less-favoured area (A2) and mountain area (A2a) is obligatory.Voluntary information.Not recorded in the 2007 survey.Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria may include item G/1(c) "nuts" under this heading.Voluntary information.Germany may merge headings 8(c), 8(d) and 8(e).Optional in the 2005 survey. Not recorded in the 2007 survey.Optional for Member States that are able to provide an overall estimate for this characteristic at regional level.A.Geographical situation of the holdingB.Legal personality and management of the holding (on the day of the survey)1.Is the legal and economic responsibility of the holding assumed by:C.Type of tenure (in relation to the holder) and farming systemAgricultural area utilised:D.Arable landof which:Industrial plants:Fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries:of which:18.Forage plants:of which:G.Permanent cropsH.Other landI.Successive secondary cropping, mushrooms, irrigation and set-aside of arable landJ.Livestock (on the reference day of the survey)Bovine animals:Sheep and goats:Pigsof which:K.Tractors, cultivators, machinery and equipment1.On day of survey, belonging exclusively to the holding2.Machinery used in the last 12 months, used by several holdings (belonging to another holding, to a cooperative or owned jointly with other holdings) or belonging to a service supply agencyL.Farm labour force (in the 12 months preceding the day of the survey)M.Rural development1.Other gainful activities on the holding (other than agriculture), directly related to the holding
1.Survey districtcode
(a)Municipality or subsurvey districtcode
2.Less-favoured areayes/noNE
(a)Mountain areayes/noNENENENENE
3.Agricultural areas with environmental restrictionsyes/noNENENENE
(a)a natural person who is a sole holder, where the holding is independent?yes/no
(b)one or more natural persons who is/are a partner, where the holding is a group holding?yes/noNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNENSNS
(c)a legal person?yes/no
2.If the answer to question B/1 (a) is "yes", is the person (the holder) also the manager?yes/no
(a)If the answer to question B/2 is "no", is the manager a member of the holder’s family?yes/no
(b)If the answer to question B/2(a) is "yes", is the manager the spouse of the holder?yes/noNSNS
3.Agricultural training of the managers (only practical agricultural experience, basic agricultural training, full agricultural training)code
1.For owner farmingha/a
2.For tenant farmingha/a
3.For share farming or other modesha/aNSNSNSNENENS
5.Farming system and practises:
(a)The utilised agricultural area of the holding on which organic farming production methods are applied according to European Community rulesha/aNSNE
(d)The utilised agricultural area of the holding that are under conversion to organic farming production methodsha/aNSNE
(e)Is the holding applying organic production methods also to the animal production?totally, partly, not at allNSNE
(f)Direct investment aids to the holding in the framework of common agricultural policy during the last five years:
(i)Did the holding benefit directly from public aids within the framework of productive investments?yes/no
(ii)Did the holding benefit directly from public aids within the framework of rural development measures?yes/no
6.Destination of the holding’s production:
(a)Does the household of the holder consume more than 50 % of the value of the final production of the holding?yes/noNSNSNENSNSNSNENSNSNE
(b)Do the direct sales to consumers account for more than 50 % of the total sales?yes/noNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
Cereals for the production of grain (including seed):
1.Common wheat and speltha/aNE
8.Other cereals for the production of grainha/aNE
9.Protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)ha/aNE
(e)peas, field beans and sweet lupinesha/aNENS
(f)lentils, chick peas and vetchesha/aNSNSNSNSNSNSNENSNSNSNSNENS
(g)other protein crops harvested dryha/aNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNENSNSNSNSNSNE
10.Potatoes (including early potatoes and seed potatoes)ha/a
11.Sugar beet (excluding seeds)ha/aNENENE
12.Fodder roots and brassicas (excluding seeds)ha/aNENSNS
26.Rape and turnip rapeha/aNENENENS
29.Linseed (oil flax)ha/aNSNSNSNENENSNENSNSNS
30.Other oil seed cropsha/aNSNSNENSNENENENSNSNSNS
34.Aromatic plants, medicinal and culinary plantsha/aNSNENENSNSNS
35.Industrial plants, not mentioned elsewhereha/aNSNSNSNSNENSNSNS
14.Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective coverha/a
(a)open fieldha/aNENS
(b)market gardeningha/aNE
15.Under glass or other (accessible) protective coverha/aNS
Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries):
16.Outdoor or under low (not accessible) protective coverha/aNSNS
17.Under glass or other (accessible) protective coverha/a
(a)temporary grassha/aNE
(b)other green fodderha/a
(i)green maize (maize for silage)ha/aNENSNS
(iii)other forage plantsha/aNS
19.Arable land seeds and seedlings (excluding cereals, dried vegetables, potatoes and oil-seed plants)ha/aNSNENE
20.Other arable land cropsha/aNSNSNE
21.Fallow land without any subsidiesha/aNE
22.Fallow land subject to set-aside incentive schemes with no economic useha/a
E.Kitchen gardensha/aNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
F.Permanent grassland and meadowha/aNE
1.Pasture and meadow, excluding rough grazingha/aNE
2.Rough grazingha/aNENENENENENE
1.Fruit and berry plantationsha/a
(a)fresh fruit and berry species of temperate climate zonesha/a
(b)fruit and berry species of subtropical climate zonesha/aNENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENE
(a)normally producing table olivesha/aNENENENENENSNENENENENENENENENSNENENENE
(b)normally producing olives for oil productionha/aNENENENENENSNENENENENENENENENENENENE
of which normally producing:
1.Non-utilised agricultural land (agricultural land which is no longer farmed, for economic, social or other reasons, and which is not used in the crop rotation system)ha/a
2.Wooded areaha/aNE
3.Other land (land occupied by buildings, farmyards, tracks, ponds, quarries, infertile land, rock, etc.)ha/a
1.Successive secondary crops (excluding market-garden crops and crops under glass)ha/aNENSNENENENENSNENENS
3.Irrigated area
(a)total irrigable areaha/aNSNSNSNSNSNE
(b)cultivated area irrigatedha/aNSNSNSNSNSNENS
8.Area subject to set-aside incentive schemes broken down by: ha/a
(a)fallow land with no economic use (already recorded under D/22)ha/a
(b)areas used for the production of agricultural raw material for non-food purposes (e.g. sugar beet, rape, non-forestry trees and bushes etc., including lentils, chick peas and vetches; already recorded under D and G)ha/aNENE
(c)areas converted into permanent pasture and meadow (already recorded under F/1 and F/2)ha/aNSNENENENE
(d)former agricultural areas converted into wooded area or being prepared for afforestation (already recorded under H/2)ha/aNSNENS
(e)other areas (already recorded under H/1 and H/3)ha/aNSNE
1.Equidaenumber of heads
2.Bovine animals, under one year old, male and femalenumber of heads
3.Male bovine animals, one but less than two years oldnumber of heads
4.Female bovine animals, one but less than two years oldnumber of heads
5.Male bovine animals, two years old and overnumber of heads
6.Heifers, two years old and overnumber of heads
7.Dairy cowsnumber of heads
8.Other cowsnumber of heads
9.Sheep (all ages)number of heads
(a)sheep, breeding femalesnumber of heads
(b)other sheepnumber of heads
10.Goats (all ages)number of headsNSNSNS
(a)goats, breeding femalesnumber of headsNSNSNS
(b)other goatsnumber of headsNSNSNS
11.Piglets having a live weight of under 20 kgnumber of heads
12.Breeding sows weighing 50 kg and overnumber of heads
13.Other pigsnumber of heads
14.Broilersnumber of heads
15.Laying hensnumber of heads
16.Other poultrynumber of heads
(a)turkeysnumber of headsNS
(b)ducksnumber of headsNSNSNS
(c)geesenumber of headsNSNSNSNENS
(d)other poultry, not mentioned elsewherenumber of headsNSNSNSNS
17.Rabbits, breeding femalesnumber of headsNSNSNSNSNSNENENS
18.Beesnumber of headsNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNSNS
19.Livestock not mentioned elsewhereyes/noNSNSNSNSNSNENS
1.Four-wheel tractors, track-laying tractors, tool carriers by power rating (kW)Number
a)< 40Number
b)40 to < 60Number
c)60 to < 100NumberNS
d)100 and moreNumberNE
2.Cultivators, hoeing machines, rotary hoes and motor mowersNumber
3.Combine harvestersNumber
9.Other fully mechanised harvestersNumberNS
10.Irrigation equipmentyes/noNSNSNENE
(a)if yes, is the equipment mobileyes/noNSNSNENE
(b)if yes, is the equipment fixedyes/noNSNSNENENS
1.Four-wheel tractors, track-laying tractors, tool carriers by power rating (kW)yes/no
2.Cultivators, hoeing machines, rotary hoes and motor mowersyes/no
3.Combine harvestersyes/no
9.Other fully mechanised harvestersyes/no
Statistical information is collected for each person, working on the holding, belonging to the following farm labour force categories in a way allowing multiple crossing with each other and/or with any other survey characteristics.
In this category are found:natural persons:sole holders of independent holdings (all persons who have answered "yes" to question B/1(a))the partner on group holdings that has been identified as being the holderlegal persons
The following information is recorded for each natural person mentioned above:
the gender
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
the farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
0 %, > 0 to < 25 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker.
1 (a)Managers
In this category are found:the managers on independent holdings, including spouses and other members of the holders’ families who are also manager; that is where the answer is "yes" to either B/2( a) or B/2( b)the partners on group holdings who have been identified as managersthe managers on holdings where the holder is a legal person.(The managers who are at the same time sole holders or partners identified as being the holder of a group holding are recorded only once, that is, as a holder in category L/1).
The following information is recorded for each person mentioned above:
the gender
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
the farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
> 0 to < 25 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker.
2.Spouses of holders
In this category are found the spouses of sole holders (the answer to question B/1 (a) is "yes") who are not included in L/1, nor included in L/1(a) (they are not managers: the answer to question B/2(b) is "no")
The following information is recorded for each person mentioned above:
the gender
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
the farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
0 %, > 0 to < 25 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker.
3 (a)Other members of sole holders’ families carrying out farm work for the holding: male (excluding persons in categories L/1, L/1(a) and L/2)
3 (b)Other members of sole holders' families carrying out farm work for the holding: female (excluding persons in categories L/1, L/1(a) and L/2)
The following information on the number of persons on the holding corresponding to the following classes is to be recorded for each person of the categories mentioned above:
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
The farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
> 0 to < 2 5 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker.
4 (a)Non-family labour regularly employed: male (excluding persons in categories L/1, L/1a, L/2 and L/3)
4 (b)Non-family labour regularly employed: female (excluding persons in categories L/1, L/1a, L/2 and L/3)
The following information on the number of persons on the holding corresponding to the following classes is to be recorded for each of the categories mentioned above:
the age according to the following age classes:
from school leaving age to < 25 years, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 and over
the farm work on the holding (apart from housework) according to the classification:
> 0 to < 25 %, 25 to < 50 %, 50 to < 75 %, 75 to < 100 %, 100 % (full time) of annual time worked by a full-time farm worker
5. and 6Non-family labour employed on a non regular basis: male and femaleNumber of working days
7.Does the holder who is also the manager have any other gainful activities?
as his/her major occupation?yes/no
as a subsidiary occupation?yes/no
8.Does the sole holder’s spouse have any other gainful activity:
as his/her major occupation?yes/no
as a subsidiary occupation?yes/no
9.Does any other member of the sole holder’s family engaged in the farm work of the holding have any other gainful activity? If "yes", how many have other gainful activities:
as his/her major occupation?number of persons
as a subsidiary occupation?number of persons
10.Total number of equivalent full-time working days of farm work during the 12 months preceding the day of the survey, not included under L/1 to L/6, undertaken on the holding by persons not employed directly by the holding (e.g. contractors’ employees)number of daysNENSNS
(a)tourism, accommodation and other leisure activitiesyes/noNSNE
(c)processing of farm productsyes/no
(d)wood processing (e.g. sawing, etc.)yes/noNSNENENS
(f)renewable energy production (wind energy, straw-burning, etc.)yes/noNSNE
(g)contractual work (using equipment of the holding)yes/no
ANNEX IIAMENDMENTS TO ANNEX I TO DECISION 2000/115/EC1.Amendments to paragraph A:subparagraph A/1 II:"The regions and districts for the purposes of the agricultural structure surveys are listed in Annex IV.";and the following sentence in paragraph A/1 (a) II:"If these codes cannot be transmitted, the Member State communicates instead, for each holding, the information indicated in characteristics A/2, A/2(a) and A/3.";are deleted.2.Amendments to paragraph C:the following subparagraph is added to paragraph C:"C/05.Farming system and practices1.C/5 (f) Aid for investments during the last five yearsI.Public aid for investment concerns measures covered by Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 concerning rural development.II."Directly" means that the characteristic does not cover investment aid which is not paid directly to the holding but provided at a higher level (regional or group), even if the holding would have benefited from this aid indirectly. Examples of investments not covered are:basic services for the rural economy and population,development and improvement of infrastructure connected with the development of agriculture,setting-up of farm relief and farm management services,marketing of quality agricultural products,land improvement,reparcelling.Nor does the question cover support and measures existing in Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 that are not related to investments such as:training (chapter III),early retirement (chapter IV),LFA and areas with environmental restrictions (chapter V),agro-environment (chapter VI).2.C/5 (f) (i) Benefit from public aid within the framework of productive investmentsI.Productive investments concern, in Regulation 1257/1999:Article 4 : investment in agricultural holdings;Article 8: setting-up of young farmers.3.C/5 (f) (ii) Benefit from public aid within the framework of rural development measuresI.The rural development measures covered by this question are certain measures implemented under Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999:renovation and development of villages and protection and conservation of the rural heritage,diversification of agricultural activities and activities close to agriculture to provide multiple activities or alternative incomes,encouragement for tourist and craft activities,protection of the environment in connection with agriculture, forestry and landscape conservation as well as with the improvement of animal welfare,financial engineering,as well as investment in forestry (chapter VIII).C/06Destination of the holding’s production4.C/6 (a) The holder’s household consumptionII.Gifts to family and relatives without remuneration should be considered as household consumption. Final production follows the definition used in agricultural accounts (i.e. production used as inputs for other production, such as forage for animal production, should not be taken into account in the total of production).The 50 % should of course not be considered as an exact threshold, but just as an order of magnitude.5.C/6(b) Direct sales to consumersII.The 50 % should of course not be considered as the result of an exact estimation, but as an order of magnitude."ANNEX III
Time limits for communicating the validated individual survey data to Eurostat
Member StateTime limits Farm structure surveys 2005Time limits Farm structure surveys 2007
Belgium30 June 200631 May 2008
Czech Republic30 June 200630 June 2008
Denmark31 May 200631 May 2008
Germany30 September 200630 September 2008
Estonia30 June 200630 June 2008
Greece31 December 200631 December 2008
Spain31 December 200631 December 2008
France31 December 200631 December 2008
Ireland30 June 200631 May 2008
Italy31 October 200630 September 2008
Cyprus30 September 200630 September 2008
Latvia30 June 200630 June 2008
Lithuania31 March 200631 March 2008
Luxembourg31 May 200631 May 2008
Hungary30 September 200630 September 2008
Malta31 July 200631 July 2008
Netherlands31 July 200631 July 2008
Austria30 September 200630 September 2008
Poland31 March 200631 March 2008
Portugal31 December 200631 December 2008
Slovenia30 June 200630 June 2008
Slovak Republic31 October 200630 September 2008
Finland31 August 200631 August 2008
Sweden30 June 200630 June 2008
United Kingdom31 August 200631 August 2008