Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities
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Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(Official Journal of the European Communities L 357 of 31 December 2002)On page 6, in recital 43:for:"The provisions of the Financial Regulation relating to European Offices should be supplemented by specific rules for the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities and by provisions authorising the Commission's accounting officer to delegate some of his tasks to staff in those Offices. Operational procedures should also be laid down for the bank accounts which the European Offices may be authorised to open in the Commission's name.",read:"The provisions of the Financial Regulation relating to European Offices should be supplemented by specific rules for the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities and by provisions authorising the Commission's accounting officer to delegate some of his tasks to staff in those Offices. Operating procedures should also be laid down for the bank accounts which the European Offices may be authorised to open in the Commission's name."On page 15, in Article 37(3):for:"The Commission's instrument of delegation shall contain the same provisions as are listed in Article 39(2).",read:"The Commission's instrument of delegation shall contain the same provisions as are listed in Article 41(2)."On page 26, in Article 91(2):for:"The provisional budget commitment shall be implemented either by the conclusion of one or more legal commitments giving rise to an entitlement to subsequent payments or, in cases relating to expenditure on staff management or on communications activities engaged in by the institutions for the coverage of Community events on communication activities performed by the Institutions and aimed at covering community events, directly by payments.",read:"The provisional budget commitment shall be implemented either by the conclusion of one or more legal commitments giving rise to an entitlement to subsequent payments or, in cases relating to expenditure on staff management or on communications activities engaged in by the institutions for the coverage of Community events, directly by payments."On page 27, in the first sentence of Article 96:for:"Items regarded as routine administrative expenditure which may give rise to provisional commitments shall include the following:",read:"Items regarded as routine administrative expenditure which may give rise to provisional commitments shall include in particular the following:"On page 27, in Article 97(3):for:"The validation decision shall be expressed by the signing of a "passed for payment" voucher by the authorising officer responsible or by an official or other servant technically competent, empowered by formal decision of the authorising officer.",read:"The validation decision shall be expressed by the signing of a "passed for payment" voucher by the authorising officer responsible or by an official or other servant technically competent, empowered by formal decision of the responsible authorising officer."On page 30, in the title of Article 110:for:"Operational resources",read:"Operating resources".On page 33, in the first sentence of Article 122(3):for:"In a negotiated procedure, the contracting authorities shall consult tenderers of their choice who satisfy the selection criteria laid down in Article 135, and negotiate the terms of the contract with one or more of them.",read:"In a negotiated procedure, the contracting authorities shall consult the candidates of their choice who satisfy the selection criteria laid down in Article 135, and negotiate the terms of the contract with one or more of them."On page 45, in the title of Article 159:for:"Evidence of access to contracts",read:"Evidence of access to the market".On page 45, in the first subparagraph of Article 160(1):for:"The procedure for the award of grants and the conclusion of agreements by the Commission with the bodies referred to in Article 54 of the Financial Regulation, in respect of the co-financing of their administrative expenditure and for the purposes of making available the operating appropriations which they are delegated to manage, and with the beneficiaries of financing agreements as referred to in Article 166 of that Regulation are not subject to the provisions of this Title.",read:"The procedure for the award of grants and the conclusion of agreements by the Commission with the bodies referred to in Article 54 of the Financial Regulation, in respect of the co-financing of their operating expenditure and for the purposes of making available the operational appropriations which they are delegated to manage, and with the beneficiaries of financing agreements as referred to in Article 166 of that Regulation are not subject to the provisions of this Title."On page 47, in Article 167(2):for:"Calls for proposals shall be published on the Internet site of the European institutions and by any other appropriate medium, including the Official Journal of the European Communities, in order to provide maximum publicity among potential beneficiaries.",read:"Calls for proposals shall be published on the Internet site of the European institutions and possibly by any other appropriate medium, including the Official Journal of the European Communities, in order to provide maximum publicity among potential beneficiaries."On page 52, in Article 186:for:"Where, in a specific case, the accounting officers consider that an exception should be made to the content of one of the accounting principles defined in Articles 187 to 1941, that exception shall be duly substantiated and reported in the annex to the financial statements referred to in Article 203.",read:"Where, in a specific case, the accounting officers consider that an exception should be made to the content of one of the accounting principles defined in Articles 187 to 194, that exception shall be duly substantiated and reported in the annex to the financial statements referred to in Article 203."On page 60, in the title of Article 232:for:"Financing agreement in centralised management",read:"Financing agreement in decentralised management".On page 60, in Article 235:for:"The only buildings contracts which may be financed from operating appropriations for external action shall be those relating to the renting of buildings already constructed at the time the lease is signed. These contracts shall be published as laid down in Article 119.",read:"The only buildings contracts which may be financed from operational appropriations for external action shall be those relating to the renting of buildings already constructed at the time the lease is signed. These contracts shall be published as laid down in Article 119."On page 62, in Article 241(1)(a):for:"for contracts with a value of EUR 200000 or more: an international restricted invitation to tender within the meaning of point (b) of Article 122(2) and point (a) of Article 240(2);",read:"for contracts with a value of EUR 200000 or more: an international restricted invitation to tender within the meaning of the second subparagraph of Article 122(2) and point (a) of Article 240(2);".On page 62, in the second subparagraph of Article 241(3):for:"Tenders shall be opened and evaluated by a selection board with the necessary technical and administrative expertise. The members of the selection board must sign a declaration of impartiality.",read:"Tenders shall be opened and evaluated by an evaluation committee with the necessary technical and administrative expertise. The members of the evaluation committee must sign a declaration of impartiality."On page 62, in the final subparagraph of Article 241(4):for:"If interviews were envisaged in the tender documents, the selection board may interview the principal members of the team of experts proposed in the technically acceptable bids, after establishing its written provisional conclusions and before definitively concluding the evaluation of the technical bids. In such cases the experts shall be interviewed by the selection board, preferably collectively if they form a team, and at intervals close enough to allow comparisons to be made. Interviews shall be conducted in accordance with a standard model agreed in advance by the selection board and applied to all the experts or teams called for interview. The date and time of the interview must be communicated to the tenderers at least 10 calendar days in advance. In cases of force majeure, preventing the tenderer from attending the interview, a new date and time must be sent to the tenderer.",read:"If interviews were envisaged in the tender documents, the evaluation committee may interview the principal members of the team of experts proposed in the technically acceptable bids, after establishing its written provisional conclusions and before definitively concluding the evaluation of the technical bids. In such cases the experts shall be interviewed by the evaluation committee, preferably collectively if they form a team, and at intervals close enough to allow comparisons to be made. Interviews shall be conducted in accordance with a standard model agreed in advance by the evaluation committee and applied to all the experts or teams called for interview. The date and time of the interview must be communicated to the tenderers at least 10 calendar days in advance. In cases of force majeure, preventing the tenderer from attending the interview, a new date and time must be sent to the tenderer."On page 63, in Article 242(2):for:"(b)additional services consisting in the repetition of similar services entrusted to the contractor providing services under a first contract, provided that a contract notice was published for the supply of the first service and the possibility of using the negotiated procedure for new services for the project and the estimated cost were clearly indicated in the contract notice published for the first service.A single extension of the contract shall be possible for a value and duration equal to no more than the value and the duration of the initial contract.",read:"(b)additional services consisting in the repetition of similar services entrusted to the contractor providing services under a first contract, provided that a contract notice was published for the supply of the first service and the possibility of using the negotiated procedure for new services for the project and the estimated cost were clearly indicated in the contract notice published for the first service. A single extension of the contract shall be possible for a value and duration equal to no more than the value and the duration of the initial contract."On page 63, in the second subparagraph of Article 243(2):for:"Tenders shall be opened and evaluated by a selection board with the necessary technical and administrative expertise. The members of the selection board must sign a declaration of impartiality.",read:"Tenders shall be opened and evaluated by an evaluation committee with the necessary technical and administrative expertise. The members of the evaluation committee must sign a declaration of impartiality."On page 64, in the second subparagraph of Article 245(2):for:"Tenders shall be opened and evaluated by a selection board with the necessary technical and administrative expertise. The members of the selection board must sign a declaration of impartiality.",read:"Tenders shall be opened and evaluated by an evaluation committee with the necessary technical and administrative expertise. The members of the evaluation committee must sign a declaration of impartiality."On page 66, in Article 249(3)(h)(ii):for:"payment of advances,"read:"payment of pre-financing,".On page 66, in Article 249(4)(h)(ii):for:"payment of advances,"read:"payment of pre-financing,".