Council Regulation (EC) No 862/2004 of 29 April 2004 adapting Regulation (EC) No 2888/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council, in the field of transport, by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia
Corrected by
ANNEX IIIMethodology for determining the allocation of permitsAllocation of the permits determined in Annexes I and II will take place on the basis of the following methodology:1.Member States of EU-15"Full-weight" permitsInitially, each Member State will receive 1500 permits.Thereafter, the remaining permits will be allocated in equal parts on the basis of criteria relating to bilateral traffic operations and transit traffic operations.This result will be adjusted slightly to take account of the specific geographical situation of certain Member States.Bilateral trafficThe allocation will take place on the basis of the shares of each Member State in bilateral transport to and from Switzerland.Transit trafficThe allocation will take place on the basis of the shares of heavy vehicles registered in the Member State concerned in the total number of diverted kilometres in north-south and south-north trans-Alpine road traffic as a result of the current weight restrictions in Switzerland.Diverted mileage will be calculated as the difference between the actual distance of trans-Alpine journeys and the shortest distance through Switzerland. The mileages through Switzerland will be adjusted by the addition of 60 kilometres to take into account border delays and road traffic conditions.For those Member States where the abovementioned method of calculation leads to an amount of less than 200, the allocation will be established at a level of 200 permits."Empty" permits"Empty" permits will be allocated on the basis of the shares of vehicles registered in the Member States in the transit traffic through Switzerland of vehicles with a laden weight between 7,5 and 28 tonnes.2.New Member States"Full-weight" permitsMember States which have concluded bilateral agreements with Switzerland (Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia) will receive at least the same number of permits as they would have received under the bilateral agreements for the period 1 May 2004 to 31 December 2004 if these agreements had remained in force throughout 2004.Cyprus, Malta and Slovakia are allocated permits on the basis of their shares of transport to and from as well as in transit through Switzerland in 2002.The rest of the permits available for the ten new Member States will be allocated on a pro-rata basis."Empty" permitsGiven that the Community will receive 5500"empty" permits, which amount to 55 % of the number of "full-weight" permits, the "empty" permits will be allocated at this ratio.”