Commission Regulation (EC) No 1983/2003 of 7 November 2003 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the list of target primary variables (Text with EEA relevance.)
Modified by
  • Commission Regulation (EC) No 973/2007of 20 August 2007amending certain EC Regulations on specific statistical domains implementing the statistical classification of economic activities NACE Revision 2, 32007R0973, August 21, 2007
  • Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2013of 8 April 2013amending the Annexes to Regulations (EC) No 1983/2003, (EC) No 1738/2005, (EC) No 698/2006, (EC) No 377/2008 and (EU) No 823/2010 as regards the International Standard Classification of Education(Text with EEA relevance), 32013R0317, April 9, 2013
  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/2256of 4 December 2015amending Regulation (EC) No 1983/2003 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the list of target primary variables(Text with EEA relevance), 32015R2256, December 5, 2015
Commission regulation (EC) No 1983/2003of 7 November 2003implementing Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the list of target primary variables(Text with EEA relevance) THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC)OJ L 165, 3.7.2003, p. 1., and in particular Article 15(2)(a) thereof,Whereas:(1)Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 established a common framework for the systematic production of Community statistics on income and living conditions, encompassing comparable and timely cross-sectional and longitudinal data on income and on the level and composition of poverty and social exclusion at national and European Union levels.(2)Pursuant to Article 15(2)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003, implementing measures are necessary to define the list of target primary variables to be included in each area of the cross-sectional component and the list of target variables included in the longitudinal component, including the specification of variable codes and the technical format of data transmission.(3)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Statistical Programme Committee,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:
Article 1The list of target primary variables, the variables codes and the technical format of data transmission for the main operation of the Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC), shall be as laid down in the Annex.
Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.ANNEX
NUTS 1999: Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics.Must be filled only the first time the household is recorded (if applicable).Number of hours > 0 of childcare at pre-school and compulsory school are incompatible.Amounts are in national currency. All amounts must have the same unit.Allowed only as long as gross income components are not mandatory.As missing values are imputed this code is only acceptable if no imputation is possible.Income flags: The flag is composed of two elements:1.the format (net/gross) of collection (can be different from the recorded format);2.imputation factor = collected value divided by recorded value.All the variables that compose the target variable have to be considered to determine the flag value.The following digits will be linked with the first digit without any separator so that the result is a decimal number.Factor by which it is necessary to multiply the total gross income, the total disposable income or the total disposable income before social transfers to compensate for missing individual questionnaires.Mandatory only from 2007 onwards.All the variables that compose the target variable have to be considered to determine the flag value.Gross means that neither taxes nor social contributions have been deducted at source.If the gross value is a conversion from net, the corresponding net variable should also be filled. If both — net and gross — values are collected, both should be recorded.Code "-5" in flag-variable allowed only as long as gross income components are not mandatory.In national currency.Compulsory only for Member States using Eurostat recommended regression method or subjective method to estimate imputed rent.Only collected if calculation of imputed rent at national level uses subjective method.ISCED 2011: International standard classification of education 2011.Compulsory only for Member States which have no other source than EU-SILC to calculate the gender pay gap.ISCO — 88 (COM): International standard classification of occupations (for European purposes), 1988 version.NACE Rev. 2: Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, Rev. 2.Person himself/herself should be included in number, as the employer.This variable with the exception of company car will only be collected from 2007 onwards.PY035N belongs to "other items not considered as part of income".PY080N belongs to "other items not considered part of income".Will be recorded only if feasibility studies show it is possible.PY035G and PY080G belong to "other items not included as part of income".Household registerBasic dataBASIC HOUSEHOLD DATA, INCLUDING DEGREE OF URBANISATIONPersonal registerBasic dataBASIC PERSONAL DATADEMOGRAPHIC DATABASIC PERSONAL DATAPersonal registerLabour informationCHILD CAREHousehold dataBasic dataBASIC HOUSEHOLD DATAHousehold dataIncomeTOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOMENET SERIES OF INCOME COMPONENTS AT HOUSEHOLD LEVELGROSS SERIES OF INCOME COMPONENTS AT HOUSEHOLD LEVELHousehold dataSocial ExclusionHOUSING AND NON-HOUSING RELATED ARREARSNON-MONETARY HOUSEHOLD DEPRIVATION INDICATORS, INCLUDING PROBLEMS IN MAKING ENDS MEET, EXTENT OF DEBT AND ENFORCED LACK OF BASIC NECESSITIESPHYSICAL AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTHousehold dataHousingDWELLING TYPE, TENURE STATUS AND HOUSING CONDITIONSHOUSING COSTSAMENITIES IN THE DWELLINGPersonal dataBasic dataBASIC PERSONAL DATA (16 +)DEMOGRAPHIC DATA (16+)Personal dataSocial exclusionNON-MONETARY PERSONAL DEPRIVATION INDICATORSPersonal dataEducationEDUCATION, INCLUDING HIGHEST ISCED LEVEL ATTAINEDPersonal dataLabour informationBASIC LABOUR INFORMATION ON CURRENT ACTIVITY STATUS AND CURRENT MAIN JOB, INCLUDING INFORMATION ON LAST MAIN JOB FOR UNEMPLOYEDBASIC INFORMATION ON ACTIVITY STATUS DURING INCOME REFERENCE PERIODTOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS WORKED ON CURRENT SECOND, THIRD, ETC. JOBSDETAILED LABOUR INFORMATIONACTIVITY HISTORYCALENDAR OF ACTIVITIESPersonal dataHealthHEALTH, INCLUDING HEALTH STATUS AND CHRONIC ILLNESS OR CONDITIONACCESS TO HEALTH CAREPersonal dataIncomeNET SERIES OF PERSONAL INCOME AT COMPONENT LEVELGROSS SERIES OF PERSONAL INCOME AT COMPONENT LEVELGROSS MONTHLY EARNINGS FOR EMPLOYEES
ComponentVariable nameCodeTarget variable
X,LDB010Year of the survey
YearFour digits of year
Country codeSee Annex
X,LDB030Household ID
ID numberHousehold identification number (HID)
1Variable is filled
X,LDB050Primary strata as used in the selection of the sample
0001 — 9999Primary strata
1Variable is filled
X,LDB060PSU-1 (first stage) as used in the selection of the sample
0001 — 9999PSU
1Variable is filled
X,LDB062PSU-2 (second stage) as used in the selection of the sample
0001 — 9999PSU
1Variable is filled
X,LDB070Order of the selection of PSU as used in the selection of the sample
0001 — 9999Order of the selection of PSU
1Variable is filled
X,LDB075Rotational group
1 — 8To which sub-sample belongs
DB075_F-2na (no rotational design is used)
1Variable is filled
X,LDB080Household design weight
0+(format 2.5)Weight
DB080_F-2 (L)only longitudinal: na (household not first time in survey or split off household)
1Variable is filled
X,LDB090Household cross-sectional weight
0+(format 2.5)Weight
DB090_F1Variable is filled
X,LDB100Degree of urbanisation
1Densely populated area
2Intermediate area
3Thinly populated area
DB100_F1Variable is filled
LDB110Household status
Household from previous wave
1At the same address as last interview
2Entire household moved to a private household within the country
Household no longer in-scope
3Entire household moved to a collective household or institution within the country
4Household moved outside the country
5Entire household died
6Household does not contain sample person
Address non-contacted
7Address not contacted (unable to access or lost, i.e. no record of what happened to the household)
New household for this wave
8Split-off household
9New address added to the sample this wave or first wave
DB110_F1Variable is filled
X,LDB120Record of contact at address
11Address contacted
Address non-contacted
21Address cannot be located
22Address unable to access
23Address does not exist or is non-residential address or is unoccupied or not principal residence
DB120_F-2 (L)Only longitudinal: na (DB110 not = 2, 8 or 9)
1Variable is filled
X,LDB130Household questionnaire result
11Household questionnaire completed
Interview not completed
21Refusal to cooperate
22Entire household temporarily away for duration of fieldwork
23Household unable to respond (illness, incapacity, etc.)
24Other reasons
DB130_F-2na (DB120 not = 11 and DB110 not = 1)
1Variable is filled
X,LDB135Household interview acceptance
1Interview accepted for database
2Rejected (because no personal interview completed)
DB135_F-2na (DB130 not = 11)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB010Year of the survey
YearFour digits of year
Country codeSee Annex
X,LRB030Personal ID
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID)
LRB040Current household ID
ID numberHousehold identification number (HID)
XRB050Personal cross-sectional weight
0+(format 2.5)Weight
RB050_F1Variable is filled
LRB060Personal base weight
0+(format 2.5)Weight
RB060_F1Variable is filled
LRB100Sample person or co-resident
1Sample person
1Variable is filled
X,LRB070Month of birth
1 — 12Month of birth
1Variable is filled
X,LRB080Year of birth
1890 — year of surveyYear of birth
1Variable is filled
1Variable is filled
LRB110Membership status
For current household members
1Was in this household in previous waves or current household member
2Moved into this household from another sample household since previous wave
3Moved into this household from outside sample since previous wave
4Newly born into this household since last wave
Not current household members
5Moved out since previous wave or last interview if not contacted in previous wave
7Lived in the household at least three months during the income reference period but was not recorded in the register of this household
1Variable is filled
LRB120To where did the person move
1To a private household within the country
2To a collective household or institution within the country
RB120_F-2na (RB110 not = 5)
1Variable is filled
LRB140Month when the person moved out or died
1 — 12Month
RB140_F-2na (RB110 not = 5 or 6)
1Variable is filled
LRB150Year when the person moved out or died
YearFour digits of year
RB150_F-2na (RB110 not = 5 or 6)
1Variable is filled
LRB160Number of months in household during the income reference period
0 — 12Number of months
RB160_F-2na (RB110 not = 5 or 6 or 7)
1Variable is filled
LRB170Main activity status during the income reference period
1At work
3In retirement or early retirement
4Other inactive person
RB170_F-2na (RB110 not = 5 or 6 or 7)
1Variable is filled
LRB180Month when the person moved in
1 — 12Month
RB180_F-2na (RB110 not = 3)
1Variable is filled
LRB190Year when the person moved in
YearFour digits of year
RB190_F-2na (RB110 not = 3)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB200Residential status
1Currently living in the household
2Temporarily absent
RB200_F-2 (L)Only longitudinal: na (RB110 not = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB210Basic activity status
3In retirement or early retirement
4Other inactive person
RB210_F-2 (L)Only longitudinal: na (RB110 not = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB220Father ID
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of father
RB220_F-2na (father is not a household member) or only longitudinal: (RB110 not = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB230Mother ID
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of mother
RB230_F-2na (mother is not a household member) or only longitudinal: (RB110 not = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB240Spouse/partner ID
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of spouse/partner
RB240_F-2na (person has no spouse/partner or spouse/partner is not a household member) or only longitudinal: (RB110 not = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB245Respondent status
All household members aged 16 and over are interviewed
1Current households members aged 16 and over
Only selected household member aged 16 and over
2Selected respondent
3Non-selected respondent
Household members aged less than 16 at the end of the income reference period
4Not eligible person
RB245_F-2 (L)Only longitudinal: na (RB110 not = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB250Data status
Information or interview completed
11Information completed only from interview
12Information completed only from registers
13Information completed from both interview and registers
Interview not completed, though contact made
21Individual unable to respond (illness, incapacity, etc.) and no proxy possible
22Failed to return self-administered questionnaire
23Refusal to cooperate
Individual not contacted because
31Person temporarily away and no proxy possible
32No contact for other reasons
Information not completed
33Information not completed, reason unknown
RB250_F-2na (RB245 not = 1 or 2 or 3)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB260Type of interview
1Questionnaire completed (face-to-face interview-PAPI)
2Questionnaire completed (face-to-face interview-CAPI)
3Questionnaire completed (CATI)
4Self-administered by respondent
5Proxy interview
RB260_F-2na (RB250 not = 11 or 13)
1Variable is filled
X,LRB270Personal ID of person who filled in the individual questionnaire
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of person who filled in the individual questionnaire
RB270_F-2na (RB260 not = 5)
1Variable is filled
XRL010Education at pre-school
0 — 99Number of hours during a usual week
RL010_F-2na (person is not admitted to pre-school because of his/her age, is at compulsory school or is more than 12 years old or is a former household member)
1Variable is filled
XRL020Education at compulsory school
0 — 99Number of hours during a usual week
RL020_F-2na (person is not admitted to compulsory school because of his/her age or is more than 12 years old or is a former household member)
1Variable is filled
XRL030Childcare at centre-based services outside school hours (before/after)
0 — 99Number of hours during a usual week
RL030_F-2na (person is neither at pre-school nor at school or is more than 12 years old or is a former household member)
1Variable is filled
XRL040Childcare at day-care centre
0 — 99Number of hours during a usual week
RL040_F-2na (person is more than 12 years old or is a former household member)
1Variable is filled
XRL050Childcare by a professional child-minder at child's home or at child-minder's home
0 — 99Number of hours during a usual week
RL050_F-2na (person is more than 12 years old or is a former household member)
1Variable is filled
XRL060Childcare by grandparents, household members other than parents, other relatives, friends or neighbours
0 — 99Number of hours during a usual week
RL060_F-2na (person is more than 12 years old or is a former household member)
1Variable is filled
X,LHB010Year of the survey
YearFour digits of year
Country codeSee Annex
X,LHB030Household ID
ID numberHousehold identification number (HID)
X,LHB040Day of household interview
01 — 31Day
1Variable is filled
X,LHB050Month of household interview
1 — 12Month
1Variable is filled
X,LHB060Year of household interview
YearFour digits of year
HB060_F1Variable is filled
X,LHB070Personal ID of person responding to the household questionnaire
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of person responding to the household questionnaire
1Variable is filled
X,LHB080Personal ID of person 1 responsible for the accommodation
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of person 1 responsible for the accommodation
1Variable is filled
X,LHB090Personal ID of person 2 responsible for the accommodation
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of person 2 responsible for the accommodation
HB090_F-2na (no second responsible person)
1Variable is filled
X,LHB100Number of minutes to complete the household questionnaire
1 — 90Number of minutes to complete the household questionnaire
1Variable is filled
X,LHY010Total household gross income(without inflation factor)
-999999.99 — 999999.99Total amount
HY010_F-5Not filled: no conversion to gross is done
Income flags
First digitNet/Gross (at data collection)
0No income (no second digits)
3Net and gross (part of components collected net, part gross)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY020Total disposable household income(without inflation factor)
-999999.99 — 999999.99Total amount
Flags applySee HY010_F
X,LHY022Total disposable household income, before social transfersother thanold-age and survivors' benefits(without inflation factor)
-999999.99 — 999999.99Total amount
Flags applySee HY010_F
X,LHY023Total disposable household income, before social transfersincludingold-age and survivors' benefits(without inflation factor)
-999999.99 — 999999.99Total amount
Flags applySee HY010_F
X,LHY025Within-household non-response inflation factor
1.00000 — 5.00000Factor
1Value is filled
X,LHY030NImputed rent
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY030N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
0No income
1Income (variable is filled)
X,LHY040NNet income from rental of a property or land
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY040N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Income flags
First digitNet/Gross (at data collection)
0No income (no following digits)
1Net of tax on income at source and social contributions
2Net of tax on income at source
3Net of social contributions
Second digitNet (recorded)
1Net of tax on income at source and social contributions
2Net of tax on income at source
3Net of social contributions
5Unknown (only possible with first digit = 5)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY050NFamily/children-related allowances
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY050N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee HY040N_F
X,LHY060NSocial exclusion not elsewhere classified
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY060N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee HY040N_F
X,LHY070NHousing allowances
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY070N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee HY040N_F
X,LHY080NRegular inter-household cash transfer received
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY080N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee HY040N_F
X,LHY090NNet interest, dividends, profit from capital investments in unincorporated business
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY090N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee HY040N_F
X,LHY100NInterest paid on mortgage
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY100N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY110NNet income received by people aged under 16
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY110N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee HY040N_F
X,LHY120NRegular taxes on wealth
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY120N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY130NRegular inter-household cash transfer paid
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY130N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee HY040N_F
X,LHY140NTax on income and social insurance contributions
-999999.99 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY140N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY145NRepayments/receipts for tax adjustments
-999999.99 — -1Receipts
1 — 999999.99Repayments
0No income
HY145N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY030GImputed rent
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY030G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
0No income
1Income (variable is filled)
X,LHY040GGross income from rental of a property or land
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY040G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Income flags
First digitNet/Gross (at data collection)
0No income (no following digits)
1Net of tax on income at source and social contributions
2Net of tax on income at source
3Net of social contributions
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY050GFamily/children-related allowances
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY050G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee HY040G_F
X,LHY060GSocial exclusion not elsewhere classified
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY060G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee HY040G_F
X,LHY070GHousing allowances
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY070G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee HY040G_F
X,LHY080GRegular inter-household cash transfer received
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY080G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee HY040G_F
X,LHY090GGross interest, dividends, profit from capital investments in unincorporated business
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY090G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee HY040G_F
X,LHY100GInterest paid on mortgage
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY100G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY110GGross income received by people aged under 16
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY110G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee HY040G_F
X,LHY120GRegular taxes on wealth
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY120G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHY130GRegular inter-household cash transfer paid
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY130G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee HY040G_F
X,LHY140GTax on income and social insurance contributions
- 999999.99 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
HY140G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X,LHS010Whether the household has been in arrears on mortgage or rent payments in last 12 months
HS010_F-2na (outright owner or rent-free during the last 12 months)
1Variable is filled
X,LHS020Whether the household has been in arrears on utility bills (electricity, water, gas) in last 12 months
HS020_F-2na (no utility bills)
1Variable is filled
X,LHS030Whether the household has been in arrears on hire purchase instalments or other loan payments (non housing-related debts) in last 12 months
HS030_F-2na (no hire purchase instalments and no other loan payments)
1Variable is filled
X,LHS040Capacity to afford paying for one week annual holiday away from home
1Variable is filled
X,LHS050Capacity to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day
1Variable is filled
X,LHS060Capacity to face unexpected financial expenses
1Variable is filled
X,LHS070Do you have a telephone (including mobile phone)?
2No — cannot afford
3No — other reason
1Variable is filled
X,LHS080Do you have a colour TV?
2No — cannot afford
3No — other reason
1Variable is filled
X,LHS090Do you have a computer?
2No — cannot afford
3No — other reason
1Variable is filled
X,LHS100Do you have a washing machine?
2No — cannot afford
3No — other reason
1Variable is filled
X,LHS110Do you have a car?
2No — cannot afford
3No — other reason
1Variable is filled
X,LHS120Ability to make ends meet
1With great difficulty
2With difficulty
3With some difficulty
4Fairly easily
6Very easily
1Variable is filled
X,LHS130Lowest monthly income to make ends meet
1 — 999999.99Amount
1Variable is filled
X,LHS140Total housing cost is a financial burden to the household
1A heavy burden
2Somewhat of a burden
3Not a burden at all
1Variable is filled
X,LHS150Repayment of debts from hire purchases or loans other than mortgage or loan connected with the house is a financial burden to the household
1Repayment is a heavy burden
2Repayment is somewhat of a burden
3Repayment is not a burden at all
HS150_F-2na (no repayment of debts)
1Variable is filled
X,LHD080Replace worn-out furniture
2No — household cannot afford
3No — Other reasons
HD080_F1Variable is filled
– 1Missing
XHS160Problems with the dwelling: too dark, not enough light
1Variable is filled
XHS170Noise from neighbours or noise from the street (traffic, business, factories, etc.)
1Variable is filled
XHS180Pollution, grime or other environmental problems in area caused by traffic or industry
1Variable is filled
XHS190Crime, violence or vandalism in the area
1Variable is filled
X,LHH010Dwelling type
1Detached house
2Semi-detached or terraced house
3Apartment or flat in a building with fewer than 10 dwellings
4Apartment or flat in a building with 10 dwellings or more
5Some other kind of accommodation
1Variable is filled
X,LHH020Tenure status
2Tenant or subtenant paying rent at prevailing or market rate
3Accommodation is rented at a reduced rate (lower price than the market price)
4Accommodation is provided rent-free
1Variable is filled
X,LHH030Number of rooms available to household
1 — 9Number of rooms
1010 or more rooms
1Variable is filled
X,LHH031Year of contract or purchase or installation
Year (4 digits)Year of contract or purchase or installation
-2Na (Member State using objective national methods to calculate imputed rent)
1Variable is filled
X,LHH040Leaking roof, damp walls/floors/foundation, or rot in window frames or floor
1Variable is filled
X,LHH050Ability to keep home adequately warm
1Variable is filled
X,LHH060Current rent related to occupied dwelling, if any
1 — 999999.99Amount
HH060_F-2na (HH020 not = 2 or 3)
1Variable is filled
X,LHH061Subjective rent related to non-tenant paying rent at market price
1 — 999999.99Amount
HH061_F-2na (HH020 not = 1 or 3 or 4) or Member State does not use subjective method to calculate imputed rent
1Variable is filled
XHH070Total housing cost (including electricity, water, gas and heating)
0 — 999999.99Amount
1Variable is filled
X,LHH080Bath or shower in dwelling
HH080_F-2 (L)na (Member State using objective national methods to calculate imputed rent)
1Variable is filled
X,LHH090Indoor flushing toilet for sole use of household
HH090_F-2 (L)na (Member State using objective national methods to calculate imputed rent)
1Variable is filled
X,LPB010Year of the survey
YearFour digits of year
Country codeSee Annex
X,LPB030Personal ID
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID)
LPB080Personal base weight for selected respondent
0+(format 2.5)Weight
PB080_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
LPB050Personal base weight (all households members aged 16 and over)
0+(format 2.5)Weight
PB050_F1Variable is filled
X, LPB070Personal design weight for selected respondent
0+(format 2.5)Weight
PB070_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
XPB040Personal cross-sectional weight (all households members aged 16 and over)
0+(format 2.5)Weight
PB040_F1Variable is filled
XPB060Personal cross-sectional weight for selected respondent
0+(format 2.5)Weight
PB060_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
X, LPB090Day of the personal interview
1 — 31Day
1Variable is filled
X, LPB100Month of the personal interview
1 — 12Month
1Variable is filled
X, LPB110Year of the personal interview
YearFour digits of year
1Variable is filled
X, LPB120Number of minutes to complete the personal questionnaire
1 — 90Minutes
PB120_F-2na (information only extracted from registers)
1Variable is filled
X, LPB1301 — 12Month of birth
1Variable is filled
X, LPB140Year of birth
YearFour digits of year
1Variable is filled
X, LPB150Sex
1Variable is filled
X, LPB160Father ID
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of father
PB160_F-2na (father is not a household member)
1Variable is filled
X, LPB170Mother ID
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of mother
PB170_F-2na (mother is not a household member)
1Variable is filled
X, LPB180Spouse/partner ID
ID numberPersonal identification number (PID) of spouse/partner
PB180_F-2na (person has no spouse/partner or spouse/partner is not a household member)
1Variable is filled
X, LPB190Marital status
1Never married
1Variable is filled
X, LPB200Consensual Union
1Yes, on a legal basis
2Yes, without legal basis
1Variable is filled
XPB210Country of birth
Country codeSee Annex
1Variable is filled
XPB220ACitizenship 1
Country codeSee Annex
1Variable is filled
XPB220BCitizenship 2
Country codeSee Annex
PB220B_F-2na (no second citizenship)
1Variable is filled
X,LPD020Replace worn-out clothes by some new (not second-hand) ones
2No — cannot afford
3No — Other reasons
PD020_F1Variable is filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
X,LPD030Two pairs of properly fitting shoes (including a pair of all-weather shoes)
2No — cannot afford
3No — Other reasons
PD030_F1Variable is filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
X,LPD050Get-together with friends/family (relatives) for drink/meal at least once a month
2No — cannot afford
3No — Other reasons
PD050_F1Variable is filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
X,LPD060Regularly participate in a leisure activity
2No — cannot afford
3No — Other reasons
PD060_F1Variable is filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
X,LPD070Spend a small amount of money each week on yourself
2No — cannot afford
3No — Other reasons
PD070_F1Variable is filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
X,LPD080Internet connection for personal use at home
2No — cannot afford
3No — Other reasons
PD080_F1Variable is filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
XPE010Current education activity
1In education
2Not in education
1Variable is filled
XPE020ISCED level currently attended
PE020_F-2na (PE010 not = 1)
1Variable is filled
XPE030Year when highest level of education was attained
YearFour digits of year
PE030_F-2na (the person has never been in education)
1Variable is filled
X, LPE040Highest ISCED level attained
PE040_F-2na (the person has never been in education)
1Variable is filled
X, LPL030Self-defined current activity status
1Working full time
2Working part time
4Pupil, student, further training, unpaid work experience
5In retirement or in early retirement or has given up business
6Permanently disabled or/and unfit to work
7In compulsory military or community service
8Fulfilling domestic tasks and care responsibilities
9Other inactive person
1Variable is filled
XPL035Worked at least one hour during the previous week
PL035_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (person is not employee or Member State has other source to calculate the gender pay gap)
1Variable is filled
XPL015Have you ever worked?
PL015_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PL030 = 1 or 2)
1Variable is filled
X, LPL020Actively looking for a job in previous four weeks
PL020_F-2na (PL030 = 1 or 2)
1Variable is filled
X, LPL025Are you available for work in the next two weeks
PL025_F-2na (PL020 = 2)
1Variable is filled
X, LPL040Status in employment
1Self-employed with employees
2Self-employed without employees
4Family worker
PL040_F-2na (PL030 not = 1 and not = 2 and PL015 and PL035 not = 1)
1Variable is filled
X, LPL050Occupation (ISCO-88 (COM) (two digits))
PL050_F-2na (PL030 not =1 and not =2 and PL035 not =1 and PL015 not =1)
1Variable is filled
X, LPL060Number of hours usually worked per week in main job
1 — 99Number of hours
PL060_F-6Hours varying (even an average over four weeks is not possible)
-2na (PL030 not = 1 and not =2 and PL035 not = 1)
1Variable is filled
XPL070Number of months spent at full-time work in income reference period
1 — 12Months
1Variable is filled
XPL072Number of months spent at part-time work in income reference period
1 — 12Months
1Variable is filled
XPL080Number of months spent in unemployment in income reference period
1 — 12Months
1Variable is filled
XPL085Number of months spent in retirement in income reference period
1 — 12Months
1Variable is filled
XPL087Number of months spent studying in income reference period
1 — 12Months
1Variable is filled
XPL090Number of months spent in inactivity in income reference period
1 — 12Months
1Variable is filled
XPL100Total number of hours usually worked in second, third etc. jobs
1 — 99Number of hours
PL100_F-2na (person does not have a second job or PL030 not = 1 or 2)
1Variable is filled
XPL110NACE (2 digits)
PL110_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PL030 not = 1 and not = 2 and PL035 not = 1 )
1Variable is filled
XPL120Reason for working less than 30 hours (in main and other jobs)
1Undergoing education or training
2Personal illness or disability
3Want to work more hours but cannot find job(s) or work(s) for more hours
4Do not want to work more hours
5Number of hours in all job(s) are considered full-time job
6Housework, looking after children or other persons
7Other reasons
PL120_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PL030 not = 1 and not = 2 or PL060+PL100 not < 30)
1Variable is filled
XPL130Number of persons working at the local unit
1 — 10Exact number if between 1 and 10
11if between 11 to 19 persons
12if between 20 to 49 persons
13if 50 persons or more
14don't know but fewer than 11 persons
15don't know but more than 10 persons
PL130_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PL030 not = 1 and not = 2 and PL035 not = 1 )
1Variable is filled
X, LPL140Type of contract
1Permanent job/work contract of unlimited duration
2Temporary job/work contract of limited duration
PL140_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PL040 not = 3 )
1Variable is filled
XPL150Managerial position
PL150_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PL040 not = 3)
1Variable is filled
LPL160Change of job since last year
PL160_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PL030 not = 1 or not = 2)
1Variable is filled
LPL170Reason for change
1To take up or seek better job
2End of temporary contract
3Obliged to stop by employer (business closure, redundancy, early retirement, dismissal etc.)
4Sale or closure of own/family business
5Childcare and care for other dependent
6Marriage, or partner's job required move to another area
7Other reasons
PL170_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PL160 not = 1)
1Variable is filled
LPL180Most recent change in the individual's activity status
3Employed-other inactive
6Unemployed-other inactive
9Retired-other inactive
10Other inactive-employed
11Other inactive-unemployed
12Other inactive-retired
PL180_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (no change since last year)
1Variable is filled
LPL190When began first regular job
8 — 65Age
PL190_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (person never worked)
1Variable is filled
LPL200Number of years spent in paid work (as employee or self-employed)
0 — 65Years
PL200_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (person never worked)
1Variable is filled
LPL210AMain activity in January
1Employee (full-time)
2Employee (part-time)
3Self-employed (full-time)
4Self-employed (part-time)
8Other inactive
9Compulsory military service
PL210A_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
LPL210BMain activity in February
See PL210A
PL210B_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210CMain activity in March
See PL210A
PL210C_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210DMain activity in April
See PL210A
PL210D_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210EMain activity in May
See PL210A
PL210E_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210FMain activity in June
See PL210A
PL210F_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210GMain activity in July
See PL210A
PL210G_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210HMain activity in August
See PL210A
PL210H_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210IMain activity in September
See PL210A
PL210I_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210JMain activity in October
See PL210A
PL210J_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210KMain activity in November
See PL210A
PL210K_FSee PL210A_F
LPL210LMain activity in December
See PL210A
PL210L_FSee PL210A_F
X, LPH010General health
1Very good
5Very bad
PH010_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
X, LPH020Suffer from any chronic (long-standing) illness or condition
PH020_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
X, LPH030Limitation in activities people usually do, because of health problems and for at least the last six months
1Yes, strongly limited
2Yes, limited
3No, not limited
PH030_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
XPH040Unmet need for medical examination or treatment during the last 12 months
1Yes, there was at least one occasion when the person really needed examination or treatment but did not receive it
2No, there was no occasion when the person really needed examination or treatment but did not receive it
PH040_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
XPH050Main reason for unmet need for medical examination or treatment
1Could not afford to (too expensive)
2Waiting list
3Could not take time because of work, care for children or for others
4Too far to travel/no means of transportation
5Fear of doctor/hospitals/examination/treatment
6Wanted to wait and see if problem got better on its own
7Didn't know any good doctor or specialist
8Other reasons
PH050_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PH040 not = 1)
1Variable is filled
XPH060Unmet need for dental examination or treatment during the last 12 months
1Yes, there was at least one occasion when the person really needed dental examination or treatment but did not receive it
2No, there was no occasion when the person really needed dental examination or treatment but did not receive it
PH060_F-3Not selected respondent
1Variable is filled
XPH070Reason for unmet need for dental examination or treatment
1Could not afford to (too expensive)
2Waiting list
3Could not take time because of work, care for children or for others
4Too far to travel/no means of transportation
5Fear of doctor/hospitals/examination/treatment
6Wanted to wait and see if problem got better on its own
7Didn't know any good dentist
8Other reasons
PH070_F-3Not selected respondent
-2na (PH060 not = 1)
1Variable is filled
X, LPY010NNet cash or near cash employee income
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY010N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Income flags
First digitNet/Gross (at data collection)
0No income (no following digits)
1Net of tax on income at source and social contributions
2Net of tax on income at source
3Net of social contributions
Second digitNet (recorded)
1Net of tax on income at source and social contributions
2Net of tax on income at source
3Net of social contributions
5Unknown (only possible with first digit = 5)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X, LPY020NNet non-cash employee income
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY020N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY035NContributions to individual private pension plans
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY035N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (Variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X, LPY050NNet cash profits or losses from self-employment (including royalties)
1 — 999999.99Profits
-999999.99 — -1Losses
0No income
PY050N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY070NValue of goods produced for own consumption
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY070N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY080NNet pension from individual private plans (other than those covered under ESSPROS)
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY080N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY090NNet unemployment benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY090N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY100NNet old-age benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY100N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY110NNet survivor's benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY110N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY120NNet sickness benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY120N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY130NNet disability benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY130N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY140NEducation-related allowances
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY140N_F-5Not filled: variable of gross series is filled
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY010GGross cash or near cash employee income
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY010G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Income flags
First digitNet/Gross (at data collection)
0No income
1Net of tax on income at source and social contributions
2Net of tax on income at source
3Net of social contributions
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X, LPY020GGross non-cash employee income
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY020G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010G_F
X, LPY030GEmployers' social insurance contributions
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY030G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
0No income
1Income (variable is filled)
X, LPY035GContributions to individual private pension plans
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY035G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Income flags
First digit
0No income (no following digits)
1Income (variable is filled)
Following digitsImputation factor
000.00000 — 100.00000Collected value/recorded value
X, LPY050GGross cash profits or losses from self-employment (including royalties)
1 — 999999.99Profits
-999999.99 — -1Losses
0No income
PY050G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee PY010N_G
X, LPY070GValue of goods produced for own consumption
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY070G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee PY010G_F
X, LPY080GGross pension from individual private plans (other than those covered under ESSPROS)
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY080G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee PY010G_F
X, LPY090GGross unemployment benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY090G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee PY010G_F
X, LPY100GGross old-age benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY100G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010G_F
X, LPY110GGross survivor's benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY110G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010G_F
X, LPY120GGross sickness benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY120G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
-4Amount included in another income component
Flags applySee PY010N_F
X, LPY130GGross disability benefits
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY130G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
-4Amount included on another income component
Flags applySee PY010G_F
X, LPY140GEducation-related allowances
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY140G_F-5Not filled: variable of net series is filled
Flags applySee PY010G_F
XPY200GGross monthly earnings for employees
1 — 999999.99Amount
0No income
PY200G_F-2na (PL035 not = 1)
Flags applySee PY010G_F
CLASSIFICATION OF COUNTRIESBEBelgique/BelgïeDKDanmarkDEDeutschlandGRElladaESEspañaFRFranceIEIrelandITItaliaLULuxembourgNLNederlandATÖsterreichPTPortugalFISuomiSESverigeUKUnited KingdomBGBulgariaCYCyprusCZCzech RepublicEEEstoniaHUHungaryLVLatviaLTLithuaniaMTMaltaPLPolandRORomaniaSKSlovak RepublicSISloveniaTRTurkeyISIcelandNONorwayCHSwitzerlandOEUOther European countriesNAFNorth Africa(Algeria, Egypt, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara)WAFWest Africa(Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Saint Helena, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo)OAFOther AfricaUSAUnited States of AmericaCANCanadaCSACentral and South AmericaNMENear and Middle East(Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, Yemen)OASOther AsiaOCEAustralia and OceaniaOTHOtherFILES TO TRANSMIT TO EUROSTATThe target variables will be sent to Eurostat in four different files:1.household register (D)2.personal register (R)3.household data (H)4.personal data (P)The household register file (D) must contain every household (selected + substituted + split off (longitudinal only)), also those where the address could not be contacted or which could not be interviewed.In the other files, records related to a household will only exist if the household has been contacted (DB120 = 11 (or DB110 = 1)) AND has a completed household interview in the household data file (H) (DB130 = 11) AND at least one member has complete data in the personal data file (P) (RB250 = 11, 12 or 13 => DB135 = 1). This member must be the selected respondent (RB245 = 2) if this mode of selection is used.The personal register file (R) must contain a record for every person currently living in the household or temporarily absent. In the longitudinal component this file must contain also a record for every person who has moved out or died since the previous wave and for every person who lived in the household for at least three months during the income reference period and was not recorded otherwise in the register of this household.The personal data file (P) must contain a record for every eligible person (RB245 = 1, 2 or 3) for whom the information could be completed from interview and/or registers (RB250 = 11, 12 or 13).The technical format of transmission of the files to Eurostat will be the comma separated values format (CSV). The header row (first record) must contain the variable names.