(a) unadjusted; (b) working-day adjusted; (c) seasonally and working-day adjusted.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1216/2003 of 7 July 2003 implementing Regulation (EC) No 450/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the labour cost index (Text with EEA relevance)
Modified by
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 224/2007of 1 March 2007amending Regulation (EC) No 1216/2003 as regards the economic activities covered by the labour cost index(Text with EEA relevance), 307R0224, March 2, 2007
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1216/2003 of 7 July 2003 implementing Regulation (EC) No 450/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the labour cost index, 303R1216R(01), July 25, 2003
(a) relevance; (b) accuracy; (c) timeliness and punctuality; (d) accessibility and clarity; (e) comparability; (f) coherence; (g) completeness.
(a) evidence of relevance to user needs: a summary including description of the users, origin and satisfaction of users' needs, and relevance of statistics for the users;
(b) evidence of accuracy (information broken down by NACE Rev. 1 sections): revision history: a table showing the revisions in the published year-on-year growth rates for total labour costs using the unadjusted series, for the last 12 quarters; a summary of the reasons for the revisions, coverage: a table showing the percentage of the employees represented in the sample(s)/register(s) based on the number of employees according to ESA 95; if labour cost items are collected from different sources, a table broken down by labour cost items according to Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 450/2003, frequency: a table showing the frequency of collecting/updating the different cost item information, estimation: a description of the methods used to estimate/model the missing information (missing groups of employees, enterprises, economic activities and cost items); an evaluation, as quantitative as possible, of the impact on the final figures of completely missing information (missing groups of employees, enterprises, economic activities and cost items), hours worked: a description of the methods for compiling the hours worked; or a description of the proxy measure of the hours worked and an evaluation, as quantitative as possible of the impact of the proxy measure on the final figures, administrative data: where administrative data are used, comments on the correspondence and differences between the administrative concepts and the theoretical statistical concepts;
(c) timeliness and punctuality: a table showing the delays in days in transmitting the data for the last 12 quarters covered by the report and the correspondence between planned and actual date of transmission;
(d) accessibility and clarity: a description of the publication media for the data and metadata in Member States;
(e) comparability: a description of any differences in concepts and methods in any pair of consecutive quarters from the first quarter of 1996 onwards. In addition, a description of the differences and an assessment, as quantitative as possible, of the effect of the change in the estimates. Any differences in comparability between the NACE Rev. 1 sections should also be identified;
(f) coherence: a graph and a table showing annual unadjusted growth rates of the total labour cost index (NACE Rev. 1 sections) and of the ESA 95 compensation of employees per hours worked (A6 breakdown) with explanations for the differences in the growth rates for the last 12 quarters;
(g) completeness: a progress report of the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 450/2003 together with a detailed plan and timetable for completing the implementation; a summary of the remaining deviations from EU concepts.
a description of the sources used for the back data and the methodology employed, a description of the correspondence between the coverage (economic activities, employees, cost items) of the back data and that of the current data, a description of the comparability of the back data and the current data.
Member State | Provision concerns | Article | Transition period |
Belgium | 70 day transmission delay | 6 | 2 years |
Labour costs per hour worked | 2 | 2 years | |
Germany | NACE sections H, I and K | 3 | 2 years |
Greece | All provisions | 2 years | |
Spain | 70 day transmission delay | 6 | 2 years |
France | All provisions | 2 years | |
Ireland | All provisions | 2 years | |
Italy | Labour costs per hour worked | 2 | 1 year |
Back data based on hours worked | 2, 5 | 1 year | |
70 day transmission delay | 6 | 1 year | |
4 | 2 years | ||
Luxembourg | All provisions | 2 years | |
Netherlands | Back data 1996-2002 | 5 | 2 years |
4 | 2 years | ||
Austria | NACE sections C, D, E and F | 3 | 1 year |
NACE sections G, H, I, J and K | 3 | 2 years | |
Portugal | 70 day transmission delay | 6 | 1 year |
Finland | All provisions | 2 years | |
Sweden | All provisions | 2 years | |
United Kingdom | Representation of Northern Ireland | 3 | 2 years |
Representation of units with less than 20 employees | 3 | 2 years | |
Back data | 5 | 1 year | |
Working-day adjustment | 11 | 2 years |
The Background The contribution each of these economic activities makes to the national economy, expressed in terms of labour costs or a suitable alternative measure. A description of the similarities and differences in labour cost structures and development for these economic activities compared with the cost structures and development within NACE sections C to K. The Options An evaluation of the practices in other Member States, where the data for these NACE sections are already available. An assessment of the different options for obtaining the labour cost indices for NACE sections L, M, N and O, which would allow data transmission for the first quarter of 2007. The following possible data sources should be taken into account: (a) the use of existing data collections; (b) administrative sources; (c) statistical estimation procedures; (d) new data collections.
For each option considered, the assessment shall include details of the technical and legal issues involved; expected start-up and running costs for the national statistical office; cost estimates for any additional burden on businesses; the expected statistical quality of the results; any risks or uncertainties; and particular advantages or disadvantages. The Recommendation Based on the assessment of the different options, a recommendation on the most suitable approach shall be proposed. The Implementation Details of the proposed implementation plan, including start date and the completion dates of specific stages of the implementation of the recommendation. Member States undertaking feasibility studies The following Member States shall undertake feasibility studies to assess how the quarterly labour cost indices defined in Article 4(1) of Regulation (EC) No 450/2003 can be obtained for NACE Rev. 1 sections L, M, N and O: Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Italy Austria Sweden.
The Background The contribution bonuses make to total national labour costs with a description of the characteristics of bonus payments in the national economy. The Options An evaluation of the practices in other Member States, where the data are already available to calculate an index of total labour costs excluding bonuses. An assessment of the different options for obtaining the index of total labour costs excluding bonuses, which allow data transmission for the first quarter of 2007. The following possible data sources should be taken into account: (a) the use of existing data collections; (b) administrative sources; (c) statistical estimation procedures; (d) new data collections.
For each option considered, the assessment shall include details of the technical and legal issues involved; expected start-up and running costs for the national statistical office; cost estimates for any additional burden on businesses; the expected statistical quality of the results; any risks or uncertainties; and particular advantages or disadvantages. The Recommendation Based on the assessment of the different options, a recommendation on the most suitable approach shall be proposed. The Implementation Details of the proposed implementation plan, including start date and the completion dates of specific stages of the implementation of the recommendation. Member States undertaking feasibility studies The following Member States shall undertake feasibility studies to assess how the index estimating total labour costs excluding bonuses defined in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 450/2003 can be obtained: Germany Greece France Italy Austria Portugal Finland Sweden.
1. Define: w i tj labour costs per hour worked of employees in NACE Rev. 1 section i in quarter t in year j ω i k labour costs per hour worked of employees in NACE Rev. 1 section i in year k h i k hours worked by employees in NACE Rev. 1 section i in year k W i k labour costs of employees in NACE Rev. 1 section i in year k. 2. The basic Laspeyres formula to be used to calculate the LCI for quarter t in year j, with base year k is defined as: LCI tj =k =i w i tj h i k i ω i k h i k =i w i /tj ω i k ω i k h i k i W i k i w i /tj ω i k W i k i W i k where 1 ≤ t ≤ 4. 3. The weights used to calculate the index are defined as: W i k i W i k where , i and k are defined in paragraph 1 of this Annex. 4. The annual link for year l to year l + 1, where 0 ≤ l < l + 1 < j is defined by: L =l,l+1 i ω i l+1 h i l ωi i l h i l 5. The Laspeyres chain index formula for quarter t in year j with reference year k = 0 and m the interval required to process and apply the necessary annual weights, where 1 ≤ m ≤ 2, is defined as: LCI tj(0) = 100. (L0,1 ). (L1,2 ) ….. (Lj-m-1,j-m ). LCItj(j-m).
6. The first index reference year shall be the year 2000, when the annual labour cost index equals 100. If indices for NACE sections L, M, N and O are not available for the year 2000, the first available indices shall be set at a level close to the annual average of NACE sections C to K.