1. Article 2 is amended as follows: (a) paragraph 2 is replaced by the following: "2. These tariff quotas shall be managed in accordance with Articles 308a, 308b and 308c of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93. However, Article 308c(2) and (3) shall not apply to the tariff quota at order No 09.1871 in the Annex."(b) the following paragraph 3 a is inserted: "3 a. With respect to products of CN code 08030019 the presentation of an import licence as regards fresh bananas originating in Mexico shall not be required."(c) the following paragraphs 5 a and 5 b are inserted: "5 a. The customs duty applicable to products of CN code 13022010 within the tariff quota at order No09.1873 in the Annex shall be 2 %.5 b. The customs duty applicable to products of CN code 08030019 within the tariff quota at order No09.1871 in the Annex shall be EUR 75 /tonne."
2. The Annex is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1553/2004 of 31 August 2004 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1362/2000 as regards the opening and management of tariff quotas for certain products originating in Mexico
1. The following rows are inserted in the table: This tariff quota will cease to apply when the current WTO quotas for bananas of CN code 08030019 are replaced by a tariff-only regime."" 09.1871 08030019 Bananas, fresh (excluding plantains) 2000 tonnesFixed duty to be applied 09.1873 ex13022010 Dry pectic substances, pectinates and pectates in powder form 250 tonnesFixed duty to be applied ----------------------This tariff quota will cease to apply when the current WTO quotas for bananas of CN code 08030019 are replaced by a tariff-only regime."2. The rows in the table with respect to order numbers 09.1832 and09.1869 are replaced by the following:Shell egg equivalent. To be converted in accordance with the rates fixed in Annex 69 to Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93." " 09.1832 04081180 04081981 04081989 04089180 04089980 — Egg yolks, Birds’ eggs not in shell: 1000 tonnes50 MFN or 50 GSP ( 2 )09.1875 04081180 — Egg yolks, dried 50 MFN or 50 GSP ( 2 )09.1877 04081981 — Egg yolks, liquid 50 MFN or 50 GSP ( 2 )04081989 — Egg yolks, other 09.1879 04089180 — Birds' eggs, not in shell, dried 50 MFN or 50 GSP ( 2 )09.1881 04089980 — Birds' eggs, not in shell, other 50 MFN or 50 GSP ( 2 )09.1869 35021190 35021990 — Egg albumin: 3000 tonnes100 09.1883 ex35021190 — dried (crystals) 100 09.1885 ex35021190 — dried (other) 100 09.1887 35021990 — other than dried 100 ----------------------Shell egg equivalent. To be converted in accordance with the rates fixed in Annex 69 to Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93."