(a) Article 9 of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92; (b) Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 3072/95.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1342/2003 of 28 July 2003 laying down special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences for cereals and rice
Modified by
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 777/2004of 26 April 2004adapting several regulations concerning the cereal market by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union, 304R0777, April 26, 2004
Tipo de la restitución de base a la exportación adjudicado Nabídková výše pro základní vývozní náhradu Tilslagssats for basiseksportrestitutionen Zugeschlagener Satz der Grundausfuhrerstattung Pakkumiskutsega kinnitatud eksporditoetus Ποσοστό της κατακυρωθείσας επιστροφής βάσεως κατά την εξαγωγή Tendered rate of basic export refund Taux de la restitution de base à l'exportation adjugé Az alap export-visszatérítés megítélt hányada Tasso della restituzione di base all'esportazione aggiudicato Pagrindinės eksporto grąžinamosios išmokos dydis Pamata izvešanas kompensācijas likme Rata aġġudikata ta' rifużjoni bażika fuq l-esportazzjoni Gegunde basisrestitutie bij uitvoer Przyznana stawka podstawowej refundacji wywozowej Taxa de restituição de base à exportação adjudicada Základná sadzba vývoznej náhrady ustanovená v rámci výberového konania Dodatna stopnja dajatve na osnovi izvoznih nadomestil Tarjouskilpailutetun perusvientituen määrä .Anbudssats för exportbidrag
Tipo del gravamen a la exportación adjudicado Nabídková výše vývozního cla Tilslagssats for eksportafgiften Zugeschlagener Satz der Ausfuhrabgabe Pakkumiskutsega kinnitatud ekspordimaks Ύψος φόρου κατά την εξαγωγή Tendered rate of export tax Taux de la taxe à l'exportation adjugé Az exportadó megítélt mértéke Aliquota della tassa all'esportazione aggiudicata Eksporto muito mokesčio dydis Izvešanas muitas nodevas likme Rata aġġudikata ta' taxxa fuq l-esportazzjoni Gegunde belasting bij uitvoer Przyznana stawka podatku eksportowego Taxa de exportação adjudicada Vývozný poplatok ustanovený v rámci výberového konania Dodatna stopnja dajatve za izvozno pristojbino Tarjouskilpailutetusta viennistä kannettavan maksun määrä .Anbudssats för exportavgift
category 1: | |
category 2: | |
category 3: | |
category 4: | |
category 5: | |
category 6: |
(a) in section 15, the description of the product and its 12-digit code; in the case of products falling within two or more adjacent subdivisions the exporter may show the 12-digit refund nomenclature, in which case the following shall be indicated in section 15: preparations used for animal feed covered by Regulation (EC) No 1517/95; (b) in section 16, the reference "2309"; (c) in sections 17 and 18, the quantity of compound feedingstuffs which must be exported; (d) in section 20, the content in cereal products to be incorporated in the compound feedingstuff if this is known, a distinction being made between maize and other cereals; otherwise, if use is made of the provision referred to in point (a) of annotating section 15 with a reference specifying two or more subdivisions, the bracket showing the quantities of maize and other cereals incorporated.
Gravamen a la exportación no aplicable Vývozní clo se nepoužije Eksportafgift ikke anvendelig Ausfuhrabgabe nicht anwendbar Ekspordimaksu ei kohaldata Μη εφαρμοζόμενος φόρος κατά την εξαγωγή Export tax not applicable Taxe à l'exportation non applicable Exportadó nem alkalmazandó Tassa all'esportazione non applicabile Eksporto muitas netaikytinas Izvešanas muita netiek piemērota Taxxa fuq l-esportazzjoni mhux applikabbli Uitvoerbelasting niet van toepassing Podatku eksportowego nie stosuje się Taxa de exportação não aplicável Vývozný poplatok sa neuplatňuje Izvozni davek ni sprejemljiv Vientimaksua ei sovelleta .Exportavgift icke tillämplig
Limitación establecida en apartado 2 del artículo 7 del Reglamento (CE) n o 1342/2003Omezení dle čl. 7 ods. 2 nařízení (ES) č. 1342/2003 Begrænsning, jf. artikel 7, stk. 2, i forordning (EF) nr. 1342/2003 Kürzung der Gültigkeitsdauer nach Artikel 7 Absatz 2 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1342/2003 Piirang vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1342/2003 artikli 7 lõikele 2 Περιορισμός που προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 7 παράγραφος 2 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1342/2003 Limitation provided for in Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2003 Limitation prévue à l'article 7, paragraphe 2, du règlement (CE) n o 1342/2003Az 1342/2003/EK rendelet 7. cikk (2) bek. szerinti korlátozás Limitazione prevista all'articolo 7, paragrafo 2, del regolamento (CE) n. 1342/2003 Apribojimai numatyti reglamento (EB) Nr. 1342/2003 7 straipsnio 2 dalyje Ierobežojumi noteikti regulas (EK) Nr. 1342/2003 7. panta 2. daļā Limitazzjoni maħsuba fl-Artikolu 7(2) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1342/2003 Beperking als bepaald in artikel 7, lid 2, van Verordening (EG) nr. 1342/2003 Ograniczenie przewidziane w art. 7 ust. 2 rozporządzenia (WE) nr 1342/2003 Limitação estabelecida no n. o 2 do artigo 7.o do Regulamento (CE) n.o 1342/2003Obmedzenie v súlade s článkom 7 odsek 2 nariadenia (ES) č. 1342/2003 Omejitev določena v členu 7(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1342/2003 Asetuksen (EY) N:o 1342/2003 7 artiklan 2 kohdassa säädetty rajoitus .Begränsning enligt artikel 7.2 i förordning (EG) nr 1342/2003
(a) 30 September of the current calendar year, where they are issued from 1 January to 30 April; (b) the end of the 11th month following that of issue, where they are issued from 1 July to 31 October; (c) 30 September of the following calendar year, where they are issued from 1 November to 31 December.
Limitación establecida en el apartado 2 del artículo 8 del Reglamento (CE) n o 1342/2003Omezení dle čl. 8 ods. 2 nařízení č. 1342/2003 Begrænsning, jf. artikel 8, stk. 2, i forordning (EF) nr. 1342/2003 Kürzung der Gültigkeitsdauer nach Artikel 8 Absatz 2 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1342/2003 Piirang vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1342/2003 artikli 8 lõikele 2 Περιορισμός που προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 8 παράγραφος 2 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1342/2003 Limitation provided for in Article 8(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2003 Limitation prévue à l'article 8, paragraphe 2, du règlement (CE) n o 1342/2003Az 1342/2003/EK rendelet 8. cikk (2) bek. szerinti korlátozás Limitazione prevista all'articolo 8, paragrafo 2, del regolamento (CE) n. 1342/2003 Apribojimai numatyti reglamento (EB) Nr. 1342/2003 8 straipsnio 2 dalyje Ierobežojumi noteikti regulas (EK) Nr. 1342/2003 8. panta 2. daļā Limitazzjoni maħsuba fl-Artikolu 8(2) tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1342/2003 Beperking als bepaald in artikel 8, lid 2, van Verordening (EG) nr. 1342/2003 Ograniczenie przewidziane w art. 8 ust. 2 rozporządzenia (WE) nr 1342/2003 Limitação estabelecida no n. o 2 do artigo 8.o do Regulamento (CE) n.o 1342/2003Obmedzenie v súlade s článkom 8 odsek 2 nariadenia (ES) č. 1342/2003 Omejitev določena v členu 8(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1342/2003 Asetuksen (EY) N:o 1342/2003 8 artiklan 2 kohdassa säädetty rajoitus .Begränsning enligt artikel 8.2 i förordning (EG) nr 1342/2003
(a) in box 7, the name of the importing country or countries concerned; (b) in box 15, a description of the goods in accordance with the combined nomenclature; (c) in box 16, the 8-figure Combined Nomenclature code and the quantity in tonnes for each product referred to in box 15; (d) in boxes 17 and 18, the total quantity of the products referred to in box 16; (e) in box 20, one of the following: Exportación conforme al artículo 9 del Reglamento (CE) n o 1342/2003Vývoz v souladu s čl. 9 nařízení (ES) č. 1342/2003 Udførsel i overensstemmelse med artikel 9 i forordning (EF) nr. 1342/2003 Ausfuhr in Übereinstimmung mit Artikel 9 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1342/2003 Eksport vastavalt määruse (EÜ) nr 1342/2003 artiklile 9 Περιορισμός που προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 9 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1342/2003 Export in accordance with Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 1342/2003 Exportation conformément à l'article 9 du règlement (CE) n o 1342/2003Az 1342/2003/EK rendelet 9. cikkével összhangban bonyolított export Esportazione in conformità all'articolo 9 del regolamento (CE) n. 1342/2003 Eksportas vadovaujantis reglamento (EB) Nr. 1342/2003 9 straipsniu Izvešana saskaņā ar regulas (EK) Nr. 1342/2003 9. pantu Esportazzjoni b'mod konformi ma' l-Artikolu 9 tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1342/2003 Uitvoer op grond van artikel 9 van Verordening (EG) nr. 1342/2003 Wywóz w myśl art. 9 rozporządzenia (WE) nr 1342/2003 Exportação conforme o artigo 9. o do Regulamento (CE) n.o 1342/2003Vývoz v súlade s článkom 9 nariadenia (ES) č. 1342/2003 Izvoz v skladu s členom 9 Uredbe (ES) št. 1342/2003 Asetuksen (EY) N:o 1342/2003 9 artiklan mukainen vienti ;Export i överensstämmelse med artikel 9 i förordning (EG) nr 1342/2003
(f) in box 22, in addition to the words provided for in Article 8(2), one of the following: Sin restitución por exportación Žádná vývozní náhrada Uden eksportrestitution Ohne Ausfuhrerstattung Eksporditoetuseta Χωρίς επιστροφή κατά την εξαγωγή No export refund Sans restitution à l'exportation Export-visszatérítés nélkül Senza restituzione all'esportazione Eksporto grąžinamosios išmokos nėra Izvešanas kompensācijas nav Mingħajr rifużjoni fuq l-esportazzjoni Zonder uitvoerrestitutie Bez refundacji wywozowej Sem restituição à exportação Bez vývoznej náhrady Brez izvoznih nadomestil Ilman vientitukea .Utan exportbidrag
(a) 20000 tonnes in the case of common wheat, durum wheat, rye, barley, maize, wheat flour, rye flour and products covered by CN codes23091011 ,23091013 ,23091031 ,23091033 ,23091051 ,23091053 ,23099031 ,23099033 ,23099041 ,23099043 ,23099051 and23099053 containing less than 50 % by weight of milk products; and(b) 5000 tonnes in the case of groats and meal of durum wheat and rice.
(a) EUR 1 per tonne in the case of import licences to which the fourth indent of Article 10(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 does not apply and of products covered by Regulation (EC) No 3072/95 and EUR 5 per tonne in the case of export licences: (i) for a product for which, on the day of submission of the application, no export refund or duty has been fixed; (ii) for a product for which the export refund or duty is not fixed in advance; (iii) issued pursuant to Article 8(2) of this Regulation;
(b) in the case of import licences to which the fourth indent of Article 10(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 does apply: (i) EUR 15 per tonne for products falling within CN codes 07099060 ,07129019 ,10011000 ,10019091 ,10019099 ,10020000 ,100300 ,1004 ,10051090 ,10059000 ,100700 and1008 ;(ii) EUR 5 per tonne for other products;
(c) EUR 45 per tonne for the products referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 3072/95 in the case of export licences. For exports to ACP States under licences with special terms of validity, in accordance with Article 11 of this Regulation the security shall be EUR 12 per tonne; (d) EUR 20 per tonne for the products referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 in the case of export licences. However, in the case of licences issued with a refund in accordance with Article 7(3), the security shall be EUR 24 per tonne. For exports to ACP States under licences with special terms of validity, in accordance with Article 11 of this Regulation, the security shall be EUR 12 per tonne.
(a) the difference between the intervention prices, exclusive of any monthly increase, for the previous and the new marketing years; plus (b) an amount equal to the monthly increase, multiplied by the number of months elapsing between August and the month of the licence application, inclusive.
(a) the end of the marketing year shall be deemed to be 30 September; (b) the abovementioned price break shall occur on 1 October instead of 1 July; (c) the month of August shall be replaced by November; (d) the monthly increases shall be those applicable to the marketing years in question.
(a) the difference between the intervention price for paddy rice, exclusive of any monthly increase for the previous and the new marketing years; (b) an amount equal to the monthly increase multiplied by the number of months elapsing between October and the month of the licence application, inclusive.
(a) on each working day: (i) of all applications for licences, or the absence of applications for licences; (ii) of applications for licences as referred to in Article 49 of Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000, submitted on the working day preceding that of notification; (iii) of the quantities covered by licences issued in respect of applications for licences as referred to in Article 49 of Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000;
(b) before the 15th day of each month in respect of the preceding month: (i) of the quantities for which licences for food aid have been issued; (ii) of the quantities covered by licences issued but not used, and of the refund or the export tax by code; (iii) of the quantities to which Article 8(1) of this Regulation does not apply and for which licences have been issued;
(c) once per marketing year and by 30 April at the latest, of the precise quantities used under licences taking into account the tolerance provided for in Article 8(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000.
(a) the quantity by 12-digit product code of the agricultural product nomenclature for export refunds. Where licences are issued for more than one 12-digit code, only the first code shall be shown; (b) the quantity by code broken down by destination where the refund or export tax varies by destination.
CN code | Description | Term of validity |
Sweetcorn, fresh or chilled | 45 days | |
Dried sweetcorn, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared, other than hybrid maize for sowing | ||
Common wheat and meslin seed | ||
Spelt, common wheat and meslin other than for sowing | ||
Rye | ||
Barley | ||
Oats | ||
Maize other than hybrid seed | ||
Maize other than seed | ||
Grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing | ||
Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals | ||
Durum wheat | ||
Wheat or meslin flour | 60 days | |
Rye flour | ||
Wheat groats and meal | ||
Malt, whether or not roasted | ||
The products listed in Annex A to Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 | Until the end of the fourth month following that of issue |
CN code | Description | Term of validity |
Rice in the husk (paddy rice) | Untilthe end of the second month following that of issue | |
Husked (cargo or brown) rice | ||
Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed | ||
Broken rice | Until the end of the third month following that of issue | |
Rice flour | Until the end of the fourth month following that of issue | |
Rice groats and meal | ||
Rice pellets | ||
Flaked rice | ||
Rice starch |
CN code | Product description | Period of validity |
Sweetcorn, fresh or chilled | Until the end of the fourth month following that of issue | |
Dried sweetcorn, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared, other than hybrid maize for sowing | ||
Common wheat and meslin seed | ||
Spelt, common wheat and meslin other than for sowing | ||
Rye | ||
Barley | ||
Oats | ||
Maize other than hybrid seed | ||
Maize other than seed | ||
Grain sorghum other than hybrids for sowing | ||
Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other cereals | ||
Durum wheat | ||
Wheat or meslin flour | ||
Rye flour | ||
Common wheat and spelt groats and meal | ||
The products listed in Annex A to Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 | ||
Durum wheat groats and meal | ||
Malt, whether or not roasted | ||
Products mentioned above exported with licences containing the following indication in box 20: "GATT licence — Food aid" | Until the end of the fourth month following that of issue |
CN code | Description | Term of validity |
Rice in the husk (paddy rice) | Untilthe end of the fourth month following that of issue | |
Husked (cargo or brown) rice | ||
Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed | ||
Broken rice | 30 days | |
Rice flour | Until the end of the fourth month following that of issue | |
Rice groats and meal | ||
Rice pellets | ||
Flaked rice | ||
Rice starch | ||
The abovementioned products exported under licences in which Section 20 contains the words "Licence under GATT — Food aid" | Until the end of the fourth month following that of issue |
Group I | Group II | Group III | Group IV | Group V | Group VI | Group VII |
Mauritania | Chad | Angola | Sudan | Seychelles | Haiti | Papua New Guinea |
Mali | Central African Republic | Zambia | Djibouti | Comoros | Dominican Republic | Fiji |
Niger | Benin | Malawi | Ethiopia | Madagascar | Antigua and Barbuda | Kiribati |
Senegal | Nigeria | Mozambique | Somalia | Mauritius | Bahamas | Solomon Islands |
Burkina Faso | Cameroon | Namibia | Uganda | Barbados | Samoa | |
Gambia | Equatorial Guinea | Botswana | Kenya | Belize | Tonga | |
Guinea-Bissau | São Tomé and Príncipe | Zimbabwe | Tanzania | Dominica | Tuvalu | |
Guinea | Gabon | Lesotho | Grenada | Vanuatu | ||
Cape Verde | Congo | Swaziland | Jamaica | |||
Sierra Leone | Democratic Republic of Congo | Saint Kitts and Nevis | ||||
Liberia | Rwanda | Saint Lucia | ||||
Côte d'Ivoire | Burundi | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | ||||
Ghana | Trinidad and Tobago | |||||
Togo | Guyana | |||||
Suriname |
Third country | |
Bulgaria | |
Czech Republic | |
Estonia | All products referred to in Article 1(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 and rice starch falling within CN code |
Hungary | |
Latvia | |
Lithuania | |
Poland | |
Romania | |
Slovakia | |
Slovenia |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1162/95 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1517/95, only as regards Article 9 thereof | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1518/95, only as regards Article 7 thereof | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1617/95 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1861/95 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2147/95 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2917/95 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 285/96 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1029/96 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1527/96 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 932/97 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 444/98 (corrected by Regulation (EC) No 2067/2002, | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1432/1999 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2110/2000 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 409/2001 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2298/2001, only as regards the reference made in Article 5 thereof to Article 11a of Regulation (EC) No 1162/95 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 904/2002 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1006/2002 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1322/2002 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2305/2002 | ( |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 498/2003 | ( |
Regulation (EC) No 1162/95 | This Regulation |
Article 1, first and second indents | Article 1(a) and (b) |
Article 2 | Article 2 |
Article 3 | Article 3 |
Article 4(1) | Article 4(1) |
Article 4(2), first subparagraph, first, second, third and fourth indents | Article 4(2)(a) to (d) |
Article 4(2), second subparagraph | Article 4(2), second subparagraph |
Article 5 | Article 5 |
Article 6 | Article 6 |
Article 7(1) | Article 7(1) |
Article 7(1a) | Article 7(2) |
Article 7(2), first subparagraph, first, second and third indents | Article 7(3)(a) to (c) |
Article 7(2), second subparagraph | Article 7(3), second subparagraph |
Article 7(2a) | Article 7(4) |
Article 7(3) | Article 8(1) |
Article 7(3a) | Article 8(2) |
Article 7(4) | Article 8(3) |
Article 7a(1) and (2) | Article 9(1) and (2) |
Article 7a(3), points (a) to (f) | Article 9(3)(a) to (f) |
Article 7a(3), point (g) | Article 9(3), second subparagraph |
Article 7a(4) to (6) | Article 9(4) to (6) |
Article 8 | Article 10 |
Article 9(1) | Article 11(1) |
Article 9(2) first subparagraph | Article 11(2) first subparagraph |
Article 9(2) second subparagraph, first and second indents | Article 11(2) second subparagraph, points (a) and (b) |
Article 9(2) third subparagraph | Article 11(2) third subparagraph |
Article 9(3) to (8) | Article 11(3) to (8) |
Article 10, point (a), first, second and third indents | Article 12(a)(i) to (iii) |
Article 10, point (b), first and second indents | Article 12(b)(i) and (ii) |
Article 10, points (c) and (d) | Article 12, points (c) and (d) |
Article 11 | Article 13 |
Article 12(1) | Article 14(1) |
Article 12(1a) | Article 14(2) |
Article 12(2) | Article 14(3) |
Article 12(2a) first, second, third and fourth indents | Article 14(4)(a) to (d) |
Article 12(3) | Article 15(1) |
Article 12(4) | Article 15(2) |
Article 12(4a) | Article 15(3) |
Article 12(5) first subparagraph | Article 15(4) first subparagraph |
Article 12(5) second subparagraph, point (a), first sub-point | Article 15(4) second subparagraph, point (a) |
Article 12(5) second subparagraph, point (a), subparagraph 2 | — |
Article 12(5) second subparagraph, point (b) | Article 15(4) second subparagraph, point (b) |
Article 12(5), third, fourth and fifth subparagraphs | Article 15(4), third, fourth and fifth subparagraphs |
Article 13(1), point (a), first subparagraph, point (i), first indent | Article 16(1) first subparagraph, point (a)(i) |
Article 13(1) point (a), first subparagraph, point (i), second indent | Article 16(1) first subparagraph, point (a)(ii) |
Article 13(1) point (a), first subparagraph, point (ii) | Article 16(1) first subparagraph, point (a)(iii) |
Article 13(1) point (b) | Article 16(1), first subparagraph, point (b) |
Article 13(1) point (c) | Article 16(1), first subparagraph, point (c) |
Article 13(1) point (a), second subparagraph, first and second indents | Article 16(1), second subparagraph, points (a) and (b) |
Article 13(2) | Article 16(2) |
— | Article 17 |
Article 14 | — |
Article 15 | Article 18 |
Annexes I, II, III and IV | Annexes I, II, III and IV |
— | Annex V |
— | Annex VI |