(a) conservation, management and exploitation of living aquatic resources, (b) limitation of the environmental impact of fishing, (c) conditions of access to waters and resources, (d) structural policy and the management of the fleet capacity, (e) control and enforcement, (f) aquaculture, (g) common organisation of the markets, and (h) international relations.
Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy
Modified by
- Council Regulation (EC) No 865/2007of 10 July 2007amending Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy, 32007R0865, July 24, 2007
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009of 20 November 2009establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy, amending Regulations (EC) No 847/96, (EC) No 2371/2002, (EC) No 811/2004, (EC) No 768/2005, (EC) No 2115/2005, (EC) No 2166/2005, (EC) No 388/2006, (EC) No 509/2007, (EC) No 676/2007, (EC) No 1098/2007, (EC) No 1300/2008, (EC) No 1342/2008 and repealing Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93, (EC) No 1627/94 and (EC) No 1966/2006, 32009R1224, December 22, 2009
- Treaty betweenthe Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, Ireland, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(Member States of the European Union)andthe Republic of Croatiaconcerning the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, 12012J, April 24, 2012
- Regulation (EU) No 1152/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 21 November 2012amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the common fisheries policy, 32012R1152, December 14, 2012
- Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 11 December 2013on the Common Fisheries Policy, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 1954/2003 and (EC) No 1224/2009 and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 2371/2002 and (EC) No 639/2004 and Council Decision 2004/585/EC, 32013R1380, December 28, 2013
Corrected by
- Corrigendum to Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the common fisheries policy, 32002R2371R(01), July 10, 2004
(a) clear definition of responsibilities at the Community, national and local levels; (b) a decision-making process based on sound scientific advice which delivers timely results; (c) broad involvement of stakeholders at all stages of the policy from conception to implementation; (d) consistence with other Community policies, in particular with environmental, social, regional, development, health and consumer protection policies.
(a) "Community waters" means the waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Member States with the exception of waters adjacent to the territories mentioned in Annex II to the Treaty; (b) "living aquatic resources" means available and accessible living marine aquatic species, including anadromous and catadromous species during their marine life; (c) "fishing vessel" means any vessel equipped for commercial exploitation of living aquatic resources; (d) "Community fishing vessel" means a fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State and registered in the Community; (e) "sustainable exploitation" means the exploitation of a stock in such a way that the future exploitation of the stock will not be prejudiced and that it does not have a negative impact on the marine eco-systems; (f) "fishing mortality rate" means the catches of a stock over a given period as a proportion of the average stock available to the fishery in that period; (g) "stock" means a living aquatic resource that occurs in a given management area; (h) "fishing effort" means the product of the capacity and the activity of a fishing vessel; for a group of vessels it is the sum of the fishing effort of all vessels in the group; (i) "precautionary approach to fisheries management" means that the absence of adequate scientific information should not be used as a reason for postponing or failing to take management measures to conserve target species, associated or dependent species and non-target species and their environment; (j) "limit reference points" means values of fish stock population parameters (such as biomass or fishing mortality rate), which should be avoided because they are associated with unknown population dynamics, stock collapse or impaired recruitment; (k) "conservation reference points" means values of fish stock population parameters (such as biomass or fishing mortality rate) used in fisheries management, for example with respect to an acceptable level of biological risk or a desired level of yield; (l) "safe biological limits" means indicators of the state of a stock or of its exploitation inside which there is a low risk of transgressing certain limit reference points; (m) "catch limit" means a quantitative limit on landings of a stock or group of stocks over a given period unless otherwise provided for in Community law; (n) "fishing capacity" means a vessel's tonnage in GT and its power in kW, as defined in Articles 4 and 5 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2930/86 . For certain types of fishing activity, capacity may be defined by the Council using for example the amount and/or the size of a vessel's fishing gear;OJ L 274, 25.9.1986, p. 1 . Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 3259/94 (OJ L 339, 29.12.1994, p. 11 ).(o) "exit from the fleet" means the removal of a fishing vessel from the fishing fleet register of a Member State, provided that Article 15(1) is complied with; (p) "entry into the fleet" means the registration in the fishing fleet register of a Member State of a fishing vessel; (q) "fishing opportunity" means a quantified legal entitlement to fish, expressed in terms of catches and/or fishing effort; (r) "Community fishing opportunity" means the fishing opportunities available to the Community in Community waters, plus the total Community fishing opportunities outside Community waters, less the Community fishing opportunities allocated to third countries.
(a) adopting recovery plans under Article 5; (b) adopting management plans under Article 6; (c) establishing targets for the sustainable exploitation of stocks; (d) limiting catches; (e) fixing the number and type of fishing vessels authorised to fish; (f) limiting fishing effort; (g) adopting technical measures, including: (i) measures regarding the structure of fishing gear, the number and size of fishing gear on board, their methods of use and the composition of catches that may be retained on board when fishing with such gear; (ii) zones and/or periods in which fishing activities are prohibited or restricted including for the protection of spawning and nursery areas; (iii) minimum size of individuals that may be retained on board and/or landed; (iv) specific measures to reduce the impact of fishing activities on marine eco-systems and non target species;
(h) establishing incentives, including those of an economic nature, to promote more selective or low impact fishing; (i) conducting pilot projects on alternative types of fishing management techniques.
(a) population size and/or (b) long-term yields and/or (c) fishing mortality rate and/or (d) stability of catches.
(a) the conservation status of the stock or stocks; (b) the biological characteristics of the stock or stocks; (c) the characteristics of the fisheries in which the stocks are caught; (d) the economic impact of the measures on the fisheries concerned.
(a) the conservation status of the stock or stocks; (b) the biological characteristics of the stock or stocks; (c) the characteristics of the fisheries in which the stocks are caught; (d) the economic impact of the measures on the fisheries concerned.
(a) they apply solely to fishing vessels flying the flag of the Member State concerned and registered in the Community or, in the case of fishing activities which are not conducted by a fishing vessel, to persons established in the Member State concerned and (b) they are compatible with the objectives set out in Article 2(1) and no less stringent than existing Community legislation.
4 % of the average annual tonnage withdrawn with public aid between 1 January 2003 and31 December 2006 for the Member States that were part of the Community on1 January 2003 and 4 % of the annual average tonnage withdrawn with public aid between1 May 2004 and31 December 2006 for the Member States that acceded to the Community on1 May 2004 , and4 % of the tonnage withdrawn from the fleet with public aid as from 1 January 2007 .
(a) the entry of new capacity into the fleet without public aid is compensated by the previous withdrawal without public aid of at least the same amount of capacity; (b) the entry of new capacity into the fleet with public aid granted after 1 January 2003 is compensated by the previous withdrawal without public aid of:(i) at least the same amount of capacity, for the entry of new vessels equal or less than 100 GT, or (ii) at least 1,35 times that amount of capacity, for the entry of new vessels of more than 100 GT;
(c) the replacement of an engine with public aid under the provisions of Article 25(3)(b) and (c) of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 is compensated by a reduction of capacity in terms of power equal to 20 % of the power of the engine replaced. The reduction of 20 % in power shall be deducted from the reference levels in accordance with Article 11(4).
(a) a fishing vessel shall carry on board its licence and, where provided for, its authorisations for fishing; (b) a fishing vessel shall have installed on board a functioning system which allows detection and identification of that vessel by remote monitoring systems. This requirement applies to vessels exceeding 18 metres length overall as from 1 January 2004 and to vessels exceeding 15 metres length overall as from1 January 2005 ;(c) the master shall without undue delay record and report information on fishing activities, including landings and transhipments. Copies of the records shall be made available to the authorities. The Council shall decide in 2004 on the obligation to transmit such records electronically. In order to assess the technology to be used, Member States, in cooperation with the Commission, shall carry out pilot projects before 1 June 2004 ;(d) the master shall accept inspectors on board and cooperate with them; and where an observer scheme applies, the master shall also accept observers on board and cooperate with them; (e) the master shall respect conditions and restrictions relating to landings, transhipments, joint fishing operations, fishing gear, nets and the marking and identification of vessels.
(a) fisheries products shall only be sold from a fishing vessel to registered buyers or at registered auctions; (b) the buyer of fisheries products from a fishing vessel at first sale shall be registered with the authorities; (c) the buyer of fisheries products at first sale shall submit invoices or sales notes to the authorities, unless the sale takes place at a registered auction which is itself obliged to submit invoices or sales notes to the authorities; (d) all fisheries products landed in or imported into the Community for which neither invoices nor sales notes have been submitted to the authorities and which are transported to a place other than that of landing or import shall be accompanied by a document drawn up by the transporter until the first sale has taken place; (e) the persons responsible for premises or transport vehicles shall accept inspectors and cooperate with them; (f) where a minimum size has been fixed for a given species, operators responsible for selling, stocking or transporting must be able to prove the geographical origin of the products.
(a) spot checks and inspections on fishing vessels, the premises of businesses and other bodies with activities relating to the Common Fisheries Policy; (b) sightings of fishing vessels; (c) investigation, legal pursuit of infringements and sanctions in accordance with Article 25; (d) preventive measures in accordance with Article 25(5); (e) measures to prevent the involvement of their nationals in fisheries activities that do not respect the applicable conservation and management measures, without prejudice to the primary responsibility of the flag State.
(a) fines; (b) seizure of prohibited fishing gear and catches; (c) sequestration of the vessel; (d) temporary immobilisation of the vessel; (e) suspension of the licence; (f) withdrawal of the licence.
(a) the implementation and application of those rules by Member States and their competent authorities; (b) the conformity of national administrative practices and inspection and surveillance activities with the rules; (c) the existence of the required documents and their concordance with the applicable rules; (d) the circumstances in which control and enforcement activities are carried out by Member States.
(a) after authorisation by the coastal Member State concerned, or (b) where a specific monitoring programme has been adopted in accordance with Article 34c of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.
(a) submit recommendations and suggestions, of their own accord or at the request of the Commission or a Member State, on matters relating to fisheries management to the Commission or the Member State concerned; (b) inform the Commission or the Member State concerned of problems relating to the implementation of Community rules and submit recommendations and suggestions addressing such problems to the Commission or the Member State concerned; (c) conduct any other activities necessary to fulfil their functions.
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
All species | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Scallops | Unlimited | |
Lobster | Unlimited | |
Crawfish | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Crawfish | Unlimited | |
Lobster | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
All species | Unlimited | |
All species | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
All species | Unlimited | |
All species | Unlimited | |
Unlimited | ||
All species | Unlimited | |
All species | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Nephrops | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Nephrops | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular charactristics |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Mackerel | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Nephrops | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Nephrops | Unlimited | |
Mackerel | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Nephrops | Unlimited | |
Mackerel | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
All species | Unlimited | |
Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Mackerel | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Mackerel | Unlimited | |
Nephrops | Unlimited | |
Scallops | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Mackerel | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Herring | Unlimited | |
Mackerel | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Demersal | Unlimited | |
Demersal | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
3 to 12 nautical miles | Netherlands | All species | Unlimited |
France | Herring | Unlimited |
Geographical areas | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Germany | Flatfish | Unlimited | |
Shrimps and prawns | Unlimited | ||
Danish/German frontier to Blåvands Huk | Netherlands | Flatfish | Unlimited |
Roundfish | Unlimited | ||
Blåvands Huk to Bovbjerg | Belgium | Cod | Unlimited only during June and July |
Haddock | Unlimited only during June and July | ||
Germany | Flatfish | Unlimited | |
Netherlands | Plaice | Unlimited | |
Sole | Unlimited | ||
Thyborøn to Hanstholm | Belgium | Whiting | Unlimited only during June and July |
Plaice | Unlimited only during June and July | ||
Germany | Flatfish | Unlimited | |
Sprat | Unlimited | ||
Cod | Unlimited | ||
Saithe | Unlimited | ||
Haddock | Unlimited | ||
Mackerel | Unlimited | ||
Herring | Unlimited | ||
Whiting | Unlimited | ||
Netherlands | Cod | Unlimited | |
Plaice | Unlimited | ||
Sole | Unlimited | ||
Belgium | Plaice | Unlimited only during June and July | |
Germany | Flatfish | Unlimited | |
Sprat | Unlimited | ||
Cod | Unlimited | ||
Saithe | Unlimited | ||
Haddock | Unlimited | ||
Mackerel | Unlimited | ||
Herring | Unlimited | ||
Whiting | Unlimited | ||
Netherlands | Cod | Unlimited | |
Plaice | Unlimited | ||
Sole | Unlimited | ||
Germany | Cod | Unlimited | |
Flatfish | Unlimited | ||
Nephrops | Unlimited | ||
Herring | Unlimited | ||
North of Zeeland to the parallel of the latitude passing through Forsnæs lighthouse | Germany | Sprat | Unlimited |
Germany | Flatfish | Unlimited | |
Cod | Unlimited | ||
Herring | Unlimited | ||
Sprat | Unlimited | ||
Eel | Unlimited | ||
Salmon | Unlimited | ||
Whiting | Unlimited | ||
Mackerel | Unlimited | ||
Sweden | All species | Unlimited | |
Sweden | All species | Unlimited | |
Sweden | All species | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Denmark | Demersal | Unlimited | |
Sprat | Unlimited | ||
Sand-eel | Unlimited | ||
Netherlands | Demersal | Unlimited | |
Shrimps and prawns | Unlimited | ||
Danish/German frontier to the northern tip of Amrum at 54°43′N | Denmark | Shrimps and prawns | Unlimited |
Zone around Helgoland | United Kingdom | Cod | Unlimited |
Plaice | Unlimited | ||
Denmark | Cod | Unlimited | |
Plaice | Unlimited | ||
Herring | Unlimited | ||
Sprat | Unlimited | ||
Eel | Unlimited | ||
Whiting | Unlimited | ||
Mackerel | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Belgian/French frontier to east of Departement Manche (Vire-Grandcamp les Bains estuary 49° 23' 30" N-1° 2 'WNNE) | Belgium | Demersal | Unlimited |
Scallops | Unlimited | ||
Netherlands | All species | Unlimited | |
Dunkerque (2° 20' E) to Cap d'Antifer (0° 10' E) | Germany | Herring | Unlimited only during October to December |
Belgian/French frontier to Cap d'Alprech west (50° 42 30" N — 1° 33' 30" E) | United Kingdom | Herring | Unlimited |
Spanish/French frontier to 46° | Spain | Anchovies | Directed fishing, unlimited only from 1 March to 30 June |
Fishing for live bait from 1 July to 31 October only. | |||
Sardines | Unlimited only from 1 January to 28 February and from 1 July to 31 December, | ||
In addition, activities relating to the abovementioned species must be pursued in accordance with and within the limits of the activities pursued during | |||
Spanish frontier Cap Leucate | Spain | All species | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
French/Spanish frontier to Cap Mayor lighthouse (3° 47' W) | France | Pelagic | Unlimited in accordance with and within the limits of the activities pursued during |
French frontier/Cap Creus | France | All species | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
(3 to 12 nautical miles) whole coast | Belgium | All species | Unlimited |
Denmark | Demersal | Unlimited | |
Sprat | Unlimited | ||
Sand-eel | Unlimited | ||
Horse-mackerel | Unlimited | ||
Germany | Cod | Unlimited | |
Shrimps and Prawns | Unlimited | ||
(6 to 12 nautical miles) whole coast | France | All species | Unlimited |
Texel south point, west to the Netherlands/German frontier | United Kingdom | Demersal | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Baltic Sea (4 to 12 miles) | Sweden | All species | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
Skagerrak (4 to 12 nautical miles) | Denmark | All species | Unlimited |
Kattegat (3 | Denmark | All species | Unlimited |
Baltic Sea (4 to 12 miles) | Denmark | All species | Unlimited |
Finland | All species | Unlimited |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
12 miles limited to the sea area under the sovereignty of Croatia situated to the north of the 45 degrees and 10 minutes parallel north latitude along the west Istrian coast, from the outer limit of the territorial sea of Croatia, where this parallel touches the land of the west Istrian coast (the cape Grgatov rt Funtana) | Slovenia | Demersal and small pelagic species including sardine and anchovy | 100 tonnes for a maximum number of 25 fishing vessels which includes 5 fishing vessels equipped with trawl nets |
Geographical area | Member State | Species | Importance or particular characteristics |
12 miles limited to the sea area under the sovereignty of Slovenia situated to the north of the 45 degrees and 10 minutes parallel north latitude along the west Istrian coast, from the outer limit of the territorial sea of Croatia, where this parallel touches the land of the west Istrian coast (the cape Grgatov rt Funtana) | Croatia | Demersal and small pelagic species including sardine and anchovy | 100 tonnes for a maximum number of 25 fishing vessels which includes 5 fishing vessels equipped with trawl nets |
Member State | Number of fishing vessels authorised |
France | 52 |
United Kingdom | 62 |
Germany | 12 |
Belgium | 2 |