Directive 2004/10/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 on the harmonisation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of the principles of good laboratory practice and the verification of their applications for tests on chemical substances (codified version) (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
- Regulation (EC) No 219/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 March 2009adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure referred to in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutinyAdaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Part Two, 309R0219, March 31, 2009
(a) ensure that a statement exists which identifies the individual(s) within a test facility who fulfil the responsibilities of management as defined by these principles of good laboratory practice; (b) ensure that a sufficient number of qualified personnel, appropriate facilities, equipment, and materials are available for the timely and proper conduct of the study; (c) ensure the maintenance of a record of the qualifications, training, experience and job description for each professional and technical individual; (d) ensure that personnel clearly understand the functions they are to perform and, where necessary, provide training for these functions; (e) ensure that appropriate and technically valid standard operating procedures are established and followed, and approve all original and revised standard operating procedures; (f) ensure that there is a quality assurance programme with designated personnel and assure that the quality assurance responsibility is being performed in accordance with these principles of good laboratory practice; (g) ensure that for each study an individual with the appropriate qualifications, training, and experience is designated by the management as the study director before the study is initiated. Replacement of a study director should be done according to established procedures, and should be documented; (h) ensure, in the event of a multisite study, that, if needed, a principal investigator is designated, who is appropriately trained, qualified and experienced to supervise the delegated phase(s) of the study. Replacement of a principal investigator should be done according to established procedures, and should be documented; (i) ensure documented approval of the study plan by the study director; (j) ensure that the study director has made the approval study plan available to the quality assurance personnel; (k) ensure the maintenance of a historical file of all standard operating procedures; (l) ensure that an individual is identified as responsible for the management of the archive(s); (m) ensure the maintenance of a master schedule; (n) ensure that test facility supplies meet requirements appropriate to their use in a study; (o) ensure for a multisite study that clear lines of communication exist between the study director, principal investigator(s), the quality assurance programme(s) and study personnel; (p) ensure that test and reference items are appropriately characterised; (q) establish procedures to ensure that computerised systems are suitable for their intended purpose, and are validated, operated and maintained in accordance with these principles of good laboratory practice.
(a) approve the study plan and any amendments to the study plan by dated signature; (b) ensure that the quality assurance personnel have a copy of the study plan and any amendments in a timely manner and communicate effectively with the quality assurance personnel as required during the conduct of the study; (c) ensure that study plans and amendments and standard operating procedures are available to study personnel; (d) ensure that the study plan and the final report for a multisite study identify and define the role of any principal investigator(s) and any test facilities and test sites involved in the conduct of the study; (e) ensure that the procedures specified in the study plan are followed, and assess and document the impact of any deviations from the study plan on the quality and integrity of the study, and take appropriate corrective action if necessary; acknowledge deviations from standard operating procedures during the conduct of the study; (f) ensure that all raw data generated are fully documented and recorded; (g) ensure that computerised systems used in the study have been validated; (h) sign and date the final report to indicate acceptance of responsibility for the validity of the data and to indicate the extent to which the study complies with these principles of good laboratory practice; (i) ensure that after completion (including termination) of the study, the study plan, the final report, raw data and supporting material are archived.
(a) maintain copies of all approved study plans and standard operating procedures in use in the test facility and have access to an up-to-date copy of the master schedule; (b) verify that the study plan contains the information required for compliance with these principles of good laboratory practice. This verification should be documented; (c) conduct inspections to determine if all studies are conducted in accordance with these principles of good laboratory practice. Inspections should also determine that study plans and standard operating procedures have been made available to study personnel and are being followed. Inspections can be of three types as specified by quality assurance programme standard operating procedures: study-based inspections, facility-based inspections, process-based inspections.
Records of such inspections should be retained; (d) inspect the final reports to confirm that the methods, procedures, and observations are accurately and completely described, and that the reported results accurately and completely reflect the raw data of the studies; (e) promptly report any inspection results in writing to management and to the study director, and to the principal investigator(s) and the respective management, when applicable; (f) prepare and sign a statement, to be included with the final report, which specifies types of inspections and their dates, including the phase(s) of the study inspected, and the dates inspection results were reported to management and the study director and principal investigator(s), if applicable. This statement would also serve to confirm that the final report reflects the raw data.
1. Test and reference items Receipt, identification, labelling, handling, sampling and storage. 2. Apparatus, materials and reagents (a) Apparatus: use, maintenance, cleaning and calibration (b) Computerised systems: validation, operation, maintenance, security, change control and back-up (c) Materials, reagents and solutions: preparation and labelling.
3. Record keeping, reporting, storage, and retrieval Coding of studies, data collection, preparation of reports, indexing systems, handling of data, including the use of computerised systems. 4. Test system (where appropriate) (a) Room preparation and environmental room conditions for the test system. (b) Procedures for receipt, transfer, proper placement, characterisation, identification and care of the test system. (c) Test system preparation, observations and examinations, before, during and at the conclusion of the study. (d) Handling of test system individuals found moribund or dead during the study. (e) Collection, identification and handling of specimens including necropsy and histopathology. (f) Siting and placement of test systems in test plots.
5. Quality assurance procedures Operation of Quality Assurance personnel in planning, scheduling, performing, documenting and reporting inspections.
(a) Amendments to the study plan should be justified and approved by dated signature of the study director and maintained with the study plan. (b) Deviations from the study plan should be described, explained, acknowledged and dated in a timely fashion by the study director and/or principal investigator(s) and maintained with the study raw data.
1. Identification of the study, the test item and reference item (a) A descriptive title (b) A statement which reveals the nature and purpose of the study (c) Identification of the test item by code or name (IUPAC; CAS number, biological parameters, etc.) (d) The reference item to be used.
2. Information concerning the sponsor and the test facility (a) Name and address of the sponsor (b) Name and address of any test facilities and test sites involved (c) Name and address of the study director (d) Name and address of the principal investigator(s), and the phase(s) of the study delegated by the study director and under the responsibility of the principal investigator(s).
3. Dates (a) The date of approval of the study plan by signature of the study director. The date of approval of the study plan by signature of the test facility management and sponsor if required by national regulation or legislation in the country where the study is being performed. (b) The proposed experimental starting and completion dates.
4. Test methods Reference to the OECD test guideline or other test guideline or method to be used. 5. Issues (where applicable) (a) The justification for selection of the test system (b) Characterisation of the test system, such as the species, strain, substrain, source of supply, number, body weight range, sex, age and other pertinent information (c) The method of administration and the reason for its choice (d) The dose levels and/or concentration(s), frequency, and duration of administration/application; (e) Detailed information on the experimental design, including a description of the chronological procedure of the study, all methods, materials and conditions, type and frequency of analysis, measurements, observations and examinations to be performed, and statistical methods to be used (if any).
6. Records A list of records to be retained.
1. Identification of the study, the test item and reference item (a) A descriptive title (b) Identification of the test item by code or name (IUPAC, CAS number, biological parameters, etc.) (c) Identification of the reference item by name (d) Characterisation of the test item including purity, stability and homogeneity.
2. Information concerning the sponsor and the test facility (a) Name and address of the sponsor (b) Name and address of any test facilities and test sites involved (c) Name and address of the study director (d) Name and address of the principal investigator(s) and the phase(s) of the study delegated, if applicable (e) Name and address of scientists having contributed reports to the final report.
3. Dates Experimental starting and completion dates. 4. Statement A quality assurance programme statement listing the types of inspections made and their dates, including the phase(s) inspected, and the dates any inspection results were reported to management and to the study director and principal investigator(s), if applicable. This statement would also serve to confirm that the final report reflects the raw data. 5. Description of materials and test methods (a) Description of methods and materials used (b) Reference to OECD test guideline or other test guideline or method.
6. Results (a) A summary of results (b) All information and data required by the study plan (c) A presentation of the results, including calculations and determinations of statistical significance (d) An evaluation and discussion of the results and, where appropriate, conclusions.
7. Storage The location(s) where the study plan, samples of test and reference items, specimens, raw data and the final report are to be stored.
(a) the study plan, raw data, samples of test and reference items, specimens, and the final report of each study; (b) records of all inspections performed by the quality assurance programme, as well as master schedules; (c) records of qualifications, training, experience and job descriptions of personnel; (d) records and reports of the maintenance and calibration of apparatus; (e) validation documentation for computerised systems; (f) the historical file of all standard operating procedures; (g) environmental monitoring records.
Council Directive 87/18/EEC | ( |
Commission Directive 1999/11/EC | ( |
Directive | Deadline for transposition |
87/18/EEC | 30 June 1988 |
1999/11/EC | 30 September 1999 |
Directive 87/18/EEC | This Directive |
Articles 1 to 5 | Articles 1 to 5 |
Article 6 | — |
— | Article 6 |
— | Article 7 |
Article 7 | Article 8 |
Annex | Annex I |
— | Annex II |
— | Annex III |